Postnatal Yoga Teacher Training Manual

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ABOUT: ABOUT:THE THECOURSE COURSE Congratulations in becoming a Postnatal Yoga Teacher! In this course you will familiarize yourself with the postnatal body, learn a beautiful yoga sequence that you can begin teaching immediately, and embrace the magic of motherhood. Founder Jamie Kalynuik, Teaching Lead Jane Danielson and Janet Hill, and professionals from the Yoga Mamas Movement Team who specialize in pre and postnatal health, will be providing an information-rich weekend where participants will learn the foundations of postnatal yoga, a 60 minute safe and fun mom & baby yoga sequence, and robust education about the postnatal body.

TRAINING INCLUDES: 20 hrs of yoga and anatomy training 60 minute mom & baby yoga sequence that you can begin teaching immediately Postnatal yoga training manual with additional poses, education, songs and ways to engage baby completion 5 online yoga class pass to use at Yoga Mamas Online to enjoy postnatal yoga classes before or after the training

LEARNING OUTCOMES: A thorough understanding of the changes that have occurred in the postnatal body and best practices for safely teaching to them. A beautiful postnatal yoga sequence that students can easily apply to their personal and professional practices. Education around incorporating babies into a mother’s yoga practice. Access to an online community of wellness professionals and enthusiats who will support students in their education. to a great group of women who you will stay connected to for teaching support and friend ship.

to deal with the sensitivities surrounding a women’s postnatal body and therefore be able to


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