2014 Crusader

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Volume 58 2013-2014

York College 1125 E 8th St York, NE 68467 www.york.edu (402) 363-5600

The York Experience


The Crusader 2013-14

Student Life, page 4 Organizations, page 40 Sports, page 66 People, page 88 Index, page 110


arah Van Deusen, Maegan Detlefs, Stephanie Wilson

Michaela and Lauren help move in a freshman, courtesy of YCM.

Kayli and Rileigh enjoy the opening days picnic.

YC’s first family visit at the tailgate party with Ana and Leslie.

Fresh Start Opening Days


he freshman experience can be a bit overwhelming as one sets foot on a college campus for the first time as a student. All the prep time and anticipation morphs into reality as the car(s) is quickly unloaded on a Wednesday morning and a residence hall becomes home in a matter of minutes. New beginnings, new friends, new schedules, a new home. Welcome to York College! It was a busy orientation schedule the first few days, including a c a d e m i c advising, campus tours, and getto-know-you sessions with

Student Association, club reps, and YC Campus Ministries. A cookout at President Eckman’s home, free bowling, a concert by alumni Josh Cleveland and Todd Truitt, and a soccer scrimmage accompanied by a tailgate party were among the evening activities. As returning students made their way back to campus on Saturday, freshmen were busy with service projects. With the help of Campus Ministries, Student Association, and some residence hall staff, orientation groups spent the day scraping and painting three houses in town. During the first week of classes, the town of York gave their own welcome with a community fair, which included free prizes and a picnic dinner on the courthouse lawn.

After the move into McCloud Hall, Devaunta Cuba gives a round of farewell hugs to his family. (above) Longtime friends, Beth Brock and Kelsey Dallimore, pose for what is sure to be a future YC brochure photo. (middle) As part of an annual orientation activity, freshmen groups went out into the community to paint houses. (top) Tyler, Kirill, Corey, Devan, Delaney, and Devaunta seem pleased with all the free stuff at the community fair downtown. (right)


Opening Days

Soren Tobey and Haley Brewster are ready for the year to begin.

Jordan and Bailey Kinney keep things light in the registration line.

Connor and Grant bring a good attitude to the service project.

RA’s Roberto Romero and Jacob Powell approve the menu.

Always in the moment, Matthew and Ana are genuinely excited.

Larsen Commons provided the perfect place for the move-in picnic. (above) Louba Lesly represents the soccer team’s goodwill during move-in. (left inset) Cody Henry models a yardstick he got at the community fair. (right inset)

The tailgate crowd enjoys the shade at the soccer game. (above) Courtney Lovelace and Molly Reyes paint a porch during freshman orientation. (right)


Shelby Terrell gets a hand from her friends.

Trevor Ramos and Katie Kynion enjoy their corn on the cob.

Something has Mayra, Heather, and Tiffany’s attention.

Kyle Bottom, Jake H a s e n a u e r, a n d J o e Teachout are entertained during the talent show.

Alyssa Becker, Ebony Carther, Emily Rivera, Mesha Ellison

Dylan Ford goes down fighting in the battle of the batons.

Happy faces are common place at the block party. (right) Louba Lesley gets a high five from Finn Ireland. (far right)

Keaton Holland, Kris Little, Rocco Cirelli

Danielle Berry, Aileen Edmonds, and Jensen Lessig cut up for the camera.


Opening Days

Casey Kaup, Pepe Marquez, Josh Knoll, and Seth Jacob looking stylish for the parade. (below)

Letting Loose, Havin’ Fun Food, Games, & A Parade


orn dogs, chicken strips, corn on the cob, chips... all part of the Sunday night Block Party hosted by YCM and Student Association. With ideal weather for the evening fellowship, the party once again occupied Kiplinger Avenue in front of the residence halls. To cap off a great evening, a student-organized talent show made the party complete. A few weeks later the students took to the streets again for the annual Yorkfest Parade, passing candy out to the bright-eyed

children that lined the sidewalks. Aside from volleyball being out of town for games, every possible athletic team was represented along with the Concert Choir and a scattering of faculty and staff. Around 200 students were involved, making the college’s entry the largest in the event. The parade provided a great venue for getting students out in the community and to show the college’s appreciation for all of the town’s support.

Oscar Marin, Carlos Arana, Bryan Magno, and Joe Madison put their best foot forward on behalf of the wrestling team. (above)

Led by the Concert Choir, York College had a great entry for the Yorkfest parade. (above) Arielle and Mia Thomas along with Anela Auala make great ambassadors for women’s soccer. (top) The women’s basketball team let loose and get silly as they prep for going downtown. (left)

Opening Days


Crazy Love Club Week

W Amanda Myers is a portrait of joy as she opens her Beta invite. (above)

hat goes around, comes around used to be a lot more prevalent with YC Club Week. The measure used by upperclassmen on their pledges would in turn be the measure given the following year. But that attitude has been replaced with one of close community as members of club, old and new, take part in the week-long bonding experience at the end of September. After a few weeks of getting to know some of the particulars of clubs and their members, freshmen and transfer students are able to pledge one that

The Beta ladies pride themselves in putting together some of the best cheers of the year for their men. (top)

they feel best fits their personality. The mail room on Monday morning ushers in Club Week with a flood of students anxious to know if they were drafted into their club of choice. The days to follow are filled with intense fellowship, friendly competition, abundance of fun, conversations around food, and a community service project. Every club strives to build relationships, while serving God and one another. In general, clubs provide a way for students to get involved on campus and build friendships that can last a lifetime. Omega Phi and Kingsmen line up for their coronation debut. (above)

Tyson Lewis

Bryce 8 Tyler looks to be enjoying his speed date.

Karlie Mountjoy and Eryn Jacobson approve of their makeover.

Delta gave their full support to Kyodai at the football game.

Matthew Gardner wonders if the rest of Kingsmen are sleeping in?

Nicole Gates, Kayli Rodriguez, Rileigh Lienemann, and Halie Ewing take selfies after the Theta Psi paintwar. (above) Siblings, Heidi and Levi Swenson, go a round in Sigma Tau and Theta Psi’s pillow fights. Beta and Koinonia hosted a speed date session to help break the ice. (right)

Zane Berner, Andrew Rush, Shelby Terrell

Grant Seufferlein gives a thumbs up to serving as Koinonia’s first pres.

Proud Delta newbies: Destiny Sandoval and Vanessa Rodriguez.

Kyodai plays an inner-club game due to the absence of Kingsmen.

Club Week


Alyssa Becker is pelted by flour as the men of Kyodai perform their number. (left) Andrew Rush likes what the Theta Psi foxes have to say. (below)

Esteemed Club Coronation


he Campbell Center hosted its first Coronation as the eight social clubs put forth their esteemed choice to honor for the year. Coordinated outfits, quickly choreographed moves, interpretive dances, and of course some sweet serenading were all part of the evening mix.

Chase Craddock once again served as emcee and relied on his assistant Parker Seilstad to run the music. The evening was full of entertainment and laughter as new club members put on a pedestal the chosen sweethearts and beaus for the year. Club Sweethearts: Koinonia - Briana Van Deusen Kyodai - Alyssa Becker Kingsmen - Linda Risinger Sigma Tau - Breanna Stewart Club Beaus: Beta - Caleb Clark Delta - Parker Seilstad Omega Phi - Nate Trumbo Theta Psi - Andrew Rush

Breanna Stewart seems pleased with the beginning of Sig Tau’s performance. (above)

With the ladies’ undivided attention, Parker Seilstad enjoys his new honor of Delta beau. (above)



Amelia Kynion, Molly Reyes, Darbi Klinkhammer, and Destiny Sandoval go the extra mile to impress. (left and right)

Caleb Clark likes the men/women ratio provided by Beta.

Jeff Cathey gets acrobatic in Koinonia’s production for Briana.

Alyssa Becker feels the love from her Kyodai brothers.

Andrew Rush seems right at home as the beau for Theta Psi.

Briana Van Deusen was adored in a special way by the men of Koinonia. (above) Kingsmen put their heart into it as they do their best to serenade Linda Risinger into her roll as sweetheart. (left and below)

Caleb Clark knows how to handle being the center of Beta’s attention. (above) Omega Phi ladies let Nate Trumbo know that he’s their man. (inset)



Rachquel Banducci finds something hilariously funny that Macy Mountjoy is saying.

Levi Swenson and Chloe Pittman enjoy their moment in the sun.

Matthew Miller, Kevin Ricketts, and Rocco Cirelli laugh as a passerby steps into some horse poop.

Under the direction of Dr. Roush the Concert Choir was impressive at Homecoming chapel.

The cast of Strange Boarders gave an incredibly funny performance over the weekend.



Chrystina Contreras celebrates women’s soccer Senior Day with Shandie Curtis. (right)

Court’s in Session Homecoming 2013


ork College welcomed several hundred guests to campus over its annual Homecoming and High School Days weekend, October 11-13. Alumni returned to campus to relive their great college memories, while prospective students and their families visited to see all that York College has to offer. The weekend included an alumni golf scramble, the fall theatre production of Strange Boarders, Athletic Hall of Fame induction of Dr. Roger Collins, alumni chapel, a choir concert, academic showcase, financial aid workshop, and several volleyball and soccer games.

At half-time of the men’s soccer game versus Presentation College, the YC Homecoming court paraded across the field. Homecoming Queen Breanna Stewart, a psychology major from Centennial, Colo., and King Caleb Connolly, a biology major from Sacramento, Calif., were crowned. Both women’s and men’s soccer teams saw a Homecoming victory on the field and the volleyball team won in four sets over Grace University.

Santiago Castano gives a corner kick during the men’s 4-0 win over Presentation College. (above) Students enjoy a beautiful Saturday afternoon to hang out at the Homecoming soccer game. (left) Troy Rowen, Kyle Svehla, Seth Olin, and Jameson Trauger show their Kyodai spirit. (right) Homecoming Court were senior candidates (l-r): Andrew Rush, Kenzie Witt, Troy Kelly, Breanna Stewart, Caleb Connolly, Jordan Kinney, Ryan Nelson, and Alyssa Becker; (back row) Juniors – Tyler Cox and Shelby Terrell; Sophomores – Levi Swenson and Chloe Pittman; Freshmen – Corey Holmes and Renee Wubbenhorst


Professor Harriman tries to recall his unbelievable story to his concerned friends. (left)

John Todd makes an attempt to convince Cordelia that she is heading for financial ruin. (right)

The Captain keeps Cordelia quiet when she learns there are criminals in the house. (inset)

Strange Boarders


he lighthearted theatre production of Strange Boarders was the perfect selection for Homecoming weekend. As quoted by Director John Baker—“just good clean fun.” Baker described the show as “cops and robbers, without the cops.” It was a hilarious good guys versus bad guys story, with elements of romance, comedy and suspense thrown in. Originally written in 1947, Baker says Strange Boarders has all of the tropes of that era: mysterious strangers, fedoras and dark suits, a bank heist, and a reward for capture of the bad guys as motivation for some quick thinking do-gooders. Leading lady Briana Van Deusen described her character as eccentric, artistic, and optimistic. As the operator of a boarding house, Cordelia is determined to make it on her own and won’t accept the marriage proposal of a determined suitor until she’s proven her independence. Cordelia’s main flaw is her propensity to trust people a little too much. When she ends up housing some thieves disguised as schoolteachers followed soon by gangsters and thugs, Cordelia learns that while independence is important, you’ve got to rely on your friends when things get dicey. Smiley plays a song on the piano for his hostage, Glory. (below)

Everyone tries to act normal, in a very abnormal situation. (above)


Homecoming Theatre

Professor Harriman is caught off guard by Joey’s questions. (left)

Candy proclaims her love for Lon Dagget with an... interesting poem. (left) Amity and Priscilla pray before a meal, but Glory can’t help sneak a bite. (right) Boston Benny is really good at making tough guy speeches to a dress dummy. (right) It’s not a difficult task for Smiley to keep Cordelia and Amity away from each other. (left) Lon and Candy almost share a first kiss, before rudely being interrupted. (right) Susie asks Cordelia about the strange boarders she‘s been hearing about. (below)

Cast in order of appearance:

Strange Boarders Cast: (1st row): Danielle Berry, Shelby Jordan; (2nd row) Dylan Ford, Briana Van Deusen, Nolan Henningson, Jameson Trauger; (3rd row) Brinna Horvath, Bethany Miller, Parker Seilstad, Caleb Smith, Caleb Clark, Darreon Collins, Bryce Tyler, Jasmine Agee, Laurel Simpson

Cordelia ....................... Briana Van Deusen Candy .............................. Jasmine Agee Glory ................................... Shelby Jordan Professor Harriman ...... Jameson Trauger Captain Winkle ...................... Dylan Ford John Todd .............. Nolan Henningson Lon Daggett .......................... Bryce Tyler Boston Benny ..................... Caleb Clark The Deacon .................. Parker Seilstad Smiley ............................ Caleb Smith Joey ............................ Darreon Collins Amity Haines ................ Brinna Horvath Priscilla Haines ........... Bethany Miller Myrtle Hode ................ Laurel Simpson Susie ...................... Danielle Berry Assistant Director ........ Morgan Goracke Director ...................... John I. Baker III

Production Crew: Stage Manager—Morgan Goracke; Stage Crew— Caroline Seilstad, Kacey Fatuch; Light Operator— Troy Rowen; Sound Operator—Drew Leonard; Set Design—John Baker; Set Dressing—Courtney Baker; Costume Mistress—Lauren Post; Set Construction—John Baker, Morgan Goracke, Courtney Ann Baker, Ryan Nelson, Brianna Bailey, Danielle Berry, Troy Rowen, Caleb Smith, Lauren Post, Soren Tobey, Jordan Leis, Nolan Henningson, Caroline Seilstad, Casey Kinnison, Bryce Tyler, Darreon Collins, Leslie Galindo, Bailey Kinney, Matthew Martin; Backdrop—Bethany Miller; Violin Coach—Brianna Bailey; Logo Design—Courtney Baker; Head Ushers—Kyle Svehla; Box Office— Ali Wallgren Linstad, Natalie Ostrander, Leslie Galindo

Strange Boarders


Aaron Conyers and Eryn Jacobson are about as tough as you can get.

Karsyn Maya and Molly Bartee went as Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy.

At Beta and Koinoina’s party, Haley fills Lindsey’s mouth with whip cream.

The Wessels barn provides a great place for a two-steppin’ hoedown during Autumn Fest. (above)

Omega Phi and Kingsmen reflect on what makes a good party.

Sam Mwago, Danielle Bowlby, Ana Moyers, Kayla Durham

Omega Phi’s Operational Christmas Child had another successful year.


Special Occasions

The women’s soccer team put together their own Christmas party to celebrate the season. (above)

S k e t c h y Tu e s d a y is one of those “holidays” that it’s sometimes better to sleep through chapel. (right)

Seasonal Celebrations


Patricia Robinson, Leilani Roman, Laura Morrill, Erika Garcia, Karsyn Maya, Molly Bartee, Jacob Gibson, Joel Morien, Justin McQuiddy, Bryce Ballard, Lucas Anderson, Macy Mountjoy

ll work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, or in the case of a YC student, you need some fun down time to make up for all the book learnin’ that goes on. Built into the fall semester are several of those “let loose” events that gets everyone into the spirit of the moment and forget their worries for a while. SA’s Halloween Party and the soccer teams’ Sketchy Tuesday seem to feed the need to go crazy with the wardrobe and just be silly. Costumes range from the deranged and offbeat to the classic and creative productions. Whatever the style, participants seem to enjoy the comic relief and that everyone’s in the moment together. This was the second year

for Autumn Fest hosted by Student Association at the Wessels Living History Farm. Complete with pumpkin decorating, hay rides, lots of food, and some interesting twosteppin’ moves in barn, the evening proved to be therapeutic and a great time away from studies. As the semester came to a close, there were several Christmas events on c a m p u s that gave students the opportunity to think of others and make the most of their friendships and blessings.

Danielle Berry, Tiffany Shimp, and Tiffany Cole won the Halloween costume contest with their life-size versions of toy soldiers. (top) Levi Swenson, Bailey Kinney, Ebony Carther, Adiana Loya, and Darrien Gomez think Autumn Fest at the Wessels Living History Farm is awesome!. (middle) Jordan Suter, Chris Bottini, and Caleb Connolly make a fashion statement. (inset) Beth Brock, Sierra Trower, Dalton Bergstrom, and Forrest Burr enjoy the treats. (left)


In Memoriam ONE ACTS Dianne Arnett .......... Beth Brock Brad Kessler ...............Rocco Cirelli Holmes .................... Parker Seilstad Dr. Marvin Whitby ................ Caleb Clark Miss Amanda Carter ........... Caris Clark Tony Patrillo ................ Jameson Trauger Stage Manager ...................... Matthew Miller Assistant Director ................Patrick Clark Director ....................... Jasmine Agee

Brad Kessler tries to act tough to impress Dianne Arnett. (above)

The three men wonder what and who it is that would have brought them all together on the island. (above)

The victims of Brad Kessler’s past watch as he swims to his demise. (left)

Holmes refuses to tell the suspicious group who invited them to the island. (left)

Amanda, played by Caris Clark, is poisoned and is one of the first to die. (left)

Bethany clearly doesn’t enjoy shouting for her son’s girlfriend who is... hard of hearing. (left)

Laurence is furious when his mother breaks one of his glass drink stirrers. (below)

Tom brings the audience to the realization that this is not just a comedy, but a serious play as well. (above) The impressive collection of individually named glass stirrers. (below)

For Whom the ONE SouthernACTS Belle Tolls Amanda ...................... Bethany Miller Laurence .................. Martin Callen Ginny .................... Danielle Berry To m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J e r o m e Ta y l o r Assistant Director ................. Aileen Edmonds Director ............................... Lauren Post



The cast of Eisegsis take a bow after their performance. (left) Morgan, Lauren, and Jasmine learned what it takes to be a director of play. (right) Josh and Caroline try to get Nolan to cooperate. (middle)



Halsworth must search his past, recounting memories of his girlfriend Danielle, to uncover the reasons for his imprisonment. (above)

Eisegesis ONE ACTS Arnold Halsworth ...... Nolan Henningson Danielle Rittman ............. Brinna Horvath Man 1 .......................... Josh Kountz Man 2 ..................... Caroline Seilstad Assistant Director.................. Troy Rowen Director ............... Morgan Goracke

he York College Theater Department presented the annual Emerging Director One-Acts the weekend of November 15 and 16. The plays were the capstone projects of theatre major directors Jasmine Agee, Lauren Post, and Morgan Goracke. The student directors were busy during the semester selecting a script, designing the set and costumes, auditioning and coaching a cast, and all of the thousand small details that go into directing a show. It’s a hands-on lesson that has an immediate and practical impact on the theatre majors’ education. In Memoriam, directed by Agee, is a thriller about five people who have all been invited to a castle on an island. Cast members soon realize that they have all been invited by different people but all have one thing in common: murder. As the guests start disappearing, the audience moved to the edge of their seats, wondering who the real killer could be. For Whom the Southern Belle Tolls, directed by Post, is a parody of the classic The Glass Menagerie. The fading Southern belle, Amanda, tries to prepare her hyper-sensitive son, Lawrence, for “the feminine caller.” Terrified of people, Lawrence plays with his collection of glass cocktail stirrers. Ginny, the feminine caller, is hard of hearing and overbearingly friendly. Brother Tom wants to go the movies, where he keeps meeting sailors who need to be put up in his room. Amanda tries to face everything with “charm and vivacity,” but sometimes she just wants to hit somebody. Eisegesis, directed by Goracke, follows the story of Mr. Arnold Halsworth who wakes to find himself trapped alone in a mysterious prison cell, enclosed not by walls and doors but by a bizarre otherworldly void. While he attempts to reason through his situation, two strange men enter from the nothingness and overpower Mr. Halsworth, presenting him with a staggering accusation: that he is humanity’s most heinous criminal. Caroline insists that the confused Nolan must put on the futuristic helmet.(left)



Grand Finale Food and Fellowship


s each semester comes to a close, food and fellowship seem to take a higher priority among the students. Whether it’s pre-finals breakfast, an ice cream social, Campus Ministries pancake feed, or just getting together with those in your inner circle, those final moments with friends aren’t to be wasted. Faculty and staff step up their involvement outside the classroom to help bring some of these special times into play and to wish students the best in a great finish to their studies.

Breakfast photos by Eryn Jacobson

Dr. Louise Bailey and Catherine Seufferlein dish out the hot breakfast for students. (above)

photos by Aaron Beadle

Hannah Sheldon, Chelcie Holloway, Macy Mountjoy, and Emily Meranda actually use the pre-finals breakfast time to study. (right)

Trevor Ramos goes all in as he devours his breakfast bacon.


Food & Fellowship

Brinna Horvath feels something isn’t right as DeVon King creeps into her comfort zone.

Chef Lucas Anderson donned on his caped crusader apron for YCM’s yearend pancake feed.

Aaron Beadle and Bryce Tyler put on their cool pose with their double stack of dessert.

It’s a mixed bag with this table in posing for the camera.

Matt Madole and Greg Smith bring a smile to their service.

Briana Van Deusen, Seth Walker, and Shelby Jordan put their food choices on display. Ighor Tavares, Kaycee Morphew, and Anela Auala enjoy a hearty breakfast while occasionally glancing at their notes for finals. (above)

As always, Sketchy Tuesday drew out many interesting and creative looks: some funny, some creepy, and thanks to the men’s soccer team, some just plain awkward. (above) Zane Berner and Randy Lewis have fun with their backwoods look. (right)

photo by Tiffany Shimp

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.

These gals know the proper way to eat ice cream. Larry Good, Tracey Wyatt, and Deb DiToro 21 serve in the holiday spirit. (left)

Karlie, Eryn, and Chloe head out to the retreat with anticipation.

An active worship song is just what these guys need to warm up.

Morgan Moore and Courtney Lovelace enjoy the speaker.

Season of Renewal Shine Retreat


hen it comes time for spiritual renewal and fellowship for YC students, there’s nothing better than the mid-winter Shine Retreat. Away from the daily distractions of campus, the escape to Timberlake Ranch is an annual mecca for those seeking rejuvenation and a break from the routine. Willie Sanchez and the campus ministry staff did a terrific job in organizing the getaway, utilizing the talents of several faculty and staff as group leaders. Derek Lambert came over once again from Lincoln to lead the worship

times. YC alumnus Josh Cleveland pulled double duty during the retreat as both a keynote speaker and musician. Students got a lot out of what he had to say and his acoustic concert highlighted the entertainment portion of the time on the ranch. There were no shortage of activities at the ranch with card games, basketball, volleyball, and paintball available during free time. Helping in the kitchen, vegging out, catching up on sleep, and the occasional work on a course assignment were all part of scene. Dylan, Daniel, Cameron, and Caleb take a stroll through the woods. (above) Besides being a keynote speaker, Josh Cleveland came ready to play as he entertained with an acoustic concert. (left)

DeVon King, Corey Holmes, and Jacob Wilson listen intently. (right)


Shine Retreat

Willie Sanchez prays with Tim Lewis for God’s blessing on his talk.

