Nivel: 3º- 4º ESO. Recursos Necesarios: Procesador textos, ordenadores para los alumnos, internet, Google Drive , Issuu, PDI y cañón de video. Contenidos: vocabulario relacionado con los cuentos de hadas (stereotypes), adjectivos de personalidad, comparativos, have to/ must, 1er tipo de condicionales. Procedimientos: los alumnos en seis grupos de tres elaborarán un solucionario para cada escena en google drive y luego se subirá a Issue en forma de folleto, una vez corregido.
LEARNING WITH SHERK (Film Activities) Yolanda Leira
SHREK A. WARM-UP ACTIVITIES 1. TRADITIONAL FAIRY TALES a. What is a fairy tale? Choose the correct definition. It’s a tale just about fairies It’s a story usually for children about elves, dragons, fairies or other magical creatures. It’s a false story b. Which other magical creatures do you know? Put the letters in the correct order and you will find some of them: Gore………… Itnga………… Wafrd………. Chitw………… Rizwad……….. c. Which fairy tales do you know? Have a look at this photo and put a tick next to the tales you can find on it:
3 -
Three Little Pigs Cinderella Snow White Little Red Riding Hood Goldilocks and The Three Bears Pinocchio Peter Pan Sleeping Beauty
d. Here you have the traditional plot of a fairy tale but the sentences are jumbled. Put them in the right other. Then check them watching the film. Many brave knights had attempted to free her from this dreadful prison, but non prevailed. She was locked away in a castle guarded by a terrible fire-breathing dragon. She waited in the dragon’s keep in the highest room of the tallest tower for her true love and true love’s first kiss. Once upon a time there was a lovely princess. Like that’s ever gonna happen But she had an enchantment upon her of a fearful sort which could only be broken by love’s first kiss.
e. What can you see in the picture? How is the princess? What is she doing? And the knight? Underline the correct adjectives for the traditional princess and knights of fairy tales: Princess: ugly, beautiful, gorgeous, helpless, shy, self-assured , weak, enchanted, passive Knight: coward, brave, handsome, ugly, dishonest, honest, self-assured, shy, polite, active, rude.
2. SHREK : “Breaking the mould” A. SCENE ONE a. Title:…………………….. (after watching the scene make up a suitable title) b. What does Shrek do every day ? After watching the scene put the stills in the correct order and then match them with the sentences:
a. He goes into the closet b. He cleans his teeth c. He takes off his trousers d. He paints a notice e. He has a shower in the pool f. He brushes himself with mud g. He comes out of the closet h. He has dinner i. He lights the fire c. Listening activity: complete Shrek’s threatening with words from the box: -
Think it’s in there? All right. Let’s get it? Hold on. Do you know what that thing can do to you? Yeah, It’ll ……….your bones for it’s bread Yes, well,…………that would be a giant. Now, ogres…………………….They’ll make a ……………from your freshly ………………… …………… No!
5 -
They’ll shave your…………..Squeeze the …………from your …………Actually it’s quite good on ………………..
Toast liver jelly eyes Liver They’re much worse Eyes
grind actually grind jelly toast
d. Answer these questions about the scene: 1. Where does Shrek live?………………………………………………… 2. What does he have for dinner?………………………………………… 3. Why do the men want to attack him?…………………………………. 4. What does Shrek find after the men escape?…………………………. 5. What time do the men attack him?………………………………………
B. SCENE TWO a. Title……………….. b. True / False Activity : Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones. 1. The scene takes place in the city
6 2. The soldier is selling magic creatures 3. The soldier gives twenty pieces of silver for the witch. 4. He pays ten shillings for the possessed toy. 5. The donkey can talk 6. The donkey can fly and escapes. 7. Lord Farquaad’s army arrests Shrek and The Donkey 8. Donkey wants to go with Shrek because he feels alone 9. Shrek wants to be with the donkey. 10. The donkey speaks little. 11. The donkey is afraid of Shrek. 12. Shrek doesn’t let the donkey go into his house. c. Complete the sentences : a. By the order of Lord Farquaard
1. And I ‘m not going out there by myself
b. If that doesn’t work,
2. I am authorized to place you both under
arrest c. I don’t have any friend
3. Your breath will get the job done
d. Stop singing!
