wellness / Health
your cycles
By Kimberly Nicoletti
ature moves in a cyclical manner: spring buds blossom in the summer, then dry up and drop for winter hibernation. As part of nature, we also go through cycles, but our fast-living, high-achieving, American culture can numb us to natural rhythms. Seasons, moon phases, life stages and, for women, menstrual cycles, all affect energy levels. Being aware and living in harmony with these cyclical patterns help us honor our need for rest, as well as take advantage of more productive times. Yoga instructor Mia Tarduno, based in Summit County, Colorado, teaches women to work with, instead of against, their body, but it wasn’t always that way. Tarduno hit a wall a few years ago after following her coach’s prescribed plan to excel as a trail
runner. Within a few months of training, she felt more and more burnt out, rather than stronger. “At the time, I dealt with it by pushing through,” she says. And then, she discovered cycle awareness, a way of honoring the fact that all life unfolds according to phases, both internal and external.
THE CYCLES Women may be most attuned to cycles; hormone levels decline starting on day one, and attention tends to focus more internally. Mental focus may decrease, and sensitivity may heighten, sometimes causing irritability. This time is akin to the new moon cycle when the night is darker. It also corresponds to the winter season, as well as the crone
phase of life, age 65-plus. “It’s important to take this time to rest,” Tarduno says. “It’s a time you can tune into what’s important, which is our intuition. Notice things that are working well in your life and what’s not, and find a way to rework that.” Spring, the waxing moon and women’s pre-ovulatory phase (days four through seven) all correspond to the maiden (age 0 to 25). These are energetic, hopeful periods for planning and starting to create what we truly want in life. It’s a good time to brainstorm, set intentions, say yes to social events and situations that resonate, and try something new. Blossoming, ripe summer energy reflects the full moon, as well as women’s ovulation. In contrast to the winter season, it’s the