For New Team Members

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This guide has been developed by a YOR Health Independent Distributor and not an officeal YOR Health Corporate document. This guide has been created for the use and professional development for new distributors

Getting Started Welcome to YOR Health, we are confident that you will benefit from the comprehensive line of YOR Health nutrition and health‐enhancing products. As you begin to see results and effects of weight loss, fat burning and increased physical energy and health, we’re glad you want to share these products with people you know.

We’re excited to join you in the opportunity to improve the lives of others by introducing them to our revolutionary products. We invite you to discover how you can experience the fulfilling reward of building your own successful business around helping people achieve their weight loss and optimal nutrition goals. As one of our Independent Distributors, you are a member of the YOR Health family, a family who is dedicated to helping each other grow personally and professionally. Our team has tailored our training programs to give you the sales and marketing tools to develop your business, and to empower your personal/professional development as well. We look for great products to feed your mind, body and soul ‐and we give you all the tools, training and information you need to make YOR Health an opportunity that works for you. We want to help you achieve you goals of optimal health and nutrition, as well as your goals for financial success. This Quick Start Guide has been designed to assist you. As a new YOR Health Independent distributor you might be asking yourself, “What’s next? What do I do? Where do I begin? We are here to help you along in getting aquainted with the products, useful information and resources available to you.

So What Do I Need To Do First? Here is a helpful checklist of things to do before getting started... ______ 1. Pay your distributor REGISTRATION FEE. $50.00 gives you your distributor website and tools to track your business and grow a successful distributorship. Visit: ______ 2. AUTOSHIP. Use your PRODUCT REGIMIN to set up an auto ship of the products you will need on a monthly basis. A minimum of 200PV is required to qualify for commissions. ______ 3. Become a product of the product!! Using the product regimin and developing your own testimony is very important. It is hard to be effective if you can’t talk about the personal use of all the products. (See what to do next for more details ______ 4. Training will be with your sponsor and through the accompanying video. This guide coincides a training presentation for you and your executive board team members ______ 5. Set a date for your Open House or Kickoff Party. Every business has a Grand Opening!! Yours needs one as well. Give yourself enough time to plan, but set a date. Many suggest to set a date within the first 30 days of signing up as a distributor. The kickoff party can be after the 30 day period, but schedule it. ______ 6. Invite YOR Guests - Go through the memory jogger, make a list and invite your colleagues, friends, family and aquaintences. Everyone can educate themselves on nutrition, present them the opportunity and see where it takes you. Make sure you use all the free tools available. Get help from YOR Executive Board. ______ 7. Host YOR Party - see the PDF on event planning and have fun!! Make sure you invite members of your upline for support and for their testimonials. ______ 8. Watch the following video: Brillian Compensation at: videos/7a99dbb21d19e7c5f5 or use your search engine for: Brilliant Compensation

The Truth About Nutrition Understanding what has occurred since 1950... Nutrient Deficient Soil Makes Nutrient Deficient Food As a new distributor, you heard one of our many YOR Health presentations. As Independent Distributors, you are free to create your own presentation. BUT, have facts to back up your claims. The presentations used have talked about Nutrient deficient soil makes nutrient deficient food. “Declining Fruit and Vegetable Nutrient Composition: What Is the Evidence? By Donald R. Davis Journal of HortScience; February 2009, 5 pp.” Read more:,8599,1880145,00.html#ixzz0li6IMLLG This article discusses several key points in regards to this very topic. “Donald R. Davis, a former research associate with the Biochemical Institute at the University of Texas, Austin. Davis claims the average vegetable found in today’s supermarket is anywhere from 5% to 40% lower in minerals (including magnesium, iron, calcium and zinc) than those harvested just 50 years ago.” Why? “genetic dillution effect,” in which selective breeding to increase crop yield has led to declines in protein, amino acids, and as many as six minerals in one study of commercial broccoli grown in 1996 and ‘97 in South Carolina. Because nearly 90% of dry matter is carbohydrates, “when breeders select for high yield, they are, in effect, selecting mostly for high carbohydrate with no assurance that dozens of other nutrients and thousands of phytochemicals will all increase in proportion to yield.”