4. You got that kind of I don’t-care-what-
nobody-thinks of me e .You know what I like about you?
5. It’s no wonder you don’t have any friends.
d. Complete donkey’s and Shrek’s physical description choosing among the definitions:
- Tail: it’s the part of an animal, bird or fish that grows out from the end of its body furthest from its head. - Belly: the part of your body, especially your stomach, that holds and digest food. - Snout: The snout of an animal such as a pig or dog is its long nose. - Hoof (hoofs, hooves): The hooves of an animal such as a horse are the hard bony parts of its feet. - Antenna: the antennas of an insect or of an animal such as a prawn or lobster are the two long, thin parts that are attached to its head and that it uses to feel with. - Mane: A horse’s or lion’s mane is the long thick hair that grows from its neck. - Eyebrows: Your eyebrows are the lines of hair which grow in an arch above each of your eyes. - Forelegs: The forelegs of an animal are its two front legs. C. SCENE THREE Title: At night in the swamp 1. Answer these questions about the scene:
a. Which animals go into Shrek’s house?…………………. ……………………………………………………………………………… b. Which tales do they belong to?………………………………………
c. Why are all the magic creatures in the swamp? Choose the correct one. 1. They liked the swamp. 2. Lord Faarquaad forced them. 3. They wanted to visit Shrek
d. What does Shrek decide to do? 1.To live with the creatures. 2. To go to see Farquaad 3. Get the creatures off his land. 4. 2&3
e. Who is going to go with him in his trip? …………………………………………………………………………………
D. SCENE FOUR a. Title: At Lord Faarquard’s Castle Listening activity: Choose the correct answers:
9 1.
a. Lord Faarquard is torturing gingerbread man. b. Lord Faarquard is speaking with him.
a. The magic mirror says to Lord Faarquard that a. It is the most perfect kingdom. b. He is not a king but he can become one marrying a princess.
a. Lord Faarquaard chooses bachelorette a. Number one. b Number two. c. Number three.
Princess Fiona likes a. walking and reading. b. Pina colada. c. Get caught in the rain. d. b&c.
Now you know what Princess Fionna likes. What about you? What do you like doing and eating? 
Remember to use the verbs : like, hate, can’t stand, love + gerund : ex. I love eating chocolate
E. SCENE FIVE: AT DuLoc 1. What do donkey and Shrek see when they arrive at Duloc? Why does it call their attention?
10 2. Describe the city. Remember to use expressions such as there is /are and the city vocabulary. 3.
Complete the song using the words below:
“Welcome to DuLoc such a ……… Here we have some …………................ Let us lay them down Don’t make ………stay in …………...... And we’ll get along fine DuLoc is perfect ………...................... Please keep off the ………................. Shine your ………., wipe your……….. Duloc is, Duloc is Duloc is perfect place.” Rules perfect
face place
4. Imagine you’re a citizen of DuLoc. Mention things you mustn’t do there and things you have to do. Use your imagination. Do you think it’s funny to live here? Why or why not? THINGS YOU HAVE TO DO: I have to shine my shoes…………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………. THINGS YOU MUSTN’T DO: I mustn’t keep on the grass,…………………. …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… 5. Who wins the tournament? Who is the champion? ………………………………………………………………………… 6. Lord Farquaard and Shrek make a deal. What is it about? Complete the sentence: If you go on this quest for me I’ll…………………..back
11 7. Complete the following sentences using conditionals:
a. If Shrek goes to the castle the dragon……………………………… b. If he finds Princess Fionna he…………………………………… c. If he isn’t successful in his quest Lord Farquaard……………….. …………….back d. If Princess Fionna doesn’t like Shrek............................................. e. The dragon will kill Shrek and donkey if.......................................
