Work Sample Yonghoon Sheen
Virginia Tech // B. Arch
The Lookout at Cliff Palace
Exploring and studying the moment where the weight of the building is transferred to the ground led my thesis to study the relationship between the ground, footing and a column. To exaggerate the relationship between them, various cantilevering systems were carefully studied as such structure has a tendency to have minimized or little contact between the building and the earth, thus leading to the selection of a site requiring such delicate contact.
The foundation is where the building meets the ground. It is the moment where the mass of a structure is carried and distributed to the earth and that force created by gravity and the mass of a structure is crystallized on the foundation.
The Lookout at Cliff Palace
The tip of the cantilever hovers over the ruins of Cliff Palace, Mesa Verde. The platform over the kivas serves as the look out for the travelers and provides better views from above. The path is supported by one of the main trusses which achieve equilibrium with the counter mass (concrete structure) on the opposite side of the building. The footprint of the cantilevered structure is placed next to the ruins so that the site is undisturbed.
The main column transfers the loads/gravity acting on the cantilever to the opposite side where massive concrete columns act as the counter weight responsible for the equilibrium. The columns only hold the trusses while the mass of concrete columns stabilize the structure.
The Ecological Research Center
The Ecological Research and Studies Center
The path that leads from campus to the center places pedestrians in different elevations relative to the trees to present different views of the arboretum and establishes a strong relationship between the research center and the arboretum. Only the tree trunks are in sight when building plaza. As the path entering the building’s elevates itself, tree trunks and bark are set into focus before the highest level presents the canopies of trees and a panorama of the large array of the arboretum.
Residentials apartment Pulaski, VA
Stack Ventilation, Residential
The focus was to provide Pulaski a more convenient access from the Main Street to the creek behind the building. The open plaza which is sunken below the street level not only serves as an inviting path to the creek but also helps the structure to be thermally dynamic by maximizing stack ventilation.
STEM School Blacksburg ,VA
Elementary School in Blacksburg
With the majority of the envelop made of SIP (Structural Insulate Panels), The light weight structure hovers over the ground to express the footings and the columns which are carefully placed around the classrooms. On the south side of the building, two green houses are attached which trap raidant head and provide warm air in the winter.
2nd Floor
1st Floor
Traditional Korean Lumber Structure Built a lumber structure from pedestals to rafters using a traditional method concentrating on interlocking joinery. Learned about a technique that treats the structural joints elegantly.
Side Project : Stool #1 Study of joinery. The pieces were put together without using nails which tend to damage the wood over time. The pieces are held bt interlocking joints and strings.
Side Project : Stool #2 Study of joinery. The pieces were held by dove tail joinery, mending plates and screws.
Yonghoon Sheen email: tel: 540 818 5423