Bryce Tyler looks surprised by the camera, but it’s really all an act.

Conversation over food is certainly the norm at the Shine Retreat.

Caris Clark found the local pig a perfect companion for conversation.

A game of “killball” seems to always be in the mix.

Derek Lambert leads retreaters in a praise song that gets their blood flowing. (above) It doesn’t get much better than a hand in hand walk with a friend after a winter snowfall. (far left) Amber Parker and Kaycee Morphew pause from their game to give attitude for the pic. (left)

Shine Retreat


Captions – top to bottom: Joan tells her son Brien she sees no point in him going to war. (top left) Drew illustrates how to properly put out a fire. (left)

Frikker tells Judith that if she doesn’t help make the bombs, her friends will lose their jobs. (above) Joan takes revenge for her son’s death by killing a German soldier. (below)

Daniel plays an Aussie soldier who makes advances towards Briana. (below)

Bryce offers Brinna her best option at finding relief. (left)



Directed by John I. Baker III Assisted by Bethany Miller

Angie prays for forgiveness for taking her own life. (bottom left)

Judith......................................................Morgan Goracke Frank/Frikker................................................Nolan Henningson Angie..............................................................Jasmine Agee Tom...................................................................Parker Seilstad Joan/A Student.................................................Danielle Berry Lucy/J.C. Smuts................................................Laesha Yeager Angie’s Soldier/Alister/Owen/Schoolchild/Boy........Bryce Tyler Mr. Mann/Bus Driver........................................Drew Leonard Aussie Soldier/A Man......................................Daniel Magner Mr. Briggs, Sir Charles, Headmaster....................Caleb Clark Mrs. Briggs/Mrs. Hilyard/Old Woman....................Lauren Post Nelly/Mira/Young Girl ......................................Brinna Horvath Viv/Foreman/A Young Woman...........Briana Van Deusen Bela/Photographer...............................................Ali Linstad Sheila/A Mother/Schoolchild.............................Shelby Jordan Brien/Flag Soldier/ German Pilot/Bela’s Soldier...Jameson Trauger Body/Schoolchild/A Sister............................Natalie Ostrander

The Headmaster instructs his students how to act like “good” Britains, and not “bad” Germans. (below)

2013-14 YC Theatre Awards Best Actor ...................................... Caleb Clark—Jack in the Beanstalk Best Actress ............................. Briana Van Deusen—Strange Boarders Best Actress ................................................... Morgan Goracke—Front Best Supporting Actor ..................................... Parker Seilstad—Front Best Supporting Actress ..................................... Jasmine Agee—Front Best Assistant Director ................................... Bethany Miller—Front Best Assistant Director .............. Morgan Goracke—Strange Boarders Best Technical Crew .......................................................... Troy Rowen Best Actor in a One-Act ....................... Nolan Henningson—Eisegesis Best Actress in a One-Act .......................... Brinna Horvath—Eisegesis Most Improved Actor .................................................... Danielle Berry Drama Department Appreciation Award ................... Aileen Edmonds Friend of the YC Drama Department ........................ Dr. Clark Roush



Judith and Tom get the fateful letter, saying that Frank has died in service for his country. (above) Judith and Frank share a final moment together before he leaves for the war. (right inset) Production Crew

Stage Manager—Caleb Clark; Stage Crew—Ryan Nelson; Light Operator—John W. Baker; Sound Operator—Ali Linstad; Spot Light Operator—Natalie Ostrander; Set Design—John I. Baker III; Master Electrician—John W. Baker; Costume Mistress—Aileen Edmonds; Set Construction—John I. Baker III, Jasmine Agee, Courtney Baker, Morgan Goracke, Danielle Berry, Brianna Bailey, Caleb Smith, Chrystal Prawl, Daniel Magner, Bethany Miller, Danielle Deal, Lauren Post, Dylan Ford, Caleb Clark, Nolan Henningson, Aaron Rhodebeck; English Consultant—Joshua Fullman; Medical Consultant—Dr. Gregory Woods; Clinical Consultant—Leslie Deal; Logo Design—Courtney Baker; Head Ushers—Kyle Svehla, Parker Seilstad; Box Office—Megan Salfrank, Danielle Berry, Amy Pawlus

et in England during the Blitz, the compelling WWII drama Front reveals the untold stories of a number of individuals and families who must come to terms with war and the horrors and tragedies it creates. This includes Judith (Morgan Goracke) a proud matriarch, who works in a factory that makes bomb detonators; her missing husband, Frank; and their two children, Angie and Tom, who are forced to grow up much too quickly. “These women had to go from being homemakers to being bomb makers and breadwinners. The show is about their struggle to find hope in the midst of darkness,” Morgan said. There were humorous and light-hearted moments in this poignant show, described as a drama with heart. The message of the production is overcoming tragedy and learning “how to create a new normal when everything has changed.” A number of other war-torn individuals are also profiled, most of them women who have been left behind as their brothers, husbands, and sons have gone off to fight. An interesting element of this production was the involvement of the show’s author, Robert Caisley. Caisley was in contact with cast members and director John I. Baker III frequently as they prepared for the show, answering questions and giving insight into the production as he had envisioned it. Angie is overcome by the serious injury sustained by her soldier. (left)

Spring Theatre Production


Vision Trek A Walk in the Woods


ork College Vision Trekkers spent a week of spring break trekking over 30 miles through the Ozark mountains of southeast Missouri...sharing experiences, devotionals, and weather ranging from 70’s and sunny to 20’s and rainy, along with some snow showers.

After a seven-year break from Vision Trek, Dr. Shane Mountjoy decided it was once again time to introduce students to the wild. The trip left soar muscles, ruined clothes, and many blisters in its wake, but also new friendships, memories, and bonds that far outweighed the physical pain. This was not an experience to miss.

Asher Palomo, Tim Aragon, Mayra Urrutia, Morgan Tackett, Devaunta Cuba, and Josh Kountz get some laughter in before a game of cards. (above) Lucas Anderson, Brady Sikes, and Devaunta Cuba take a rest break at a bridge on their way to a lake. (right)

Ana Moyers sets the pace for the day’s hike ahead.


Vision Trek

Lucas Anderson can’t help but question Rock Hound’s sanity, as he stares at his collection.

Amber Clark joins Macy Mountjoy, while she enjoys a delicious bag of Gorp.

Near, far, wherever they were, you could always find Tim Aragon and Mayra Urrutia doing goofy things.

Amber Clark takes the little down time she has to enjoy the lake.

Ana Moyers and Shannon Leinen prepare the trekker’s meal for the night: Tuna Helper.

The group takes a moment to prepare for a small water crossing. (above)

Kellan Goben, Tim Aragon, and Shane Mountjoy plan the route for the rest of the group.

After a week on the trail, the vision trekkers finally make it to their final destination.

2014 TREKKERS: Macy Mountjoy – Strider, Shane Mountjoy – Standing Bear, Ana Moyers – Mountain Song, Shannon Leinen – Mother Lion, Josh Kountz – Rock Hound, Asher Palomo – Scout, Amber Clark – Moonbeam, Lucas Anderson – Steadfast, Tim Aragon – Running Water, Mayra Urrutia – Kicking Bird, Brady Sikes – Phoenix, Kellan Goben – Red Stag, Morgan Tackett – Sunshine, Devaunta Cuba - Strongback (above) The group hits the trail one last time before returning to civilization. (right)

Vision Trek


Troy Rowen gets mobbed by the Delta groupies as he air-drums Welcome to the Jungle.

Brittany Marceau and Chelcie Holloway take center stage in Theta Psi and Sig Tau’s production.

Robert Perez, Darreon Collins, and the men of Sigma Tau put together some slick moves in their awardwinning production Severe Weather Warning.

Delta and Kyodai were in sync as they moved to the beat of Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride. (left) Koinonia and Beta’s Magic Show began with a great pyro moment that wowed the audience.

Kingsmen and Omega Phi wrap up their production with their finale hit Summer Nights.



Everyone is in formation as Beta and Koinonia perform Abracadabra. (below)

Showdown Songfest 2014


he 37th annual Songfest production was once again a crowd pleaser as about a fourth of the student body put their lives on hold during the spring semester to bring the Campbell Center to life. Under the direction of Mrs. Amy Fraser, months of planning, designing, creating, and rehearsing went into the threenight event with its closing finale on Saturday night of the High School Days weekend. Brianna Bailey, Haley Brewster, Nicole Gates, Nolan Henningson, Drew Leonard, and Matthew Miller played host to the production and were a wonderful compliment to the club shows. Delta Chi Alpha and Kyodai went safari style as they did a mix of tunes from Around the World while Beta Beta Sigma and Koinonia pulled out all the

tricks and dazzled the audience with a great Magic Show. Though few in number Omega Phi and Kingsmen entertained with their rendition of Summertime, and Theta Psi and Sigma Tau brought the curtains down with a Severe Weather Warning production. After Saturday night’s performance, clubs anxiously awaited with the audience to hear the judges’ tally of their three-night production. Sigma Tau and Theta Psi swept the year’s awards for Best Music, Best Costumes, Best Choreography, and Best Theme, earning them the 2014 President’s Award.

Slytheran’s Sarah Van Deusen and Gryffindor’s Quin Johnson battle for supremacy in Beta and Koinonia’s Magic Show. (top) Matthew Miller goes Sinatra with Somewhere Beyond the Sea. (above) Nicole, Haley, and Brianna put together a heart stopper My Love in the first act. (left)

Brianna Bailey won the crowd over with her impressive solo Next to Me.

In the second act Matthew, Drew, and Nolan performed the trio Seven Bridges Road.

Toby Lewis makes a cameo in Theta Psi and Sigma Tau’s Walkin’ on Sunshine.

Dana Penze and Tehia Goben know that there ain’t no cure for the Summertime Blues.



Andrew Rush

Caleb Clark

Cameron Holmes and Jasmine Agee emceed the production with style.



Songfest Production Crew Director Amy Fraser Co-Producer Dr. Shane Mountjoy Co-Producer Catherine Seufferlein Co-Technical Director John I Baker III Co-Technical Director John W Baker Asst. Technical Director Morgan Goracke Lighting Director Aaron Rhodebeck

Spot light operator Dylan Ford Spot light operator Kacey Fatuch Spot light operator Michaela Hartman Stage Manager Danielle Berry Backstage Supervisor Jared Stark Emcee Mentor/ICC Sponsor Jeff Finch Stage Crew/ICC President Chase Craddock House Manager Ross Anderson

SONGFEST ’14 Emcees — Jasmine Agee and Cameron Holmes



Wake Me Up — Hosts and Hostesses

Africa — Hosts and Hostesses



Delta Chi Alpha and Kyodai

Omega Phi and Kingsmen

Landslide — Nolan Henningson Put Your Records On — Nicole Gates She’s Got A Way — Drew Leonard

The Call — Haley Brewster Seven Bridges Road — Drew, Matthew, Nolan Next To Me — Brianna Bailey



Beta Beta Sigma and Koinonia

cover by Laurel Simpson

Beyond The Sea — Matthew Miller My Love — Brianna, Haley, Nicole

DELTA/KYODAI: Holiday, What a Wonderful World, Around the World, Viva Las Vegas, Kokomo, Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride, Welcome to the Jungle, La Bamba, Waka Waka, Walk Like an Egyptian, Rasputin, Genovia, On the Floor, Vacation BETA/KOINONIA: Hedwig’s Theme, Razzle Dazzle, Oh Ho Ho It’s Magic, *Magic in the USA, Everything is Not What it Seems, **Magic Bunny, ***I’m Magic, I Put A Spell On You, This Magic Moment, Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic, Abracadabra, Applause, Magic (parodies: *Party in the USA, **Boyfriend, ***I Love It) OMEGA PHI/KINGSMEN: School’s Out, In the Summertime, Surfin USA, Knee Deep, Soak Up the Sun, Pontoon, Summertime Blues, Summer Nights THETA PSI/SIGMA TAU: Thunderstruck, Here Comes the Sun, Walking on Sunshine, Sunshine Day, Pocketful of Sunshine, Steal My Sunshine, Have You Ever Seen the Rain, It Will Rain, Come Clean, It’s Raining Men, Umbrella, Rock You Like a Hurricane

Theta Psi and Sigma Tau Pompeii — Hosts and Hostesses Safe And Sound — Finale Cast

Inset photos (l-r): Laesha Yeager makes a point; Nolan and Haley sing a duet during the opening number; Delaney Woods shows off her magic skills; Walk Like an Egyptian takes form; A memorable moment in It’s Raining Men.



Harp visits with the children before the show is underway,

To the dismay of Bessy, Frihol makes Jack an offer he can’t refuse.

With Giant in hot pursuit, Jack chops down the beanstalk.

Rafe Heywood’s greedy schemes come to light early in the play.

Jack and the Beanstock

Traveling Children’s Theatre


he story of Jack and the Beanstalk is one of the classics of children’s theatre. The famous fairy tale is full of magic and centers on Jack, a boy who is sent to town to sell the family cow. On the way, he encounters a mysterious woman who offers him some magic beans for the animal. Jack agrees to the deal, but when he returns home, his mother scolds him and throws the beans out the window. In the morning, Jack finds a beanstalk that has grown up in full view of the audience, and he can not resist climbing it. Up in the Giant’s house, above the clouds, Jack is nearly caught in a breathtaking chase over the stage, and escapes only with the help of the Giant’s wife. Then as Jack climbs toward home, there is a beautiful and magnificent scene on the beanstalk, where the Man in the Moon tests his courage. Jack CAST

Jack......................................................Brinna Horvath Widow Bess (Jack’s Mother).................Laurel Simpson Giant........................................................Caleb Clark Giant’s Wife.............................................Brianna Bailey Frihol.......................................Briana Van Deusen Man in the Moon/Annot..........................Dylan Ford Ralphetta Heywood............................Bethany Miller Bossy/Joan....................................Shelby Jordan Harp............................................Danielle Berry Nicholas/Goose............................Jameson Trauger Old TYB.........................................Morgan Goracke Gavin..............................................Drew Leonard Asst. Director/Stage Manager..........Morgan Goracke Director........................................John I. Baker III

PRODUCTION CREW Stage Crew: Kacey Fatuch Logo Design & Set Painting: Courtney Baker Costumes Construction: Ruth Carlock, Leaf Moore, Amy Fraser, Danielle Berry, Louise Bailey, Carla Breninger, Charla Stark


Jack and the Bean Stock

proves his mettle by finding a way not only to rescue the Giant’s wife, but also to save his own mother from Rafe Heywood’s greedy schemes. And when he finally chops down the beanstalk — with the Giant on it — the audience is jubilant. The cast of thirteen York College students performed their show more than 20 times over the course of the spring semester in Nebraska and Colorado. This was John Baker’s 17th season directing the YC production.

2014 Traveling Children’s Theatre March 4 March 6 March 18 March 20 March 21 March 21 March 22 March 25 March 27 April 1 April 5 April 8 April 10 April 11 April 12 April 15 April 17 April 22 April 24 April 25 April 29 May 1

Humann Elementary St. Paul’s Lutheran Elem. Heartland Elementary Ogallala Elementary Longmont School, CO Loveland CofC, CO His Hands Ministry, CO Osceola Elementary Hampton Elementary. High Plains Elementary. YC High School Days Emanuel Lutheran Thayer Central Gurganus – York Community Seward Library Giltner Elementary Filmore Central Elementary McCool Junction Centennial Elementary Nebraska City Friend Elementary York Elementary

Goose gives Widow Bess the money she needs to pay her outstanding debts. (left)

Goose finds Giant’s friendliness to close for comfort.

Dylan Ford’s performance as The Man in the Moon was priceless.

It’s apparent that the villagers aren’t very supportive of Jack and Widow Bess. (right)

Furious with everything that has gone on behind his back, Giant goes off on a tirade. (above) The Giant’s wife has the opportunity to kill Jack but just can’t bring herself to do such an awful thing. (left)

Traveling Children’s Theatre


2013-14 Club Awards Academic Excellence Award – Theta Big Heart Award – Omega Community Service Award – Beta All Sports Award – Kyodai & Delta Even going stag to banquet, Caleb Clark is always stylin’.

Amber, Brittany, Brenna, and Macy discover their true calling.

Roommates Troy Kelly and Brady Sikes pose with a Moose substitute.

Tim, Mayra, Morgan, and Asher enjoy the evening’s festivities.

President Eckman wheels Leo Miller up to receive his gift for 20 years. Whether it’s that special someone like Jasmine Agee and Daniel Magner or good friends like Amanda Myers and Grant Seufferlein, banquet is a wonderful opportunity to get close. (insets)


All-College Banquet

The buffet spread was once again full of great choices and was complimented with the traditional varieties of cheesecake. (above) Kyodai and Delta combine for a group photo and proudly display their All Sports Awards. (right)

Drew Geiger, Sara Geiger, Jason Lloyd, Collin Tucker, Andrew Aragon, Tierney Gensler, Carrie Berzins, Ashley Kuehl

Year-End Celebration

Table 20 agrees that sitting with friends makes the occasion even better. (below)

All-College Banquet


t was a special night of dressing up and taking a short road trip to McCool Junction as SA hosted the annual All-College Banquet at the Stone Creek Event Center. As always, the menu items in the buffet were abundant and delicious, topped with a tough decision of cheesecake options. During dessert, an entertaining slide show of the year was shown. Chase Craddock, ICC President, kicked off the honors for the evening with the club awards followed by Todd Sheldon recognizing years of employment among faculty and staff. Dr. Ray Miller headed the esteemed list with his milestone benchmark of 30 years. Others honored were Brent Magner - David and Nellie Reppart Service Award, Susan Van Deusen – Mr. and Ms. YC Candidates: (1st row) Phillip Sean Carroll, General Studies – Johnstown, MO, Andrew Rush, Business Communication – York, NE, Evan Stanger, Psychology – Milwaukee, WI; (2nd row) Mallory Sansom, Biology – Baldwin City, KS, Amber Clark, Business Administration – Appleton, WI, Macy Mountjoy, Biblical Studies – York, NE, Mayra Urrutia, Accounting – Commerce City, CO, and Jordan Kinney, Psychology – Council Bluffs, IA.

Staff Member of the Year, and Christi Lones – Faculty Member of the Year. The grand finale of the program was the presentation of Mr. and Ms. York College for 2013-14. YC faculty and staff make the selection for this award from among graduating seniors, using leadership, involvement, academic performance and personality as the criteria. Honors this year went to York natives and second-generation YC students Andrew Rush and Macy Mountjoy.

SA President Tyler Cox with Staff Member of the Year, Susan Van Deusen. (right)

YORK COLLEGE EMPLOYEES HONORED: Faculty Member of the Year — Christi Lones Staff Member of the Year — Susan Van Deusen David & Nellie Reppart Service Award — Brent Magner 30 Years — Dr. L. Ray Miller 25 Years — Ruth Carlock 20 Years — Leo Miller 15 Years — Bobby DeHart, Bob Gaver, Chad Karcher, and Chris Luther 10 Years — Trent Hinton, Dr. Billy Lones, Christi Lones, Brian Walth, and Sylvia Warren 5 Years — Delton Deal, Nick DiToro, Rose Miller, Tori Rath, and Jaclyn Smith

Mr. & Ms. YC


Shannen BethanyKryfka, FieldsBrenna gets aJohnson, high five for Amber Mallory Sansom a job Clark, well done.

class of 2014 Emily Lutz is all smiles as she is hooded by her mom. (above) YC perennial student, Aaron Beadle, relishes his moment of fame and loud applause. (left) Mayra Urrutia gets a hug from her nieces and nephew after graduating Summa Cum Laude in accounting. (right)



Ana Moyers’ selfie with President Eckman was planned to perfection.

Parker Seilstad embraces the president after receiving his diploma.

Roberto Perez returns the smile as he receives his diploma.

2014 Graduates: Rebecca Agler***, Jeremiah Ahart, Lucas Anderson, Tim Aragon, Nicole Ashton*, Karissa Austin, Bryce Ballard, Aaron Beadle, Alyssa Becker***, Tristian Birch, Matthew Blaemire, Ashley Bolm**, Chasta Bonifas**, Jaynie Brautman, Dylan Brewer*, Michael Buffalo, Shaylee Carlock*, Isidro Carrizoza, Jr., Daniella Carroll, Sean Carroll**, Joanna Carver**, Sandy Chang*, Matthew Cimmino, Amber Clark***, Caleb Clark, Tiffany Cole***, Darreon Collins, Garrett Cote, Chase Craddock*, Tabatha Cramer, Danny Cunningham, Jordan Cunningham*, Samantha Dixon, Kayla Durham, Megan Eberle***, Bethany Fields*, Mitchell Fletcher, Dylan Ford*, Joeseph Garcia, Jessie Griffith, Peter Hansen, Jennifer Hardesty*, Eric Howard***, Christina Hubl, Andrew Johnson, Brenna Johnson***, Marcus Johnson, Jordan Kinney**, Justine Kodesh*, Thomas Korn, Jordan Leis, Sara Lincoln***, Jaquar Lovett, Adiana Loya, Emily Lutz**, Maicey Madden, John Machisic, Joe Madison, Daniel Magner, Bryan Magno, David Maple, Kayla Martin, Callie McCoy, Jacob McCoy, Macy Mountjoy***, Ana Moyers**, Jared Munoz, Alaia Navratil**, Ryan Nelson, Joshua Nuyten**, Kris Olson**, Amen Osayande, Amber Parker, Roberto Perez, Sarah Pope, Lauren Post, Trevor Ramos, Kevin Ricketts, Linda Risinger, Sydney Roseke**, Andrew Rush***, Mallory Sansom***, Parker Seilstad, Abdul Sesay*, Tiffany Shimp, Ryne Smith***, Evan Stanger, Breanna Stewart***, Kameryn Towell***, Carson Tuttle, Mayra Urrutia***, Briana Van Deusen, Susan Van Deusen*, Andre Vaughn, Kyle Wichman, Kenzie Witt *Cum Laude - GPA of 3.40 or higher **Magna Cum Laude - GPA of 3.60 or higher ***Summa Cum Laude - GPA of 3.85 or higher

Seniors sing in the Concert Choir for their final performance.

Karlie Mountjoy takes a selfie with Alaia Navratil.

Dr. Jackie Spivey and Cara Kroeker celebrate with Joe Madison.

Molly Bartee gives Varlencia Winters a big congratulatory hug.

Well Done

2014 Commencement


n May 8 friends and family gathered in the Campbell Student Activity Center to see the class of 2014 complete their “York Experience” as they crossed the stage to collect their diplomas, along with a handshake and a hug from President Eckman. It was a big class as one hundred and two students received their bachelor’s degrees. Senator Greg Adams gave the commencement address. Adams, formerly the mayor of York and currently the speaker of the Nebraska Legislature, spoke about the importance of respect. Adams told students that the human need to be respected is “almost as important as your need to breathe or take nourishment.” “When your life comes to an end, how do you want to be known?” Adams challenged. “Today you are respected. You have earned it,” he said, encouraging students to continue to lead lives worthy of respect. At the conclusion of the commencement address, Dr.

