HONOR Ira S c a r b o r o u g h Floyd W o o l e y Jake Glur Chas. C o x Dan Berger Byron Tatlow Ford Davidson Ora D e V o r e D a r a M'ohler Lester Kettering P e r c y Burke Walter Young Gail B u s h Guy Foster Harold Requartte Lawrence Valentine R a l p h Ferris Arthur Surface Cloyd McKinley Chas. B o w e r s Frank P e c k Vernon Pope Geo. Jenkins Raymond White Lester Shapland Walter Voss Lindsay Barr Merton Arnold Geo. Hopkins Ralph Austin Frank Frisbie Henry Rogers Fred Miller Samuel Stevens Clarence Pine
Harry Will August Bogenhager Fern Surber J. P. Jipp R a y Pursel Preston Pursel Riley Price Horace McCartney R o y Jones Marion Slawson Ray Hoteling Walter Mitchell Joe Jelinek Floyd Roush O . W . Baker W m . Gormley Chas. D e g n e r Carl E m g l e F l o y d Gipple Raymond Wheeler R o y Bittinger Cleo H o b b s Vern Hodgins. Earl S c h i v e r Geo. Overleese F. E. R o s c h y n e a l s k I Geo. Nuss Mr. Remington Chas. L o r b e r Lawrence Larson Elmer Wilson Clifford Gorby Mr. Coolage Mr. R o u s c h Arthur W o l f (Deceased)
Our College, York College! there's much we owe to thee. You safely guard our every hope, the prize we seek is free. Thy halls are dear, thy classrooms, too, thy memories everlasting. Thus follow we thy guiding will, thy way so great and loving. But oh, great, great, great Are the things for which you stand. When in our life there is a need You reach your helping hand. Our Rise For Thy
College, York College, rise up and hear our praise up— for you our songs are sung— for you our voices raise. you we'll work— for you we'll play, name •shall be exalted. Our College, York College, IVe're standing strong for you And in the years that are to come Our best we'll surely do.
Page Ten
Paie Twelve
B. D., A. M., D.
Page Fourteen
C. E. A S H C R A F T A.B., B.D., A.M., O n e year graduate work at Chicago University. D e a n o f the c o l l e g e and head o f the D e p a r t m e n t o f P h i l o s o p h y and B i b l e . "Now what is jiour personal reaction on the matter?'*
T. B U S W E L L
' 'If the following people will pay up as soon as possible, it will greatly oblige us.''
Page Fifteen
B.D., A.B., A.M., Departm e n t o f H i s t o r y and S o c i a l Science. His chief occupation: Guarding a Bone(r)
A.B., A.M., Department Modern Languages.
Her task_: (Snseigner la langue de la France et von Deutschland aux e 'leves stupides.
A.B., A.M., Department of B i o l o g y and A g r i c u l t u r e . Well say:
You know that young-
ster of mine
B.S., D e p a r t m e n t o f H o m e Economics. Her hohhy: Making Chapel speeches.
ยก'aie Seventeen
. "
A.B., A.M., Department of L a t i n and G r e e k . "Like to have everybody out to see the volley ball game at five o'clock• The faculty will play the business men. "
A . B., D e p a r t m e n t ademy English.
She loves to teach diagraming to S\Cormal T^eview students
Page Eighteen
A.B., A.M., Department of Mathematics. "Let us
Psalm. "
Graduate of N. E. servatory of Music. Dean of Hulitt o r y of Music.
His Jokes are original and he is no respecter of persons.
Page Nineteen
together the
B.M., University School of Music, Lincoln. T w o summ e r s o f s t u d y with R u d o l p h Ganz. Department of
There is wonderful music in those finger tips.
Graduate of University School of Music, Lincoln. O n e summer of study with Rudolph Gang. Assistant in Piano. Ever busy, a'Ways patient.
Page Twenty
A.B., B.D., A.M., Yale. College Pastor.
Who could but admire him?
R. E. T O W N S E N D Head of Shorthand and Typewriting Department. Heartily supports a good cause every time.
J'ag>e Twenty-one
A. H. E L L I S Business
"Who - can - can! Who - can . can!"
MRS. E. B. Art
Have you chosen a study.
PaÂŁe Twenty-two
English Department Business College. We don't expect her to years.
"That book has gone again. "
teach many
MRS. H. O. BELL P h y s i c a l Culture "With step as light as the summer air.
She keeps us guessing
Page Twenty-seven
Always obliging and helpful
Superintendent Business College.
A.B., S u m m e r session in Chicago University. Department of English.
Gratuate of P o w e r s S c h o o l Expression. Department of Expression 1st. S e m e s t e r .
ERNIE Coach.
J'ag>e Twenty-five
Page Twenty-seven
A new rush of enthusiasm, a fresh supply of vigor and a large amount of unawakened energy entered Y o r k C o l lege in the fall of 1914 with the Freshman class. These fifteen new members attracted the attention of the S o p h o m o r e s and Juniors and even of the Seniors and faculty. T h e y entered at once into their full share of college activity and responsibility. Of this group six members have g o n e through the whole course together: Hazel B o w e r s , Alt a Funkhouser, P e r c y Burke, Glen Bland, Nina Belle Caldwell and Clara King. During the S o p h o m o r e year s o m e members were lost and six new members : V e l m a Stuckey, Opal Harritt. Louise A n k e n y , M. Estelle Hughes, Charles C o x ( N i d d y ) and Lester Kettering came to join the ranks. This year was passed in the usual manner, the S o p h o m o r e s settling d o w n to sober college work except for the occurrance of a few events such as the "great class secret." L e n o r e Milligan, Pauline Bradwell, B y r o n T a t l o w and James Ballensky entered at the beginning of the Junior year. This illustrious class could not fail to gain distinction, in some way, which they did by issuing the first College Annual, the Marathon. T h e portion of the campus k n o w n as Marathon Park was also taken under their care at this time. T h e Senior year opened with fine hopes. All members returning except Niddy C o x w h o expected s o o n to respond to Uncle Sam's call. Hazel R o g e r s was gladly received and w e l c o m e d as a new member of the class. P e r c y Burke, Lester Kettering and Byron T a t i o w enlisted and Glen Bland t o o k charge of the Y. M. C. A. at Columbus in preparation f o r army Y. M. C. A. work. All are upholding the high standard of service f o r the class. Thus another class will go forth f r o m the halls of Y o r k College, refined by its culture, influenced by its Christian Faculty, guided forth in love f o r humanity, ready to enter service in the larg er circle of the world.
Colors: Purple and white ÂżMotto:
Flower; Carpe
OFFICERS Opal Harritt, President Hazel Rogers,
Vice President
Q. T. ^Ă&#x;uswell, Sponsor
Page Twenty-seven
Philo. Y. W. C. A. Cabinet One who rings true
Zeta. Y. M. C. A. Sing "KeU"
M. E S T E L L E H U G H E S York,
Y. W. C. A. Phiio. Where there is life there is hope
Zeta. We love the Irish
Page Twenty-seven
Ord, Nebr.
CALDWELL Swanton, Nebr.
Y. W. C. A. Pres. Zeta. Rather shy. ALTAFUNKHOUSER
Shelby Nebr.
Philo. Y. W. C. A. Cabinet PAULINE
She loves to cockNebr.
Zeta. Y . W . C . A . Never mind, she'll grow.
Philo. Y. W. C. A. Babinet. She k^oWi math, and then some more math.
Page Thirty-one
Zeta. Y . W . C . A . Short, sweet and hard to beat
P. V. B U R K E
Kalamoth Falls, Ore. Zeta.
He's strong for Uncle Sam LOUISE ANKENY
. .
Zeta. Y. W. C. A. "Little
BLAND Columbus, Nebr. Y. M. C. A. Zeta. Fills a big place in the world
Cotesfield, Nebr.
A. S. S. Y. M. C. A. Band "Speedy" VELMA
Zeta, Y. W. C. A. Cabinet A fair-haired lassie. J. J. B A L L E N S K Y Bluegrass, N. D. Zeta. Y. M. C. A. The girls quarrel over him. H A Z E L ROGERS
Y . W . C . A . Zeta. What is better than a hearty laugh?
JUNIOR CLASS T w o years a g o there came to Y o r k College a class the like of which the world has never seen. T h e maidens beautiful, brilliant, charming, and the youths handsome, p o l ished, and manly, s o o n proved to the other classes that the class of 1919 was not to be looked at sneeringly nor passed by slightly. During that first year of class existence though they were reserved and s h y — F r e s h m e n always are—their extraordinary talent and wonderful ability along all lines of college activity s o o n attracted the attention of the p o w e r s that be. Bespectacled p r o f e s s o r s would wisely nod their heads as if to say, " W i s t y e ! See the leaders of the c o m i n g generation," and gaze lovingly at. the seekers after k n o w l e d g e o c c u p y i n g the south side of the chapel. September, 1916, found them gracing the S o p h o m o r e chapel section, the maidens still more beautiful, the youths more polished, and with a stronger spirit of courage, daring, and loyalty which c o m e s with experience. P r o u d l y and defiantly on the first of N o v e m b e r the large scarlet and cream banner waved over the heads of the powerless Freshmen and heroically the class of 1919 protected it in the enemies rush to destroy it. T h e experiences of those t w o years as lower classmen have developed sane, liberal minded Juniors, w h o m even the Seniors are forced to a c k n o w l e d g e as a shrewd, keen, lively class that does things. As a school is advertised by its notable alumni so is our class made prominent by its illustrious members. We are proud that other people have recognized our ability by c h o o s i n g Juniors to be the leaders in school activities. We claim a m o n g our number the president of Y. W. C. A., the football captain, editor of the Sandburr, three m e m b e r s of the debating teams, the representative at the State Oratorical contest and the president of the Zetaletheans. No one, of course, can c o n c e i v e of the brilliant future of each individual in the class. H o w ever, this much is certain, the class of 1919 will always s^and out as a class that made old Y o r k College famous. Here's to the Juniors! Of their fame and renown, F.very Senior k n o w s well the s t o r y ! All hail to the Juniors! Class brave and strong, In w h o s e h o n o r and daring we glory.
Colors: Crimson and white
¿KCotto: Non sibi sed omnibus
OFFICERS •"XCary E. Cave, President ,Titerle Snider,
Vice President
Lena Myers,
Ethel Clarke, Sponsor
Page Thirty-three
. .
York, Nebr.
Zeta., Y. W. C. A., Sandburr Staff "So gentle,
employed" G T JY
Zeta., Y. M. C. A. A true soldier, we know
. . .
York, Nebr.
Zeta., Y. M. C. A. Cabinet Dependable
MARY Zeta.,
. . . C.
Lexington, Nebr. Cabinet,Debating
A well-rounded personality
Page Thirty-three
Y. W.
.... A.,
Persevering and persistent.
Zeta., Y. M. C. A. The world wants such men. MERL
HARNER Woodston,
Amphictyon, Oratory, Y.
M. C. A.
A promising young parson.
Y . W . C . A . Cabinet, Philo. ylltuays on the job.
Page Thirty-one
D e b a t i n g , Y . W . C . A . C a b i n e t , Zeta., S a n d b u r r Staff Everybody smile! VIOLA
Philo. The more we know her the more we love her
PARKER Central City, Nebr.
Y. W. C. A., Zeta., Sandburr Staff. A seeder after a titled man
Y. M.
Ritzville, C. A .
A young philosopher
Page Thirty-three
M E R L E S N I D E R . . L i n c o l n , Nebr. D e b a t i n g , Zeta., Y . W . C . A . C a b i n e t , Editor of Sandburr IVinsome and wise
Zeta., Y . W . C . A .
P R E D A W E Y E R T S Venango, Nebr. College
She lives in deeds not words
Her's is perfect poise
Zeta., Y . W .
C . A . , S a n d b u r r Staff
One who speaks for herself
Pa&e Thirty^eight
Page Thirty-three
_ M o d e s t y is an admirable attribute—when used in the right place. But, in writing the history of the class of '20, truthfulness must be the keynote in order to do justice to such a splendid aggregation. T h e whole truth and nothing but the truth is our platform. President M c L a u g h l i n is noted for his ability to get what he g o e s after. W e l l , he went after the '16 Y o r k High S c h o o l class, and, together with the cream of the rest of Nebraska, they f o r m e d the largest class in the history of the college. N o t only are they the largest class in the school, but they are also the best. Prof. Davis says so, and we'll back him up any day. F o r the benefit of those w h o s e m e m o r y of last years' Y. C. events are rather hazy, it might be well to enumerate just a few stunts which were pulled off by our class We contributed six letter men to the football squad, t w o of them receiving all-state honors. We contributed three letter men to the basketball squad. We decisively defeated the combined college and academv at baseball by a score of eleven to two. N o t to be outdone by the athletic faction of the class, the intellectual members more than upheld their share of the class obligations in the fields of debating, expression and literaries. T h e fall of 1917 came. Of course the faculty eagerly scanned the S o p h o m o r e section, and those looks of relief seemed to imply, "A f e w gone, but it's the same old bunch." W h i c h simply meant that Y o r k College was g o ing to climb a f e w more rings in the ladder of progress. Again has our class been the mainstay of our school. In all our activities, we have maintained and even surpassed the high standard we established last year. Although we lost many of our best class-mates our progress has been made possible by our concentrated "vim, v i g o r and vitality" which we have manifested so often, f o r instance, in chapel. We give much credit to P r o f . Davis, our sponsor, but we also take considerable credit f o r selecting him in the first place. Our w i s d o m in c h o o s i n g him as our s p o n sor was soon evidenced by our first class party. Each ciuarterlv outing made this further apparent, and when the class c o m e s together again, next fall, without Question he will be the " G u y " w h o m we will select as official leader. W e l l , just watch us go.
Colors: Purple and white
Flower: Purple Sweet Pea
OFFICERS Laurence Coffey, President Alice Kaliff,
Vice President
G u . v R. Davis, Sponsor
Page Forty-one
Ă„ l l
The greatest joy, the wittiest Woe is love
Geneva, C \
' ' Volcanic ' '
Holbrook, Nebr.
A . L . S., Y . M . C. A . A man of worth
C L Y D E R E Y N O L D S (Duke) Palmer, Nebr. Zeta., Y. M. C. A., F o o t b a l l Capt., B a s k e t Ball. Staunch and strong, clear eyed and true
BURKE Klamoth Falls, Ore. 7 . "taTo love and win the best thing
We're proud of him and know he'll do his
"Co love and to lose the next best
part to keep old glory 'bove them all
..Beloit, Band,
t'Bless me! There's nothing I can think of eloquent enuff
York, Nebr.
Y o r k , Nebr.
Philo., Y. W. C. A.
Zeta., Y . W . C . A .
Strong and steady.
Quiet? But full of hidden wit and fun.
