As we look back on the past year, we are inspired by what we have achieved, together, for Yellowstone National Park. Your support made it possible for us to fund priority projects that protect the park’s ecosystem and wildlife, enhance visitor experiences and education, and preserve Yellowstone’s heritage, history, and trails.
This Annual Report recognizes all that we have accomplished together over the past year. This includes funding the Bison Conservation and Transfer Program, efforts to restore native Yellowstone cutthroat populations, the rearticulation of wolf 302, and education initiatives offered by Yellowstone National Park and the Yellowstone Forever Institute. This work would not be possible without you.
Thank you for your steadfast support and dedication to the world’s first national park. We look forward to working together on a sustainable future for Yellowstone National Park for the next 150 years and beyond.
Lisa Diekmann President & CEO Yellowstone ForeverAs we commemorate the 150th season of Yellowstone as a national park, I want to take the opportunity to thank each one of you for your help shaping Yellowstone into what it is today. While the past year continued to present unprecedented challenges, through it all, Yellowstone National Park remained resilient, in part due to the unwavering support of Yellowstone Forever’s dedicated community.
Yellowstone Forever is the park’s official nonprofit partner, and the funding they provide makes possible a wide range of projects that help us preserve, protect, and enhance Yellowstone National Park. This past year Yellowstone Forever provided critical financial support for programs such as the Bison Conservation and Transfer Program, the Yellowstone Wolf Project, Native Fish Conservation, Tribal engagement initiatives, and youth education.
This anniversary year is an opportunity for us to reflect on the lessons of the past while focusing our efforts to strengthen Yellowstone and our partnerships for the future. Looking forward, we envision a Yellowstone that is healthier and more resilient to future threats and challenges. Thank you for your continued commitment to the world’s first national park.
Kevin Butt Board ChairYellowstone bison descended from the last wild bison herd in North America and represent the last truly wild and free-ranging population of plains bison in existence today.
Yellowstone Forever is working with Yellowstone National Park and Tribal nations across North America to support the continued natural and cultural conservation of this iconic species.
Through the Bison Conservation and Transfer Program, Yellowstone bison that are identified as brucellosis-free through a quarantine process are transferred to establish new Tribal and conservation herds across North America.
Numerous Tribes have cultural connections to the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. For thousands of years, bison have been a part of the spiritual and economic livelihood of Native Americans. Since 2019, the Bison Conservation and Transfer Program has enabled Yellowstone to successfully transfer 182 wild bison to nearly 20 Tribes.
In 2021, Yellowstone Forever partnered with the Greater Yellowstone Coalition to raise the funding needed to expand the capacity of the quarantine pastures in Yellowstone that are needed for the Bison
Conservation and Transfer Program. Today, these facilities within Yellowstone can hold up to 200 animals annually and support the transfer of up to 100 bison to Tribes each year.
This program prevents hundreds of Yellowstone bison from being slaughtered every year, contributes to the conservation and restoration of bison to its native range on public and Tribal lands, supports the culture and economy of Native Americans, and helps preserve the unique wild Yellowstone bison. Generous support from our donors has made the expansion of this program possible.
Since 2019, the Bison Conservation and Transfer Program has enabled Yellowstone to successfully transfer 182 wild bison to nearly 20 Tribes.
Between 1995 and 1996, 31 gray wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park after nearly 70 years of absence. Since then, the Yellowstone Wolf Project has played an essential role in monitoring the park’s wolf population and enhancing the public’s understanding of wild wolves in the park. Yearround field research helps park biologists gain data on a broad range of topics, including population dynamics, predatorprey interactions, social behavior, genetics, disease, multi-carnivore competition, ecosystem impacts, and human-wolf relationships.
Yellowstone Forever provides approximately 60% of the Wolf Project’s annual budget with private funds from donors like you.
Yellowstone Forever is committed to funding the evolving needs of this project. For winter 2021-2022, Yellowstone Forever raised additional funding to allow the wolf project team to collar more wolves to help them better track and monitor the park wolf population in light of recent developments in the state of Montana.
The important work to save the native Yellowstone cutthroat trout, a keystone species, continues. Non-native predatory lake trout were discovered in Yellowstone Lake in 1994. Within a decade, it was estimated that lake trout depleted 90% of the four million native Yellowstone cutthroat trout that once thrived in Yellowstone Lake. As Yellowstone cutthroat trout—once a reliable food source—began to disappear, grizzly bears, bald eagles, ospreys, otters, and dozens of other native species were negatively impacted.
Through sustained efforts, biologists are once again seeing Yellowstone cutthroat trout in the lakes, streams and tributaries and have documented grizzly bears feeding on the protein-rich food source in the spring. The Yellowstone Native Fish Conservation Program is committed to significantly
reducing the number of lake trout in Yellowstone Lake through annual gillnetting and other suppression methods with the goal of restoring and increasing the native Yellowstone cutthroat trout population to at least 75% of its historic levels—approximately three million fish.
For over 20 years, Yellowstone Forever has funded the Native Fish Conservation Program and
the successful elimination of millions of nonnative, predatory lake trout from the native Yellowstone cutthroat trout’s habitat. This critical work is ongoing and paramount to the integrity of the Yellowstone Lake ecosystem. Funding from Yellowstone Forever ensures park biologists have the funding they need to continue this vital work.
In early Spring 2022, expert articulator Lee Post and Yellowstone Wolf Project team members collaborated to recreate the skeleton of Yellowstone Wolf 302. Skeleton articulation, or “bone building” as Lee calls it, is the process of converting a deceased animal into a completely cleaned and articulated skeleton (like the skeletons you see in museums). Wolf 302 is especially meaningful since
its lineage is traceable to the first wolves reintroduced in Yellowstone National Park. Born in 2000, Wolf 302 spent many years on the northern range of Yellowstone mating, defending, and providing food for his pack until his death in 2009.
