York College Heritage Magazine No. 34

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DEAL theof YEAR A Cinderella Story Ron Deal ’86


Transformed Lives


Sharing a Passion


NAIA Coach of the Year

Summer 2011


Pay it Forward

photo by Bob DeHart '95

There is no doubt we live in challenging times. We are in the midst of political and racial unrest, massive cultural shifts and threats of terrorist activities. York College’s mission of transforming lives and our emphasis on character development is needed now more than ever. We need a generation of principled leaders trained in service and creative problem-solving with a global, Christian perspective.

The mission of York College is to transform lives through Christ-centered education and to equip students for lifelong service to God, family and society.

As you’ll see in the pages of this magazine, that’s exactly what we are sending into the world each time we graduate a class of students. Whether they are biology majors excited about medical missions or educators impacting students in high poverty districts, our graduates are people prepared with both the professional skills necessary to be successful and the heart for service our world so desperately needs. I was recently able to hear David Brooks, New York Times columnist, NPR commentator, Yale University professor, and author of the book The Road to Character, address a group of Christian college presidents on the cultural value of Christian education. Although not claiming a Christian background, he argued that Christian education has never been more important in our country. “You have what everybody else is desperate to have: a way of talking about and educating the human person in a way that integrates faith, emotion, and intellect. You have a recipe to nurture human beings who have a devoted heart, a courageous mind and a purposeful soul. Almost no other set of institutions in American society has that, and everyone wants it. From my point of view, you’re ahead of everybody else and have the potential to influence American culture in a way that could be magnificent.” Students come to college thinking they are here for a degree that will land them a great career, but what they’re actually hungry for is meaning and connection. We provide them a life-changing experience with God and His people. Daily chapel, Bible classes, devotionals, character and spiritual development are all part of the process in impacting lives. Interaction with faculty, staff, coaches and other students exposes them to ideas and experiences that encourage them to become, not only better citizens, but people taking on the image of Christ.

Biology department alumni include Dr. Scott Abraham '99, Dr. Jennifer Witt '08, Dr. Kimberly Williams '02, and Dr. Aaron Fletcher '02 among many other's in the medical and research fields. For more on the success of biology department grads, see the story on page 14.

At York College, our mission is to transform lives through Christ-centered education and to equip students for lifelong service to God, family, and society. God is always in charge. This mission is not just words on paper, but a way of life at York College. We will plant and water. God continues to give the increase. Steve Eckman

On The Cover: National Coach of the Year Delton Deal along with assistant coaches Tree Burks and Kory Slaughter celebrate in the waning minutes of an historic match-up. pg 18


(above) Joe Ventry, an NCCAA All-American high jumper, makes an impressive leap during Delta/Kyodai's Songfest production.

Profile Excellence in


hen Ron Deal ’86 started his first job as a family minister, he quickly realized there was something missing from his minister’s tool kit: Christian resources for stepfamilies. The longer he worked in ministry, meeting people where they were with the good news of Jesus, the more he interacted with stepfamilies in need of help. After years of research and practical application, Deal, who holds degrees in Bible and marriage and family therapy, authored The Smart Stepfamily in 2002. Since that time, his book has become the best selling Christian resource in the world on building healthy stepfamilies. Today he is recognized as an expert on stepfamily ministry. Through his position as director of blended family ministries with Family Life and founder of SmartStepfamilies.com, he impacts millions of individuals each year. He has written four more books and created curriculum for churches on how to support blended families. Through conferences, articles, radio programs, TV appearances and other resources, Deal works to equip and empower ministry leaders to understand the unique challenges that face stepfamilies so that they can better serve their churches and communities. “I am an advocate for biological first families,” said Deal. “That’s what we should continue to teach and preach is God’s ideal design for the home. Now, when that doesn’t or can’t happen…when life gets in the way and leads somebody into a different family experience, we have to continue to encourage and support the family so that the home can be a place of grace, strength and empowerment, where God can continue to be on his throne in the household.”

Jameson Trauger, a history major from Exeter, Neb., and Morgan De Boer, an English major with a minor in biology from Council Bluffs, Iowa, were named Mr. and Ms. York College.

In this issue: 3 6 9 10 12 13 14 16 18 20 23 24 27 28 29 31

Ron Deal - Profile in Excellence Transformed Lives Vienna Opportunity Campus News and Transitions Lifeline Chaplaincy Clock Tower Society Sharing a Passion Bartholomew Performing Arts Center National Coach of the Year Alumni News and Notes Pay it Forward Panther Athletics Campus View Memorials Alumni Challenge Around the Corner

(above) Graduates pose with their new hoodies after Senior Banquet.

Heritage is a semi-annual publication for alumni and friends of York College. The magazine is available online at www.york.edu/alumni. Heritage Editor Vol. 19, No. 2 Chrystal Houston ’03 Director of Alumni and Communication 402-363-5607 chrystal.houston@york.edu Assistant Editor/Design Steddon Sikes ’84 Director of Publications Heritage Contributors Bob DeHart ’95 Hannah Gund '16 Leo Miller

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Though blended families have been common for decades, when Deal began a ministry specifically for that demographic, it was uncharted territory. Deal predicts that in the next 30 years stepfamily-specific ministry will be much more prevalent in churches. “So much of our culture is impacted by stepfamily life and we must be relevant so that we can reach into the community and help families. By death or divorce, people find themselves in a lot of different family situations. We’ve got to be willing to, as Jesus did in John 4, come alongside the woman at the well and give her living water.” The facts about stepfamilies in the U.S. are startling: Approximately 40 percent of families in the United States are stepfamilies; One hundred million people in the U.S. have a step relationship in their family.

Sadly, second marriages (and beyond) are at a significantly higher risk of divorce than first marriages. Approximately one third of divorces involve couples where

a lot of stress and discouragement. Stepfamilies that don’t function well end up adding more chaos to the lives of people who have already suffered loss, said Deal. “However, stepfamilies done well stops the generational cycle of divorce and becomes a redemptive mechanism in the life of the family.”

“If we could stop remarriage divorce, it would lower the divorce rate by a third.” one or both of the spouses have been married before. “Every Christian stepfamily dreams of building a home where God is served and children grow in faithfulness. Yet, putting together the three-dimensional pieces of the stepfamily puzzle can be quite a challenge. Indeed, most find stepfamily life to be confusing, frustrating, and a barrier to their spiritual goals. Perhaps that's one reason why so many remarried couples never finish building their dream home and end their remarriage in divorce,” Deal said. Blended families often struggle with applying first family expectations to second family situations, which causes

Deal’s ministry is about more than just the married couple—it’s about helping the entire family. Children of divorced parents are more likely to divorce their spouse in the future. Children that grow up in strong, stable stepfamilies have a lower divorce rate themselves than children in unstable stepfamilies. Their marriages more closely reflect the positive model they received from the stepfamilies than the parents' original marriage. “In other words, we can take back God’s design for the home in one generation. What makes that happen is a

(above) Ron, along with co-author Laura Petherbridge, were interviewed on Daystar Television's Joni Table Talk on how to be a “Smart Stepmom.” Deal will be a featured speaker at a national summit on stepfamily ministry hosted by Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs, September 29-30.

"We used to talk about 'what's the impact of divorce on kids?' Now we are asking, 'What's the impact of multiple divorces on kids?' We've got to stop that cascade of negativity in a child's life."

strong and healthy stepfamily,” he said. “I believe marriage and family is one of God’s discipleship tools for helping us become more like Christ,” Deal concluded. “Bible study is important. The function of the church and children’s ministry and youth ministry is helpful. But nothing can replace the challenge of living and loving with our family members in such a way that reflects the glory of God. Nothing can replace that. Parents are still ultimately responsible for their children catching faith, not the church. That’s why we put a premium on helping couples and parents do blended family life well. Healthy families are how the church grows. That’s how we become more Christ-like as individuals and that’s how faith gets passed on to the next generation.” n

Connor’s Song Ron’s wife, fellow alum Nan (Mackey ’86) Deal, is a teacher at a Christian school in Little Rock. Seven years ago the couple suffered a devastating loss when their 12-year-old son, Connor, died suddenly. In the wake of their tragedy, they started the nonprofit Connor’s Song to benefit children rescued from slavery in Ghana. Partnering with the Touch a Life Foundation, the Deals have worked to provide healing through art for children who have been trafficked. “Connor always loved and cared for young children, and he loved most things creative: making art, scripting movies, building with Legos, writing stories, drawing. Bringing healing to children rescued from slavery just made sense. So we kept doing it.” ~ Connorssong.org (above) The Connor Creative Art Center in Ghana provides a creative learning space to rehabilitate kids recovering from trauma. (inset) Deal Boys (l-r): Connor, Braden, and Brennan (left) Ron and Nan with their sons Braden and Brennan.

SUMMER WINTER 2016 2013 |

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The mission of York College is to transform lives through Christ-centered education and to equip students for lifelong service to God, family and society.

On January 5, 12 inmates from the Nebraska Correctional Center for Women in York received letters of acceptance from York College president Dr. Steve Eckman into the Associates Degree, General Studies program. Pictured below are those selected to pursue associate degrees: Britteney, Michale, Jennifer, Rose, Jennifer, Tamara, Selletter, Angela, Bridgette, LaToya, Elisa, and Niccole.

Transformed Lives Behind Bars Women are unconditionally grateful


eyond the 12-foot high fences lined with razor wire, beyond the security check-in with metal detector arch, through multiple heavy, locked doors, stand three women dressed in khaki. They are among the most enthusiastic and eager-to-learn students at York College. They are inmates at the Nebraska Correctional Center for Women in York. Jennifer, Michale, and Niccole are students in the newly created Second Chance Educational Program at York College. Over the course of three years, one or two classes at a time, they will earn an associate’s degree.

change their lives, on both sides of the bars. For Michale, it took courage to apply for admission to the program: 30 women applied for the 12 spots available. “I’ve never completed nothing,” she said. “I was scared to get into this program. I didn’t think I was good enough. I didn’t think I was smart enough to do it.”

To the women in the program, this opportunity is about much more than a diploma.

Michale is serving 22-40 years. That’s a long time to reflect. “I felt like I wasn’t living up to my potential in life. Out here, I was just deteriorating,” she said. Despite her trepidation, she applied to York College and was accepted.

