A. H. BERGEN History
W. M A R K H AIGH T Physical Education
W IL L IA M B. HEADEN Physical Science
M YRON L. HOLM Education
EDA L. R A N K IN Music
JAMES E. K O O N TZ M usic
M ILLICENT S A V E R Y Education
CLIFFORD J. M ORGAN Classical Languages
ALD EN B. SEARS P sychology
ZELD A W A K E LIN Modern Languages
JOE W AM PLER Mathematics
C. E. A SH C R A F T College Pastor
F A N N Y M. LUPER Field Representative
HELEN J. PO LK Treasurer
LOUIS RAC H O W Librarian
M A R Y LUE W ARNER Secretary to President
G. T. SA V E R Y Business Mgr.
MRS. D. H. SILL Dietitian
MRS. EDITH REGENOS Dorm. Matron J. R. M cV EY Custodian
Robert M iller (Prospect) takes time out for a game of ping-pong with Herb Karnm as his partner.
Senior class officers caught just after a meeting. Sponsor, Miss Zelda W akelin; Sec., Mabel Brandenburg; Pres., Harold French; Vice Pres., Justina Peters; and Treas., Laura Taylor.
— 13-
ALLISON , R olland Cascade, W isconsin
“A i»
BERGLAND, Barbara Robinson, Kansas
“ Barb”
Great Falls, Montana
Charles Hamlet, North Carolina
Mary Mabel
“D ick”
— 14—
BRANDENBURG, Mabel Russell, Kansas
BROOKE, John Richard York, Nebraska
Parsons, Nebraska
Y ork, Kansas
Harold Wichita,
“ If a little know ledge is dangerous, w h ere is the man w ho has so biuch as to be out o f danger?” Thomas H u xley
“ Dan’l B oone”
— 15—
G A R CIA , M axim inio Ojo, Caliente, New M exico
GRIFFITH, Charles Tulsa, Oklahoma
KAM M , Herbert Platte Center, Nebraska
LEGGETT, Charles Hardy Y ork, Nebraska
John M cC ool Junction, Nebraska
R obert Cheyenne, W yom ing
‘Educational relations m ake the strongest ties.” C ecil John Rhodes
“M ax”
“ Prospect” —
“ W alt”
W alter
R ed Cloud, Nebraska
Henderson, Nebraska
V ernon Berryton, Kansas
“ Justy”
POTTER, James, Jr. Grover, Colorado
“ H erb”
Vernon —
“ Jim ”
SPAHR, Eugene
Seattle, W ashington
“ Gene”
“ K eith”
»T m m le»
-1 8 -
TAYLOR, Arthur
Y ork, Colorado
Laura York
“A rt”
THOMAS, Patricia
Evelyn Topeka,
W ARR ATIE , Sylm a Sierre Leone, W est A frica
WOOTERS, Franklin Loveland, Broken Bow, C olorado Nebraska
Lester The Dalles, Oregon
V ioleta Anderson
Jack Atkinson
M elvin Brawn
A lcalde, N ew M exico
Enid, Oklahoma
LaMesa, California
Darrell Anderson Laurel, Nebraska
Charles Chipman Sycam ore, Kansas
Lois Cook Ord, Nebraska
Betty Creech Polk, Nebraska
Paul Edie Albuquerque, New M exico W illiam Ellison
Telfer Epp
M yron Fessler
W aco, Nebraska
Henderson, Nebraska
Clarinda, Iowa
Merle Glahn
Leonard Hammar
El wood, Nebraska
York, Nebraska
W illis Harder York, Nebraska
Robert Herrick Concordia, Kansas M arjorie Herron York, Nebraska
Ruth Johnson York, Nebraska
Don Jones M oravia, Iowa
Edgar Schrader Santa Ana, California Manuel Martinez
Manita Mattison
Irene M eierhenry
Antonito, Colorado
Salina, Kansas
Stanton, Nebraska
Roszella Schrader
L loyd Smith
Sidney, Montana
York, Nebraska
David Stephenson
Randall Streeton
Butler, Missouri
Omaha, Nebraska
Cecil W alker
R ebecca W alker
Santa Cruz, New M exico
Chamisol, N ew M exico
Martin Smith
W illiam Soukup
Salina, Kansas
Y ork, Nebraska
V ictor Suazo
L arry Thorson
Antonito, Colorado
LaMesa, California
Janice Watkins
Kenneth W ilson
Y ork, Nebraska
Thayer, Kansas
A lta A ldrich Longm ont, Colorado T oby Atencio Velarde, New M exico
Donna Anderson York, Nebraska
Richard A lire Petaca, New M exico Shirley Brooke York, Nebraska
Norman Allen Riverdale, Calif, R oy Brotton Salina, Kansas
Frances A m on Livingston, Montana Clinton Carr W akefield, Nebraska
Janice Coleman R iverdale, California
A llen Epp Henderson, Nebraska
it that im portant?�
“Hev, Fellows'- Is no doUDw (V/omen,
Jean H ardw ick M cCracken, Kansas
Phyllis Harnden Attica, Kansas
Dean Hollinger Russel, Kansas
Rosem ary French Beloit, Kansas
Art Gallegos A ntonito, Colorado
L ow ell Johnson Scotia, Nebraska
Joyce Klingman Green, Kansas
Irma Kratz Albuquerque, N.M.
Ora Lee Lewis Concordia, Kans.
Eugene Littler La Crosse, Kans.
*N ’ ^>° A® 6-® ♦ ' ' ic
” e ■» «,e , r » s ° ° * ° cf?;r,,.
A * lr® ^
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, 1
% /?«,® ^ O fl D. B. Mathews La Crosse, Kans.
Helen May Kearney, Neb.
W ayne M eeker Chanute, Kans.
Keith M egill Mankato, Kans.
Violet M eidinger Fallon, Montana
Norman Menzie Aurora, Neb.