E A R L B O N E R . . . . Cowles, Nebr. Zeta., Y . M . C . A . , B a s k e t Ball. It is with pride that we think of {T}oner represenlingus in Uncle Sam's flying squadron.
OTIS COAN York, Nebr. A . L . S., Y . M . C. A . Long, lean and lanky.
BISSETT York, Zeta Band B a n d Jack of all trades.
COFFEY Beaver City, Nebr. Zeta., Y . M . C . A . , F o o t b a l l . He does much and does it well.
VEVA BOREN Cowles, Nebr. Zeta., Y . W . C . A . Her ways are ways of pleasantness.
Page Forty-tiro
. .
York, Nebr,
Philo., Y . W . C . A .
"HOTD far that little candle throws her beams"
York, Nébr.
GENTERT Holstein,
A. L. S», Y. M. C. A.
" 1 he matter s not as jar gone as _ . . . J . » you suppose—two words is a bargain.
Y o r k , Nebr. W'
Quoth she:
Zeta., Y. W. C. A. r , , . . . i l ./ lì 1 must keep up my spirits and be neighborly.
... Q
, , , , ' A maid good without pretence.
ELLEN KALIF York, Zeta., Y . W . C . A .
"Methinks I could deal kingdoms to my friends
"Dashing. "
and ne'er he Weary. "
. . Loveland,
Zeta., Y . M . C . A . , D e b a t i n g . "He ventured neck
nothing—heaven success
Found, or earth's failure.
Page Forty-four
Listen, ye students and you shall hear, Of the most brilliant class f o r many a year, That came to Y o r k College in '17, T h e wittiest " F r e s h i e s " that ever were seen. D o n ' t you remember that day and year? T h e y said to their friends " t o Y. C. we'll g o , T h e College upon the hill y o u know. A n d stir up " p e p " in the Freshman w a y . " First they w o n by yell and song, T h e pennant f r o m the student throng A n d ready to work as well as play, T h e y gave their bit to the Y. M. C. A., Of dollars two hundred and twenty-five. T h e y gave at the time of that great drive. To stop with this they couldn't consent So they went f o r Red Cross one hundred per cent. Its girls preparing their part to do Learned dietetics and first aid too. E'en though somewhat small in numbers, Their busy brains accomplished wonders, In fact all others must a c k n o w l e d g e T h e " F r e s h i e s " are the best in college. So for this bright class I have no fear, W e ' l l hear f r o m them in their S o p h o m o r e year.
OFFICERS William Smith, President Lucile Shorthill, Vice President
Page Forty-one
Edith Cone, Sponsor
Philo., Y . W . C . A . Cabinet.
Y . W . C . A., Philo.
Slow and sure
Who could hut admire her— So gracious and happy?
' 'A poi feci lady
Philo., Y . W . C . A . Mischief is her recreation
SENN Deadvvood, S. D.
Zeta., B a n d . Wiser in his own conceit than seven men who can render a reason
WESTOVER Hyannis, Zeta., Y . W .
C. A.
Life is a serious proposition
Y. M. C . A . P r e s . , A. L. S. "Wise from the top of his
J. P. W A G N E R Ach ja! A perfectly
head up"
good Deutscher
Other Freshmen
Page Fort weight
Page Forlij'nitiĂŞ
Despite all distracting influences the A c a d e m y D e p a r t m e n t has a d m i r a b l y held its o w n this year. It is quite p r o b a b l e that no other department has m o r e representatives in the service of U n c l e Sam, in p r o p o r t i o n to its en-~ rollment, than has this one. T h e A c a d e m y students are active in the w o r k of the Christian A s s o c i a t i o n s , literary societies and in athletics. T h e y w e n t well o v e r the top in the drive f o r raising the Student's Friendship W a r Fund. If y o u want an a c c o u n t of a g o o d time just ask an " A c " student to tell y o u about s o m e of their social functions. Y e s , and m o s t of the f o l k s in the A c a d e m y this year had the m e a s l e s which is a b s o lute p r o o f of their loyalty in the d i f f e r e n t phases of s c h o o l life. M a n y p e o p l e in our A c a d e m y because of their " p e p , " enthusiasm and general willingness to w o r k , will, u p o n reaching c o l l e g e standing, be well able to fill places ot leadership and responsibility. M a y the A c a d e m y live l o n g and p r o s p e r g r e a t l y ! It is a s t r o n g and sturdy s p o k e in the w h e e l of Y o r k C o l l e g e .
Page Fifty-two
Qold and white Motto:
President Vice
CLASS Gladys H a m m o n d Nellie B e n n e t Ruth G u d g e l Elizabeth Pierce Nellie Bcarss Lillian W e y e r t s Fern M c C l a t c h e y Theda McCann Maude King Joseph Schmauser
ROLL Westerville, Xebr. York. Xebr. Gresham, Xebr. Lushton, Xebr. York, Xebr. Venango, Xebr York, Xebr. Palmer, Xebt-. Bradshaw, X e b i . Seward, Nebr.
Page Fifty-seven
THIRD ACADEMY OFFICERS 多KCarion 多JXCulvaney, President
Bertha <%Citchell, Secretary
'Viola Stoddard,
Jlndrew Schmidt, Treasurer
Vice Pres.
Marion Mulvaney Bertha Mitchell A n d r e w Schmidt V i o l a Stoddard Zelma D e B o r d Howard Brown Warren McClatchey
Bradshaw, Cawker City, Cushing, York, York. North Piatte, York,
Nebr. Kans. Nebr. Nebr. Nebr. Nebr. Nebr.
Yellow and white
Molto: Labor Omina
OFFICERS Otis Webb, President
多XCerlin Stoddard, Vice Pres.
CLASS Freda Ball Samuel Beaver Helen Casebeer T h o m a s Curran John Davidson M y r a Eberle W i l l a r d Ferris Ethel Garner James Hanna Ellen H a y d e n Ona Heuston Henry Rolling R o s e n d o Lubian Mabel Meeker Chester M c C l a t c h e y Myrle Philson Merlin Stoddard Albert T h o m p s o n Minnie T u r n e r Pearl Turner Otis W e b b Eunice Will
Garner, Sec.-Treas.
Edith Callender, Sponsor
ROLL Alcester, York, York, York, Lamar, Bradshaw, Palmer, York, York. Yuma, Battle Creek, York, San Fernando, York, York, McCool, York, Dixon, York, York, Hutchinson, Upland,
Page F i f t y - s e v e n
S. D. Nebr. Nebr. Nebr. Nebi. Nebr. Nebr. Nebt. Nebr. Colo. Nebr. Nebr. P. I. Nebr. Nebr. Nebr. Nebr. Nebr. Nebr. Nebi. Kans. Nebr.
Pas: e Fiftij-four
Page Fifty-seven
Page Fifty-two
T h r o u g h the special e f f o r t s of e v e r y o n e c o n c e r n e d a g o o d interest has been maintained in the music departm e n t this year. C o u r s e s have been offered in " H i s t o r y of M u s i c , " " T h e o r y o f M u s i c " and " H a r m o n y " and D e a n A m a d o n has had quite a g o o d sized class in P u b l i c S c h o o l M u s i c during the s e c o n d semester. T h e Junior P i a n o D e p a r t m e n t has d o n e excellent w o r k under Miss P e a r s o n ' s instruction. A b o u t thirty little p e o ple of this department appeared in .the Junior Recital held in the C o l l e g e Chapel on the e v e n i n g of M a r c h 18. At different times the Juniors have appeared at the chapel hour. T h e y have a l w a y s s h o w n a great d e g r e e of careful training. Miss Rankin has had all of the students that she could a c c o m m o d a t e in the S e n i o r D e p a r t m e n t . Miss D a h l g r e n and Miss W i t h e r s are to be graduated this year. T h e V o i c e and V i o l i n D e p a r t m e n t has been h o l d i n g its o w n fairly well. Dean A m a d o n ' s ability and his interest in his w o r k makes w o r k in his department v e r y e n j o y a b l e . It has been impossible to maintain a n u m b e r of the o r g a n i z a t i o n s to which the s c h o o l of music is s p o n s o r . T h e o r c h e s t r a w h i c h was such a success last year was an i m possibility this year, w h e n so m a n y of our men are in g o v e r n m e n t service. T h e Band, h o w e v e r has d o n e fairly g o o d w o r k this year and has figured in m a k i n g a n u m b e r of events successful. We have not had a c o l l e g e quartet and a glee club was out of the question. On a w h o l e the w o r k of up to standard in quality of w o r k f o r the future. A the influence of beautiful
the M u s i c D e p a r t m e n t has been and we bespeak the same g r a d e w o r l d at war must needs have music.
Voice and Violin
Faith Baber Mildred B o r e n Veva Boren Paul B e n t z P e r c y Burke M a r y Cave Alta F u n k h o u s e r Merl Harner Irene H a u g h e y Pauline J o n e s Eva K e r r R o s c o e Kuhn Tohn K r o e k e r R o v Larson Ethel L i g g e t t
H a r r y Lindquist Edward Misner Marion Mulvaney Vera Robertson Edward Leuss M e r l e Snider Clarence S o r e n s o n Fred Steeley Helen T a b o r s k y J. P. W a g n e r Allegra Westgate R. J. W o l f e Freda W e y e r t s Sylvia W y t h e r s
Faith Baber L o u i s e Berstein Belle Bittinger Mary Bolton Veva Boren Louise Bradley Mary Bradley M a r y Cave Esther Chandler M y r a Chandler W e n d e l l Clithero Lita C o b u r n Grace C o c h r a n Pauline Collett Laurrine D a h l g r e n Ruth D e r e m e r Bertha Feester Nina Francis B r u c e Freet Elizabeth F e r g u s o n Ethel Garner Cordelia G o c k e Ethel Graff D o n a l d Graham L u c i l e Green Pauline Green Irene G r o s s h a n s Lenore Grosshans Ona Ileuston Jennie H i l t o n
Luella H u b b e l l Lenore John Henry Kolling Maud Lefever H e l e n Little R. L. Lubian Veda Ludwick Dora Luxford Mabel Meeker Olin Miller Gladys M c C o r m a c k Garda Parker A l i c e Priess Laura R e e d H e l e n Salveter Ethel S a m u e l s o n Alice Schloeffel Ralf S c h r o e d e r M e r l Snider Beu^ih Stevens Viola Stoddard Ethel T h a m e r Gladys T h a m e r Anna T h o m p s o n Helen T r u m p G r a c e Ulsh Agnes Vantine Elaine W i n f i e l d Sylvia W y t h e r s Hazel Yantz
Fairly good work has been done in this department this year in spite of difficulties. Mr. E. R. Misner, the head of the department resigned his position at the close of the first semester leaving a vacancy not so easily filled. The Department indeed, misses him, whose chosen art was Expression. T h e Expression Department ber of the Lyceum Course in Pygmalion and Galatea. The night engagement and came ports.
furnishes the opening numthe form of the Greek play players filled a twenty-five back with enthusiastic re-
The Expression Banquet was granted by all who were there to be one of the success of the school year. The " W i s e O w l s " called it a "hooting success." Mr. Roy Larson had charge of the Junior Expression classes during the last semester and it is true that the juniors prospered well under his careful, conscientious instruction. The Seniors, although greatly in need of a leader, have kept up much of their work individually and are looking forward to the year to come.
Page Sixty-one
Senior Expression Class
"Cookery is become an art, a noble science."â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Robert Burton. H o m e E c o n o m i c s i s o n e o f the m a n y g r o w i n g departm e n t s in Y o r k C o l l e g e and has made rapid p r o g r e s s sincc it was established, f o u r years a g o . T h i s department is under the supervision of M i s s Edith C o n e , w h o f o r three years has given us skillful instruction. Miss C o n e c o m pleted a f o u r year c o u r s e in H o m e E c o n o m i c s at the N e braska State University and keeps in t o u c h with all the new t o p i c s of interest c o n n e c t e d with this w o r k . T h e l a b o r a t o r y is v e r y c o m p l e t e l y equipped with gas plates, hot and c o l d water and all other n e c e s s a r y equipment. Each w o r k table has a sufficient n u m b e r of utensils f o r t w o p e r s o n s . A supply desk and c u p b o a r d contain all necessary articles such as salt, flour, sugar, spices, also larger utensils. T h e l a b o r a t o r y is made d o u b l y attractive when the girls, clad in s n o w white aprons, assemble to prepare o n e of their s a v o r y dishes. T h e present p r o b l e m s relating to the c o n s e r v a t i o n of f o o d s , f o o d substitutes and e c o n o m y in all lines of w o r k have been dealt with v e r y efficiently. As special c o n d i tions s e e m to necessitate m o r e and better w o r k , so in this department m a n y new dishes have been tested and tried, to p r o v e w h e t h e r or not they are w o r t h y to be called real war dishes, because of the materials used and the p l a c e s they o c c u p y in the diet. T h e regular course of study includes m a n y phases ot w o r k such as c o m p o s i t i o n of f o o d s t u f f s , m e a s u r e m e n t o! f o o d s , h o w to c h o o s e the family dietary and the c o s t and c o o k e r y of different types of f o o d s . T h e study of f o o d s is o n l y o n e of the i m p o r t a n t subjects to be c o n s i d e r e d . T h e r e are also classes in H o u s e h o l d Sanitation and D e c o r ation, H y g i e n e and S e w i n g , all of which emphasize their o w n particular value. T h e i m p o r t a n c e o f H o m e E c o n o m i c s i s b e i n g realized m o r e each day and has s h o w n m a r k e d d e v e l o p m e n t in the past f e w years. It has d e m o n s t r a t e d its value m a n y times in the present national f o o d crisis and m a n y of these p r o b lems c o n c e r n i n g f o o d s are solvable o n l y in the D o m e s t i c Science laboratories of our c o u n t r y .
