Yoga Digest - Sep/Oct 2015

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Using Your Power Off The Mat

I N S P I R E • E D U C AT E • C O N N E C T

World Cup Champion


Press Yoga Make You a Better Can


David Carter

The 300 Pound Plant Based Vegan by Rich Roll

NFL Hall of Famer



Olympic Gold Medalist


Anderson Dallas

Mavericks Justin Pugh Lauren Peterson Jeramie Vaine B.J. Raji Rex Burkhead Tara Butcher Tiffany Cruikshank Sage Roundtree Jonah Kest Beth Shaw Keith Mitchell Jessica Cichra Gwen Lawrence

Robert S

turman Photogra phy

Display until October 30, 2015

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Yoga Digest - Sep/Oct 2015 by Yoga Digest - Issuu