The Yoga Handbook by Sarah Astbury

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The Yoga Handbook

The Yoga Handbook A guide for students Asanas, Pranayama, Relaxation

Sarah Astbury BA(Hons), BWY, ITM, MIIR, IIST

The Yoga Handbook

What is Yoga? Yoga is one of the oldest forms of self-development. It originated in India and dates back to 3000 B.C. Yoga has many benefits especially relevant now in this increasingly stressful world. The essence of Yoga is to help keep the mind, body and spirit in balance and harmony. This can be achieved through a variety of ways, including physical exercise (asanas), breathing (pranayama), relaxation, concentration and meditation (dhyana). The Practice and Benefits of Yoga Anyone can practice and gain the benefits from practising Yoga. There are always ways to modify a posture to suit any age and ability. Yoga enables the student to improve their health, strength, stamina, flexibility and all round level of fitness. It helps to tone muscles, improve circulation, lubricates joints and massages the body’s internal organs. Weight bearing exercises helps to build bone mass and increase the density of the bones. Yoga can help to improve self confidence and enables more self awareness. Breathing practices can help to improve lung capacity, enable more positive thoughts, and help with relaxation. Together, meditation and relaxation can provide a time to be still in this increasingly hectic life. After only a few weeks students should notice the physical and mental benefits of the practice.


The Yoga Handbook

During the practice of Yoga it is important to listen to your own body. Always proceed at your own pace and do not attempt anything that you feel uncomfortable with. Yoga is not competitive, we are all individuals and must practice in a way that will benefit our body physically and mentally and not cause any harm.

Contraindications and Limitations Yoga should not be practiced on a full stomach. Please do not eat anything 2 to 3 hours prior to a yoga practice. Wear loose comfortable clothing, preferably layers so warmth can be maintained during relaxation. Throughout the practice be aware of your own body. Inform the teacher if you do feel any discomfort. Below a just a few cases where precaution should be exercised. High Blood Pressure/Vertigo Do not take the head lower than the heart. Lower Back Problems Make sure you bend your knees when bending forward. Shoulder or Joint Problems Be aware of your own range of movement and do not overstretch. Varicose Veins/Poor Circulation Do not sit too long in postures that may impede blood flow to the legs.

Enjoy your Yoga practice!!!


The Yoga Handbook

The Yoga Practice There are three practice routines for you to work through, ranging in time from 15 minutes to 45 minutes. This is to allow you to fit in the practice to suit your lifestyle. Before each session I have included Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutations). This is to warm and loosen the body in preparation for the practice. If this does not seem appropriate please perform a few general stretches before the Yoga practice to prevent possible injuries. The sessions are a series of postures that flow together to help energise the body, eliminate toxins and provides strength, stamina and flexibility. The creation of heat through muscle work and breath control increases suppleness and decreases the risk of injury. Safe practice in yoga is essential. Work hard but do not strain. Do not compete with yourself or others. By practicing slowly and safely, strength and stamina will improve. Take pleasure in your practice. It is good to finish a practice and look forward to the next one. Be relaxed. Enjoy every breath! “When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bounds. Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person than you ever imagined� Patanjali 4

The Yoga Handbook

Surya Namaskara A (sun salutations)

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 Samasthiti



The Yoga Handbook

Surya Namaskara B (sun salutations)

     Samasthiti






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The Yoga Handbook

Practice 1 – 15 Minutes Surya Namaskara (sun salutations) A – 3 to 5 times

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1. Paschimottanasana (Forward Bend)

3. Navasana (The Boat)

5. Dhanurasana (The Bow)

7. Pranayama (Breathing)


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2. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Seated Twist)

4. Baddha Konasana (The Cobbler)

6. Balasana (Extended Child Pose)

8. Savasana (Relaxation)

The Yoga Handbook

Practice 2 – 30 Minutes Surya Namaskara (sun salutations) A – 3 to 5 times

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1. Uttanasana (Standing forward bend) 2. Utthita Trikonasana (The Triangle)

3. Utthita Parsvakonasana (Side Angle) 4. Parvritta Trikonasana (Reverse Triangle)

5.Virabhradasana I (The Warrior I)

7. Vrkasana (The Tree)

9. Navasana (The Boat)


6. Virabhradasana II (The Warrior II)

8. Janu Sirasana (Head to Knee Pose)

10. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Seated Twist)

The Yoga Handbook

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11. Paschimottanasana (Forward Bend) 12. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

13. Halasana (The Plough)

15. Pranayama (Breathing)


14. Paschimottanasana (Forward Bend)

16. Savasana (Relaxation)

The Yoga Handbook

Practice 3 – 45 Minutes Surya Namaskara A (sun salutations) – 3 to 5 times Surya Namaskara B (sun salutations) – 3 to 5 times

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1. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) 2. Utthita Trikonasana (The Triangle)

3. Utthita Parsvakonasana (Side Angle) 4. Parvritta Trikonasana (Reverse Triangle)

5. Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide Angle Forward Bend)

6. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (Extended Leg Pose)

7. Virabhadrasana III (The Warrior III)

8. Paschimottanasana (Forward Bend)

9. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Seated Twist) 10. Navasana (The Boat)


The Yoga Handbook

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11. Baddha Konasana (The Cobbler)

13. Balasana (Extended Child Pose)

12. Dhanurasana (The Bow)

14. Urdhva Dhanurasana (The Wheel)

15. Paschimottanasana (Forward Bend) 16. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

17. Paschimottanasana (Forward Bend) 18. Pranayama (Breathing)

19. Savasana (Relaxation)


The Yoga Handbook

Surya Namaskara A Samasthiti : Stand with both feet together. Legs active and spine long. One : Inhale raise both arms overhead look to the fingers. Two : Exhale bend forward into Uttanasana. Three : Inhale lengthen the spine as you look forwards. Four : Exhale step or jump back. Come directly down to the floor or place the knees down first. Five : Inhale straighten the arms and roll up into Bhujangasana or Urdhva Mukkha Svasana. Six : Exhale as you push the hips up into Ardo Mukkha Svasana. Lengthen the spine and press the heels towards the floor. Seven : Inhale as you jump or step forwards. Lengthen the spine. Eight : Exhale bend forward into Uttanasana. Nine : Inhale raise both arms overhead and return to standing. Samasthiti : Exhale lower your arms. 12

The Yoga Handbook

Surya Namaskara B Samasthiti : Stand with both feet together. Legs active, spine long. One : Inhale raise both arms overhead, bend knees and look to the fingers. Two : Exhale bend forward into Uttanasana. Three : Inhale lengthen the spine as you look forwards. Four : Exhale step or jump back. Come directly down to the floor or place the knees down first. Five : Inhale straighten the arms and roll up into Bhujangasana or Urdhva Mukkha Svasana. Six : Exhale as you push the hips up into Ardo Mukkha Svasana. Lengthen the spine and press the heels towards the floor. Seven : Inhale pivot the left heel in and step forward with the right foot. Place it between the hands and come into Virabhadrasana 1. Eight : Exhale place the hands on the floor and lower the body into the plank. Nine : Inhale roll onto the feet into Bhujangasana or Urdhva Mukkha Svasana. Ten : Exhale as you push the hips up into Ardo Mukkha Svasana. Lengthen the spine and press the heels towards the floor. Eleven : Inhale pivot the right heel in and step forward with the left foot. Place it between the hands and come into Virabhadrasana 1. Twelve : Exhale place the hands on the floor and lower the body into the plank. Thirteen : Inhale roll onto the feet into Bhujangasana or Urdhva Mukkha Svasana. Fourteen : Exhale as you push the hips up into Ardo Mukkha Svasana. Lengthen the spine and press the heels towards the floor. Fifteen : Inhale lengthen the spine as you look forwards. Sixteen : Exhale bend forward into Uttanasana. Seventeen : Inhale bend knees and raise both arms in line with ears and return to standing. Samasthiti : Exhale lower your arms. 13

The Yoga Handbook

The Asanas Please repeat the postures on both sides and hold for as long as is comfortable. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) Fold forward and hold the feet or legs. Lengthen the spine and draw the body towards the legs. Note: Keep length in the spine and shoulders relaxed. Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle) Turn the right foot out at ninety degrees and the left foot in at forty five degrees. Extend the right hand toward the right foot (or leg). Keep the upper body aligned with the right leg, keep the shoulders broad and the neck long. Note: Don’t collapse the lower back. Keep the torso in line with the extended leg. Parvritta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle) Turn the right foot out at ninety degrees and the left foot in at forty five degrees. Square your hips to the right and place your left hand on the floor outside (or inside) the right foot. Extend the right arm upwards. Keep both legs active. Note: Lengthen the spine. Distribute the weight evenly through both feet. Broaden the shoulders. Use a block under the hand to aid the posture. Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose) Turn the right foot out at ninety degrees and the left foot in at forty five degrees. Lower the right hand to the floor outside the right foot (or place the forearm onto the right thigh). Lengthen the left arm in line with the left ear. Note: Create length from the outer edge of the back foot to the fingertips of the upper arm. Keep the neck long. Use blocks under the hand to aid the posture. 14

The Yoga Handbook

Prasarita Padottansasana (Wide Angle Forward Bend) Widen the legs with the outer edges of the feet parallel. Arms outstretched parallel to the floor. Fold forward, hands to the floor between the feet with the legs active. Lengthen the spine. Note: Avoid rounding the back. Keep both legs active. Use blocks under the hands to aid the posture. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (Extended Leg Pose) Extend the leg without lowering it. Keep the leg straight and high with the toes pointed. Shoulders relaxed. Note: Avoid leaning back. Press your hands firmly against the waist. Keep the supporting leg active with the kneecap lifting. Natarajasana (The Dancer) From Tadasana raise the right leg behind and take hold with the right hand. Extend the left am upwards. Extend the right leg out behind creating a gentle curve in the spine. Note: Work abdominals to protect the lower spine. Use the wall for extra support. Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I) Step the right foot forwards. Raise both arms overhead. Keep the front leg at ninety degrees, the spine long with the outer edge of the back foot turned in slightly and pressed firmly into the floor. Note: Keep the front knee directly above the heel and the back leg firmly active. Draw the ribs in to avoid collapsing in the lower back. Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II) Open your arms parallel to the floor and in line with the legs. Keep the front leg at a ninety degree angle and the back foot pressing firmly into the floor. Note: The spine and arms should form a cross with the spine perpendicular to the floor. Extend across the shoulders and out through the fingertips. 15

