York College Magazine | 2019 Volume 2

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Theatre students joined officers from the York County Quick Response Team in a training exercise at the First Church of God in Hanover, Pennsylvania. Students played the roles of hostages and used the experience to hone skills learned in the classroom. STORY ON PAGE 24

Photo courtesy of Caleb Robertson/ Our York Media


COMMUNITY 4 Around Campus

YC Pep Band

5 Meet Josh DeSantis

New this year, the pep band is looking forward to helping rock the Grumbacher Sport and Fitness Center for years to come.

9 Overheard 10 Engaging York 12 Spartan Sports

PAGE 6 >

PURSUITS 14 Research

Women’s Rhetoric in the Anti-Suffrage Movement

15 Hands-On

The preservation of traditional femininity and the use of religion remain common arguments against an increase in women’s rights. < PAGE 14

FEATURES 16 Taking the Final Step

Transfer Success

22 In Focus: Jerry’s Map

Sam Estrada ’18, transferred to York after seven years of active duty in the U.S. Army and a few years of college at the University of Texas.

24 Role of a Lifeline

PAGE 16 >

CONNECTIONS 28 Alumni News

Kevin Jablon ’95

29 Alumni Spotlight

In 2007, Kevin Jablon founded flooring distribution company Spartan Surfaces, starting with three employees and naming it after his college mascot.

33 A Glimpse of Our Past

< PAGE 29

Cover photo of Mechanical Engineering student Abigail Wright ’20 by Christopher Myers

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President Pamela Gunter-Smith, PhD Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs Laura Niesen de Abruña, PhD

“Change is the only constant in life1” and “change brings opportunity.2” Nothing could be truer for York College. In January 2016, the Board of Trustees approved the Strategic Plan for a Greater York College. Three years later, many of the plan’s strategic initiatives are taking hold. The academic restructuring has been completed and our academic programs are organized within five schools. We are becoming nationally recognized for innovative pedagogy, especially for courses that include project-based learning. Rooted in the York Community, these courses expand opportunities for students to engage in projects that prepare them for the job market after graduation. Our Center for Community Engagement (CCE) is thriving. The Center and its programs demonstrate the centuries-old link between the city and the College that bears its name. The lifeblood of any academic institution is its students. York College’s future

Chief Communications and Marketing Officer Mary Dolheimer Vice President, Enrollment Management Daniel Green, DMA Vice President, Campus Operations Kenneth Martin, PhD Vice President, Student Affairs Joseph Merkle, MA Vice President, Business Affairs and CFO C. Matt Smith, CPA Dean, Center for Community Engagement Dominic DelliCarpini, PhD

national origin, learning styles, life experiences, and desired modes of learning.

Head of School, York Country Day School Christine Heine, EdD

Our student veteran population is growing. Veterans are now officially


recognized by our Student Senate as a student group and a veterans’ student

Director of Editorial Services Gail R. Huganir

students are, and will be, much more diverse with respect to age, ethnicity,

lounge was dedicated and opened this past fall on campus. Our transfer student population is growing. We have streamlined the process for students to receive credit for academic work completed elsewhere when transferring to York College. We have articulation agreements with a number of community colleges and staff responsible for recruiting and advising transfer students. The stories of several of our students who began their education elsewhere are highlighted in this issue. We also recognize that working adults are looking for an education that meets them where they are. This fall, the College will launch its first fully online program from the School of Nursing and Health Professions. More online programs for our nontraditional student population are being developed. I’ll end by sharing a story from the most recent reception my husband, JL, and I held at our home for incoming students and their families. Among the group of 70 students was a set of quintuplets from New Jersey, several Ashleys of different ethnicities, a Chinese student unsure of her English, who came to the U.S. three years ago, and a nontraditional transfer student starting a second career. Most (aside from the quintuplets, of course) had not met previously. Within an hour, and with some coaching from me, all had left their family members and joined the large groups of students on the lawn. At the end of the reception, there was a raffle for three YCP gift baskets. As the winning names were announced, the students cheered for each winner. That’s when I knew that, regardless of their differences, they were all Spartans now!

Pamela Gunter-Smith, PhD President, York College of Pennsylvania Heraclitus, the pre-Socratic Greek philosopher


Nido Qubein, businessman and President, Highpoint University



Vice President, Development Troy Miller


Director of Creative Services Lance A. Snyder ’05 Design Consultant Skelton Sprouls Photographer Mike Adams Writer Colleen A. Karl Senior Administrative Assistant Colleen M. Adamy Summer 2019 Interns Corrine Longenbach ’20 Samantha Sabatini ’20 CHANGE OF ADDRESS Send address label along with new address to: Division of College Advancement York College of Pennsylvania York, PA 17403-3651 717-815-1410 or email yorkmag@ycp.edu York College Magazine is published three times a year (May, August, December) by the Division of College Advancement, York College of Pennsylvania, York, PA 17403-3651. Periodicals postage paid at York, PA, and additional mailing offices. Permit No. 174. © 2019 York College of Pennsylvania. Printed in U.S.A. We welcome your news and comments at yorkmag@ycp.edu. York College of Pennsylvania does not discriminate because of race, color, religious creed, disability, ancestry, national origin, sex, or age in employment or in recruitment and acceptance of students.