It is about finding hope, pride, and purpose. It is a chance to

Mastering the material has been less difficult than she

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(top) With excitement and anticipation in her voice, Michale describes how her life is changing for the better.

expected, Michale said. She was surprised to find that she was able to do the work and retain the information. A few days ago she got her first test score back for Basic Speech class. She passed. In fact, the whole class did. “I’m feeling pretty confident. Maybe I really can make it,” she said. What’s the biggest challenge of this new venture? “The hardest part is that I can’t quit. I want to quit every day. And I can’t quit,” she said. “I’ve always taken the easy way. If I wanted something, I took it instead of getting a job and working for it like other people. Now I have to put the effort in. I have to work for it. And I just can’t quit.”

morale within the prison population, Seufferlein notes. “The bottom line is this: at York College, we believe in the power of transforming lives through a Christ-centered education. These women have shown a strong desire to improve their lives by seeking an education, and we are thrilled to be part of that,” he said. To participate, students must have a GED or high school diploma. Some enter the program with some college credit already accumulated. Students pay $50 per course so that they have buy-in to the program. The rest of the funding currently comes from York College.

Michale has big dreams for life after release. “When I finish this, I want to help people,” she said. Currently she is serving in a mentorship program with younger inmates. “I see the difference that I’m making in these people’s lives. It feels good to do that.”

Seufferlein says he’d love to see the program grow to admit multiple cohorts. The correctional center is home to more than 300 inmates. For now though, the program is limited due to funding to just these 12 students.

Dr. Terry Seufferlein, professor of Bible, was the catalyst for the Second Chance Educational Program. “This program makes so much sense on so many levels. According to the Bureau of Justice, the U.S. has over two million incarcerated. Of those, only about 13 percent have completed any kind of postsecondary education,” said Seufferlein. “Most of the women in the program will someday be released. They are going to be our neighbors. We want them to be prepared for life after prison.”

The classroom is simple—folding tables, chairs, a projector, and a teacher. Their library resources are limited and out of date. Despite the basic facilities, there is great enthusiasm from the participants. “I’ve never had a group of students want to be in class more,” said John Baker, associate professor of communication, who taught Basic Speech at the correctional center this summer. “The energy is amazing. I wish my on-campus students were this excited about learning.”

Studies have shown that some college education reduces recidivism by 30-50 percent, while an associate’s degree reduces recidivism by almost two-thirds. From a fiscal standpoint, the cost of educating an inmate is much less than the cost of prosecuting and incarcerating a repeat offender. Education programs also improve behavior and

Baker’s students told him many of them fell asleep holding their notes as they did final prep the night before their first test. They work together in study groups and quiz each other in passing throughout the day. The students had high praise for Baker, too. “He’s

(above) John Baker gives feedback to the students after he hands out their speech evaluations. SUMMER 2016 |

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The program is allowing these women to dream bigger than they have in years. “What if we do complete the program? The doors are open. Everything is open for us after this. It’s going to be awesome,” said Michale. “When we complete this program, you mean,” corrected Jennifer.

“I believe God had a bigger purpose for my life than I had for myself. That’s how I got to York College.” Niccole sees God at work in her York Experience as well. She received a life sentence at the age of 18, shortly after graduating high school. A life sentence means a life without hope and without purpose, she says. For years, she was bored, aimless, and angry. Niccole was struggling with her faith in God. wonderful. He treats us like everybody else. He treats us the same way he would any other students,” said Michale. “You want to come to class. You might not want to take the tests, but you want to go to his class.” The students will begin their next class, The Life of Christ taught by Seufferlein, in July. The women talked about how sometimes life felt like a dark pit they’d fallen into and were struggling to crawl back out. “It’s wonderful when someone pulls you out of that hole,” said Jennifer. “That’s what York College is doing.” Like Michale, Jennifer is excited to use her degree to help others. She is planning for a career as a search and rescue worker after release. “I want to help people get home. There’s tragedy all over the place. I want to be there to help.” Her desire to help others grew out of her experience in the prison's restorative justice program, which focuses on healing and restoration between victims and perpetrators. The inmates write letters of apology to individuals they have harmed, but they can’t ask for forgiveness. “They don’t owe us that. We can’t ask it of them,” said Jennifer. Instead, the women must do what they can to pay back what was taken, and pay it forward—looking for ways to be a benefit to society.

Then she was accepted into York College. After 17 years of living day to day, now she has a goal and responsibilities. “I feel like an adult for the first time. I have to work and save so I can pay for college. I have to do my homework and study. I have responsibilities now.” A good student in high school and a self-proclaimed ‘nerd’, Niccole says it feels great to be back in the classroom. “There’s no more negative in me. I look at everything so differently than I used to,” she said. “I can’t leave here, but I want the people who can leave to see that there’s so much to live for. That there’s a whole world out there!” Sometimes it’s hard to trust in God’s plan for her life, but of one thing she’s sure: “God put me here for a reason. It’s so I can get my education and grow closer to Him.” Redeeming a bad situation by focusing on the good that can come from it is what they’re all striving for, the women said. “When you take a negative and turn it into a positive, what do you have? You have hope,” said Jennifer. “To the teachers, the students, everybody who has brought us this program, thank you. It’s life changing.” With teary eyes, Michale echoed her sentiment. “We're grateful. Tell them we're grateful. Make sure they know. Unconditionally. We're grateful." n

“I believe God had a bigger purpose for my life than I had for myself. That’s how I got to York College,” said Jennifer. (above) Jennifer tells her transformational story of a rekindled hope and God's plan for her life.

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Vienna Waits for You S

tarting in summer 2017, York College will offer a five-week study abroad experience in Vienna, Austria. The study abroad experience will combine faith and learning in an international context with a small community of York College students and staff. Students in this program will have the opportunity to travel Europe, enroll in specially designed courses, and participate in unique spiritual growth activities. Since it seeks to integrate faith and learning, the program will be created and implemented in collaboration with the Office of the Provost and Spiritual Development office. Dr. Shane Mountjoy, provost, Dr. Sam Garner, director of spiritual development, and Dr. Erin DeHart, associate professor of education, will lead the program in its inaugural year. “This has the potential to be one of the most spiritually formative programs that we offer,” Garner said. “The opportunity to travel, study, and worship together in Europe with a small group of York College participants will be a lifechanging experience.” “We’re not just teaching courses in a classroom in another country. It will be an intentional community building opportunity as students and faculty learn and experience together,” added Mountjoy.

(above) Vienna's Ringstrasse is home to many of Vienna's best-known sights, such as the Imperial Palace, the Kunsthistorisches Museum, the Natural History Museum, the Vienna State Opera and Parliament.

(right) Tours will include the quintessential Austrian city, Salzburg, where The Sound of Music was filmed.

Participating students will earn six upper division credit hours in the summer semester, including one Bible course and one elective humanities course. Space is limited to 20 students for the 2017 trip. Students must complete an application and undergo a review process to secure a spot, but there are no specific academic prerequisites needed. Participants will spend three weeks in the classroom on the main campus in Vienna, followed by 10 days of group travel and learning in Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, and Germany. Course material will revolve around World War II era history, art, and culture. The Bible class will focus on the Sermon on the Mount and will include the works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German theologian who lost his life in a Nazi concentration camp in 1945. The experience will also include 10 days of open travel time at the end of the trip, where students will be encouraged to explore other parts of Europe on their own or in small groups. The trip will be very affordable and is competitively priced among academic study abroad programs. The cost includes travel, accommodations, and course credit for six upper division hours. For additional information, contact the Office of the Provost at (402) 363-5614.


PRESIDENTIAL SCHOLARS York College has announced the 2016 recipients of its most prestigious academic financial award, the Presidential Scholarship. The Presidential Scholarship, valued at full tuition for four years, was established in 2006 to recognize the merits of incoming freshmen and reward academic achievement as well as moral character.

After her commencement address, Mary Eisenhower, CEO of People to People International and granddaughter of U.S. President and First Lady Dwight and Mamie Eisenhower, was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from York College in recognition of her global humanitarian work and her support of the college. “I cannot think of a school that I would rather be an alumni of, including the one that I went to,” quipped Eisenhower, accepting the recognition. “This is a glorious place and we are all blessed to have been here at one time or another.” Following the award, Dr. Shane Mountjoy, provost, announced that the Tom N. Schultz Chair for Missions Studies will be held by Dr. Terry Seufferlein, associate professor of Biblical studies. Schultz graduated from York College in 1959. He and his wife, Dottie, worked as missionaries in the Netherlands for 15 years before returning to York College to teach. The couple left a lasting mark on this campus through their lives of service. That legacy will be continued in the service of Dr. Seufferlein. Seufferlein said the position is especially meaningful to him, as Schultz was one of his professors and mentors during his undergraduate years at York College. The Dale R. Larsen Teacher Award is given annually to a full-time tenured faculty member who has made outstanding contributions to York College. This year, the award was presented to Martha Soderholm, director of the SUCCESS Center. Soderholm has worked at York College in a variety of positions for 32 years. The Dean’s Award, selected by the faculty, based on scholarship, leadership, and maturity factors, was given to Hannah Gund of Marion, Ill. Gund graduated summa cum laude with a degree in psychology.

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Qualified candidates were invited to the campus for an interview by a panel of the college’s faculty. This year, the panel selected two recipients, Marissa Bressler and Alexis Martens, who will represent the very best of York College starting in the fall 2016 semester. “Marissa and Alexis are not only academically gifted students — they are strong spiritual leaders with outstanding moral character,” said President Eckman. “I have no doubt the impact they will have on our campus over the next four years will be significant.”



YORK COLLEGE ONLINE HIGHLY RANKED York College Online was recently ranked #2 for overall quality in the state of Nebraska among all online colleges, by the Center for Online Education. To determine the best online colleges in each state, the Center for Online Education examined the factors most important to prospective students: academic quality and reputation, online program strength, cost and student aid. York College Online currently offers bachelor’s degrees in business administration, criminal justice, and psychology, as well as many general education courses. Their Master of Arts in Education: Curriculum and Instruction program has recently been restructured and this summer a new e-campus partnership with Capital Education was launched. A new core curriculum has been designed to allow additional master’s programs to be added in the near future. A master’s program in organizational leadership is currently under development.


DiToro transitions to full time faculty Nick DiToro '78 has transitioned from his role in the York College Advancement Office to faculty. He began the transition last fall with part time teaching and became a full time assistant professor of business in the spring semester. DiToro earned undergraduate degrees at York College and Oklahoma Christian University. He earned an MBA from Indiana Northwest and is currently working on a PhD in Human Capital at Bellevue University. He was a certified public accountant and has many years of experience in the field of accounting, including work as an auditor, supervisor, and controller. He has served at York College in the Advancement Office since 2009 as a senior development officer. Prior to that, he worked for several years for Schultz Lewis Children's Home as a development officer.