The articulation teams’ first few days of work included sorting the skeletal remains of Wolf 302 and identifying which bones went where. They connected
the bones using epoxy, glue, pins, and wires. The team also discovered plenty of interesting facts about 302 along the way, including numerous injuries from twisted ribs to broken vertebrae— evidence of epic battles likely fought for food or survival.
Yellowstone’s backcountry can be an unforgiving place. Horses and mules (stock) provide vital transport of people, equipment, and supplies into remote areas of the park. These trusty animals are key to critical backcountry operations, from ranger patrols and trail work to archeology, fisheries, and other research studies. During the summer and fall they support ranger travel and the transportation of research equipment and
tools for all aspects of Yellowstone’s backcountry operations like clearing trails, repairing backcountry cabins and bridges, search and rescue efforts, and boundary patrol.
Each year, hardworking horses and mules reach the end of their careers and new animals must be purchased to fill their places. Yellowstone Forever’s annual support of this project provides the funds needed to purchase new animals for
the stock-use program and to reduce the average “working life” of stock to minimize animal injuries. Additionally, the numerous corrals throughout the park needed to house these animals require regular upkeep, repair and often replacement.
Yellowstone Forever funding and volunteer work coordination is the primary source of support for this critical project.
Marking 32 consecutive seasons, the Yellowstone Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) continues to engage teams of youth (15 to 18-year-olds) in leadership, education, recreation, and work activities. Through this work-based residential learning program, Youth Conservation Corps members complete a wide array of projects such as backcountry trail restoration, fencing, and citizen science projects.
The program is challenging, educational, and fun, and offers participants opportunities to expand their horizons while building valuable leadership skills. During the summer of 2021, the YCC crew installed nine new trailhead signs and removed six damaged trailhead signs. The team also installed 58 bear-proof storage boxes and adjusted the placement of nine additional boxes. The YCC team completed citizen
science projects on pika as part of long-term climate change data collection, and collected dragonfly larvae as part of a national water study. Yellowstone Forever’s support helps ensure the YCC can continue to instill the value of the stewardship of Yellowstone and other wild places among the next generation, while providing much-needed labor for priority park projects.
The team installed 58 bear-proof storage boxes and adjusted the placement of nine additional boxes.
Yellowstone Forever donations support Expedition Yellowstone, a four to five-day curriculumbased residential program for teachers and their 4th-8th grade classes. This long-standing program operates September through mid-December and mid-February through May.
Expedition Yellowstone teaches students about the natural and cultural history of Yellowstone National Park, investigates current issues affecting the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, and promotes stewardship and preservation in the park and
in home communities. Emphasis is on learning through direct experience in the outdoors. Students participate with teachers and parent chaperones in hikes, field investigations, discussions, and journal writing.
For many, a visit to Yellowstone National Park is the beginning of a lifelong connection to national parks. Yellowstone provides an unparalleled opportunity for people to connect with wild places and serves as an incomparable natural classroom. Visitors to the park can expand their knowledge of this remarkable place by participating in any of Yellowstone Forever’s numerous
educational programs. Through in-depth Field Seminars, Lodging & Learning programs (offered in partnership with Yellowstone National Park Lodges), Private Tours, and youth-focused programs, the Yellowstone Forever Institute helps people of all ages experience the wonder of Yellowstone.