IS IT SAFE TO VACCINATE FOR MEASLES? Nicole Byers, MSN, MBA, RN Instructor of Nursing

Meda Higa, PhD Associate Professor of Biology

Audra Johns, MSN, RN Adjunct Faculty, Department of Nursing York County Immunization Coalition

Anyone who does not have a Center for Disease Control (CDC) contraindication to the vaccination that protects against measles (10 day or red measles), mumps, and rubella, should be vaccinated. Vaccines do not cause autism! Measles are coming from other countries and causing outbreaks among groups choosing not to vaccinate. When everyone without a contraindication is vaccinated, protection through herd immunity results for the small amount of people who cannot safely receive the vaccination. Those people include infants and those with cancer, who may suffer worse symptoms, permanent disability, and death from communicable diseases. The CDC reports 1,022 measles cases this year and rising. Anyone with a rash, white spots in their mouth, fever, cough, coryza, or conjunctivitis should wear a mask and seek medical attention immediately.

Measles cases in the U.S. are the highest in 27 years, partially due to a lower rate of vaccination. Measles is highly contagious; this trend could easily spark an outbreak. Symptoms are painful and can result in death, often in those under five years. Thankfully, vaccination efforts have plummeted U.S. cases and yet still some question the safety of vaccination. The MMR vaccine contains a live, weakened virus, but side effects are minimal (sore arm, a fever, mild rash). Links to autism have been disproven by many peer-reviewed scientific studies. Only those who are pregnant, have a weakened immune system, or are allergic should consider skipping the vaccine. The bottom line is that for most of the population, vaccinating against measles is not just safe, it also saves lives.

Protect yourself, protect your family, and protect your community. Measles is a highly contagious viral disease that was a common childhood illness of my generation. While most of us recovered without problems, many other healthy children did not. Some developed severe complications of pneumonia, encephalitis, and some died. It is estimated that before the availability of the vaccine, every year approximately 450 healthy children died from the measles. Community immunity is our responsibility. According to the CDC, two doses of the vaccine provide 97 percent efficacy with minimal to no side effects for most people. Children younger than 12 months and immune-compromised individuals cannot be vaccinated and are most vulnerable to measles complications and death. The measles vaccine provides the power to protect.

“ Community immunity is our responsibility. According to the CDC, two doses of the vaccine provide 97 percent efficacy with minimal to no side effects for most people.” — AUDRA JOHNS, MSN, RN

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Below: Becky McCloskey in front of the Millenium Falcon at Disney World.


moving on schedule in an environmentally sustainable way. One day, the team attended a creative overview, allowing McCloskey to see Disney’s vision for the project. Being part of that project and getting to see how rides will work behind-the-scenes has been an unforgettable experience for her. McCloskey says she’s gained more from her co-ops than just the civil engineering experience. She’s made connections within companies, has become more confident with the interview process, and has strengthened her resume. She’s excited to take what she’s learned in her co-ops so far and apply them to what she’s learning in the classroom.  — S.S.




Not every student has an opportunity to work on a new project for Disney. Junior Becky McCloskey from Pottsville, Pennsylvania, is pursuing a Civil Engineering degree and has had quite the Disney experience thanks to the College’s co-op program. For her first co-op last summer, she worked in Baltimore, Maryland, at

Whiting-Turner, a national construction company, doing cost-benefit analysis on a Disney World project. For her second co-op, also with Whiting-Turner, she helped with building the next big thing at Disney World. “It was an amazing experience,” she says, “I learned so many new things every day.” She spent much of her time working with the project managers and superintendents keeping construction

This year, two students, Semirat Ajisafe ’19 and Caramie Tshimanga ’19, participated in all three commencement ceremonies – a first for York College. Semirat Ajisafe was an executive officer for UNITY and the Explorative Learning Association, as well as a resident assistant. She was also part of the Student Nurses Association, Nursing Honors Society, and President of African Students Association. She said, “It was very exciting for me to be able to participate in all three ceremonies because it brought together three aspects of my college career that meant a lot to me. I value my background as a Nigerian American, which was celebrated in the Kente ceremony. I aspire to be a NICU nurse and eventually return to get my doctorate in Nursing and conduct research on how to better care for the POC and LGBT populations.”



Aug. 29 – Oct. 12, 2019 Brossman Gallery

September 6, 2019 7:30 p.m. DeMeester Recital Hall

Jerry Gretzinger’s imaginary city map will be displayed as an immersive, floor-to-ceiling wraparound experience. (see page 22)

Dr. Badgerow will present a solo piano recital of music by Brazilian composers.



