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The Vict ry Chain Happy, SCFE President Ok, so I am so ready for some spring3me weather, Mr. Groundhog! The chill is the air reminds us that it is s3ll winter, but our club year is quickly passing by. February brings us an exci3ng Mardi Gras-­‐themed luncheon, so brush up on your Mardi Gras facts! We will welcome Mrs. Bibs Reynard, author of The Once Over – Lightly, as our guest speaker. Protocol ques3ons you may have for her, can be submiKed in advance on our SCFE website.


Our club is preparing for the Warrior Run in April and both Scholarship and Community Grants commiKees are readying for their busy 3me of the year. Anyone interested in volunteering for our largest fundraiser of the year should contact Candice or Andi for more informa3on. I would like to offer an update on our club’s thriR shop. We have teamed up with the Small Business Ins3tute at Christopher Newport University McDonald Health presents on Performance Triad and are working with a team of students in regards to our business. This is an exci3ng opportunity to work with the community that supports Fort Eus3s. We are s3ll awai3ng comple3on of roof construc3on/inspec3on and there are some re-­‐modeling/update projects that s3ll need to be done inside the shop. We are in need of volunteers to come out and help us siR through inventory that is currently in storage. Our first date will be Monday, March 2nd at the shop, 11:30am. If you like to join us, please email me and let me know, We are an3cipa3ng an opening date of May 1st and look forward to a grand re-­‐ opening celebra3on. I hope you have all planted your daisy seeds and are nurturing them. Remember, without a strong founda3on, we can’t bloom!

New MWR Director

Have a great one, Happy Garner


The Vict ry Chain General Membership Meetings SCFE Constitution ARTICLE VI: Meetings & Quorums Section 1: General Membership Meetings: The general membership shall meet monthly from September through May. Business may be conducted at regular meetings. A quorum shall consist of those members present and voting. A simple majority of voting members present constitutes a valid vote. Electronic voting may be initiated at the discretion of the President.

2014-15 Dates 18 September 16 October 20 November 11 December: Food Bank donations 15 January: Peninsula SPCA donations 19 February 19 March Joint Luncheon hosted @ Langley OSC 16 April 21 May

Hope to see you all at our General Membership Meetings!! This month: February 19th Guest Speaker

Bibs Reynard Author and MilSpouse

Vendors available for shopping and Bourbon Chicken, Dirty Rice and King Cake! R.S.V.P. link is open Our philanthropy this month is the Fort Eustis Consignment Shop. Cleaning supplies have been requested in order to help prepare for the reopening of the shop. reservations.html 2

The Vict ry Chain


The Vict ry Chain February Birthdays Doris Skidmore Claire Ward Melissa Spiszer Susan Miller Tamra Ivanoff Dawn Mills

2/5 2/10 2/12 2/18 2/23 2/23

February Anniversaries Angel Mangum Dana Tillis

2/4 2/18


The Vict ry Chain Lot’s of NEW Pottery styles in stock!! Spouses’ Club of Fort Eustis Ways and Means has a variety of different things to sell in order to help raise money for scholarships and grants. When you buy something from Ways and Means, you are helping out the community at the same time. Make sure and stop by their booth at the luncheons. They have great gift ideas for friends and family or yourself!

Only $20

Handmade personalized stoneware pottery available in a variety of pieces. Prices range $28-30 for a variety of styles.


The Vict ry Chain FREE TAX PREPARATION is available!


The Vict ry Chain


The Vict ry Chain

Elected positions are:

President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Secretary Treasurer

For job descriptions, refer to the ByLaws or contact the Parliamentarian. Anyone interested or who knows someone interested, should contact the Parliamentarian NLT March 4 (day before Board meeting). Nominating committee will meet in March. Slate will be published in April newsletter. Vote will take place at April luncheon. New Officers will be installed at May luncheon. Please contact me at:

SCFE VOLUNTEERS worked 2,980 volunteer hours June through November at a value of $24.49/hour for a total value of $72,980. Thanks for all you did and will do for SCFE!!! We have so many opportunities for YOU to give back to our club, our military, and our community. Check out the volunteer opportunities at the next spouse club luncheon!!


Touring downtown Norfolk with a shopping stop on Colley Avenue, we ate lunch at Freemason Abbey and visited the MacArthur Center.

Dear Daytrippers, Come join us for a day of fun at historic Ft. Monroe! We will tour the museum, check out the beach and battery area, and go to a few antique shops in Poquoson. Afterward, we will go to the waterfront in Hampton to enjoy lunch at the Surf Rider. I know you'll enjoy the trip! Plan to meet us at the Wal-Mart parking area on Jefferson Avenue (garden center side) on Thursday, February 26th at 9:30. We will return by 3:00. Please RSVP to Karen Rigole at (757) 773-3747 by 9 February 25th. Hope to see you there!!

The Vict ry Chain


The Vict ry Chain Our next BUNCO dates are 9 Feb


9 Mar 13 Apr 11 May 11 a.m. at the Spouses Club House, for more information email if you are interested in joining us...... Fun to be had by all.

POC: Candice Cartwright


Scholarships are open. Please see the website for eligibility and applica3ons. hKp://­‐applica3ons.html 12

The Vict ry Chain The Community Grants Committee of The Spouses’ Club of Fort Eustis is preparing for another rewarding year assisting organizations in the area as they help and support our Military Personnel and their family members. In the past years we have been able to assist Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, local libraries, school programs and PTAs, hospitals and rehabilitation centers. We are proud to contribute to the USO, American Red Cross, Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS), and dozens of other wonderful organizations. All with the common goal of bettering the lives of those who sacrifice daily in so many ways. Our club generates funds through monthly Spouses’ luncheons, the SCFE Consignment Shop located on Fort Eustis, the November 20th Tree and Wreath Silent Auction, and the Warrior Run scheduled on April 18, 2015. We are fortunate to have the generous support of local businesses as we plan and coordinate these events.


The Vict ry Chain

Pay tribute to our wounded heroes by participating in one of the fastest growing events to hit Virginia!

Early Registration to March 22, 2015 Kids Fun Run 5K Run/Walk 10K Run Both

$5 $25 $30 $50

Registration March 23-April 18th 5K Run/Walk 10K Run Both

$30 $35 $60

Cash, Check, MasterCard, Visa, AM. EX and Discover accepted on site during registration. Register On-line at scfe-warrior-run-2015 or Download a form from and mail to SCFE-Race Director P.O. Box 4711 Fort Eustis, VA 23604


The Vict ry Chain WE appreciate our advertisers for their support! Let us support them! Share YOUR story in a beautiful "charming" way!

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One of the most innovative hair styling basic accessories! 


The Vict ry Chain Discover the healing powers of massage.

Family, Senior, and Wedding Photographer covering Yorktown, Newport News, Williamsburg and Hampton Roads.

Let us give you an extra special experience every time you visit our salon!

Hair bows to tutus. Put a smile on a girls face in your life.


The Vict ry Chain American Family Fitness in Williamsburg has what it takes to help you become Fit As You Want To Be.

Let Christy Silva help you become... a Pampered Chef!

The Milk Man does still exist!! Check out all they have to oer.


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