Goldah Tomlin Alta F u n k h o u s e r Cecile N e w b o l d Grace Getty L u c i l e Shortfall Lenore Grosshans Lena King Eva Kerr Mrs. M e e k Mildred B o r e n Hazel Rogers
Page Seventy-one
T h e Y o u n g W o m a n s ' Christian A s s o c i a t i o n i n o n e o t its m e e t i n g s at the b e g i n n i n g of the year d e c i d e d to u n d e r take the o r g a n i z a t i o n of classes in the three branches ot R e d C r o s s study. A f t e r planning and advertising f o r a short time a class of fifteen were enrolled in the " H o m e D i e t e t i c s " w o r k with Edith C o n e as instructor. It was a v e r y enthusiastic g r o u p of girls a l w a y s on hand at the hour a p p o i n t e d and willing to discuss f r e e l y the s u b j e c t * outlined. At the c l o s e of the discussion of the fifteen chapters an examination sent out by the main o f f i c e was given and the girls w e r e then given a certificate entitling t h e m to go out and o r g a n i z e other classes and instruct in practical dietetics f o r the h o m e . At the c l o s e of the Dietetics class the " F i r s t A i d " class w a s o r g a n i z e d under the leadership of the various P h y s i c ians of the city, and did s o m e helpful and interesting w o r k . T h i s class is rather important in this time, especially since our nurses and physicians are leaving in such large n u m b e r s and it is i m p o r t a n t that we k n o w h o w to apply " f i r s t aid" treatment and can relieve s u f f e r i n g until f u r t h er treatment can be given. T h e third branch of the w o r k is the " H o m e N u r s i n g S e r v i c e , " and if the girls of the s c h o o l could o n l y realize what a great benefit it w o u l d be to them, the class c o u l d not a c c o m m o d a t e them. T h e r e is such a demand f o r nurses aids and f o r practical nurses that the d e m a n d c a n n o t be supplied, and by having had this c o u r s e with the first aid w o r k a part of a year in training will be granted We really c a n n o t at the present time tell the exact value of these c o u r s e s to the girls or to the c o m m u n i t i e s f r o m w h i c h the girls c o m e , but we do k n o w that the w o r k has been t h o r o u g h and that those m e m b e r s of the various classes have gained b r o a d e r ideas of the things t h e y can do if they need be done.
Harriet F y e Louise Ankeny Grace Getty Alta F u n k h o u s e r Hazel Bowers V e l m a Stuckey Maud L e f e v e r Marian Baughner Eva Kerr Bertha Mitchell Gladys H a m m o n d Nina Belle Caldwell Fred Steeley Ethel Clarke M a b e l Little Theda McCann
Marion Baughner Mrs. G. T. Buswell Nina Belle Caldwell Ethel Clarke Alta F u n k h o u s e r H a r r i e t Fye Grace Getty Gladys H a m m o n d Maude Lefever Theda McCann Bertha Mitchell Lena Myers Lettie M a s o n Cecile N e w b o l d V e l m a Stuckey
A r t is o n e of the channels, t h r o u g h w h i c h man m a y e x press the aesthetic side of his nature. A l t h o u g h it is o f t e n n e g l e c t e d by this fastMiving generation, there are few things that give such u n a l l o y e d pleasure. T h e c o u r s e o f f e r e d a t Y r k C o l l e g e presents full o p p o r tunity to a n y o n e desiring to d e v e l o p himself a l o n g this line. Studies f r o m still life, and nature study, w o r k in water c o l o r , oils, tapestry, pastels and china d e c o r a t i o n are a m o n g the m a n y things o f f e r e d in this course. T h e class in n o r m a l d r a w i n g is also an i m p o r t a n t feature of the -department. It is here that the students receive instruction in designing, a r r a n g e m e n t , lettering, w o r k i n g d r a w i n g , free hand, c o m b i n e d with nature study and c o l oring. T h e c o m p l e t e d w o r k is put on exhibition each year and to this art exhibit the public is c o r d i a l l y invited. Mrs. A l m i r a K o o n is an e x c e l l e n t teacher and the w o r k turned out by the students give evidence of her r e m a r k able ability as an instructor.
Lillian B l o w f i e l d Grace Ulsh A l i c e Miller Esther McLaughlin Mabel R o b s o n Bertha Mitchell Ellen H a y d e n M r s . A u g u s t Drier Birdie R o b s o n Cecil N e w b o l d Nina Belle Caldwell V e r n a Bedient Mrs. George Tilden Ruth G u d g e l Pearl T u r n e r
NORMAL Minnie Turner Pearl T u r n e r Theda McCann
Elizabeth P i e r c e Nellie B e n n e t t Ruth Gudgel
Alta Crom Maude King Lena Westover
Page Seven ty-four
Vage SĂŽxttfrfivK
S u m m e r schoolÂŤ to s o m e perhaps s u g g e s t s lorn? hot a f t e r n o o n s spent in study, to others c o o l m o r n i n g s on east It 111, F o r unquestionably, east hill is the c o o l e s t place in Y o r k in the s u m m e r â&#x20AC;&#x201D; a n d , in winter t o o . no mistake. S u m m e r s c h o o l also s u g g e s t s : tennis, all day picnics and Fourth of July holiday. At any rate s u m m e r s c h o o l has c o m e to he an established fact and feature of Y o r k C o l l e g e . Students with extra credits to make f o r graduation, or with back credits to make up. A n d teachers w h o c a n n o t be in attendance during: the w i n t e r semester, find it a great c o n v e n i e n c e . By a t t e n d i n g the s u m m e r sessions a student may c o m p l e t e the c o l l e g e c o u r s e in three years, Perhaps better workcan he d o n e in s u m m e r than in winter, b e c a u s e there are n o t so m a n y other activities. T h e session of 1917 was well attended and was characterized, aside f r o m o t h e r features m e n t i o n e d , by an increased p r o p o r t i o n of y o u n g m e n . F o r the session of 1918 we bespeak a f a v o r a b l e w o r d , that it may equal and surpass p r e v i o u s sessions.
O l g a E . Baer Frieda Ball Nellie M . Bearss H a z e l Bell Lucille Bell Fleda B e l l o w s E m m a Bennett M i r i a m Bent Pauline Bradwell Hazel Bowers Martha Brazee Myrtle Broehl Nina Belle C a l d w e l l B e s s Clarke Ciola C o l l i c o t t
Page Sixty^six
York, Alcester. York, York, York, Lushton, York, York, York, York, Shelby, York, Swanton, Ord, Swanton,
Nebr. S. D. Nebr Nebr. Nebr. Nebr. Nebr. Nebr. Nebi. Nebr. NeDi. Nebr. Nebr. Nebr, Nebr.
Licia B. C o o l Helen Copsey Ruth Copsey Gael C o x Charles M . C o x Anna Dahlgren Gladys D a v i d s o n Catherine D a u g h e r t y Myra Eberle Bernice Franklin Alta Funkhouser Merle Harding Merl W. Harner Opal Harritt Bianche Harritt T h o m a s E . Hattel Gladys H i t c h c o c k Earl A . H o w a r d M . Estelle H u g h e s E d n a Ittner M a r t h a Jeske Grace King: Mary Kinyon Roscende Lubian Bess M a g u i r e Hattie M a p p s Fern M c C l a t c h e y Grace McConnell Cora M u m b y Alice Myers Tecile M . N e w b o l d G l a d y s Nispel Della P o w e l l M a r y Rankin Alex Rehn Beatrice R h o d e Hazel Rogers Viola Samuelson G . W . Saunders Ethel S i m o n s e n Fred Steely M e r l e Snider A n n a Stinnard Velma Stuckey L e n a Suesz E . D . Surface Byron Tatlow Ethel T h o m p s o n Olive T r a c y Grace V o n B e r g e n Inez M. W a g n e r
Fairmont, Nebr. York, Nebr. Y o r k Nebr. York, Nebr. York, Nebr. Polk, Nebr. Lamar, Nebr. York, Nebr. Bradsliaw, N e b r . York, Nebr. Shelby, Nebr. Harding, Nebr. _ W o o d s t o n , Kans. Y o r k , Nebr. Y o r k , Nebr. T h a y e r , Nebr. York, Nebi. Benedict, N e b r . Y o r k, Nebr. York, Nebi. York, Nebr. Ord, Nebr. Benedict, N e b r . , . . . San F e r n a n d o . P. L. York, Nebr. York, Nebr. York, Nebr. Aurora, Nebr. S wanton. Nebi. York, Nebr. Y o r k , Nebr. Swanton, Nebr. Neosho, Mo. Y o r k , Nebr. Ritzville, W a s h . Phoenix, Nebr. O r d , Nebr. York, Nebi. Cowles, Nebr. Utica, N e b r . Y o r k , Nebr. Y o r k , Nebr. Scheding, Nebr. Y o r k , Nebr. Exeter, Nebi. Yo r k, Nebr. Cotesfield, Nebr. Y o r k , Nebr. Henderson, Nebr. York, Nebr. Umapine, Ore.
Si xúy - ai § h t
V(j+iĂŹe >Si,y///-nine
T h e C o m m e r c i a l D e p a r t m e n t has had an e n r o l l m e n t of about o n e hundred and f i f t y this year As in all s c h o o l s , the attendance has been curtailed because m a n y w h o w o u l d have spent the y e a r in s c h o o l are instead in the various training c a m p s or in France. T h e w o r k in the C o m m e r c i a l D e p a r t m e n t consists ol" Practical A r i t h m e t i c , Business E n g l i s h , Spelling, Practical. L a w , P e n m a n s h i p , Rapid Calculation, and B o o k - k e e p i n g . T h e B o o k - k e e p i n g is divided into f o u r sets, E l e m e n t a r y , W h o l e s a l e , C o r p o r a t i o n , and Banking. Mr. T r i v e l p i e c e , " T r i p , " w h o has been with the s c h o o l the past year and a half resigned the first of F e b r u a r y to take another position, and b o t h teachers and students miss him v e r y m u c h . Mr. M o o r e , w h o c a m e in O c t o b e r , has taken c h a r g e ox the o f f i c e w o r k and in addition assists in b o o k k e e p i n g . He is v e r y e f f i c i e n t and is well liked. T h i s is Mr. Ellis' fifth y e a r with the Business C o l l e g e . H e teaches P e n m a n s h i p , Rapid Calculation, P r a c t i c a l L a w , and B o o k k e e p i n g . O n e need o n l y say that he is an e x c e l lent teacher and a " j o l l y g o o d f e l l o w . " M i s s Nina Francis w h o teaches English and Spelling is n o w t e a c h i n g her s e c o n d year in this s c h o o l . She, also, is an e x c e l l e n t teacher, and is held in high esteem by all w h o are associated with her. In short, this department is m a d e up of teachers and pupils w h o have high ideals, w h o see the need of the day and appreciate it and are d o i n g "their b i t " by special p r e paration to take a place in the w o r l d of business.
Page Seventy
T h e students of 1917-1918 have b e c o m e quite interested in p e n m a n s h i p and are s h o w i n g rapid i m p r o v e m e n t , both in f o r m and m o v e m e n t . A n u m b e r of students have w o n Z a n e r Certificates ana m a n y m o r e will do so by the c l o s e of the s c h o o l year. H a n d i n g in a p a g e of e x e r c i s e s each day has rule since the H o l i d a y s , w h i c h has created a hand in the best p a g e p o s s i b l e , and m a n y g o o d have been w o r k e d up, such as fans, flags, hearts,
been the ^Âżsire to exercises stars, etc.
A class in o r n a m e n t a l w o r k o r g a n i z e d six weeks b e f o r e Christmas has made rapid p r o g r e s s and s e v e r e g o o d c o p ies in shading have b e e n prepared. T h e students realize that they o w e this to Mr. Ellis, the p e n m a n s h i p teacher, f o r his patience and willingness to lend a helping hand to those w h o are willing to do thehpart. G o o d w r i t i n g is a l w a y s in d e m a n d , it can neither bt b o u g h t n o r sold, but is w o n by study and practice.
T h e S h o r t h a n d D e p a r t m e n t is the g o a l to w h i c h the a v erage C o m m e r c i a l student l o o k s f o r w a r d . It is no w o n d e r they do f o r , after a c q u i r i n g a certain d e g r e e of e f f i c i e n c y in this department, t h e y will have practically ended their Business C o l l e g e career. A b o u t s e v e n t y - f i v e students have enrolled in this department since the first of S e p t e m b e r , a fair n u m o e r , c o n sidering so m a n y a n s w e r i n g the call of their c o u n t r y , w h o w o u l d o t h e r w i s e have b e e n in s c h o o l . T h e w o r k o f this D e p a r t m e n t consists o f Shorthand, T y p e w r i t i n g , Spelling, P e n m a n s h i p , and O f f i c e T r a i n i n g t o the a d v a n c e d students. T h e G r e g g S y s t e m o f S h o r t hand is taught by Mr. T o w n s e n d , w h o s h o w s his skill and patience with b e g i n n e r s , and also with s o m e of the others w h o persist in n o t d o i n g things as they ought. T h e L. C. Smith, the U n d e r w o o d , and the R e m i n g t o n T y p e w r i t e r s are used. Several of the students have w o n the 4 0 - w o r d T e s t Certificate. O f f i c e T r a i n i n g i s b e i n g f o l l o w e d with m u c h interest, with Mr. T o w n s e n d as pilot. S o m e of the features taken up are: O f f i c e Routine, Banking, Filing, O f f i c e A p p l i a n c e s , Shipping, D e p a r t m e n t and Business Ethics, T e l e g r a m s and C a b l e g r a m s . Mr. T o w n s e n d also has the P e n m a n s h i p class and there s h o w s his ability as a P e n m a n s h i p I n s t r u c t o r . M i s s F r a n c is has the spelling class which is o n e of the important, it n o t the m o s t i m p o r t a n t of all studies, as a g o o d s t e n o grapher M U S T k n o w h o w t o spell.
Seventy Âťtwo
Mr. T o w n s e n d has had c h a r g e of the P e n m a n s h i p w o r k in the S h o r t h a n d D e p a r t m e n t this year. He is t e a c h i n g the Palmer method. A l l students are required to take p e n m a n s h i p until they have received a certificate. M o s t of the students t o o k an interest in P e n m a n s h i p , and at o n c e b e g a n w o r k i n g f o r the certificate. T h e f o l l o w i n g students received a student's certificate during the first s e m e s t e r : F e m e Surber Rachel Johnson A l m a Stoll Olive Benson
Alice W i c k m a n Lilian Caha Gladys H i l l E l e n o r e Brule M a y m e Mattis
A n u m b e r of the other students are w o r k i n g up their drills to send in f o r inspection, m o s t of w h i c h will receive certificates b e f o r e the c l o s e of the s e c o n d semester. Mr] T o w n s e n d is an e f f i c i e n t and enthusiastic instruct^ or n o t o n l y in P e n m a n s h i p , but S h o r t h a n d as well. I am sure that every student w h o takes p e n m a n s h i p under his direction will b e c o m e a better p e n m a n .