Dr. Shane Mountjoy presents the Dean’s Award to Amber Clark.

Shane Mountjoy, York College provost, presented the Dean’s Award to Amber Clark, a business administration major from Appleton, Wisconsin, who graduated summa cum laude. The award is the highest academic honor given by the faculty to a graduate whose involvement and leadership are matched by their high academic success. At the conclusion of these honors, President Eckman shook each graduate’s hand as he presented them with their earned diploma. Seniors were then hooded by a relative or close friend.


Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp barracks were a haunting reminder of what occurred.

Erin takes a selfie with Meghan, Carrie, and Kelsey on a canal boat tour in Amsterdam.

Under a tree in Krakow, Poland, the group discusses their reflections on the last day of the trip. (above)

Tiffany Cole, Lauren Post, and Michaela Hartman enjoy their accommodations.

The visit to Monticello, Thomas Jefferson’s primary plantation, was fascinating. Virginia Study Group: (l-r) Tim McNeese, Michaela Hartman, Tiffany Cole, Lauren Post, Beverly McNeese. (right)


Experiential Learning

Holocaust Study Group outside the Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam: (1st row) Jameson Trauger, Tyson Schroeder, Kelsey Buglewicz; (back rows) Meghan Shruck, Trey Sokolik, Erin DeHart, Becca Duncan, Carrie Berger, and Kayla Durham. (left)

Outside the Box Experiential Learning


t times going beyond the classroom takes learning to a whole new level. Students took the role of teachers at the end of the fall semester when they hosted York-area elementary students at the Cultural Geography Fair in the Mackey Center. Mongolia, Greece, Ireland, Fiji, Laos, Haiti, Oman, Romania, Nepal, Ethiopia, Peru, and the Dominican Republic were all part of the mix as presentations included food, games, music, activities, and other fun items on display. After graduation, Tim and Bev McNeese took Tiffany Cole, Michael Hartman, and Lauren Post on a two-week Virginia study-tour that included stops at Colonial Williamsburg, Monticello, Jamestown Settlement, and a tour of Frank Lloyd Wright’s architectural marvel Fallingwater. In mid-July, Erin DeHart chaperoned a group of eight students and YC alumni on a ten-day Holocaust study trip. Each person in the group was impacted in a personal way as they visited historical memorials, landmarks, and concentration camps in Berlin, Germany, Krakow, Poland, and Amsterdam, Netherlands. YC students that accompanied DeHart were Kelsey Buglewicz, Kayla Durham, Trey Sokolik, and Jameson Trauger, Michael Hartman gets photographed by Tiffany Cole relaxing at a local coffee shop. (above) The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, also known as the Holocaust Memorial, is a memorial in Berlin to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust. (left)

Dr. Louise Bailey gives her support to Louba Lesly at the Cultural Geography Fair hosted in the Mackey Center.

Brett Wise, Cody Henry, and Joseph Henan attempt the toga look as they represented Greece.

Dressed the part, Hannah Gund goes over some fascinating facts with students about the Arab country of Oman.

Warren Lannon assists participants with their temporary passports as they prepare to explore the different countries.

Experiential Learning


Amber Parker and Carlos Fernandes enjoy the chow at the Block Party. (left)


tudent Association was constantly on the go in serving the YC campus and providing a ton of social events for the year and giving everyone a voice in improving their college experience. Kicking things off for SA was the annual Kiplinger Block Party with YCM. Early in the fall semester, SA organized a special chapel to introduce the Homecoming candidates and then continued those responsibilities with the weekend crowning ceremony. This was the second year for SA to host Autumn Fest at Bryan Magno the Wessels Living Farm. The carnival-like atmosphere was enjoyed by the students and provided a great place to two-step. Always popular with students were the movie nights:

Star Trek Into Darkness, Gravity, Thor 2, Frozen, The Lego Movie, and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Also part of SA’s offerings were Midnight Madness, Halloween Party, Tournament Week, the campus Christmas Party, Super Bowl Party, Singled Out, and an Easter Egg Hunt which boasted incredible prizes and cash. At year’s end they helped put on a wonderful All-College Banquet at McCool Jct. and honored Susan Van Deusen as Staff Member of the Year and Christi Lones as Teacher of the Year. SA’s special project was new furniture for one of the classrooms in Sack Hall. .

2013-14 Student Association: (1st row) Katy Keefer (Jr. Senator), Adiana Loya (Sr. Senator), Heidi Swenson (So. Senator), Ebony Carther, Kailey Firm, Chase Craddock, Levi Swenson; (2nd row) Halie Ewing (Fr. Senator), Amber Clark, Karlie Mountjoy (Jr. Senator), Haley Brewster (So. Senator), Tyler Cox, Tyler Odom (Fr. Senator), and Ross Anderson — not pictured Shelby Jordan (Fr. Senator)

Student Association Executive Council: President: Tyler Cox VP for Student Activities Board: Amber Clark VP for Inter-Club Council: Chase Craddock Secretary: Ebony Carther Treasurer: Kailey Firm Chief Communications Officer: Levi Swenson


Student Association

Deon Willis was impressive in his dunk at the SA sponsored Midnight Madness. (above)

The Caleb Hawley benefit concert for Haiti sponsored by members of YCM raised money for the relief efforts.

SA used The Underground to host the Halloween Party and attracted some bazar outfits and fashions such as the three levels of taco sauce (aka: Darbi, Aubrey, and Hannah) or the infamous Joker played by Jordan Leis. (above and insets) Students were entertained and had a great time at Midnight Madness. (left)

SA hosted their annual Singled Out the week before Va l e n t i n e ’ s D a y, giving everyone a chance at winning a mystery date. (left)

Traevena Parks, Michaela Hartman, and Tyler Odom give their pumkins a facelift during Autumn Fest. (above)

Singled Out Mystery Dates and Winners: Cole Craddock & Bailey Kinney Karlie Mountjoy & Levi Swenson Nicole Gates & Jake Hasenauer Troy Kelly & Rileigh Lienemann

Breanna, Hannah, Chelcie, Caris, and Chloe are all smiles after an Autumn Fest two-step. (right)

Student Association


Singing at Timberlake Ranch required a happy disposition and an extra layers of clothes.

Chloe Pittman enjoys hot chocolate and a banana for her Shine Retreat breakfast.

Cameron offers his thoughts during a break out session.

Josh Cleveland speaks on the Shine Retreat’s theme of “Yes, But No More.”

Shine Retreat photos by Eryn Jacobson and Hannah Gund

Macy Mountjoy gives a new McCloud resident a helping hand on move-in day. (above)

Matthew Miller, Willie Sanchez, Karlie Mountjoy, Cameron Holmes, and Mayra Urrutia take advantage of a quick photo op after chapel. (below)

During free time, Luis Sanchez demonstrates how to control the ball without using his hands.


Campus Ministries

photo by Chad Greene

Dylan Ford leads singing at the first devotional of the year. (right)

YCM Campus Ministries


a mpus Ministries had a very visible presence on the YC campus as they made a difference in the lives of students. At the beginning of the academic year, they were out in force as they helped new students unload and check into their residence hall. They served as group leaders for orientation and assisted with the Saturday service projects, painting three different houses in the York community and then followed that up the next day by helping organize the welcome back block party on Kiplinger Avenue.

YCM staff was very involved with the year’s course of daily chapel, 9’o clock, Wednesday Night, dorm devotionals and social events, and planned the all school “Deal or No Deal” game night. As always, the big event was the February Shine Retreat at Timberlake Ranch. The annual winter getaway had the theme of “Yes, But No More” and dealt with the fact that we are all sinners, but by making God real and personal, we can live a life that is truly changed. Willie Sanchez completed his first year as YC Campus Minister. Troy Kelly paints alongside Halie Ewing during the freshman service project. (above) Martin Callen and Caris Clark find the camera as everyone enjoys the opening days block party. (right)

YCM: (1st row) Michaela Hartman, Lauren Post, Chloe Pittman, Raquel Pineda, Dylan Ford, Willie Sanchez; (back rows) Matthew Miller, K a r l i e M o u n t j o y, M a c y Mountjoy, Corrine Pearl, Sean Carroll, Kellan Goben, Troy Kelly, Parker Seilstad, Cameron Holmes — not pictured Andrew Rush, Beth Ann Brock, Kelsey Buglewicz, Bailey Kinney, Jordan Kinney, Alaia Navratil, Alex Payne, Shelby Terrell, Mayra Urrutia

Campus Ministries


Levi, Nicole, and Grant enjoy some free time in Little Rock. (left) The Harding Academy Choir join voices with YC on tour. (right) 2014 CONCERT CHOIR AWARDS: Outstanding Vocalists: Brianna Bailey & Dylan Ford Outstanding Newcomers: Nicole Gates & Grant Seufferlein “WOW” Award: Levi Swenson “The Rock” Award: Parker Seilstad

Concert Choir


he 65-member Concert Choir delivered inspiring and edifying performances throughout the Midwest under the direction of Dr. Clark Roush, Endowed Chair for the Performing Arts. Their Winter Tour over the Christmas break included concerts in Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, and Oklahoma. A memorable moment was when a winter storm cancelled their Springfield concert, yet the hosting congregation paid for their hotel rooms and supper

at Cracker Barrel. The choir paid it forward with an impromptu performance at the restaurant which was captured on video and went viral on the web. They performed their Spring Works Concert, Wings of Reverie, to a nearly packed auditorium at the First Presbyterian in April. Kay Magner provided the evening’s piano accompaniment and John I. Baker III was the evening’s orator. The concert was recorded and made available on YouTube. The choir recorded a CD titled I’m Gonna Sing at the end of the year featuring their 2013-14 repertoire. Dr. Roush completed his 28th year at York College.

Ryne, Marissa, Dylan, and Ashlee sing without reservation. (above) Dr. Roush welcomes the Brentwood Christian Choir to the risers. (middle) Wings of Reverie April 28 The Seal Lullaby Golden Slumbers Flute — Megan Kroeker Think on Me A Boy and a Girl The Pasture Dirait-on Dancer — Bethany Miller The May Night Sure on This Shining Night Serenity Cello — Drew Ritchie The Ground The Awakening Accompanist - Kay Magner Orator - John I. Baker III


Concert Choir

The choir sings Serenity as UNL’s Drew Ritchie plays the cello during the Spring Works concert. (above)


ORK COLLEGE CONCERT CHOIR, DR. CLARK ROUSH, CONDUCTOR: (1st row) Lauren Post, Delaney Woods, Aileen Edmonds, Brinna Horvath, Jenny Long, Kailey Firm (Vice-President), Rebecca Agler (Section Leader), Dylan Ford, Ashlee Ivey, Soren Tobey, Tiffany Cole, Bre Goben, Dana Penze, Caris Clark; (2nd row) Karlie Mountjoy, Kaylee Becker, Darrien Gomez, Tisa Wharton, Hannah Sheldon (President), Ryne Smith, Marissa Watts, Parker Seilstad, Haley Brewster, Matt Gardner, Eryn Jacobson, Levi Swenson, Bethany Miller; (3rd row) Kellan Goben, Jasmine Agee, Matthew Miller (Treasurer), Nicole Gates, Sammi Dixon, Caroline Seilstad, Laurel Simpson, Saia Lotulelei, Nick Maple, Bailey Kinney, Drew Leonard, DeVon King, Ali Linstad (Secretary), Kyle Svehla, Troy Kelly; (4th row) Nolan Henningson, Austin Benton, Daniel Magner, Ryan Nelson, Brandon Schraven, Caleb Smith (Section Leader), Brady Sikes (Section Leader), Brianna Bailey (Section Leader), Kirill Pashchenko, Cameron Holmes, Grant Seufferlein, Evan Stanger — not pictured Weston Bich, Alicia Briski, Corey Holmes, Tyler Odom, Emilio Rivas Tour pics courtesy Eryn Jacobson

A few choir members have a discussion of presidential proportions at the Clinton Presidential Library. (above)

The choir poses in front of the Baylor Street Art Wall in Austin during their Winter Tour. (above) Can you find the fashion pro in this picture? (above) Winter Tour January 4-10

I Have Decided to Follow Jesus *Marissa Watts O Love That Will Not Let Me Go As Torrents in Summer Out from the Depths The Lord is the Everlasting God Gloria *Caleb Smith I Hear a Voice a Prayin’ The Road Home *Brianna Bailey I’m Gonna Sing Northern Lights Prayer Almighty God of our Fathers Lord, Make Me Thine Instrument The Lord Bless You and Keep You *Soloist

photo by Chad Greene

Jan. 4 151st Street CofC Olathe, KS Jan. 5 Sunset CofC Springfield, MO Jan. 6 University CofC Conway, AR Jan. 7 Hot Spgs Village CofC Hot Springs Village, AR Jan. 8 Webb Chapel CofC Farmer’s Branch, TX Jan. 9 Brentwood Christian School Austin, TX Jan. 10 Maxwell Avenue CofC Ardmore, OK

Rehearsal time in Gurganus is a daily occurrence. (above)

Concert Choir


In the opening number of “CineMagic”, the group comes together with Ali Linstad as the focal point in Fame.

The men try to one-up the ladies in a Christmas dual of sorts.

Drew, Kailey, Laurel, and Matthew perform a traditional quartet number.

Cocoa & Carols December 12–15

The finale of Cocoa and Carols produced a moment for the Singers to cut loose with a partner.

Opener ........................................................... Singers Blue Christmas .............................. Matthew Gardner Baby, It’s Cold Outside ......... M. Miller and S. Tobey Tradition .......................................................... Singers Believe ............................................... Parker Seilstad Mistletoe .................. Nolen Henningson & Kailey Firm Children ......................................................... Singers Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas ... Ali Linstad Traditional Dickensian Quartet .................................. K. Firm, L. Simpson, D. Leonard, M. Miller Winter Wonderland ......................... Caroline Seilstad Home ........................................................... Singers Mele Kalikimaka ....... Drew Leonard & Jasmine Agee Merry Christmas Darling .................. Samantha Dixon Joy ................................................................. Singers White Christmas ......... Brianna Bailey & Caleb Smith Winter Song .................................... Laurel Simpson Celebration ................................................. Singers


April 22–23

Fame ...................................................... Singers Only Hope .................................. Caroline Seilstad Old Time Rock and Roll ..................... Ryne Smith Come What May ........... M. Gardner and S. Dixon Joyful, Joyful ......................................... Singers Pure Imagination .......................... Parker Seilstad Bop To the Top ........... S. Tobey and N. Henningson O Brother, Where Art Thou Medley ....... Singers But I do Love You ......................... Rebecca Agler Let It Go .............................................. Ali Linstad Seize the Day ........................................ Singers Unchained Melody ............................. Kailey Firm Singing In The Rain ........................ Drew Leonard Hopelessly Devoted to You .......... Brianna Bailey Skyfall .................................................. Singers Man or Muppet .................. C. Holmes and C. Smith Zero to Hero ............................... Laurel Simpson Into the West ................................. Jasmine Agee Give My Regards to Broadway ............. Singers

PRODUCTION STAFF Director: Amy Fraser Asst. Director: Brianna Bailey Tech Crew: Tisa Wharton, Delaney Woods, Troy Rowen, Brinna Horvath

Jasmine Agee sang a moving solo of Into the West in the spring program. 2012-13 Celebration Singers: (1st row) Soren Tobey, Kailey Firm; (Seated) Laurel Simpson, Brianna Bailey, Caleb Smith, Drew Leonard, Ali Linstad, Matthew Gardner, Samantha Dixon, Jasmine Agee, Caroline Seilstad; (Standing) Amy Fraser, Parker Seilstad, Ryne Smith, Kyle Svehla, Cameron Holmes, Matthew Miller, Nolan Henningson, Rebecca Agler


Celebration Singers

PRODUCTION STAFF Director: Amy Fraser Asst. Director: Drew Leonard Tech Crew: Aileen Edmonds, Tisa Wharton, Troy Rowen, Delaney Woods

Celebration Singers


elebration Singers made the Gurganus stage come alive once again with their end of semester performances of Cocoa and Carols and CineMagic. In December their four-day production “The Best Time of the Year: Music and Memories of Christmas” was sold out in advance of opening night. The family-friendly production featured a variety of solo and ensemble numbers, including beloved Christmas favorites with choreography and skits. The admission price of $5 included cocoa and cookies that the local chapter of Helping Hands made available. The Singers presented their high-energy spring production, CineMagic, on April 22 and 23, but because of a power outage

on opening night, they went the extra mile and gave an encore performance on May 7th. Audiences packed Gurganus Hall for all three nights. The show featured a wide variety of music from well known Hollywood movies, including Frozen, Skyfall, O Brother Where Art Thou, High School Musical, Grease, and others. Amy Fraser was in her fourth year as director of the ensemble.

The White Christmas duet by Brianna Bailey and Caleb Smith was a crowd favorite. (above) Soren Tobey and Nolan Henningson livened up the stage in their Bop to the Top duet. (lower left and right) Caleb “Moose” Smith and Cameron Holmes had a lot of hilarious moments in Man or Muppet. (left)

Ali Linstad’s solo, Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, was an instant classic.

Ryne Smith entertained the crowd in his rendition of Old Time Rock and Roll.

Parker Seilstad went rogue with his own style in the O Brother, Where Art Thou medley.

Celebration Singers

Tabitha Hameister joined the team in the spring semester.

In Smudge, Caroline and Joe are at odds over their special needs child.

Brinna Horvath gives her speech at the H.S. Days Showcase.

It’s one big happy forensics family in front of the York College sign.

Competitive Speech


n only the second year since its reorganization, the York College speech team competed this spring in the National Forensics Association tournament, hosted by Eastern Michigan University. Joe Davis, Nolan Henningson, Shelby Jordan, and Caroline Seilstad represented

The group has fun with some team building skills in the fall semester. (above)


Dates Oct. 25-27 Nov. 1-2 Nov. 7 Dec. 7-8 Jan. 17-18 Feb. 7-9 Feb. 15 Feb. 22-23 April 3-5 April 20-21

York College on the national stage, all four presenting duo pieces. Davis and Jordan each competed in the prose event as well, and Henningson qualified in his dramatic interpretation. As a team, York College tied for 15th out of 39 schools in its category. “There’s obviously a learning curve for our whole team since this was our first time at nationals,” said coach Shannon Leinen, assistant professor of communication. “They’ve worked hard and I know they will continue to do great things.”

City Omaha, NE Mankato, MN York, NE Kearney, NE Seward, NE Hutchinson, KS Omaha, NE Hastings, NE York, NE Yipsilanti, MI

School UNO Bethany Lutheran York College UNK Concordia Univ. Hutchinson C.C. UNO Hastings College York College Eastern Michigan Univ.

Event DoNut Swing Vocal Viking Coffee Shop Talks Outer Limits Swing Sleet and Sun Zombie Apocalypse NIFA Tournament Hastings Alumni Tournament High School Days Showcase National Forensics Tournament

Shelby Jordan’s range of emotions was impressive.

Nolan Henningson received high marks throughout the year.

Caroline Seilstad’s pro “Life in Spite of Me”.

Joe Davis has fun with a personal portrait photo opp.

Megan Eberle addresses a packed house at the Coffee Shop Talks in early November with her pro “Out of My Mind”. (above) Shelby and Nolan show incredible skill in not touching as they dance during their duo interpretation. (far left) Tr o y R o w e n g a v e a p o w e r f u l d r a matic interpretation about a soldier’s sacrifice and the respect he is due. (left)

2013-14 Speech Team members: (l-r) Tabitha Hameister, Brinna Horvath, Troy Rowen, Caroline Seilstad, Nolan Henningson, Shelby Jordan, Joe Davis, Megan Eberle — not pictured Head Coach Shannon Leinen and Assistant Coach Brittany Kretz

Competitive Speech


Paul Helms gives it his all at the Spring Works. (left) Maegan Detlefs puts some soul in her solo in Walk Him Up the Stairs. (right)



he a cappella singing group Psallo returned this year as ambassadors of the admissions office, representing York College at youth rallies and campus events. Although scheduled for various events in the spring semester, performances were cut short due to academic conflicts. Their January performance at the East Hill Youth Rally was well received and featured a number of group selections as well as solo arrangements.

2013-14 Psallo: (l-r) Bailey Kinney, Levi Swenson, Tyler Odom, DeVon King, Sandy Chang, Marissa Watts, Haley Brewster, Grant Seufferlein. (above) Marissa Watts gives it all she has in her solo performance. (right) Bailey Kinney always feels at home with a microphone in her hand. (left)

The teens at the East Hill Youth Rally Captive enjoy the evening concert by Psallo. (right & below)



Sigma Tau Delta

Y Brenna Johnson served as president of Sigma Tau Delta for the year. (above)

ork’s chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honors Society, grew in numbers with the induction of seven students in the fall semester. The group stayed busy with its weekly meetings, a Christmas party, co-sponsoring the Writer’s Workshop, and producing the annual edition of Unvarnished Words, a collection of creative prose, poetry, artwork, and photography from York College students. The 2nd Annual York College Writer’s Workshop, sponsored by the English Dept. and Sigma Tau Delta, was honored to host Twyla Hansen, Nebraska Poet Laureate on March 23. The occasion was successful, in part, due to the active participation of Sigma Tau Delta members at both the Poetry Reading and the actual 2-hour Writer’s Workshop with Twyla Hansen. Approximately 40 people from the community and the college attended. The event was also sponsored and funded by the Nebraska Humanities Council. Students inducted this year into Sigma Tau Delta were Quentin Becker, Danielle Berry, Kyle Bottom, Tiffany Cole, Morgan Goracke, Tyler Helms, and Bethany Miller. Beverly McNeese was the lead sponsor and Dr. Jennifer Dutch was the co-sponsor. 2013-2014 Officers: President: Brenna Johnson Vice President: Morgan Goracke Secretary: Quentin Becker Treasurer: Kyle Bottom P.R. / Historian: Tiffany Cole

Months of student editing and compiling Unvarnished Words are spent each year to product a credible student product. (above) Nebraska Poet Laureate Twyla Hansen read some of her poetry before the Writer’s Workshop in March. (left)

Alpha Chi 2013 Alpha Chi Inductees: (1st row) Dr. Louise Bailey (sponsor), Sheyli Thomas, Ali Wallgren Linstad, Mrs. Jenny Anderson, Dr. Terence Kite (sponsor); (2nd row) Mrs. Jaclyn Smith, Hannah Sheldon, Morgan Goracke, Kailey Firm, Saleena Deal, Chris Luther (honorary faculty member); (3rd row) Mrs. Xin (Leaf) Moore, Greg Smith, Crystal Ratliff, Brady Sikes, Sara Lincoln, Jake Hasenauer, Brianna Bailey – not pictured Shelby Terrell. Returning officers Rebecca Agler, Mallory Sansom, Breanna Stewart. Returning members: Alyssa Becker, Amber Clark, Kayla Durham, Megan Eberle, Brenna Johnson, Eric Howard, Marisa Maher, Macy Mountjoy, Andrew Rush, Ryne Smith, Carson Tuttle, Mayra Urrutia

The York College chapter of Alpha Chi, the collegiate national honor society, inducted 16 new members at a ceremony November 20. Members receive recognition as distinguished students and members of one of the largest college honor societies in the world.