The Yoga Handbook

Virabhadrasana III (Warrior III) From Virabhadrasana I raise the back leg off the ground and begin to lean forwards with the arms still extended. Bring the leg and the body parallel to the floor. Hold the balance. Breathe steadily. Note: Use a wall for support. Don’t lean too far to ease the back. Paschimottanasana (Forward Bend) Fold forward and lengthen the spine. Hold the feet, legs or a strap around the feet. Relax forward on each exhalation. Note: If discomfort in the lower back, bend the knees. Lead with the heart. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Seated Twist) Bend the right leg and place over the left leg. Stretch the left arm around the right leg, elongate the spine. Exhale and twist to the right. Note: Keep length in the spine and breathe deeply. Navasana (Boat Pose) Lift and straighten both legs with feet together. Arms straight and parallel to the floor. Note: Use abdominal muscles to create greater support. Keep the shoulders relaxed. Knees bent for less pressure in the back. Baddha Konasana (Cobbler Pose) Draw both feet into the groin. Hold feet, open the feet and lower the knees toward the floor. Keep the spine elongated. Note: The opening of the feet helps to open the hips. Janu Sirasanana (Head to Knee Pose) Bring the right foot into the inner left thigh. Clasp the left foot, leg or use a strap around the foot and draw the body towards the left leg. Elongate the spine, keep shoulders relaxed. Note: Bend knee to prevent rounding of the back. Lead with the heart. Keep the hips in line. 16

The Yoga Handbook

Dhanurasana (The Bow) Lie on your front with your heels towards your buttocks. Hold the feet or ankles. Push the feet into the hands and raise the legs and chest from the floor. Note: Don’t lift too high if weakness in the neck or back. Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Pose) Lie on your back with the knees bent and feet hips width apart. Place the hands under your shoulders and press the pelvis towards the sky. Keep the flat on the floor and the knees in line. Note: Keep the chest open by rolling the shoulders back. Engage the legs and keep the feet parallel. Open the heart by pushing the feet firmly into the floor. Lengthen through the front of the body. Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand) Roll up onto the shoulders. Extend the feet towards the sky with the toes pointed. Support the back with both palms close to the spine. Keep the body perpendicular to the floor. For a less intense pose leave the hips in the hands for support or leave the hips on the floor and legs pointing towards the sky. Note: The bulk of the weight should be evenly distributed across the shoulders, upper arms and elbows. Use a blanket to lift the weight away from the neck. Use the hands to create length in the spine Halasana (The Plough) Lower the feet toward the floor behind your head with the legs straight and feet together. Straighten the arms and place them on the floor behind the back. If the feet do not touch the floor keep the back supported. Interlock the fingers for a more intense pose. Note: Maintain a lift in the neck away from the floor by pulling the shoulders together. If touching the floor push the toes against the floor and lift the sitting bones.


The Yoga Handbook

Matsyasana (The Fish) Lie on your back with the legs in lotus or extended. Push the elbows into the floor and raise the chest and place the head back until the crown touches the floor. If the pose is too intense do not let the head go all the way back. Note: This is good counterpose for Sarvangasana and Halasana by opening the chest and the throat. Pranayama (Breathing Exercise) Effective breathing is the key to the practice of yoga. Without correct breathing true relaxation is impossible and a settled mind is hard to achieve. Note: Sit with an erect spine and shoulders relaxed. Use a block or cushion to aid your posture. Breathe in slowly and deeply through the nostrils. Feel the bottom ribs move outward and the lungs expand. Breathe out slowly and smoothly. Feel the diaphragm relax and the lungs contract. Count the inhalation and exhalation making both parts of the breath equal. Continue with a slow and steady breath. Focus on the sound and quality of the breath. Savasana (Corpse Pose) Ensure you are warm and comfortable. Lie on your back and relax. Focus on the rhythm of the breath and find a place deep within. Allow the body and the mind to become still. Experience the revitalizing and nurturing effects of being in this position. Allow yourself time to relax and feel the renewal of energy when you bring yourself out of Savasana I hope you have enjoyed your practice. Visit for more Yoga practices and information about worldwide Yoga holidays. You can find lots more online Yoga, Video’s, MP3’s to download on my website, on youtube, and on my Sarah Astbury & Yoga in Bulgaria facebook pages. If you need further copies of these worksheets you can get them from my issuu library at

Namaste, Sarah x 18

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