Skillman named women's soccer coach Stefan Skillman took over the women’s soccer program in February. He came to York from Sheridan College in Sheridan, Wyo., where he had an outstanding record coaching as well as recruiting. In his first few months at YC, Skillman has continued along the same lines, recruiting successfully for the program and building the current team for the fall season. Prior to Sheridan, he was a graduate assistant at Dakota Wesleyan University for both the men's and women's programs, while earning his Master of Arts in Education. He also spent three years as the men's head assistant at Grace Bible College in Grand Rapids, Mich., his alma mater. Before his coaching days he played at Grace Bible College as he finished his Bachelor of Science degree, with an emphasis in youth ministry. Skillman holds a USSF "D" License and a National Diploma from the NSCAA (National Soccer Coaches Association of America). He is part of the 30Under30 Coaches Development Program that is led by the NSCAA. He also has experience with the South Dakota Olympic Development Program.

Robison joins advancement office Titus Robison '04 filled the vacancy left by DiToro in the Advancement Office beginning in March. Previously, Robison headed Hope Harbor Children’s Home and Family Ministries in Claremore, Okla., as the executive director. He has also served as the vice president of development for Foster’s Home for Children in Stephenville, Texas. In addition to fundraising and consulting work, Robison also has extensive ministry experience. He has done overseas mission work in Ukraine and Italy; domestically, he has worked in youth ministry with several congregations. Robison holds an undergraduate degree from York College and an MBA from Bellevue University.

Latorre takes over men's soccer program Alex Latorre took the helm of the men’s soccer program in March. He came to York from the Oklahoma City area where he coached club teams in the metro area and worked for Chase Bank. Latorre is a graduate of Oklahoma Christian University, where he played soccer and earned a Bachelor of Science in Physical Education. While at OC he started every year and captained the squad to the NAIA National Tournament his junior and senior years. At the end of his sophomore year, he was drafted by the Kansas City Attack and played one year before returning to Oklahoma Christian to finish his studies. After graduation, Latorre played for some semi-professional teams along with helping coach the OC Eagles as an assistant from 2003-05. He also was an assistant for Southwestern Oklahoma State University while working on a master's degree. Latorre grew up in Bauru, Brazil, the son of missionaries. The family moved to Olathe, Kans., when he was 13. He is still passionate about missions and his parents have since moved back to Brazil to work with churches around the country. One of his goals is to be able to use his team in the mission field of Brazil.

SUMMER 2016 |

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Lifeline Chaplaincy Internship Provides Ministry Experience


or the past few years, York College students have been participating in a unique summer internship. The Lifeline Chaplaincy program, a ministry of the Churches of Christ, trains interns with professional hospital chaplains, preparing them to provide spiritual care visits to patients and their families. This summer, three from YC are participating: Nicole Gates, Bradlee Carls, and Matt Gastineau. Interns from across the country are placed in teaching hospitals in Houston, Dallas, Austin, Temple, and Fort Worth. In addition to the mentorship from professionals, the interns read books, write papers, and spend considerable time processing the visits in group discussion and reflective writing. Gates says so far, the visits she has made have been “really sweet.” “We talk to them about how they’re feeling. We ask if they would like us to pray about anything,” she said.

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“If they are anxious or discouraged, we talk with them and read scripture if they like.” Gates says that it’s very different from her previous ministry experience (she went to Taiwan last summer with Let’s Start Talking). “It’s about comforting people, not convincing them to change,” she said. “Here it’s okay to say ‘I don’t know,’ and just let God be God. We are here to come alongside them in their moments of crisis and to show them this is how God’s people love each other.” Gates graduated in May with a degree in psychology. She is tentatively planning to pursue a master’s in marriage and family counseling, but this internship is opening her eyes to a new career possibility she hadn’t previously considered. “Chaplaincy is now on my radar,” she said. “I’m trying to be open to what God is doing.” n

Lifeline Chaplaincy Interns include (l-r) Zanoria Echols (2015), Nicole Gates, Matt Gastineau, and Bradlee Carls.

Educator Sees Holocaust Evidence Firsthand

The Clock

Tower Society Cornerstone Circle $50,000 AND UP

Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bartholomew Mrs. Frances Goodson* Mr. & Mrs. C. G. Holthus Mr. & Mrs. Richard James Mrs. John Kooiker Mrs. Ardena Matthews* Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Studebaker

Trustee’s Circle $20,000-$49,999

Anonymous Dr. & Mrs. Aaron Fletcher Mr. Don Freeman Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Hannel Mr. & Mrs. Don Millican Mr. & Mrs. Ed Nill Mary L. Parsons Living Trust* Miss Maribel Poundstone* Mr. & Mrs. Joe Thomas

President’s Circle $10,000-$19,999

Anonymous (2) Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Bush Mr. Ralph Harvey* Mr. & Mrs. Ed McLoud Dr. & Mrs. Charles Stephenson Mrs. Irma Terpenning Mr. & Mrs. Doug Townsdin Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Watts

Founder’s Circle $5,000-$9,999

Mr. & Mrs. David Conder Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ganus Mr. & Mrs. Ed Hance Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Harris Dr. & Mrs. Dickie Hill Dr. & Mrs. James Hinkle Mr. Jack Hoover Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hornbaker Mr. & Mrs. Chester James Mr. & Mrs. Mark Jensen Joe A. & Wanda H. Johnson Trust* Mr. & Mrs. Brian Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Ron Maxwell Mrs. Darlene Miltner Mr. J. Lindbergh Presson Mr. & Mrs. Jim Reischl Mr. & Mrs. Jason Rice Mr. & Mrs. Perry Rubart Mrs. Cassandra Savage Mr. & Mrs. Russell Schoof

recognizes alumni and friends of York College whose gifts make it possible to “transform lives through Christ-centered education.” Everyone who partners with the college with a contribution of $1,000 or more becomes a member of the Clock Tower Society. Recognizing gifts through May 31, 2016

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Touchton Mrs. Elaine Townsdin Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Willard

Builder’s Circle $2,000-$4,999

Anonymous Drs. Scott & Beth Anne Abraham Dr. & Mrs. Michael Armour Mr. & Mrs. Donald Baker Mr. & Mrs. John Baker, Jr. Dr. Ronald Berges Mr. & Mrs. Joe Brazell Ms. Misty Brestel Mr. & Mrs. Tim Bruner Mr. & Mrs. Roger Deal Mr. Harry Denewiler Mr. & Mrs. Thompson Dyer Dr. & Mrs. Steve Eckman Mr. Richard Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Justin Graham Mr. & Mrs. Lanny Gridley Mrs. Donna Groves Dr. & Mrs. LaVerne Haselwood Miss Sherri Herndon Mr. & Mrs. Dean Howard Drs. Joe & Jackie Humphrey Mr. David Krekel Dr. & Mrs. Guenther Kruse Mr. & Mrs. Roger Lowry Mr. & Mrs. Quinton Martin Dr. & Mrs. Ray Miller Mary L. Molloy Irrevocable Trust Mr. & Mrs. Don Nelson Ms. Margarett Orr Dr. Dorris "Dottie" Schulz Mr. & Mrs. Todd Sheldon Mr. & Mrs. Howard Sheldon Mr. John Smith Miss Joan Stirlen Mrs. Marjorie Strawther Ms. Tracey Rutherford Sumner Mr. & Mrs. Gary Tucker Dr. & Mrs. Wayne White Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Williams Mrs. Gladys Willis

Sower’s Circle $1,000-$1,999

Mrs. Betty Auchard Mr. & Mrs. Ben Babcock Drs. Ed & Louise Bailey Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Baker Mr. John Barber Mr. & Mrs. Rory Berges Ms. Marquisette Bickford Maj. & Mrs. Alan Blackburn Mr. Chris Brown

Ms. Gwendolyn Carver Mr. & Mrs. Nick DiToro Dr. & Mrs. David Dowdey Mr. & Mrs. Michael Eckhart Mr. & Mrs. Scott Eckman Mrs. Ann Eddy Mr. & Mrs. Roger Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Embry Dr. & Mrs. Pat Ewing Mr. Gordon Fillman Mr. Joel Fleck Mr. & Mrs. Jim Fleck Mr. & Mrs. Barton Florea Mr. & Mrs. Charles Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Ron Gallegos Garden City Church of Christ Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Gaze Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Genrich Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Goben Mr. John Goeppinger Dr. & Mrs. James Groves Harlan Church of Christ Mr. & Mrs. Justin Harrold Mr. & Mrs. Mike Hart Michael A. Hessler Living Trust Mr. & Mrs. Everett Hinton Dr. & Mrs. Lee Hofsommer Mrs. Kris Holoch Mr. & Mrs. Mark Houston Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Jarrell Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. Larry Johnson Mrs. Susanne Keller Mrs. Mary Kite Dr. & Mrs. Scott Koch Mr. & Mrs. Tony Kreifels Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Krejci Dr. & Mrs. Michael Kuskie Dr. & Mrs. Robert Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. Jared Leinen Mr. & Mrs. Brent Magner Mr. & Mrs. Tim Mangan Mr. & Mrs. Tom Marcrom Mr. & Mrs. Gary Marsh Mr. & Mrs. Tom Miller Mr. & Mrs. Gary Montford Mr. & Mrs. Norman Morrow Dr. & Mrs. Shane Mountjoy Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus North Mrs. Judy Odom Mrs. Sandra Olson Mr. Boyd Pate Mr. & Mrs. Harry Patterson, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Michael Pruitt Mr. & Mrs. Brad Reischl Mr. & Mrs. John Richards Mr. & Mrs. Gayland Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Jay Rounsaville Dr. & Mrs. Clark Roush Mr. David & Dr. Patricia Simpson

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Smail Mr. & Mrs. Jared Stark Mr. & Mrs. Boyd Stuhr, Sr. Mrs. Janet Tolley Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Touchton Mr. & Mrs. Joe Waldrop Mrs. Betty Westerfield Dr. & Mrs. Alex Williams Mr. Caleb & Dr. Kimberly Williams Mr. & Mrs. Tom Williams Mr. & Mrs. Wilburn Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Wilton Ms. Shirley Witt

Corporate Circle Bellevue Helping Hands Chapter Bios Research, LLC Victor E. & Rosa M. Blum Charitable Fnd. Burnham Appraisal Co. BOEING Gift Matching Program Callahan Chiropractic The Chatlos Foundation, Inc. ConocoPhillips Cornerstone Bank DST Systems Inc. The Victor L. Durrington Charitable Trust FOE Electric Foundation for the Carolinas The Hampton Legacy Foundation Jensen Lumber John Kohl Auto Center Kopsa, Otte & Associates Lichti TV, Appliance & Furniture Center Marlin Oil Corp. McCormick's Heating & Air Conditioning Metz Mortuary Midwest Bank, N.A. National Christian Foundation Heartland Nebraska Independent College Fnd. Nebraska Rural Radio Association Northwestern Mutual Foundation Pfizer Foundation Procter & Gamble Raindrop Repair, Inc. R. L. Craft Company The Savage Group, LLC Self-Storage Co. of Iowa, LLC State Farm Company Union Bank & Trust Company Walmart Wells Fargo Foundation Wilmar Foundation Charitable Trust Winfield Rest Haven, Inc. York Community Foundation York County Visitors Bureau York Medical Clinic

(*indicates deceased)

SHARING A PASSION Biology degree preps grads for lives of service

Three of YC's biology graduates pose with Gail Miller after commencement: (l-r) Lindsay Jones, Caris Clark, Miller, and Laurel Simpson.

