Finishing Course the
or more than three decades, York College students have been “educated at the feet of Gamaliel.” He may not be the first-century scholar of Jewish law that Paul lists as part of his pedigree in Acts 22, but Dr. Frank E. Wheeler’s credentials, experience, wisdom, and knowledge have been held in great esteem by colleagues and YC students, "I still love what especially Bible majors, for 34 years. From I’m doing. I love upper level courses such as Archeology and working with the Bible and The Corinthian Letters to students and freshman courses like History of the New Testament: Gospel and Acts, Dr. Wheeler the challenge has imparted his insight and expertise to of helping them thousands of young minds in and out of see the value of the classroom. His wry smile and dry sense scripture..." of humor will be sorely missed as he retired at the end of the semester. But oh, how we DR. FRANK WHEELER will miss his understanding of biblical times Professor of Bible Chair of the Department of Bible and places and the passion with which he can go deep into the Gospel of John and uncover priceless treasures. An hour-long interview can’t do justice convincing for a road trip. They both fell in love with the to the years Dr. Wheeler has given to this place he loves college, and that was that. so dearly, but one has to start somewhere. Before the Even though young Wheeler didn’t know anyone professor made his indelible mark on our world, before when he arrived as a freshman, he quickly got involved in he was honored twice with the Dale R. Larsen Teacher student activities including going out for the men’s soccer of Achievement Award, a few discoveries of how young team under Coach Paul Touchton ’61. Most of the players, Wheeler found his way to campus, what he did as a including Wheeler, had never played soccer but were used student, and the challenges he faced in his new role as to American football rules. They did well on the season, a member of the Bible faculty proved worthwhile to but Wheeler chuckled as he commented, “the team was document. pretty rough.” Growing up a preacher’s kid, Frank Wheeler had no That spring, Wheeler was part of a group of athletes connections to YC. His dad, Lloyd, was preaching in who represented the YC Panthers in a unique way. “From Springdale, Ark., when a York College singing group called what I remember,” he began, “early in the spring semester New Folk Trio performed. Later, when living in Wood coaches were counting and calculating… ‘Man, I wish River, Ill., the East Hill Minstrels from York performed at we had a track team. If we got third in conference in track, a nearby youth rally and that prompted Frank to ask his we’d win that All-Sports Trophy.’ So several of us guys put dad if he could visit campus. together an ad hoc track team,” Wheeler continued. “And Lloyd just happened to be friends with a few people the only track meet we went to was the conference meet. at YC including a college buddy of his, Dale Larsen, YC We got third.” president. He was also friends with Dr. Mabrey Miller and Coach Colis Campbell, so it didn’t take too much ...continued next page
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