David M iller Marquette, Neb.
Jeanie Morton Russell, Kans.
R obert Paine York, Nebraska
Bruce R abuck Coon Rapids, la.
Flora Belle Schaad Mei na, Neb.
Jo Anne Seym our Benedict, Neb.
Gale Cook Cushing, Neb.
Betty Robinett R iverdale, Calif. D onald Shebuski A ntigo, Wis.
Tom Stone A ntigo, Wis. Caroline Walkup Y ork. Nebr.
Bob Voris Riverdale, Calif, Arleene Watson York, Neb.
Naomi W hite W ichita, Kans.
Ardith W iebe Aurora, Neb.
Bill Wortman W oodland, Wash.
James Beaver York, Neb.
Diane Blauch York, Neb.
B illy Beebe Gresham, Neb.
Betty Anderson Verm illion, S.D.
Marietta Bredthauer Scotia, Neb.
B etty Bradberry Arkansas City, Kans.
Eldon Bode Fresno, Calif.
Ruth Carpenter Espanola, N.M.
Ramona Burgett Beverly, Ky.
Patty Chaney W hittier, Calif.
Marian Churchill La Crosse, Kans.
M orris Churchill L oveland, Colo.
These rule the Freshman class— David Morris, M arjorie Hall, Nyla Epp, Joyce King, Don M egill, Mr. W ampler, Bill Herrick, and Glen Dirreen.
L ydia Clark Dumont, la.
Gerldine Colcher Salina, Kans.
Leon Frankamp Scottsville, Kans.
R obert DiVilbiss Join ings, La. Glen Dirreen Olmitz, Kans.
Shirley F ox Geneva, Neb, Donald Ellison Waco. Neb.
Nyla Epp York, Neb.
Bill Herrick Concordia, Kans.
Thomas Hook Independence, Kans.
Delores Humphries Salina, Kans.
M arjorie Hall W ichita, Kans.
D orothy Johnson Clyde, Kans.
Charles Hadley Wichita, Kans.
Richard Kainm Platte Center, Neb.
Joyce King Great Bend, Kans.
Jack Kiser Fullerton, Neb.
These were the freshman initiation w edding cast mem bers for 1951— David Morris, Jack Kiser, Ruth Carpenter, Don Ellison, Jeanie Morton, Dick Pickrel, B ill Woelfle, and Nyla Epp.
Dorsey L evell K eytesville, Mo.
Philip Lobb M cLouth, Kans. W illiam M cNeff Palmer, Neb. David Morris Dawson, Neb. Thomas Ross Calhan, Colo.
.<ÂŁ$" **& â&#x20AC;˘
Donald M egill Mankato, Kans.
'\ v -sr N .
Ruben Lopez Topeka, Kans.
^V e Walter Price M ullinville, Kans
R obert McQueen Calhan, Colo. A ndrew Peterson Scotia, Neb.
Jackie Morton Russell, Kans.
Mary Ann Schneider York, Neb. Victor Schoen Platte Center, Neb. Jack Tatro York, Neb. W illiam W oelfle Loveland, Colo.
Richard Schultz York, Neb. Ramona Watkins York, Neb. David W oolery Bucklin, Kans.
Bonnie Witham Agra, Kans. Ruth Wortman W oodland, Wash.
James M cCrory Santa Ana. Calif.
Lawrence Morres Santa Ana, Calif.
Reta Price M ullinville, Kans.
David Trott Lamar, Kans.
F IRST RO W : Smith, Schrader, French, W ilson, Phelps, Spahr. Bergland, Thorson, W. W oelfle, D. M egill, Wortman. SECOND ROW : Carr, Fessler, Peterson, R. Herrick, Chipman, W oolery, Brawn, Meeker, McNeff, Mr. Huebert, P. Woelfle. THIRD ROW : Harder, Morris, Churchill, Johnson, Price, Lovell, Hook, Brotton, Stephenson, Dirreen, Nobe, K. M egill, Atkinson.
e n c o u r a g e . (ZhxLitia.n [ iv L n g "
Y O U N G W O M E N 'S CHRISTIAN A SSO C IA TIO N FIRST RO W : Bradberry, B. Anderson, King, Bredthauer, Witham, Schaad, R. John足 son, Heidrick, Hardwick, Watson, D. Anderson, Humphries, Carpenter, Mrs. Bachman. SECOND ROW : W alkup, M eierhenry, Cook, W ortman, D. Johnson, Lewis, Harnden, Creech, W hite, Coleman, M orton, Watkins, Aldrich, Meidinger, L. Taylor, Colcher, P. Taylor. THIRD ROW : F ox, Burgett, Mattison, Churchill, Denton, Clark, Hall, Chaney, Peters. Am on, W iebe, Seymour, Morton, Robinett, W alker, Epp, Schneider.
,fD o f i x o n o t z (
a n d icfiooC
F IRST ROW : W ilson, Hammar, Smith, Brooke, Wortman. SECOND ROW : Meeker, Fessler, Carr, W oelflc, Stephenson, French.
PANTHERETTES FIRST RO W : Chaney, King, Watson, D. Johnson, W ortman, B. Anderson, R. John足 son, Humphries, Mrs. Regonos. SECOND ROW : Lewis, Harnden, Hall, White, Creech, Coleman, Morton, D. A n d er足 son, M eidinger, Bradberry. THIRD ROW : Burgett, Walkup, Clark, Seymour, Peters, Am on, W eibe, Morton, Robinett, Mattison, Heidrick.
FIRST ROW : DeVilbiss, D. M egill, Atkinson, Chipman, Noble, French, Price. SECOND ROW: McNeff, Eddy, W ilson, P. Woelfle, W. Woelfle, Her足 rick, Brawn.
