Yonghoon sheen portfolio

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portfolio 2007-2010, 2013-2014 yonghoon sheen

Yonghoon Sheen 1011 University City Blvd, I-13, Blacksburg VA 24060 ysheen87@gmail.com 540 818 5423 서울특별시 서대문구 연희동 대림 아파트 2-507 070 8747 0634

Education - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. B.Arch. 2006-2010, 2013- present

- Hwacheon Hanok School(화천한옥학교) Built a 66m^2 Hanok(한옥, Korean traditional architecture)under the tutelage of the master builder. 2. 2011 ~ 9. 2011

- Dale Carnegie’s leadership training. 6. 2009 ~ 8. 2009

Experience - Construction work at Iwha University worked with air duct system. 2013

- Korean Army(32사단 공병대대) Served as an engineer. 2011-2013

- Construction work in 화천, 오음리. residential housing. Worked with asphalt shingles.

- Habitat for Humanity. timber frame 2007

Skills Computer: Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, CAD, Sketchup Hand: wood working, model making, sketching, rendering, drafting Bilangual: Korean & English

table of contents

- joinery: stool

- casting #1

- roofing: farmer’s market #1

- casting #2

- roofing: farmer’s market #2

- gutters and downspouts

- metal structural insulated panel(SIP) & greenhouses

- stack ventilation

it was an eye opening experiece when i visited Byongsan-Sowon (병산서 원) in 2008 and since then, i slowly became to appreciate the beauty and importance of how the building comes together with the master builder’s careful consideration of joineries. my interest in structural details has been developing as i study architecture and Hanok(한옥), especially the Manderhu, B yonsan-Sowon (만대루, 병산서원) has been an important and inspirational classic work for me.

study of joinery : stool studio project, 2010

the studio was asked to design a toy of one’s choice and i chose a stool for its emphasis and flexibility on joineries.

stool (joinery)


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ting #1: continuation study of joinery ‘plaster of paris’, studio project. 2010

attempt to incorporate interlocking joineries into a building, a bank

casting #1

casting #2: a model building process of a residential house

‘rockite’ (cement), studio project. 2010

a continuous study of joineries with a minimal roofing system

casting #2

casting #2

roofing: farmer’s market #1 clifton forge,virginia. ‘rockite’(cement), studio project . 2010

a continuous study of joineries with cement trying to provide a big roof for the market

farmer’s market #1

farmer’s market #1

roofing: farmer’s market #2 with civil war fence. clifton forge, virginia. school project. ‘rockite’ (cement) 2010 second iteration of the farmer’s market

farmer’s market #2

farmer’s market #2

farmer’s market #2

farmer’s market #2

gutters and downspouts studio project, 2013

a schematic design for a school of energy efficiency that focuses on rainwater discharge system, and the model building process.

gutters and downspouts

gutters and downspouts

gutters and downspouts

gutters and downspouts

metal structural insulated panels with greenhouses: studio project, 2013

focus on utilizing SIP(structural insulated panels) as the primary skin of the structure along with green houses that provide warm air in the winter for the building. the air would then move through the energy recovery ventilation system and provide the school with warmth.

SIP with greenhouses

SIP with greenhouses

stack ventilation studio project, 2013

four, two bedroom apartments in pulaski, virginia with a sunken foundation and detail of water drainage. an apartment has all three floors to itself to maximize the stack effect.

yonghoon sheen 신용훈 ysheen87@gmail.com blacksburg, us: 540 818 5423 seoul, korea: 070 8747 0634

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