A Descriptive Comparison Between Kefir And Yogurt
Most of the people are under theassumption that both yogurt and milk kefir are processed from dairy products and hence there’s not much difference between the two. If you have been wondering yogurt and milk kefir are same or not, then to your surprise there are many striking dissimilarities between the two. On the basis of their manufacturing, bacteria present, consistency and flavor, there are various elements that make them poles apart. By understanding the distinctive features between yogurt and kefir, you would be able make a better decision which one from the two is meant for you. Let’s first discuss the constituents of each one of them. Milk Kefir is the hemophilic culture which means it can get cultured at the room temperature no matter what kind of starter culture is used for the culturing process. On the other hand, yogurt starters come in as thermophilic. Mesophilic we have already discussed and thermophilic means yogurt starter needs heat to be cultured. Thermophilic yogurt starter is best made in a yogurt marker or any other such appliance where the temperature of 110◌F is available.
Another method of preparing kefir is by using a freeze-dried form of kefir starter whose process similar to that processing yogurt culture. Though freeze-dried starter culture can be used many times but at some point, new freeze-dried starter would be required.
Reusable yogurt starters can be re-cultured after initial activation using the old yogurt batch with fresh milk. This kind of yogurt culture needs re-culturing once a week. On the other hand, direct-set yogurt starters come in powdered form and are thermophilic in nature. This kind of Authentic Yogurt culture needs a new starter would be required at some point of time after re-culturing many times and depends on the milk used and how long can keep none-yogurt bacteria away from the yogurt mix. Wash all utensils and containers well with boiling water only.
There are different types of bacteria availability in kefir and yogurt. Bacteria found in Authentic Kefir can colonize the intestinal tract and apart from that it has various yeasts. On the other hand, yogurt has beneficial bacteria that helps in digestion and becomes food for the friendly bacteria present in our gut area. As they pass through our digestive tract, they are also known as transient bacteria. Last but not the least, flavor and consistency of kefir and yogurt play an important role in deciding which one is meant for you. Kefir tastes sour than the yogurt and differs in taste depending on its fermentation time, milk used and process. Also, yogurt is usually taken with a spoon while kefir is taken as a drink in most cases.