Marathon 1949

Page 1

Foreword As Omar Khayyam, Persian astronomer-poet of the twelfth century, roamed his own element recording in ageless verse the activities of his

athletics, students and faculty alike during his sojourn, and he has recorded through the modern medium of photography the highlights of the

neighbors, so has our own 20th century counterpart, Omar Athon toured the Y. C. campus during the past year. Omar has been journeying, un-

year. Throughout the student section he has accented the organization heads which you as students elected to head your campus activities.

known, in the personage of any one of thirteen of your schoolmates, through every activity and organization. He has observed parties,

At times, he has thought Khayyam had the right words and so quoted him. At all times, he has tried to portray events and people symbolic of this year.

FRED VORCE, Editor JOHN HOLM, Business Manager

J'age 2

R o o m m a t e s Harriet and W i c k y relax ill c o m f o r t in their tastefully colorful at the .Annex.

A class of freshmen find that even orientation can be interesting when under the sage instruction of Dr. AVeidler.

Mudge maneuvers a turban on the noble brow of Johnny Holm, wlio really takes this Persian trend seriously.

J'age 3


Think, in this batter'd Caravanserai W hose Doorways are alternate Night and Day, How Sultan after Sultan with his Pomp Abode his Hour or two, and went his way. The Moving Finger writes: and, having writ, Moves on: Nor all thy Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

L o ! some we loved, the loveliest and best That Time and Fate of all their Vintage prest. Have drunk their Cup a Round or two before. And one by one crept silently to Rest.

Then to the rolling Heav'n itself I cried, Asking, " W h a t Lamp had Destiny to guide " H e r little Children stumbling in the D a r k ? " And—"A

blind U n d e r s t a n d i n g ! "



Head of the York College Music



Charles Tfi. Amadou This volume chronicles one year of

of years.

a rushed, collegiate existence

Because we have these memories



in reality, has not

been reached.

Its effects will be

his kindness and courage,



we have been awed by the strength

noted in our lives next year, and the

of which his whole life gave evidence,

next, and so on into infinity.

because we have had our own mis-

This volume is a tribute to a man

takes converted

whose life has passed beyond tangible

stones for improvement

realms. But he has gained immor-

reflection of his own dignity;

tality in the lives of those who

these, and all our private,


reasons, we dedicate this Marathon

him; his influence will

ramify till it is lost in the dimness

of 1949


to our DEAN

stepping by the for



ihe Vot


My self when young did eagerly frequent Doctor and Saint, and heard great Argument With them the Seed of W i s d o m did I sow, And with my own hand labour'd it to grow. They talk of some strict testing of u s — P i s h ! He's a Good Fellow, and 'twill all be well. Of Your Base Metal may be filed a Key, That shall unlock the Door that waits without.

Earl I. Doty Head, Department of History and Political Science 1878 - 1.94»

President presents Dr. Bisset with diploma f o r his 5 0 years of ordination.

Yon rising Moon that looks for us again— How oft hereafter will she wax and wane; How oft hereafter rising look for us Through this same Garden—and for one in vain!

Zelila M. Wakelin

Al Zerwekli

Head, Dept. of M o d e m Head, Dept. of Chemistry Languages

Irene Sliipley

Deleth E. Weidler

Head, Dept. of Speech

Head, Dept. of Education J'age 12

•I ept

L Holm ,,r lOducation

K«la I,. Ei:i:!kin Mead. Kept, ol' Fiano

.). (".itVord Morgan Head. Dept. of Classical Language and Bible

Ho'i'ii .1" I'olk Treasurer

Vaimlm K. Lea m my; Colles* Puslor

(•• T. Savcry Rusinoss Mnrassr

< ¡5iss<'< Hvm\. Dept. of Son Kcie ico. Hislorv

Maylxlle Taylor Head Librarian

Fanny Harris Lnper House Mother. Hulitt Hall

(iladj < I'oaison Piano

Kdith ."M. ('allondcr Head, Dept. of English

Ja-ii<'s Ivooiitz Music Department

J'age 14

(矛. li. Townsciid Commercial Department li. K. 'l'onkiil Coach

31rs. I). H. Sill Dietitian

Mary I.lie Warner Secretary to President

Sot贸 al

Mrs. O. L. Donohoc Department of Physical Education Denny ,\ucliar<l Department of Mathematics

Bertha Uifijis Boone Department of Music Leo Huebort Department of English

William C. Noll Head, Dept. of B i o l o g y

J'age 15

Hope Howland Manager of B o o k Store Louis Jtacbow Assistant Librarian


Anderson, Norma Jean York, Nebr. Major—Drama Zetas, Alpha Psi Omega, Pres., Sandburr, Marathon, Ass. Ed., Panther Club, Cheer leader

Blanch, Barbara Jean York, Nebr. Major—Drama Chapel Choir, IRC. Zetas, Alpha Psi Omega, Sandburr, Marathon

Bason, Doris Jean York, Nebr. Major—Drama Y W C A , Zetas, Alpha Psi Omega, Panther Club, Treas.

Hartsaw, J. AY. Powell, Nebr. Major—Religion PALS, Sandburr

Graham, Jean York, Nebr. Major-Education Y W C A , Zetas

H o l b r o o k , Harvey Jr. Orchard, Nebr. Major—Mathematics Zetas, Y-Club, Basketball

Hoist, Alyois York, Nebr. Major—Psychology and Philosophy OBN, L W R , YMCA, PALS, Y-Club, Golf

J'age 16


a Holton, Harolil Russell, la. Major-Music

Ivuiimi, .Anna Platte Center, Nebr. Major-Mathematics L W R , Pres., Y W C A . Zetas, Marathon Pantherettes, Treas. Class Treasurer

Karutx, John Stockton, Cal. Major—Religion OBN, YMCA, Y-Club Student Council Kurt/., Merwin Alton, Kan. Major-Expression OBN, L W R , YMCA, Zetas, Alpha Psi Omega Koefe, Lucille Telferner. Tex. M a j o r - P o l . Sc. Y W C A , Pantherettes WAA

Larkins, Dunne Republic, Ivans. Major—History OBN, YMCA. Zetas, Y-Club

MrUrejior, Robert York, Nebr. Major-Mathematics

McMinn, ('lande Salina, Kans. Major—Psych-Phil. OBN, L W R , YMCA

Page 17


Miller, Waiula Russel. Kans.

Mizell, Ivalee Clayton, Kans.

Major-Music Y W C A , Chapel Choir, Zetas, Panther Club, Cheerleader

Major—Sociology Y W C A , Zetas, W A A , Pres., Pantherettes

Munsiiiger, (jalen Speed, Kans. Major—History Zetas, Y-Club

Reger, Oren York, Nebr.

Rhoadcs, Clifford York, Nebr. Major—Chemistry Y-Club, Pres., Panther Club, Vice Pres., Football. Basketball

RifïS's, Merl M e m a , Nebr. Major—Eur. History PALS, President

Richard, Glen York, Nebr. Ma jor—Sociolos YMCA, PALS, Track

Roberts, Willa Fairbury. Nebr. Major-Sociology L W R , Y W C A , PALS, W A A , Pantherettes. Class Secretary

Major—English OBN, Vice Pres., L W R , YMCA, Chapel Choir, IRC. Zetas

J'age 18

Walker, Klsie Üanta Cruz, N. Mex. Williams, Charles Major—Chemistry Zetas, Student Council. R o t i f u n k , Sierra Leone, West Africa Treas. WAA Major—BiologyChemistry L W R , Pre-Med.. Class V. Pres. Walker, Harold Santa Cruz, N. Mex. Major-History YMCA, IRC, Zetas, Y-Club, Student Council, Pres. Sandbiirr, Football, Basketball. Track

Weston, Hntli York, Nebr.

Wortliington, K. Paul Muscatine, la. Major—History Y-Club. Tennis

Major—Expression Y W C A . Zetas, Pres. Alpha Psi, Omega, V. Pres. Pantherettes

liobson, Tom Thayer, Nebr. Major-BiologyChem. Zetas, Pre-Med. Club, Student Council Snow, Milton Des Moines. la. Major-Biology Chapel Choir, PALS, Pre-Med. Pres., Y-Club, Sandbiirr, Business Mgr. Cheerleader.

^ r t C L L E G £ YGRií..