Honor Societies


Joe Davis recited an emotional poem during a special 911 chapel.

Dr. Kirk Mallette uses his son’s flawed pottery as an illustration.

Mayra Urrutia speaks on integrity during Champions of Character.

More than Tradition Daily Chapel Students bow in prayer at the opening chapel of YC’s 124th year. (left)


t’s a vital part of who we are as a college and has been a mainstay at YC since the very beginning. Daily chapel provides a unique time to gather as a family, see your friends, find out what’s taking place on campus, and worshipping the One who made it all possible. Whether given by a student, campus guest, or a member of the faculty or staff, the message is meant to make a difference and encourage a stronger walk with God. Club Week, senior chapels, Champions of Character, praise chapels, and even daily announcements... all make the experience a lifelong blessing. From President Eckman’s address at opening chapel to the closing assembly at the end of the spring semester, what takes place between 10:00 and 10:30 in the confines of the Campbell Student Activity Center will have a significant reach in the education of a York College student.

Chrys Howard of the famed Duck Dynasty family, talks to students about God’s dream for them. (above) In the fall semester, Dr. Terry Seufferlein was the quiz master of the highly entertaining YC Couples Panel. (right)



Dr. Milton Eckhart gets passionate in a personal mission field story.

Kellan Goben gave a powerful message about God’s confidence in us.

Rebecca Agler talked about the Rapha House in Cambodia.

Dylan Ford could always be counted upon as a great worship leader.

Aaron, Tyler, and Devan react to the last day of chapel.

The reaction from the audience demonstrates the comedic relief provided by the couples’ panel. (above) Eryn Davidson, Morgan Goracke, and Cameron Holmes put their hearts into the worship. (far left)

photo by

ene Chad Gre

Gail Miller kept the students informed with current world affairs... “It’s Tuesday, and Tuesday is ‘NEWSDAY!’” (left)



Ben Sullivan visit with Dr. Frank Wheeler about a class assignment.

Bobby DeHart’s class goes on a trust walk through Sack Hall.

Austin Cole, Courtney Lovelace, and Shaphan Gross take advantage of the Success Center. (above)

Math instructor Jenny Anderson takes her class outside to work with geometric shapes.

Dr. Kirk Mallette’s class utilizes video conferencing equipment to hear from the experts. (left) Dr. Milton Eckhart lectures in the biology lab. (below)

Nate Trumbo and Jake Hasenauer play with students as they learn teaching skills in their Adaptive P.E. course.


Learning 101 Beyond the facts


ringing knowledge and information to life can be a daunting task, but the faculty at York College strive to do just that as they educate in and out of the classroom. Going the extra mile to make sure students are a success in life, have the spiritual tools they need, and provide touches of home that aren’t covered in their contract are a testimony to their higher calling and why they work at YC. Creative thinking and teaching, tutorial assistance, road trips, extra office hours... all make the learning experience more complete and attainable. Students took the role of teachers at the end of the fall semester when they hosted York-area elementary students at the Cultural Geography Fair in the Mackey Center. Mongolia, Greece, Ireland, Fiji, Laos, Haiti, Oman, Romania, Nepal, Ethiopia, Peru, and the Dominican Republic were all part of the mix as presentations included food, games, music, activities, and other fun items on display. In the fall semester, Erin DeHart’s multicultural awareness class took a road trip to Omaha to visit a Hindu temple and an Islamic mosque. (above photo by Dr. Louise Bailey) As students work on their class projects, Christi Lones, Assistant Professor of History, visits with Nicole Gates and Chloe Pittman. (left) photos by Chad Greene

Melanie Baxa reads aloud in Dr. Jennifer Dutch’s World Literature class.

After conducting several English classes online, Mark Houston moves into the classroom.

Dr. Jackie Spivey enjoys the classroom and it shows in how she presents the material.

Dr. Billy Lones sports yet another great bow tie while giving an interesting lecture.

Learning 101


photo by Hannah Gund

Bri Goben is pleased with her Beta invite. (left) Speed dating provided a quick way for members to get to know each other. (right) Susan, Tabitha, and Delaney tear up boxes in spring break service to Feed the Children. (below)

Beta & Koinonia

photo by Laurel Simpson


here was a new kid on the block as the men’s club Koinonia was resurrected in the fall and paired with Beta Beta Sigma. The clubs seemed made for each other and began the year with a flurry of activities. They hosted a luau, complete with a limbo and hula contest to recruit new members. Capture the flag, kiss and tackle, speeddating, Beta’s synchronized swimming, and coffee with the club were all part of Club Week. Service projects were volunteering at Adopt-a-Pet throughout the year, serving a dinner for Epworth Village, working with the People’s City Mission in Lincoln in their Starry Nights program as well as helping homeless women and children, and a week of service during spring break in Oklahoma City. Other activities were movie nights, a club Christmas party, bowling night, bonfires, and game nights, along with their Magic Show in Songfest. Beta received the Community Service Award at YC Banquet.

BETA BETA SIGMA: Beau—Caleb Clark (1st row) Renee Wubbenhorst, Shelby Jordan, Raquel Pineda, Emily Meranda, Chloe Pittman, Hannah Gund, Shandie Curtis; (2nd row) Chrystina Contreras, Beth Ann Brock, Amber Clark, Brenna Johnson, Tabitha Hameister, Briana Van Deusen, Bre Goben, Amanda Myers, Elizabeth Maher, Renee Rayls, Saleena Deal, Tori Ebel, Talea Struck, Ana Osborne, Haley Brewster; (3rd row) Laurel Simpson, Kelsey Dallimore, Forrest Burr, Brittany Rayls, Macy Mountjoy, Caitlin Nipe, Jenny Long, Lindsay Jones — not pictured Brinna Horvath, Marisa Maher, Amber Parker, Traevena Parks, Kayla Struck, Soren Tobey, Sierra Trower, Delaney Woods. Sponsors: Courtney Baker, Maegan Detlefs, Cara Kroeker, Susan Van Deusen.


Beta Beta Sigma

Beta: (Semester 1st/2nd) Pres—T. Hameister, VP—S. Curtis, Sec/Tres—C. Nipe, Spiritual Life Dir—C. Pittman, Activities Dir—A. Clark, Service Project Dir—M. Mountjoy & B. Brock, Songfest Reps—B. Van Deusen & L. Simpson, Intramural Dir—L. Jones & C. Contreras, Historian—H. Gund, Apparel Directors—R. Pineda & S. Curtis/S. Tobey & S. Jordan

Beta and Koinonia hit the ground running as a spirited group during Club Week. (above) INSETS (l-r) All-for-one cheer after the early morning football game; Brother-sister club Christmas party, Tabitha receiving Beta’s Community Service Award at banquet; Tobey and Bryce get cozy during Songfest. Hair nets were part of the wardrobe during the spring break mission project at the Regional Food Bank in Oklahoma City. (below)

Ryan Nelson springs up in the air as the rabbit pulled out of the hat. (left)

The wizard duel was an instant classic in Beta and Koinonia’s Songfest Magic Show. (above)

n Van Deusen

photo by Susa

KOINONIA: Sweetheart—Briana Van Deusen (1st row) Bryce Tyler, Jeff Cathey, Ighor Tavares, Jordan Spiceland, DeVon King; (2nd row) Landon Bruce, Eric Walker, Kellan Goben, Joseph Teachout, Grant Seufferlein; (3rd row) Connor Roseke, Asher Palomo, Yussef Ramirez, Garrett Cote, Ryan Nelson, Justice Ingraham, Caleb Clark — not pictured Johnny Cooksey, Elijah Gonzalez, Michael Johnson, Jacob Kreinbring, Axel Mendez, Ryne Smith. Sponsors: Quin Johnson, David Odom, Terry Seufferlein, Jared Stark Koinonia: Pres—G. Seufferlein, VP—A. Palamo, Sec—B. Tyler, Spiritual Life Dir—K. Goben, Activities Dir—J. Kreinbring, Songfest Rep—K. Goben, Historian—I. Traveres, Inter-Club Ambassador—C. Clark



photo by Amber Parker

Around the World displayed some great moves and animated faces. (above) INSETS (l-r) Parker Seilstad introduces Kyodai in chapel; The early morning football contest was a bit one-sided; Delta and Kyodai join forces in Alyssa Becker’s coronation; Ashlee Ivey and Anela Auala show they’re kindred spirits.

Kyodai shows off their All-Sports hardware at the banquet. (left) The Delta chicks get into a cheer for their Kyodai men. (above)

DELTA CHI ALPHA: Beau: Parker Seilstad (1st Row) Caroline Seilstad, Darbi Klinkhammer, Destiny Sandoval, Hannah Boucher, Vanessa Rodriguez, Soren Tobey, Alyssa Becker, Corrine Pearl, Amanda Saldivar; (2nd Row) Tiffany Shimp, Amelia Kynion, Kaylee Becker, Jordan Casey, Shane Stover, Molly Reyes, Megan Keefer, Anela Auala, Courtney Hammitt, Daniella Carroll, Karissa Austin, Sheyli Thomas, Paige Horton, Samantha Adams — not pictured Melanie Baxa, Dacy Bonner, Elizabeth Callaway, Alyssa Didier, Kailey Firm, Jade Hodge, Ashlee Ivey, Kaycee Morphew, Ana Moyers, Amber Parker. Sponsors: Erin Davidson, Deb DiToro, Chelsea Mayer, Jaclyn Smith


Delta Chi Alpha

Delta: Pres—A.Becker, VP—K. Firm, Sec/Tres—C. Seilstad, Spiritual Life Dir—T. Shimp, Service Cord/Fashion/ Songfest Rep—A. Auala, Activities Coord—A. Ivey, Songfest Rep (1st sem) —S. Tobey, Historian—D. Carroll, AD—L. Callaway

Darbi Klinkhammer and Amelia Kynion accept their Delta inites with pride. (left) Delta president Alyssa Becker knows how to brighten a person’s day. (right)

Delta & Kyodai


he women of Delta Chi Alpha and the men of Kyodai did their best to support each other throughout the year and have as much fun doing it as possible. From Delta’s coronation production of Wannabe to both clubs lifting the All-Sports trophies at the year-end banquet, it was a great year to be in club. Some of the activities enjoyed were Delta’s Pinterest nights, weekly meetings, joint Christmas party with white elephant gifts, and the end of the year bonfire banquet. Delta elevated their service presence by volunteering at AdoptA-Pet, babysitting for a YC alumni event as well as a holiday Drop ‘N Shop, and participating in the East Hill clothing exchange. The two clubs put a lot of time and energy together in the spring semester with their Songfest production of Around the World. Paige Horton gets a bird’s-eye view of the world in Delta and Kyodai’s Songfest production. (middle) Amber Parker takes a selfie of some of the Songfest crew. (above) KYODAI: Sweetheart—Alyssa Becker (1st row) Parker Seilstad; (2nd row) Bryan Magno, Kyle Svehla, Drew Leonard, Brandon Schraven, Joe Madison; (3rd row) Jameson Trauger, Troy Rowen, Joseph Ventry, Nick Maple, Seth Olin, Adam Gray, Sean Carroll — not pictured Cody Baack, Bradlee Carls, Austin Dredge, LP Eickhoff, Peter Holmes, Casey Kaup, Jacob Powell. Sponsors: Nick DiToro, Dr. Milton Eckhart, Dennis Leinen Kyodai: Pres—P. Seilstad, VP—P. Holmes, Tres—J. Powell, Activities—C. Kaup, Spiritual Life Dir—J. Trauger, Songfest Rep. K. Svehla



club photos courtesy of Laesha Yeager

Michaela Hartman signs a song during chapel. (left) The ladies find Kingsmen’s answer in Battle of the Sexes completely off course. (right) Omega Phi huddles for a closing prayer at a weekly meeting. (middle)

Omega Phi & Kingsmen


rom the beginning, Omega Phi and Kingsmen made great efforts to do things together and were blessed as the year went along. Joint activities included a lot of crazy games and mixers during Club Week, club devotionals, joint Christmas party, club banquet, and an end-of-the-year BBQ. Omega Phi donated their time and energy once again to Operation Christmas Child, a holiday service project through the international relief organization Samaritan’s Purse. They were successful in getting the campus involved in donating shoebox care packages and blessing needy children. During spring break, Kingsmen and Omega Phi volunteered their services to anyone needing assistance for the week. For Songfest, the clubs broke out the lifeguard outfits for their tribute to everything good about Summertime. At the All-College Banquet, Omega Phi was presented the Big Heart Award for having the highest percentage of participation in the campus blood drives. OMEGA PHI: (1st row) Laesha Yeager, Beau—Nathan Trumbo; (2nd row) Mikayla Griffith, Leslie Galindo, Tehia Goben, Linda Risinger, Traevena Parks, Courtney Lovelace, Aileen Edmonds, Jensen Lessig, Lauren Post, Natalie Ostrander; (3rd row) Tiffany Cole, Laura Morrill, Chasta Bonifas, Sara Hansen, Angela Case, Dana Penze, Danielle Berry, Kacey Fatuch, Samantha Dixon, Michaela Hartman — not pictured Jessica Bos, Jennifer Boutin, Jacqueline Esquivel, Shannan Fisher, Ali Linstad, Courtney Maloley, Ariel Michel, Misty Naasz, Bonnie Packer, Anna Pletan, Mia’Milagros Thomas, Olivia Todd, Marissa Watts, Tisa Wharton. Sponsors: Louise Bailey, Mary Ann Case, Cheri Clark, Lisa Menke.


Omega Phi

Omega Phi: (Semester 1st/2nd) Pres—S. Dixon/D. Penze, VP—L. Risinger/A. Edmonds, Sec—-D. Penze/T. Cole, Tres—A. Edmonds/A. Case, Songfest Rep—N. Ostrander, Devo—M. Hartman/L. Yeager, AD—J. Lessig/M. Griffith, Activities Dir—C. Bonifas/K. Fatuch, Historian—M. Hartman/O. Todd, Clothing—L. Post/T. Wharton, Service Dir—D. Berry/L. Morrill

The Songfest cast rehearse their pose as headmaster Bailey threatens their summer plans. (above) INSETS (l-r) Both clubs sat together at Coronation; The serenade for Nate came with detailed choreography; Summertime’s final pose; Songfest lights gave the show some pizazz. Omega Phi’s work with Operation Christmas Child once again blessed a lot of children. (left)

Club Week’s paintwar in the Mackey basement was a great way to bond. (above) KINGSMEN: Sweetheart—Linda Risinger (1st row) Josh Gonzalez, Trey Sedigas, Caleb Pope, Justice Barnes, Josh Kountz; (2nd row) Matthew Gardner, Jaquar Lovett, Nate Trumbo, Alfred Peters — not pictured Weston Bich, Parker Duensing, Warren Lannon. Sponsors: Kyle Renz, Josh Scheffler, Travis Stoltenberg

Kingsmen: Pres—A. Peters, VP—M. Gardner, Tres—P. Duensing, Sec—C. Pope, AD—W. Lannon, Activities Dir—J. Barnes & C. Pope, Spiritual Dir—J. Barnes, Songfest Rep—P. Duensing



Severe Weather Warning stole the show at Songfest, sweeping the awards. (above) INSETS (l-r) Corey Holmes and Bestley Pierre wrestle during Club Week; the early morning football game featured Sig Tau vs Koinonia; Robert Perez gets the crowd going; Levi Swenson gives his heart to Darrien Gomez. Theta Psi left no skin untouched during their paint war in the Mackey Underground. (below)

Theta Psi and Sig Tau show their pride in sweeping the awards at Songfest. Club Week photos courtesy of Eryn Jacobson

THETA PSI: Beau- Andrew Rush (1st row) Chelcie Holloway, MacKenzie Bush, Katey Cox, Brittany Marceau, Aubrey Cote, Darrien Gomez; (2nd row) Jordan Kinney, Katy Keefer, Eryn Jacobson, Alaia Navratil, Lauren Derengowski, Hannah Parker, Morgan Moore, Heidi Swenson, Bailey Kinney, Ebony Carther, Kelsey Buglewicz; (3rd row) Caris Clark, Karlie Mountjoy, Hannah Sheldon, Breanna Stewart, Molly Bartee, Shelby Terrell — not pictured Jasmine Agee, Alisha Davis, Halie Ewing, Nicole Gates, Rileigh Lienemann, Priscilla Menke, Kayli Rodriguez, Mallory Sansom, Morgan Tackett, Mayra Urrutia. Sponsors: LaRee Eckman, Katelyn Kynion, Larae Melvin


Theta Psi

Theta Psi: Pres—C. Holloway, VP—K. Buglewicz, Tres—H. Sheldon, Sec—K. Mountjoy, SLD—H. Swenson, Activities Dir—K. Keefer/ N. Gates, Songfest Rep—A. Davis, Fashionista’s—B. Kinney & E. Jacobson

Sig Tau upper classmen give their approval of welcoming Corey Holmes to the fold. (left) Joey Boxing turned into wrestle mania for Jordan Kinney and Arielle Thomas. (right) A cool effect was achieved simply with everyone laying down and raising their arms. (middle) Katey Cox, Joe Davis, and Daniel Magner give it all they have as they take center stage. (inset)

Theta Psi & Sigma Tau


heta Psi and Sigma Tau had a great year in which they saved some of their best for last. The month of April was historical as their Severe Weather Warning swept the awards for Best Music, Best Costumes, Best Choreography and Best Theme to take the coveted President’s Award under the direction of Songfest reps Joe and Alisha Davis and Levi Swenson. At the beginning of the year the clubs volunteered once again at Living Water Rescue Mission for various service projects that included cleaning, washing dishes, restocking the pantry, and some light food prepping. Theta Psi entertained in good taste at Coronation with “What Does the Fox Say?” At banquet, Theta Psi repeated with the highest accumulative grade point average among clubs winning the Academic Excellence Award.

SIG TAU: Sweetheart— Breanna Stewart (1st row) Joe Davis, Dylan Ford, Cameron Holmes, Emilio Rivas, Jacob Wilson, Tyler Cox, Tyler Odom, Andrew Rush, Matthew Miller; (2nd row) Levi Swenson, Raul Ortiz, Abdul Sesay, Devan Rosser, Jake Hasenauer, Corey Holmes, Devaunta Cuba, Michael Weldon, Seth Walker, Cole Craddock; (3rd row) Nolan Henningson, Luis Sanchez, Aaron Beadle, Troy Kelly — not pictured Tim Aragon, Darreon Collins, Jordan Leis, Toby Lewis, Daniel Magner, Sean Murfin, Robert Perez. Sponsors: Bobby DeHart, Larry Good, Jarred Leinen, Josh Stewart

Sig Tau: Pres—M. Miller, VP—L. Swenson, Sec—J. Davis, Tres—T. Cox, Spiritual Life Directors—C. Craddock & A. Rush, AD—T. Kelly, Songfest Reps—J. Davis & L. Swenson

Sigma Tau



hile most students enjoy a rest during school holidays, many at YC choose instead to dedicate that time to the Lord in service to others. A team of eight students spent part of the Christmas holiday in Haiti, blessing children in orphanages in Portau-Prince. They also did outreach and service in the area, including work at a free medical clinic, offering English lessons, and conducting a three-day soccer tournament for children. Also traveling over the Christmas break was a group of four students and six YC alumni who flew to Ecuador to work with local missionaries on maintenance of a church camp facility and construction of a new church building. Assistant professor of communication, Shannon Leinen and her husband Jared planned the trip,

(l-r) Group that traveled to Haiti over spring break; Mayra, Leslie, Jordan, and Troy were part of the Ecuador team; Emily, Jenny, and Tabitha flex their muscles during their work at a food warehouse in Oklahoma City. (above) Mike Miller and Kelsey Buglewicz make new friends in Haiti. (top)



During spring break, a team of nine from YC led by Dr. Milton Eckhart, associate professor of biology, traveled to northern Haiti to conduct a week-long mobile health clinic. Partnering with a volunteer team of doctors and nurses through the non-profit Every Eye Will See Him, the group from York College treated 150-200 people each day—taking time to pray with each patient as well as address their physical needs. Nine members of Beta Beta Sigma and Koinonia traveled to Oklahoma City for their break, where they spent six days serving the homeless and feeding the hungry. The team spent time volunteering at a variety of non-profits including Cross and Crown, Feed the Children, and the city mission. They sorted donations of food, clothing, and personal items, and spent a lot of time praying and fellowshipping with the people served by those organizations.