Commercial Students 1917-18 Antrim, Mabel Anderson, Clarence Anderson, S. C. Âť Barrett, Cecil Birk, Louise Bhordal, Anna Bjordal. Geline Boyd, W a l t e r Bartels, Gertrude Brown, Lyle Burman. Pearl Brule, Eleanor Benning, Ida Biehm. Lena Ball. Olive Burnham, Frank Blank, A n e i e Benson O ' i v e Buorda'. Carl Bangs, Ivah Brenner Fmm-t Buss. Christine Broehl, Clara B r o o t e n , Matt Bath, Katherine Bly, Guy Carpenter. L u c i l ' e C o x , Edith Caha, Lillian Chapman. L y l e P. C o n w a y . Asa Crawn, V i c t o r Crom. Alta Clark, Mary Caldwell. P e r r y Cotter, Cecial Coleman, Grace Craign, Milton Christensen, M a g n u s DeVoogd. Henry Dobesh, Julius Demuth, Ed DeBilgan. Frank Dreibe'bis. Christine Dean, Dorris D e B o r d , Zelma Dunn, Billie D o v e n b e r g e r , Delia Dibble, W a y n e Eschen, Martin Elliott, Anna Evans, Gladys Eberle, Myra Evans, Clarence E g g e r t . Chas. Ellis, L l o y d Ehrenbert. W m . F . Feeken. Fred Finley, Estel'a
Fry, Glenn Fell, Inez Ferguson. Harold Feldman, Chas. Foster, M a c k Gillispie, Elva Gipple, F l o y d Graham, Donald Garby, Clifford G o o d , Etta Gibson, D e w e y Geyer, Harold Gibbs, Mildred Gough, Jennings GHssman, Anne Glissman. Bertha Gabel. Ella Hall, Frank Hawkins. Delbert Harms. Gerhard Hill. Gladys Hewitt. Lemuel Hewitt, Fanni" Hubka. Alvert H o l l o w a y , Ethel Hanson, Alice Heisner, Paul A. Tenk'ns Hazel Tanda. A g n e s Tohnson. A g n e s Johnson, Dana Johnson, Rachel Jones, H o r a c e Helinek, Joe K e n n e d y , Vivian Kleeman. Hazel Kennedy, Leona Kracker, H e n r y Kackmeister, Marie Kleen, John Klotz, John Lewis, Chas. Larkin, Claude Lock, Thos. Larsen, Edward Malmquist, Hazel Milverstead, Clifton M o o n . Esther Mantal, Sophia M c C o r m i c k , Helen M y e r s , Dean Miller, Rebecca M c L a u g h l i n , Margaret Mattas, M a y m e Mattas, Lillian Michel. Bertha McKlavey, Andrew Nearing, R u b y N e w h o u s e , Ernest
Page Seven ty-four
Nichelson, Elmer O l b o u r n , Joe Olson, Mabel P a z o u r , Lillian P a z o u r , Marie P a l m e r , Clarence Pursel, Claire Pursel, P r e s t o n Pearson, Mable Phillips, Claude Phillips, Iva Phillips, Mildred Pfister, Pearl Pulse, H a r o l d P i l a k o w s k i , John Pursel, R o y Price, R o b e r t P o e , W m . B. P e m b e r , Chas. R o s c h y n e a l s k w , E. H. R o b i n s o n , Frank Rourk, Florence Sack, A d a Schinkel, L e o n a Smity, Carl S o r e n s o n , Clarence Shepherd, J. A. Stilpe. Bessie Sharney, A n n a S a w y e r , Alta Sullivan, K a t h r v n Smith, Frank S o b i e s z i z y k , Barbara Stoll, A l m a Shirley, Ruth Surber, Fern Stewart. L o f t i n Shannon, Mary P a z o u r , Lillian P a z o u r , Marie P a l m e r , Clarence Pursel, Claire Pursel, P r e s t o n Pearson, Mabel Phillips, Claude Phillips, Iva Phillips, Mildred Pfister. Pearl Pulse, H a r o l d P i l a k o w s k i , John Pursel, R o y Price, Robert P o e , W m . B. P e m b e r , Chas. Reed, Rob't. Reed, Myrtle R o m s d a l . Cecil Roschynealskw. E. H. R o b i n s o n . Frank Rourk, Florence Scott, N a o m i Stone, Glenn
Shorthill, R o y Simmons, Forrest Sievert, E m m a Sack, A d a Schinkel, L e o n a Smith, Carl S r o e n s o n , Clarence Shepherd, J. A. Stolpe, Bessie Sharney, A n n a Sawyer, Alta Sullivan, K a t h r y n Smith, Frank S o b i e s z i z y k , Barbara Stoll. A l m a Shirley, Ruth Surber, Fern Stewart, L o f t i n Shannon, Mary Smith, Laura Steele, H a r r y Stone, Kelsie Stone, Gerald Sickler, H a r r y Smith, W e s l e y Sievert, E m m a T o d d , Delia Traudt, Minnie Teuscher, Frances Thorns, Rosa T h o r s o m , Clara Tholen, Henry Thompson, Floyd Vidstedt, Adena V o l z . Ella V a n B u s k i r k , Martha W o o d , Ruth Wilkinson, Ferae Wiign, Floyd Welfl, Alice Wilson. Guy White, Robert W i l s o n , Alvin Warner, Geo. Woita. Antonnetta W a t t , Esther W e s t Estella Walsh, Roxana W i c k m a n , Alice Wade, Viola W a s h b u r n . Marie W e s t g a t e . Hazel W r e n , Ellen W a l t e r . Katherine Whitnev, Geo Wallerstead. Milo Y o u n t , Clay Y a n c e y Tohn Zell. C l i f f o r d Z i m m e r m a n , P^ul Z i m m e r m a n , Flo^a.
Page iSeventy-five
T h e N i g h t S c h o o l o f S h o r t h a n d and T y p e w r i t i n g was o r g a n i z e d January 21, 1918, m e e t i n g e v e r y M o n d a y and T h u r s d a y e v e n i n g f r o m 7 to 9 o ' c l o c k . On a c c o u n t of the great and increasing demand f o r s t e n o g r a p h e r s this o r g a n i z a t i o n will p r o v e t o b e v e r y b e n eficial to t h o s e w h o are w o r k i n g during the day and w i s h to take up this w o r k . Mr. T o w n s e n d , a l o n g with up this w o r k and reports that ing g o o d w o r k . H e r e ' s to S c h o o l of the Y o r k Business
his o t h e r duties has taken he has a class of ten, all d o the success of the N i g h t College.
Page Seventh-six
Vage Seventu-tieren
Page SeVenty-eight
To m a k e Christ real to e v e r y girl in s c h o o l is the aim of the Y . W . C . A . o f Y o r k C o l l e g e . It is in this spirit that it meets the girls at the train u p on their arrival and g o e s with them during their entire c o u r s e and lives in sacred and beautiful m e m o r i e s . It is this spirit, t o o , w h i c h p e r v a d e s the w e e k l y m e e t ings, b r o a d e n i n g , d e e p e n i n g and d e v e l o p i n g t h e spiritual life and e x p e r i e n c e of the m e m b e r s . Friendliness and c o m p a n i o n s h i p are e m p h a s i z e d in the r e c e p t i o n s and o t h e r social gatherings held at different times t h r o u g h o u t the year to aid the students in g e t t i n g acquainted with each other. T h o s e w h o are sick, l o n e l y o r d i s c o u r a g e d are r e m e m b e r e d with f l o w e r s , m e s s a g e s or visits by the social service department. T h e children a t the M o t h e r s ' J e w e l s H o m e receive m u c h pleasure f r o m the s t o r y h o u r and p l a y t i m e c o n d u c t e d b y this same c o m m i t t e e and the girls in turn obtain m u c h inspiration f r o m the y o u n g lives. T h r o u g h the Bible Study and M i s s i o n Study classes o p p o r t u n i t y is given f o r learning w o r l d - w i d e Christian citizenship. leadership and giving. U p - t o - d a t e inspirational a s s o c i a t i o n publications and b o o k s are a l w a y s at hand on the Y. W. C. A. reading table in the library. T h u s in this association of girls, with girls and f o r girls, w h e r e vital q u e s t i o n s are' c o n s i d e r e d , its m e m b e r s try to live so the spirit of Christ m a y p e r m e a t e s c h o o l life in the hall, in the c l a s s r o o m and on the c a m p u s .
Page Seventy-one
Y. W . C. A.
President Vice
™ . .
Membership Association
M i s s i o n Study .
Social Social
Room Faculty
Bible Study
Pa$e Eighty »two
ht o'f Eìgh Iff-th-re?
O n e of the m o s t e n j o y a b l e events of the year w a s the M a y Festival held on the C o l l e g e C a m p u s M a y 11T 1917. T h e w e a t h e r man was very c o n s i d e r a t e and p r o v i d e d a beautiful day. L o n g b e f o r e the hour tor the p r o g r a m , the students and m a n y citizens of Y o r k and vicinity w e r e p r e s e n t to be sure that n o n e of the events w e r e missed. A t the a p p o i n t e d time the procession began f o r m i n g T h e attendants, Lucile Bell, Ethel W i l d m a n . Clara H a n sen, Gael C o x , Pearl Eberhart, Willa Weldon, Hazel Chap in and Ruth W a r n e r , led the w a y . T h e n f o l l o w e d the tiny f l o w e r girls, E v e l y n Gale, L o u i s e Fisher, and Jean Manna, leading the w a y for the Q u e e n , M a r y Cave, w h o kneeled g r a c e f u l l y b e f o r e the beautiful t h r o n e of pink roses just l o n g e n o u g h for Jean Harm a to place the. c r o w n on her head. T w e n t y fairy-like little girls, w h o w e r e to wind the m a y - p o l e , c a m e next. T h e Indians w h o rendered m o s t c o m m e n d a b l y the operetta " T h e Feast o f the Red C o r n " c a m e last. Beautiful and appropriate s c e n e r y and c o s t u m e s g a v e a m o s t striking and real e f f e c t to the play. Pauline Bradwell and Miss C o n e t o o k the parts of Q u e e n and Chief and Faith Raber that of the Squaw, w h o with twenty five o t h ers deserved the m a n y congratulations which they received f o r the pleasing way in which each did her part. F o r the bene fit of those w h o could not attend in the r.ftcrnpon the operetta was repeated ii\ the evening.
Page Elgiitij^five
Y . M . C. A .
T h e w o r k o f the Y o u n g M e n ' s Christian A s s o c i a t i o n i n Y o r k C o l l e g e has b e e n kept steadily g o i n g n o t w i t h s t a n d i n g the m a n y difficulties encountered. M r . Bland w a s elected President f o r the year and w h e n he left s c h o o l , his place w a s filled by the V i c e - P r e s i d e n t , M r . Steeley. S c a r c i t y of m e n in s c h o o l and which d r e w the students attention Y. M'. C. A. necessarily m a d e the and w h a t has been a c c o m p l i s h e d a
the trying war times f r o m the w o r k in the w o r k that much harder greater s o u r c e of pride.
T h e b i g e f f o r t s of the a s s o c i a t i o n in the first half of the year were put forth in raising m o n e y f o r the Students' Friendship W a r Fund f o r the benefit of the soldiers. In raising the m o n e y , the b o y s in the s c h o o l r e s p o n d e d n o b l y and it was i n d e e d m o n e y f o r a w o r t h y p u r p o s e . T h e w h o l e c o l l e g e did their share in m a k i n g this undertaking the success that it was. T h e total a m o u n t raised in Y o r k C o l l e g e f o r the Students' Friendship W a r Fund w a s $1,467.00. T h e latter half of the year was f o c u s e d in an undertaking even greater and m o r e i m p o r t a n t than the raising of the Friendship Fund. T h e s r e a t North field C o n f e r e n c e resulted in a call f o r the o r g a n i z a t i o n o f c o l l e g e students f o r Christian W o r l d D e m o c r a c y . T h i s was a national movement and Y o r k a l o n g with the other c o l l e g e s of the state, b e g a n active work. T h e student b o d y was divided into g r o u p s which met in o n e hour classes on T h u r s d a y m o r n i n g of each week. In this w a y every student has b e e n able to enter into the discussion and b e c o m e familiarized with the great present day p r o b l e m s b r o u g h t to us by the war. T h e s e have been the t w o b i g f a c t o r s in k e e p i n g the Y. M. C. A. a live institution this y e a r and in m a k i n g it really serve the student and his needs.
Page Ei gh t ff-seve it
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Y o r k C o l l e g e L y c e u m ranks have b e e n c o n s i d e r a b l y depleted during the past year. O w i n g to prevalent c o n d i t i o n s there was n o t f o u n d at the b e g i n n i n g of the s c h o o l year, e n o u g h student material to assure the stability of the o r g a n i z a t i o n s w h i c h had been planned f o r this year's course. T h e m a l e quartet was b r o k en up by the loss of t w o m e n and the liability to service of eligible talent. A n e w feature w h i c h p r o m i s e d to be e x c e p t i o n a l ly s t r o n g was a m i x e d octette, w h i c h w o u l d be able to g i v e a varied p r o g r a m of music and readings. Such an o r g a n i z a t i o n p r o v e d to be an impossibility, h o w e v e r , f o r this year. T h e S c h o o l of E x p r e s s i o n , was s t r o n g e n o u g h to maintain its o l d reputation f o r e x c e l l e n c e and so supported its share of the l y c e u m burden this year. T h e c o m e d y " P y g m a l i o n and Galatea" was p r e s e n t e d with creditable success to well filled h o u s e s in different places. P r o f . M i s n e r w h o o r g a n i z e d and has m a n a g e d the l y c e u m bureau and w h o has d o n e m u c h t o w a r d m a k i n g it a success, has given a great deal of his time to the w o r k this year. He is well qualified in his line of w o r k a royal entertainer, o n e w h o m p e o p l e delight to hear. T h e lectures have been unusually s t r o n g and have been well received e v e r y w h e r e . This department has received added strength by the return of D e a n C. E. A s h c r a f t , w h o was in C h i c a g o U n i v e r s i t y last year. D e a n A s h c r a f t is a keen student of n s v c h o ' c - g v and human life, and his w i d e range of e x p e r i e n c e with men and a m o n g b o o k s makes him a m a n with a vital m e s sage. P r o f . Bissett k n o w s H i s t o r y and S o c i o l o g y a p l e n t y and has e n o u g h of the strain of p r o p h e c y in his make up to a l l o w him to interpret present c o n d i t i o n s and tendencies in the light of the past and to s h o w p e o p l e what, with intellegence, we m a y e x p e c t . H i s lectures are full of inspiration and practical value, President M c L a u g h l i n finds time f o r his share of lectures each year, t h o u g h h o w h e d o e s i t n o o n e k n o w s . W h e n P r e x y g o e s we are all proud f o r p e o p l e c a n n o t but like this refreshing, w h o l e - s o u l e d man with his m e s s a g e of g o o d cheer and inspiration. W e d o not a p o l o g i z e f o r the small n u m b e r o f attractions o f fered b y Y o r k C o l l e g e this year. A s a n institution w e always place quality a b o v e quantity. T h i s has b e e n evident by the d e termination of the m a n a g e m e n t , this year, to a l l o w n o t h i n g to go o n the road which was n o t first class. W e h o p e that ano t h e r year will find c o n d i t i o n s m o r e f a v o r a b l e and that c a n c e l l ed e n g a g e m e n t s will be then u n k n o w n .