Slianeyfelt, Glenn Central City, Nebr. M a j o r - M a t h ematics Y-Club, Zetas. Basketball Thomas, Harriet Topeka, Kans. Major-Eng. Expression L W R , Y W C A . IRC, Alpha Psi Omega. Student Council. Zetas, Sandbiirr, Editor. Pantherettes.'lÄil I

W a y n e knocks at the bookstore door to see if there's Hope within.

Anderson, Opal York, Nebr. Major-Sociology «ason< Richi»rd Y W C A , Chapel Choir, D e s Moines, la. PALS, W A A , Marathon Major—Mathematics Panther Club, Y-Club, Golf, Cheerleader Cheerleader

Boelir, Bennie Henderson, Nebr. Major-Sociology PALS, Track

Crounse, Norman McCool Jet., Nebr. Major-

Bei-gland, James Glendive, Mont. Major—History OBN, L W R , YMCA—V. Pres. PALS, Student Council

Deever, Paul Parsons, Kans. Major—Phil-Psych. OBN, L W R , YMCA, IRC, V. Pres. Zetas, Sandburr

Dvorak, Bernice Swisher, la. Major—Sociology L W R , Y W C A . Prog. Ch. Zetas, Sandburr

Friesen, Dennis Henderson, Nebr. Major—Biology PALS, Pre-Med. Football, Basketball

Dyer, Denzel McCool Jet., Nebr. Major-Chem.-Math. PALS, Class V. Pres.

Garcia, Ernestine Santa Fe, N. Mex. Major—General Y W C A , PALS, Sec.

Farrer, W a y n e Sioux City, la. Major—History YMCA, Y-Club, PALS. Football, Basketball Tennis

Hergert, Forrest Alexander, Kans. Major—Psychology YMCA, L W R , OBN Sec.-Treas., Zeta, Sandburr, IRC.

If you've been looking for Les, you should looked here in the shop.


Herron, Leslie Ames, la. Major—English L W R , YMCA. Zetas. Y-Club

Holm, John York, Nebr. Major—Chemistry .Marathon Business Mgr.

Jackson, Mary K . Adrian, Mo. Major—Expression Y W C A , Pres., IRC, PALS, Sandburr

K a m m , Frank Platte Center, Nebr. Zetas, Pre-Med. Club, Vice president, Class President


Scotty rehearses the technique that makes her Pantherette drill leader.

Kennedy, Opal LaCrosse, Wash. Major—Sociology L W R - P r o g . Ch. Y W C A , IRC

Kilpatrick, A l f r e d York, Nebr. Major—HistoryReligion

Koontz, G. Fred Des Moines, la. Major—Expression YMCA, PALS. Alpha Psi Omega, Treas.

Kurtz, Jeanne Des Moines, la. Major—General LWR Y W C A . Zetas

Lake, Richard York, Nebr. Major—History

Langenberg, Rachel W o o d r u f f , Kans. Major—Sociology YWCA-Sec. Chapel Choir, PALS, W A A , Pantherettes

Light, Donald R. Salina, Kans. Major—PhilosophyPsych. OBN, L W R . YMCA, Zetas

Martin, Joseph Hagerstown, Md. Major—General

Martinez, Alberto Vallecitos, N. Mex. Major-Biology— Chem. Zetas, Y-Club. PreMed. Club, Football, Basketball. Track

Medsker, Frank Columbus, Kans. Major-Sociology OBN, L W R , YMCA, PALS, Y-Club, Student Council, Football, Track

The other party may not be visible, but this is Mary Kay meeting a deadline.

Meeker, Clarolyim Enid, Okla. Major—Sociology Y W C A , Zetas. W A A , Panther Club, Pres. I- antherettes. Drill Captain

Miller, Kugene Eenecict, Nebr. Major—History PALS, Y-Club. Basketball

Kaiser, Delibi Glendive, Mont. Major—Sociologv L W R , PALS

Megill, Faith Arkansas City, Kans. Major-English LWR, YWCA, WAA, Class Treasurer

Miller, Richard Ventura, la. Major—Phil.-Psych. OBN, YMCA, Chapel Choir, PALS, Student Council-V. Pres. Sandburr

Owens, Harry Okmulgee, Okla. Major—General YMCA, PALS Treas. Chapel Choir

John, the mad scientist, notes the lab's most used formula:

l'olson, Maude Ritli Dacoma, Okla. Major—English LWR, Y W C A , Chapel Choir, Class Pres.


Porter, WArren Aurora, Nebr. Majur—Phil. OHM, L W R . Chapel Choir. IFiC, Pres. Zetas, Student Council. Marathon Basketball

Reger, John Strang, Nebr. Major—History

Riggs, Belty Jean Riddle, Lois Merna, Nebr. Brookfield, Mo. Major—History Major-English L W R , Y W C A , PALS, LWR, V. Pres. Y W C A Student Council Class Secretary

Smith, Lynn York, Nebr.

Voice, Krcd Brookfield, Mo. Major—Drama Zetas, Y-Club, Alpha Psi Omega, Sandburr, Marathon, Editor, Football, Tennis


Watson, Don York, Nebr. Major-History LWR, YMCA, Y-Club Football, Basketball, Track

Sineltzer, Pauline Fulton, Mo. Major—Rel. Ed.-Psych. L W R , Y W C A , Treas. Chapel Choir, PALS, WAA

Wade, Gwendolyn Enid, Okla. Major—Expression Y W C A , Zetas, W A A . Panther Club, Pantherettes, Cheerleader B Team

Way, Del ill er Surprise. Nebr. Major—Mathematics YMCA, Zetas, Y-Club

Yates, Oren J. Phoenix. Ariz. Major—History

The morgue Dick's examining happens to be the Sandburr cut file.

Bailey, (¡era M York, Nebr. Major-English YMCA, PALS, Sandbiirr

Bott, Carl Alexander, Kans. M a j o r - P o l . Sc. Zetas, Basketball

Bethke, Alberta Whittier, Calif. Major—Music L W R , Y W C A . PALS

Bott, Gleima Alexander, Kans. Major—Sociology Y W C A , Zetas

Breckcnridge, John W o o d s t o n , Kans. Major-General YMCA, PALS, Track

Hrckke, Beverly Bozeman, Mont. Major—General Y W C A . Pantherettes Zetas. W A A

Boone, Charles Hamlet, North Car. Major—English

Brandenburg, Oneta Wichita, Kans. Major—General Pantherettes, P A L S V. Pres. W A A

Carpenter, Rosella Espanola, N. Mex. Major—Chemistry L W R , YWCA-Sec. PALS, W A A


Fred proves that it takes a gymnast to stage a play.

Creech, B e n j a m i n York, Nebr. Major-BiologyChem.

Dahlke, James Benedict, Nebr. Major—Chemistry YMCA, PALS

Dever, Lois Adrian, Mo. Major—Religion Y W C A , L W R , Zetas

Duncan, Janet Davenport, la. Major—Music Y W C A , Zetas

Eastman, Elvin Twin Falls, Ida. M a j o r - H i s t o r y - P o l Sc. Kinbree, Paul Broken Bow, Nebr. YMCA, Chapel Choir Major—Mathematics PALS, IRC YMCA, PALS, Football

Embree, Robert Merna, Nebr. Major—Psychology YMCA, L W R , PALS Chapel Choir

Ferguson, Arthur Friend, Nebr. Major—History

Emerick, Charles Portland, Ore. Major—Biology YMCA, L W R , Zeta Treas., Y-Club Marathon, Football

Fillman, Gordon York, Nebr. M a j o r - P o l . Sc. Zetas

Erfourth, Donald St. James, Minn. Major—Mathematics Zeta V. Pres. Sandburr, Marathon Y-Club, Panther Club, Football, Basketball, Tennis

Fillman, Warren York, Nebr. Major—Mathematics Zetas

The smile must mean that the solution is obvious to physicist Doyle. Foster, Kenneth York, Nebraska Major-Chemistry Zeta

Fuller, Patricia York, Nebraska Major—General

Gustafson, Doyle Polk, Nebr. Major-Biology YMCA, Football

Hedrick, Stanley Gresham, Nebr. Major—General Football, Basketball Track

Harris, George Nelson, Nebr. Major—Chemistry YMCA, L W R , PALS, Pre-Med. Club

HolT, Georgann Los Alamos, N. Mex. Major—Expression Zeta, Marathon, Panther Club, Pantherettes, W A A

Garcia, Maximinio Ojo Caliente, N. Mex. Major—Sociology L W R , YMCA, PALS IRC

Harris, Nonna Martland, Nebr. Major—Sociology Y W C A . L W R , PALS

Holbrook, Helen Orchard, Nebr. Major—Education IRC, Zetas

Kemp, Paul Mullen, Nebr. Major-General 1'ootball. Basketball

Kurtz, Leta Alton, Kans. Major-General L W R , Zeta, Sec. Pantherette V. Pres. IRC. Class Secretary


Lower, Darrell York, Nebr. Major—BiologyLhem. I re-Med. Clul), Basketball

Lundis, (»corse Seward, Nebr.