Oklahoma City

Chasta Bonifas Kelsey Buglewicz Mike Miller Sydney Roseke Seth Salsbury Breanna Stewart Josh Stewart Ally Weaver Renee Wubbenhorst

Leslie Galindo Jordan Kinney Jared Leinen Shannon Leinen Josh Rinard Carol Rowedder Troy Rowen Todd Sheldon Michele Tandy Mayra Urrutia

Ed Bailey Louise Bailey Bradlee Carls Caris Clark Milton Eckhart Lindsay Jones Troy Kelly Alex Payne

Caleb Clark Tabitha Hameister Jenny Long Emily Meranda Laurel Simpson Bryce Tyler Briana Van Deusen Susan Van Deusen Delaney Woods

Delaney Woods with one of her LST readers. (left) Larry Good gives pointers about Belgium to Chelcie and Hannah. (right) Hannah, Natalie, and Laura at home with their new friends in Estonia. (middle)

Summer Missions


ive groups went out from York College this year with the Let’s Start Talking program. Using the Book of Luke as their English text, the students who were on the LST teams were able to have one-on-one conversations about the Gospel in the countries of: Belgium, Ecuador, Estonia, Germany, and Japan. The summer experience gave them a unique opportunity to display the love of Christ and to see firsthand the global impact of the Good News. Germany


Lucas Anderson Jacob Wilson

Austin Benton Saleena Deal



Hannah Gund Laura Morrill Natalie Ostrander

Brinna Horvath Delaney Woods

Belgium Chelcie Holloway Hannah Sheldon

Natalie, Hannah, and Laura have fun standing in the Baltic Sea. (far left) Saleena Deal, Austin Benton, and Bailey Burgess cut up at their LST party. (left)

Hannah Sheldon and Chelcie Holloway pause for a pic before boarding the plane. (above) Jacob Wilson takes a selfie in front of Cologne Cathedral in Germany. (left)

Brianna Bailey and Brady Sikes helped sponsor the East Hill youth group in their summer mission trip to Ecuador. (above)

Summer Missions


A defensive trio at the net sets up a tight blocking scheme. (left)

Coaches Anderson and Davidson go over the team strategy. (right)

Nicole Gates who finished the year with 227 kills brings it down against the defenders. (middle)



nder second-year head coach Jenny Anderson, the Panther volleyball team finished the season 7-28 and 4-8 in conference play. Nicole Gates led the team with 227 kills and 62 blocks. Melanie Baxa was credited with an incredible 872 assists and Kailley Firm was the leader in serving aces with 35. Tatiana Arvie led the team in digs with 583. Seven volleyball players were recognized at the end of the season with conference awards. Arvie and Baxa were both named 2nd Team AllMCAC and Gates was named Honorable Mention. Five members of the volleyball team were named MCAC Scholar Athletes: Sandy Chang, Alisha Davis, Kailey Firm, Nicole Gates, and Mallory Sansom. Kailey Firm led the team in serving aces with 35 on the year. (above)


With all eyes on the ball, Tatianna Arvie lays out for the dig. (above) (Insets: l-r) Rileigh Lienemann goes up strong for the kill; Kenzie Witt gets set to bring it down over the defender; Melanie Baxa focuses as she gives the perfect set; Kayliana Rodriguez uses good form to deliver the spike. Date Opponent W/L 8/30 Dakota Wesleyan L 0-3 8/30 Dakota State L 1-3 8/31 Valley City State L 0-3 8/31 Clarke L 0-3 9/3 Central Christian* W 3-0 9/5 Midland University L 0-3 9/7 Grand View L 0-3 9/7 Dordt College L 0-3 9/10 Saint Mary* L 1-3 9/12 Bethel College L 1-3 9/13 St. Gregory's Univ W 3-1 9/13 Wayland Baptist Univ L 0-3 9/14 SAGU L 0-3 9/14 Central Methodist L 0-3 9/27 Mount Marty L 1-3 9/28 Bellevue University * L 0-3 9/28 Johnson & Wales L 1-3 10/1 Central Christian* W 3-1 10/4 Central Baptist* W 3-0 10/5 College of the Ozarks* L 0-3 10/8 Concordia Univ L 0-3 10/11 Grace University W 3-1 10/14 Missouri Valley L 0-3 10/14 Waldorf College* L 0-3 10/18 Waldorf College* L 0-3 10/18 Valley City State L 1-3 10/19 Cardinal Stritch L 0-3 10/19 Mayville State L 0-3 10/22 Saint Mary* L 2-3 10/29 Haskell University* W 3-2 10/29 Bellevue University* L 0-3 11/1 Dakota Wesleyan W 3-0 11/2 Oklahoma Wesleyan* L 0-3 11/7 Grace University L 1-3 11/15 Haskell University* L 1-3 * MCAC game; Home games in bold

It is evident by Mallory Sansom’s laughter that the team is in good spirits. (below) Name 1 Baxa 2 Witt 3 Lieneman 4 Rodriguez 5 Gates 6 Sansom 7 Woods 8 Arvie 9 Ewing 11 Firm 12 Bonner 15 Didier 16 Bertey

GP 116 101 82 53 118 103 45 119 112 113 88 106 23

K 37 194 147 49 227 11 0 16 135 3 131 191 1

E 39 115 126 45 121 18 0 21 104 12 65 89 1

TA 209 706 562 190 604 68 1 145 437 48 529 648 12

Pct A SA SE RE DIG Blk -0.01 872 26 39 3 280 18 0.112 6 0 1 8 79 23 0.037 5 8 22 14 63 11 0.021 3 2 18 1 19 9 0.175 7 0 5 3 28 62 -0.103 4 20 16 36 171 1 0 1 8 22 1 16 0 -0.034 9 23 40 35 583 1 0.071 9 6 20 4 37 37 -0.188 66 35 39 33 188 0 0.125 22 3 8 13 51 26 0.157 20 29 11 34 216 24 0 3 3 4 10 25 0

2013 Volleyball JV Team: (1st row) Head JV Coach Ross Anderson, Elizabeth Bertey, Lauren Derengowski, Sandy Chang, Delaney Woods, Leslie Galindo, Paige Horton, Assistant Coach Kayla Durham; (2nd row) Alisha Davis, Kayla Struck, Shane Stover, Jordan Casey, Kaycee Morphew, Krysta Applegate, Assistant Coach Ana Moyers

2013 Volleyball Team: (1st row) Assistant Coach Erin Davidson, Delaney Woods, Melanie Baxa, Tatianna Arvie, Rileigh Lienemann, *Kailey Firm, Head Coach Jenny Anderson; (2nd row) Kenzie Witt, Dacy Bonner, Nicole Gates, Halie Ewing, Alyssa Didier, Kayliana Rodriguez, *Mallory Sansom *Daktronics NAIA Scholar-Athletes



Arielle Thomas puts her head on the ball against Univ. of St. Mary. (left) With all the leverage she can muster, Mia Thomas takes a shot on goal. (right) Adiana Loya battles for position in the Homecoming match with Central Christian. (middle) Jordan Kinney looks to a teammate with her throw-in. (below)

Women’s Soccer


photo by Bob DeHart


t may not have shown in the win/loss column, but the Lady Panthers were focused as a team and enjoyed great chemistry on and off the field. They finished the year under seventh-year head coach Trent Hinton with a 4-11-2 record, 0-5-1 in the Midlands Collegiate Athletic Conference. Junior forward Arielle Thomas led all scorers with 4 goals and three assists on the season. Katie Keefer averaged 9.18 saves per game and was ranked 7th in the nation on total saves with 156. Thomas and senior defender Amber Parker were both named All-MCAC Second Team. Eight players were named MCAC Scholar-Athletes: Jaynie Brautman, Kelsey Buglewicz, Liz Callaway, Hannah Gund, Ashlee I v e y, J o r d a n K i n n e y, Ti ff a n y S h i m p , a n d Mayra Urrutia.

With her teammates in position, Katie Keefer gets one of her 12 saves against College of Saint Mary. (above) photos by Hannah Gund

(Insets: l-r) Amber Parker maintains control against a Doane player; Britney Curry leans in for the takeaway; Kelsey Buglewicz focuses in stride; Anela Auala uses her body to shied off the defender. Mayra Urrutia is on the move against Univ. of St Mary. (below)

Date Opponent Score 8/27 Mount Marty College W 2-1 8/31 Morningside College L 0-6 9/1 Briar Cliff University L 0-3 9/6 Doane College L 0-6 9/10 Bethany College L 0-3 9/13 Tabor College L 0-3 9/17 Univ of St. Mary W 3-2 9/19 Grace University W 5-0 9/24 Sterling College L 1-3 9/28 Bethel College T 0-0 10/5 *College of Saint Mary L 0-5 10/9 *Central Christian L 0-3 10/12 Presentation College W 2-1 10/19 *Oklahoma Wesleyan L 0-3 10/23 *Bellevue University L 0-4 10/26 *Waldorf College L 0-3 11/2 *Central Baptist T 0-0 * MCAC game; Home games in bold

No 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Player Keefer Nipe Cote Loya Kinyon Negley Brautman Cox Callaway Auala Urrutia Buglewicz Parker Ivey Kinney Curtis Curry Shimp Pineda Banducci Gund Thomas, A Boucher Thomas, M

GP 17 1 12 17 1 17 17 14 17 16 17 17 17 11 17 10 17 8 3 1 1 17 15 16

GS 17 0 1 17 0 17 17 0 10 2 17 13 17 1 17 1 17 0 0 0 0 17 0 6

G 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 1 0

A Pts G/SH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 0.167 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 0.048 0 2 0.333 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0.077 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0.091 0 0 0 1 5 0.105 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 11 0.129 0 2 0.333 1 1 0

SH 0 0 3 12 0 8 21 3 3 4 13 7 6 2 11 1 19 2 0 0 0 31 3 15

SOG 0 0 1 9 0 5 12 3 2 1 9 4 3 2 6 1 12 2 0 0 0 20 3 11

SOG/SH 0 0 0.333 0.75 0 0.625 0.571 1 0.667 0.25 0.692 0.571 0.5 1 0.545 1 0.632 1 0 0 0 0.645 1 0.733

YC 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Heather Negley sweeps in for the take away during Homecoming. (right)

2013 Women’s Soccer Team: (1st row) Ashlee Ivey, *Kelsey Buglewicz, Aubrey Cote’, Katey Cox, Heather Negley, *Mayra Urrutia, Katy Keefer, Shandie Curtis, Amber Parker, Rachquel Banducci, Raquel Pineda, Amelia Kynion, *Elizabeth Callaway; (2nd row) Head Coach Trent Hinton, *Jordan Kinney, Adiana Loya, Hannah Gund, Tiffany Shimp, Hannah Boucher, Caitlin Nipe, Anela Auala, Mia-Milagros Thomas, Britney Curry, Jaynie Brautman, Arielle Thomas, Assistant Coach Matt Coppinger – not pictured Assistant Coach Katie Kynion *Daktronics NAIA Scholar-Athletes

photo by Bob DeHart

The ladies enjoy their downtime during the fall athletic retreat at NYC. (above)

Women’s Soccer


Senior defender Abdul Sesay goes on the offensive in his goal attempt during the 4-0 Homecoming win against Presentation College. (above photo by Bob DeHart) (Insets: l-r) Luis Arevelo stretches to control the ball; Nick Mueting feels the heat of the defense on his back; Michael Ortiz and a Waldorf defender go after the ball; Ben Abraham uses his body to shield against a Bethany opponent. Jordan Spiceland leaps for the header against Presentation College. (right)

Date Opponent Score 8/26 Grace University W 5-1 8/27 Mount Marty College L 1-5 8/31 Morningside College L 0-2 9/1 Briar Cliff University L 1-2 9/6 Doane College L 0-8 9/10 Bethany College L 1-5 9/13 Tabor College L 0-8 9/17 Saint Mary College L 1-3 9/24 Sterling College L 0-2 9/28 Bethel College T 1-1 10/1 Concordia University L 2-6 10/5 Johnson & Wales Univ L 1-4 10/9 *Central Christian T 1-1 10/12 Presentation College W 4-0 10/19 *Oklahoma Wesleyan L 1-8 10/23 *Bellevue University L 0-7 10/26 *Waldorf College L 0-3 11/2 *Central Baptist L 2-4 * MCAC game; Home games in Bold


Men’s Soccer

No 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23

Player Tavares Roseke Cote Arevalo Maple Munoz Castano Ortiz, M Fernandes Mueting Spiceland Davis Ortiz, R Rush Pierre Abraham Sesay Sanchez Perez

GP 11 15 13 17 17 16 7 18 11 11 17 9 18 18 4 17 17 9 7

GS 11 6 11 17 6 15 7 14 11 10 16 9 15 10 0 10 17 8 5

G 0 0 2 1 2 2 2 1 4 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0

A Pts 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 4 0 4 2 6 1 3 4 12 0 2 2 4 0 2 3 3 1 3 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 0

G/SH 0 0 0.25 0.143 0.286 0.25 0.091 0.056 0.1 0.25 0.043 0.333 0 0.125 0 0.167 0.111 0.1 0

SH SOG SOG/SH YC RC 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0.667 0 0 8 5 0.625 1 0 7 3 0.429 6 0 7 4 0.571 3 0 8 6 0.75 5 1 22 10 0.455 1 2 18 10 0.556 3 0 40 21 0.525 4 1 4 2 0.5 1 1 23 9 0.391 0 0 3 1 0.333 2 2 5 3 0.6 1 0 8 3 0.375 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 3 0.5 3 1 9 5 0.556 1 1 10 6 0.6 0 0 4 1 0.25 0 0

Raul Ortez is set to send the ball flying against Bethany at the Cornerstone Complex. (above) 2013 Men’s Soccer Team: Team Mascot Finn Ireland (1st row) Raul Ortiz, Luis Arevalo, *Abdul Sesay, Shermon Davis, Jacob Perez, Jordan Spiceland, Nick Mueting, Carlos Fernandes, *Andrew Rush; (2nd row) Assistant Coach JB Benjamin, Assistant Coach Ben Berry, Michael Ortiz, Garrett Cote’, Ben Abraham, Nick Maple, Ighor Tavares, Luis Sanchez, Pierre Bestley, Jared Munoz, Santiago Castano, Connor Roseke, Team Chaplain Billy Lones, Head Coach Jon Ireland; (3rd row) Student Assistant Kris Olson, Student Assistant David Maple, Elijah Gonzalez, Louba Lesly, Axel Mendez, Alex Reyes, Armando Ochoa, Student Assistant Luis Pulido, Student Assistant Marcelo Souza *Daktronics NAIA Scholar-Athletes

photos by Hannah Gund; graphics by Brady Sikes

Carlos Fernandes leaves his opponent in the dust. (right) Luis Sanchez is mauled by teammates after scoring at Homecoming. (middle)

photo by Bob DeHart

Garrett Cote’s throw-in were entertainment at its finest. (left)

Men’s Soccer

photo by Bob



en’s soccer had several injuries that kept some key players on the sideline during the season, but the team did their part in giving York College fans some exciting games in 2013. Under second-year head coach Jon Ireland, the Panthers went 2-14-2, 0-4-1 in conference play. Despite injury and playing in only eleven games, Carlos Fernandes led all YC scorers with 4 goals and 4 assists on the season. Freshman goalie Ighor Tavares from Brazil started in ten games and recorded 111 saves for the year. Senior veterans Andrew Rush and Abdul Sesay along with Fernandes and Bestley Pierre were named Senior midfielder Andrew Rush kicks MCAC Scholar-Athletes. the ball into the opponent. (above)


“This is the best team I’ve ever been on. There’s a camaraderie here that I never had anywhere else. Usually running is a very individual sport. Here, we’re really a team. The encouragement we give each other is impressive.” – Jeff Austin

Members of the women’s soccer team encourage Jeff and Levi during the Blue vs Black run. (above) (Insets: l-r) Kellan Goben leans in as he crosses the finish; Karissa Austin was MCAC Runner of the Week for her race at Bethel College; The final run of the year leaves Kyle Bottom exhausted; The uphill climb during the practice run added a degree of difficulty. Runners set their timers as they begin the Blue vs Black race with the men going south and the women heading east. (right)

Darreon Collins sprints to the finish alongside a runner from the University of Jamestown. (left) York had four runners honored at the MCAC Championships. (right) Date 8/30 9/6 9/12 9/21 9/28 10/12 10/19 10/26 11/9 11/23


Cross Country

Invite Twilight Hokum Karem - La Crosse, WI Northwest Open - Maryville, MO Blue vs Black Woody Greeno - Lincoln, NE Dean White - Crete, NE YC Homecoming - York, NE Bethel Invite - Newton, KS Mid-States Classic - Winfield, KS MCAC Championships - Lawrence, KS NAIA Championships - Lawrence, KS

MCAC Championship photos courtesy of The Indian Leader

2013 Cross Country Team: (1st row) Lindsay Jones, Morgan De Boer, Emily Meranda, Kelsey Dallimore; (2nd row) *Kyle Bottom, Warren Lannon, Joe Teachout, Karissa Austin, Amanda Myers, Heidi Swenson, Levi Swenson, Tyler Cox, Trey Sedigas; (3rd row) Assistant Coach Andrew Aragon, *Kellan Goben, Jeff Austin, *Jake Hasenauer, Darreon Collins, Justice Barnes, Jonathan Houser, Grayson Gonzalez, Head Coach Justin Carver *Daktronics NAIA Scholar-Athletes

MCAC Championship photos courtesy of The Indian Leader

Morgan DeBoer and Kelsey Dallimore finish strong at the MCAC Championships, separated by only .4 seconds. (left)

Levi Swenson gives it everything he has to finish 4th in conference. (right)

Cross Country


anther runners came up just short of repeating as champions at the MCAC cross country tournament. York was paced behind the 2nd place finish of Tecumseh, Kan., junior Jeff Austin and the 4th place finish of Benkleman, Neb., sophomore Levi Swenson. Both runners were named MCAC All-Conference while two other YC runners, Warren Lannon and Justice Barnes, were Honorable Mention All-MCAC finishing 12th and 14th respectively. A twice-named Midlands Collegiate Athletic Conference Runner of the Week, Austin was also named by the conference as Newcomer of the Year and represented York College at the NAIA National Championships in Lawrence on November 23. The women’s team had two named Honorable Mention All-MCAC: Morgan DeBoer who finished 12th at the MCAC Championships and Kelsey Dallimore 13th. At the conclusion of the season seven runners were announced as MCAC ScholarAthletes: Karissa Austin, Kyle Bottom, Tyler Cox, Kellan Goben, Jake Hasenauer, Lindsay Jones, and Emily Meranda. MCAC Newcomer of the Year, Jeff Austin, earned 2nd place in the MCAC Championships and went on to run at Nationals. (left)


z, z, n, o, in a,

photo courtesy of York News-Times

Carlos Arana has his way with the wrestler from Concordia Univ. (left) Bakersfield, Cal., senior Bryan Magno stretches out his opponent. (right) Chrystian Banuelos gets an aggressive takedown that leads to a 13-12 decision over Doane. (middle)



ork College had its best showing in program history at the 2014 NAIA Wrestling National Meet with three Panthers receiving All-American honors. At 125 lbs Oscar Marin, a sophomore from Bakersfield, Calif., finished his season in 8th place after going 3-3 in the tournament. In the 141 lb weight bracket Jason Arreola, a senior from Anaheim, Calif., also finished 3-3 for 8th to become York’s first two-time All-American in wrestling. Saia Lotulelei, a junior from Kihei, Hawaii, had the best showing for the Panthers, narrowly missing the opportunity to wrestle for the heavyweight championship. Lotulelei went 3-2 and finished 5th for his All-American status. Carlos Arana, a junior from Santa Ana, Calif., went 2-2 in the tournament at 165 lbs., and Logan Paul Eickhoff, a junior from Shasta, Calif., went 1-2 at 197 lbs. The team finished in 13th place out of the 38 colleges represented. Robert Eklund was named a Daktronics NAIA Scholar-Athlete. Oscar Marin, one of York’s three All-American wrestlers, gets a 20-5 tech fall over his Doane College opponent in the 125 lb weight bracket. (above)


Men’s Basketball

Saia Lotulelei manhandles his opponent from Doane College in front of the home fans. (above)

photo courtesy of York News-Times

(Insets: l-r) Coach Smith and Coach Diaz encourage Chrystian in his match; Marcus Banducci tries to get a hold on the competition in the home dual vs Concodia; Quentin Becker puts a hurt on one of the Bulldogs’ premier wrestlers; LP Eickhoff went 3-1 and took 2nd at the Bethany Swede Open.

Jason Arreola takes care of business in the Concordia dual at Seward. Arreola became York College’s first wrestler to be a two-time All-American. (above)

Coach Diaz works on some techniques with LP Eickhoff and Bradlee Carls. (right) Saia Lotulelei finished 5th in the NAIA heavyweight championship bracket. (below)

2013-14 Wrestling Team: (1st row) *Robert Eklund, Brandon Brown, Yussef Ramirez, Oscar Marin, Marcus Banducci, Sergio Sanchez, Jason Arreola; (2nd row) Assistant Coach Jotham Andrews, Joshua Eklund, Joe Madison, Chrystian Banuelos, Devaunta Cuba, Bryan Magno, Joey Massay, Student Assistant Kyle Wichman; (3rd row) Associate Head Coach Greg Smith, Saia Lotulelei, Quentin Becker, Eric Guetterman, LP Eickhoff, Carlos Arana, Aaron Lopez, Devan Rosser, Head Coach Ramon Diaz *Daktronics NAIA Scholar-Athlete

photo by Chad




Guarded closely by a Haskell player, Mesha Ellison drives toward the basket. (left)

Women’s Basketball

photos by Bob DeHart

Alyssa Becker goes all out as she makes a move to the basket against the Ozarks’ defender. (right)


ith a season at YC under his belt second-year head coach Matt Madole improved on his inaugural season with some solid recruiting and fell just short of post season play finishing with an 11-15 record, 6-8 in conference. A highlight for the Lady Panthers was taking down MCAC powerhouse College of the Ozarks at home winning 87-79. Date Opponent Score 10/25 Dordt College L 50-80 Cory Minjarez led all players 10/29 Grace University W 105-44 in points with a season total of 11/15 McPherson College W 82-68 11/19 Bethany College W 83-69 408 points, 15.7/game, and also 11/22 Sterling College W 77-73 led in steals (54). Zanoria Echols 11/23 Tabor College L 50-68 11/26 Mid-America Christian L 66-73 and Marissa Maher dominated 12/5 Hastings College L 63-80 the boards with 146 and 134 12/9 Mount Marty College L 65-97 12/12 Concordia University L 55-95 rebounds on the year. Alyssa 1/10 Ozark Christian W 85-37 Becker averaged 3.5 assists per 1/17 *College of Saint Mary L 56-83 1/18 *Waldorf College W 84-52 game, 91 on the season. All1/21 *Central Christian W 98-82 MCAC honors went to Minjarez 1/24 *Oklahoma Wesleyan L 77-85 1/25 *Haskell University L 63-73 while Echols and Doreen Lopez 1/31 *Central Baptist W 100-78 were voted Honorable Mention 2/1 *College of the Ozarks L 57-89 2/7 *Central Baptist W 76-64 All-MCAC. Becker, Maher, Alex 2/8 *College of the Ozarks W 87-79 Payne, and Courtney Swope were 2/11 *Central Christian W 77-60 2/14 *Oklahoma Wesleyan L 84-93 named MCAC Scholar-Athletes. 2/15 *Haskell University L 68-74 2/21 *College of Saint Mary L 69-106 2/22 *Waldorf College L 80-83 2/28 *Haskell University L 57-71 *MCAC game; Home games in bold


Cory Minjarez goes up for two of her 22 points in the Panthers’ 82-68 win over McPherson College. (right)

Name 22 Minjarez 20 Echols 23 Lopez 04 Swope 13 Becker, A 24 Maher, M 10 Esquivel 14 Klinkhammer 21 Payne 03 Maher, E 99 Runyan 25 Ellison 5 Bonderer 98 Hammitt 11 Marceau 01 Parker 32 Becker, K 97 Struck

G 26 26 23 25 26 25 26 26 18 25 10 22 1 2 4 5 1 3

GS FG PCT 3-Pt PCT FT PCT PTS P/G Asst BLK ST Reb 23 131 0.407 59 0.292 87 0.737 408 15.7 53 1 54 21/75 16 86 0.376 2 0.167 108 0.761 282 10.8 47 1 32 62/84 21 101 0.407 6 0.545 38 0.679 246 10.7 37 21 24 32/93 17 70 0.417 25 0.294 34 0.791 199 8 19 4 21 37/48 24 54 0.348 18 0.281 44 0.657 170 6.5 91 3 32 29/70 10 65 0.385 12 0.226 21 0.724 163 6.5 40 3 20 44/90 0 32 0.288 14 0.292 21 0.7 99 3.8 28 5 16 7/26 0 30 0.469 9 0.429 26 0.765 95 3.7 7 1 6 14/30 1 25 0.325 8 0.276 9 0.643 67 3.7 15 5 7 18/40 1 21 0.362 4 0.235 8 0.667 54 2.2 14 0 7 8/13 7 22 0.379 5 0.294 4 0.667 53 5.3 6 5 4 10/27 0 13 0.22 6 0.188 9 0.9 41 1.9 20 1 5 9/23 0 10 0.556 0 0 0 0 20 20 0 0 1 6/6 0 2 0.667 1 1 0 0 5 2.5 0 0 0 0/1 0 1 0.333 0 0 2 0.667 4 1 0 0 0 0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0/1

In front of a packed Eagles’ Nest, Doreen Lopez takes a jump shot against Oklahoma Christian during their homecoming weekend. (above) (Insets: l-r)) Jacqueline Esquivel makes her move in the lane against McPherson; Zanoria Echols elevates for two at home against Central Baptist; Courtney Swope gets by her Central Christian defender for two underneath the basket; Elizabeth Maher dribbles around the Hastings’ defense. photos by Bob DeHart

Never undervalue the support of your teammates. (above) Marissa Maher elevates for the shot above the McPherson defense. (right) 2013-14 Women’s Basketball Team: (1st row) Elizabeth Maher, Haylee Shaffer, Courtney Hammitt, Demetra Howlingwolf, *Alyssa Becker, Kaylee Becker, Damesha Ellison, Zanoria Echols, Jacqueline Esquivel; (2nd row) Courtney Swope, Hannah Parker, Darbi Klinkhammer, Talea Struck, Ebony Carther, Lauren Peterson, Brittany Marceau, Renee Wubbenhorst, Cory Minjarez; (3rd row) Assistant Coach Jen Spickelmier, Assistant Coach Misty Brestel, Alexandra Payne, Doreen Lopez, Carlie Bonderer, Taylor Runyan, *Marisa Maher, Head Coach Matthew Madole, Student Assistant Andrew Johnson *Daktronics NAIA Scholar-Athletes

The basketball teams, student body, and fans gather at mid-court in support of Dr. Clark Roush’s battle with cancer. (above) Darbi Klinkhammer puts up a jumper against Ozark Christian. (left)

Women’s Basketball


photo by Leo Miller

Dylan Brewer, a senior from Keller, Texas, completes a fast break in the home opener against Concordia University. (above)

(Insets: l-r) Remington Mignott goes up for two of his 19 points against Oklahoma Christian; Deon Willis puts his awesome vertical leap on display during Midnight Madness; Defenses had their hands full with Andre Vaughn’s aggressive play; Alec Monaghan brings it down hard in the home opener against Concordia University.