T h e M e n d e l s s o h n club was o r g a n i z e d in February 1917 and since that time some very interesting and helpful m e e t i n g s have b e e n held. T h e study of the lives and w o r k s o f s o m e o f the best c o m p o s e r s h a s - b e e n c a r e f u l l y taken up a l o n g with the regular musical p r o g r a m , - and has p r o v en v e r y valuable in d e v e l o p i n g the p r o p e r appreciation of music. E a r l y in the autumn the president of the club d e l i g h t fully entertained the club at her h o m e near A r b o r v i l l e . We h o p e the interest in the club will c o n t i n u e to g r o w f r o m year to year and we feel certain that it will. Officers Laurine D a h l g r e n Sylvia W y t h e r s Faith Baber
Vice Secretary and
Page Ninety*fi,ve
President President Treasure:
T h e Y o r k C o l l e g e Band, t h o u g h s u f f e r i n g f r o m the loss o f several m e m b e r s t h r o u g h the draft, has m a d e a v e r y creditable s h o w i n g ; a c c o m p a n y i n g a c r o w d of f o o t b a l l r o o t e r s to C o t n e r , besides a p p e a r i n g a n u m b e r of times at b o t h college^, and d o i n g its bit t o w a r d s b o o s t i n g various municipal enterprises. If n o t n e x t year, then, at least as s o o n as the war is w o n , the b a n d will be m a d e a feature of the Y o r k C o l l e g e Lyceum Bureau.
Cornets Byron W. Tatlow George Carlson Raymond Wolfe Earl Y u s t Edward Larsen Glen S t o n e Claude Phillips Glen F r y Roscoe Kuhn Trombones E d w a r d Senn W m . DeCamp D e w e y Mincks Drums C l i f f o r d Bissett Charles L e w i s
Baritones L. E. D o n e g a n Ralph K l i n e Clarinets J. N. S t o n e Judson Boswell Horns Andrew Sweet G e o r g e Larkin Delbert Hawkins L l o y d Cotrell Tuba Floyd
H. A m a d o n
Page Ninety*fi,ve
T h e t w o literary societies, the P h i l o m a t h e a n and the A m p h i c t y o n , j o i n t l y k n o w n as the " P a l s " have just finished another interesting and s u c c e s s f u l year. F o r m o r e than t w e n t y - f i v e years these two o r g a n i z a t i o n s have w o r k e d t o g e t h e r in the spirit implied by their name. B o t h h a v e s o u g h t to p r o m o t e in the s c h o o l the c o n g e n i a l and d e m o c r a t i c spirit f o r w h i c h they stand and to e x t e n d to each and every student a heartfelt w e l c o m e to their ranks. A special e f f o r t has b e e n m a d e to adapt the p r o g r a m to the needs of. the. present day, and w o r l d p r o b l e m s are discussed in the .form of b o o k reviews, i m p r o m p t u s p e e c h e s and debates. All f o r m s of literary w o r k are carried on and each student finds a place that he or she can fill. Several times each year, j o i n t p r o g r a m s are held, f o l l o w e d by a social hour. O n l y a " P a l " k n o w s what j o l l y as well as p r o f i t a b l e evenings are spent in this m a n n e r . At the c l o s e of the year a j o i n t annual picnic is .held and at this time the seniors bid us farewell, and all others m a k e a firm resolution that next year shall see a still m o r e enthusiastic and successful society.
OFFICERS A M P H I C T Y C N SCCIETY President V i c e President Secretary Treasurer
Byron Tatlow Merl H a r n e r Otis Coan R a y m o n d Gentert Raymond Wolf Frank S t o w e
R . L . Gentert Otis Coan W i l l a r d Ferris < .. .. Fred Steeley C o r r e s p o n d i n g Sec.
Conso: C"itic Chaplain Sergeant Albert T h o m p s o n
W i l l i a m Smith John Davidson Howard Brown R.osendo Lubian Mr. Collins Chester M c C l a t c h e y
Pa,<$e Ninety ^tico.
Frank S t o w e G u y R. Davis Merle Harner R o s e n d o Lubian
Warren McClatchey Mr, T h o m p s o n Fred Steely W i l l a r d Ferris Joseph Schmauser
OFFICERS P H I L O M A T H E A N SOCIETY First Semester President V i c e President . . . Secretary Treasurer C o r r e s p o n d i n g Sec Censor Critic Sergeant Chaplain
Second Semester
Clara KingAlta F u n k h o u s e r Harriet T y e Maude Lefever Lena King G r a c e Getty Miss C o n e Frieda Ball E m m a Bennett
President .m Eva Kerr Vice President Alta Funkhouser Secretary Joyce Cushman Treasurer .....Viola Samuelson Censor Gladys Hammond Critic Miss Callende.r Serg-eant Minnie Turner Chaplain Clara King Corresponding Sec L,ettie Mason
P. L. S.
Frieda Ball L o u i s e Birk Nellie B e n n e t t E m m a Bennett Grace C o l e m a n J o y c e Cushman Alta F u n k h o u s e r Harriett F y e Grace Getty Gladys H a m m o n d O p a l Harritt Estelle H u g h e s
Eva Kerr Clara K i n g L e n a KingMaude Lefever Lettie M a s o n Merle Philson Viola Samuelson Minnie T u r n e r Fern M'cClatchey M'yra E b e r l e Clara O s t e r m a y e r Grace H a r n e r
Pfhép, Ärij)P,tii^four
B y the w o r d - " Z e t a s " w e mean a large s o c i e t y c o m p o s e d of t w o smaller societies each o n e of "which is a v e r y vital f o r c e in the social and intellectual life of Y o r k C o l l e g e . T h e Zetagathean Literary S o c i e t y is an o r g a n i z a t i o n f o r the men of the s c h o o l which meets every M o n d a y e v e n ing in the beautiful Zeta hall. H a v i n g weekly m e e t i n g s is a n e w : h i n g for them this year and it is not a l t o g e t h e r successful b e c a u s e so m a n y of their loyal s o n s have g o n e to fi^ht tor f r e e d o m - T h i s society elects o f f i c e r s every' quarter so that each m e m b e r has an o p p o r t u n i t y to show his w o r t h . T h e sister s o c i e t y of the 2 ctagat hearts Is ihe Z e t a l c t h e an Literary S o c i e t y and it is just about as flourishing an organization as one is likely to find. T h e m e e t i n g s are held on alternate T h u r s d a y nights and are very interesting and well attended. T h e P r o g r a m C o m m i t t e e studies the needs of the girls and tries to arrange p r o g r a m s which w'ill meet these needs. T h e e x t e m p o r e is an interesting feature of each m e e t i n g and the girls b e c o m e m o r e and m o r e e f f i c i e n t in the ability to speak well without preparation, T h e i:.arliamentarv drill is a n o t h e r interesting and helpful feature of the p r o g r a m s , r e n d e r i n g the girls m o r e capable of c o n d u c t i n g a business m e e t i n g in the right manner. Besides these separate meetings, the b r o t h e r societies have several j o i n t m e e t i n g s during the each s o c i e t y contributes to the entertainment. these m e e t i n g s will stand out in the m i n d s of lege students as very, v e r y pleasant m e m o r i e s w h o have left our halls and those w h o remain in the j o y o u s shout " L o n g live the Z e t a s ! "
Page Ninety*fi,ve
and sister year w h e n M a n y of York Coland those here join
First Semester Officers President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Critic Pianist Chorister Press Reporter Chaplain Usher
M a r y Cave A l i c e Kaliff Hattie M a p p s Pauline B r a d w e l l Lena Myers Sylvia W y t h e r s Faith B a b e r . . . L e n o r e Milligan M e r l e Snider Garda Parker
Second Semester President V i c e President Secretary Treasurer Critic Pianist Chorister Press Reporter Chaplain Usher
M'erle Snider Myrtle Broehl Hazel Foster Hattie M a p p s Garda P a r k e r Lenore John L e n o r e Grosshans Gael C o x ! Bertha Mitchell Theda McCann
M E M B E R S F O R 1917-1918
Louise Ankeny Pauline B r a d w e l l Myrtle Broehl Mildred Boren Veva Boren Nina Belle Caldwell M a r y Cave Gael C o x Hazel F o s t e r Irene G r o s s h a n s Lenore Grosshans Ruth Gudgell Ona Heuston Gladys H i t c h c o c k L e n o r e John Hattie M a p p s
L e n o r e Milligan Bertha Mitchell Lena Myers Theda McCann Garda P a r k e r Hazel Rogers Gertrude Salmen M e r l e Snider Velma Stuckey Lucile Shorthill Goldah T o m l i n Lillian W e y e r t s Freda W e y e r t s Lena Westover Sylvia W y t h e r s Cecile N e w b o l d
Page Ninety*fi,ve
3rd. Quarter
1st Quarter—1917 President V i c e President Secretary Treasurer Critic Musical D i r e c t o r Chaplain Usher
Reynolds Burke Boner Coffey Bland Yust Berger Donegan
President V i c e President Secretary Treasurer Critic Musical D i r e c t o r Chaplain Usher
Donegan Marden Boner Samuelson Coffey .
Sweet Schmidt
4th. Quarter
2nd. Quarter—1918 President V i c e President Secretary Treasurer Critic Musical D i r e c t o r Chaplain Usher
Coffey Ballensky John Bissett Fletcher Kettering Sweet Senn
President V i c e President Secretary Treasurer Critic Musical D i r e c t o r Chaplain Usher
Page Niibebtj-xereii
John Mulvaney Samuelson Schmidt Coffey Sweet Donegan Senn
Glenn Bland Ernest Berger Percy V. Burke Earl B o n e r J a m e s Ballensky C l i f f o r d Bissett Laurence Coffey
Lawrence Donegan L e e Fletcher Guy Foster Lewis John Haskell G o o d m a n Nathan M a r d e n . Marion Mulvaney
ZETA HALL Ninety-eight
Clyde R e y n o l d s Carlton S a m u e l s o n E d w a r d Senn A n d r e w Sweet Andrew Schmidt Claude Phillips Harold Anderson
Nebraska has o n e plant especially adapted to its capricious c l i m a t e : tenaciously this plant holds its o w n against all adverse c o n d i t i o n s and g r a p p l e s with every f o e to its fuller d e v e l o p m e n t ; o r e n c o u r a g e d by prosperous conditions it spreads its m a n y j o i n t e d , hurry personality far and wide, smartly, p r i c k i n g f r o m its. way any hindering obstacle. Growing: rankly in a rich soil or manfully sticking to life even in the p o o r e s t sand of the A m e r i c a n desert the S a n d b u r r is a fitting- e m b l e m of the p e r s e v e r i n g , malleable character of Nebraska's o f f s p r i n g . A n d c l o s e l y allied to this persistent plant is the Y o r k C o l l e g e organ, also designated as the " S a n d b u r r . " on a c count of the tenacity with which it clings to the hearts and minds o f Y o r k ' s student b o d y . O n e o f the o i t repeated questions in class r o o m s and halls is. "T w o n d e r if we will ÂŁ c t our Sandburrs t o m o r r o w ? " And when they do c o m e any o n e n e w to the w a y s of the institution would p r o b a b l y suppose the building- had suddenly caught fire if he j u d g e d f r o m the mad rush and S c r a m b l e ; but the stampede would presently be explained when the faculty and student b o d y w a l k e d past hi in without raising their eyes f r o m the larg:e f o u r - p a g e journal blattantly advertising itself as the Y o r k C o l l e g e S a n d burr. At the b e g i n n i n g of the year this n e w s - s h e e t was a d o p t ed p r e p a r a t o r y to a w e e k l y or b i - m o n t h l y paper, but c o n ditions resulting naturally f r o m the unsettled state of war and finance, have caused the m o n t h l y sheet to be retained t h r o u g h o u t the y e a r : h o w e v e r it is only a t e m p o r a r y m a k e shift and a n o t h e r year will see Y o r k C o l l e g e with a w e e k ly paper that will m o r e truly m i r r o r the literary and aesthetic e x p r e s s i o n of its students. T h e Sandburr is fortunate in having: such a brilliant and c o n s c i e n t i o u s editor, [t w o u l d be hearsay of the w o r s t kind if a n y o n e should audibly s u p p o s e that girls do n o t make fine editors. T h e literary, s o c i e t v , alumni and business c o l u m n s are nicely handled by the heads of those departments. Athletics in Y o r k C o l l e g e have not been great e n o u g h this y e a r to srive the athletic editor lull s c o p e , but Ivs criticisms have been unbiased and keen. As f o r Burrs and L o c a l s , well Carlton Samuelson. M y r t l e Broehl and L e n a Myers " p l e a s e tell m e " if t h e v dnn T t have a c o r n e r on the wit. h u m o r and originality in Y o r k College. In c l o s i n g let a s u g g e s t e d w a t c h w o r d be given the students of Y o r k Colleg-eâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;A snappy w e e k l y Sandburr fo 1 the c o m i n g vear. SANDBURR STAFF
One hundred
Long, long ago in ancient Greece, feasts were held every four years in commemoration 01 their great national achievements. Olympics played a very important part in these celebrations and especially one form, the Marathon race, was intensely Interesting. The contestant must begin early by exposing himself' to hardships and must begin at a slow pace gradually working himself up to the attainment of great speed and endurance. The winner of these races was crowned with a wreath . of laurels as a token of the honor he had gained. Our Marathon is similar to> the Greek Marathon in that we have met many difficulties, but through perseverance and real work we have overcome them, and we believe that our efforts will be crowned not with a material crown, which will fade away., but with the feeling that we have done our best. W e , the members oi the Junior class have collected the golden leaves of college life, and have bound them together with bonds of devotion tor our Aim a .Mater. We have endeavored to present a true picture of college life, as well as an accurate record of the important events of the past year, and although the 191S Marathon is only the second lap of the race, it will remain as a lasting memorial to the class of 1919.
Mary Cave Merl Harner Roy Larson . . . ; Garda Parker Gertrude Salmen Harriet Fye Ernest Berger Grace Getty Hattie Mapps
Editor Business Manager Advertising Agent Viola Samuelson Merle Snider Myrtle Broehl Lena Myers Alex Rehn
One hundred one
The Christian Association
of York
College have the
good of the student body at heart and are always wideawake to any suggestions for the betterment of conditions among the students. The outcome of some of these altruistic feelings is the Handbook which is published annually by the Christian Association and put on sale at the beginning of the school year. This little book contains some very valuable information which can not be gleaned from any text book and it is therefore an indispensable asset. The new students will not be able to go through the first semester successfully unless they buy a Handbook, study it and govern themselves accordingly. Ask the upper classmen. They know.