.Marquez, Coral Santa Fe, N. Mex. Major—Expression. L W R . Y W C A , PALS, Treas. Pantherettes. WAA


Marvel, Clair Valeda, Kans. Major—Sociology OBN, L W R , YMCA, Sec. IRC. PALS


The passage temporarily stumps clarinet.




Mathis, Jack Parsons, Kans. Major—General OBN. Basketball Football, Tennis

Mclvini, Norma Mankato, Kans. Major-Education Y W C A , L W R , Pantherettes, Zetas

Millc., Lois Day/son. Nebr. Major—Expression Y W C A . L W R , Pantherettes, Pres. PALS, W A A , Sec. Class Treasurer

Mead, Carol Imperial, Nebr. Major—Bible-Rel. Y W C A . L W R . PALS

Newton, Darwin Polk, Nebr. Major—History IRC. Basketball, Track

Nordstrom, James York. Nebraska Major—Psychology

l'atenaiidc, Robert Indianapolis, Ind. Major—Religion OBN, L W R , YMCA, PALS. IRC.

I'orter, Frances Aurora, Nebr. Major-Expression L W R , Y W C A , Zetas. W A A , Treas. Marathon

Kasinussen, Floyd Bradshaw, Nebr. Major—General

Riley, Glen Wichita, Kans. Major-Psych.-Phil. OBN, L W R , PALS

Schlueter, Clarence York, Nebr. Major-Pol. Sc.

Swartz, Darlene York, Nebr. Major-Pol. Sc. YWCA, L W R , Pantherettes, Zetas

Uockhold, Cecil Salina, Kans. Major—General Football, Baseball. Y-Club

Sanchez, Helen Hol man, N. Mex. Major—General Y W C A , LWR-Sec. Pantherettes, PALS, W A A

Smith, Dale Concordia, Kans. Major—Phil.-Psych. OBN. L W R . YMCA, IRC, Zetas

Strong, Dean Garfield, Wash.

L'nger, Allen Loveland, Colo, Major-Religion OBN, L W R

Taylor, Martha York, Nebr.

Major-Psych.-Phil. OBN, L W R , YMCA. PALS

Major—General Y W C A . Zetas

This domestic scene, courtesy of Lois, who tends to her knittin'.

Urbach, Richard York, Nebr. Major-Psych.-Phil. LWR, OBN, Pres. PALS

Winfield, Catherine Waco, Nebr. Major-Home Ec. YWCA, L W R , PALS. Pantherettes

Walker, Catherine Maize, Kans. Major—General Y W C A , PALS, Pantherettes-Sec. WAA

Woelfie, Mary Loveland, Colo. Major—Biology Y W C A . L W R . PALS

Weaver, Eugene Tulsa, Okla. Major—Biology YMCA, L W R , PreMed. Club, Y-Club. Class V, Pres.

Wood,-:. Delmer Cheyenne, W y o . Major—Chemistry IRC, PALS, Pre. Med. Club, Radio .^lub Page 27

.Anderson, Ross Brighton, Colo. Major—General

Austin, L e o York, Nebr. Major—General YMCA

Bean, Charles Des Moines, la. Major—Biology YMCA, Pre. Med. Club, Y-Club, Football, Benfer, Barbara Robinson, Kans. Basketball Major-Music Y W C A , Zetas, W A A Pantherettes, Class Secretary Brandenburg, Mabel Russell, Kans. Major—English Y W C A , PALS

Brakke, Helen Harlem, Mont. Major—Mathematics L W R , Y W C A , PALS, Pantherettes

Baker, Charlotte Clarks, Nebr. Major—Education Y W C A , PALS, Pantherettes

Bergland, John Glendive, Mont. Major-Psych.-Phil. OBN, L W R , YMCA, PALS, Football, Basketball

Brooke, John York, Nebr. Major—Biology Pre-Medicai Club Zetas

Hiram finds his own way to his heart; no recipe book or anything.

Brown, Iris Garfield, Wash Major—General Y W C A , PALS

Brown, Malcolm Garfield, Wash. Major—Biology PALS, Pre-Med. Club

Carlisle, Mary York, Nebr. Major—General Y W C A , Zetas, Pantherettes

Clayton, Maxine Utica, Nebr. Major—General YWCA

Burhoop, Dorothy McCool Jet., Nebr. Major—Phys. Ed. Y W C A , Pantherettes W A A , Zetas, Student Council

Coleman, Joan Riverdale, Calif. Major—Music L W R , Y W C A , PALS, W A A , Pantherettes

Crandall, Claude Trenton, Mo. Major—General Football

Crocker, Eleanore Diller, Nebr. Major-Education YWCA, W A A

Denton, Carol York, Nebr. Major-Sociologv L W R , Y W C A , PALS, WAA

Doak, Carol Alton, Kans. Major—General Y W C A . Zetas

Dahlke, Mabel Jean Benedict, Nebr. Major—Music Y W C A , Zetas

Dougherty, Teresa York, Nebr. Major-General

Slush shows you what worry can do to a guy. Dvorak, Lavona Swisher, la. Major-Journalism Y W C A , Zetas, W A A , Sandburr, Pantherettes

Fisliel, Roberta Bellevue, Wash. Major—General L W R , Y W C A , Pantherettes, Panther Club, B team Cheerleader

Embree, Helen Broken Bow, Nebr. Major-English PALS, Sandburr

Franz, Valda Sutton, Nebr. Major—General L W R , Y W C A , PALS, W A A , Class V. Pres.

Kpp, l'atsy Ann York, Nebr. Major—General Y W C A . Zetas. Pantherettes

Fultz, Ronald Berryton, Kans. Major—General OBN. YMCA, Zetas

Gardner, Wayne Smith Center, Kans. Major—General Zetas, Y-Club, Football

Grimes, .Tames W o o d s t o n , Kans. Major—General

Ha.^'it, Robert York, Nebr. Major—£rc-;ence Zetas, Med. Club

Heiden, Herbert York, Nebr. Major—General

H o l m , Myron James York, Nebr. Major—Chemistry

Kaiser, AlexLaurel, Mont. Major—General Y W R , PALS

K a m m , Herbert Platte Center, Nebr. Major—Biology L W R , YMCA, Zetas, Pre-Med. Club

Kurtz, Dale Alton, Kans. Major—General L W R , YMCA, Zetas Leggett, Hardy York, Nebr. Major—General Zetas. Pre-Med. Club

Hooper, Elizabeth Seward, Nebr. Major—Education Y W C A , Zetas, Pantherettes

Keener, June Loveland, Colo. Major-General L W R , Y W C A , PALS Class Treasurer

Lewis, Gerald Concordia, Kans. Major—General Zetas, Football

Dramatic f o r m u l a : Harriet + costumes = Lady Bracknell, o n e / n i n t h of " T h e Importance of Being Earnest."

Maestas, Lucy Alcalde, N. Mex. Major—General L W R , Y W C A , PALS, W A A , Pantherettes

Mahon, Harold Colton, Wash. Major—General L W R , PALS, Camera Club

Moyer, R o b e r t Thayer, Nebr. Major—Biology Zetas

Miller, Beverley Ventura, la. Major-General L W R , Y W C A , PALS, W A A , Pantherettes

Mytholar, Anabel Shelby, Nebr. Major—Expression Y W C A , Zetas, W A A , Pantherettes, B Team Cheerleader, Panther Club

Neville, Margie York, Nebraska Major-General Page 30

Noble W a l t e r Y o r k , Nebr. Major—History OBN, L W R

I'earman, W i l l i a m Seneca, Nebr. Major—Journalism IRC

I'otter, James Peetz, Colo. Major-Expression L W R . Y M C A , Zetas. Panther Club, Basketball, B Team Cheerleader

l'enee, Dale Y o r k , Nebr. Major—General Football

K o h r i s , (¿elle Friend. Nebr. Major—Mathematics Zetas, F o o t b a l l , Basketball, T r a c k

Romero, Rebecca Chamisal, N. Mex. Major—General LWR, YWCA, WAA, Zetas. Pantherettes

Smith, B o n n i e Benedict, Nebr. Major-General Y W C A , Zetas, Panther Club

Spahr, Keitli Loveland, Colo. Major—History OBN, L W R . Sec. YMCA. IRC, P A L S

Speece, A r t h u r Y o r k , Nebr. M a j o r—C h e mi s t r y Y-Club, Student Council, F o o t b a l l

Cliff displays the means used by the Y club to get to the b o t t o m of things.