The coaching staff along with the players invest themselves fully into the game against Bellevue University. (below)

Zach Ruff splits the defenders in a JV game against Hastings College. (below)

photos by Bob DeHart

Name 03 Brewer 10 Vaughn 22 Mignott 11 Jackson 05 Sonnier 00 Willis 01 Marshall 12 Buffalo 02 Howe 99 Osayande 23 Ferguson 25 Monaghan 50 Fall


GP 30 30 30 26 23 26 30 25 30 9 14 26 9

GS 30 30 30 25 18 2 3 2 0 9 1 1 0

FG 171 191 122 136 87 74 48 32 19 25 16 13 1

PCT 0.429 0.458 0.467 0.517 0.416 0.416 0.425 0.432 0.388 0.595 0.457 0.361 0.143

3-Pt 55 82 34 13 26 17 8 3 2 3 3 0 0

PCT 0.362 0.4 0.4 0.325 0.382 0.304 0.229 0.3 0.333 0.5 0.375 0 0

Men’s Basketball

FT 148 61 106 30 55 32 31 39 29 4 1 4 3

PCT 0.791 0.718 0.752 0.6 0.743 0.627 0.689 0.696 0.63 0.444 0.1 0.667 0.75

PTS 545 525 384 315 255 197 135 106 69 57 36 30 5

P/G 18.2 17.5 12.8 12.1 11.1 7.6 4.5 4.2 2.3 6.3 2.6 1.2 0.6

Asst 110 69 44 30 32 29 24 9 30 15 9 3 1

BLK 5 4 4 47 14 3 6 5 0 11 4 14 3

ST 49 38 42 19 47 16 15 11 10 9 8 9 0

Reb 23/93 17/57 40/106 63/108 58/81 19/28 24/38 22/59 15/33 7/36 12/20 5/23 2/9

2013-14 Men’s Basketball Team: (1st row) Mike Buffalo, Isaiah Willis, Deon Willis, Johnny Cooksey, Tre’ Howe, Andre Vaughn, Remi Mignott, Ramses Larobina, *Dylan Brewer, Daymian Marshall; (2nd row) Asst. Coach Tree Burks, Asst. Coach Joe Lundstrom, Student Manager Roberto Romero, Reggie Sonnier, Heyvis Jackson, Amen Osayande, Baye Fall, Alec Monaghan, Michael Johnson, Weston Walsh, Student Asst. Jeremiah Ahart, Asst. Coach Dee Ellison, Head Coach Delton Deal (right) *Daktronics NAIA Scholar-Athlete

2013-14 JV Basketball: (no team pic) Terence Ball, Josh Bates, Jeremy Bennett, Julien Ezika–Michael, Danny Gordon, Champion Grayson, Tre Green, Shaphan Gross, Justin Handegard, L.J. Hopkins, Justice Ingraham, Darius Jenkins, D.J. Johnson, Jamaane Jordan, Naaman Karbhari, Jake Rehurek, Zachary Ruff, Rafael Torres, Michael Turner, Abram Veasey, D’Marqueyon Whittington

photos by Bob DeHart

Andre leads the fast break attempt with Dylan ready to assist. (left) Daymian Marshall makes a baseline move around a Kansas Wesleyan defender. (right) Heyvis Jackson sails through the lane for 2 of his 14 points against Grace University. (middle)

Men’s Basketball


Score elton Deal completed his Date Opponent 11/1 Concordia University W 86-79 fourth season as head coach 11/2 Kansas Wesleyan W 98-88 o f t h e m e n ’ s b a s k e t b a l l 11/15 Northwood University W 104-103 11/19 Mount Marty College W 88-77 team producing once more 11/29 Briar Cliff University L 96-102 11/30 William Woods College W 108-99 a winning tradition. A highlight early 12/2 Grace University W 89-84 in the season was taking on NCAA 12/13 St. Ambrose W 94-84 L 88-90 Div. II Oklahoma Christian at their 12/14 Mount Mercy 12/30 Briar Cliff University L 72-81 homecoming game. The Panthers led 12/31 Morningside College W 81-78 the majority of the first half before losing 1/3 Kansas Wesleyan Univ W 84-77 1/4 Friends University L 92-100 to the Eagles in a very exciting contest. 1/10 Ozark Christian W 111-96 1/17 *Bellevue University L 82-91 York was able to secure a place in the 1/18 *Waldorf College L 70-78 MCAC tournament but were eliminated 1/21 *Central Christian L 89-93 in the first game finishing the season at 1/24 *Oklahoma Wesleyan W 104-98 1/25 *Haskell University W 86-83 17-13, 6-8 in the conference. 1/31 *Central Baptist L 67-74 *College of the Ozarks L 82-94 Dylan Brewer led the team with 18.7 2/1 2/7 *Central Baptist W 109-91 points and 3.67 assists per game. Heyvis 2/8 *College of the Ozarks L 64-74 *Central Christian W 83-81 Jackson averaged 6.58 rebounds 2/11 2/14 *Oklahoma Wesleyan L 72-84 W 121-113 with 171 on the year and also led in 2/15 *Haskell University 2/21 *Bellevue University L 69-93 block shots (47). Reggie Sonnier was 2/22 *Waldorf College W 86-81 W 98-89 credited with 2.04 steals/game, 47 2/28 *Waldorf College 3/1 *Bellevue University L 86-96 steals for the season. *MCAC game; Home games in bold All-MCAC honors went to Brewer while Jackson and Andre Vaughn were voted Honorable Mention All-MCAC. Brewer, Daymian Marshall, and Abram Veasey were named MCAC Scholar-Athletes.


The team celebrates Brittany Rayls’ RBI double in the 4-3 victory over College of St Mary. (above) (Insets: l-r) Amanda Saldivar slides in for the score; Arica Reeves throws the runner out at first; Jessie Griffith lines up for the pitch; Dani Marks readies herself at 2nd base. It took special fans to brave the cold for the home opener against Peru State. (below)

Morgan Derengowski blasts a line drive to score Molly Reyes. (above) Tabi Cramer, who pitched three years for the Lady Panthers, follows through on her delivery. (lower left) Leaders At The Plate

Name Sandoval Griffith Moore Rodriguez Cramer



Overall Pitching GP ERA W L IP H 29 4.52 2 11 97.2 150 11 5.25 0 5 30.2 63 26 8.99 2 13 74 155 20 10.63 1 3 27.2 59 15 13.31 0 7 33.2 75

SO 31 10 24 10 16

BB 25 9 29 17 37

OBA 0.336 0.426 0.404 0.399 0.426








Bush Curry Derengowski Griffith Lovelace Marks McCoy Rayls, B Rayls, R Reeves Reyes Saldivar Sandoval

43 40 44 23 14 40 28 43 5 44 44 43 39

0.24 0.209 0.248 0.233 0.056 0.276 0.175 0.316 0.077 0.248 0.288 0.274 0.194

121 115 101 43 18 105 40 114 13 133 118 124 36

16 14 7 2 0 19 4 9 0 12 15 16 1

29 24 25 10 1 29 7 36 1 33 34 34 7

4 1 5 0 0 3 1 6 0 5 3 2 1


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 8 10 3 1 21 2 19 0 9 2 10 5


36 25 30 10 1 47 8 42 1 38 39 36 8

0.298 0.217 0.297 0.233 0.056 0.448 0.2 0.368 0.077 0.286 0.331 0.29 0.222

5 7 17 9 4 11 0 13 0 7 11 10 0

0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 1


14 10 21 6 22 1 7 2 8 0 27 0 15 1 11 1 3 0 26 1 30 2 12 11 12 6

5 3 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 7 5 0

2014 Softball Team: (1st row) Morgan Derengowski, MacKenzie Bush, Amanda Saldivar, Renee Rayls, Britney Curry; (2nd row) Head Coach Tori Rath, Molly Reyes, Courtney Lovelace, Jessie Griffith, Tabatha Cramer, *Sarah Trembly, Morgan Moore, Student Assistant Justine Kodesh; (3rd row) Assistant Coach Devyn Pearl, Destiny Sandoval, Laykin McCoy, *Dani Marks, Priscilla Menke, Vanessa Rodriguez, Arica Reeves, Brittany Rayls, Corrine Pearl *Daktronics NAIA Scholar-Athletes

Destiny Sandoval led the team in innings pitched with 97.2. (left) MacKenzie Bush covers the plate and gets the out at home. (right) Brittany Rayls led the team with 36 hits on the season. (middle)



t was a rebuilding year Date Opponent Score USAO L 2-7 for the women’s softball 2/21 2/21 Mid-America Christian L 6-10 team and fifth-year head 2/21 Friends University L 0-7 Tabor College (2) L 0-4, L 1-9 coach Tori Rath as they 2/23 3/4 Kansas Wesleyan (2) L 1-6, L 2-5 lost six of their players who 3/6 Peru State Univ (2) L 2-14, L 0-5 3/9 Bethany College L 0-22 led in stats and postseason 3/9 Hastings College L 6-10 honors from the 2013 team. 3/10 Langston University (2) L 2-11, L 3-11 Northwood Univ (2) L 4-7, L 0-10 The Lady Panthers finished 3/12 3/19 Nebraska Wesleyan (2) L 0-5, L 5-11 5-39 on the regular season, 3/20 Concordia Univ (2) L 3-7, L 1-11 4-16 in conference play. Two 3/23 Presentation College (2) W 12-0, L 4-6 3/26 Kansas Wesleyan L 2-6 players received conference 3/28 *Haskell University W 10-6 *Central Baptist L 1-11 honors with Brittany Rayls and 3/28 3/29 *Oklahoma Wesleyan L 4-16 MacKenzie Bush being named 3/29 *Central Christian L 0-2 Honorable Mention All-MCAC. 4/2 *Bellevue University (2) L 2-5, L 1-10 4/5 *Waldorf College (2) L 4-5, L 0-10 Stat leaders were Brittany 4/8 *College of St Mary (2) W 4-3, L 1-9 W 12-2 Rayls’ .316 batting average, 4/11 *Haskell University 4/11 *Central Baptist L 0-4 Dani Marks with 21 RBIs, Molly 4/12 *Oklahoma Wesleyan L 2-5 W 4-1 Reyes with 7 stolen bases, 4/12 *Central Christian 4/18 Hastings College (2) L 0-10, L 0-12 and Destiny Sandoval with a 4/22 *College of St Mary (2) L 1-6, L 5-9 4/25 *Bellevue University (2) L 1-14, L 0-11 4.52 ERA and 31 strikeouts. 4/26 *Waldorf College (2) L 2-7, L 5-6 Sandoval and Morgan Moore *MCAC game; Home games in bold both had two wins on the season. Marks and Sarah Trembly were named Daktronics NAIA Scholar-Athletes.


below photos by Bob Dehart

Matt Owen was 3-3 against Bellevue including this homerun blast. (leftt) Tyler Molder led the team in wins with 8 and had a 2.63 ERA. (right) Tyler Helms and Josh Knoll have a conference on the mound. (middle)

Baseball 2014 Season 32-21 Date Opponent 2/14 Southwestern Christian 2/14 Hillsdale Baptist 2/15 Southwestern Christian 2/15 Hillsdale Baptist 2/16 Saint Gregory's Univ 2/21 Northwood University (2) 2/22 Northwood University (2) 2/28 Univ. of Jamestown 2/28 MidAmerica Nazarene 3/1 Univ. of Jamestown 3/7 Tabor College (2) 3/9 Tabor College (2) 3/12 Hastings College 3/14 *Central Baptist (2) 3/15 *Central Baptist (2) 3/19 Morningside College (2) 3/21 *Central Christian (2) 3/22 *Central Christian (2) 3/25 Hastings College 3/29 Grace University (2) 4/1 Midland University 4/5 *Bellevue University (2) 4/6 *Bellevue University (2) 4/7 Briar Cliff Univ 4/11 *Oklahoma Wesleyan (2) 4/12 *Oklahoma Wesleyan (2) 4/16 Concordia University 4/18 *Waldorf College (2) 4/19 *Waldorf College (2) 4/22 Concordia University 4/25 *College of the Ozarks (2) 4/26 *College of the Ozarks (2) 5/1 *Bellevue University 5/2 *Oklahoma Wesleyan 5/3 *Bellevue University * MCAC game; Home games in bold



Score W 16-4 W 11-1 W 3-1 W 18-0 W 10-1 L 0-7, W 9-2 L 3-7, L 2-7 W 4-1 L 3-6 L 2-4 L 1-3, W 5-2 L 0-2, L 3-10 W 12-5 W 8-4, W 2-1 W 12-3, L 3-7 L 3-4, W 5-4 W 2-1, L 0-3 W 9-5, W 7-3 W 9-3 W 2-1, W 16-3 W 3-2 L 4-11, W 10-1 L 4-7, W 4-3 W 7-4 L 5-10, L 3-5 L 6-11, L 3-5 W 11-5 W 3-2, L 4-5 W 2-1, W 14-6 W 13-6 W 6-5, W 5-2 L 4-7, W 3-1 W 4-2 L 3-7 L 4-10


fter last year’s incredible run to the NAIA Baseball World Series, first-year Head Coach Brian Walth was hoping for a repeat visit to Idaho with this year’s team. However, there was a new kid in town, so to speak, as the Eagles from Oklahoma Wesleyan rose to the top of the MCAC as well as garnered national attention with the #3 NAIA ranking. The Panthers and Bruins did their usual sparring as they split 3-3 in their match-ups and provided some incredible battles for the home crowd to enjoy at Levitt Stadium. The Panthers finished their season with a record of 32-21, 14-10 in conference play. Tyler Helms was selected as a first-team catcher on the talent-laden MCAC team. Helms posted a .374 average for the season and recorded three home runs, nine doubles and 35 RBIs. All-MCAC 2nd Team were Sean Goodall (OF), Matt Owen (OF), and Tyler Molder (P). Helms and Trevor Ramos were MCAC Golden Glove recipients. Ramos led the team with 37 RBIs, Rudy Perez with 24 stolen bases, Molder’s 2.63 ERA led the pitching staff, and Josh Knoll led with 72 strikeouts. Cody Baack, Josh Burgener, D.J. Drews, Tyler Helms, and Jacob Powell were MCAC Scholar-Athletes.

photos by Bob DeHart

After getting the game-winning hit against College of the Ozarks, Jordan Pella tries to avoid his teammates in their victory celebration. (above) (Insets: l-r) Trevor Ramos congratulates Dylan Connolly on his homerun in the Ozark game; Anthony Enriquez looks upward as he approaches the plate; Aaron Conyers delivers the heat; Jordan Suter slides wide to avoid the tag and get the score against Bellevue. Leaders at the Plate Batting





Bottini Burgener Connolly Drews Enriquez Everhart Garcia Goodall Helms Henan Jantz Knoll Owen Pella Perez Ramos Suter

35 6 35 21 53 9 53 43 48 31 24 49 44 48 53 52 32

0.256 1 0.341 0.231 0.295 0.355 0.235 0.307 0.374 0.218 0.5 0.31 0.309 0.266 0.302 0.261 0.24

86 1 82 26 176 31 166 114 147 55 6 58 149 128 182 184 50

7 3 15 4 35 11 20 24 19 12 0 19 36 25 31 29 13


2B 3B

22 6 1 0 28 6 6 1 52 5 11 3 39 11 35 8 55 9 12 0 3 0 18 6 46 12 34 4 55 9 48 13 12 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0


1 0 3 0 0 0 3 3 3 1 0 0 1 1 2 7 0

19 1 19 3 22 4 31 23 35 5 2 10 12 11 34 37 5



0.36 1 0.524 0.269 0.324 0.452 0.367 0.456 0.497 0.273 0.5 0.414 0.409 0.32 0.396 0.446 0.26

22 0 15 6 25 4 48 17 20 18 1 18 13 27 35 24 16

3 2 7 0 10 5 17 9 21 8 0 4 30 4 14 3 3

3 0 4 2 12 0 5 1 13 3 0 3 9 3 9 9 10



3 1 2 0 0 0 3 2 0 1 0 1 2 10 8 0 0 5 5 1 7 2 6 9 3 1 5 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 3 5 0 3 14 0 6 7 3 7 24 2 5 4 0 0 0

2014 Baseball Team: (1st row) Joe Preston, Cody Henry, Grayson King, Trey Sokolik, Austin Dredge, Josh Burgener, Casey Kaup, Jacob Wilson, *Jacob Powell, Corey Holmes; (2nd row) JV Coach Mike Miller, Tyler Molder, *Chris Costanza, Max Fleig, Brett Waller, Nick Reeves, Pepe Marquez, Julio Angulo, Matt Owen, Rudy Perez, Ryan Murphy; (3rd row) Head Coach Brian Walth, Asst. Coach Erik Gray, Student Asst. Coach Brett Wise, Dylan Morrow, Brady Henan, Joe Garcia, Brad Lindsley, Seth Jacob, DJ Jantz, Cody Baack, Anthony Enriquez, Asst. Coach Gene Felise, Associate Head Coach Dylan Connolly; (4th row) Chris Bottini, Garrett Everhart, Trevor Ramos, Jordan Suter, Jordan Pella, *Tyler Helms, Josh Knoll, Seth Walker, Mitch Fletcher, D.J. Drews, Caleb Connolly, Sean Goodall, Aaron Conyers *Daktronics NAIA Scholar-Athletes

inset photos by Bob DeHart Pitching Stats













Conyers Fletcher Jacob Jantz Knoll Lindsley Molder Morrow Perez Walker

3.77 8.03 1.8 2.61 3.24 4.21 2.63 4.88 0 6.75

5 0 0 1 7 3 3 2 0 0

12 10 12 21 14 14 12 12 4 10

76.1 12.1 20 31 66.2 57.2 82 51.2 5.1 13.1

78 14 15 25 59 54 77 67 4 14

284 47 73 117 249 214 309 212 20 53

39 13 5 13 38 31 32 37 4 11

32 11 4 9 24 27 24 28 0 10

13 10 9 11 26 14 22 21 3 2

66 13 7 25 72 50 71 32 5 7

0.275 0.298 0.205 0.214 0.237 0.252 0.249 0.316 0.2 0.264

6 1 0 4 4 5 8 2 1 1

Trevor Ramos, MCAC Golden Glove recipient, tags a College of the Ozarks’ runner out at third base. (above)



The men’s and women’s track and field team show off their hardware after the MCAC awards’ ceremony in which they both won their respective titles. (above) (Insets: l-r) Jaimee Stutz takes the baton from Jade Hodge in the 4x100m relay; Caleb “Moose” Smith lets the disc fly; Joe Ventry won both the long jump and triple jump at the MCAC Tournament; Brittany Marceau anchored the winning 4x100m relay team; Kayla Struck’s javelin throw was golden at the MCAC Championships. MCAC photos courtesy of Tyler Cox


2014 Track and Field Team: (1st row) Kelsey Dallimore, Karissa Austin, Lindsay Jones, Joe Teachout, Emily Meranda, Heidi Swenson, Jade Hodge, *Elizabeth Callaway; (2nd row) *Collin Tucker, *Kayla Struck, Sierra Trower, Forrest Burr, Morgan DeBoer, Warren Lannon, *Kyle Bottom, Tyler Cox, Levi Swenson, *Marisa Maher; (3rd row) Head Coach Justin Carver, Jonathan Houser, Eric Walker, Brennan Jarvis, Asher Palomo, Troy Kelly, Jeff Austin, Jeff Cathey, *Jake Hasenauer, Kellan Goben, Grayson Gonzalez, Jaimee Stutz; (4th row) Caleb Smith, *Ryne Smith, Dalton Bergstrom, Josh Kountz, Joe Ventry, Cameron Holmes, Heyvis Jackson, Justice Barnes, Darreon Collins, Assistant Coach Andrew Aragon *Daktronics NAIA Scholar-Athletes

It was all smiles for the 4x400m relay championship team of Maher, Dallimore, Austin, and Callaway. (left) Levi Swenson takes the baton from Troy Kelly in their 4x400m relay victory. (right)

Track & Field


t was a busy five months for the indoor and outdoor track athletes. Aside from the yearlong conditioning required, the competitive seasons combined span December through May. For the colder months, Holthus Field House became home to the athletes. The men’s and women’s outdoor track and field teams brought home their respected MCAC Championships for the second year in a row with a number of individuals also earning the top spot in their events. Darreon Collins, a senior from Kansas City, Missouri, was recognized as the MCAC Outstanding Male Athlete of the Year, winning three individual golds and two golds in team relay events. Joe Ventry was an NAIA Outdoor Track and Field Championship qualifier in the triple jump but did not compete due to injury. Head Coach Justin Carver had the repeat honor of being recognized as the Midlands Collegiate Athletic Conference Outstanding Coach of the Year for both men’s and women’s track teams. Kyle Bottom, Elizabeth Callaway, Jake Hasenauer, Marisa Maher, Ryne Smith, Kayla Struck, and Collin Tucker were named Daktronics NAIA Scholar-Athletes. Indoor Track and Field Schedule Dec. 13-14 UNK Pre-Season Open Jan. 25 Wildcat Classic Feb. 1 Concordia Classic Feb. 8 Charlie Foster Classic Feb. 14 Concordia Invite Feb. 21-22 NCCAA National Championships Outdoor Track and Field Schedule Mar. 29 Bronco Relays Apr. 12 Concordia Invite Apr. 18-19 Doane Relays Apr. 25-26 MCAC Conference Championships May 1-2 NCCAA National Championships

Kearney, NE Wayne, NE Seward, NE Kearney, NE Seward, NE Kankakee, Ill Hastings, NE Seward, NE Crete, NE Lawrence, KS Rome, GA

At the MCAC Championships, Darreon Collins and Justice Barnes were 1st and 2nd in each of the 100m, 200m and 400m races. (middle) Coaches Carver and Aragon were proud of Struck, Burr, Smith, and Trower who won gold in their throwing events. (left) 2014 1st Team All-MCAC Track and Field Champions: Men’s Champions Darreon Collins: 100m, 200m, and 400m *Joe Ventry: long jump and triple jump Caleb Smith: shot put

Women’s Champions Forrest Burr: shot put Sierra Trower: discus Kayla Struck: javelin 4x100m relay: Jade Hodge Jaimee Stutz

Liz Callaway Brittany Marceau

4x400m relay: Kelsey Dalimore Marissa Maher

Liz Callaway Karissa Austin

4x100m and 4x400m relay: Justice Barnes Levi Swenson Troy Kelly Darreon Collins

Track & Field


The cheerleaders join Caleb Connolly as he leads the York faithful in a rousing cheer during the Bellevue University match-up. (top) (Insets: l-r)) The squad shows their support of the Panthers in their conference game with Oklahoma Wesleyan; Leslie Galindo was one of five freshmen on the squad; the Ladies’ energy and enthusiasm for their team was contagious.