The Yellowstone Society is a distinguished group of donors who support Yellowstone Forever with annual gifts of $1,000 or more.
Vicki Adair
Delores and John Adams
Paul Adams
Ilene and Pat Adams
Angus and Cookie Agnew
David Alkire
Karen and Richard Allen
Linda and Barry Allen
Thomas Allen
Pinney Allen and Charles Miller
Candace Allen and Robert Woodward
Diana Allison
Kathy Allison-Wolter and Herman Wolter*
Christina and John Altamura
Nancy and Rick Alvord
Ed Amrhein
Steven Anderson
Kay and Keith Anderson
Deann and Daniel Anderson
Catherine and Richard Andree
Margaret and Melvin Andrews
Sherry and David Anglin
Dana Anthony
Barbara Apelian
Sherry Archer
Helen Armstrong
Sue and Mike Arneson
Christine and Chris Ashenbrener
Harry Atherton
Ellen and Steve Atkins
William Atkins*
Patricia and Fred Auch
Wilhemina Austin
Catherine Aves
Christina Back
Eric Bagelmann
Jon Baker
Darlene and Jim Baker*
Al Baldwin
Nancy Balto
JoAnn and Robert Balzer
Tamara Barner
Cathy and Stuart Barnes
Julie and Bruce Barrick
Marcia Bartlett*
Joellyn Barton
Mortimer B. Bates III
Aimee and Frank Batten
James Baur
Joan Baxter
Jessica and Mel Bayer
Robin Beach
Len Beavis
Colleen Begley and Slim Seamus
Julie Bennani
Mary and Michael Bennett
Anna Bennett and John Buckley
Stella Bentley
Sheryl and Walter Benzinger
David Berent
Emily Berg
Sarah and Glenn Bergenfield
Beverly and Richard Berger
Susan and Steven Bergin
Theodore and Nancy Berndt
Leslie and Philip Bernstein
Paul Bertelli and Jill Bowers Bertelli
Pamela Bertram and David Laing
Sudha Bidani
Pamela and Gilbert Binninger
Judy Biscan
Katherine Bishop
Sherry Black
Maria and Duncan Blair
William Blohm
Katherine Boaz
Betty Bold*
Colleen Bondy
Edward Bonn
Victoria Bonner*
Nina and John Bottomley
Elizabeth and David Bowen*
Dorothy and James Bowers
Carolyn and Dana Brecklin
Noreen and Roger Breeding
Cindy and James Briggs
Margot and Charles Brinley
Michael Brodie*
Melissa and Jeffrey Brodsky
Cynthia Brosnan
Jeff and Wendy Brown
Kathy and Dave Browning
Debbie and Bill Brownlie
Tim Bruno
Eileen Buckley
Christi and Curtis Burchard
Gretchen and Steve Burke
Sandra and David Burner
Shari Burns
Charla and Paul Butler
Ceci Butler
Christie and Clint Bybee
Beth Byron-Reasoner and Andy Reasoner
Charles Cahn
Toby Calabrese and Jeffrey Mead
Althea and Clifford Callaway*
Nancy Cameron
Heather and David Cameron
Claire Campbell and Brian Makare
Wendy Campos*
John Carey
Jill and William Carlberg
Jennifer and Chad Carlson
Gerda Carmichael
Sarah and Greg Carmichael
Skip Carney
Patricia Carocci
Deb Caruso and J.D. Davis*
Patricia and John Case
Chris and John Cavanaugh*
Alicia Celorio
Michele Chaffee and Adam Nordin
Kamal and Angelique Charef
Trudy Chester
Amy and John Cholnoky
Bonnie Chow
Aimee Christian and Ben Wheeler
Barbara and Stephen Claiborn
Beverly and Don Clark
Jan and Fritz Clark
Lynne Clark and James Schmidt
Susan and James Clay
Patricia and John Cogan
Linda and Tim Cohane
Lisa and Richard Cohen
Jay Cohen
Marcia Coleman*
Mary Collins
Patricia and John Connolly
Christie and John Cooper
Shirley and Gerard Cormier
Linda and William Cornell
David Cosman
Janet and John Costello
Melinda and James Cotter
Mary Gene Cotten and Fred Williams
Jennifer Coughlin
Susan and David A. Coulter
Lynn and Thomas Cox*
Monique and Gary Crawford
Michelle and Dave Crawforth
Daphne Crosbie and Jack Stults
Leslie and Thomas Croyle*
Marlene and David Culbertson
David Culver
Jan and Jim Cummings
Lisa and Jim Cummings*
Robert Cushing
Susan and Andrew Dana
Jack Daniels
Betty and Jack Russett
Kathryn and Danny Dansby
Roger Daub*
Jeff and Rhonda Davis
Linda and Bob Davis
Chris Marie and Timothy Davis
Martha and Elzie Davis
Gale and Shelby Davis
Susan and Jack Davis
Dorothy and David Kemper
Robert Dawkins
Judith Dean
Ann and Jim DeArmond
Anne and Thomas Deaver*
Judith and Andrew DeBoer
Robert Decker and Jeanie Martin
Fred Dedrick
James and Lavon DeGraw
Anthony and Carol Degrazier
Kathleen and Dominic DeMarco
Lori Demple
Stanley Dempsey
Jeffrey Dennis
Tom Depping
Marguerite and Tom Detmer
Enid Diamante
David Dickey
Lisa Diekmann
William Diesing and Claudia Schoenig-Diesing
Judith Dillon
Mary Anne and Bill Dingus
Theresa and Richard Dixon
Sandy Dodge
Tom Doneker
Joseph Dopilka
Connie and Tom Dotzenrod
Catherine and Richard Dowdell