FIRST ROW : Hadley, Fessler, French, Dirreen. McNeff, Wilson, Meeker, Eddy, Brawn, Price, Frankamp. SECOND ROW : Littler, Walker, Mann, Bradberry, Hardwick, Heidrick. Weibe, Schaad, King, Anderson, R. Johnson, R. Wortman, W. Woelfle. THIRD ROW : Spahr, Bergland, DeVilbiss, Lewis, Meidinger, Cook, Harnden, M eierhenry, Colcher, D, Johnson, Robinett, Morton, Coleman, Amon, Watkins, Aldrich. Thorson. FOURTH ROW : K. Megil, Burgett, W alker, Churchill, Hall, Chaney, White, Clark, Peters, Witham, Bredthauer, Mattison, Humphries, F ox, Carpenter.
F IRST ROW : Bradberry, Creech, Mr. Huebert, Blauch, Schneider. P. Taylor. SECOND ROW : Denton, White, Atkinson, L. Taylor, W ilson W ort足 man, French, Chipman, Aldrich, Taylor.
FIRST ROW : Anderson, French, Rabuck, Fessler. SECOND ROW : Lewis, Chaney, L. Taylor, P. Taylor.
FIRST RO W : Kamm, Creech, W iebe, King, Morton SECOND ROW : Hazen, Miller, Denton, Thomas.
F IRST RO W : Robinett, Klingman, Blauch, Kratz, M eierhenry, Morton, Hardwick. King, Schneider. SECOND ROW : Schoen, Smith, Meeker, Hadley, Frankamp, Herrick, Woelfle.
FIRST ROW : Morris, Hadley, Hardwick, Chipman, Thomas, Lewis. SECOND ROW : Fessler, Eddy, Burgett, Witham, Carpenter, Harnden, M orion, A idrich, Smith, Bredthauer, Meierhenry. THIRD ROW : Voris, Meeker, Clark. FOURTH ROW : Blaueh, Schneider, Morton, W oelfle, Klingman.
BAND " D o ta in j'loium into im itz i"
FIRST ROW : Mattison, Bredthauer, Hall, Schaad, Noble, A. Epp, Churchill, A tencio. Peters, Johnson, Witham, Chaney, R. Schrader. SECOND ROW : Fox, Brooke, Watson, Wortman, May, Am on, W ilson, E. Schradcr, McNeff, W. Ellison, Phelps, Brooke, Hook, T. Epp, Gallegos, Morgan. THIRD ROW : Mrs. Boone, Alire, Atkinson, Chipman, Martinez, D. Ellison, Lobb. Miller, Johnson, Suazo, Morris, Megill.
FIRST ROW : Lewis, Mattison, Seymour, Denton, Ellison. SECOND ROW : Morris, Wortman, Hall, Burgett.
Atkinson, Robinett, Potter, Seymour, Allison
FIRST ROW : A llen, W atkins, Erfourth. SECOND R O W : Glahn, D. M iller, Menzie, Smith, Mann, Thorson, W oolery, R. Miller, Speece, Coover, Martinez, Neidl.
FIRST RO W : Johnson, W atson, A ldrich, W iebe, Creech, A m on, and Miss W akelin. SECOND RO W : B. Anderson, Churchill, Hardwick, H eidrick, Watkins, Cook, Clark, Meierhenry. THIRD ROW : Burgett, Fox, D. Anderson, Hall, Peters, Witham, Denton, Bredthauer, Mattison, and Bradberry.
TOURING CHOIR FIRST ROW : Burgett, Lewis, Robinett, Bergland, Klingman, Blauch, R. W atkins, R. French, Kratz, M eierhenry, Taylor, Anderson, M orton, Thomas, J. W atkins, M orton, Schneider. SECOND ROW : W alkup, Teinert, Coleman, Seym our, M eeker, Carr, W ortm an, R. Herrick, Schoen, H. French, Thorson, H ardw ick, White, Churchill, King. THIRD ROW : Ailison, Woelfle, McQueen, W. Herrick, Smith, Mann, Frankamp, Hadley, A llen, Kam m , Littler, Braun, Eddie, Fessler, Peterson, Hammar.
The choir made some of its shorter trips in the Ole College Bus.
Friday, March 2 8 ...................... Lincoln, Nebraska (Southminster) Sunday, March 30 A.M Des Moines, Iowa (St. Andrews) Sunday, March 30 P .M . ............................ ........ Albia, Iowa ................... .... .............. Trenton, Missouri M onday, March 31 Tuesday, April 1 .............................. Kansas City, Missouri (First) W ednesday, April 2 .................................. ... Iola, Kansas Thursday, April 3 ....... Bartlesville, Oklahoma Friday, April 4 Texarkana, Arkansas Sunday, April 6 A .M . ...... .......... ..... . Jennings, Louisiana Sunday, April 6 P.M ........................................Roanoke, Louisiana Monday, April 7.............................................................Lissie, Texas Tuesday, April 8 . San Antonio, Texas W ednesday, April 9 ............................ Wichita Falls, Texas (First) Thursday, April 10 ..................................... Stillwater, Oklahoma Friday, April 11 ....................................... W oodward, Oklahoma Sunday, April 13 A.M ............................................. Alva, Oklahom a Sunday, April 13 Afternoon............................ Dacoma, Oklahoma Sunday, April 13 P .M ................................... Mullinville, Kansas Monday, April 14 Great Bend, Kansas Tuesday, April 15................................................... Clayton, Kansas W ednesday, April 16 .......................... Kearney, Nebraska (First) York Home Concert, City Auditorium, Sunday, April 20th
— 43—
Students do study at York College! Here we find Churchill and Steen.
These girls are the B-squad cheer leaders.
Middlebrook Hall from the rear.
One of York College's promising young drama students, Jim Potter, reads in the C o lle g e Church.