12 Before watching the scene use your dictionaries and match these words to their meanings: Throttle
1. Weapon used in former times that consisted of a pointed metal blade on the end of a long pole……………..................................... 2. Very unpleasant smell…………………. 3. Strangle, grasp someone by the throat so that he cannot breathe……………............. 4. It is an organ near to your stomach that controls the quality of the blood…………… 5. to crush something between two hard surfaces or with a machine until it becomes a fine powder………………............................
a. On the way to the castle to rescue Princess Fionna, Shrek and donkey have a conversation about an onion but this conversation is not in order. Put the following lines in order (the first one is done for you), specifying if they are said by donkey or by Shrek (Write next to the sentences S or D): ------For your information, there’s a lot more to ogres than people think. 1D. I don’t get it. Why don’t you just pull some of that ogres stuff on him? Throttle him, lay siege to his fortress, grinds his bones to make your bread, the whole ogre trip. -----Example? ------Oh, I know that. Maybe I could have decapitated an entire village and put their heads on a pike, gotten a knife, cut open their spleen and drink their fluids. Does that sound good to you? ------.Uh, no, not really. -------Example? Okay, um, ogres are like onions. ---------Yes,…no. ---------They stink? ---------.No! ---------No, layers! Onions have layers. Orges have layers! You get it? We both have layers
What does donkey and people think about ogres? Underline the correct
adjectives. Ogres are: cruel, gentle, kind, evil, friendly, unfriendly, they eat people and kids, violent, treacherous.
13 b. Shrek is angry with donkey because he doesn’t understand what Shrek means when he says ogres are like onions. Help donkey and find the true meaning of the sentence “ Ogres have layers”. Put a tick next to the correct option 1.Ogres are like onions because they stink 2. Ogres are different from what they seem, from their appearance. They are not so bad as people think. 3. Ogres are like onions because they make people cry.
c. Shrek uses “like” to make comparisons. Now it’s your turn. Complete the following comparisons. Look at the example: Ex. Ogres are like onions. Ogres have as many layers as onions. Shrek’ belly is like a ball .Shrek’s belly is as a ............................. Lord Faarquaard is like a ................... He is a ............................... DuLoc is like a ....................................It is a ............................... Donkey’eyes are like............................They are
d. What is Shrek really like? Remember his behaviour and actions till this moment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………
14 …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………….
G. SCENE SEVEN: AT THE CASTLE a. After watching the fist part of this scene say if the following sentences are True or False and correct the false ones. 1. Donkeys don’t have layers………. 2. Donkey is very brave……………..
15 3. Donkey doesn’t want to cross the rickety bridge…………………………………. 4. Shrek makes fun of donkey……………. 5. Shrek helps donkey to cross…………… 6. Donkey handles the dragon……………. 7. The dragon attacks donkey……………… 8. The girl dragon falls in love with donkey…………………………………. b. Listen and complete donkey’s conversation with the girl dragon:
What’s shocking in this situation? …………………………………..
I mean…………sparkling ……….I know you probably ……..this all the time from your food, but you must bleach, ‘cause that is one dazzling ……….you got there. Do I detect a hint of minty freshness?. And you ………what else? You’re a ……….dragon! Oh, sure! (…) What’s the…………with you? You got something in your……..Oh, Ohh, man I’d really love to ……….but you know (…)
c. According to Shrek the princess will be in the highest room in the tallest tower.
Think about any other prediction about the princess, the dragon, shrek or donkey : use will + infinitive:
The princess will be pretty The princess will be …………………….. Shrek will kill …………………………….. Donkey……………………………………. ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………….. ………………………………………………..
16 d. Fionna’s Rescue is different from traditional rescues in fairy tales. Compare what the princess of the fairy tale was doing in the first scene with Fionna’s rescue. - In the first scene the princess was sleeping however Fionna isn’t. She is ..............and she is ……….. for her knight. -
In the first scene the princess wasn’t moving however Fionna is. She is ………………a bunch of flowers.
e. Look at the stills below, put them in order and go on with the comparisons. Remember to use the simple continuous and the simple past: ( use these hints: kiss, shake her, romantic, kneel, rude ).Use also comparatives : Shrek is more rude than the knight etc. -
In the first scene the knight was ………………………………………………………