Robert Dowling*
Bari and Peter Dreissigacker
Kenneth Duell and Denise Mauzerall*
Laurie and Thomas Duellman
Anne and Charles Duncan
Walter Dunn and Ellen Terry
Patty and Thomas Durham*
Michal Dusza*
Mary Kay Eberle
Charlene and Jim Eckman
Carol and Chris Edelen
Jo Ann and Bert Eder
Lee-Ann and Andy Edwards
Jennifer and Tim Edwards*
Anne and Robert Egbert
Rondi Egenes Holm
Karen Eldevick
Margaret and Randall Ellenz*
D.J. and W.T. Ellett
Bev and Steven Elliott
Sheila and Kirk Ellis
William Emerich
Richard Entz
Jacqueline and Christian Erdman
Nancy Erlanson and Donald Gibe*
Nancy Etheridge*
Lynn Evans*
Paul Farrell and Paula Cleary
Alan Fearey
Cynthia and Joel Fedder
Linda and Robert Fenner
Gregory Ferguson
Paula and David Fisher
Ramsey Fisher
Dianne and Judd Fitze
Brian Fitzgerald
Eric Fleske*
Robert Flora and Paulette Pallazzolo
Gregory Flowers*
Robin Folsom and David Borsook
Ellen and Tim Foster
Patricia and Gary Fox
Janet and Churchill Franklin
Lucy and Rick Fredrickson
Paula and Douglas French
Bradley Fricke
Kathy and Ed Fronheiser
Elizabeth and Jeffry Fronterhouse
Janet Fry
Barbara and Don Fuhrmann
Rob Fuller
Caroline Gabel
Mary and Don Garner
Beverly and Richard Garnet
Courtney George*
Jo Giese and Ed Warren
Joan Gilliland
Sharon and Edward Gillum
Bob Giurgevich
Charles Glade
Margaret and William Gleghorn*
Marla and Robert Glover
Liberty Godshall and Edward Zwizk
Michelle and Tim Gokey
Arman Gokgol-Kline
Diana and Stephen Goldberg
Susan Gordon Lathrop
Forest Graber
Stefanie Grady
Kent Graham
Annie and Bob Graham
Ellen and William Graves
Joe Gray
Richard and Judie Greenman
Cathy and Gary Gross
Kathy and David Grubbs*
Susan and Craig Grube
Barbara and Christian Gunther
Lynn and Pat Gurrentz
Anita and James Guyette
Janet and Charles Haas
Howard Hackney
Dale Hadley
Melinda and Grant Haggard
Judy Hale
Eleanor and Barry Hall
Betty and Pat Hamel
Helen and James Hamilton
Jean and William Hamilton
Frances Harris
Rebecca and Curtis Harris*
John Harvey
Laura Hastings
Debbie and Albon Head
Deborah and Thomas Heau
Jean and Joseph Hedrick*
June Heilman
Debby and Joel Hendrickson
Margaret and Jesse Hennell*
Elizabeth and Dan Hennessy
Mary Ann Hensarling
Carolyn and Scott Heppel
Rebecca Hicks
Kemp and Thomas Hill
Cheryl Hoberman*
Leslie Hoffman
Linda and Bert Holland
KC and Robert Holland
Elizabeth Holland
Judy Holmes
Susan and Craig Holstedt
Nancy Hoole Taylor*
Michael and Patricia Horn
Cheri Brennan and Thomas Horsley
Judith and Bob Hoy
Cheryl and Richard Hudson
Cecily and Bannus Hudson
Geraldine Hufker and Celeste Ruwwe
Janice and Bob Huie
James Hunsaker
Linda and Jeffrey Huttenburg
Sally and Robert Huxley
Elisabeth and George Ireland
Bill Jackson and Theresa Voss
Ann Jackson and Ken Wilson
Gail and Robert Jacobs
Michele and Randall Jarrell
Joan and Robert Jensen
Kate Jensen
Carol Johnson
Kim and Ken Johnson
Rebecca and Alan Johnson
Dawn Johnson and Tim Sheahan
Edna Johnson
Jeanne Claire and David Jones
Elizabeth Jones*
DeeAnn and Barry Judd*
Jill and Steve Kadish
Betty and Jim Karam
Robert Kasberg*
Barbara and Kenneth Kaufman
Suzanne and Ric Kayne
Norma and Steve Kearsley
Matthew Kellogg
Cynthia and Douglas Kelly
Diana and Robert Kelly
Mary and Russell Kennedy
Lisa Kerstetter
Harriett Kesler
Suzanne and Richard Kiefer*
Celia Kiela and Jay Schad
Jana and David Kieper
Kathy and Dick Kimbrough
Suzanne King
Beth and Michael King
Imogene King and Richard Roberts
Katharine Kingman-Richards and Court Richards
Ellen Kirch
Lynn Kirk
Janet and John Kister
Stephanie and Charlie Knowles
Cheryl and Klaus Koch
Melanie Koenigshoff and Oliver Eickelberg*
Darcy Kofol
Pam and Chuck Koob
Franklyn Kraus
Zona Kreidle
John Kreidler
Nancy and Ken Krejsa
William Kropp and Jean Spears
Karen Kuehneman
Shelley Kuehneman
John Kultgen*
Sheryl and Daniel Kuznar
Deborah and John Lahey
Tim Laney
Sue Lang
Karrie and Christopher Lang*
Lynda Lankowski
Kathryn and Robert Lansing
Barbara and Lou Lanwermeyer
Murray Lapides
Roberta and Tracy Lasecke
Carol and Steve Latimer
Hubert Lattan and Judy Johnson
Jackie and Jay Lauderdale
Onelia Lazzari
Kathleen Leach
Patrick Lee
Patti Lehman
Ellen and Jeff Lemming
Lisa Lemza and Mike Shillinger
Theodora Lengowski
Elizabeth and John Leonard
Jennifer and Robert Lerch
Mark Lerner
Elizabeth and Leon LeVan