W hen W . Mark Haight cam e to the York College campus in the fall of 1951, the athletic department was facing an unknown future. The school had entered into a new conference and was meeting five new schools never before contested in football. With limited facilities and also limited material the new coach stepped into his job. The first practice session let all know that "Haight-Football" is a gam e of hard running, rough blocking and tackling. The style of which has seldom been witnessed in this area. Track work and wind sprints becam e a steady diet for the Y.C. gridsters, producing a team which was noted through out the season as the best conditioned on the field. It took only a few weeks for this coach from Wisconsin to becom e known throughout the state with his constant demand of respect for his teams. His athletic program has more than proved itself on the field for York College.
Serene half time words b y Haightâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; "â&#x20AC;&#x201D; YA S-T-I-N-K"
Frank W oofers . . . CO-CAPTAINS
• . . Jo h n
All-conf. halfback, high scorer in state, second top all-around athlete in Nebraska colleges.
All-conf. tackle, 4 year letterman in football, chosen as Rep resentative Man.
The Panthers opened the season against the Sioux Falls city college at the South Dakota field, on Saturday afternoon, September 29. The Sioux Warriors took the opening kick-off but could not get the ball out of their own territory. York took over on downs, and after a series of plays Bob Paine drove oft tackle for 28 yards and the first tally. Sioux Falls cam e back in the second quarter to score seven points and were leading at the half. Frank Wooters then took over the ball game, blasting up the middle twice in the third quarter and again in the fourth for three consecutive touchdowns. His jaunts measured 80, 60, and 40 yards. The final score was 26-7. The Panthers played their first conference gam e against Concordia Teach ers at Seward, Nebraska. Getting oft to a slow start in the rain and mud, the Concordia boys racked up 19 points to lead at the half. Coming back second half, the Y.C. gridsters found their w ay deep into Concordia territory with Wooters driving over to score frejm the four and the twelve yard lines. This set the score at 19-13. They then held C.T.C. four downs, forcing then to kick. Dave Miller took the kick on his own 20 and raced 80 yards for the T.D. only to have it called back for a penalty. After this setback the Panthers couldn't find the steam to push over another score; while the opposition cam e back with another six points. The gam e ended CTS 25—YC 13. For the first home gam e of the season YC met Dana College, another conference foe. Playing on a hard, fast field, the two contesters played on even terms until the second quarter T/vhen Wooters swept the end for 15 yards and a score. The half ended with the Panthers leading 7-0. The second half also was hard fought with Y.C. taking the upper hand when Larry Thorson recovered a blocked kick in the end zone. The Panthers retained their lead to win 14-0.
47 —
Larry Thorson End
Tom Stone Q.Back* A ll-C onf.
Bud Glahn End* A ll-C on f.
When the Panthers met Sterling College at Sterling, Kansas, Frank Wooters hit his full stride, running wild throughout the game. He scored four touchdowns on 15, 74, 35, and 40 yard jaunts. Sterling's tricky quarterback continually gave the York men trouble with his underarm pass, cashing in on them for a 30 yard TD and later driving across from the 1 yard line. The York scoring w as com  pleted by Bud Glahn snagging two passes for 52 and 25 yards and Tom Stone going across on a quarter-back sneak. The gam e ended with the York team ahead 45-13. York met Yankton, South Dakota, at its annual homecoming for the second home gam e of the year. Dave Miller got aw ay early in the gam e and scooted 74 yards for the first score. The Yankton team cam e back in full strength with a strong passing offense and racked up 7 quick points.- Wooters brought the Panthers back out in front in the third quarter with a 58 yard scoring jaunt. Second half Yankton picked up another 7 points. York put the gam e on ice with Thorson grabbing a 25 yard pass, Bob Paine plunging 4 yards, and Wooters going another 9 yards. Y.C. 30â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Yankton 14. The Panthers then journeyed to Lindsburg, Kansas, to meet the Bethany College. Arriving after game time the York team received the kickoff after a brief warmup period. The Panthers marched up the field to the Bethany 20 yard line where Bud Glahn snagged a pass for York's lone score. After this score the Swedes took the game over completely from the disorganized Panthers. The Swedes' powerful passing attack combined with their hard driving Carlson racked up five touchdowns to win 33-6.
A rt Speece Guard* A ll-C onf.
Norm A llen Center
D on Shebuski Guard* A ll-C onf.
D ave M iller H A L FB A C K
Pete Neidl CENTER
The Hastings Broncos and the York Panthers met on the Hastings field on the afternoon of November 9. The Panthers received the kickoff but were held for no gain. W hen York attempted the punt, an alert Hastings player recovered the ball on the 4 yard line. Three plays later the Broncos drove over for the first score. After another series of plays Wooters broke through the middle of the line to go 57 yards without being touched for the first York score. Hastings came back, scoring from the 24 yard line. York then drove to the Broncos' 17, and Wooters hit Glahn with the TD pass. Hastings racked up an other score, and the half ended with York on the Hastings' 4 yard line. In the second half the depth of the Hastings' squad showed its destructive power. Running in
M arty Smith TAC K LE
B ob Paine FU L L B A C K
team atter team, the Broncos pounded out another 5 TD's, while the Panthers re mained substitute ridden. The gam e ended with the York team again on the 1 yard line and the score H.C. 62— Y.C. 12. On their home field York defeated the College of Tarkio, Missouri, for second place in the conference. Completing his college career, Frank Wooters paced the Panthers throughout the game. The scoring began with an 86-yard run b y Wooters. Then Stone hit Glahn with a pass for a 44-yard score. Having a TD run called back in the first half, Wooters went ahead to hit Thorson with two TD passes for 12 and 47 yards. He later drove over from the 2-yard line and added three extra points throughout the game.
D on M egill Q U AR TER BA CK
John Coover GUARD
B ill Herrick H A L FB A C K
B ob M cQueen TAC K LE
B ob M iller H A L FB A C K
Wooters scores against Yankton at Homecoming.