The cheer and pom squad wore the “I Love DR” t-shirts for a basketball game in support of Dr. Clark Roush. (above & left)

Cheer & Pom Squad 2013-14: (1st row) Sheyli Thomas, Aubrey Cote, Leslie Galindo; (2nd row) Amber Parker, Rachquel Banducci, Bailey Kinney; (3rd row) Bre Goben, Andrea Bowman, Darrien Gomez - not pictured Amelia Kynion and Coach Katelyn Kynion


Cheer and Pom Squad

The cheer and pom squad give a great look from the gym floor. (left)

Amber Parker and Rachquel Banducci do their best to get the crowd into the game. (right & middle)

Cheer & Pom Squad

photo by Hann

ah Gund


he ladies in blue and white gave Panther fans something to cheer about throughout the year as they gave their full support to the York College athletic program. Under the direction of head coach Katelyn Kynion, the cheer and pom squad were high on enthusiasm and talent in keeping the stands vocal for their teams. Eight out of the ten cheerleaders were new to this year’s squad as Amber Parker and Sheyli Thomas were the only returning members.

Amelia Kynion holds Aubrey Cote steady on her shoulders. (right)



Mr. H. Jarrell Gibbs Hot Springs Village, AR Mr. Rick W. Hendricks Tulsa, OK Mr. Steven W. Belden Lucas, TX Dr. Michael Armour Dallas, TX Chairman of the Board

Vice Chair


Dr. Edward J. Bailey York, NE Dr. Jeff W. Hannel Lubbock, TX Dr. E. LaVerne Haselwood Omaha, NE Dr. Jackie M. Humphrey Austin, TX Mr. Chester M. James Kingman, KS Mr. Richard W. James Wichita, KS Mr. David F. Lynn York, NE Mr. Edward E. McLoud Leavenworth, KS

Mr. Norman E. Morrow St. Francis, KS Mr. Mike V. Myers Littleton, CO Mrs. Cassandra Savage Overland Park, KS Mrs. Carolyn R. Stephenson Lubbock, TX Mr. Charles B. Stephenson Lubbock, TX Mr. G. Wayne Studebaker Norfolk, NE Mr. Paul E. Touchton Brentwood, TN Mr. Charlie J. Watts Eudora, KS Dr. R. Wayne White Carrollton, TX Dr. Gregory N. Woods York, NE (not pictured) Dr. James R. Lackie Baton Rouge, LA


Folio Copy Board of Trustees

In the fall, the Board of Trustees met with administrators in various committees on campus. (above)



t was a year of forward thinking and planning as York College made preparations for its 125th anniversary celebration. President Eckman and the administration began the silent phase of a capital campaign that would usher in some key campus facilities and improvements. With construction beginning in the summer of 2014, the new 11,000 square-foot performing arts center took the lead on the campus initiatives. In the spring semester, the Museum of Ancient History slowly began taking shape in the lower floor of the Mackey Center, and the basement of Middlebrook underwent a transformation of mammoth proportions to facilitate three new classrooms featuring the latest teaching technology. Fall enrollment came in at 459 students with one of the state’s largest percentage of minority enrollments at 30%. Three faculty members joined the YC family in the fall: Dr. Jennifer Dutch (English), Dr. Milton Eckhart (Biology), and Dr. Kirk Mallette (Education). The college was richly blessed with a successful Higher Learning Commission visit in the spring thanks in large part to our self-study Steering Committee: Dr. Shane Mountjoy and Dr. Clark Roush (co-chairs), Erin DeHart, Christi Lones, and Jared Stark. On the financial side, York College was able to finish in the black for the fifth consecutive year.

Dr. Steven W. Eckman President

Dr. R. Wayne Baker Chancellor

Brent N. Magner VP for Advancement

Dr. M. Shane Mountjoy

Artist rendering of the performing arts center. (above) President Eckman addresses the faculty and staff at the opening workshop. (below)

Provost and VP for Student Development

Willie Sanchez

VP for Admissions and Campus Minister

Todd L. Sheldon VP for Finance and Operations

Dr. Tracey L. Wyatt Academic Dean

Administration Folio Copy


Faculty Ed Bailey, JD Associate Professor, Criminal Justice

Dr. Louise Bailey Associate Professor, Education

*John I. Baker III Associate Professor, Communication

Ruth Carlock Levitt Library Director/Instructor

Dr. Michael Case Associate Professor, Bible

*Bob DeHart Assistant Professor, Physical Education

Erin DeHart Assistant Professor, Education

*Dr. Jennifer Dutch Assistant Professor of English

Dr. Milton Eckhart Associate Professor of Science

Amy Fraser Assistant Professor, Music

Mark Houston Adjunct Instructor of English

Patricia Jensen Assistant Professor, Physical Education

Chad Karcher Assistant Professor, Physical Education

Dr. Jo Kite Associate Dean of Online Studies

Dr. Terence Kite Professor, Physics

Cara Kroeker Assistant Professor of Psychology/Counselor

Shannon Leinen Asst. Professor, Communication & Forensics

Tim Lewis Assistant Professor of Business

*Billy Lones, JD Associate Professor, Criminal Justice Dean of Online Studies

Christi Lones Assistant Professor, History

Chris Luther Assistant Professor, Education

*Dr. Kirk Mallette Associate Professor of Education

Tod Martin Assistant Professor, Business & Registrar

Bev McNeese Assistant Professor, English


Folio Copy Faculty

*Tim McNeese Associate Professor, History

Gail Miller Associate Professor, Biology

Dr. L. Ray Miller II Professor, Chemistry

*Mark Miller Associate Professor, Mathematics

Leaf Moore Adjunct Instructor, Art

*Dr. Mark Moore Associate Professor, Business

Ramona Ratliff Levitt Library Assistant Director/Instructor

*Dr. Clark Roush Professor, Music

Dr. Terry Seufferlein Associate Professor, Bible

Marti Soderholm Director of the Student Success Center

*Dr. Jaclyn Spivey Assistant Professor, Psychology Chair, Division of Professional Programs

Harold Tandy Moodle Services

Steve Thompson Associate Professor, Business

*Dr. Frank Wheeler Professor, Bible

*Dr. Alex Williams Associate Professor, Chemistry

*Chair of Department and/or Division

Staff Brien Alley Director of Financial Aid

Jenny Anderson Volleyball Coach, Instructor

Ross Anderson Director of Intramurals

Courtney Baker Administrative Assistant, Education

Faculty Folio&Copy Staff


Staff John W. Baker Admissions Counselor

Tim Bruner Special Assistant to the President

Justin Carver Cross Country & Track Coach

Dan Cole Human Resource Manager, Instructor

Joel Coehoorn Director of Information Technology

Dylan Connolly Associate Head Baseball Coach

Erin Davidson Administrative Asst., Admissions

Delton Deal Men’s Basketball Coach

Ramon Diaz Wrestling Coach

Nick DiToro Development Officer

Jeff Finch McCloud Hall Manager

Bob Gaver Director of Facilities

Loretta Goben Custodial

Gayle Good Administrative Assistant, President’s Office

Larry Good Director Residence Life

Trent Hinton SID/Women’s Soccer Coach

Chrystal Houston Director of Alumni & Communication

Jon Ireland Men’s Soccer Coach

Quin Johnson Admissions Counselor

Katelyn Kynion Financial Aid Officer, Cheer Squad Coach

Dennis Leinen Buildings and Grounds

Jared Leinen Computer Services

Emily Lutz Advancement Associate

Matt Madole Women’s Basketball Coach


Folio Copy Staff

Lisa Menke Associate Dean of Online Studies, Instructor

Leo Miller Circulation Assistant, Library

Rose Miller Accounts Payable

Alaia Navratil Admissions Counselor

David Odom Director of Admissions

Rachel Odom Gibbs Apartment Manager

Devyn Pearl Admissions Counselor, Asst. Softball Coach

Gary Pinney Buildings and Grounds

Tori Rath Softball Coach

Carol Rowedder Computer Services

Janet Rush Bookstore Manager/Mailroom

Catherine Seufferlein Dean of Students

Ron Shields Bookstore/Mailroom

Steddon Sikes Director of Publications

Greg Smith Associate Head Wrestling Coach

Jaclyn Smith Thomas Hall Manager

Jen Spickelmier Asst. Women’s Basketball Coach, P.E. Instructor

Jared Stark Athletic Director, Instructor

Travis Stoltenberg Custodial

Barbara Thompson Director of Student Accounts

Eric Tremaine Buildings and Grounds

Susan Van Deusen Women’s Apartment Manager

Brian Walth Head Baseball Coach/P.E. Instructor

Sylvia Warren Custodial

Folio Copy Staff


Freshmen Samantha Adams Akilah Akbar Jake Aken Moses Aken Terence Ball

Justice Barnes Ostynn Bartels Kaylee Becker Rhyan Bonine Hannah Boucher

Marcus Brown Landon Bruce Jordan Casey Austin Cole Aubrey Cote

Katey Cox Devaunta Cuba Stelson Curry Jarrod Danielson Lauren Derengowski

DeQuavion Devance Alyssa Didier Parker Duensing Jacqueline Esquivel Garrett Everhart

Halie Ewing Kacey Fatuch Leslie Galindo Breanne Goben Darrien Gomez


Folio Copy Freshmen

Freshmen Grayson Gonzalez Danny Gordon Adam Gray Champion Grayson Tre Green

Mikayla Griffith Shaphan Gross Justin Handegard Sara Hansen Corey Holmes

Brinna Horvath Jonathan Houser Tre Howe Justice Ingraham Darius Jenkins

DJ Johnson Michael Johnson Shelby Jordan Megan Keefer DeVon King

Darbi Klinkhammer Jacob Kreinbring Amelia Kynion Julian Lamatsch Louba Lesly

Rileigh Lienemann Courtney Lovelace Akilah Akbar and Adiana Loya work together on the opening community service project. (left)

Folio Freshmen Copy


Freshmen Axel Mendez Priscilla Menke Ariel Michel Morgan Moore Kaycee Morphew

Amanda Myers Armando Ochoa Tyler Odom Seth Olin Ana Osborne

Bonnie Packer Hannah Parker Traevena Parks Kyrylo Pashchenko Jacob Perez

Anna Pletan Caleb Pope James Price Brittany Rayls Alex Reyes

Molly Reyes Emilio Rivas Kayli Rodriguez Vanessa Rodriguez Connor Roseke

Justice Barnes, Leslie Galindo, Amanda Myers, Corey Holmes, Jacob Wilson, Seth Walker, and Donald Sedigas were among those who put their painting skills to the test during the freshmen orientation service project. (right)


Folio Copy Freshmen

Freshmen Devan Rosser Troy Rowen Zachary Ruff Lane Salsbury Destiny Sandoval

Elliot Seals Donald Sedigas Grant Seufferlein Trey Sokolik Reginald Sonnier

Jordan Spiceland Shane Stover Ighor Tavares Joseph Teachout Mia Thomas

Olivia Todd Rafael Torres III Bryce Tyler Seth Vandygriff Joseph Ventry

Eric Walker Brett Waller Weston Walsh Michael Weldon D’Marqueyon Whittington

Isaiah Willis Marcus Willis Delaney Woods Renee Wubbenhorst Laesha Yeager

Folio Freshmen Copy


Sophomores Carlos Arana Tatianna Arvie Anela Auala Josh Bates Melanie Baxa

Dalton Bergstrom Weston Bich Haley Brewster Joshua Burgener Forrest Burr

Angela Case Jeffrey Cathey Caris Clark Johnny Cooksey Cole Craddock

Kelsey Dallimore Morgan Derengowski Derek Drews Ian Dyer Joshua Eklund

Baye Fall Max Fleig Nicole Gates Tehia Goben Elijah Gonzalez

Hannah Gund Tabitha Hameister


Folio Copy Sophomores

photo by Hannah Gund

In the fall, members of Theta Psi and Sig Tau participated in Lincoln’s Buddy Walk. (below)

Sophomores Michaela Hartman Nolan Henningson Cody Henry

Amelia Hinnergardt Jordon Hinnergardt Madeline Hinnergardt

LJ Hopkins Paige Horton Ashlee Ivey Eryn Jacobson Lindsay Jones

Jamaane Jordan Grayson King Bailey Kinney Josh Kountz Justin Larson

Toby Lewis Elizabeth Maher Nick Maple Brittany Marceau Oscar Marin

Jose “Pepe” Marquez Laykin McCoy Caitlin Nipe Michael Ortiz Raul Ortiz

Cole Craddock along with Tyler Odom, Caris Clark, and Chloe Pittman work behind the scenes at the 2013 World Mission Workshop to box up food for the Feed the Children organization. (left)

Sophomores Folio Copy


Sophomores Natalie Ostrander Alexandra Payne Lauren Peterson Bestley Pierre Chloe Pittman

Joseph Preston Yussef Ramirez Jacob Rehurek Brandon Schraven Caroline Seilstad

Haylee Shaffer Jaimee Stutz Heidi Swenson Levi Swenson Soren Tobey

Abram Veasey Zach Williams Jacob Wilson Varlencia Winters

Eryn Jacobson captures a fun time in the women’s dorm. (right)


Folio Copy Sophomores

Juniors Ben Abraham Jasmine Agee Julio Angulo Luis Arevalo Jason Arreola

Cody Baack Brianna Bailey Marcus Banducci Rachquel Banducci Chrystian Banuelos

Molly Bartee Quentin Becker Austin Benton Carlie Bonderer Dacy Bonner

Kyle Bottom Jena Boutin Jaslyn Bradley Christina Brigham Beth Brock

Brandon Brown Kelsey Buglewicz MacKenzie Bush Martin Callen Santiago Castano

Chrystina Contreras Chris Costanza Tyler Cox Britney Curry Saleena Deal

Folio Juniors Copy

101 101

Juniors Morgan DeBoer Tori Ebel Zanoria Echols LoganPaul Eickhoff Mesha Ellison

Anthony Enriquez Julien Ezika-Michael Christopher Fifield Kailey Firm Erika Garcia

Jessica Gonzalez Josh Gonzalez Sean Goodall Morgan Goracke Courtney Hammitt

Jacob Hasenauer Joseph Brady Henan Jade Hodge Chelcie Holloway Cameron Holmes

Peter Holmes Heyvis Jackson Darrell Jantz

Brennan Jarvis Naaman Karbhari Casey Kaup Songfest hosts and hostesses have a lighthearted moment on Hulitt’s fire escape. (right)


Folio Copy Juniors

photo by Bob DeHart

2013-14 RAs: A fantastic group of leaders for our campus. (below)

Juniors Katy Keefer Troy Kelly

Warren Lannon Brad Lindsley

photo by Catherine Seufferlein

Ali Linstad Jenny Long Aaron Lopez Doreen Lopez Saia Lotulelei

Dani Marks Daymian Marshall Karsyn Maya Emily Meranda Bethany Miller

Cory Minjarez Laura Morrill Karlie Mountjoy Nick Mueting Ryan Murphy

Misty Naasz Heather Negley Asher Palomo Amber Parker Corrine Pearl

2013-14 RAs: (1st row) M. DeBoer, E. Jacobson, P. Horton, S. Tobey; (2nd row) J. Powell, P. Holmes, C. Pittman, C. Clark, A. Clark, C. Tucker, DJ Drews, H. Gund; (3rd row) M. Callen, C. Seilstad, J. Long, A. Peters, Chase Craddock, J. Burgener; (standing) R.Romero, I. Dyer, A. Palomo, D. Bergstrom E. Stanger, Cole Craddock, A. Sesay, D. Bonner

Folio Juniors Copy

103 103

Juniors Rudy Perez Alfred Peters Jacob Powell Renee Rayls Andrew Raymond

Riannon Romero Roberto Romero Sergio Sanchez Hannah Sheldon Brady Sikes

Laurel Simpson Caleb Smith Kayla Struck Ben Sullivan Courtney Swope

Shelby Terrell Arielle Thomas Sheyli Thomas Jameson Trauger Sarah Trembly

Sierra Trower Collin Tucker Michael Turner Faith Underwood Seth Walker

Allyssa Weatherd Thomas Williams YC roommates Caleb, Brady, Troy, and Josh record their ghost pepper challenge for YouTube. (right)


Folio Copy Juniors

Seniors Rebecca Agler Jeremiah Ahart Lucas Anderson Tim Aragon Nicole Ashton

Jeffrey Austin Karissa Austin Bryce Ballard Aaron Beadle Alyssa Becker

Danielle Berry Tristian Birch Matt Blaemire Ashley Bolm Chasta Bonifas

Chris Bottini Jaynie Brautman Dylan Brewer Michael Buffalo Elizabeth Callaway

Shaylee Carlock Bradlee Carls Isidro Carrizoza Jr. Daniella Carroll Phillip Sean Carroll

Ebony Carther Joanna Carver Sandy Chang Matthew Cimmino Amber Clark

Folio Seniors Copy

105 105

Seniors Caleb Clark Nicholas Clarke Tiffany Cole Darreon Collins Caleb Connolly

Aaron Conyers Garrett Cote Chase Craddock Tabatha Cramer Danny Cunningham

Jordan Cunningham Shandie Curtis Alisha Davis Joe Davis Shermon Davis

Marcelo DeSouza Samantha Dixon Kayla Durham Megan Eberle Aileen Edmonds

Robert Eklund Carlos Fernandes Bethany Fields Mitch Fletcher Dylan Ford

Joe Garcia Matthew Gardner Kellan Goben Jessie Griffith Eric Guetterman


Folio Copy Seniors

Seniors Peter Hansen Tyler Helms Eric Howard Demetra Howlingwolf Christina Hubl

Seth Jacob Andrew Johnson Brenna Johnson Marcus Johnson Jordan Kinney

Josh Knoll Justine Kodesh Tom Korn Ramses Larobina Kathryn Lee

Jordan Leis Drew Leonard Jensen Lessig Sara Lincoln Jaquar Lovett

Adiana Loya Emily Lutz John Machisic Maicey Madden Joe Madison

Daniel Magner Bryan Magno Marisa Maher David Maple Kayla Martin

Folio Seniors Copy

107 107

Seniors Joey Massay Elissa Maynes Callie McCoy Remington Mignott Matthew Miller

Tyler Molder Alec Monaghan Dylan Morrow Macy Mountjoy Ana Moyers

Jared Munoz Sean Murfin Alaia Navratil Ryan Nelson Kris Olson

Amen Osayande Matt Owen Jordan Pella Dana Penze Roberto Perez

Raquel Pineda Sarah Pope Lauren Post Luis Pulido Trevor Ramos

Crystal Ratliff Arica Reeves Nick Reeves Chelsi Reichwaldt Kevin Ricketts


Folio Copy Seniors

Seniors Linda Risinger Sydney Roseke Taylor Runyan Andrew Rush Amanda Saldivar

Luis Sanchez Mallory Sansom Parker Seilstad Abdul Sesay Tiffany Shimp

Ryne Smith Evan Stanger Breanna Stewart Talea Struck Jordan Suter

Kyle Svehla Jerome Taylor Kameryn Towell Nate Trumbo Carson Tuttle

Mayra Urrutia Briana Van Deusen Susan Van Deusen Andre Vaughn Marissa Watts

Tisa Wharton Kyle Wichman Jared Wiley Brett Wise Kenzie Witt

Folio Seniors Copy

109 109

Student Index A Abraham, Ben 1, 71, 101 Adams, Samantha 58, 94 Agee, Jasmine 15, 19, 24, 30, 33, 34, 45, 46, 62, 101 Agler, Rebecca 37, 45, 46, 51, 53, 105 Ahart, Jeremiah 37, 79, 105 Akbar, Akilah 7, 94, 95 Aken, Jake 94 Aken, Moses 94 Anderson, Lucas 1, 20, 27, 37, 65, 105 Angulo, Julio 82, 101 Applegate, Krysta 67 Aragon, Tim 1, 27, 31, 34, 37, 63, 105 Arana, Carlos 7, 74, 98 Arevalo, Luis 71, 101 Arreola, Jason 74, 101 Arvie, Tatianna 66, 98 Ashton, Nicole 37, 105 Auala, Anela 7, 8, 21, 23, 58, 68, 98 Austin, Jeff 54, 73, 84, 105 Austin, Karissa 37, 58, 73, 84, 105

B Baack, Cody 59, 82, 101 Bailey, Brianna 15, 25, 29, 30, 32, 45, 46, 51, 65, 101, 102 Ballard, Bryce 1, 37, 105 Ball, Terence 78, 94 Banducci, Marcus 74, 101 Banducci, Rachquel 12, 68, 87, 101 Banuelos, Chrystian 1, 74, 101 Barnes, Justice 61, 73, 84, 94, 96 Bartee, Molly 16, 37, 62, 101 Bartels, Ostynn 94 Bates, Josh 78, 98 Baxa, Melanie 1, 54, 55, 58, 66, 98 Beadle, Aaron 20, 36, 37, 53, 63, 105, 112 Becker, Alyssa 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 37, 51, 58, 59, 76, 105 Becker, Kaylee 8, 45, 58, 76, 94 Becker, Quentin 51, 74, 101 Bennett, Jeremy 78 Benton, Austin 45, 65, 101 Bergstrom, Dalton 17, 84, 98, 103 Berry, Danielle 6, 15, 16, 17, 18, 24, 30, 32, 51, 60, 105 Bertey, Elizabeth 67 Bestley, Pierre 71 Bich, Weston 16, 45, 61, 98 Birch, Tristian 37, 105 Blaemire, Matt 37, 105 Bolm, Ashley 37, 105 Bonderer, Carlie 7, 76, 101 Bonifas, Chasta 37, 60, 64, 105 Bonine, Rhyan 94 Bonner, Dacy 58, 66, 101, 103 Bottini, Chris 17, 82, 105 Bottom, Kyle 6, 51, 73, 84, 101 Boucher, Hannah 8, 41, 58, 68, 94 Boutin, Jennifer 60, 101 Bowman, Andrea 87 Bradley, Jaslyn 101 Brautman, Jaynie 37, 68, 105 Brewer, Dylan 37, 79, 105 Brewster, Haley 4, 16, 29, 30, 40, 45, 50, 56, 98, 102 Brigham, Christina 101 Briski, Alicia 45 Brock, Beth Ann 4, 17, 18, 43, 56, 101



