Homemade yogurt is something that all we crave however very few can actually make it. In less time and money, you can now enjoy the taste of homemade yogurt. Many people want to culture the yogurt but are sacred of the heirloom cultures and the complicated incubating equipment. Hence, we came up with a simple and basic yogurt culture process that you can use also every day to enjoy delicious yogurt in your breakfast. First you need a pint of milk preferably the whole one to get the creamier yogurt.. In addition to that take a half cup of Vegan Yogurt, you can go for any regular or the Greek one but not to pick flavored ones. While buying yogurt you need to check its packaging for the label- live active yogurt cultures, since they are essential for culturing. Number of cultures doesn’t matter but the strain of bacteria present will affect the health benefits and quality of the yogurt. Most preferred bacteria strains are L. Bulgaricus, L. Acidophilus, L. Casei, S. Thermophilus and Bifidus.
Next, you need equipment for making yogurt such as a pot with lid. Make sure whatever equipment you are choosing can keep the milk warm at a fair temperature of 110°F. At this point of time, bacteria would start turning milk into yogurt. During this stage you can keep the pot at some insulated and warm place to expedite the process. If you have a yogurt maker then you can even use it as these ingredients help to hold the yogurt together but you can even make the yogurt without them. As per the needs, we can tweak and change the method here.
For instance, some people prefer adding dry milk powder or even gelatin to get the thick consistency of end product. On the other hand, if you want a Greek styled yogurt or Vegan Kefir then you can strain off the liquid whey to get the dense product. Apart from that, depending upon the brand of yogurt used for culturing the milk, the end product taste, flavor and health benefits would differ.
Instructions to how to make yogurt at home: 1. Heat the milk over medium heat to just below the boiling point i.e. 200°F. To make sure the bottom part doesn't scorch or the milk doesn't get over boiled, keep stirring the milk. 2. Once boiled properly, let the milk cool down and stir it occasionally to avoid the formation of skin. 3. Add yogurt to milk and whisk it till the yogurt gets completely dissolved in the milk. 4. Transfer the pot to warm place like a turned off oven or you can wrap the pot in towels to keep it warm. 5. Wait for overnight or at least four hours to let the yogurt get settled down. The more time you give yogurt to get settled, better would be its consistency. Likewise, if you want to learn how to make kefir at home, you can find the study material online.