Dave W oolery END
Gale Cook F U LLBA CK
A ndy Peterson GUARD
C ecil W alker GUARD
V ic Suazo H A L FB A C K
Mr. K oontz joins Atkinson, Robinett, Potter, and Seymour. But they w ou ldn â&#x20AC;&#x2122;t give him a jacket.
Harold French GUARD
Bill Ellison END
M el Brawn END
W ooters tries a placem ent with Stone holding.
K eith M egil GUARD
Parky Meyers CENTER
R andy Streeton GUARD
V.n eeis S lo n e b ts the tea®
Phil Lobb END
th6 h“ dd'e '
D ick A lire GUARD
The Team in Action
Thorson moves in for the tackle,
Wooters takes off around right end while Speece clears the traffic.
Pete Neidl cuts over to trap the opposing ball carrier.
Wooters is off for another long gain.
53 â&#x20AC;&#x201D;
Frankamp Center
Glahn Guard
W oolery Forward
Ellison Guard
Foster Forward
Beever Guard
Watkins Forward
Gardner Guard
Martinez Forward
Here is where the home games were played.
Menzie, M cQueen, Ellison, Kam m , M iller, Steen, Lopez, Tatro.
Frank W ooters played on the A squad until he graduated in mid-year.
Another B squad m em ber is D on Megill. He was absent the day the group picture was taken.
Kiser tries a short one.
Frankamp shoots w hile Kiser and Gardner observe.
IN ANALYSIS W e m ay conclude that next year should be better. W e m ay have w on only five gam es against twelve losses. But no one graduates from the first ten. Seven are freshman. Next year should b e our year.
FIRST R O W : Beaver, M egill, M iller, Martinez, Gardner, and Paine. SECOND RO W : Bode, M eeker, W oolery, Frankamp, Ellison, Nelson, Menzie, W alker, and Alire.
TENNIS TEAM C oover, Watkins, Erfourth, Brooke, Smith, Allen, and Rabuck.
Brooke, Hazen, Potter, Speece. Schoen, Erfourth, Kamm, Allison.
Erfourth shoots w hile Mann and B rooks prepare to rebound.
Herrick attempts a lay up.
L ook pretty, please! Hope and B ill posed for this one.
A bove: Aldrich studies in bed. B elow : Looks like a party! I see Witham, Carpen足 ter, Bredthauer, and Taylor.
Editor-in-Chief........................................Darrell Anderson Business M a n a g er....................................... Myron Fessler Assistant Editor........................................... Harold French Sports Editor................................................... Martin Smith v
Picture Editor.............................................. . Ora Lee Lewis Literary Editor
. ....................................Laura Taylor
Class Editors S e n io rs.......................................................Patricia Taylor Juniors........................................................Janice Watkins Sophom ores................................................... Bruce Rabuck F resh m en ................................................. Patricia Chaney Faculty Com m ittee....................................... Dr. Bachman Dr. Savery Miss Callender
Special appreciation is expressed to Higgins Studio, G ale Studio, Maurice Steen, and Walter Price for their photographic efforts. W e also thank the students who submitted snapshots and photographs of their own.
flusiitta Pete is
Robert lllille't
A ldrich, Alta, Longm ont, Colo.: Junior, M ajor— Speech, Band, LW R, Orchestra, Pantherettes, Press Guild, SAN DBU RR Staff, Pres, of W A A , Y W C A . • A lire, Richard, Petaca, N. M ex.: Sophom ore, M ajor— Mathematics, Football, Track, Glee Club, YM CA. A llen, Norman, Riverdale, Calif.: Sophom ore, M ajor— Mathematics, A Cappella Choir, Football, Tennis, LW R, Y Club. Am on, Frances, Livingston, Mont.: Sophom ore, M ajor— Speech, W A A , LW R, Pan therettes, YW CA. A nderson, Betty, Verm illion, S. Dak.: Freshman, M ajor— Religion, LW R, Panther ettes, SANDBURR, W A A , YW CA. A nderson, Darrell, Laurel, Nebr.: Junior, M ajor— Psychology, Marathon Staff. Anderson, Violeta, Alcalde, N. M ex.: Junior, M ajor— Psychology. Atkinson, Jack, Enid, Okla.: Junior, LW R, OBN, Press Guild, SAN DBURR, YM CA. Beaver, James, Y ork, Nebr.: Freshman, M ajor— History, Basketball, Track. Beebe, Billy, Gresham, Nebr.: Freshman, Football. Bergland, Barbara, Robinson, Kans.: Senior, M ajor— Music, A Cappella Choir; Campus W ives, LW R, Orchestra, YW CA. Bergland, John, Great Falls, Mont.: Senior, M ajor— Speech, Alpha Psi Omega (Treas urer), LW R, OBN, Panther Club, Student Council. Blauch, Diane, Y ork, Nebr.: Freshman, M ajor— Music, A Cappella Choir, Panther ettes, Press Guild, SANDBURR, YW CA. Bode, Rick, Fresno, Calif.: Freshman, M ajor— Speech. Boone, Charles A., Hamlet, N.C.: Senior, M ajor— Speech, Bradberry, B etty, Arkansas City, Kans.: Freshman, Major— R eligion, W A A , LW R, Pantherettes, SANDBURR, YW CA . Brandenburg, Mabel, Russell, Kans.: Senior, M ajor— English, Secretary o f Senior Class, YW CA. Bredthauer, Marietta, Scotia, Nebr.: Freshman, Band, Glee Club, LW R, Orchestra, W A A , YW CA . Briney, M elvin J., York Nebr.: Special. B rooke, Shirley, York, Nebr.: Sophom ore. Brotton, Roy Jay, Salina, Kans.: Sophom ore, LW R, YM CA, M ajor— Speech. Burgett, Ramona, Beverly, Ky.: Freshman, A Cappella Choir, Band, LW R, Panther Club, Pantherettes, W A A , Y W C A . Carpenter, Ruth, Espanola, N. Mex.: Freshman, M ajor— Science, Band, LW R, YW CACarr, Clinton, Wakefield, Nebr.: Sophom ore, M ajor— Music; A