YNC 2011 Annual Report

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2011 Field N Young Natu otes from the ralists’ Club of BC

care ed me lp t to e h YNC nd wan a e r u t na about it. YNC Member about n r a le

ation solid f s n o c d o th an dition f grow ate the ad ember o r a r e celeb new m n en a y as be nture! We welcome aff Team co h 1 1 d t e n S 20 g v a i d s d s or a over YNC rs an outdo ool based of Directo nsure that h e d c r and s rking Boa dures and . o ce YNC t hardw ement pro embership en to e 2 v i m g g a r n n u th tio so ma cogni Award and ild pport e r u s e d h t nW an e nt lebrat chieveme e Canadia ssio e c o s i We al munity A rd from th rry our m ot a m a c o w to em n BC C vation A e seek spire in th e env w r e h s c i n r th Con ys in wh nd i a ility fo ems a The w ral ecosyst f responsib u o in nat a feeling dt o s aroun s l . s r e d but a effective ea as Pre as YNC l seen k the te my term ing its n a h t e ays, I ntinu ompl As alw g work. I c the YNC co of our ne n ip o i amaz nfidence t e leadersh o h t c with ion under ent t Presid C N educa Y lecki, ne So Daph

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Y NC M o t

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The YNC is an exciting club-based BC-wide natu nature. In 2011, more than 900 YNC member leaders including: paddling the waters aroun wetland wildlife with dip nets and microscop Nanaimo Lakes Road - just to name a few! The and shorelines collecting garbage, planting tre learned basic outdoor first aid skills, how t plants are important for pollinators, how to other skills during the over 200 Explorer Da and Nature Mentors aro

With help from you, just imagine


w friends and met ghbours!


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ure program that gets children aged 5-14 outside exploring rs enjoyed numerous outdoor adventures with their volunteer nd Vancouver Island, camping in the Skagit Valley, examining pes and surveying amphibian populations along ey also stepped up for wildlife by scouring beaches ees, and cleaning flying squirrel nest boxes. They to identify trees, tracks and mushrooms, which use a compass and survive in the bush, as well as ay Adventures they took with their Club Leaders ound the Province of BC.

e what they could get up to this year!

to our volunteers, spon Nature Club Leaders & Volunteers

at h t n isio

Heidi Anderson, Janet Alred, Sylvia Ayers, Alison Bakker, Sharon Beloin, Cynthia Berg, Sherry Bowlby, Nancy Brown, Lorenz Bruechert, Elizabeth Chapman, Kayt Chambers, Heather Chatwin, Connie Chen, Shelley Cherkowski, Carmen Dawkins, Aaron Deans, Kathy de Grace, Jannis Delisle, Stacey Donovan, Richard Doucette, Tricia Edgar, Anthea Farr, Jenna Fickes, Fiona Flook, Mary Forbes, Susan Hammond, Sue Hemphill, Anna Herlitz, Linda Hill, Jackie Hildering, Linda Homeniuk, Janet Hutchinson, Andrea Resou Ingram, Angela Jean-Louise, Benita Kayter, Kelly Kohlmann, Coop, Nature C Michelle Krakowski, Dionne Lapointe-Bakota, Sue BC Community Ga Loveless, Karen McAllister, Marlene McDonald, Jana and Associates, Stanley Milligan,Fiona Morrison, Eva Nagy, Noriko Nakaya, Vanco Roberta Oxenbury,Vicki Parnell, Tania Pearse, Individual Donors B Janne Perrin, Lynn Pollard, Krystal Pyke, Yasmin Brandt, J. & N. Brown, Ka Quinn-Young, Jen Richter, Gail Ross, Mirella Russell, Davis, Li Ding, Mary Dohert Marlee St. Pierre, Michelle Sims, John Scull, Lorrie Hamaoka, Bob Holden, A Schrader, Kathy Smith, Siobhan Swayne, Elizabeth Tenhoeve, Val Tinney, Melodie Towers, Bruce Van Garderen, Marion, Gretchen McConn Wendy Morton, Eva Nagy, Pat Westheuser, Lisa Wilson, Jen Whiffen, Jenny White , & Monica Rodrigues, G Elke Wind, Jan Weiten, Pauletter Zacharias, Lisa Zervakis. Kathleen Spalek, Trudi For a listing of family and school clubs see www.ync.ca Vyse, Sher

...Sha re o u


Complete Financial Statements online at www.ync.ca

re u t a n to d e t c e n n o c e b t all children

nsors and supporters who

Donors & Supporters

Organizations Alison Garrad Design, Bateman Foundation, BC Nature, Benwell Atkins an RR Donnelley Company, Bird Studies Canada, Carnarvon Elementary School, Copies Plus, David Suzuki Foundation, Delta Naturalists’ Society, Earth Run Foundation, Elders Council for BC Parks, Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation, Metro Vancouver, Mineral urces Education Program of BC, Ministry of Environment EcoAction, Mountain Equipment Canada, Nature Vancouver, NSERC-PromoScience, Pacific Salmon Foundation, Province of aming, Provincial Employees Community Service Fund, RSPB Wildlife Explorers, Staniforth y Park Ecology Society, Teck Resources’ Elkview Operations, Treasure Box Puppet Theatre, ouver Foundation Generation Green, Wild Birds Unlimited, Williams Lake Field Naturalists Barbara Atkins, George Bangham, Cynthia Barker, Karly & Brendan Black, Joyelle & Robert arl Brunner, Rob Butler, Elizabeth Caldwell, Elizabeth Chapman, Cynthia Crampton, Leith ty, Essex Edwards, Robert Feick, Ruth Foster, Doug Foster, Rodney Gray, John Grover, Tom A. T. David Hutchings, Louise Irwin, Wally Kiel, Richard Kwan, Christine MacKay, Enid Jean nell, Ian McKeachie, Jim McKeachie, Shelley & Morley McKeachie, Fred McMechan, John & , Bob Peart, Karen Peplow, Barry Price, Grant and Leslie Ritchey, Peter Robinson, Anthony Gail Ross, Carla Sbert, Muren Schachter, Charlotte Scragg, Andrea Seale, Daphne Solecki, i Swanson-Leverette, John Templeton, David Thompson, Julie Ann Viers, Alan & Frances ri Walsh, Amanda Wang, Kristine Webber, Jen Whiffen, Randall White, Loretta Woodcock

Members also learned about nature in NatureWILD Magazine. It is the only quarterly publication for children about BC wildlife; it is full of articles by biologists, renowned naturalists and features projects by YNC members!

The YNC influenced me in so many ways... I think I look at nature with different eyes knowing all the things I know now. When I hear a woodpecker I know which kind it is from the sound of it. - past YNC Member Young Naturalists’ Club of BC


2011 Board of Directo


Daphne SoleckiPresident George Bangha m- Vice Presiden t Lynne Carlson- Tre asurer Laura Estrada- Di rector Ruth Foster- Dire ctor Vanessa Lee- Di rector Ian McKeachieDirector Eva Nagy- Directo r Bob Peart- Directo r Gail Ross- Directo r Dr. Rob Butler- Ho nourary Directo r

2011 Staff

Executive Directo r- Kristine Webbe r Clubs Coordinato r- Tammy Keetch NatureWILD De sign - Monica Be lko Membership As sistant- Leslie Rit chey

Ph: 604.985.3057 E: info@ync.ca 1620 Mt.Seymour Rd. North Vancouver, BC V7G 2R9

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