Lori LeVander and David Pflug
Gary Ligman
Shalin Liu
Benjamin Livingston
Julia Llewellyn
Anne Stark Locher and Kurt Locher
Liz Lockette and David Thomas
Jane Lockwood
Catherine and David Loevner
Elizabeth Logue
Sally and David Long
Norma and Harry Longwell
Helen Lord and Raymond Taylor
Lori Laitman and Bruce Rosenblum
Gigi and Mike Louden
June and Tom Lowery
Gail and Jay Lund
Cliff Lungaretti
Joseph and Karen Lyczak*
Amanda and Tom Macejko
Marilyn and Sandy Macgregor
Jerome Mage*
Shirley and Robert Mahoney*
Renee and David Maldonado
Brandon and Timothy Manka-Clemons
Shirley Mann
Lisa and Andrew Marcus*
Sarah and Peter Mariani*
Diana and James Marilla
Steven Marsh
Reba and Richard Martin
Barbara Martin
Dana and David Martin
Jennifer and William Martinak
David Marx*
Deborah Matthews*
Vincent Mattone
Alice and Charles Matuszak
Beth Maxwell
Pavel Mazac and Kathleen Stack
Lisa and Randy McAllister
Andrea McCarren
Kathy and James McCarthy
Ferrell and Chi McClean
Ron McDaniel
Melissa McDonagh
Elizabeth and James McDonald
Sandra McFarland
Bailey McGuire
Carol and Jack McGuire
Rick McIntyre
Pat McKernan and Chip Petrie
Christine McKnight*
Shawn McMillian
Linda McMullen
Joan and Steven McTaggart*
Yvette Meftah
Paul Mensch*
Robin Merlino
Julia Merry*
Nicholas Meurrier*
Cara and Adam Mika
Polly and Nick Miller
Therese and Scott Miller
Marjorie and Rodney Miller
Geni Miller and Stephen Parker
David Miller*
Kathy and Robert Millwee
Megan Mims
Stephanie and John Minteer
Iris Model
Mariko and Dennis Molodowitch
Stephen Moloney
Helen and William Monroe
Tremaine and Andrew Monshizadeh
Yvette Montiel and Richard Schafer*
Joyce and John Mooney
Dick Moore
Axson and Bryan Morgan
Snow and Henry Morgan
Judith and James Moroney
Robert Morse
Elizabeth and Isaac Morton
Arikha Moses and Greg Steinmetz
Trudie Muir
William Murdock
Edward Murphy
Lynn and William Murphy
Thomas Murray*
Sandra Musgrave
Sharon Nador
Susan Nagel and David Schaller
Jeanne and Jonathan Nauman*
Rose Hochner Nelson and Robby Nelson
Michael Nevin
Maureen and Ronald Nichols*
Ann Nicholson
Kaye and Mark Nickell
Andrew Nicklawsky*
Bethany and Fred Niell*
Laura and Kurt Nisi
Sandra and Joseph Nissiotis
Josephine Nixon
Cécile and Marc Noël
Glennis and Jim Nokes
Erica Oakley-Courage*
Elaine and Bill Obernesser
Scott O’Connell
Carolyn and Jerry O’Connell
Susan and Roy O’Connor
Linda and Timothy O’Connor
Susie Odom*
Tara and David O’Donnell
Ellie Ogden
Gerry Ohrstrom
Joan and Gerald Olsen
Suzanne Olson*
Richard Orlowski*
Holly and Carlos Ortiz*
Laura Orvidas and Barrett Adams
Cathy and William Osborn
David Ottolino
Carolyn and David Oxenford
Doreen and Lee Packila*
Bethany Padgett
Wendy Palmer and Richard Ruh
Adrienne Papazian and Gary Zylkuski
Vaishali Parekh
Ann Parker
Kathleen Parrish and Doug Spencer
Arielle Patrick
Donna Patrick
Susan and Larry Patrick
Katherine Pattison
Mary Pautz
Donald Peele
Edgar Peloquin
Anne Pendergast
Susan and David Perdue
Jocelyn Perry and Daniel Samelson
Steven Pettit*
Elsa Pfaff
Sara and Chris Pfaff
David Pfeffer
Beth and Jeff Pfost
Jean Phelps
Aida and David Phillips
Rebecca and Justin Pitt
Martha Pittard and Allan Krapf
Carolyn and Brad Pittman
Norma and Robert Placensia*
Lollie Plank
Tami and James Plummer
Janet and Jack Podoll
Barbara and Michael Polemis
Alicia and Peter Pond
Jane Poole
Allison Porter
Lynn and Steven Pratt
Seaton Preston
Pat Price
Wendie and James Proffitt
Louise Provencher
Maggie Purves
Louanne Quilici
Ursula and Whayne Quin
Victoria Quinn
Ann and David Radford*
Anne and David Radke
William Randall
Andrea Rankin and Phil Hohenlohe
Suzanne and Jeffrey Rarich
Diana and Bruce Rauner
Nancy Ray
Bill and Chris Redmond
Evelyn and William Reed Jr.
Paul Reichel
Pamela and Rodney Rempt
Joy and Jordan Renner
Joan Rentz
Edmund Resor
Ursula Reusch*
Mary Reuter
Melanie Reynolds and Bob Rowe
Darren Rhinehart*
Sara and Peter Ribbens
Crystal and William Ribich
Peggy and Chris Rice*
Liz and Al Richter
Virginia Rivers
Brittany Roderman
Susan Roeder
Lynne and Bennett Roginski
Jackie Rooney
Lilo and Tom Cunningham
Patti Rooney
Susan and Ronald Rope
Evelyn Rose and Sharon Nadeau*
Maisie and John Rosenberg
Carolyn Rosin*
Delphine and Richard Roth
Alan Rothschild
Susan and Jeffrey Saffle
Brian Salisbury
Rudolph Scaggs Jr.