Brown, Brandon 74, 101 Brown, Marcus 94 Bruce, Landon 57, 94 Buffalo, Michael 37, 79, 105 Buglewicz, Kelsey 1, 38, 43, 62, 64, 68, 101 Burgener, Josh 82, 98, 103 Burr, Forrest 17, 56, 84, 98 Bush, MacKenzie 54, 62, 81, 101

C Callaway, Elizabeth 58, 68, 84, 105 Callen, Martin 18, 43, 99, 101, 103 Carlock, Shaylee 37, 105 Carls, Bradlee 59, 64, 75, 105 Carrizoza Jr., Isidro 37, 105 Carroll, Daniella 37, 58, 105 Carroll, Phillip Sean 1, 35, 37, 43, 59, 105 Carther, Ebony 7, 17, 40, 62, 76, 80, 105 Carver, Joanna 37, 105 Case, Angela 60, 98 Casey, Jordan 58, 67, 94 Castano, Santiago 12, 71, 101 Cathey, Jeffrey 11, 57, 84, 98 Chang, Sandy 37, 50, 67, 105 Cimmino, Matthew 37, 105 Cirelli, Rocco 12, 18 Clark, Amber 21, 27, 34, 35, 37, 40, 51, 56, 103, 105, 112 Clark, Caleb 10, 11, 15, 18, 22, 24, 25, 32, 34, 37, 56, 57, 106 Clark, Caris 18, 23, 41, 43, 45, 62, 64, 98, 99, 100, 103 Clarke, Nicholas 106 Clark, Patrick 18 Cole, Austin 54, 94 Cole, Tiffany 16, 17, 28, 37, 38, 45, 51, 60, 106, 112 Collins, Darreon 15, 28, 37, 63, 73, 84, 106 Connolly, Caleb 13, 17, 82, 86, 106, 112 Contreras, Chrystina 13, 56, 101 Conyers, Aaron 16, 35, 82, 106 Cooksey, Johnny 57, 79, 98 Costanza, Chris 82, 101 Cote’, Aubrey 41, 62, 68, 87, 94 Cote’, Garrett 37, 57, 71, 106 Cox, Katey 62, 68, 72, 94 Cox, Tyler 13, 21, 35, 40, 63, 73, 84, 99, 101, 112 Craddock, Chase 10, 30, 37, 40, 103, 106 Craddock, Cole 21, 35, 41, 63, 98, 103 Cramer, Tabatha 1, 37, 81, 106 Cuba, Devaunta 4, 27, 63, 74, 94 Cunningham, Danny 37, 106 Cunningham, Jordan 37, 106 Curry, Britney 68, 81, 101 Curry, Stelson 94 Curtis, Shandie 13, 56, 68, 72, 106

D Dallimore, Kelsey 4, 56, 73, 84, 98 Danielson, Jarrod 94 Davis, Alisha 31, 62, 67, 106 Davis, Joe 31, 48, 52, 63, 106 Davis, Shermon 71, 106 Deal, Saleena 51, 56, 65, 101

DeBoer, Morgan 73, 84, 102, 103 Derengowski, Lauren 62, 67, 94 Derengowski, Morgan 81, 98 DeSouza, Marcelo 106 Devance, DeQuavion 94 Didier, Alyssa 3, 58, 66, 94 Dixon, Samantha 37, 45, 46, 60, 106 Dredge, Austin 59, 82 Drews, Derek 82, 98, 103 Duensing, Parker 16, 28, 61, 94 Durham, Kayla 37, 38, 51, 67, 106 Dyer, Ian 1, 98, 103

E Ebel, Tori 1, 56, 102 Eberle, Megan 37, 48, 51, 106 Echols, Zanoria 1, 7, 76, 102 Edmonds, Aileen 6, 18, 25, 45, 60, 106 Eickhoff, LoganPaul 59, 74, 102 Eklund, Joshua 74, 98 Eklund, Robert 74, 106 Ellison, Damesha 7, 76, 102 Enriquez, Anthony 82, 102 Esquivel, Jacqueline 7, 60, 76, 94 Everhart, Garrett 82, 94 Ewing, Halie 9, 40, 43, 62, 66, 94 Ezika-Michael, Julien 78, 102

F Fall, Baye 1, 79, 98 Fatuch, Kacey 15, 30, 32, 60, 94 Fernandes, Carlos 40, 71, 106 Fields, Bethany 36, 37, 106 Fifield, Christopher 102 Firm, Kailey 40, 45, 46, 51, 58, 66, 102 Fisher, Shannan 60 Fleig, Max 82, 98 Fletcher, Mitch 37, 82, 106 Ford, Dylan 6, 12, 15, 22, 25, 30, 32, 37, 43, 44, 45, 53, 63, 99, 106

G Galindo, Leslie 4, 15, 16, 60, 64, 67, 87, 94, 96 Garcia, Erika 102 Garcia, Joe 37, 82, 106 Gardner, Matthew 8, 45, 46, 61, 106 Gates, Nicole 9, 29, 30, 35, 41, 44, 45, 55, 62, 66, 98, 100, 102 Goben, Bre 45, 56, 87, 94 Goben, Kellan 27, 43, 45, 53, 57, 73, 84, 106 Goben, Tehia 16, 29, 60, 98 Gomez, Darrien 17, 45, 62, 87, 94 Gonzalez, Elijah 57, 71, 98 Gonzalez, Grayson 73, 84, 95 Gonzalez, Jessica 60, 102 Gonzalez, Josh 61, 102 Goodall, Sean 82, 102 Goracke, Morgan 15, 19, 24, 30, 32, 51, 53, 102 Gordon, Danny 78, 95 Gray, Adam 59, 95 Grayson, Champion 78, 95 Green, Tre 78, 95 Griffith, Jessie 37, 81, 106 Griffith, Mikayla 60, 95 Gronseth, Shawn 22 Gross, Shaphan 54, 78, 95 Guetterman, Eric 74, 106 Gund, Hannah 16, 21, 39, 56, 65, 68, 98, 103, 112

H Hameister, Tabitha 48, 56, 64, 98, 112 Hammitt, Courtney 58, 76, 102 Handegard, Justin 78, 95 Hansen, Peter 37, 107 Hansen, Sara 60, 95

Hardesty, Jennifer 37 Hartman, Michaela 4, 30, 38, 39, 41, 43, 60, 99, 112 Hasenauer, Jake 6, 41, 51, 54, 63, 73, 84, 102 Helms, Tyler 51, 55, 82, 107 Henan, Joseph Brady 39, 82, 102 Henningson, Nolan 15, 19, 24, 29, 30, 35, 45, 46, 48, 63, 99, 102 Henry, Cody 5, 39, 82, 99 Hinnergardt, Amelia 80, 99 Hinnergardt, Jordon 80, 99 Hinnergardt, Madeline 80, 99 Hodge, Jade 58, 84, 102 Holloway, Chelcie 20, 28, 41, 62, 65, 102, 112 Holmes, Cameron 22, 30, 42, 43, 45, 46, 53, 63, 84, 102 Holmes, Corey 4, 13, 21, 22, 35, 45, 63, 82, 95, 96, 99 Holmes, Peter 55, 59, 102, 103 Hopkins, LJ 78, 99 Horton, Paige 31, 54, 58, 67, 99, 103 Horvath, Brinna 12, 15, 19, 20, 24, 32, 45, 48, 56, 65, 95 Houser, Jonathan 73, 84, 95 Howard, Eric 37, 51, 107 Howe, Tre’ 79, 95 Howlingwolf, Demetra 1, 7, 76, 107 Hubl, Christina 37, 107

I Ingraham, Justice 57, 78, 95 Ivey, Ashlee 44, 45, 55, 58, 68, 99

J Jackson, Heyvis 79, 84, 102 Jacob, Seth 6, 82, 107 Jacobson, Eryn 16, 22, 35, 45, 62, 99, 103, 112 Jantz, Darrell 82, 102 Jarvis, Brennan 84, 102 Jenkins, Darius 78, 95 Johnson, Andrew 37, 76, 107 Johnson, Brenna 21, 34, 37, 51, 56, 107 Johnson, DJ 1, 78, 95 Johnson, Marcus 37, 107 Johnson, Michael 57, 79, 95 Jones, Lindsay 16, 56, 64, 73, 84, 99, 112 Jordan, Jamaane 78, 99 Jordan, Shelby 15, 21, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 95

K Karbhari, Naaman 1, 78, 102 Kaup, Casey 6, 59, 82, 102 Keefer, Katy 40, 62, 68, 80, 103 Keefer, Megan 58, 95 Kelly, Troy 13, 34, 41, 43, 45, 63, 64, 84, 99, 103, 104 King, DeVon 20, 22, 45, 50, 57, 95 King, Grayson 82, 99 Kinney, Bailey 5, 15, 17, 35, 41, 43, 45, 50, 62, 87, 99, 100 Kinney, Jordan 5, 13, 35, 37, 43, 62, 64, 68, 72, 107 Klinkhammer, Darbi 10, 41, 58, 76, 95 Knoll, Josh 6, 82, 107 Kodesh, Justine 1, 37, 81, 107 Korn, Tom 1, 37, 107 Kountz, Josh 19, 27, 61, 84, 99, 104 Kreinbring, Jacob 57, 95 Kynion, Amelia 10, 58, 68, 87, 95

L Lamatsch, Julian 95 Lannon, Warren 39, 61, 73, 84, 103

Larobina, Ramses 79, 107 Larson, Justin 99 Lee, Kathryn 107 Leis, Jordan 15, 37, 41, 63, 107 Leonard, Drew 15, 24, 29, 30, 32, 45, 46, 59, 102, 107 Lesly, Louba 5, 39, 71, 95 Lessig, Jensen 6, 16, 60, 107 Lewis, Toby 29, 63, 99 Lienemann, Rileigh 3, 4, 9, 41, 62, 66, 95 Lincoln, Sara 37, 51, 107 Lindsley, Brad 82, 103 Linstad, Ali 14, 15, 24, 25, 45, 46, 51, 60, 103 Long, Jenny 45, 56, 64, 103 Lopez, Aaron 74, 103 Lopez, Doreen 76, 103 Lotulelei, Saia 45, 74, 103 Lovelace, Courtney 5, 22, 54, 60, 81, 95 Lovett, Jaquar 28, 37, 61, 107 Loya, Adiana 17, 37, 40, 68, 95, 107 Lutz, Emily 1, 36, 37, 92, 107, 112

M Machisic, John 37, 107 Madden, Maicey 37, 107 Madison, Joe 7, 37, 59, 74, 107 Magner, Daniel 22, 24, 28, 34, 37, 45, 63, 107 Magno, Bryan 7, 37, 59, 74, 107 Maher, Elizabeth 56, 76, 99 Maher, Marisa 51, 56, 76, 84, 107 Maple, David 37, 71, 107 Maple, Nick 45, 59, 71, 99 Marceau, Brittany 7, 28, 34, 62, 76, 99 Marin, Oscar 7, 74, 99 Marks, Dani 54, 81, 103 Marquez, Pepe 6, 82, 99 Marshall, Daymian 79, 103 Martin, Kayla 37, 107 Massay, Joey 74, 108 Maya, Karsyn 16, 103 Maynes, Elissa 108 McCoy, Callie 37, 108 McCoy, Jacob 37 McCoy, Laykin 81, 99 Mendez, Axel 57, 71, 96 Menke, Priscilla 62, 81, 96 Meranda, Emily 20, 56, 64, 73, 84, 103 Michel, Ariel 60, 96 Mignott, Remington 1, 79, 108 Miller, Bethany 12, 15, 18, 24, 32, 45, 51, 103 Miller, Matthew 1, 5, 12, 18, 29, 30, 42, 43, 45, 46, 63, 99, 102, 108 Miller, Mike 64, 82 Minjarez, Cory 7, 76, 103 Molder, Tyler 82, 108 Monaghan, Alec 79, 108 Moore, Morgan 22, 62, 81, 96 Morphew, Kaycee 1, 21, 23, 58, 67, 96 Morrill, Laura 60, 65, 103 Morrow, Dylan 82, 108 Mountjoy, Karlie 8, 22, 35, 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 62, 100, 103

Mallory Sansom, Tiffany Shimp, Amber Clark, and Brenna Johnson give a parting message to their alma mater. (right)

Mountjoy, Macy 12, 20, 21, 27, 34, 35, 37, 42, 43, 51, 56, 108 Moyers, Ana 5, 27, 36, 37, 58, 67, 108, 112 Mueting, Nick 71, 103 Munoz, Jared 37, 71, 108 Murfin, Sean 63, 108 Murphy, Ryan 82, 103 Myers, Amanda 8, 34, 56, 73, 96

N Naasz, Misty 60, 103 Navratil, Alaia 37, 43, 62, 93, 108 Negley, Heather 1, 6, 68, 72, 80, 103 Nelson, Ryan 13, 15, 25, 37, 45, 57, 108 Nipe, Caitlin 54, 56, 68, 99 Nuyten, Joshua 37

O Ochoa, Armando 4, 71, 96 Odom, Tyler 4, 40, 41, 45, 50, 53, 63, 96, 98 Olin, Seth 13, 59, 96 Olson, Kris 37, 71, 108 Ortiz, Michael 71, 99 Ortiz, Raul 54, 63, 71, 99 Osayande, Amen 37, 79, 108 Osborne, Ana 4, 56, 96 Ostrander, Natalie 15, 16, 24, 25, 28, 60, 65, 100 Owen, Matt 82, 108

P Packer, Bonnie 60, 96 Palomo, Asher 27, 34, 57, 84, 103 Parker, Amber 23, 37, 40, 56, 58, 68, 87, 103, 112 Parker, Hannah 7, 62, 76, 96 Parks, Traevena 41, 56, 60, 96 Pashchenko, Kirill 4, 45, 96 Payne, Alexandra 43, 64, 76, 100, 112 Pearl, Corrine 43, 58, 81, 103 Pella, Jordan 1, 82, 108 Penze, Dana 16, 29, 45, 60, 108 Perez, Jacob 71, 96 Perez, Roberto 28, 36, 37, 63, 108 Perez, Rudy 82, 104 Peters, Alfred 61, 103, 104 Peterson, Lauren 76, 100 Pierre, Bestley 100 Pineda, Raquel 43, 56, 68, 108 Pittman, Chloe 12, 13, 22, 41, 42, 43, 55, 56, 98, 100, 103 Pletan, Anna 60, 96 Pope, Caleb 61, 96 Pope, Sarah 37, 108 Post, Lauren 4, 15, 19, 24, 37, 38, 43, 45, 60, 108 Powell, Jacob 5, 59, 82, 103, 104 Preston, Joseph 82, 100 Price, James 96 Pulido, Luis 71, 108

R Ramirez, Yussef 57, 74, 100 Ramos, Trevor 3, 6, 20, 37, 82, 108 Ratliff, Crystal 51, 108 Rayls, Brittany 56, 81, 96 Rayls, Renee 56, 81, 104 Raymond, Andrew 104 Reeves, Arica 81, 108 Reeves, Nick 82, 108 Rehurek, Jacob 78, 100 Reichwaldt, Chelsi 108 Reyes, Alex 71, 96 Reyes, Molly 5, 10, 58, 81, 96 Ricketts, Kevin 12, 37, 108 Risinger, Linda 10, 11, 37, 60, 61, 109 Rivas, Emilio 45, 63, 96 Rodriguez, Kayli 4, 9, 62, 66, 96 Rodriguez, Vanessa 1, 9, 58, 81, 96 Romero, Riannon 104 Romero, Roberto 5, 79, 103, 104 Roseke, Connor 5, 57, 71, 96 Roseke, Sydney 37, 64, 109 Rosser, Devan 4, 53, 63, 74, 97 Rowen, Troy 13, 15, 19, 28, 31, 48, 59, 64, 97 Ruff, Zachary 4, 78, 97 Runyan, Taylor 7, 76, 109 Rush, Andrew 10, 11, 13, 35, 37, 43, 51, 62, 63, 71, 109

S Saldivar, Amanda 58, 81, 109 Salfrank, Megan 25 Salsbury, Lane 97 Sanchez, Luis 42, 63, 71, 109 Sanchez, Sergio 74, 104 Sandoval, Destiny 1, 9, 10, 58, 81, 97 Sansom, Mallory 2, 21, 35, 37, 51, 62, 66, 109 Schraven, Brandon 45, 59, 100 Seals, Elliot 1, 97 Sedigas, Donald 96, 97 Sedigas, Trey 61, 73 Seilstad, Caroline 15, 19, 45, 46, 48, 58, 100, 103 Seilstad, Parker 10, 15, 18, 24, 36, 37, 43, 45, 46, 58, 59, 109 Sesay, Abdul 37, 63, 71, 103, 109 Seufferlein, Grant 5, 9, 34, 44, 45, 50, 57, 97 Shaffer, Haylee 76, 100 Sheldon, Hannah 20, 41, 45, 51, 62, 65, 104 Shimp, Tiffany 2, 6, 17, 37, 58, 68, 109, 112 Sikes, Brady 27, 34, 45, 51, 65, 104, 112 Simpson, Laurel 1, 15, 31, 32, 45, 46, 56, 64, 104 Smith, Caleb 1, 15, 45, 46, 84, 104 Smith, Ryne 37, 44, 45, 46, 51, 57, 84, 109 Sokolik, Trey 38, 82, 97 Sonnier, Reginald 79, 97 Souza, Marcelo 71 Spiceland, Jordan 57, 71, 97 Stanger, Evan 1, 35, 37, 45, 103, 109 Stewart, Breanna 10, 13, 37, 41, 51, 62, 63, 64, 109 Stover, Shane 58, 67, 97, 100 Struck, Kayla 56, 67, 84, 104 Struck, Talea 7, 56, 76, 109 Stutz, Jaimee 84, 100 Sullivan, Ben 54, 104 Suter, Jordan 17, 82, 109 Svehla, Kyle 13, 15, 25, 31, 45, 46, 59, 109 Swenson, Heidi 9, 40, 62, 73, 84, 99, 100

Swenson, Levi 9, 12, 13, 17, 21, 31, 40, 41, 44, 45, 50, 63, 73, 84, 99, 100 Swope, Courtney 7, 76, 104

T Tackett, Morgan 27, 62, 112 Tavares, Ighor 21, 23, 57, 71, 97 Taylor, Jerome 18, 109 Teachout, Joseph 6, 57, 73, 81, 97 Terrell, Shelby 6, 13, 43, 51, 62, 99, 104 Thomas, Arielle 7, 68, 104 Thomas, Mia'Milagros 7, 60, 68, 97 Thomas, Sheyli 51, 58, 87, 104 Tobey, Soren 4, 45, 46, 56, 58, 100, 103 Todd, Olivia 60, 97 Torres III, Rafael 78, 97 Towell, Kameryn 37, 109 Trauger, Jameson 12, 13, 15, 18, 24, 32, 38, 59, 104 Trembly, Sarah 81, 104 Trower, Sierra 17, 56, 84, 104 Trumbo, Nate 10, 11, 54, 60, 61, 109 Tucker, Collin 84, 103, 104 Turner, Michael 78, 104 Tuttle, Carson 37, 51, 109 Tyler, Bryce 8, 15, 20, 23, 24, 57, 64, 97

U Underwood, Faith 104 Urrutia, Mayra 1, 6, 27, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 42, 43, 51, 52, 62, 64, 68, 72, 109

V Van  Deusen, Briana 10, 11, 15, 21, 24, 32, 37, 56, 57, 64, 109 Van  Deusen, Susan 35, 37, 56, 64, 93, 109, 112 Vandygriff, Seth 97 Vaughn, Andre 1, 37, 79, 109 Veasey, Abram 1, 4, 78, 100 Ventry, Joseph 59, 84, 97

W Walker, Eric 57, 84, 97 Walker, Seth 1, 21, 63, 82, 96, 104 Waller, Brett 82, 97 Walsh, Weston 79, 97 Watts, Marissa 44, 45, 50, 60, 109 Weatherd, Allyssa 7, 104 Weldon, Michael 63, 97 Wharton, Tisa 45, 60, 109 Whittington, D’Marqueyon 78, 97 Wichman, Kyle 37, 74, 109 Wiley, Jared 109 Williams, Thomas 1, 104 Williams, Zach 100 Willis, Marcus Deon 1, 40, 79, 97 Willis, Isaiah 1, 79, 97 Wilson, Jacob 21, 22, 63, 65, 82, 96, 99, 100 Winters, Varlencia 37, 100 Wise, Brett 39, 82, 109 Witt, Kenzie 1, 13, 37, 66, 109 Woods, Delaney 4, 30, 45, 54, 56, 64, 65, 66, 67, 97 Wubbenhorst, Renee 1, 7, 13, 56, 64, 76, 97

Y Yeager, Laesha 16, 24, 28, 30, 60, 97, 112



Caleb Connolly leads the home crowd in a cheer during the rival basketball game against Bellevue University.

The CRUSADER is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Jason Kite. who died at the young age of 43 after an eight-month courageous battle with cancer. Kite served as an assistant professor of physics and math at York College since 2011. The CRUSADER is a publication of York College under the supervision of Steddon Sikes, Director of Publications and Yearbook Editor. Brady Sikes was the Student Editor and Graphics Designer for this volume, and Hannah Gund and Eryn Jacobson were the student photographers. A special thanks goes to Bob DeHart for providing so many great photographs of life at York College and Chrystal Houston for contributing many of the stories.

Dr. Jason Thomas Kite Nov. 26, 1970 – May 31, 2014


Photography was also contributed by Louise Bailey, John I. Baker III, Aaron Beadle, Amber Clark, Tiffany Cole, Tyler Cox, Ramon Diaz, Chad Greene, Tabitha Hameister, Michaela Hartman, Chelcie Holloway, Chrystal Houston, Lindsay Jones, Shannon Leinen, Emily Lutz, Tim McNeese, Ana Moyers, Amber Parker, Alex Payne, Catherine Seufferlein, Tiffany Shimp, Steddon Sikes, Morgan Tackett, Austin Tkaczuk, Susan Van Deusen, Laesha Yeager, The Indian Leader, and the York News-Times staff: Maegan Detlefs, Eric Eckert, Ken Kush, and Steve Moseley. This yearbook was printed by the Walsworth Publishing Company of Marceline, Missouri. Greg Adams served as the annual representative.

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