Steven, J a c k York, Nebr. Major—Mathematics Zetas. Panther Club, Basketball

Svelila, Ray Friend, Nebr. Major-General P A L S , Y-Club, Football, Basketball

T a f o y a , David Truchas, N. Mex. Major—General L W R , YMCA, Football Track

Thomas, Evelyn Topeka, Kans. Major-General L W R , Y W C A . Zetas, W A A . Marathon, Pantherettes

Watkin.s, W i l l i a m York, Nebr. Major-General YMCA. Zetas, Basketball, T r a c k

I l m , Betty A u r o r a . Nebr. Major—Expression Y W C A , Zetas, W A A

W a y , Donald Surprise. Nebr. Major-General Football

W a l k e r , Cecil Santa Cruz. N. Mex. Major-General Y M C A , Zetas, F o o t ball, Class President

Woelfie, Paul Loveland, Colo. Major-General YMCA, L W R , Treas. OBN. P A L S Pncro 1

Ackland, Bonnie A m e s , la. Major—Sociology YWCA, PALS T o w n s e n d , Jim Y o r k , Nebr. Major—Chemistry Davidson, Oliver L u s h t o n , Nebr.

Xoll, Donald Y o r k , Nebr. Major—Sociology and History Y Club, F o o t b a l l Wochner, Rex Y o r k , Nebr. Major—Biological Science

Major—General DeBoer, Robert Y o r k , Nebr. Major-Chemistry

Sliapland, 3. Richard M c C o o l Jet., Nebr. Major—History OBN, Y M C A Branson, Raymond Tulsa, Okla. M a j o r - P s v c h . & Phil. OBN, L W R , Y M C A

Wanda M i l l e r — " C o m e

on Y o u guys, S i n g ! '

Merwin K u r t z — " T h i s



work?" Page 32


Mary Alice Riggs Allen " K e e p on Smiling"

Day, Glen Gresham, Nebr. Major-General Tennis King, Arth iir Des Moines, la. Major—General King, Bonnie Des Moines, la. Major—General Donald Danker Head, Dept. of History and Political Science


Larsen, Eugene Hampton, Nebr. Major—General Basketball

Mann, John Falls City, Nebr. Major-General YMCA. PALS, Y-Club. Football Sandburr Riley, Frances Wichita, Kansas Major—Music PALS Smith, E u g e n e Seattle, W a s h . Maior-Psychology OBN, L W R , YMCA Teinert, Eileen York, Nebr. Major—General


Mary Alice Riggs Allen " K e e p on Smiling"

Dcy, Glen Gresham, Nebr, Major-General Tennis King, Arthur Des Moines, la Major-General King, Bonnie Des Moines, la. Major—General Donald Danker Head, Dept. of History and Political Science

J'age 33

I.arsen, Eugene Hampton, Nebr. Major—General Basketball

Mann, John Falls City, Nebr. Major-General YMCA, PALS, Y-Club Football Sandburr Riley, Frances Wichita, Kansas Major-Music PALS Smith, E u g e n e Seattle, W a s h . Major-Psychology OBN, L W R , YMCA Teinert, Eileen York, Nebr. Major-General







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« S

For in and out, above .about, below, ' l i s nothing but a Magic Shadow-show, Alike for those who for To-day prepare. And those that after a T o - m o r r o w stare. What, without asking, hither hurried whence? And, without asking, whither hurried hence! " A t once the silken Tassel of my Purse "Tear, and its Treasure, on the Garden t h r o w . "

I r »ft



a i ;[ #f f '«ft /M 1 If' 3 |*î. 'HS 'S«

m :JM tte"Iff 'S« 35-

f . ^ i* Top r o w : Newton, Miller, Patenautie, Cornish. Mann, Brooks, Pence, John Bergland, Urbach, Gustafson, Jim Bergland. McMinn. Fourth r o w : Haight. Noble, Walker, Witham, Snow, Auchard, Strong, Hoist. Medsker, F. Katnm, W o o d s , Spahr. Dahlke. Third r o w : Whipple, Hergert, Main, Stevens. Koontz. Kaiser, Breckenridge, Watson. Speece, Watkins. Porter. Bailey, Peaiman. Second r o w : Crounse, Allison. H. K a m m , Pvehla. Weaver. Enierick, Unger. D. Smith. Deever. Grandall, Kurtz, E. Smith, Dr. Weidler. Bottom r o w : Huebert, Garcia, Creech. Light, Martinez, W a y , Vorce.

The Young Men's Christian Association

The O. B. N. is an organization of pre-

devotes its meetings to the building of

ministerial students.

ideals and the encouragement of

their lives to full-time Christian service,

Christian laymen.

they here better prepare themselves.

Having dedicated

Top r o w : McMinn, O. Reger, Kurtz, Marvel. M i l l e r . John Bergland, Urbach, Jim Bergland. Third row: Whipple, Strong. Medsker, Spahr, Mahon, Unger, C r o u n s e . Second r o w : Kaiser, Hergert, Woefle. J. Reger, Embree, Fultz, Davidson. Bottom r o w : Dr. Morgan, L ight. Main, Smith. Deever. Porter. Mathis. J'age36

The brains behind the bratvn are the Christian Association cabinet members. They cook up such schemes as the bi-annual jolly-ups. This group of girls from many states, find a common field of work and play in the international Young Women's Christian Association. Back r o w : Farrer. W o e l f l e , Reger, Bean, Harris, Huebert, Marvel. Bottom r o w : Kurtz, Eastman, Owens, Porter. Embree. Standing: Light. Bethke. Seated (left to r i g h t ) ; H. Thomas. McMinn, Shipley, Dvorak, Weston, Jackson, Anderson, Carpenter, Smeltzer, Porter, Harris.

Back r o w : Woelfle, Carlisle, Bason, B. Brekke, Burhoop, Ulm, McKim, Coleman, Poison, H. Brekke, Riggs, O. Brandenberg, Third r o w : Doak. Garcia, Mead, Denton. Dvorak, Mizell, Roberts, Bott, Kaiser, Keefe, Dalke, Miller, M. Brandenberg, Kurtz, Keener, Second r o w : Meeker, Wade, Kennedy. Sanchez, Fishel, Swartz, Miller, Crocker, Winfield. Smith, Riddle, Megill, Taylor, Kurtz. Bottom row: Marquez, Clayton, Maestos. Walker, Hoff, E. Thomas, Mytholar, Romero, Franz. Kamm.

Snappy drills and inspiring yells helped to make our athletic year a ivell-remembered one. Netc uniforms gave the "new


The PALS organization is one of the literary organizations striving to raise the appreciation of the fine arts.

Back row, left to right: Brekke. Baker, Coleman, Weston, Burhoop, Brekke, Miller. Sixth r o w : Hooper, Kurtz, Roberts, Winfield. Fifth r o w : Dvorak. I. Mizell, Meeker, Keener, Wade. Fourth r o w : Miller. Swartz. Clayton. R o m e r o , Sanchez. Maestas, Mytholar. Third row: Benfer, Ho IT. Second r o w : Thomas. Marquez. First r o w : Walker. Fishel.

Back row, left to right: Koontz, Witham, Snow. Bergland. W o o d s , Farrer. Patenaude. Urbach, G. Miller, M. Garcia, Dyer, Riggs, M. Miller. Third r o w : Hedrick, Dahlke, Richards. Owens, Strong. H. Embree, Carpenter. B. Riggs, Smeltzer, Jackson, C'rounse, Medsker, Bailey. Second r o w : Zerwekh, Sponsor. P. Woelfle, Weaver, Roberts. Langenburg, Garcia, Bethke. Mead, M. Woelfle, Eastman. Whipple, R. Embree. Hoist. First row: Marquez, Walker, Sanchez, Anderson. Winfield, Miller, Morgan.