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
This has been the most active year in debat'ng which York College has experienced since 1912. T w o debates were scheduled with Hastings College, two with Grand Island College and a possible one with Kearney State Normal. Thè student interest shown has been greater than that of last year and the persons who won places on the teams give evidence of excellent debating ability. Three of the debaters for this year, Miss Snider, Miss Cave and Mr. Fletcher, were members of last years teams. This is the first year of Intercollegiate debating for the othe: three who are Miss Myers, Mr. Mulvaney and Mr. Sweet. The fact that none of the members of the team this year are in the graduating class will make possible still greater debating strength for next year. Oratory in York College needs more attention from the student body. This year only one person prepared an oration. Winning orators can only be secured by an active local association back of them and a good local contest to draw out the best student ability. The greatest need in this field of forensics is an earlier start. Oratorical propaganda should be begun in October instead of January. York College has been a strong rival at the state contest in years gone by. Those traditions need to be upheld with greater strength now. The war has drawn off a number of men whose interest and ability in this field was strong. Is it not now a point of honor for the students remaining to actively enlist in their places?
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
Affirmative Team
Marion MulvarĂŹey Mary Cave Lee Fletcher
Question, Resolved: That the war tax bill of last October should be amended by substantially increasing the tax on incomes and excess profits. Defeated by Hastings College at York, February 28, W o n from Grand Island College at York March 8. To meet Kearney Normal at Kearney April 19.
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
Negative T e a m
Andrew Lena
Question, Resolved: That the W a r tax bill of last O c t o b er should be amended by substantially increasing the tax on incomes and excess profits. Defeated by Hastings College at Hasting College February 28, W o n from Grand Island College at Grand Island March 8th.
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
The Athletic Board is a very august body composed of both students and faculty members, which transacts the business pertaining to the warfare and welfare of our athletes. In order to win a " Y " a man has to meet the approval of the powers that be because the aforesaid Athletic Board is made up of very conscientious personages. The President of this board is a very capable and efficient one and being intensely interested in Athletics she is able to see things from the athlete's point of view; and not being- a participator she has the opportunity of judging from the sidelines. The two faculty members serve as a sort of balancing force and are lavish with advice. Students from different classes belong to this organization making is all in all a very democratic group as anyone would naturally expect to find in a democratic school like York College. President Vice President Secretary and Treasurer
Lenore Milligan Lena Myers Lawrence Coffey
Faculty Members— Prof. Davis Miss Clarke Students at Large— Lenore John Marion Miulvaney Clifford Bissett
One hundred twentjj*-ei£h.t
One hundred ten
Y o r k College fully expected to add another championship to her list, but failing to repeat her grand 1916 record must bend all her energies and efforts to the 1918 championship. Football appeared rather doubtful at first because there were only a few of the old men back to carry the white and blue standard " O v e r the Top," the other, men had responded to the call of a bigger game. Entering the conference campaign with the expressed purpose <?f putting out one of the finest teams in the history of the conference, with a squad of green material was indeed an undertaking worthy only of the man who tackled the job, Mr. E. Frank. The 1917 season opened with the decided victory over the Central City Quakers. The Quakers were rumored to be strong contenders for the championship and they were real contenders. Central City if they had not dropped out of the ring would have put out the strongest aggregation that ever donned football togs for the Quakers. The Hawks came out of the contest with a good margin while their goal line was never threatened. Tn the second game the Hawks were not able to keep the pace of a non-crossed goal-line. Grand Island pushed the pig skin over the line for one count but that did not spell defeat; it was only an incentive to arouse all the fight and resistence in the White and Blue. The defeat of Grand Island strengthened our hope of a championship team. The third contest of the season resulted in a victory over Peru Although Peru had lost all her games up to this time she was not lacking the punch and fight which characterizes the grid-iron sport. After scoring a decisive victory over the Peruvians we faced Cotner the only team who had not lost a conference game, excepting the Hawks. The championship game will long be remembered both by the team and those who went on the special train to help the team win another pennant. It proved to be the hardest grid-iron contest of the season. The Bulldogs were game to the last whistle. Cotner won by count but not by a display of superior football. After the championship game there was nothing else for us to do but to humble our last year's foe, Wesleyan. We like to play Wesleyan because they are clean hard flayers and because of their high class football. We like best of all to beat them. From the start it was evident that the Hawks could soar far above the Coyotes. It was not one sided but fast and decisive. The class of football displayed by our team in the Cotner and Wesleyan games won for us two positions on the all conference eleven. We could not take the first place so what could we do but take the next best place, second. The Thanksgiving game to the disappointment of local football enthusiasts was played on a foreign field, but we let the Sunflowers know that football was not foreign to rs. This game shows that Kansas and Nebraska intercollegiate football is on a par. St. Marys was second in Kansas and York second in Nebraska; St. Mary's triumohed by a 7â&#x20AC;&#x201D;0 score. Here's to the 1918 and succeed' ing championships for York College:
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
Games Played
Central City October 5th.
at York
14— 0
Grand Island October 19th.
at York
1A— 7
Peru October 26th.
at Peru
20— 0
Cotner November 10th-
at Bethany
Wesleyan . November 24th.
at Uni. Place . . . . 20— 2
St. Marys Kans November 30th-
at St. Marys
One hundred twentjj*-ei£h.t
0— 7
ERNIE F R A N K â&#x20AC;&#x201D; C O A C H (Nebraska) A man who knows Football from A to Z. As a player for three years with the Nebraska L'ni., and captain of the buskers he gained g-rem recognition in the Western Conferences. York Co lie L^e is proud to have had a coach of this type. He whipped a squad into shape, most or the men being their first year, as to rank them second in the state. He not only tells the boys how to play but shows them how by doing it himself. Mir. Frank will be long lemembered by York College and the people of York.-
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
W e i g h t 170 Lbs., Left End When looking around for a good football captain last year the boy's eyes were turned towards Duke. Duke played in such a fashion that he lauded a place on the all state team, lie was popular with his men and made a good captain.
(Captain Elect)
Weight 175 Lbs., Collegiate Third Year, Left Guard Mead Larson is a steady football player who is always right there. He never stops to say much about what he will do or has done. He simply does ir and looks for something else to do. That he has played the last three years for Y. C., is ample testimony of his worth.
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
W e i g h t 150 Lbs., Collegiate Last Year, Quarter-Back York Burke was always on the job ready to tackle anything no matter how hard it appeared. He ran the game in great shape. He always knew what he wanted and put enough snap into every play to get it.
Weight 200 Lbs., Collegiate Last Year, Center York A g o o d man at Center and was g i v en a position on the all state team. Bland is a g o o d steady, consistent player. No o f f e n s i v e of the o p p o s i n g team rushed Bland and his o f f e n s i v e s h o w e d the same stuff as his d e f e n s ive.
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
W e i g h t 170 Lbs., Collegiate Second Year, Left Tackle Oshkosh,
Smith has the drive and the pep behind it. No one seems to be able to stop him. He is aggressive and a heady player, always on the alert in every play. A valuable asset to the team.
W e i g h t 160., Collegiate Second Year, Left Half Beaver City The critics said last year, "That boy Coffey will star next year." Coffey more than fullfilled the prophecy. He is fast and sure with the ball. He is a hard hitter and is especially strong on the defense.
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
First Year, Left End Lexington Hewitt was a fighter. End was a new position to him but he played it as if he had played it several years. He was always willing and did his share of the work. He never saw an opponent that he was afraid of, no matter how big he was.
(ZIM) Commercial
First Year, Fullback Lexington Zimmerman the mighty man at full. He coulcl be depended on for a gain at any time under all conditions. W h e n meeting a play through the line it stopped right there. Zim is large and runs a good interference. A great asset to the team.
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
CALDWELL Weight 145 Lbs., Commercial First Year, Right Half Swanton Caldwell is the fast man. He has the football stuff in him. His natural ability together with his speed worried his opponents. Another season will see him one of the best backfield men in the country.
W e i g h t 185 Lbs., Commercial First Year, Right Guard It was Hubka's first year at the game, and though one season will hardly make a finished football man, it has uncovered some good stuff in Hub. His attack on the offense and his consistent defense was of a high type.
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
W e i g h t 190 Lbs., Academy First Year, Tackle Bradshaw always willing always J\:ulvaney hard working. He was a consistent player. His first year at the game showed that he had the real stuff in him. He is big and fast, and another year will make him a star in the old game.
W e i g h t 155 Lbs., Academy First Year, Right End
Ferris is a sure comer. Another season and he will be a star. He captained the second team the first of the season and his work there gained him a place on the first team. He plays a hard and sure game.
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
147 Lbs., Commercial First Year Lushton
Percell played a class of football that took the eye of the side liners. He was fast and met his plays at the line. He was forced out of the game by a broken shoulder. He was as good a backfield man as we have seen anywhere.
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
The Basket Ball season this year came to an early close due to the lack of inter-collegiate games. The schedule was small and necessarily so, due to war conditions and financial reasons. Faculty opinion and school conditions were against having a basket ball season. A collegiate basket ball team was considered by the majority of students who gave the matter but slight thought, an impossibility this year. A few enthusiastic students however, would not let the subject drop but kept it hot until finally faculty consent was given and a way was seen clear for organizing a team to represent old Y. C. this year among the other colleges of the state. Captain Samuelson was chosen to lead the basket-ball warriors and regular practice was instituted each evening of the school week. Mr. W e r t z was secured to coach basket ball and his services were very valuable to the team during their short but snappy season. Participation in the York City Tournament preceded a defeat of the Columbus Y. M. goal- shooters on the home floor by our lads. The intercollegiate games were necessarily few in number and as stated before, existing conditions necessitated an early close of the season. It is needless to go into the merits of the respective players. York College athletes are known as fighters to the end and these were no exception to the rule. Suffice it to say that in these precarious war times it is indeed essential to keep college athletics from dying, and old York College should feel proud this year that she has been represented in a strong manner by both a football and a basketball team. York College has not lost its old time pep but is still on the map in athletic circles.
Samuelson John, Myers Boner Smith, Berger Reynolds
Right Left
Forward Forward Center Left Guard Right Guard
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
York Business College Basket Ball Team GERHARD
Harms is a man liked by everyone. He plays with zeal and plays because he likes the game. He is not a sensational player, but is a steady, consistent, reliable man. He is a sure shot on close goals and ever a puzzle to his opposing guard. FRANK " R o b b y " is the right look breezy, he doesn't wind on the floor. He the team, he has been ious and alive.
man in the right place. He doesn't act breezy, but he sure is a whirlhas given himself freely to benefit always on duty, sincere, conscient-
Hubka can't be beat for size, and in most cases the size of opposition doesn't count. He is an aggresive, shifty and untiring man, always in the game, giving the best he possesses. RALPH
Cline knows the game. He is a clean man, he is cool headed in action and possesses a reserve of strength never yet tested out. He is the type of a man who plays ball and says little. A steady, dependable, always present man. DEAN
Dean Myers, an all state football man, also holder of several official letters in athletics, is the worthy pilot of the Basket Ball team. He is a valuable, reliable, speedy m?n and is worthy of much credit for success of the season. MARTIN ESCHEN Eschen is the "Fighting: Scamp." He is perhaps as smalt as any center in tiic stattr, yet he is never out- played. He works bard, fifi-htinj? fearlessly when the battle is fiercest, direct-intf his energies intelligently . He never ways quit. Line-Up Left Forward Center Right Forward Left Guard Right Guard Right Guard
Myers Eschen Harms Robinson Hubka Cline
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
One It it lid red iweliiyfรถu?
The girls gymnasium class has been progressing very nicely with Mts. Bell as instructor. The class is a large one and Mrs. Bell shows her ability in keeping the girls interested and enthusiastic about the work. Indian clubs, dumb bells, wands and rulers are the implements of warfare used to bring into play the muscles which remain quiet all day. But these cannot be the means of exercising all muscles; so there are numerous exercises through which these students of physical culture must pass, thus acquiring the desired exercise and at the same time, grace and ease of movement. Marching, also, constitutes a part of the program of each class hour. Here the girls learn to march single file, in twos, four abreast or eight abreast as the case may be. But whether it be marching, jumping or swinging Indian clubs, gymnasium helps make American girlhood strong and healthy. The girls feel this as is shown by their enthusiasm and loyalty.
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
Oile hundred twenty-sitf-
Ne-br-as-ka Ne-br-as-ka Y-o-r-k Y-o-r-k—York! Give'em the Give'em the Where? Right in the Right in the There!
axe, the axe, the axe axe, the axe, the axe neck, the neck, the neck neck, the neck, the neck
Rah! Rah!—Rah, Rah, Rah! Rah! Rah!—Rah, Rah, Rah! Rah! Rah!—Rah, Rah, Rah! Team! Team! Team! Osky, wow, wow! Skinny, wow, wow Eat'em up! York! York! W o w ! En dicka-den dicka-fi, dicka fum En bi bo bi, En bi bo bi En dicka-den dicka-fi dicka fum Y-o-r-k. Zip! Za! Zum.
One hundred twentjj*-ei£h.t
T U N E â&#x20AC;&#x201D; " W e Love the W h o l e U. S.
Here's to the boys in white and blue, Invincible eleven, the boys so brave and true Go battle on the gridiron, We know you're sure to win, Defend our college colors And do it with a vim; We love our dear old football days, W h e n victory's ours on every hand. Every college large and small In Football land we'll beat them ail. We'll be the champions of the land.
Old football heroes, heroes rah, rah, rah Strong valiant heroes, heroes rah, rah, rah, rah, rah Our squads the best upon the field Our pep is nothing small 'Tis only a pass, a plunge, a kick That carries across the ball We've got a record behind us We're fighting for old Y. C. W e ' v e got the git W e ' v e got the grit. And we're on to victory.
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
To each and every one of the perpetual grouches, whose face unquestionably indicates that they are continually s u f fering from abunion andwho have indigestion in the portion of the caranium reserved for jokes with due apologies to all authors, poets andphotographers, we do solemnly dedicate this thoroughly dried and guaranteed not to be funny section of works of art. Enter the door to the right please.
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
Did you ever meet Laugh-and-bc-jolly? If you haven't, 1 wish that you had! To look on his face, in the gloomiest place. Would make any murmurer j^Iad. He is chubby with romping and laughter, He is merry with frolic and fun. To stay melancholy with Laugh-and-he-jolly Is to do what nobody has done. When the heavens are drizzly and dripping it's a mercy to have htm about. He chuckles awav on the gloomiest day 'Till he looks like the sun coming out! knock him down, he is up with a scramble' Ignore him. he smiles all the same! Call him frisky or simple, he just shows a dimple Th;it puts any cross-patch to shame. So take your grumps and vour growls and your grouches And carry them all to this elf. Tle will show yon his way and make you some day A laugh-and-be-jolly yourself.