Do food cravings indicate a nutrient deficiency? A food craving is the desire to eat a specific food or type of food. Craving is experienced when attempts to restrict intake of certain foods cause the desire for that food to become more salient(5). Women more commonly report food cravings than men do and in particular during the premenstrual phase, e.g. for chocolate. Chocolate contains numerous pharmacological substances (e.g. caffeine, theobromine, phenylethylamine and anandamides) and minerals such as magnesium, which may contribute to improve premenstrual However, the amounts present cannot explain the benIndustrialization of Agriculture symptoms. eficial effects reported after consumption of chocolate. Therefore, Thanks to the growing rise of chemical fertil- attempts to self-regulate, for example, magnesium levels via chocoizers and pesticides, modern crops are being late consumption are not justified! A bar of chocolate contains only harvested faster than ever before. But quick 50mg of magnesium whereas magnesium supplementation studies suggest over 1000mg are required to improve premenstrual sympand early harvests mean the produce has toms. Thus, psychological factors (e.g. depressed mood, dissatisfacless time to absorb nutrients either from syntion with body image) are strong determinants of foods craved that thesis or the soil, and minerals like potassi- tend to be high in fat and sweet-tasting, as these sensory attributes um (the “K” in N-P-K fertilizers) often interfere are perceived as providing emotional satisfaction.

with a plant’s ability to take up nutrients. Monoculture farming practices — another of the Big Ag industry — have also ent-deficiency/ led to soil-mineral depletion, which, in turn, affects the nutrient content of crops. Read more: time/health/article/0,8599,1880145,00. html#ixzz0li8Hp6bQ

MEMORY JOGGER.. A GREAT TOOL!! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Accounting Acting Advertising Aerobics Air Force airline Alarm Systems Animal Health/Vet Antiques Apartment Architect Army Art Artificial Nails Asphalt Athletics Auctioneer Automobile Baby-Sitters Banking Barber Baseball Basketball Beauty salon Beepers Bible School Bicycles Blinds Boats Bond/Stocks

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Books Bookkeeping Boys Clubs Broadcasting Brokers Builders Buses Cable TV Cameras Camping Crafts Credit Union Day Care Delivery Dentists Dermatologists Designers Detectives Diet Industry Direct Mail Disk Jockey Doctors Driving Range Dry Cleaners Dry Wall Education Electrician Engineering Entertainment

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Eye Care Fax Equipment Farming Film Industry Firemen Fishermen Florists Food Service Furniture Gardens Gift Shops Girls Clubs Golfing Government Graphic Arts Grocery Stores Gymnastics Hair Care Handicapped Handyman Hardware Health Clubs Health Insurance Hearing Aids Helicopters Pilots Hiking Hospitals Hotels

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Hunting • Ice Cream • Ice Skating • Income Tax • Insurance • Investments • Janitor • • Jewelry Judo • Karate • Kindergarten • Laundries • Lawn Care • Leather • Leasing • Libraries • Lighting • Livestock • Loans • Luggage • Lumber • Mail • Management • Manufacturing • Mathematics • Mechanics • Mental Health • Miniature Golf • Mobile homes • Mortgages • Motels • Motion Pictures •

Movie Theatres Museums Music Mutual funds Navy Newspapers Nurses Nutrition Office Machines Office Furniture Nurses Nutrition Office Machines Office Furniture Oil Changes Optometrists Orthodontist Painting Parking Parties Pediatricians Pedicures Pensions Perfume Personnel Pest Control Pets Pharmacies Phones Photography Physician Pianos

WHO ARE THE PEOPLE IN MY CELL PHONE? THAT I HAVE MET IN THE PAST? WHO DO I REALLY KNOW? WHO ARE THE PEOPLE IN YOR NEIGHBORHOOD? On a separate piece of paper, write down who you know. Don’t prejudge Everyone needs to improve their Health and can introduce you to others who need your product and opportunity. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• Plumbing • Podiatrist • Police • Pollution • Pools • Preschools • Printing Property Mgmt. • • Psychiatrists Psychologists • • Publishers • Racing • Radio • Railroad • Real Estate Rehabilitation • • Religion Rental agencies • • Reporters • Resorts • Rest Homes • Restaurant Rental agencies • • Reporters • Resorts • Rest Homes • Restaurant Roller Blading • • Roofing’