Cappella Choir, Band, Orchestra, YM CA, Pantin’ Panthers. Chaney, Patty, W hittier, Calif.: Freshman, A Cappella Choir, LW R, M arathon Staff, Pantherettes, YW CA. Chipman, Charles, Sycam ore, Kans.: Junior, M ajor— Psychology, Band, Glee Club, LW R, Orchestra. OBN, Press Guild, SANDBURR, Student Council, YM CA. Churchill, Marian, LaCrossc, Kans.: Freshman, M ajor— B iological Science- A C ap pella Choir, Band, LW R, W A A , YW CA. Churchill, R. Morris, Loveland, Colo.: Freshman, LW R, OBN. Clark, Florence, Dumont, Iowa: Freshman, W A A Band, LW R, Pantherettes, Y W C A . Colcher, Geraldine, Salina, Kans.: LW R, YW CA , Freshman. Coleman, Janice. Riverdale, Calif.: Sophom ore, M ajor— Interpretation, A Cappella Choir, LW R, Pantherettes, Student Council, YW CA. Cook, Lois, Ord, Nebr.: Junior, M ajor— Psychology, Glee Club, W A A , Y W C A . Coover, Hila, M cCool Junction, Nebr.: Special, Campus W ives, LW R. C oover, John, Parsons, Kans.: Senior, Alpha Psi Omega, Football, Tennis, LW R, OBN, Student Council, Y Club, YM CA, Coufal, Evelyn, York. N ebr.: Sophom ore, M ajor— English. Creech, Betty, Polk, Nebr.: W A A , YW CA. Denton, Carol, York. Nebr.: Senior, M ajor— Polit. Science, IRC, Panther Club, Pres, of Press Guild, Editor o f SANDBURR, Student Council, W A A , YW CA . DeVilbiss, Robert, Jennings, La.: Freshman, LW R, OBN, YM CA. Dirreen, Glen E., Olmitz, Kans.: Freshman, LW R, YM CA.
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Edie, Paul R., A lbuquerque, N. M ex.: Junior, M ajor— Speech, A Cappella Choir, Band, LW R; OBN. Ellison, Donald, W aco, Nebr.: Freshman, Football, Basketball, Baseball, M ajor— Mathematics. Ellison, Bill, W aco, Nebr.: Junior, M ajor— B iology, Football, Basketball, Baseball, Panther Club. Epp, A llen, Henderson, Nebr.: Junior, M ajor— History. Epp, Nyla Rae, York, Nebr.: Freshman, Y W C A . Erfourth, Donald, St. James, Minn.: Senior, M ajor— Mathematics, Alpha Psi Omega, Basketball, Tennis, Y Club. Ferguson, Art, Friend, Nebr.: Special, M ajor— History. Fessler, M yron, Clarinda, Iow a: Junior, M ajor— Biology, A Cappella Choir, Band, LW R, Marathon Staff, YM CA. Foster, Sterling, Benedict, Nebr.: Freshman, M ajor— History. Fox, Shirley May, Geneva, Nebr.: Freshman, W A A , YW CA. Frankamp, Leon, Scottsville, Kans.: Freshman, Basketball, Track, Baseball, A Cap pella Choir, LW R, YM CA. French, Harold, W ichita. Kans.: Senior, M ajor— Religion, A Cappella Choir, Football, Senior Class Pres., LW R, Marathon Staff, OBN, YM CA. French, Rosemary, Beloit, Kans.: Sophom ore, M ajor— Speech, A Cappella Choir, Campus W ives, LW R, Pantherettes, Press Guild, SAN DBU RR Staff, YW CA . Garcia, M ixim inio, Ojo Caliente, N. M ex.: Senior, M ajor— Political Science, LW R, YM CA. Gardner, Bill, York, Nebr.: M ajor— English, Freshman, Basketball. Glahn, M erle L., Elwood, Nebr.: M ajor— History, Junior, Football, Basketball, V ice Pres. Y Club. Griffith, Charles, Tulsa, Okla.: M ajor— Religion, Senior, Y Club. Hadley, Charles Jr., W ichita, Kans.: Freshman, M ajor— Philosophy, A Cappella Choir, Band, LW R, SAN DBURR Staff, YM CA. Hall, M arjorie E., W ichita, Kans.: Freshman, LW R, Sec. ot Panther Club, Panther ettes, W A A , YW CA. Hammar, Leonard, York, Nebr.: Junior, M ajor— History, A Cappella Choir, LW R. H ardw ick, Jean, M cCracken, Kans.: Sophom ore, A Cappella Choir, Band, LW R, Chapel Choir, W A A , YW CA. Harndon, Phyllis, Attica, Kans.: Sophom ore, M ajor— English, Band, Lam bda Phi, LW R, Pantherettes, YW CA . Hazen, Lester, The Dalles, Oreg.: Senior, M ajor— Speech and Drama, Alpha Psi Omega, Pres. Play Production Staff, Student Council. H eidrick, Joan, Virgil, Kans.: M ajor— Speech, A Cappella Choir, LW R, Pantherettes, G irls’ Trio, W A A , YW CA. Herrick, Bill, Concordia, Kans.: Freshman, A Cappella Choir, Football, Track, LWR. Herrick. Robert, Concordia. Kans.: Junior, Major.—History, A Cappella Choir, LW R, OBN, Press Guild, SANDBURR Staff, B oys’ Quartette, YM CA. H ollinger, Dean, Russell, Kans.: Sophom ore, M ajor— Mathematics, LW R, YM CA. Hook, Imogene, Independence, Kans.: Freshman, Campus W ives (Sec.), LW R, YW CA. H ook. Thomas, Independence, Kans.: Freshman, Glee Club, OBN, YM CA. Humphries, Delores, Salina, Kans.: Freshman, LW R, Pantherettes, YW CA. Johnson, Dorothy, Concordia, Kans.: Freshman, LW R, Pantherettes, YW CA. Johnson, L ow ell, Scotia, Nebr.: Sophom ore, LW R, OBN, Y M CA , M ajor— History. Johnson, Ruth. York. Nebr.: Junior, M ajor— History, Glee Club, LW R, Pantherettes, W A A , YW CA. Jones, Donald, Moravia, Iow a: Junior, M ajor— B iological Science. Kamm, Herbert N., Platte Center, Nebr.: Senior, M ajor— Political Science, A Cappella Choir, Intra Murals, Student Council, Pantin’ Panthers. Kamm, Richard, Platte Center, Nebr.: Freshman, M ajor— Literature, Basketball, Baseball. King, Joyce, Great Bend, Kans.: Freshman, M ajor— Music, A Cappella Choir, LW R, Orchestra, Pantherettes, Student Council, YW CA . Klingman, Joyce, Green, Kans.: Junior, M ajor— Music, A Cappella Choir, Band, LW R, Orchestra, Pantherettes, YW CA. Kratz, Irma, Albuquerque, N. M ex.: Sophom ore, M ajor— Interpretation, A Cappella Choir, LW R, Pantherettes, YW CA.
