2020 Commission Information

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How long have you been an artist? My go to answer is usually, “For as long as I could hold a crayon or pencil,” but officially, I’ve only been conventionally educated in art for five years via high school and college courses, otherwise, I’m primarily self-taught. As far as business, I have only been charging for art services for four years, including commissions, conventions, and online storefronts. Do you have any long term art goal, or cool goals in general? I’ve always had to many dreams, too many things I wanted to do; publish a comic, a novel, am illustrated children’s book, an autobiography, debut in a gallery, illustrate a card or board game, things that ultimately seemed far-fetched until I started putting in the effort. Currently, I have four poems and a short story published, had pieces in three galleries, and I’m finally making work I’m proud of.

As time goes on, it’s always best to set new goals that better align with the work you’re putting in. While I still want all of those other things, added to the list is illustrating specialty cards, such as unique promos or Secret Lair cards, for Magic The Gathering and publishing a book of poetry that is illustrated as if it were a comic. How long does a piece usually take you to make? My personal traditional work can take me months at a time, but since the iPad, art has become more portable for me. A digital piece can take anywhere from one to three hours for a doodle, or five to twenty hours for a larger, more detailed piece. Procreate has a nifty feature that tracks your canvas work time, so I can always keep the time in mind even if I don’t work on that piece for a while. What media do you typically use? My traditional pieces are primarily mixed media, featuring inks, colored pencil, and watercolor. I also enjoy acrylic painting on a freshly gesso’d board or canvas, but I’d really like to start dabbling in gauche. For sketches and on-site commissions I carry a mixed media pad for use with Coptic Markers and basic inking liners.

Is there anything you will not draw? I feel bad accepting hourly commissions for subject matters I’m not adept in drawing, or that take me a significant amount of time to draw. Things like intricate armor, machinery, textiles, detailed landscapes, and pieces that focus on the detailing of scales and fur, are all “commission at your own risk”. I’d never intentionally take forever on a piece to jack up the price, but I am still limited in my skills in certain areas. As far as material I’m uncomfortable with, I won’t draw any sexual content that would be deemed immoral or illegal in reality. How do payments work? Payments are invoiced in two installments. Installment one is 50% of the commission price and is non refundable, this is because it covers the materials required for a traditional piece, or the duration of the sketch/revision phase of a digital piece. Time and materials are things I can’t get back after starting a piece.

Installment two includes the remainder of the commission price, as well as tax and shipping. This is invoiced upon completion, and must be paid before receiving any files, or tracking information for your commission. Do you have a return Policy? No returns, no exceptions. I don’t have a large mailbox, it wouldn’t be fair to my mailman. This doesn’t mean no refunds though. Under certain circumstances a percentage of your second payment may be refunded: *If the post slightly damaged your item (30%) *If the post greatly damaged your item (50%) *If the post sends it back to me and you’d rather have a refund than have your item re-shipped (100% minus tax and shipping) What are my rights to the work I purchased? You retain personal use rights to anything you commission from me. For digital files, this means you have the right to produce an item using the file for personal use (ie. printing a poster at home or using a secondary service like RedBubble or Inked Gaming

to make yourself an item) you many not recreate in order to sell. Commercial rights can be purchased on a contractual basis, for varying periods of time, duration and prices are negotiable. As the artist, no matter which rights you pay for, I retain the right to use your commissioned piece for my portfolio if I so choose. How many revisions do I get during a commission? I view my commissions as a three phase process: sketch, color, and finalization. The sketch phase is when we plan every aspect of your commission, for digital and traditional commissions, there’s no limit to how many revisions you can have in the sketch phase, within reason. Please be sure you know exactly what you want out of your piece. Two weeks from your first payment, the sketch phase and endless revisions ends to keep the ball rolling. For full colored commissions, you may have up to five revisions. It’s easier to swap out colors digitally, but for traditional pieces, I provide digital flat colored sketches to give you an idea of what the

piece will look like. This phase ends when we actually put pen to paper. Finalization phase is when the piece is 80% completed or more. If you wish to add, change, or anyway alter the finished/ near finished piece, there will be a recreation fee. This fee will be calculated by the time it takes me to redo the piece, as well as materials. Do I have to be this involved in my commission? Of course not, it just helps. If you just want to say, “Draw this thing:“ and let me do whatever, that’s also perfectly fine. You’ll still get regular phase updates about the piece. What size will my digital commission be? I work in A4 size (a tad larger than US Letter size) but will provide altered files for 5*7, 11*14, and 18*24 (inches)

Main Website and Portfolio: https://yodacera.wixsite.com/yodacera Email: YodaCera.Inquiry@gmail.com Social Media: @YodaCera Twitter - https://twitter.com/yodacera Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/yodacera/?hl=en Current Stores: RedBubble - https://www.redbubble.com/people/YodaCera Inked Gaming - https://www.inkedgaming.com/collections/artists/ yodacera Etsy - https://www.etsy.com/shop/YodaCera You can also follow my sub-brand 1LandHand for TCG and gaming art content. Twitter - @1LandHand Instagram - @1_Land_Hand

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