Victoria and William Scarlett
Lisa and Patrick Schaad
Patricia and Gregory Schafer*
Roberta and William Scherer*
Bart Scherpbier
Joyce and Jeff Schlecht*
Mary Lou and Jeffrey Schleher
Lisa and Ken Schmier
Andrea and Mike Scholz
Ron Schubel and Cindy Christensen
Janet and Walter Schuchmann
Marjorie and Albert Schultz
Ray and Erin Schultz
Demar Sciuto
Melinda and Richard Scott*
Bill Scranton
Misty Seaton
Ginny and Evan Secor
Diane and Lee Selby*
Kelly and David Selva
Sandra Shapiro
Angela and Heath Sharp
Barry Shaw
Rhonda and Larry Sheakley
Hwai Ping Sheng
Donna and Vance Sherwood
Julie and Willy Shih
Cappy and Bob Shopneck
Barrett Sides
Ken Simila
Sandra and Denny Simonson
Terry Slade
Lea Ann and John Slizeski
Julie Slocum
Lawrence Small
Erna Smeets and Bill Simkins*
Judith and Richard Smith
Catherine Smith
Jerry Smith
La Dean and Randy Smith
Christine and Brian Smith
Gerry Smith and David Syfert*
Joann and Scott Snowden
Linda and Samuel Snyder
Gary Snyder
Craig Souser
Caile Spear and Glen Walker
Polly and James Spencer
Karen and John Springthorpe
Michael Spuler*
Page and Alan Stabler
Eric and Richelle Stafne
Tamara and Matt Steele
Sherry Stein
Susan and Edward Steiner
Lillian Stephens
Catherine and Gregory Stevens
Hazel and Jay Stevens
Nancy Stone
Nancy Stovall*
Janice Stroud-Bickes and Charles Bickes*
Keith Suchy
Sidney Suggs
Bernard Sussman
Linda and Steven Swartley
Melanie Swecker
Anne Swift
Janice Symchych
Catherine Symchych
Anne Symchych
Gail and Michael Tanguay
Anne and Jim Taylor
Dawn and Bruce Tecklenburg
Bonnie Teglas
Nancy Teich and Frank Sanders
Rob Terry
Budd Terwilliger
Cindy and Jim Thompson
Sally Thompson
Jane and Russell Thorpe
Sue Tiffany
Dottie and Mike Tillotson*
Thomas Titsworth
Debbie and Bill Tracy
Sandra and Dale Tremblay
Kelly and Len Trout
L. C. Tubb Jr.
Catherine, Stan, Missy, and David Uchiyama
Karen Uhlenbeck and Robert Williams
Lynda and David Underwood
Peri Urvek*
Swati Vakil
Sherrie and Anthony Varrichio
Rita Vasquez-Myers and Brys Myers
Carol Vaughn
Megan and Mark Veldee
Shubha and Mohan Vidwans
Michael Voight*
Kathy and Bob Voll
Thomas Von Lehman and Margaret Good
David Vondle
Gil and John Wagner
Karen and Bruce Wagner
Veronica Wald and Kevin Kuehnel
Raymond Walheim
Thomas Walker
Tiffany Wall
Janet Walsh
Betty and Wallace Warmack
Nancy and Dennis Warren
Pamela and David Waud
Laurie and David Weaver*
Elizabeth and Carl Webb
Barb Wehrle
Laura and Henry Weil
Nancy and Richard Welch*
Barbara and Dan Wenk
Katie and Mark Wentworth
Norma and Kirk Westervelt*
Bevan Weyburn*
Melanie and Frank White
Jonna and Doug Whitman
Gigi and Randall Whitman
Jane and Dale Wierman
Micki Wiersma and Peg Queija
Ryan Williams
Page and Pearre Williams
Marsha and Ronald Williamson*
Shannon Wilson
Shirley and Richard Wilson
Susan and Gregg Wilson
Joan Winstein
Anita and Gerald Wiseman
Robbin and Gary Witlen
Jesslyn Witte
Virginia Wolfe*
Catherine and Peter Woodfield*
Cynthia and Dale Woodling
Suzanne and David Worley*
Kate Wormington
Janet Wrestler and Randall Eckhoff*
Barbara Wunderlich
Robin Wyatt
Jeffrey Yarris
John Youngblood
Katie and Jack Zammito
Tamela and Tim Zimmerman
Sandra and Frederick Zoerner
Diane and Wally Zook
Priscilla Zuber
Karin Zuckerman
Nancy and Donald Zurwelle
*Indicates Yellowstone Guardian Monthly Donor
These outstanding donors have made legacy commitments to Yellowstone Forever through planned gifts.
Barbara and Robert Aaron
Connie and James Adreon
Dolores Albers
Jocelyn Allen
Alva Anderson
Bruce Anderson
Joseph Andrews
James Angresano
Deborah Applegate
Tracy Arthur
Beth Averbeck
Sandi and Bill Babcock
Richard Bancroft and Kara Menzel
Jean Barash and Dave Barrett
Lynn Bart
Dave Baylor
Marge Baylor
Natalie and Aaron Bissonette
Debra and Brad Blome
Judith and Robert Blue
Michael Bocchinfuso
Sheila Boeckman
Leslie Boff
Dianne Bordas
Debra Botellio
Nina and John Bottomley
Ken Bowling
Judy Bradley and David Mitchell
Diane Brinkmann
Tim Bruno
Cheryl Budzinski and William Ross
Beth Byron-Reasoner and Andy Reasoner
Claire Campbell and Brian Makare
Diane Castiglioni
Chris and John Cavanaugh
Georgia Clark and Brenda Berglund
Linda Collins
Lara and Stephen Compton
Roberta and Craig Connolly
Deborah and Chris Cooley
Shirley and Gerard Cormier
Pat Crane
Roy Crum
Caroline Cullen
David Currier and Kevin Kalley
Susan and Andrew Dana
Trisha and Chip Davis
Betsy de Leiris
Stella and Al DiPasqua
Mona and Richard Divine
Theresa and Richard Dixon
Kris and Jim Dorris
Catherine and Richard Dowdell
Lucinda Downing
Susan and Robert Duke
Patty and Thomas Durham
Charlene and Jim Eckman
Jo Ann and Bert Eder
David Edwards
Linda Edwards
Daniel Ellison and Elizabeth Fournier
Beverly England
Eva Mariana Farova
Charlotte and Bill Fecht
Linda Fidler
Teresa Fischer
Denise Fitzhenry
Betsy Franz
Matthew Frend
Kathy and Ed Fronheiser
Trent and Courtney Gaines
Maureen and Larry Gamble
Janice and Ernest Glessner
Petra Goodell
Marie Gore
Annie and Bob Graham
Susan and Craig Grube
Barbara and Christian Gunther
Kathleen Haines
Mary Hamilton
John Harvey
Amy Haugerud
Katherine Hax
Arvis Heling
Carolyn and Scotty Heppel
Jim Hersrud
Debra Hopfer
Dorothy Howard-Flynn
Cecily and Bannus Hudson
Gayle and Michael Hughes
Chrys Hulbert
Teresa Ignatovich and Deborah Henderson
Heidi and Mark Ingenito
Jeslyn and William Johnson
Liddy Johnson
Cynthia and Mark Jordan
Sherry and Dave Kapes
Russ Kehler