Back row, left to right: Erfourth, Larkins. Bot G.. Reger, Munsinger. Third r o w : Vorce, Kurtz, L., Ma Kini. Walker. Second r o w : Keefe, Deever, Megill, K Weston. First r o w : Way, Blauch, Duncan, Anderson, P Taylor.

Zeta Literary Society carried on its program of obtaining a more thorough knowledge of the Fine Arts.

t. C., Kurtz. M., Kamm, F., Fillman, W.. Foster. Fillman, in. Porter. W., Allison, Hergert, Emerick, Holbrook, Mcurtz, J., Doak, Mizell, Thomas, Bott, G., Bason, D., orter. Hoff, Meeker, Kamm, Dvorak, Wade, Swartz,

Men with dreams of a future in the medical world have formed a new organization this year; namely Pre-Med.

Back row, left to right: Snow, W o o d s , Friesen, Brown, Bean. Haight. Second row: Martinez, Gustafson, Robson, Harris, K a m m , Lower. First r o w : Noll. Sponsor Emerick, Huber, Weaver, Williams, Creech.

Top r o w : Newton, Shaneyfelt, Nordstrom, E. Miller, Holbrook, Bean. R o c k h o l d . Farrer, Munsinger. Second row: Herron, Watson, Auchard, Snow, Yorce, Holst, Msdsker, Witham, Rhoades, Fahring. Bottom row: Zerwekh, Worthington, W a y , Martinez, Huebert, Bason, Hedrick, Weaver, Bisset, Erfourth, Tonkin.

What the well dressed man will wear:

The veteran first five on their feet

a brilliant blue and white Y-Club sweater.

or on their heads lead yells with a vigor

Without it, he may be offered a "special

that earns them the title "best in the

invitation to a post - chapel gathering."


The B-squad yell leaders, the promising group of apprentices, here reflect their determination to earn a berth on the first string.

Standing: Allison, Potter. Kneeling: Fishel, Mytholar, Wade.

N. J. Anderson, O. Anderson, W . Miller, Bason, Snow. J'age 40

Top r o w : Holm, Allison. O. Anderson, Jim Holm, Steven, Potter. Second r o w : Fishel, Mvtholar, Wade, Erfourth, W. Miller. Bason, Hoff, B. Smith. Seated: Rhoades. Meeker, Bason.

The Panther's jungle snarl has been

Bearing no resemblance to those

tamed to a gentle roar. Every Panther

mythical musclebound Amazons the

Club member is an amatuer magician

H omen's Athletic Association pursues

whose favorite trick is conjuring up pep.

recreation for the body and the mind.

Top r o w : B. Miller, Bason. Weston. Burhoop, Ulm, B. Brekke, Keefe, Langenberg, Coleman. Center r o w Sanchez, Crocker, L. Miller, Megill, H. Thomas. Denton, Mizell, L. Dvorak, Wakelin. Bottom r o w Blauch N. J. Anderson, Meeker, Wade. Hoff, Porter. E. Thomas, Franz. Maestas, Romero. J'age 41

I). Miller, Marvel, McMimi, A. Kaiser, I). Urbach, Mahon. Strong. G. Smith. Hoist. G. Harris. Fourth r o w : Mead. F. Kamm, Herron. Keener. Watson. M. Woelfle, Poison, I). Kaiser. IVIcKim. Smeltzer, U. Kurtz. Carpenter, H o l b i o o k , Brown, Coleman. Third r o w : Bethke, B. McMinn, Winfield, C. Walker. E. Thomas. Sanchez. ,J. Kurtz. L. Kurtz. B. Miller. Weaver. Second row: C. Morgan, Dr. Morgan. F. Porter. B. Dvorak, Romero. lVIaestas. Swartz, Megill. H. Thomas. Kennedy. Urbach. Fishel. N. Harris, S. Light.

The Christian organization that is devoted to the ministry, mission ivork, and religious teaching is Life Work Recruits.

Sponsor Doty and Pres. Jackson of I.R.C. did a wonderful job of keeping world affairs in the limelight at Y. C. this past year.

First r o w : H. Kamm. D. Light, Emeriek. Unger, Deever. D. Smith. M. Garcia. Third r o w : O. Reger, Bergland. Marvel, Newton. Miller, Walker. D. Urbach, Hergert, Patenaude. Second r o w : Whipple, Unger, D. Smith. Landis. Jaackson, Owens. Pearman, Dr. Dotv. First r o w : W o o d s . Deever, H. Thomas. W. Porter. Blauch. Eastman, M. Garcia.

J'age 42



Of the students, by the students, for the students; our own thriving Student Council. New tennis courts, a Y. C. Band, a new bulletin board, homecoming,

Tennis courts at last!

and other worthy projects which were completed this year. We would that we could thank you more than in these few humble words, but anyway . . . Thanks!

Left to right, front r o w : Auchard, Hergert, Bergland, Riggs, Walker, Thomas, Speece. Second r o w : Bisset, Miller, Eastman, Bean, Burhoop. Karutz, Walker. J'age 43

Walker, Jackson, Deever, Huebert, Hobbs, Thomas, Mann, Patenaude, Mead.

York College business manager, Dr. G. T. Savery, and Sandburr business manager, Dick Miller compare notes.

A business in itself, the college paper can boast of an international circulation and a broad advertising clientele. Through it the alumni keep a contact

With their alma mater, and each other. Through it, prospective students get an overview of college life. As well as the reporters and contributors,

The 'Burr must have a business staff. Ads must be sold, pictures taken, engravings made, and the recurring task of mailing the paper must be completed.

A sister act: Bernice and Lavona Dvorak f o l d Sandburrs. Max Garcia and Bob Pearman examine the cut file. J'age 44

To editor Harriet Thomas fell the main task of guiding the Sandburr through another year of successful publication. With her, the Press Guild devotes talent and energy to furnishing copy, and subject matter, for the many regular readers.

Standing, Porter, D. Miller, Huebert, Bailey. Back r o w : Morgan. W. Miller, N. J. Anderson, Jackson. Third r o w : R. Anderson, H. Walker, Deever, Blauch, Patenaude. Fourth r o w : Mann, Pearraan, L. Dvorak, Embree, Mead. Front r o w : H. Thomas, Hergert, Vorce, Garcia, B. Dvorak. Erfourth.

But the Press Guild has time for social affairs, ivitness the picnics, the chili supper and even the post meeting gab-fests. And no one who has been a member will deny the recreational possibilities in fiendish typing, and finally dashing for the deadline.

The Press Guild picnic bad a campfire for attraction, and ghost stories f o r distraction. J'age45

is musicianship. Sunday, April 17, Bartlesville, Okla.—Down here the Easter bunny lays taffy eggs. Tuesday, April 19, Mullinville, Kans. Fri., April 8—after departure— W hat a relief to know that everything we're going to forget is forgotten. Monday, April 11, Moravia, la. Three days—three pounds! Thursday, April 14, tola, Kans.—Oh hallowed day! Oh per feel concert! Koontz says all we lack

Boy—were we sharp tonight! Saturday April 23, Salina, Kans.—l\o concert, no comment! April 24, Home—Retired but happy. 1950—Making Up Work!

— f X ^ j


¡ft/ L

Left to l i g h t : Blanch, Wade. (). Anderson, W. Miller. (!. Kott. Laugenberg, Poison, Snielt/.er, R. Miller. (). Reger. Snow, Unger. R. Embree, Owens, Mathis. W. Porter.

After a rehearsal every Tuesday evening the Chapel choir contributes much to religious chapel serrice on Wednesday morning.

Second semester heralded the addition of a new band sponsored jointly by the students, faculty and Music Department of Y. C.

Standing: Mr. Koontz, O. Reger, Williams. Renter, Huber Landis. J. Dahlke. Meeker, D. Smith. Fourth r o w : L. Smith. P. Smith. Jaquiss, R. Miller. Third r o w : Duncan, JE. Thomas, Den ton. Carpenter. Second row": C. Walker, Langenberg. R. Embree O. Anderson, Stevens. D. Light. First r o w : F. Rasniussen, FI Brekke. Allison. DeCamp. Meiron. J'age 48

Janet works on a tew notes in harmony class.

Cathy pounds out the boogie while Norma. Lois, Opal, and Cora harmonize.