Interviews with graduates in YC's biology program bear a consistent response — Faculty share students' passion and that has made all the difference.


orrine Pearl ’16 was spinning an arm bike, rehabbing her bicep after an injury, when she saw something at the physical therapy clinic that changed her life: an old woman taking tiny, wobbly steps, with the assistance of a physical therapist and a gait belt. “She was so happy to be walking,” Pearl recalled. “There was such joy on her face.” That was a defining moment for Pearl. “I knew I wanted to be a physical therapist because I wanted to see that face everyday. I wanted to have that kind of impact on people.” Pearl recently completed a biology degree at York College and will head to the University of Nebraska Medical Center this fall to continue her studies. In three years she will earn a doctorate in physical therapy. Her goal is to specialize in improving the lives of those with physical and mental disabilities through PT.

Pearl is just one of the many alumni of the biology program who are using their education and passion to bless others. Each year, the biology program consistently turns out highly successful alumni who are serving in the medical field, working in conservation and animal welfare, and doing the important work of research in many areas of scientific inquiry, from pharmacology to water safety. The defining characteristic of the program is the atmosphere of support in the department, says recent grad Laurel Simpson ’16. “The faculty members know our interests and encourage them. They help us go forward with our passions,” she said. This summer, Simpson will intern with the Forestry Service in South Dakota before beginning a master’s degree in sustainability at Black Hills State University.

(left) Fellow softball teammates Corrine Pearl and Morgan Moore examine the different bones in the skull during their human anatomy and physiology lab.

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(right) Dr. Milton Eckhart teaches a section of biology in Dean Sack Hall of Science.

Ben Elsass and his wife Jeanie

Ben Elsass ’13, a game warden in Kansas, agrees with Simpson. “The interaction with faculty is high quality. The teachers are so involved in your life and education.” The primary faculty members in the biology degree are Gail Miller and Dr. Milton Eckhart. Miller has taught in the program since 1994 and has a general natural science background, with special interest in microbiology, genetics, and zoology. Miller was an important part of his college experience, Elsass said. “She helped me figure out what I needed to know for my career. She is a very caring and a very knowledgeable person.” The biology degree at York College was the perfect training for his career choice, he said. The broad knowledge he obtained coupled with the great communication skills he developed working in a small department have been a winning combination for this alum. “In order to be a wildlife officer, you have to have a basic knowledge of many animals and plants to be effective, but you also need to know how to talk to non-science people about science.” Dr. Eckhart is in his third year at York College. A physician by training, he has extensive medical, ministry, and foreign missions experience. He left a career in medicine to pursue teaching and ministry opportunities in Haiti, Philadelphia, and rural Colorado. He has led college students on medical mission trips to Haiti where he is helping to build a medical and eye care clinic. Those trips were formative for Caris Clark ’16, who recently graduated summa cum laude with a double major in biology and chemistry. “It was eye-opening to see a country

where they don’t have even the most basic medical access. Things we take for granted are just not a part of life in so many places,” she said. Working in Haiti kindled a passion for healthcare in Clark, who is studying for her medical school entrance exams. Clark will sit for the test in August, then leave for South Africa the following month. She and her brother Cory ’11 will spend one year serving with Orphan’s Justice, helping the parentless and others oppressed by poverty to get an education and learn about Jesus. Two years ago, Clark traveled to Senegal with Let’s Start Talking. Her mission experience and her passion for healthcare has led her to a career goal of long-term medical missions. While in South Africa, her work will primarily be educational, but there are two medical clinics in the area where she plans to volunteer.

“The faculty members know our interests and encourage them. They help us go forward with our passions.” For Clark, the best part of her studies in the sciences at York College has been the faculty. “The professors are the strength of the program. As people they want nothing more than for their students to succeed.” That was certainly the case for Lindsay Jones ’16. Due to health reasons, she had to leave school one month shy of completing her sophomore year. The faculty worked with her to complete the remaining coursework from home so that she could keep on track with her degree plan. For the next year while she recovered, she took classes at a nearby community college under the advisement of Gail Miller. “She worked with me the entire year I was gone…so that I could graduate in four years.” This fall Jones will start a master’s

degree at the University of Pennsylvania in environmental biology, with a focus on population ecology and conservation. Her long term goal is to work for the government on conservation projects. While lectures are interesting and group work can be fun, every biology major at York College will tell you the very best days of the school year are the field trip days. Whether it’s a visit to a patch of virgin prairie to study indigenous Nebraska flora or to the nation’s premier zoo in Omaha to study animal behavior, the lessons learned out of the classroom are often the most memorable. Miller says that she uses a crossdisciplinary approach in her teaching, often discussing history and social issues in conjunction with the scientific principles she presents. “You learn a lot about the history of Nebraska as you study its plants and animals and fossils,” says Miller. Miller’s pride is obvious as she recounts the successes of her graduates from the past three decades. She rattles off the names of scores of doctors, physician assistants, chiropractors, veterinarians, physical therapists, nurses, lab technicians, college faculty members, dentists, and scientists of all kinds. Eckhart hasn’t been at York College as long as Miller, but he joins in her enthusiasm for preparing students for lives of service. “My passion is to get students ready for medical school, nursing school, dental school, PA school, any of the allied health professions…so that when they are accepted, they will excel in those programs.” The training Miller and Eckhart provide transcends mere science, however. “We teach about God and his creation here,” says Miller. “I am interested in doing more than bringing people healthcare,” says Eckhart. “My goal is to bring people into a relationship with God. I am interested in doing Kingdom work.” In the York College biology program, he is doing just that. n

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STAGED for SUCCESS Students perform a scene of the Pulitzer Prize winning Our Town on opening night. Directed by John I. Baker III, this was the first theater production in the Bartholomew Performing Arts Center.

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below photos by Hannah Gund

Lights! Camera! Action! Audiences enjoy inaugural productions

“The new facility has helped me in a lot of ways. Not only are there plenty of practice rooms, but the building is also a great place for rehearsals, to do homework, and for classes. We have better technology in there and feel like our arts

students are finally up-to-date with similar programs at other universities.�

Deidre Freitas Sophomore Theatre Major

The Bartholomew Performing Arts Center opened for rehearsals in January 2016, and hosted the production of Our Town at the end of February. Every month since then has seen a flurry of activity in the facility including The Fabulous Fable Factory performed by the Traveling Children's Theatre, Celebration Singers' Seasons of Love, and the Concert Choir's annual Spring Works program A New Beginning. Besides the 5,000 square-foot black box theater, students and the fine arts faculty have been blessed by the other features of the facility such as the Moody Choral Rehearsal Hall, Jim Brock Green Room, dressing rooms, costume room, and practice rooms for music majors. With nearly a half century of service shared on the Gurganus stage by John Baker and Dr. Clark Roush, it's a dream Baker come true. Above The cast of Our Town utilizes the spacious dressing rooms of the BPAC on opening night. Far Left Dr. Clark Roush directs the Concert Choir at their Spring Works concert. Middle Celebration Singers brought the house down with their rendition of "Somebody to Love." Right Traveling Children's Theatre entertained an enthusiastic and slightly younger crowd with The Fabulous Fable Factory.

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Don Meyer Coach of the Year The Don Meyer Coach of the Year award is presented to the top NAIA head coach, as voted on by the award committee at the end of the season. The committee is a 20 member panel, consisting of 15 current or retired head coaches and five collegeinsider.com staff members. Current Lipscomb head coach Casey Alexander is the chairman of the award committee.

2016 Don Meyer Coach of the Year


Delton Deal

ead Men's Basketball Coach Delton Deal was named the Don Meyer Coach of the Year after leading the Panthers to a 25-10 season and finishing their year in the round of eight at the NAIA Division II National Tournament in March. York College made headlines across the country after they upset number one seed University of Saint Francis in the first round, 87-79. The Panthers were the first #8 seed team in the history of the NAIA to ever advance in the tournament. They followed that with a nail biter 78-77 victory over No. 5 Dakota Wesleyan, holding their bench scoreless while junior guard Michael Johnson came off the bench for the Panthers and scored 15 points in the second half to propel the Panthers into the Elite Eight. Lauded by the NAIA as the Cinderella team of the tournament, Coach Deal's squad faced off against the #2 seed Indiana Wesleyan Wildcats. Despite the rallying cry of the team,

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“We’re not done yet; we’re just getting started,” they fell in the third round to the hot hands of the eventual National Champions, Indiana Wesleyan, who shot an impressive 58% from the floor. That combined with losing Allen, Texas, junior Cameron Coleman, a 2nd Team All-American, in the first half to a crippling knee injury, was enough to silence the Panthers’ hopes of making it to the Final Four. Under Coach Deal's leadership this is the Panthers' second appearance in the national tournament. He holds a 112-78 record at York College and helped them to two 20-win seasons. In the six years under Deal, the team has never had a losing season. In the final NAIA Top 25 Coaches' Poll, York was ranked 17th in the nation. "There were a lot of high caliber coaches up for this award and I'm honored that I was chosen. This is an outstanding award named after a legend, and to have my name spoken with his is very humbling," said Deal. "I'm very thankful for York College and

this program. This team is amazing and I'm just thankful every day to be able to coach here." President Eckman commented, "York College emphasizes character in its athletic programs. Coach Deal is a great example of a coach who not only teaches technique and implements strategy, but who has developed young men of character who are leaders on our campus and successful in life. His success is evident in the young men from his program that go on to the next level and play professionally. We are proud of him and his program." n

Michael Johnson, junior guard from Orlando, Fla., goes up for two of his 11 points off the bench in the victory over #1 seed St. Francis University. SUMMER 2016 |

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legacy of relationships that spans five continents. Survivors include husband, Duane, two sons, Tracy Jenks and wife, Nydia, and Marcos Jenks. Condolences can be sent to the Hills Church, 6800 NE Loop 820, North Richland Hills, TX 76180.