Dianna Kellie
Dana Kellogg
Mary Ann Kiely
Stephanie and Lief Kiewlich
Beth and Michael King
Jana and Robert Knight
Dale and Elizabeth Kostelny
Wendy Kraly
Michael Kramer
Andrea Krueger
Rea Labar
Ron Lerner
Cynthia Lewis and Doug Ruffin
Susan Light and Boyd Ratchye
Sarah and Bill Lindsey
Karen Litt
Liz Lockette and Dave Thomas
Steve Lokker
Helen Lord and Raymond Taylor
Kathleen Lynch
Carl Lyons and Kay Juricek
Barb Mader
Keri Mader
Susan and Mitchell Malone
Susan Malone
Jane Massey and Walter Gerlesky
Jeanne and Kim McCarthy
Terri Lynn McConnell and Julie Twist
Linda and Robert McPhail
Kathleen and John McShane
Shane Mills and Scott Jackson
Guido Minola
Mardell Moore
Marshall Moss
Donna Murphrey
Sue and Richard Muza
Monica Nesbit
Jan Nethery
Melody Newkirk
David Nicholson
James Nielson and Anne Young
Natalie and Kevin Nolan
Andrew and Heather Olsen
Diane Orme and Lori Raborg
Gerald O’Sullivan
Doreen and Lee Packila
James Pape
Wayne Parsons
Susan and Larry Patrick
Valeria Peyton
Sandra Pfeiffer
Jean Phelps
Jayne and Dennis Poydence
Barbara and Franklin Propst
Paul Reichel
Peggy and Chris Rice
Jed and Robert Richardson
John Rodgers
William Ryerson
Ede Schmidt
Timothy Schofield
Janet and Walter Schuchmann
Larry Schultz
Susan and Stanley Schumacher
Sandra Shapiro
Kevin Sheridan
Donna and Vance Sherwood
Cappy and Bob Shopneck
Ann and Michael Skelton
Jerry Smith
Gerry Smith and David Syfert
Luetta Smithhisler
David Socolofsky
Daren Striegel and Barbara Hanka
Linda Summers
Mary Swanson and Peter Murray
Anne and Jim Taylor
Jeremy Taylor
Marguerite and Ron Thompson
James Thorp
Betty Tichich and Fred Bunch
Neil Uranowski
Lee and Sal Vivanco
Janet Walsh
Emily and Douglas Walter
Ruth and Richard Waltman
Kelly Waymire
Elizabeth and Rudy Weinhold
Michele and Edward Weller
Rita Wetzel
Rosalyn and David Widney
Carl Michael Wilkinson
Randolph Willoby
John Wilson
Rita and Gary Wolfe
Pamela Wrench
Barbara Wunderlich
Linda and Howard Wynne
Elizabeth Young and William Parks
Magdalene Ziereis
We are grateful for all of our donors. Every effort has been made to ensure that this list of gifts received March 1, 2021 –February 28, 2022, is accurate and complete. Please contact us at 406.848.2400 or supporters@yellowstone.org if a name has been omitted or otherwise improperly reported so we can correct our records.
Kathy Barland
Brian Barland
John Carey
Bryce Carey
Matthew Carey
Troy, Alma, Bill, Emily, and Alex Carey
Hayden Carey
M. Scot Case
Eleanor Williams Clark
Janet and John Costello
David and Joan Culver
Johnson Fayman
Logan Fayman
Rob Adams
Alecia Adams
Ricardo and Susan Alfaro
Julia Appel
Myrna Berlet-Dietrich
Cyndyn Bridge
John F. Buckley
Mitzy and Candy
Corky Cathcart
Brue Chandler III
Motimer Cohen
Sandra Cox
Steven Dolberg
Allis and Erwin Edelman
Harry Frank
Bob Fuhrmann
Carolyn and Scott Heppel
Jeanne Claire and David Jones
J. Eric Jordan
Kelley Kernes
Bruce Kernes
Janet Kernes
Malani Kuiper
Karen Leiker
Jason Leiker
Leighton and Logan Leiker
Jenna Leiker
Arikha Moses Cary Gardner
Tracy Gordy
George Hensarling
Dr. John C. Hooker
Jane Lerner
Earl Little
Richard Llewellyn
Keri Mader
Seve Masera
Hoyett May
Bridget McElroy
David McFarland
Dr. Michael Meftah
David Neemidge
Valerie and Wright Ohrstrom
Trina Overlock
Maggie and Grace Park
Lauren Park
Bryan Park
David and Jackie Pitt
Rod and Pam Rempt
Hank Riefle
Patricia Rooney
Jackie Rooney
Jimmy Spencer
Aly Tregear
Hans Tregear
Elizabeth Webb
Eric and Joan Norgaard
Tom Offutt III
Rick Reese
Michael Ellis Robinson
Robert Sanders
Tiki and Decker Stafne
Glenn Steinberg
H. Malcolm Ticknor
Betty White
Todd Willoughby
Jonathan Ryon Witte
David Wyatt
Glenn Anthony Yount
Yellowstone Forever sincerely thanks the members of our corporate partner community who have invested in the future of Yellowstone National Park. In fiscal year 2021, the following corporations and businesses provided major support to Yellowstone Forever.
$1M+ $250,000 - $999,999
Michelin North America, Inc.**
Coca-Cola Company
Dummen Orange Fortune Brands Home & Security, Inc ** Google Inc.*
$50,000 - $249,999
Ariel Investments
Canon U.S.A., Inc.
Encore Technologies
Jacques Marie Mage Sunglasses
Toyota Motor North America
Wyoming Whiskey
Xanterra Parks & Resorts Guest Donation Program
$25,000 - $49,999
Delaware North Companies
Havas Media*
Miir Holdings, LLC
State of Montana - License Plate Program
$5,000 - $24,999
Edrington Americas
Grand Teton Brewing Company
Parks Project, LLC
Yellowstone Park Service Stations
$1,000 - $4,999
Amazon Smile Foundation
CME Group
GRG Enterprises LLC
Merkle Response Services Inc.
Montana Silversmiths
Riverbend Publishing
The Wildland Trekking Company, LLC
Treeline Coffee Roasters
Wild Tribute
Apple Matching Gifts Program
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Google Gift Matching Program
IBM Matching Grants
Intel Foundation
JP Morgan Chase
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
nexAir LLC
PDT Partners
Promega Corporation
Stanley Black and Decker, Inc.
Warbug Pincus LLC
*In-Kind Donation
**In-Kind And Cash Donation
$250,000 - $999,999
Greater Yellowstone Coalition
M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust
National Park Foundation
Tull Family Foundation
$50,000 - $249,999
Beagle Charitable Foundation
George L. Ohrstrom, Jr. Foundation
G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation
Living With Wolves, Ltd.