One hand red thvrtff-two
Pride of Ireland Lenore Milligan Human Gas Bag Goldah Tomlin Wildman Peter Wagner Mellin's Food Wonders . . . . Sammy Beaver, Pearl Turner The Candy Kid Andrew Sweet Pigmy Marion Mulvaney Dancing Mice Alta Crom, Joyce Cushman, Jimmie Hanna Fire Eater Fat Smith Walking Encyclopedia . . . . Prof. Bissett Missouri Canary Otis Coan The Kidnapper Hattie Mapps Devoutest Man-haters . . . . Estella Hughes, Veva Boren The Blarney Stone -. Bill Smith Innocence Impersonation . . Pat Samuelso-i
"Better late than never." Pauline Green, Grosshans girls, Velma Stuckey, Louise Ankeny. "A gentleman of the "Press." " Earl Boner. " H e that falls in love with himself will have no rival." Fred Steeley. "A self-made man? Yes, and worships his creator." Raymond Gentert.
There was a young hopeful named Gentert He whistled whereever he wentert. Llis eyes they were blue His heart it was true. W h a t seems in his schooldays he spentert. There was a tall Senior named "Kaiser." And of any two boys he's the wiser. W h e n he meets the right girl His head it will whirl And "Kaiser" will not be a miser.
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
F I L L ' E M I. Prof. Davis Desperadoes Act. 1.—Stilleto inserted. Act. II.—Groans, screams. A c t III.—Murdered man. Act. I V . — A few drops of blood!
F I L L ' E M II. The
A boy A girl Alone in a room A kiss Oh! bliss Papa! gloom.
Psych. Class Shall Meet T o day! ift R e e l Class in waiting 2nd. R e e l Class in absinta 3rd. R e e l Class ensemble!
One hundred twentjj*-ei£h.t
Romeo & Juliet Scene— Practice room Characters— Hero—Marda Garker Heroine—Barl Eoner Villians— Milligan, Duke etc. Charge— Pyrene, pepper Barricade Piano RetreatWindow
A German Comedy Scene— Deserted class room Heroine—• Eddie Senn Hero— Estelle M. Hughes Theme— Ich liebe dich! Ach, Ja!
Their Only Child Day I.— "She noticed me!" Day I I . — "She's the smartest child!" Day I I I . — Honestly, its marvelous how bright she is! Moral—Taffy!
One hundred twentjj*-ei£h.t
Much ado About Nothing . . . . The Night Before Exams. Innocents Abroad The Freshmen The Man in Lonely Land The Only Senior Boy The Winning Lady All of 'em. Wonder Book Marathon The Long Shadow Pauline Bradwell Where Labors are Few Chem. Lab. Mon. Morning Consequiences Sleepiness The Tempest Class Meeting The Handmade Gentleman Raymond Gentert Romeo & Juliet .. The Escape from the " C o n " Window
Miss Fetters: " A n d how did you find the apple pie?" Clara King: "I moved the bit of cheese aside and there it was." * He: "They say a woman never forgets a man who has kissed her." Gael: "Yes, I believe that's true." He: "I wish I could be sure that you would always remember me." There once was a man in a hearse, W h o murmured: "This might have been worse; Of course the expense Is simply immense, But it doesn't come out of my purse."
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
To him who in the love of pleasure holds Communion with her pleasant pastimes, she speaks in accents promising; tor his class-room hours She has a dream of last night, and the girl, And the beauty of the moonlight, and she glides into his study hours with a tread Of happy memories, that steals his good intentions, ere he is aware. When thoughts Of the final exams come like a blight To spoil his dreaming, and sad misgivings Of the grade lie will get, the office, and home. The sad disappointment and his empty head, Make him to shudder and grow sick at heart,— Go forth into the moonlight and list To cupid's pleading, while from all around— Might, and the moonlight, and soft Spring air— Comes a still voice—Vet a few days, and thee The all but heartless profs shall see no more In college halls; no more in cozy nooks Where thou were want to linger, and to dream, No more to go to picture shows, for thy joy fs past. Father that sent thee here shall" call Thee home again to be of use to him once more, And, lost each dream of fame, giving up Thine old ambition, thou shalt go To mix again with common folks, To he sweetheart to the old time Sue And to join the old gang, which thou were wont To shun and turn away from. But not to thine eternal resting place Shall thou retire alone, nor couldst thou wish For better company. Thou shalt lie down With dignified Seniors of knowledge—with Sophs. The boastful of the school—the wise, the dumb— Juniors, and the class of the greener age A 1 ! as in one mighty sepulchre. So live that when thy summons comes to join The unavoidable caravan which moves To that most dreaded tveek. when each shall take His exams, in the unconfiding classrooms, Thou go not to thy studying at night D'gging till daylight, hut cheered and comforted Bv the ever heloful bluff, approach thy flunks T ike one who fills the oockets of his coat With ponies, and lies down to p'ensant dreams.
Onto hundred thirty-xeven
That Hattie Mapps once turned down a date? * * * * Neither have we. *
That Fat Smith and Pede Marden resoived to join Y. M. C. A.? *
Then you heard wrong. * * But you never can tell.
That Mr. Gentert and Gael Cox had * * * * a pretty bad case? Neither h?ve we?
But it was so reported. * * * * That Prof. Davis had a human prodigy instead of an infant girl? * * * * We thought you had. *
But we don't believe it. *
That Prof. Feemsters' pet aversions are goats, and chickens? *
We bet you haven't. *
That a certain couple are to be married next summer? Neither have we.
But we wouldn't be surprised to hear it. *
That one of our lady teachers Hula?
could dance the Hull
Neither have we.
* * * * But appearances are often deceitful. Enuf said.
Olle hundred thirfy-eight
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
Between six o'clock and my bed time, When the night is beginning to lower, Comes a pause in the day's mad rushing Which is known as my study hour. I hear in the chamber above me The stomping of someone's feet, The sound of a door that is opened And voices carefree and sweet. From my own room I hear below me, Ascending the broad " C o n " stair, Grave Irish, and laughing Duke Reynolds, And Mary with dark brown hair. A whisper, and then a giggle, And T know they're up to some trick, They are plotting and planning together, They want to do something quick. A sudden rush from the stairway, A sudden raid through the hall! To one door found well guarded, They could not enter at all! They climb to peep through the transom, Stretching up from' the back of a chair; But this they didn't succeed in, They didn't get anywhere. They almost strangled from pepper They tried to blow under the door, 'Till they thought of the fire extinguisher To force through the hole of the door! Do you think, all of you plotters, As you stand out there in the hall, That those two heads put together Are not a match for you all! Do you have them fast in the fortress? Or have you let them depart, And let them jump from the window? Such, you know, is a lover's art! They will laugh at you now forever, Yes, forever and a day, Till the " C o n " walls shall crumble to ruin And moulder in dust away!
Orte hundred forty
Goldah Tomlin, on an April clay. Up the river rowed away, With Mulvaney and a basket full of lunch On which the turtles had a hunch, When M. M. in their boat did jump. Goldah in tiie water went ker-plunk; The lunch was et by the fishes gav; And the water rose two miles away. All good boys love their sisters; But 1 so good have grown, That I love others' sisters More dearly than my own. Aboard the good ship Nacy Lee, Fair Ninabelle was off to sea. Her tender heart had bid her go To France to still the cries of woe. She watched the shore-line fade away, Then turned and shouted in dismay, " O h . captain, stop the ship—I find I've left my .powder puff behind!"
Golda Tomlin Earl Boner Raymond Gentert Lucile Green Mr. Senn
Talking in the Library Staying at " C o n " too late. Whistling in the halls Chapel Absences T o o much flirtation
First Co-ed: " W o m e n always contradict one another." Second Co-ed: " T h e y do not." We tremble to think of the trouble that is in store for our friend Pluto Satan Devil when one Garfield enters Hades. Eight weeks of coalless Mondays will at least bring relief to a few damned souls. Hooverite: " W e are eating "harmony pies"—nothing ever comes between the top and bottom crust."
One hundred twentjj*-ei£h.t
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
Curses on thee, Kaiser Bill Headstrong boy, who'll have your will! With thy deadly poison gas And thy bullets whistling past; And thy black heart blacker still Stained by death's blood on the hill; From my heart I say with joy,— I am not a Kaiser's toy! Dunce thou are!—thou art not man! Only plan as best you can, Let many million soldiers do Anything you tell them to, Thou canst never make Germans to eternity,— Outward meanness, inward hate; Curses on thee, reprobate! Oh thy war times chief delight, Gas that creeps up in the night, Death that mocks the allies rules Cruelness never learned in schools: Of thy tyrants ready knife Halting not to take a life, Cutting off an arm or hand Anything in Belgium land! How you send explosive shell Doing twice the work of hell, And you cower when you stand Face to face, to fight a man. Oh, you coward, don't you know Where such folks as you must go? Do you think you ought to dwell Anywhere this side of Hell? Think you. you have done no wrong And your record should be hung Where the whitest angels grow. Where the freshest blessings blow? For, eschewing honest means, Cunning gives him all, it seems. Hand in hand with her he walks Face to face with her he talks Part and parcel of her fate Curses on thee, reprobate! Strongly then, thou less than man Fight and scheme as best you can! Though our victories don't seem great Soon vou'll know the German's fate,' Rvery morn shall show you clear v ankee lads can have no fear! EA^ery evening you will find
One hnnäred forty-three-
You must farther fall behind. None too soon you'll be shut in Close within the Great Berlin. Loosed from freedom you have known Shown the pity you have shown, Made to tread the mills of toil, Up and down in ceaseless moil, Happy, if your feet be found At any time off red-hot ground! Ah, that thou wouldst change thy will, Whilst it can be, Kaiser Bill!'
Stomper-in-chief Chief Heavy-walker Best Chair-shuffler Door-slammer Loudest Whisperer Most Noice for little Feet
Fat Smith Lawrence Donegan Fred Steeley Duke Reynolds Goldah Tomlin Joyce Cushman
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
PROVERBS A check from home is a joy for a week. If you would have a drawing done well, don't do it yourself. Study when you please. Where there's a Jane there's a Bill, (bill!) Cramming is hardest just before exams. Too many profs spoil our fun. Have a date for everything and every date kept straight. A history note book is a dread forever. Peek twice before you copy. Somebodyelse's notes are better than none. The profs of a college plot together. AH the bluffs are not in the hills. Every college has its nuts. A latin ponv is better than silver or gold. A note up your sleeve is a help indeed. Students want but pleasure while in college, but want that pleasure long. If you can't write, don't scribble. Of two assignments choose the shortest. Better a poor attempt than no bluff at all. He that's born to flunk need not study. Don't try to explain what you don't understand. Blame not thyself. Any excuse will serve when one is late to class. What shall it profit a man if he gain a good grade and lo^e-out on some fun? Some are born studious, some achieve studiousness, others have studies thrust upon them. To make a long tale short, use an axe. Dogs of war have tails of woe. No student can ever lose what he has not learned. Great profs from little "book-worms" grow. The stairs of old Y. C. lead but to the class rooms. Little Freshies have green souls. Whatsoever a bachelor seweth, that shall he also rip.
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
Maude King: " H a v e you seen anything of my new silk stockings?" Elizabeth Pierce: " Y e s , entirely too much."
Desk man at the Hotel in Hastings: "Before you leave I'll have the porter inspect your room." Sweet: " O h , never mind; I don't think I left anything in it." Desk Man: " Y e s s , that's what I am afraid of."
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
One of the girls at the " C o n " (speaking of another girl): "I believe she thinks lots more of him now than she did before he went to war." Miss Funkhouser: " W e l l , you know Absence makes the heart grow fonder.â&#x20AC;&#x201D;they say!" Earl (shouting): "Duke, Duke, wake up. take yer insomnia Medicine."
It's time to
Harner approached the pretty clerk in the music store. " W h a t will you have?" She wanted to know. " I s l e of View," was his answer. "Nothing doing," was her reply. " I ' m a perfect lady, sir."
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Every morn at hah" past nine All the -students fall in line. Into chapel the}- must go Stt, so many in a row. Then the Dean sits there and waits Until the noise all abates lie a number at us flings Then most everybody sings. After prayer we sing again, The Dean says, "'nouncements?" Then! Up jumps Steeley, full of pep, Makes the best announcement yet, Just before he takes his seat. We hear the Seniors are to meet. " A l l the Sandburr stuff is due" " I ' d like to meet the Juniors," too. Then the Sophies challenge all To a game of volley ball. Some five committees then will call Mow can one, now, go to all? " I f you've any bills to pay W o n ' t you do it. please, today?" When we think announcements done Uuswell makes a final one. Then the Dean puts on a smile Slowly rising up the while, " T h e host and Found have this to say: 'Pound another pen today." T think this plenty, what say you? 14 Y e s / " the Dean says : "That will do."
Steeley: \ To miss Caldwell) " L e t ' s see, does Y. W. lead chapel this morning, or do 1 Dean Ashcraft; "A mirror does not give a real revalatioru" Mr, Sweet: "It's near enough!" Davis: "Smith, describe the grasshopper." Fat Smith: (dreamily) "It's a segmented wormâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; Donegan: " W h a t are you trying to do? Make a fool of me?" Lenore Mil1igan:"Oh no, Nature beat us to it."
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When entering the class room during the session you should always be talking loudly or whistling, or if you have a little vocal talent, sing an "'aria'1 from one of the latest Italian operas. This manner of entrance is very desirable, not only because it will attract the attention of everyone in the room, but it will also give you a grand entree.
After having slammed the door sufficiently, walk' to a convenient seat, assuming all the while a bored expression of disinterest.
If there is but one seat unoccupied, and several persons to be seated, rush madly for it, and loudly assert your right to it. If you happen to knock anybody down in the hurry, tramp on him, he should not be in the way.
If the temperature of the room is uncomfortable secure a chair, and draw it up to the radiator. No matter if you do block the aisle: it was only put there for your special benefit anyway, tf the room is too warm to suit yon, fling the window clear up. no matter if other folks aÂťe cold: they should have worn wool so.-ks and fur overcoats.
Strike up a conversation with anybody in the class, the farther away the better. If the instructor or any student has the effrontery to remonstrate, freeze him with an icy stare. You have paid your tuition and are entitled to some privileges besides being flunked.
After you are tired of annoying those about you who have been trying to get something out of the lecture, dig around your pockets and find something to make a noise. .V bald head or a fair maiden intent on tier notes will either one make a fine target for paperwads. You might even find some paper that you could tear up and scatter on the floor, as a carpet tor your feet.
It is well to remember that nothing is so appreciated aw art. so if you have any ability along that line there is no better time and place to exercise it than during the class hour, with a dull knife upon the back of the seat in front of you. Furniture is cheap nowadays and manufacturers have such little sense of decoration, anyway.
