Easy Ways to Burn your Belly Fat How to Lose Belly Fat with Simple Lifestyle Changes A large number of population including males and females are victims of stubborn belly fat. Belly fat is the fat deposit around the waist line. If your waistline is more than 40cm then this is considered as abnormal obesity and you need to find effective ways of how to loss belly fat. Belly fat is dangerous as it is linked to many harmful health issues such as heart problems, High blood pressure, diabetes and many other series issues. Stomach area is the difficult region to reduce but you can easily burn away the fat if you follow certain food rules and few lifestyle changes. Here we have gathered some of the proven and effective ways for flat belly and lose weight fast. 1. Yoga Yoga is an ancient form of exercise and now really famous around the world. Yoga has numerous health benefits and one of it is weight loss. It provides long lasting weight loss effects and keeps your body active. There are a number of yoga Asanas that are effective for flat belly some of them are:
Dhanurasana (Bow pose)
Kumbhakasana (Plank)
Naukasana (Boat pose)
Bhujang asana (Cobra pose)
Pavanamukthasana (Wind relieving pose)
Surya Namaskar
These yoga asanas may have a slow effect but these effects will be long lasting and prevent weight gain. It is advised to perform these asanas correctly under the supervision of your physician. 2. How to lose belly fat with food? Don’t make a diet plan but make an eating plan. Yes you can lose belly fat while eating right food. Avoid junk food and high calories food. Try to include citrus fruits, fibers, green veggies and milk in your diet. Start your food with appetizer such as vegetable soup and then have your meal this will give you filling effect and will improve your digestion. Thus good digestion will prevent fat storage around your belly. Have a whole meal full of nutrition but don’t overeat.
Include whole grain bread, salads, butter milk, low fat curd, brown rice and beans in your diet. These foods have a high fiber content, proteins and low calories. Eat small amounts but eat healthy and nutritious food. Don’t stop eating it will not help you lose weight fast but will have adverse effect on your health. 3. Green Tea for Flat Tummy Green tea is an ancient drink which has a number of health benefits. Green tea also aids to weight loss especially for burning the belly fat. Drink green tea early morning for maximum benefit, although you can have it any time. It has a fat burning compound called EGCG that helps to lose weight fast. 4. Fiber is Good Fiber helps magically in weight loss. If you wish to have flat tummies then try to increase your fiber intake. Have more fiber food such as green vegetables and fruits in your meals. Fiver food improve your digestion and prevent you from constipation and bloating and also will help you maintain your weight. 5. Aerobics To Burn off The Fat Aerobics is a musical form of exercise that is fast and fun. You can try this form of exercise for flat tummy. Aerobics can be of any form such as dance aerobics which include dance steps, so those who love dancing can try out this exercise. This can be considered as a best exercise to lose weight as it helps you burn more calories than any other exercise. 6. Say no to Drinks If you desire flat belly then say no to sugary beverages and alcoholic drinks. As these drinks contain high calorie content this gets stored in the stomach and increase the body weight. So try to avoid them as far as possible, they can also harm your overall health. You can replace them with natural drinks such as lemon water or coconut water as these have less amount of calories and are healthy. 7. Have a Good Night Sleep Sleep is another important factor when you are looking solution for how to lose belly fat. If you don’t get enough sleep then you’ll be unable to lose weight. You must take at least 8 hours of sleep daily to see the result of your effort for flat
belly. Sleep contributes to overall health of all human beings. So along with nutritious diet and daily exercise, sleep is most important. 8. Go Nutty for Slim Belly Yes for flat belly protein filled nuts are a blessing. Include almonds, peanuts and other roasted nuts in your diet to get enough protein and energy. It is a myth that people think you’ll gain weight if you eat nuts but this is not true. Nuts when consumed in limited quantity help you lose excess fat and provide you the required energy for workout. So to have slim belly consume roasted nuts in small quantities all day. 9. King Size Breakfast This is the universal truth that you should have a heavy king sized breakfast; this gives you the energy for whole day and prevents fat deposits. The food eaten in the morning gets digested easily, so there will be not fat deposits around your waist, which will result into flat belly. You can have good protein breakfast including eggs, milk, oatmeal, grains, beans, nuts and fruits. These will provide you a healthy body with no weight gain. Conclusion Fat around the waist is not only harmful for health but also harms your personality making you look chubby and bulky. Hence most people including men and women are really conscious about belly fat. This is called the stubborn area of your body as it is difficult to burn the belly fat. So if you have not yet bothered of this fat then this is the time to think about it and take an action for a healthy and beautiful body. The above tips will surely help you and inspire you to start your healthy routine today.