Solso Family Foundation
Sorenson Legacy Foundation
Taylor Family Foundation
Wheeler Foundation
$25,000 - $49,999
Cornelia Cogswell Rossi Foundation, Inc.
Daniel K. Thorne Foundation, Inc.
S. Livingston Mather Charitable Trust
Solot and Karp Family Foundation
The Argus Fund
The Bechtel Trusts
The Fitzpatrick Foundation
YOT Full Circle Foundation
$5,000 - $24,999
Benjamin Family Foundation
Conservation Nation
Eaglemere Foundation, Inc.
Elhapa Foundation, Inc.
fStop Foundation*
Fuller Foundation, Inc.
Henry E. Niles Foundation
Kathryn Nell Harrison Foundation
Laura J. Niles Foundation, Inc.
Nathan P. Jacobs Foundation
National Film Preservation Foundation
Robin and Sandy Stuart Foundation
Solstice Charitable Foundation
The Alma Gibbs Donchian Foundation
The Crain Foundation
The Tow Foundation
Towering Pines Foundation
Treacy Foundation
Weglicki Family Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
Willard L. Eccles Foundation
$1,000 - $4,999
Anita and Julian Saul Foundation
Arizona Community Foundation
Burton Foundation
Ed and Yvonne Parish Foundation
Edwards Family Foundation
Gilhousen Family Foundation
Highfield Foundation
James and Barbara Cimino Foundation
J. Eric Jordan Foundation
John A. Rodger Jr. Foundation
John and Shirley Nash Foundation
Louis and Anne Abrons Foundation, Inc
Lucille Ellis Simon Foundation
Margaret Mellon Hitchcock Foundation
MBK Foundation
Martin Family Charitable Foundation
Ray-Griffin Foundation
The Bydale Foundation
The Goodnow Fund
The Millmont Foundation
The Reuter Foundation
Wildlife Conservation Network
*In-Kind Donation
**In-Kind And Cash Donation
28, 2022
Protect Yellowstone’s Ecosystem and Wildlife
Preserve Yellowstone’s Heritage, History and Trails Enhance
The Yellowstone Society is a community of like-minded philanthropy members who annually contribute a gift of $1,000 or more (or $84 per month as a Yellowstone Guardian).
For more information visit: yellowstone.org/society
Leave a legacy for Yellowstone and help ensure the continuation of our work for Yellowstone National Park by making a planned gift.
For more information visit: yellowstone.org/planned-giving
Join the Yellowstone Forever Institute on a journey of discovery and engage with Yellowstone like you never have before!
For more information visit: yellowstone.org/experience
Join a special group of members who provide steady support to Yellowstone by becoming a Yellowstone Guardian with a monthly gift of $10 per month or more.
For more information visit: yellowstone.org/monthly-giving
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions or volunteer hours made by their employees.
For more information visit: yellowstone.org/matching-gifts
Proceeds from purchases made at Yellowstone Forever educational Park Stores, including our online store, directly support Yellowstone National Park.
For more information visit: shop.yellowstone.org
Gifts of stock and other appreciated securities are an easy way to help Yellowstone while receiving a number of tax benefits.
For more information call: 406.488.2400
To make a gift in someone’s honor or memory, please call 406.848.2400 or select “dedicate my donation in honor or in memory of someone” on our online donation page.
Make a one-time or monthly donation by calling 406.848.2400
Become a corporate partner and help us meet the park’s needs while solving pivotal issues that impact Yellowstone on a daily basis.
For more information visit: yellowstone.org/ corporate-partners
Make a one-time or monthly donation at yellowstone.org/donate.
Yellowstone Forever P.O. Box 1857 Bozeman, MT 59771
Kevin Butt, Chair
Doug Spencer, Vice Chair
Tom Detmer, Treasurer
Carolyn Heppel, Secretary
Lisa Diekmann, President & CEO
John Costello
Lisa Evia
Annie Graham
Nicholas Olds
Laura Orvidas
Arielle Patrick
Larry Patrick
Susan Roeder
Jacqueline Rooney
Bob Rowe
Michael Solot
Stephanie Tarbet
Thomas Tull
Elizabeth Webb
Lisa Diekmann President & CEO
Wendie Carr Chief Marketing Officer
J.D. Davis Chief Development Officer
While the fiscal year covered in this report is from March 1, 2021 – February 28, 2022, the board, National Advisory Council, and staff lists are as of July 15, 2022.
Scott Heppel, NAC Leadership Facilitator
Ken Krejsa, NAC Leadership Facilitator
Paul Bertelli
John Bottomley
Clinton Bybee
John Cavanaugh
Fred Dedrick
Anne Duncan
Jim Hanna
Debra Head
David Jones
Elizabeth Milias
Arikha Moses
Tom Murphy
Rose Hochner Nelson
Mark Nickell
Valerie Ohrstrom
Wright Ohrstrom
Aida Phillips
Patricia Rooney
Denise Weglicki
Amanda Hagerty Institute Director
Kristi Mills Chief Financial Officer
Nina Novikoff Director of Human Resources
NPS/Neal Herbert
NPS/Neal Herbert
YF/Erin Fitzgerald
YF/Erin Fitzgerald
NPS/Jacob Frank
NPS/Sherrie & Ron White
YF/Matt Ludin
NPS/Jacob Frank
NPS/Jacob Frank
NPS/Jacob Frank
NPS/Jacob Frank
NPS/Neal Herbert
Yellowstone Forever is the official nonprofit partner of Yellowstone National Park. Our mission is to protect, preserve, and enhance Yellowstone National Park though education and philanthropy.
Yellowstone Forever
P.O. Box 1857 Bozeman, MT 59771
yellowstone.org 406.848.2400