1620 Mt. Seymour Rd. North Vancouver, BC V7G 2R9 Ph: 604.985.3059 E: info@naturekidsbc.ca
Facebook: NatureKidsBC
The Nature Exploration Club for Families
www.naturekidsbc.ca We acknowledge the financial assistance of the Province of British Columbia
Other_________ age/ birthdate
Yes! I’d like to Donate
age/ birthdate Youth’s first and last name
age/ birthdate
$25 Annual Family/ Individual Membership Youth’s first and last name
age/ birthdate Youth’s first and last name email
Postal Code
Youth’s first and last name
Parent/ Guardian (2)
From Please make cheque or money order payable to: NatureKids BC and send to: 1620 Mt. Seymour Rd. North Vancouver, BC V7G 2R9
How did you hear about us? What are your nature interests? Is this a gift?
Street Address
Parent/ Guardian (1)
A one-year family or individual membership is $25. Membership includes a welcome pack for each child 5 years or older, an annual NatureWILD subscription (4 issues) and enrollment in your local NatureKids’ Club.
BC invites YOU to JOIN the FUN!
Thank you to our many sponsors, donors and Amazing volunteer club leaders!
What is
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NatureKids is an exciting nature discovery and environmental action program that invites children and their families to discover nature in their own neighbourhoods. Exploring local ecosystems, learning about native wildlife and plants and taking part in environmental actions are all part of the fun!
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Receive A Welcome Pack; Are able to attend Explorer Days; Receive NatureWILD Magazine; Are enrolled in the Action Awards Quest** and Passport to Nature programs.
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NatureWILD is BC’s only homegrown nature magazine for .ca .ync www children, it is produced by NatureKids with contributions from some of BC’s leading naturalists and biologists. In it you will find fascinating articles on BC’s wildlife and ecosystems, stories about children taking action for the environment, along with activities, games and contests! NatureWILD is mailed to members quarterly and is available in either a print or digital format. ern
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$25 per r fami
Get Outdoors & Explore Join other NatureKids Members for Explorer Days with local experts who help you to discover nature in your neighbourhood and region.
Welcome Pack includes:
When a family joins NatureKids they become a member of a local volunteer-led nature club*, meeting other families who share their interest in nature and the outdoors.
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Join a NatureKids Club
NatureKids’ Members also:
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There are NatureKids Clubs throughout British Columbia: in the Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island, Gulf Islands, Thompson Okanagan, Kootenays and the North. There are also Clubs for Home Learners.
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Membership Card; Backyard Bird ID Card for your region; Magnifying glass for examining mini-wildlife; Your Passport to Nature to record nature activities and earn prizes.
* for a list of communities with nature clubs see www.naturekidsbc.ca if there is no nature club in your community you will be designated a free-range member
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Pond-dip for aquatic insects; Hunt for fossils; Discover life in a tide pool; Go bird watching; Explore a forest or a marsh; Find creatures which live in a river.
For a listing of your club’s upcoming Explorer Days see www.naturekidsbc.ca
Take Action! ** Action Awards are earned in four categories: • Nature Detective- study or research birds, bugs, plants, fish, mammals; • Environmental Action- protect, conserve, preserve, or restore the natural environment; • Leading Others- share nature and environmental actions by presentations, posters, etc; • Community Participation- take part in community events like shoreline cleanups. ** Suitable for older YNC members
“I learned that nature is in places you wouldn’t expect it.” Mike age 10.