With the first semester choir displaying its talents at Homecoming, the Music Department plunged into its busy schedule for the year. Messiah and several other public appearances were performed under the able direction of Professor James E. Koontz.

Bobbie does not rate Gene's glances in this picture.

J'age 49

Standing: Stevens, Bailey, H. Thomas. Walker. Erfourth. Seated: Weston, Potter, Koontz, Mythoiar.

Backstage: Gardner and Farrer gratulate Potter, Stevens and Erfourth.


When the curtain ivent up on the Y. C. Players first production of the season, the repartee of Oscar Wilde's "The Importance of Being Earnest" came to life. Antinque settings for complicated scene changes contributed atmosphere. The magic, mystic world of Arabia teas recreated on stage for the second

Onstage: W a l k e r , Potter, Bailey, Weston, Mythoiar, H. Thomas, Koontz.

semester production. Sherazade's tales ivere recreated on stage in the exotic settings of the oriental court for highly appreciative audiences.


Weston, Koontz, Potter, Mythoiar. J'age 50

The dignity of this organization is reflected in it's name, the Eta Keppa cast of the Alpha Psi Omega, a national honorary dram•

Back r o w : K o o n t z , M. Kurtz, W a r n e r , E. W a l k e r . Seated: H. T h o m a s , W e s t o n .

Second r o w : V o r c e , Bason, H o w l a n d . Shipley, Huebert.

atic fraternity. As technician and crewman, as actor and director, each member has proved his devotion to drama. Page 51

Ă­ h

Courts Where O m r ^

m sas速

Y o r k vs. Peru. Hang on, Cliff! He really snagged that ball. That, f o l k s , is Cliff PLhodes, making the spectacular catch of the season. H o w he did it will always remain a mystery.

Y-Club Picnic M - M m - m - m - m - , smell that h a m ! T h o s e c o o k s f o r the Y-Club really can turn out the c h o w . The c o o k s • r e : C. R o c k h o l d . A. Martinez, and H. W a l k e r , being supervised by E. Hubert.

York York York York York York 'H York WM York

Buena Vista Chadron State Doane Nebraska Central

26 21 52 0

Wayne Sterling Wesleyan Peru

York " B " squad vs. Hastings " B " squad " H o l d it, f e l l o w s ! Get off that poor f e l l o . v ! " That seems to be the exclamation of the referees, R o y Speece and Schneider.

M. Fahring, D. Noll, D. W a t s o n , J. Lewis, C. Crandall. A. Speece, C. E m e r i c k


Pootball 1

S. Hedrick,

R. Svehla,

D. W a y ,

F. Vorce.

To be brief in this matter our football team really took a beating this year! Our boys started the season by journeying to Buena Vista with a

J'age 55

D. Gustavson.

J. Witham,



G. Shaneyfelt.

determined attitude only to have their hopes for a good season shattered more than somewhat by a 26-0 defeat. This defeat seemed to

One lone Chadron pass receiver, surrounded by three York backfield men readies himself to catch a pass. He caught it!

Left to R i g h t :

M. Garcia, J. Karutz.

W. Gardner, A.

Martinez, J. Bergland, D. W a y ,

W. Farrer,

C. R h o d e s

lower the morale a bit, and the boys were waxed in their first home game by Chadron State. York traveled to Doane to dedicate their new concrete

bounced back to win their game with Nebraska Central, the first win of the season. This rallied the team a bit and with higher spirits, the boys

stadium only to receive one of the roughest games of the year ivith a good many York boys receiving blows that drew blood. Coach Tonkin's boys

headed for Wayne. With a little bus trouble and letter writing to break the monotony, the fellows iveathered the trip none the worse for wear.

Mark Fahring moves in on a Chadron man as the latter attempts to catch a pass. The other identifiable player is J. Karutz, number 54.

Cliff Rhoades stretches all he has, endeavoring to snag the extra point for the Peru game. The pass was a little high of its mark. D. Auchard and his shutter in the background.

J'age 59

Back r o w : left to right, Coach T o n k i n . C. R h o a d e s , H. Heiden. P. Emljree. J. Bergland. F. V o r c e , J. Karutz, C. Bean, J. N o r d s t r o m , G. Shaneyfelt, C. Marvel. J. Maun, S. H e d r i c k . W . F a r r e r , D. Pence, M. R i g g s , A. Tebell. S e c o n d r o w : Coach A u c h a r d , R. Svehla, D. Noll, F. M e d s k e r , D. W a t s o n , J. Lewis, B. H o b b s . C. W a l k e r , A. Speece. P. K e m p , D. Gustafason. C. Noll, D. Friesen, G. R o h r i g G. W i t h a m , M. F a r i n g . F r o n t r o w : Delmar W a y , M. Garcia, Don W a y , C. CrandaU, D, Smith, D. E r f o u r t h , D. T a f o v a . J. Mathis. B. DeCamp, P. Deever. D. Larkins, C. E m e r i c k .

Meeting the Wildcats on their cold, frozen field, the Panthers were trounced to the Nth. degree, by a 53 to 0 score. Tonkin's pep talk rallied the boys

talent and experience that cannot be gained without a "B" team. Coach Auchard's boys proved to be quite cagey with some of their plays.

again, and they returned home to become the victor of their homecoming game with Sterling. York bowed to Wesleyan and Peru in the following

As a result of injuries on both the "A" and "B" teams, the cubs were handicapped by a lack of men which undoubtedly prevented a better showing.

games and their final game with Hastings was cancelled. York's Cubs, although turning in a season with no victories, produced a good deal of

C. R o c k h o l d , D. Gustafason Page 57

C. Bean,

P. K e m p ,

J. Mann,

D. P e n c e ,

D. Larkins,

H. W a l k e r .

'Basketball 4S Tarkio 4P> 44 Concordia til Tarkio 70 .52 Nebr. Central :5;5 44 YORK INVITATION Ali T O I K N K Y Wesleyan A York 15 York 15 Hastings A York 15 Doanc A York Midland 48 York 41» l>oane 43 Wesleyan ,.4fi York 52 York 42 Peril 71 Chadron 50 York 5!» Chadron KJ York ... .54 York .44 Midland 47 Wesleyan 4:5 York 4!» Kearney (¡8 York..... (i!> Boa ne ;{!» York. 47 Hastings 70 York (ill York 4!» Wayne (i 7 York 70 Midland ...(»2 York «2 Kearney 64 York 42 Doane .52 York 51 Peru 7:5 York 57 Nebr. Central Ui Wesleyan 52 York 50 Hastings 7:5 York _ ßö York 7t Wayne 5:5 York York York York

" H o l y " is outreached

Coach Tonkin and

Page 5«

The right idea, but the wrong angle. didn't go in.

This one

Whenever tivo persons get together and discuss sports, invariably one or the other will say, "How urns your season this year, good or bad?" This year in answer to this question we believe we would ask a question in return. "Do you think that winning the York College Invitational BasketNewton " s w i s h e s " one while Lower. Bott, and assorted Wesleyan players ogle the bucket.

Page 59

his first string

" D a g " goes after a rebound

ball Tournament, winning nine and losing twelve games, being outscored by a total of only 128 points for the year, and having the team that was

sportsmanship plus, a successful season? If so, we had one! Individual honor went to Harvey Holbrook who finished fiifth in the conference scoring race.

The Panther Cubs

J'age 60

The Panther Kittens

Following in the footsteps of the Papa Panthers, the Y. C. Cubs turned in a highly successful season by winning 10 and losing 14 games

team roster. If you listen closely you can hear the pitter patter of the feet of the " C " team Kittens as they scramble back and forth along the maples.

during season play. The high point of the year for the cubs was reached during the Y. C. I. B. Tournament when they entered to complete the six

The Kittens were not undefeated, but it is doubtful if either the "A" or " B " team had as much fun. Coach Munsinger did a good job keeping fit for battle.

J'age 61

Larsen does his best to discourage one . . . but it was good

Urack arid Pield

It has been said that racing is the sport of kings, so we listed the York kings of the spikes add their specialties.