When class is over make a grand rush for the door, be the first one out and be sure you start some excitement in the hall.
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One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
Co-op Clerk: "This book will do half your work." Coffey: "Give me two." " W h a t is the subject of your graduating essay? Something practical, 1 hope?" " y e s , " said Louise: "I propose to discuss what civilization owes to the ice-cream sundae.'* it is easy enough to look pleasant When the Spring comes around with a rush: But the Fellow worth while Jo the one who can smile, When l.e slips and sets down in the slush. Consider the ways of the little green cucumber, which never does its best fighting 'till its down. T H E FLIRT Hazel Rogers: (shows Reynolds a sentence she has written.) "There!" Reynolds: " I s that letter an " i " or an " e " ? " Hazel: "It's an " i " ! If you look close you can tell what my "i's" (eyes?) look like."
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
In a parlor there were three: A maid, a parlor lamp and he, Two were company, without a doubt, And so the parlor lamp went out. Oh, a trouble's a ton or a trouble's an ounce, Or a trouble is what you make it. But it isn't the fact that you're hurt that counts, But only how did you take it.
Hazel R.: "The man wTho marries me will be in luck, for I have but one expensive habit." Duke: " A n d what is that?" Hazel: "Extravagance." W A S THE OTHER IN A PILL B O X ? Davis: "Samuelson, where are the pill-bugs and sand hoppers found?" Samuelson: (very intelligently) " W e l l , one of them is found in the sand. His real name-is Earl Willian. We never call him Bill. Garda calls him Earl, dear. But his name's Earl William, still. There was a man who fancied that by driving good and fast, He'd get his car across the track before the train came past, . He'd miss the engine by an inch, and make the train hands sore. There was a man who fancied this; there isn't any more. Gael: (searching through the halls) "I hear a bird somewhere! W h y ! Mr. Gentert was that you, whistling?" Now I lay me down to rest, To study I have done my best, if I die before I wake. Then I'll have no exams to take. POPULAR
My Little Girl Perry Caldwell How Can i Leave Thee "Skinny"* Farewell to Thee Seniors I've Only One Idea About the Girls ., Andrew Schmidt 1 Know I ve Got More Than My Share Lenore Grosshans Keep the Home Fires Burning Merle Snider "See here, Goldah, don't you ever sweep under the bed?" "I always do, Miss Fetters. It's so much easier than using a dust pan." He to Lena W . : "Your voice is heavenly." She, i'Oh do you think so?" H e : "Well-er-at least it's unearthly."
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
A. 11. C. D.
E. i\ G. [[< I. J.
K. 1,. M. X. 0. P. Qr R.
is for Alice with face ho s w e e t Our Librarian, Alice, is hard to beat. is for Bissett who keeps the most dates lie knows all the things about all the States. is for Clifford who aspires to a banker. If she'd give him a date, of course he'd thank her, is for Davis, and Daddy this year. We know she's a wonder, and sheTs also a dear. is for Ernest who whistles or sings. He may be slow but he knows lots oi things. is tor " F a t " who likes to bluff. Says Davis right o f f : "Smith, that's enough!" is for Garda who ^oes For a walk. Her greatest enjoyment is hearing Earl talk. is for Hattie and what do you think? She taught a preacher's son just how to wink I is for " I r i s h " who can loup the loup, She stays at the " C o n " and juggles the soup. is for Jimmy, the Senior class poet. He's exceedingly handsome but don't Jet him know it. is for Kaliff, our t w o famous twins. W h o tells them apart a victory wins. stands for Lester who went to the war. You'll have to ask \rtna it yon want to know more. is For Mildred, the gir] with the curl. Says Mildred each morning: f , T m ;t nice little girl," is for X a than, for short call him Pete. H i s supreme ambition is to get lots to eat. is for Otis fond lover and preacher. The object was M'yra; of love he did teach her, is for Pauline; height, seven feet. For length and for breadth she can not he beat. is for quizes that all the profs give. If we take 'em all how can we live. is for Raymond who paced through the hall. When he had to leave school you should 'a seen the girls bawl.
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
is for Seniors with pride and joy. What difference makes it, if they've but one boy? T. is for Tatlow, the boys call him Tat. - The girls know Jiim well "fora' of that." U. is for 'umor, we ain't-got much. But you couldn't give" us the likes of such. V. is for Vantine, the boys call her Tiny. 'Tis the wish of each heart: "If she could only be mine-y." W. is for Westover who did a daugh cultivate. Lena's all right but it's the laugh we hate. X. is for xcuses which make the profs smile. They might not accept 'em, but that ain't their style. Y. is for yells which create enthusiasm. It's the yell Razzle Dazzle that gives us a spasm. Z. is for zero which none of us love. It makes a good ending to these things above.
WILL that honorable, everwise, in.defatigabLe, farseeing. patient and earnest body THE FACULTY always be as gentle and kind and forbearing with us Seniors as they have EVER been in the past, and will we continue to attend their lectures and GO to their quizzes with as much delectation (?) and delight as always, TO the extent of never cutting, and-always paying attention to them? HEAVEN forbid!
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One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
One hntu誰red fifty-eigJit
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
Dr. A. F. Still Dead. (He'll probably stay that way for some time.) James Hanna: "Did you have any trouble catching the train?" Otis W e b b : " O h , no; it stood still and let me walk right up to it." "Oh, spare me, dear angel, one lock of your hair," A bashful young lover took courage and sighed. "'Twere a sin to refuse you so modest a prayer, So take the whole wig," the sweet creature replied. "I hear she is going to be married. W h o is the happy man?" " H e r father." Lenore Grosshans: " W h a t a finely chiseled mouth you have; it ought to be on a girl's face. Bill Smith: " W e l l , I never lose an opportunity." " Y o u are the light of my heart," said she As she kissed her beau good night. Then came a voice from the top of the stairs: "Hattie, put out the light!" Dean Ashcraft: " W h a t is the most nervous thing next to a woman?" Coffey: "Fletcher next to a woman." Professor Feemster: "And—aah—will the persons who are absent speak to me about it directly after class?" Art Y . : "I'd like to take you to the theatre tonight, but the seats won't be comfortable." Lena W . : " W h a t makes you think so?" Art Y . : "The government put tax on them." Freshie: " H o w would you feel if you saw a lecture on "Fools" advertised, and when you bought a ticket found it was marked "Admit One?" Davis: "I told you to notice when that solution boiled over." Wooley: "I did, It was a quarter to four." Raymond W o l f e : "Winter always makes me think of bed." Bill Smith: " H o w ' s that?" Raymond: "Because it has such beautiful blankets of snow." Bill: "Oh, I see; and such lovely sheets of ice."
One hundred twentjj*-ei£h.t
M'—More Slander. A—Admirable Photographs. R— Real wit. A—Another Slam. T—Things we didn't know before. H—Honest Efforts. O—Old and New Poetry. N—Near facts. All these we Offer You Now Thankfully we _ say, "Adieu." 1—Fault we have slammed in you. 9—Pardons we beg of you. 18—Days let your grievance wait. Days while we recreate.
Fletcher: "This green banana reminds me of a Freshman." Lettie: "That dry toast makes me think of a Junior." Fletcher: "The Soph's are probably like Oleomargarine an imitation of the real thing. What do the Seniors remind you of?" Lettie: (looking about) "Oh, thev are like that puffed wheat over there."
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One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
Suddenly from the deep recesses of study, the mind is recalled by a cry "away with thy books! Haste to the laundry room window and watch Aurora in all her splendor illuminate the black dome of night. Across the midnight sky, two flaming bands of yellow and orange light up the earth beneath. A meteor, for one second, shines in all its glory and then delves off into infinite space. Far to the north, a streak of light as from one gigantic search light is turned perpendicularly toward the. heavens above. Another, for an instance, appears in the south. W h a t can be the source of this miraculous display? N o w the flaming bands of color are melting into the intense darkness, excepting in one portion of the sky where it seems to collect in greater brilliancy than ever. Suddenly, across the lighted space come moving numerous, dark, mysterious objects. " T h e Germans, The Germans are coming."—the wild startled cry rings through the hall. Hurriedly, coats, caps and kimonas are grabbed by the inmates of the Dorm and a wild scramble is made for the door—If a bomb is dropped on Hulitt conservatory, much safer will it be outside! Are they making straight for this institution? Swiftly, swiftly comes the large black zeppelin in the lead. Next to it the great air birds seem to lie making straight toward their object of vengeance. With terrified hearts, the observers watch the approaching doom. How did the Germans get passed Washington D. C. ? W h y are thev going to harm the innocent inmates of Hulitt Con.? Will their friends miss them when they find they have been killed by a German bomb? Will the Germans destroy all the buildings, or only the Dormitory? These are some of the thoughts that flashed through the minds of the observers. Should they run"^ Where should they go?—Onward, still onward come the dark objects until they seemed to he right over the water tower. But wait! W h a t a queer shape that Zeppelin is now taking! In a second, as it were, it seems to break into fifty pieces. The airships, too, ti'ke on a peculiar form. Suddenly, while all eyes are rivited o't the changing spectacle, a peal nf laughter breaks from one of the fair damsels— '"Tis only clouds," she calmly said. "I think we're fools—let's go to bed."
One hundred twentjj*-ei£h.t
Owing to Kaiser Bill's intervention in the domestic felicity of the here-to-fore energetic and wide awake Fusser's Club the afore mentioned club has dissolved and out of it has devolved a sober, melancholy, cynical, heavy-hearted, weepy-eyed Widow's Club, sorely prejudiced against tne afore mentioned Kaiser Bill. The officers are as follows: Chief Mourner Nina Belle Caldwell Corresponding Secretary . . Edith Callender Sergeant-at-arms-less Merle Snider Stamp-licker Velma Stuckey Trustee of Knitting Club Alta Funkhouser Chairman of Mending of Broken Heart . . Gladys Hammond Doubtful Members . . . . . Goldah Tomlin, Louise Ankeny Prospective Members . . . . Garda Parker, Mary Cave
Order of Procedure
1—Salute: Waving of the last letter. 2—Roll Call. Response—Current events at Camp. 3—Duties: To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction. 4—Club Song: When the Boys Come Marching Home. Motto: "Ours not to reason why, ours but to wait and sigh." Flower—Bleeding-heart Emblem—Postage stamp Benediction—(Mizpal, revised) Maylove continue between me and thee when we are absent, one from the other.
"Hats—when the Flag goes by: Hats—as its colors fly. Red for the blood in it. White for the love in it, Blue for the Good in it— The Flag!"
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One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
"Sky" in his Uniform This is the cook Who feeds the men Who make the Sammies W ho cross the ocean Who join the allies W h o lick the Kaiser A n d enter Berlin!
T ime 1-1 istory exams. 1 ntentions N ew Year's Resolutions G iris S ympathy W ilhelm i: nthusiasm C A N T
amouflage ppearances otes rains D E P t? N D
itching class ditors ^ opularitv fforts ickles reams O urselves N uts
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One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
Breathes there a girl with soul so dead W h o never to herself hath said—A string of cuss words? F O R S A L E — A hall whose garret has several rafters loose. — E D SENNV Officer: (furiously " W h a t is the matter- Where are your shots gotng?T' W o o l e y : "I don't know. They left here all right." Pat was in the museum looking at a copy of the " W i n g e d Victory." " A n d phat may yez call that?" he asked an attendant. "That is a statue of victory, sir/' was the answer. Pat surveyed the headless and armless statue with renewed interest. "Victory, is it?" he said, "Then, oi'd loike to see the other fellow." Prof. Bisset: "Going to plant potatoes in your garden this spring, Dean?" Dean Ashcraft: "I thought I would, hut when I looked up the way to do it 1 found that potatoes have to be planted in hills, and our yard is perfectly flat/" Sweet: "Can a person be punished for something he hasn't done?" Prof. Feemster: " O f course not.%f Sweet: " W e l l . I haven't done my Trig," " N o . Lawrence, I won't. Think if mother saw us." " O h . please, Lenore, she'd never see." " W e l l somebody would, and anyway it's naughty;' " Y e s , but it's awful nice." "Please. Lawrence, don't talk about it. I'd like to, but I don't think a girl should." "Please, Lenore, just once. I know youVl like it. too." " Y e s , but tf I did once, you'd want to again and it isn't nice," "Lenore, you're so wonderful I have just got to. 1 bet if T should go to war and get shot you'll wish you had." " W e l l , then, Lawrence, just this once we'll play tennis on Sunday, but never again. Duke to Gladys H.: " W h y just look how your collar is wrinkled." Gladys: "I don't care—it's your fault!"
On e htin d red $ Ixty-niv e
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One ìvundréd seventy-one
The Shorthand Department is the goal to which the average Commercial student looks forward. It is no wonder they do for, after acquiring a certain degree of efficiency in this department, they will have practically ended their Business College career. About seventy-five students have enrolled in this department since the first of September, a fair numoer, considering so many answering the call of their country, who would otherwise have been in school. The work of this Department consists of Shorthand, Typewriting, Spelling, Penmanship, and Office Training to the advanced students. The Gregg System of Shorthand is taught by Mr. Townsend, who shows his skill and patience with beginners, and also with some of the others who persist in not doing things as they ought. The L. C. Smith, the Underwood, and the Remington Typewriters are used. Several of the students have won the 40-word Test Certificate. Office Training is being followed with much interest, with Mr. Townsend as pilot. Some of the. features taken up are: Office Routine, Banking, Filing, Office Appliances, Shipping, Department and Business Ethics, Telegrams and Cablegrams. Mr. Townsend also has the Penmanship class and there shows his ability as a Penmanship Instructor. Miss Francis has the spelling class which is one of the important, it not the most important of all studies, as a good stenographer M U S T know how to spell.
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
Jolly-Up Reception
Sept. 12
Joint Reception
Sept. 15
Seniors entertained by Percy Burke
Sept. 28
Dean and Mrs. Ashcraft entertained the faculty Senior class Breakfast
Oct. 18
Sophomore-Collegiate Reception
Oct. 19,
Junior-Senior Hallow'een Party
Oct. 30
Expression Banquet Annual Football Banquet
Dec. 13
Mid-Year Joint Reception
Jan. 24
Sophomore Party at home of Lena King Fourth Academy entertained at home of Nellie Bennett . . . . . ' :
Jan. 25 Jan. 20
Senior Recognition
Feb. 22
Mr. and M'rs. Buswell at home to Seniors
Feb. 22
First and Second Academy entertained at the home of Miss Callendar Seniors entertained by Opal Harritt
Mar. 2 -.
Mar. 14
Grace Getty at home to the Juniors
Mar. 22
Junior-Senior Banquet
Apr..; 13
May Festival
Ofte hundred seVenty-foilr
May 1
One hundred twentjj*-eiÂŁh.t
Otte Ifbuun&fed severity-siti