Alumna pens memoir, supports scholarships At 19 years old, Betty (Peal ’52) Auchard realized she had to grow up-fast. In 1949, she moved from her parents home in Colorado to the campus of YC and her new role as wife to math and physics professor Denny Auchard and “mom” to the 11 college men he supervised. She recounts her experiences during that time in her new memoir Living with Twelve Men…a mother in training. In addition to her funny and touching stories, this coming-of-age tale also chronicles a significant chapter in the history of York College: the fire that destroyed “Old Main” and its aftermath, including the closure of the school under the guidance of the Evangelical United Brethren Church. Auchard has generously donated signed copies of her book to the York College bookstore. Sales of the volume will support student scholarships as part of the Beyond 125 Campaign. Contact the bookstore at (402) 363-5661 to order your copy. Auchard is the author of the IPPY Award winning memoir Dancing in my Nightgown: The Rhythms of Widowhood. In addition to writing, she enjoys presenting to audiences and narrating her own audio books. Her stories and essays have been published in the San Jose Mercury News, Today’s Senior, and Chocolate for a Woman’s Soul series. Betty lives and writes in Los Gatos, California. 1959 Bill Epperson was recently honored as “Outstanding Faculty Member” at Oral Roberts University where he teaches English. He was also selected as the Outstanding Faculty Member of the College of Arts and Cultural Studies. He received this same honor in 2009 and in 1969. 8249 S Evanston Ave, Tulsa, OK 74137 wepperson@oru.edu 1966 Harvey Theis has updated his contact info: 1738 Tustin St., Philadelphia, PA 19152 1969 Reba (Beasley) Durbin and husband Jerry have recently moved. 632 Lois, Kerrville, TX 78028 reba_ durbin@hotmail.com 1970 Retired geologist Steve Webb's recently authored book Deep Time in Genesis has been published by Westbow Press, an arm of

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Zondervan. The book is about the age of the Earth in light of scripture and scientific facts. It can be purchased at Amazon and Barnes & Nobles. Steve is married to Diana (Foncannon '70), a retired math teacher. The couple has three sons. 760 Mill Pond Rd, Dousman, WI 53118 1973 Debbie Bachman Jenks passed away May 2, 2016, after a valiant 11year battle with multiple myeloma. She and her husband, Duane served as missionaries in Brazil from 1981 to 1989 and later ministered at churches in Mannford and Muskogee, Okla., in Saginaw and at The Hills Church in North Richland Hills. Debbie was a great hostess, mentor, encourager and prayer warrior who left a vast

1974 Donna Roerig is retiring from her position as an IT technician with the State of Colorado. Drop her a line of congratulations! 3672 Allison St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dtwain2@q. com Pat Craig is in his 37th year of teaching public school and his 13th year as evangelist for Eastside church of Christ in Lexington, OK. He recently moved: 111 60th Ave NE, Norman, OK 73026 lexpreacher@ gmail.com 1975 Carladean Thompson has exciting news: “In July I was given a formal invitation by Christians in Nairobi, Kenya to return to work with one congregation and a school. I am currently raising funds. One of my Kenyan sons (I raised street boys and orphans) was married in June and is teaching at the high school in Nairobi that he attended.” Her temporary address until she leaves for Kenya is 590 EN 23rd Abilene, TX 79601. nafulacdtakinyi@gmail.com 1983 Walter and Cindy (Smalley ‘84) Clark were honored with The Fields Are Ripe award, which recognizes York College graduates who have dedicated themselves to serving small churches in the upper Midwest. The Clarks have been serving the Church of Christ in Bismarck, ND, for the past 10 years. Previously, they worked with a church in Sioux City, Iowa for 15 years. All three of the Clark's children graduated from York: Cory '11, Caleb '13, and Caris '16. Along with the award, the Clarks received a check for $1,000 which they intend to use to help pay for travel as they visit South Africa in the near future, where Caris and Cory will be working with the organization Orphan’s Justice. (See page 15.)




1985 Randy Foncree has a ministry called Eagle Destinies and is a member of ASCAP. He has written and recorded many original songs such as “I’m No Chicken Anymore” and “Did Adam Have a Belly Button.” Randy and his wife, Rena, have one daughter, Alyssa. 2745 Nashville Rd, Lot 7, Bowling Green, KY 42101 randyfoncree@twc.com Tye Rogers has been named President of Lubbock Christian Schools. Tye and his wife Kelli (Breazeale) Rogers live at 1712 Norwich Ave, Lubbock, TX 79416 Lynnette Shields and Armando Gonzalez ‘91 were married June 24 in the York College Prayer Chapel. Armando is the minister for the Meade CofC and Lynnette will be working at Meade Schools teaching K-12 art. PO Box 1318, Meade, KS 67864 jesusnarmando@hotmail.com 1990 Matt and Kelly (Looper) Fike will be coaching together again. Matt was recently named the new head girls basketball coach at McAlester High School after spending nine years as Head Coach of Byng High School. Kelly will be assistant coaching alongside him, which will be the first time they have coached together since their time at York College in ’04-’07. The couple has three daughters, two of whom will be students at YC in the fall. 6021 CR 3605 Ada, OK 74820 mattfike527@ gmail.com 1991 Kevin Knight and his family are moving across the country! After serving many years as ministers with the Delta CofC in Alaska, Kevin and his wife, Kristin, are relocating to Oklahoma, where Kevin will be the youth and family minister with the Broken Arrow CofC. They have two sons, Kael and Kodiak. Kevin says, “We are greatly excited for this new adventure! We will also be worshiping with fellow alumni Jerry and Lori Lundy as well as Bobby Morrow.” akpreacher@hotmail.com 1995 Jonathan T. Earnhart is currently serving as the principal of Cuba High School but has recently been promoted to superintendent of schools for the county. He will begin the new position in July. His wife, Angie, also works for the school system as a process coordinator. Jonathan was recognized in 2015 as the South Central MASC Administrator of the Year. The couple has two daughters, Alexis (12) and Grace (10). 397 Arrowhead Ln, Cuba, MO 65453 jearnhart@cuba. k12.mo.us




1996 Jerald Bennett was Employee of the Month for June at York General Hospital, where he works as an environmental services aide. 1325 Burlington Ave, York, NE 68467 eljeraldo71@gmail.com 1997 Jennifer (Roerkohl) and Joe Special welcomed a daughter, Meleah Grace, born April 14, 2016. She joins siblings Morgan and Matthew. “Our hearts are filled with much love and joy!” Jennifer is a project manager at North Lake Fine Custom Homes and Joe works for the Village of Fontana, Wisc. for the Public Works Department. W5661 Sunset Ridge, Walworth, WI 53184 jmjcspecial@hotmail.com 1999 Brad Leonard is a Product Support Manager for the Strategic Warning & Space Surveillance Division, U.S. Air Force. He was recently selected Chief Financial Officer of the Logistics Officer Association, a non-profit dedicated to enhancing military and civilian logistics professions. Vanessa (Terry) is a domestic engineer, caring for the couple’s three children: Reese (11), Adelyn (9), and Hayden (8). 7745 Churchwood Cir, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 bradandvanessaleonard@yahoo.com 2001 Ben and Erica (Towell ’06) Berry welcomed a son, Milo Simeon, on April 28, 2016. Milo joins big brother Beckett (2). 668 E 10th St, York, NE 68467 bencberry@gmail. com ericabberry@gmail.com Katie (Klutts) and Jeff Hayden announced the birth of their daughter, Samantha, on June 16, 2015. Katie is a counselor/therapist in a private practice, working with kids and families in the foster system or who have been adopted. Katie and Jeff have been foster parents as well. Katie says, “I use a specific method called Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI). I’m also working with a special 10 week intensive program called HALO that was created on the principles of TBRI. It’s giving hope to families and healing in ways that are beyond remarkable.” 13600 Silver Eagle Trail, Edmond, OK 73013 Meththini (Bopearatchy) and Jason Gibson have updated their contact information: 1430 Linn St, State College, PA 16803 meththini@ gmail.com Devon Teeple is now the branch manager of a Scotiabank in Ontario. He also has a new address: PO Box 1172, New Liskeard, Ontario CA P0J1P0 devon@thegmsperspective. com



2002 Cindi (Wiese) and Christian Matthes welcomed a son, Elliot Christian, on Nov. 24, 2015. Cindi is a birth doula with In Bloom Doula Services and Christian is a research economist with the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. 2535 Blackburn Rd, Glen Allen, VA 23060 cindi.matthes@gmail.com Rachel (Schlosser) Shubin welcomed a daughter,

Helene Marie, on Nov. 11, 2015. She joins big brothers Caleb (7) and Nicholas (9). 2926 E. 94th Pl #1214, Tulsa, OK 74137 rachelmarie13@ yahoo.com Nic and Vanessa Mount welcomed a daughter, Kallisto Marie, on July 18, 2015. She joins big brother Orion (3). 73-4587 Old Mamalahoa Hwy, Kailua Kona, HI 96740 Sarah (Day) and Jon Smithburg celebrated the birth of their son, Jordan James, on April 22, 2016. Jordan joins big sis Michayla (2). Sarah is a teacher at Flagler High School and Jon is a farmer/network administrator. PO Box 385, Flagler, CO 80815 Sarah_day06@yahoo. com 2003 Amanda (DeBerry ’02) Rathe has been promoted to assistant director of finance at accounting firm LBMC. Grant is a stay-at-home dad, caring for the couple’s two sons: Miles (4) and Lance (3). Grant is also a soccer referee. 605 Hunt Ct, Franklin, TN 37064 2005 S​​tephen and Joy (Coehoorn​ '06​) Colwell welcomed a daughter, Cameron, on March 23, 2016. She joins big siblings June (3) and Jonny (1). Joy is an ER nurse and Stephen​is the director of marketing​​for Breeza Industrial. 1322 Michigan Ave, York NE 68467 ​​ colwellphotography@gmail.com




