Push or pull

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WOMEN Sometimes pushing Pushing mango, papaya, pitahaya Pushing food karts Pushing your life Pushing the lives of those that surround you to help them reach their goals Pushing for your rights Pushing stronger every day Never giving up

And sometimes pulling Pulling as many mattresses as needed Pulling out of the difficulties Pulling so that the effort is less for those you care for But rarely pulling the emergency handle when needed As it seems like women were born to pull

Pulling a smile

Pushing the bicycle to take your sister around

Sometimes longing to be reclined, but always pulling energy from some inner source

Pushing with energy every morning to tidy up the hotel And putting on a smile to celebrate the New Year Moving forward together and always living in present continuous since the beginning of life

It never seems the appropriate moment to pull the brake. Always ongoing

Pushing after adjusting the lens

That is why it feels so good to just push your own body And it feels great when there is no additional objective than to be aware of your own existence

Yolanda. Bangkok, January 2019

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