Safety Sales Sandblasting Satellites School Screen Printing Scuba Diving Secretaries Security Self Defense Sewing Sheetrock Shoe repair Siding Signs Singing Skating Skeet Shooting Skiing Skin Care Soccer Social Services Softball Software Spas Sporting goods Steam cleaning Stereos Stocks

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • Vending Surgeons • Veterans Surveyors • • Video T-Shirts • Volunteers Tailors • • Wallpaper Tanning • • Waste Salons • Watches Taxes • • Water Skiing Teachers • Weddings Telecom • Wine Telemarketing • • Woodworking Television • • Writing Tennis • • Zoos Theatres • A local business Therapists • owner Tile Layers • Is looking for Tires better nutrition • Title Company • Has an Tools entrepreneurial spirit • Towing • Has talked Townhouses about starting a • Training business Transmissions • Has said they • Trucking wanted to lose weight • Typesetting • Would you call • Unions if you needed help • Universities • Is fun to be Upholstery around or work with • Used Cars Vacuum Cleaners

Is a great sales person Is a determined individual Gets things done Is active in your church Is a trainer or consultant Do you respect a great deal Is in debt Could use retirement income Do you see at the gym Is popular inyour community Knows lots of others Do you play cards with Ex-Coworkers Is successful Is health conscious Is your spouse’s co-worker Is considered to be a leader

What to Do Next? These are following things that we can’t do for you. You need to figure this out for yourself and your time schedule. 1. Give yourself the first 28 days as a challenge to use the products. Challenge others interested in better health to join you. Use the 30 day money back guarantee to your advantage. Challenge yourself to commit to the regimen for 28 days and really evaluate how you’re changing and how you feel while on the products. We care about you and your loved ones taking this first step and you come first!! 2. During the 28 Day Challenge, make time to work on the Memory Jogger. It’s important for you to think about who to invite to your kickoff party and future tasting events. Helping you to connect to family, friends, co-workers, etc... is important to us. We can help with tips and tools to accomplish this task. 3. Put faces and names together. Meet with your executive board at least once during this 28 day challenge. Networking is important for many reasons, BUT the most is that we are about people first and foremost. ALL of the Executive Board members have friends and families that use the products. WE ALL Care about helping each other reach our goals. 4. Tools: Online tools are key in reaching out to other distributors. Many are members of Linked In, Facebook. Evite, Issue, Ning and much more. Learning about these online tools and reaching out for support is important. Who know, you may also reconnect with people you haven’t talked to in years. 5. Then think about YOR Business Plan. Think about... Scheduling YOR worktime. How many hour during the day or week do you plan on working for your business? Are there any meetings locally or hosted online? Get support through your board members, many have done this for a while.

What to Do Next? 6. Setting Goals: Income Goal

Position Goal

1 month

$ ___________/mo


3 months

$ ___________/mo


6 months

$ ___________/mo


12 months

$ ___________/mo


I will get _______ of my distributors to attend the National Conference on __________(date). The next YOR Reward Trip is to: _______________, and I must be at the ________________ position by ______________ (date) to qualify. The qualifications are ________ match points and ________ Copper legs. 1. Refer to compensation plan (long version) 2. Set targets above your goals 3. Write out your WHY for each goal. (there is empowerment in this step) 4. Post your goals where you can see them daily. Get pictures when you can 5. Attend advanced training so you can access the Double Diamond Strategy and tracking forms. 6. Stay Plugged In: 1. You are in charge of your own motivation 2. When you don’t need the meeting, the meeting needs you!!

Understand the Compensation Plan... Disclosure from Idumea Enterprises Inc. - YOR Health charges a 2% check writing fee up to $20.00 for all checks you will receive from them. It is not written in their compensation plan, nor any of their disclosure statements. BUT we at Idumea Enterprises Inc., an Independent Distributor of YOR Health, feel it is our responsibility to notify you of ANY differences that we find and are not upfront when joining the YOR Health team. READ THE FULL VERSION OF THE COMPENSATION PLAN!! We cannot stress enough that as a distibutor for YOR Health, needs to be able to talk about it with potential distributors and select customers. We don’t want anyone saying the did not know. Everything but the 2% check writing fee is fully written in the compensation plan and disclosures. As a new distributor, please call the YOR Health Customer Service Dept OR the person who sponsored you with questions.


We are looking for people to help us spread the word about health and nutrition!! Come join us an ambassadors for health and wellness and be on our Executive Board.