Walker Watson .__ Weaver. Medsker.

distances distances distances middle distancs

Breckenridge Newton Boehr Karutz Svehla Kemp Hedrick Watkins

distances weights weights weights


weights hurdles dashes dashes

Speece Way Riley Marvel

middle distances dashes middle distances middle distances

Embree Rohrig

middle distances middle distances

Harold Walker and Don Watson show- that they are men of many talents as old man winter prevents outside track workouts. Weightmen Ben Boehr and John Karutz nimbly toss a 16-pound shot about as Dob Newton looks on admiringly. Stan Hedrick and Paul Embree improvise a track inside the g y m ; just when will spring c o m e ? J'age 62

L o o t out there, men! Don Watson has just about got those trusty shoes on f o r the next race.

Medsker may have trouble getting started on this slick floor, but there is a f o o t of snow outside.

J'age 63

Eugene Weaver was but one of the men who braved the elements and rubbed elbows with mother nature.

W h o do you suppose Clarence and Malcolm are looking up to? Maybe they are looking forward to high honors!

As a preseason predication of the Y. C. championship golfers, we figured that they were driving and putting along towards a repeat in the conference

golf meet. White sweatermen Dick Bason and Aully Hoist form the nucleus for this year's team, with Brown, Schlueter, Hobbs and DeBoer

Dick hardly expects to find hazards like this on a golf course, but that number nine iron must not get too rusty.

Aully knows that a hard straight drive is necessary to play a consistently good game, so he gets a little more practice.

J'age 64

Rough or Smooth? questions Don of Les as they prepare for a practice game in the gym.

striving to make the team. With three new courts, two old faces, and E. P. Worthington acting in the capacity of coach, Y. C. was boasting

Coach Eep says that you win games at the net, so Don and Fred practice a bit of this wise philosophy,

a contending team for conference tourney championships. No more excuses like, "We need practice/" will be acceptable.

Jack, Wayne. Glen, Gene, Bill, and 0 . J. are just a few of the York College netmen who work out daily.

Page 65


Tumblers W. Miller balancing and Hoff diving.

Meeker and W a d e assist Ulm in the backbend.



W. A. A. officers Mizell and Dever discuss basketball.

Every Y. C. girl, at some time during her college career, registers for physical education. Part of the balanced personality which college helps to develop must come from sports participation.

From ping-pong to basket-

ball, from tennis to hiking, and even a domesticated game of football, coeds learn to hit the birdie as well as the books. Intra-mural games give the element of competition to the recreational pursuits of the woman. The

J'age 66

popular exercise since the knoivledge was released that the mat-fiends were losing pounds through their constant contortions.

B. Miller attempts to block Megill's shot

climax is reached during the freshmanupperclassmen games when feminine athletes play a fast and decisive game of basketball. Tumbling has become a

Walker returns L. Miller's shot in a game of that everpopular ping-pong.


Gloriesof tlx

And, strange to tell, among that Earthen Lot Some could articulate, while others not: Then said o n e — " S u r e l y not in vain My Substance from the common Earth was Ta'en." Waste not your Hour, nor in the vain pursuit Of this and that endeavor and dispute: Think then you are To-day what Yesterday You w e r e — T o m o r r o w you shall not be less.



Kneife, ^ ; ife


fei«¿t. !'•»


Harold Walker Who's Who in American College and Universities.

Opal Anderson Representative York Colleยก Woman.

Harriet Thomas Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities.

Barbara Blauch Who's Who in American Colleges | and Universities.

Harvey Holbrook Representative York College Man.

Wanda Miller Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities.

(Day Day ^Royalty

Ivalee, whose charm and personality made her Queen of May.

Candidates tor the May Queen


were Ivalee, Harriet, Gwen, Anna, and Bernice.

J'age 72

homecoming ^Royalty

Rutli, chosen to reign over Homecoming festivities by virtue of brains, talent and charm.

Finalists in the Homecoming Race were Scotty, Opal, Ivalee and Ruth. Page 73



fein, Q u e e n

tinuc: and their retm*® C u r i y



Panther Sweetheart Seotty Sleeker



• roach and M™- T«nFahring. Coacn de8. i Ä - W

party: Blauch, Bason, N. J. Anderson, H. Walker, W . Miller, M. Snow.

The class of forty-nine camped 011 the Oregon trail tor the junior-senior banquet.

Bason and Williams can look into the past to the forty-niners of a hundred years ago, or into the future to the class of 2049.

J'age 75

"Magnificent Obsession" came to life oil the recital stage through expression major H. Thomas.

Potter, featured recitalist "Heatheliff" Ivoontz, and Ben for acknowledge the applause of their audience.

The reeital season was brought to a close by M. K. Jackson's line performance.

J'age 76


One of the most difficult programs ever offered by a music major was presented by mezzo-soprano W . Miller.

Bason, Blauch, and Anderson, the trilogy of drama; three heads that beat as one; three mouths that yak the same way.

# Senior expression major Weston chose "The Passing of the Third Floor Back" for her recital offering.

J'age 77


Ok iraie the Sorry B But come with old Athon, and leave the Lot Of scholarly achievements all f o r g o t : To those who husbanded the Golden Grain, And those who flung it to the Winds like Rain. The W o r l d l y Hope men set their Hearts upon Turns A s h e s — o r it prospers; and anon. I often wonder what the Merchants buy One half so precious as the Goods they sell.



ni -i; î M î â î M ^ ^ s

ï É t ó M á A ^ .



wsmm sêmêmnám

Caching away their hard earned pennies f o r a snowy day, Bob and Claude choose the York State Bank to guard their treasure.

After looking over the thick steel walls which enclose her safety deposit box, George is convinced that her savings bonds will indeed be safe in the First National Bank.

" W h a t did Juliet's balcony have that this d o e s n ' t ? " muses Barb from the mezzinine of the exquisitely decorated McCIoud Hotel. W e k n o w !

That Man Gale shows Ray some of his fine cameras while Stan displays a sudden interest in the artistry of photography.

Musically inclined Janet employs the advice of Maxine in Reed & Krebs concerning the enlargement of her record collection while newly betrothed " F i n g e r s " Holton ogles the birdie.

Doing its own small part in the installation of wisdom in the minds of Y. C. students is the College Bookstore, whose patient manager Hope Howland here listens to the request of George Epp. J'age 80

Capital Factotum Hopkins checks contract as Editor Explains layout to Business Manager Holm.




For the MARATHON another AGAIN for Capital Engraving Company of Lincoln.

Grover and Howard May show some of their exquisite flowers to W a y n e Gardner, who is quite a connoisseur in the field of corsage selection and knows that he can't go wrong at the York Floral Co.

Looking over some of the many fine plants in his green house is Edwin Roberts, w h o j e congenial service encourages even the shyest of freshman Casanovas to buy at Robert's Floral.

Prances and Norma would be delighted if they knew that Jean Fusby was showing Glen and George an electric dish washer featured by the Consumers Lij;ht and Power Co.

Bruce aids the sales lady at the (ins Co. in convincing O. J. and Mickey that this beautiful stove would be an asset in any kitchen—and think of the fudge you could make.

Dick typifies the friendly service of the J. M. McDonald Co. as he compliments Frank and Carol on their selection of twin sweaters from the large variety offered in this extensive deartment store.

" T h e modern girl must be pretty f r o m head to t o e ! " Jim Campbell assures Lucy and Ivalee as he shows them some of the more glamorous late styles at the Roger's ÂĄ-hoe Co. J'age 82

Leroy Smith shows Taul and Dale that the white shirt and black tie combinations which will be immortalized on the chorus trip can be of unexcelled quality when purchased from the stock of Russ Williams.

"May we look at t h a t ? " inquire Becky and Helen of smiling Gerry Gardner as they inspect the unique variety of costume jewels at Chapman's whose stock of clothing is the delight of every college girl.

Glenna smiles her approval of the coat r e c o m mended by Emma Ferguson of the New Vogue, while practical Gwen examines the tag on what is hound to be a garment of superior quality. J'age83

Fred and Jim look over some snappy shirts and ties of new and colorful design displayed by Charles Johnson, who handles a wide variety of clothes for men at Johnson's Clothing.

"That will be super for the spring banquet" Norma assures Bert, who is trying on one of the attractive spring models found in the dress department of the J. C. I'enney Co.

" I can't even find where the spot was," Ernie exclaims to Merl, while " H u b " Foster stands by, confident that no spot has endured the efficient methods of Foster's Dry Cleaners.



. L „




This is a familiar place of business to Y. C. students, who know that lilair Cleaners can make collegiate clothes, from blue jeans to giamour t'or.nals, look like new.