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Leggett, Charles H., Y ork, Nebr.: Senior, M ajor— Biology. Lovell, Dorsey, K eytsville, M o.: Freshman, YM CA. Lewis, Ora Lee, Concordia, Kans.: Sophom ore, M ajor— Music, A Cappella Choir, Band, LW R, Marathon Staff, Panther Club, Pantherettes, YW CA. Linderholm , Robert, York, Nebr.: Freshman, Track. Littler, Eugene, LaCrosse, Kans.: Sophom ore, M ajor— Speech, A Cappella Choir, LW R. L obb, Philip, M cLouth, Kans.: Freshman, Football, IRC, LW R, OBN. Lopez, Ruben, Topeka, Kans.: Freshman, M ajor—History, Basketball, Baseball. Mann, John E., M cCool, Nebr.: Senior, M ajor— Mathematics, A Cappella Choir, Football (Co-Capt.), LW R (Treas.), Y Club (Pres.). Martinez, Manuel, Antonito, C olo.: Junior, M ajor— Mathematics, Basketball, Track, Glee Club, Y Club. Mattison, Manila, Salina, Kans.: Junior, M ajor— P sychology, LW R, Panther Club, Pantherettes (Treas.), W A A , YW CA. May, Helen, Kearney, Nebr.: Junior, M ajor— Interpretation, LW R, YW CA . MeCrory, Jerry, Santa Ana, Calif.: Freshman. McNeff, Bill, Palmer, Nebr.: Sophom ore, M ajor— Religion, Band, Glee Club, O r chestra, OBN, YM CA. McQueen, Robert, Calhan, Colo.: Freshman, Football, Basketball, Track. Meeker, W ayne, Chanute, Kans.: Sophom ore, A Cappella Choir, Band, LW R, Panther Club, Student Council, YM CA. Megill, Donald, Mankato, Kans.: Freshman, Football, Basketball, LW R, OBN. Megill, Keith, Mankato, Kans.: Sophom ore, M ajor— Speech, Football, Baseball, Track, Glee Club, LW R, Press Guild, SANDBURR Staff, YM CA. Meidinger, V iolet, Fallon, Mont.: Sophom ore, M ajor— History, LW R, Glee Club, Orchestra, Pantherettes, YW CA. Meierhenry, Irene, Stanton, Nebr.: Junior, M ajor— Sociology, A Cappella Choir, Band, LW R , Pantherettes, W A A , YW CA. Menzie, Norman, Aurora, Nebr.: Sophom ore, M ajor— Mathematics, Basketball, Track, Y Club. Miller, David, Marquette, Nebr.: Sophom ore, M ajor— History, Football, Basketball, Track, Y Club, YM CA. Miller, Robert, Cheyenne, W yo.: Senior, M ajor— History (European), Football, Track, Glee Club Pres., LW R, OBN V. Pres., Student Council, Y Club, YM CA. Moores, Larry, Santa Ana, Calif.: Freshman. Morris, David, Dawson, Nebr.: Intramurals, Track, Band, Panther Club, Student Council, Y M CA , Fresh. Morton, Jean, Russell, Kans.: Sophom ore, M ajor— Speech, A Cappella Choir, Band, (Sec.) Pantherettes, Student Council, YW CA. Neidl, Peter J., A ntigo, W is.: Freshman, Football. Neilsen, Elgin E., Central City, Nebr.: Freshman, Track. Noble, W alter R., Red Cloud, Nebr.: Senior, M ajor— History, OBN, YM CA. Paine, Robert, York, Nebr.: Sophom ore, M ajor— History, Football. Peters, Justina, Henderson, Nebr.: Senior, M ajor— English, Glee Club, (Sec.) L W R , Pantherettes, W A A , Y W C A (Pres.). Peterson. A ndrew , Scotia, Nebr.: Freshman, M ajor— Religion, A Cappella Choir, Football, Track, LW R, OBN, YM CA. Petersen, Mary, York, Nebr.: Senior, Major— English. Phelps, Vernon, Berryton, Kans.: Senior, M ajors— English and English, Glee Club, YM CA. Potter, James E., Grover, Colo.: Senior, M ajor— Speech, Intramurals, Lam bda Phi, Panther Club. Price, Reta, M ullinville, Kans.: Freshman. Price, Walter, M ullinville, Kans.: Freshman, M ajor— History, LW R, Orchestra, OBN, SAN DBURR Staff, YM CA. Rabuck, Bruce, Coon Rapids, Iow a: Sophom ore, M ajors— B iology and Chemistry, Tennis, Marathon Staff, YM CA. Schaad, FloraBelle, Merna, Nebr.: Sophom ore, M ajor— Music, LW R, Y W C A . Schneider, Mary Ann, Y ork, Nebr.: Freshman, M ajor— English, A Cappella Choir, Band, Pantherettes, Press Guild, SAN DBU RR Staff, String Trio, YW CA . Schoen, Victor, Platte Center, Nebr.: Freshman, M ajor— Physical Science, A Cappella Choir.