YOR Health Health and Nutrition Awareness Executive Board Team ________

Ambassador Program

This program is designed for helping all of us to spread the word about nutrition. This is a referral program, a recruiting program and a networking program all rolled into one. As a board, develop incentives to help with this program. Some boards use incentives such as: 1. once a quarter a trip to Las Vegas, NV 2. once a month, free container of MRP or Super Greens 3. pins or t-shirts 4. gift certificates 5. tickets to a musical or play The possibilities are endless. Leverage the collective assets of the Executive Board to see what is possible. The Ambassador Program outlines dierent goals that need to be accomplished. Each Executive Board will establish the protocols and goals for the program. There is no right or wrong way to do this. But it needs to meet a few goals... 1. Network select and retail customers to a support network - Executive Board needs to check in and make sure they undersand how the products work, if they are satisfied with the products and if there are any questions they can answer for them. 2. Encourage or provide incentives for select and retail customers to feel like they belong to something bigger than themselves by providing referrals and inviting connections to Kicko Parties and Tasting Events. Also invite them to YOR social events. There are picnics, beach parties, movie nights, club gatherings and much more. These are opportunites for long lasting connections to be made. 3. Reinforce the fact that people come first. This program is inclusive. Our friends and families are normally the first ones we talk to when we begin paths to new things. We want them to feel a part of the YOR family. As we want them to be.

Remember a few things.... 1. Get started using the products yourself. It is hard to talk about something you have no personal experience with. Become a product of the product. 2. Get people using the products. It does not matter if they buy just one product a month or an entire regimen. Get them started. Select Customers pay a one time $50.00 Lifetime membership fee which gets them discounts off the retail price. Get them on autoship and remember it’s PV to you. 3. Memory Jogger.. An invaluable tool to unlock connections to others 4. Learn from your Executive Board and contribute to them. It takes a villiage to make people successful in life. You would not be who you are today if it weren’t for the connections (villiage) that helped you along. 5. Ambassador Program - work with your board to get one started or if they have a program in place already, how it works. 6. Think of things you enjoy doing and invite people to join you. Many of us that create social YOR events do so with what we enjoy in mind. So if you like movies, make it an outing for all to attend. If you want to go to the beach, why go alone? Invite YOR new family to join you. There’s no reason to go out alone again... Unless you want to. There are times that’s necessary as well, but unless solitude is what you seek, invite others to take the journey with you.

References Love to Learn again... The best people in any business constantly update their knowledge by learning. These are just some suggestions and are certainly NOT the be all that end all list of resources. This is just to provide ideas to help get creative quickly. Regional and National YOR Health Events. Attending events makes you a better expert in the industry and within the company. Some recommended books: The Four Hour Workweek Rework The Mary Kay Way The Starbucks Experience: 5 Principles for Turning Ordinary Into Extraordinary McDonald’s: Behind The Arches These are just a few examples of what others are reading... It tells how marketing, business ownership, tools and tips of how companies have grown into empires. Videos: FOODMATTERS This video is very informative regarding the Truth About Nutrition. This is a great foundation for talking to others in regards to food. Brilliant Compensation: FREE: Free Conference Call Lines: Free Webinars:

References FREE Continued... Google Adwords: just type in these words, no www infront of it. Helps people find keywords most commonly used by consumers every day. Sign up is free. Then set up options for payment to advertise your business. It’s also a great free way to look into key words and phrases to set up your newsletters, blogs and other articles you may write to attact readers to you. YouTube: Great free tool to upload and watch videos. This is important to download or share stories about YOR Health and maybe even your testimonies. Xobni: This is inbox spelled backwards and will put your Outlook on steroids!! This is free for basic service and simply $29.95 for the full program. We like free, so we use it. Issue: Publish your documents for FREE!! Let your distributors download and share information like checkoff lists, online catalogs, signs, etc... Help them to get their business up and running. Ning: Ning is the social platform for the world’s interests and passions online. Millions of people every day are coming together across Ning to explore and express their interests, discover new passions, and meet new people around shared pursuits. GMAIL CUSTOMER DATA BASE: Free download for your email, the right-hand will display information about the sender. In this way you can easily figure out if you actually know the sender or not, and also help you to choice whether or not the industry he is employed in, has anything to do with yours.


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