2006 Amanda (Bennett) and Ainsley McGill welcomed a daughter, Adelaide Victoria, on Dec. 12, 2015. Adelaide joins big brother Stuart (1). Amanda is a massage therapist. 1202 6th Ave, Dodge City, KS 67801 livin4theman@yahoo.com 2007 Michelle (Green) and Dusty Idhe, welcomed a son, Henry Butch, on March 3, 2015. Big sister Paige loves him to pieces. green.ihde@gmail. com Gerry Ryne and Kallie Ray welcomed a daughter, Henzlie Ryne,

on December 8, 2015. gerry2ray3@ gmail.com Ben and Tabitha (Elzey) Witt welcomed a new baby, Titus Joel, on March 17, 2016. "Our son Titus was born en route down the freeway going 90 miles an hour in our brand new pickup,” says Ben. Titus joins siblings Daniel (2) and Abigail (1). Ben is a unit director at the Children’s Home of Lubbock. Tabitha is a stayat-home mom. 4404 Idalou Rd, Lubbock, TX 79402 wittfamily2008@ yahoo.com 2008 Deyan and Sheila (Smesrud) Mihaylov celebrated the birth of their daughter, Maggie Ann, on Jan. 8, 2016. Deyan is working on a PhD in physics and Sheila is a physical therapist. 2155 5th Ave E West, Fargo, ND 58078 deyanandsheila@ gmail.com Luke and Amanda Mills welcomed a son, Micah, on February 12. Micah joins big brother Evan (3). lmills68154@hotmail.com 2009 Dustin and Jennifer Kinnison welcomed a son, Thomas Matthew, on January 26. 710 Howard Ave, Curtis, NE 69025

2010 Mitch and Marissa (Petrilli ‘11) Roush, announce the birth of their daughter, Sophia Madelyn, born April 13, 2016! Mitch is the director of community impressions for Northwestern Mutual and Marissa is a stylist at Salon M.ore. 1311 N Pennsylvania Ave, York, NE 68467 mitchell.roush@nm.com 2011 Julie Garcia welcomed a son, Tucker Ryan, on March 31, 2015. Julie is a presentation team member for Target. 5532 Shady Creek Ct #12, Lincoln, NE 68516 jgarcia@york.edu 2013 Isabel Camacho is a product specialist with Ashley Furniture Home Store. 1802 W 38th St Apt #9, Kearney, NE 68845 Isabel.d.camacho@gmail.com Kris Olson is a subcontractor administrator with Northrop Gruman. He recently got engaged and changed his address: 6401 Whitley Rd, Watagua, TX 76148 Kristofer. olson18@gmail.com Carrie (Berzins) Pine has updated her contact information: carriesting@hotmail.com 2014 Tim and Mayra (Urrutia) Aragon, celebrated the birth of their son, Jaden Timothy, on April 24, 2016.

Tim is a representative with State Farm Insurance and Mayra is a firm administrator with Kopsa Otte. 1216 N Nebraska Ave, York, NE 68467 murrutia@york.edu Peter and Crystal (Prawl ’13) Hansen were married in October 2015. 1204 Cedar Ridge Ct Apt 205, Grand Island, NE 68803

To get a Panther tee for your little one, submit an alumni update birth announcement. The shirts are 6 mon. size, so don't delay. Submit your alumni update at www.york.edu/ alumni as soon as junior arrives. Send us pics of your family and we may use them in the magazine or YC Connect.

New Leadership, New Tools President's Council Update After three years of serving as the leaders of the York College President’s Council, Rod ’80 and Trisha (Sparks ’85) Goben are passing the torch to Dr. C. Shawn Bengtson ’80. Prayer warriors, ambassadors for the college, financial supporters and sounding board, the President’s Council meets twice a year, Bengston at Homecoming and Spring Panther Days. Bengtson has served with the elite group of alumni since its founding in 2010. Though they have stepped down from the leadership role, the Gobens will remain active in the President’s Council and York College. During their time as co-chairs, Gary Bartholomew ’67 and Kevin Claypool ’06 created and launched YCNation.com. The website is a hub for alumni to interact and help recruit the next generation of Panthers. Connecting alumni and prospective students was the Gobens’ primary goal for the President’s Council. All alumni with a heart for the mission of York College are invited to create an account on YCNation.com. Alumni will be able to search for students who have applied to York College by geographic area or by academic interest or activities. Alumni can then reach out to the selected students to tell them about their York Experience and encourage them to enroll.

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Bengtson lives in Bellevue, Neb., and serves as the vice president of investment for WoodmenLife. As the President’s Council becomes an established auxiliary for the college, she along with President Eckman have called for renewed efforts to expand the council and are encouraging council members to pursue their individual passion as advocates and champions for the school. If you would like to learn more about serving on the President’s Council, contact the President’s Office at (402) 363-5621.

(above) President Eckman gives an update to members of the President's Council during Spring Panther Days.

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(left) It was a proud moment for Luis Pulido and his parents when he received his diploma from York College. (right) Saul Perez poses with one of his students who received the Jump Rope for Heart Award for raising $1,200 for charity.


For 2014 graduates Luis Pulido and Saul Perez, the road to a college degree was paved with challenges and blessings. The children of immigrants, both men are the first in their family to graduate from college. Today they are paying it forward as public school teachers and coaches— impacting the next generation of wouldbe college grads. Perez’s parents immigrated from Nicaragua and El Salvador, landing in the predominantly Hispanic neighborhood of East Los Angeles where Perez grew up. When he was 14, life changed dramatically for Perez when his parents announced they were moving someplace completely foreign: Nebraska. “It was a scary time in my life,” he recalled. “I didn’t know Nebraska or the Midwest at all. I had never seen a cow in my life.” The wide-open fields near his new home in Lincoln were strange to him. “I hated it,” he said. As soon as he graduated from high school, he moved back to Los Angeles. However, he found that big city life was no longer appealing—especially the two hours a day he spent on metro busses to travel to a community college where he was enrolled. He returned to Nebraska, wondering about his next step. Perez and his family had attended Heartlands Church in Lincoln for several years. It was there that he connected with friends of York College who encouraged him to apply and offered to assist him

with a scholarship. “I wasn’t looking to go to college, but college was looking for me,” he joked. Perez chose education as a major and joined the soccer team. After hanging back a bit during his freshman year, he threw himself into the York Experience. He joined a social club and campus ministries staff. He counseled at Soul Quest and traveled to summer camps, recruiting for the admissions office. He enjoyed dorm life and attended weekly devos. “In retrospect, moving to Nebraska was a huge blessing,” he said. “It opened so many doors for me.” Today, Perez is teaching physical education and health, as well as coaching for his old school, North Star High in Lincoln. Every day he interacts with kids who aren’t expecting to go to college. “I can relate to them,” he said. “Where I grew up, graduating high school was a huge deal. College was out of the question for most people.” His mission is reaching just that kind of student. “I see so much potential in some kids and they don’t even try. A lot of these kids come from homes where college is not an option. I tell them if I can do it, anybody can. I tell them it doesn’t matter if your family didn’t go to college. Don’t let your past or theirs define who you are,” he says. Luis Pulido also draws from his experience as a first generation college grad when he talks to his students. Pulido teaches eighth grade math and coaches

middle and high school soccer in Columbus, Nebraska, an hour west of his home in Fremont. His school has a high rate of poverty and a large population of Hispanic students, but few Hispanic teachers. Pulido can connect with his students in ways that his non-Hispanic colleagues cannot, he says. “It makes it easier to relate because I can talk to their parents at conferences. I can speak the language of their homes.” Like Perez, Pulido played soccer at YC, but his student years involved fewer student activities and a lot more work. Throughout college he worked full time at a local grocery store to pay for tuition. He is the youngest of four children in his family and the only one to graduate college. “My parents are pretty proud of me,” he said. Pulido just completed his first full year of teaching. “It was challenging but fun,” he said. Student apathy is his biggest challenge. Before they even enter his classroom, many students have decided they aren’t good at math and so do not try. “I’m teaching kids who think they don’t have the possibility of education after high school,” says Pulido. That mentality has a deep impact on their effort and success, as well as their classroom behavior. Pulido tells them his story and encourages them to strive for more. He also tries to be a friend and mentor. “Teaching is all about the relationships. You can get the kids to like anything if they like you.” n SUMMER 2016 |

Heritage | 23

York College

photo by Leo Miller


One for the Record Books

Known for his speed, Billy Johnson is kept close to the bag against Clarke University.

Baseball season is one of the best


he 2016 YC baseball team was one of the most entertaining to watch in Panther history as its offensive arsenal was ranked No. 1 in the NAIA in total runs scored (582), runs scored per game (9.238), and Billy Johnson (JR/Oakland, Calif) topped the charts with his 88 runs on the season. Under third-year Head Coach Brian Walth, the Panthers broke a myriad of team and individual records that included 46 wins on the season. York was co-champions with Tabor College in their inaugural year with the Kansas Collegiate Athletic Conference, each with 28-8 conference records. Nine YC players were named to the KCAC All-Conference team and Walth was named KCAC Coach of the Year. Walth Despite a 5-9 loss in the KCAC championship game to Sterling College (No. 5), the highly ranked Panthers were invited to play in the Grand Rapids Bracket of the NAIA Opening Round. After losing 2-4 in the opening game to tournament host Davenport University, the Panthers battled back in game two against Saint Xavier with Tim Emory (JR/San Jose, Calif) throwing the 6-0 shutout win. Playing in their second elimination

game of the day, the Panthers used a four-run eighth inning to defeat the Clarke University Crusaders 6-4 and move into day three of the tournament where they lost 4-3 against top-seeded Bellevue University. Michael Johnson (SR/Union City, Calif) earned Second Team All-American honors after a stellar senior season in which he led the Panthers in doubles (18), home runs (16), RBI (66), total bases (153) and slugging percentage (.683). He was second on the team in hits (83), runs scored (69), and on-base percentage (.488). Defensively Johnson, M. he committed only 11 errors in 289 chances for a fielding percentage of .926. He was also a part of 37 double plays. Johnson received recognition throughout the season for his performance on and off the field. He earned All-KCAC, selected as NAIA Player of the Week, and was the first YC athlete named CoSIDA Academic All-American second team. Billy Johnson was NAIA All-American Johnson, B. Honorable Mention and also was All-KCAC. York finished #14 in the NAIA Baseball Coaches' Top 25 Poll. The Panthers defeat conference opponent Bethany College 12-6 in the night cap of a double header at home.

24 | Heritage | SUMMER 2016

Allen, Texas, junior strong forward Cameron Holmes reaches for the defensive rebound against Dakota Wesleyan in the 2nd round of the National Championships. Coleman had 8 rebounds and 3 steals to go with his 16 points.