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Schrader, Edgar, San Bernardino, Calif.: Junior, M ajor— History, Pres. OBN, YM CA. Schrader, Roszella, Sidney, M ont.: Junior, M ajor— Religion, LW R, Panther Club V.P., Student Council, YW CA. Schultz, Richard, York, Nebr.: Freshman. Schultze, Raym ond, York, Nebr.: Freshman. Seym our, JoAnne, Benedict, Nebr.: Sophom ore, A Cappella Choir, Pres. Panther Club, Sec. Pantherettes, Y W C A . ' — Smith, E. Vincent, Seattle, Wash.: Senior, M ajors— P sychology and Music, A Cap pella Choir, Band, Orchestra, YM CA. Smith, Martin E., Salina, Kans.: Junior, M ajor— History, A Cappella Choir, Football, Marathon Staff, Y Club (Sgt. at Arms). Spahr, Keith W., Loveland, C olo.: Senior, M ajor— Am erican History, LW R, OBN Pres., YM CA. Speece, Arthur, York, Nebr.: Senior, M ajor— Chemistry, Football, Y Club. Steen, Maurice, Canon City, Colo.: Sophom ore, Basketball, Baseball. Stephenson, David, Butler, M o.: Junior, M ajor— B iology, Student Council, YM CA. Streeton, Randall, Omaha, Nebr.: Junior, M ajor— History, Football. Tatro, Jack, York, Nebr.: Basketball, Baseball. Taylor, Laura Jane, York, Nebr.: Senior, M ajor— English, A Cappella Choir, M ara thon Staff, Press Guild Sec., SAN DBU RR Staff, YW CA. Taylor, Patricia, Lincoln, Nebr.: Senior, M ajor— English, LW R, Marathon Staff, Pantherettes, Press Guild, SAN DBU RR Staff, YW CA. Teinert, Eileen, Y ork, Nebr.: Junior, M ajor— History, A Cappella Choir, YW CA. Thomas, Evelyn, Topeka, Kans.: Senior, M ajor— Music, A Cappella Choir, Band, LW R, Orchestra, Pantherettes, Pres, of Student Council, Y W C A . Thorson, Larry, LaMesa, Calif.: Junior, M ajor— European History, A Cappella Choir, Football, LW R, OBN, Y Club Sec., YM CA. Trott, David M., Lamar, Kans.: Freshman. Voris, B obby, Riverdale, Calif.: M ajor— Speech, Sophom ore, LW R, Y Club. W alker, Cecil, Santa Cruz, N. M ex.: Junior, M ajors— Chem istry and Mathematics, Football, Track, LW R, Student Council, Y Club, YM CA. W alker, Rebecca, Santa Cruz, N. M ex.: Junior, M ajor— English, Campus W ives, LW R, Pantherettes, SONDBURR Staff, W A A , YW CA . W alkup, Caroline, York, Nebr.: Sophom ore, M ajor— Education, A Cappella Choir, Pantherettes, YW CA. W arick, M arjorie, Osceola, Nebr.: Sophom ore. Watkins, Janice, Y ork, Nebr.: Junior, M ajor— Music, A Cappella Choir, Marathon Staff, Orchestra, Pantherettes, YW CA. Watkins, Ramona, York, Nebr.: Freshman, A Cappella Choir, LW R, W A A , YW CA. Watkins, W illiam, Y ork, Nebr.: Senior, M ajor— Mathematics, Basketball, Tennis. White, Naomi, W ichita, Kans.: Sophom ore, M ajor— Speech, A Cappella Choir, Band, IRC, LW R, Pantherettes, SANDBURR Staff, YW CA. W iebe, Ardith, Aurora, Nebr.: Sophom ore, M ajor— B iology, Glee Club, LW R, Pan therettes, Student Council, W A A , YW CA. Witham, Bonnie J., Agra, Kans.: Freshman, M ajor— English, Band, G lee Club, LW R, W A A , YW CA . Woelfle, Paul H., Loveland, C olo.: Senior, M ajor— English, LW R, OBN, YM CA. W oelfle, William, Loveland, Colo.: Sophom ore, M ajor— Speech, A Cappella Choir, Band, LW R, OBN, YM CA. W oolery David, Bucldin, Kans.: Freshman, Football, Basketball, Track, Y Club, YM CA. W ortman, Bill, A m boy, W ash.: M ajor— History, A Cappella Choir, Panther Club, Press Guild, YM CA. Wortm an, Ruth E., A m boy, W ash.: Freshman, Glee Club, LW R, Pantherettes, Y W C A .
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See the new Chrysler at Geis Motors! You will find used cars as well in their spa足 cious lot.
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After the gam e w e find Ruben, Ramona, Irma, Betty and Carol gathered for coffee at the Sun.
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Ora Lee says, "I must find a new dress for Spring Banquet." She will be able tc find the right one in this popular shop.
Not only can you find the 1952 Studebaker cars and trucks, but also Case tractors and machinery are available at Bick Im足 plement Co.
80 —
Walter knows that for the best in photo足 graphic service and supplies Gale's is the place to go.
Darrell and Violet examine some of the fine carpet selections to be found at Osborn's. They also have a complete stock of furniture.
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The place to go for savings or checking accounts is the First National Bank. Their trustworthiness is assured.