One reason college carpenters get their equipment at Clarke Lumber Company is the excellence of material and service. Another reason is the pulchritude of the secretarial personnel, i.e., Maxine Meredith and J. Fusby. ex-'51.

Cliff and Ken listen attentively to the expert advice of the (¿'is Motor mechanic. All car owners knowthat better driving can be theirs through regular visits to (ieis Motors.

Merwin bids Kakesliaw's has received peace while

One of the newest of the downtown stores is the Hick Implement Company which stretches out of the reach of the camera. It maintains an enviable reputation for service.

Betty stops at twists the dial listens. This collegiates. to

Page 85

a cheerful farewell to the attendant at Service Station, knowing that his car the kind of service that will give him driving.

the local Coca-Cola Mottling Co., and of a unique radio while Al looks and product needs no advertising among whom coke is a tradition.

Jim stops at the Squirt Bottling Company for a thirst quenching sample of their refreshing product.

Lavona and Bernice give their orr'er for candy to the workers at Dresden's Candy Company, where many "refreshment committees" have solved their l.roblem.

Smiles of delight light the faces of Herb and John as they are confronted with the trays of the delicious baked goods found at the Ivincaid Bakery.

It takes deep concentration on the part of A1 and Cecil among the delicious concoctions on Gerhardt's menu. Even small Kathv finds the decision difficult.

Betty and Rachel find a period of pleasure at Fletcher Drug Company. Many students find relaxation here after a hard day in classes.

" W i l l there be anything e l s e ? " says Jim and Paul, Helen, Norma, and Mary. Nothing, Jim, except the usual conversation with a coke at Meradith's, a favorite hangout of the College crowd. J'age 86

" M - m - m , " breathes Elizabeth, when Mudge shows her just one of the vast selections of cologne and perfumes at the A 多t T Drug' Go. Elizabeth will buy it, for every girl knows what a dash of cologne does for morale.

Auliy treats Joyce and small Denee to dinner out. and to make the evening perfect, he chooses Hob .s Cafe for f o o d and service which will pieass all three.

The way to a man's heart is obvious from the expressions on the facss of Gene and George who know good f o o d when they taste it. And its always good if you order it at Cornlius'vcr Cai'e.

Coffee-time is time to go to the College Inn. Bob, John and Keith prove that anytime is coffee-time when Lee and Arline brew the Java.

" H o m e , J a m e s ! " is the most popular request of the Yellow Cab Co. whose ready service even in the great blizzards of '48-'49 was the only link that some people had with civilization. J'age 87

The attractive furniture displayed in the windows of Osborne's Furniture Co. is only a sample of the charming but practical values which will contribute to the graciousness of your living room.


Printers . . . Office


We Stand Between You and Loss

C. Earl Jenkins & Son 6 0 2 GRANT AVENUE Phone 323 INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS




HOME SUPPLY CO. Frigidaire

308 Lincoln

Plione 736

Zenith Radio

Sales and Service






Congratulations to the Class of


Dictieian—Mrs. D. H. Sill Assistant—Mrs.



Assistant—Miss Jennie Miller







P & M MOTOR SERVICE (PENNER & MOLINE) Gas - Oil - Tires Batteries - Accessories

Phone 6 1 4

• > • . p . ~ — . . l~1 L J 1 / O v / 1N SALES SERVICE

Complete Automotive Repair and Service

York, Nebraska

2 1 7 East 6th



Call Us If In Need Of Pies, Cakes, Donuts




A Party or A Picnic Phone 8 5 3

6 2 0 Lincoln Ave.




Specializing in All Kinds

In York Since 1888

of Job Printing

X-Ray Fitting 1505 LINCOLN AVE.

West Side Square






For Quick " W h i l e You W a i t " Service YOUR SHOE HOSPITAL 712 Lincoln Ave.


,««•«* ¿fet vb at Phone







SPORTING GOODS Heating — Air Conditioning


Sheet Metal and Roofing Contractors SPORTING GOODS STORE

Bonded Roofs

4 2 0 Lincoln Ave. 408 Grant Ave.

Phone 547

York, Nebr.

YORK LAUNDRY W e Have A New and


Complete Line of

"Laundry WTashed Clothes Guard Health"

Jewelry and Gifts



ANY KIND Phone 33 York, Nebr.

P. O. Box No. 4 3 Work Guaranteed

Always A Good Show





BAER FURNITURE COMPANY "If Baer Says It's Oak, It's Oak" SINCE 1879

H E S T E D ' S S T O R E S , INC. York, Nebraska Phone 116 YOUR FRIENDLY 5 AND 10



Downstairs At Clock


HAROLD M. WILCOX Refrigerators - Ranges - Radios W e Give S & H Green Stamps General Electric and Pliilco Dealer


527 Lincoln Ave.

Phone 1035

Phone 776

POP CORN 503 Lincoln Ave.



Groceries, Meats,

Turn in, Head South Keep Engine Running

Fruits, Vegetables




Frozen Custards Fine Foods Root Beer Served in Frozen Mugs George and JoAnn Maxson 2034 Lincoln Ave.





Deal in Black But Treat You


<3% fork 多Batig ^fofi^Dmies THE YORK NEWS-TIMES PUBLISHING CO, Publishers The York County Paper Albert C. Huber, editor




Home Owned






3 Blocks West of the College

Phone 56

on 9th St.


BOB LINCOLN, Agent 113 E. 7th

Phone 25 Charters, Circle Tours Tickets


TO YOUR HOSPITALITY HOUSE Across the Park From the Campus

Candy - Newstand - Check Stand

SAFEWAY STORES One Hour Free Parking For Customers



S. M. MILLER ELECTRIC Model Supplies Phone 172 - 724 Lincoln Ave. - York, Nebr.











Phone 5

East Side Square




HILDER'S Silversmiths



5 0 6 Grant Avenue

W . J. Gallant, Asst. Manager CHRYSLER AIRTEMP Heating — Air Conditioning — Cooling PLUMBING . . . SHEET METAL W O R K Phone 618


K A T ^ f- Lti 11 ì x










C. I.


Formerly Hesler's Cleaners


Daily Pick-up and Delivery Quality Hardware

Gentle Cleaning

South Side of the Square



Gas and Oil Washing and Lubrication

So. Side of the Square


Clothing and Shoes for Men,

309 Grant

Women, and Children

Ted Nicolaus

Phone 744



The Store For Women W e Give S & H Green Stamps

P. A. L. S. New Members, back r o w : T. Brown, M. Brown, Marvel, Hartsaw, Breckenridge, Cornish. Mann. Second row, Spahr, Tafoya, A. Kaiser, D. Kaiser, G. Riley, F. Riley, N. Harris, G. Harris. Bergland. Lane. Front row, Coleman, Keener, H. Brekke, O. Brandenburg, M. Brandenburg, Mahon, I. Brown, Maestas, Clayton, B. Miller, Baker. C. Denton, Franz, Noll, Friesen. Y-Club Initiates:


Hobbs. Mann,

Gardner, Speece.

Zeta New Members, left to right: Fishel, Potter, B. Brekke, Neville, Watkins, Moyer, Walker, Gardner, Martinez, Ulm, Fultz, E. Thomas, Light, L. Dvorak, D. Smith, Lewis, Deever, Leggett, B. Smith, M. Dahlke, R o m e r o , Burhoop, Hooper. Brooke, R. Haight, Benfer.



EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-chief Assistant Editor Sports Editor Student, Faculty Editor

Fred Vorce N. J. Anderson Don Erfourth O. Anderson

ADVISORY BOARD Faculty Advisor

.Al Zerwekh

Senior Advisor



PRODUCTION STAFF Business Manager. Advertising Manager


Ass't Adv. Manager—

.John Holm Georgann Hoff Don Erfourth

ART STAFF Art Director

N. J. Anderson

Layout Construtcion

D. J. Bason

DEPARTMENT ASSISTANTS Senior Class.... Junior Class Sophomore Class Freshman Class Athletics—.



Anna K a m m ~..0. Anderson ...Fran Porter Evelyn T h o m a s Charles Emerick

Alas, that Spring should vanish with the Rose! That Youth's sweet-scented Manuscript should close!

Ah, Moon of my Delight who know'st no wane, The Moon of Heav'n is rising once again:

The Nightingale that in the Branches sang, Ah, whence, and whither flown again, who knows!

How oft hereafter rising shall she look Through this same Garden after us — in vain!

J'age 100

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