Cinderella never looked so good YC Basketball shocks the NAIA world


ork College basketball had a record breaking season as they won a program best 25 games and also made it further than any other team had in the program's history. The Panthers shocked the nation as they became the first team in history to upset a number one seed in the first round of the NAIA National Championships. In the second round, York had a lot of work to do to prove they weren't a one-hit wonder. With an exciting 78-77 win over Dakota Wesleyan, the Panthers were again the talk of the tournament before losing to the eventual National Champions Indiana Wesleyan. "Our guys exceeded expectations all year with how young we were so I knew they had something to prove coming into the tournament," said Coach Delton Deal. "We felt like we were given a low seed and wanted to show people that we were better than that. We played some really good competition and our guys stepped up. It was a big team effort from every single player on our roster. We had a young team and are looking to

continue what we did in Branson this year, into the next." For his season contributions Cameron Coleman (JR/Allen, Texas) was named 2nd Team All-American. Coleman, Johnny Cooksey (JR/Shreveport, La), and Trevor Linear (SO/Bellevue, Neb) were named First Team All Conference. Coleman was also named Conference Player of the Year in part to his 40-point game against Washington Adventist in the semi-finals of the A.I.I. Conference Tournament. Stat leaders on the year were Coleman with 18.3 pts/game and 65 steals on the season (10th in the nation), Marcus Price with 6.4 rebounds/game and 31 block shots on the year, and Chris Smith’s 2.8 assists/game. The team finished 17th in the NAIA Top 25 Coaches' Poll and was ranked 2nd in the nation in steals/gm (10.1), 4th in total steals (352), 5th in offensive rebounds (1427), 12th in total assists (542), and 17th in total scoring offense (2813). (left) Johnny Cooksey goes up for two of his 21 points in the game against the #1 seed University of St. Francis. Cooksey's 51 points over the three games led the team at Nationals.




FROM LEAP OF FAITH TO LIVING THE DREAM Head Softball Coach Roni (Arellano '01) Miller says initially, York wasn’t a place she wanted to be. A star softball player, this California native had her sights set on a D1 program, not a tiny school in the Midwest. However, God had a different plan for her life. An elder at Miller’s church was a York College board member. He convinced her to give York a try. Soon, her trial semester turned into a four-year love affair with YC. “If I missed class, faculty members called me to make sure I was okay. I had dinner at faculty homes and the president’s home. I couldn’t even explain it to my friends at other colleges. I knew this place was special,” she said. After graduation, she returned to California, “…But I just kept thinking, how can I get back to York?” A year later, she was offered a position on the YC admissions team. For three years, she traveled the country, telling prospective students about the transformative experience she’d had as a student. “It was a great job. All I had to do was tell kids how awesome York College had been for me.” As much as she loved the work, Miller returned to California to pursue her career goal of becoming a softball coach. At a 10-year high school reunion, she reconnected with an old friend, an officer in the Coast Guard named Kenny Miller. The couple married in 2008, and soon daughters Peyton and Aubrey arrived. Miller taught and coached at her high school in Madera. Under the umbrella of her own business, Miller Fastpitch, she started giving private lessons and team clinics, seminars and team consultations, in addition to her regular coaching. As Kenny neared the 20-year mark in his military career, the

couple started considering what their life could look like after he retired. “He came home after a difficult day at work and said, ‘I’m done. We need to chase your dream.’” A day later, Jared Stark, vice president for athletics at York College, called to let her know about an open coaching position at YC. Logistically it has been a challenge, as Kenny remained in California for two years to complete his military service while Miller and their daughters moved to York. Like many military families, brief visits were punctuated by long stretches of absence and single parenthood. “We couldn’t have done this anywhere else,” said Miller. “Everyone supported us. I never had to stress about childcare. When things were hard, people were there for me.” Kenny will retire in July and the family will then settle together permanently in York. Miller has big dreams for her team and for the players as individuals. The team saw postseason play this year, taking down #1 seed Friends University in the first game of the conference tournament. “It’s nice turning heads,” said Miller, but that’s not all she wants to do. “We want to win regionals and get a World Series berth. I want to do for the softball team what Coach Walth and Coach Harlan have done for baseball. We’re headed that way.” Miller wants more for her players than just success on the field. “I want them to have the same experience that I had here. To grow spiritually and look back on their time and YC and have so much love for this place.” While York is far from her original D1 dreams, Miller says she knows she is right where she is meant to be. “I want to grow old in York, Nebraska. I want my kids to attend York College. This is what I was always supposed to do.” n (left) Roni and Kenny have made York their home with their two daughters, Peyton (7) and Aubrey (5).

26 | Heritage | SUMMER 2016

(above) Brianna Perez, 2nd Team All-American and KCAC First Team senior from Madera, Calif., transferred to York College to play for Aunt Roni and led the conference in slugging percentage .803 with 12 home runs. Perez helped York upset top seed Friends University in the opening round of the KCAC Tournament 10-1. In that game she went 2 for 4 with a double and two RBI.

The desire to serve in the name of Christ is what defines Taylor Abraham. This summer the junior psychology major is interning with a church in Denver as a youth minister. Last summer, she traveled to Debrecen, Hungary, with three others from YC to work with Let’s Start Talking. She then returned home to counsel at Bible camps in three states. In 2017, she plans to spend part of the summer with children at Casa de la Esperanza, an orphanage in Anahuac, Mexico. Her good works are not limited to summer vacations. Abraham serves in many ways when school is in session. She is involved in Campus Ministries, volleyball, Celebration Singers and choir. She is also a member of the residence hall staff, president of her social club, a new student orientation facilitator, and she was a hostess for Songfest 2016. Peers and teachers recognize her as a servant leader. “She has not just a servant heart, but a very sensitive heart to the needs of other people,” said Dr. Clark Roush, professor of music and endowed chair of the Division of Arts and Sciences. “She cares deeply about students that are in a friend group and students that are on the fringe.” Abraham’s career ambition includes a combination of ministry and social work with underprivileged kids, possibly in an international setting.

(above) Taylor, far left, poses with other members of the volleyball team. (left) In her mission trip to Hungary last summer, Taylor became quick friends with the missionary's family.

photo by Christi Lones

(right) Taylor sang "Water Under the Bridge" for her hostess solo during Songfest '16.

The child of alumni couple Brennon ’97 and Twyla (Christian ’95) Abraham, it was the chance to play volleyball that brought Abraham to campus. After a “trial semester” she decided she never wanted to leave. “I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else,” she said. “The people and community here are the best part. I’ve met the greatest people I know here. I’m grateful for the love that people show each other at York.”

"I want kids to know they are important and loved." Choir and volleyball are the two most important communities within the larger York College community for Abraham. “It’s a family,” she said. “We pray together. Everyone shares their hearts. They’re not just my team or the choir, they’re my friends.” Part of Abraham’s work with Campus Ministries is an effort called Panthers Pray, where classmates can call or text her and others in the group to pray for them or with them. She also spends time each week writing notes to students in need of encouragement. “Reaching out that way helps me appreciate people more and get to know more people,” said Abraham. “I’m very much a people person. I love to meet new people.” Abraham will graduate in 2018. In the meantime, she’s got a lot of loving and serving to do. n

photo by Bob DeHart '95

A Campus View – Taylor Abraham

Her home was such a happy and loving place to grow up that it motivates Abraham to pay it forward. “I want kids to know they are important and loved,” she said. “I grew up knowing that my parents were there for me. A lot of kids don’t have that. I want to be a person that is supportive and loving to those kids.”

In Memory of ... June 2015 - May 2016

photo by Joe Coy

Fox wrestles to NAIA All-American honors Panther wrestlers were just seven and a half points shy of winning the NAIA South Qualifier, scoring 144.5 points for their second place finish, the highest in school history. Three wrestlers went undefeated and won their weight brackets: Willie Fox (149), Nicholas Meck (174), and Jack Mur phy (197). Mur phy took home the Outstanding Wrestler Award, voted by all the coaches. Four other wrestlers punched their ticket to the NAIA National Wrestling Championships by finishing in the top three of their weight class: Robert Ozuna took second (125), and Torrey Casper (133), Josh Lopez (141), and Austin Coy (157) each finished in third place. At nationals, Fox, a j u n i o r f r o m G i l r oy, Calif., became the sixth wrestler at YC to earn NAIA All-American honors, and became the highest finisher in the program’s history. Fox Fox went 6-1 on the weekend and his lone loss came against the eventual national champion in sudden victory overtime 8-6. Fox controlled the rest of his matches as he finished the weekend with two decisions, one major decision, two technical falls, and one fall. He won his third place match with a 6-3 decision. Lopez and Murphy both missed being All-Americans by one match. Lopez lost his final match in the last few seconds 10-7, and Murphy was eliminated in a 3-1 sudden victory overtime defeat. Coy and Meck each picked up two victories at the championships. Ozuna went 1-2 on the weekend after losing his first match to the eventual 125 pound national champion. Casper also faced the eventual national champion before his season finished with a 1-2 weekend. The Panthers finished 16 out of 29 schools under Head Coach Ramon Diaz.

Wylene Baker Dr. & Mrs. Alex Williams Royce & Margaret Blackburn Alan Blackburn J. Townsdin & Lisa Bowen Elaine Schackmann Jim Brock Mr. & Mrs. Joe Brazell Hobart & Evelyn Brown Mr. & Mrs. Michael Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Berges Dr. Ronald Berges Mr. & Mrs. Rory Berges Ryan Berges Mr. & Mrs. Greg Brown Mr. & Mrs. James Brown Robert Brown Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brown Mr. & Mrs. Zachary Brown Mr. & Mr. Ronald Hohl Brett Kuskie Dr. & Mrs. Michael Kuskie Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Otte Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Reed Norville Bruner Mr. & Mrs. Ken Sewell John Bryant Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Hardin Mr. & Mrs. George King Mr. & Mrs. Jason Pates Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Studebaker Don Tassin Colis Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Haring John Chaffin Susanne Keller Harvey & Sue Childress Dr. & Mrs. Robert Oglesby Patricia Anne Wilson Clothier Mr. & Mrs. Gary Montford Patricia Dean Cynthia Newcomb Sgt. Ron Dickerson Bartine Dickerson Steve Dickerson Bartine Dickerson Jean Doty Susanne Keller Dr. Richard Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Warren Barclay Nancy Benedict Cindy Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Dave Grimes Mr. & Mrs. Emil Huber Mr. & Mrs. Steve Thompson Dave Ellison Hon. & Mrs. Dave Arterburn Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie Bernth Millie Carnes Mr. & Mrs. Carr Conway Mr. & Mrs. Dewayne DeBoer Mr. & Mrs. Barton Florea Dean Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Clark Hatch Mr. & Mrs. Travis Horton Mr. & Mrs. Dean Howard Maj. & Mrs. James Jansen Joyce Katzner Doris Marr Mr. & Mrs. John Muir Mr. & Mrs. Monty Newman

