wellness / Inspiration
By Julie Gentile
omeone once asked me who I write to when I journal. My reply: “I’m writing to my soul.” To people who know me, it’s not a secret that one of my favorite self-care practices is the soul-nourishing habit of journaling. I talk about it a lot in my books and yoga classes, as well as on my blog, monthly newsletter and social media channels — just about anywhere I have a voice to share the power of this life-changing self-care practice. My experience with journaling over the last several years has taken me through some of my most stressful periods, as well
as moments of absolute joy. I’ve even made some significant decisions and changes in my life thanks to journaling. For example, journaling helped manifest my dream of writing my first book, which was published in 2019, as a full-time working mom. Journaling is as natural to me as inhaling and exhaling. I don’t have to think about it. I just become it. I like this style of writing so much that about four years ago, I kept four journals at once. As I type this, I keep two journals — a daily journal and a weekly one. The more I write, the more it pours out from within, like an overflowing river.
All of this journaling has a purpose. When I journal, I tap into my highest self — similar to meditation. These are some of the only times I can get quiet enough to hear my spirit speak. And, it wants to be heard. Yours does, too. Journaling brings harmony to the chaos of life (even if it’s organized chaos) as a busy working mom. Here’s why I never go to bed without it.
JOURNALING IS: • A cathartic practice that helps me unwind from my day and a signal to my mind that the day is done.
photo by emma dau; photo by Life lens and love Photography LLC
Your Way to Wellness