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Howard Sheldon Mr. & Mrs. Michael Simonds Mr. & Mrs. Ron Sobon Southwest Church of Christ Mr. & Mrs. Delos Sparks Betty Todd Mr. & Mrs. Rollie Whitworth Mr. & Mrs. Vaughn Wiebusch Mickey Elrod Mr. & Mrs. Titus Robison Don & Audrey Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Harry Patterson Gene Goben Grace Goben* Clarence & Hilda Haring Mr. & Mrs. Adam Kreifels Steve Hickel Mr. & Mrs. James Leupold Sharon Rose Humphrey Southwest Church of Christ Sally JoLee Mr. & Mrs. Mike Wize Dr. Jason Kite Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Roseke Rockwell Collins Walter & Lillie Kronberg Mr. & Mrs. Mark Simmons Betty Long Mr. & Mrs. Jim Diker Shirley Witt Kimball & Debbie Matkins Mr. & Mrs. Jason Matkins PO1 Adam McSween Mr. & Mrs. Royce Hammitt Geraldine Miller Lakeview Church of Christ Kirk Miller Mr. & Mrs. John Ratliff Dr. & Mrs. Scott Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Donald Worten Reece Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Mitchell Dr. Mark Moore Susanne Keller W. C. Noll Callahan Chiropractic Cathy Pearson Dr. & Mrs. Ray Miller Pete & Katherine Poundstone Maribel Poundstone* BOEING Louise Reno Susanne Keller Dr. & Mrs. Alex Williams David & Nellie Reppart Patricia Rice Jane Reseburg Susanne Keller Sharon Ridge Saundra Ellison Mr. & Mrs. Bart Florea Bob Ridge Jan Schow Mr. & Mrs. Larry Cudaback Dr. Tom Schulz Dr. & Mrs. Ray Miller Mr. & Mrs. Gayland Roberts Dr. Dorris Schulz Landon Shotts Tammy Shotts

After going undefeated at Regionals and winning the Outstanding Wrestler Award, Jack Murphy, a junior from Bakersfield, Calif., went 3-2 at Nationals. (top)

Jessica Sikes Mr. & Mrs. Brian Bailey Don Swafford Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Copeland Ray Swanson Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Swanson Sybil Tandy Mr. & Mrs. Terence Quigley Ellis Touchton Mr. & Mrs. Bryant Black Mr. & Mrs. Leon Black Mr. & Mrs. Thompson Dyer Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Mahanay Robert Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Wylie Florence White Connie White HONORARY GIFTS Friends and family honored the following with donations to York College in their name: Janice Harbor Mr. & Mrs. Thor Martin Coach Nick Harlan Mr. & Mrs. Brad Bebermeyer Mr. & Mrs. Brenan Connolly Mr. & Mrs. Dylan Connolly Aaron Conyers Daniel Costanza Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dick Langston Frison Paul Gehring Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Harlan Mr. & Mrs. T.J. Helms Keaton Holland Andrew Matheny Dan Mead Isaac Obermiller Rodger Pella Carl Prutch Mr. & Mrs. Trevor Ramos Mr. & Mrs. John Richards Roberts Drug Store Devon Teeple Drs. Joe & Jackie Humphrey Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Willard Deva (Horchem) Ingraham Gwendolyn Carver Dr. Terry Kite Dr. & Mrs. Lee Hofsommer Scott & Kim Lambert Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Parrish Mike Majeski Kathleen Majeski Donald & Virginia McAllister Mr. & Mrs. Victor Shelton Charity Mohorn Mr. & Mrs. Brad Fisher Norman & Mary Morrow ~ 50th Anniversary ~ Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Studebaker Mike Rush Family Northwestern Mutual Fdn. Mr. & Mrs. Brad Stanger Delos & Sherry Sparks Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Studebaker Paul Touchton Dr. Ronald Berges Kristen Dye

The Clock Starts Now Before being named Heritage in 1999, the YC alumni publication was called The Sower, and it was called The Sandburr from 1900-1954.

York College Sower

Vol. LX No. 1

AUGUST 20, 2016

Sent to over 10,000 York College alumni and friends worldwide.

Published Twice Yearly


How to Give to YC 1. Online: Visit our website www.york.edu/give and choose your donation amount ($10 minimum) and designation. Easy! 2. Mail: Send your gift to 1125 E 8th St, York, NE 68467. Write your designation in your memo line and you’re good to go! 3. Phone: Call the Alumni Office at (402) 363-5664 to make your gift over the phone with a credit card. Couldn’t be simpler!

This fall marks the 60th anniversary since York College reopened in 1956. To mark this milestone, we will pursue two special goals to conclude the Beyond 125 Campaign. First is a yearlong effort to claim the title National Champions of Alumni Giving. Second is a $250,000 matching gift challenge for alumni during the 2016-2017 school year. More details coming soon on the challenge.

National Champions of Alumni Giving Every year, schools across the nation compare alumni participation rates in their giving programs. The measure is based on the number making a gift – not the amount of the gifts given. The top college usually receives gifts from about 60 percent of their alumni. This year to celebrate 60 years of the ‘new’ York College, let's aim for the top of the list—the

school with the highest alumni giving rate in the country. To reach this goal, we are asking all alumni, including you, to give and help us claim the title. During this yearlong push, alumni will encourage their peers to give a gift to York. Snail mail, emails, texts or social media posts from your classmates may urge you to "Join me in supporting York College!" Please respond with a gift that will bless students today and for years to come. Most years, alumni receive three or four written gift requests from the college. During this special drive, you will see about one request per month. As happens every year though, once you make a gift (of any size!) you will receive no additional mailings for the remainder of the campaign. Put simply, giving early (like today!) means your gift is worth more, as it saves printing and postage dollars for the college and time for you.

How will your gift be used? You decide! Perhaps you’re passionate about scholarships. Great! Want to help equip our athletic programs? Terrific! Maybe there’s a specific program you want to support. Go for it! Just let the college know where you want your gift to go. No matter how you give, please join your classmates in making this year one for the record books at York College and challenge your friends to do the same. Thanks! Chrystal Houston ’03 Director of Alumni and Communication

Beyond 125 Alumni Campaign Co-Chairs Paul Touchton '61 Mike Westerfield '72 Janet Reno Rush '83 Richard James '97 Aaron Fletcher '02 SUMMER 2016 |

Heritage | 29

Join us for Panther Days! Crisp, autumn air. Colorful leaves swirling around the old brick buildings. Fall is the perfect time to visit campus. Invite your classmates, bring your family, and reconnect! A weekend getaway is planned for you on the York College campus that brings together some of the best experiences that YC has to offer.

Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Luncheon Friday, October 21

Homecoming and Fall Panther Days take advantage of beautiful autumn days to invite alumni, prospective students, and friends of the college to a weekend of celebration. If your class year ends in a “6” or a “1”, it’s a reunion year for you! Go to york.edu/homecoming to see if a reunion gathering has been planned for your group or to help organize a gathering.




Celebrate with us on Saturday during alumni chapel as we recognize Dr. R. Wayne White ’63 and Lanny Gridley ’98 with Alumni of the Year Awards.

30 | Heritage | SUMMER 2016



Reserve tickets now for the Athletic Hall of Fame induction luncheon, honoring Dr. Bill Pink ’87, Misty (Wellman ’02) Brestel, and Ashley Wellman ’07. Tickets are $25 and proceeds support the athletic department. Seating is limited. Reserve your tickets at york.edu/homecoming/AHOF.

...just around the

Presidential Leadership Institute, July 10-16


ork College, National Christian School Association, and Strata Leadership will once again partner to offer an innovative program for high potential students, grades 10-12. The Presidential Leadership Institute will provide students from Christian schools across the United States the opportunity to interact with nationally recognized leaders while participating in indepth team building and culture transforming experiences with their classmates.

Legacy Alumni Reunion, July 19-21


oin us for the 2016 Legacy Alumni Reunion on the York College campus. RSVP by emailing develop@york.edu or calling (402)363-5607. This reunion is for all who attended YC prior to 1955. Bring your stories and your memorabilia and we'll have a great time reminiscing on campus.

Alumni and Friends Work Days, July 21-23


ooking for a fun way to help out YC? Join us for York College Alumni and Friends Workdays, July 21-23, where we will all pitch in to improve the campus prior to the start of a new school year. We will be painting, landscaping, and generally giving a little TLC to every part of campus. Volunteers can stay in the dorms and eat in the caf. For alumni, this is your chance to feel like a student again! So grab some classmates and head to campus. Contact Scott ’79 and Lisa (Hinrichs ’81) Eckman at s.eckman@juno.com for more details or to register.

Bible Teachers Workshop, July 23


ible class teachers of cradle roll through adult education, join us for a time of training and encouragement during our Bible Teachers Workshop. You'll hear practical tips from people who are in the trenches. Learn about new tools, techniques and curriculum options. You can register online and find the schedule, a list of sessions offered, background on our presenters and other details at york.edu/btworkshop.

Homecoming & Fall Panther Days, October 21-23


weekend getaway is planned for you on campus that brings together some of the best experiences that YC has to offer. Homecoming and Panther Days take advantage of beautiful fall days to invite alumni, prospective students, and friends of the college to a weekend of celebration. Saturday morning chapel, crowning of the Homecoming royalty, basketball and volleyball games, the fall theatre production, a performance by the Concert Choir… all are part of the busy schedule. Make plans to be here, especially if it’s your reunion year.

Don’t forget to check the calendar on the back cover for other important dates.

1125 E 8th Street York, NE 68467

Looking for a new direction? YC offers online bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Learn more at online.york.edu.

COMING EVENTS July 10-16 19-21 21-23 23

Presidential Leadership Institute Legacy Alumni Reunion Alumni and Friends Work Days Bible Teachers Workshop

August 20-23 24

New Student Orientation Classes Begin

October 21-23 21

Homecoming & Fall Panther Days Athletic Hall of Fame Induction

November 19-27 Thanksgiving Break December 12-14 Final Examinations January 7-14 17

Concert Choir Winter Tour Classes Begin

March 2-5 11-19

Spring Theater Production Spring Break

April 14-16

Spring Panther Days (Songfest: April 13 - 15)

May At Soul Quest's Metamorphosis, more than 50 York College students and alumni were part of the counseling and teaching staff that served the 460 campers from across the country.

6 21-27

Commencement RoundUp

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