MEET JOSH DESANTIS, DEd Associate Professor of Education Director, Graduate Programs, School of Behavioral Sciences and Education Coordinator, Educational Technology

Caramie Tshimanga was a member of

the Student Nurses Association, Alpha Chi National Honor Society, and Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society. She will work on a Cardiovascular Surgery ICU in Washington, D.C. and eventually plans to obtain a doctoral degree in nursing practice. She said participating in all three ceremonies was not just an honor, but “a culmination of hard work, and a willingness to push myself the extra mile...[it] enabled me to physically represent some of the qualities of myself and my culture that I truly hold dear, and I can only hope that it inspires others to do the same.”

What area of education do you specialize in and what about the field most interests you? As a professor, I primarily teach, research, and write about educational technology, social studies education, and school curriculum. That said, I have always had trouble “staying in my lane” and I love to learn about science, literature, politics, and music as well. I am basically interested in everything. I have found the more you know about the world, and the people in it, the more successful you can be at connecting what you teach to what your students care about. This connection is an essential precondition for learning. Every book I read, podcast I listen to, or conference I attend helps me be a better teacher. What drew you to higher education in the field of “teaching teachers?” I have known I wanted to be a teacher since I was in seventh grade. Two factors contributed to my decision to become a professor. First, I continued to pursue my own education by earning my doctorate while serving as a classroom teacher. Second, I was given opportunities to help my colleagues as a teacher-leader and by leading professional development. These experiences opened a window into the discipline of teacher-education to me. When I finished my doctorate, I decided to use what I learned to help prepare future teachers for the classroom. How would you say technology in the classroom enhances learning and benefits students?

Above, from top: Kente Ceremony: Caramie Tshimanga; Director of Intercultural Student Life and Global Programming Phillips Thomas; and Semirat Ajisafe; Nursing Pinning Ceremony: Tshimanga, Professor Cheryl Thompson, and Ajisafe; Commencement: Tshimanga, Dr. Pamela Gunter-Smith, President of YCP, and Ajisafe.

Some educators can be great with just an overhead projector. Some teachers can use a dozen tools, but cannot connect with their students. The best teachers, however, tailor their approach for each student and learning situation. To do this, teachers need to be skilled using a variety of different technologies and reflective in how and when they deploy them.

“I have found the more you know about the world, and the people in it, the more successful you can be at connecting what you teach to what your students care about.” — JOSH DESANTIS, DEd

In your experience, how has the field of education changed over time and how have you changed your curriculum/approach to teaching with these changes? The rapid pace of change brought on by technology and innovation presents a real challenge for schools. I handwrote my first report cards when I started teaching in 2003. Much has changed since then. Great teachers have always challenged themselves to grow and improve throughout their careers. The ability to remain open-minded and adaptable has become essential for teachers and it is something I try to help my students develop.  — C.K.

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SPARTAN FOOD PANTRY Kay McAdams, Associate Professor of History and York College of Pennsylvania’s Director of General Education, is using project-based learning in her First-Year Seminar class to address a food insecurity problem on campus. McAdams and her class are helping to improve the Spartan Food Pantry, which serves YCP students. It was established in 2016 by the Office of Intercultural Student Life and Global Programming. Through project-based learning, students work to improve the nutritional value of the food being collected, decrease the stigma of using the Pantry, increase the Pantry’s publicity, and expand the Pantry to help more students all year long.

McAdams notes, “In the classroom, you can teach students about food insecurity, but here they see it in the real world.” Students work with campus offices, attend meetings with officials, and develop professional skills while learning to address an important issue. Lizzy Fenner, sophomore and Biology major from Street, Maryland, acknowledges this project may not help her directly, but it will make her a better person. “This class helped me be more aware of what’s going on around me. This is my community, my home, and I want to help any way I can,” she says. McAdams has seen real progress with the food pantry and her students have developed through working on the project. This year she plans to push the class to focus on the stigma issue.  — C.L.

YC PEP BAND The new YC Pep Band is under the direction of Matthew Inkster, Professor of Music and Director of Instrumental Studies. Students from across the campus and representing many different Schools and majors have enjoyed participating in the band and supporting the Spartans this basketball season. Inkster explained, “I was so happy to receive a Great to Greater Grant to help us jump-start the organization. We needed to purchase music, equipment, shirts, and commission a YCP Fight Song.” The group will now be looking to purchase instruments that would be dedicated to student use in the pep band. He added, “The students have been so pleased to add to the great atmosphere and spirit at the basketball games that we could attend this year and we’re looking forward to helping rock the Grumbacher Center for years to come!”


Left to right, Briana Derrick ’20 (Pomona, NY); Ines Ramirez, Assistant Director of Intercultural Student Life and International Student Support; Sarah Burton ’22 (Pylesville, MD), and Associate Professor Kay McAdams.





September 19, 2019 7:00 p.m. Humanities Center 218

September 25, 2019 7:00 p.m. Weinstock Lecture Hall

Professor Leslie Dwyer presents this film, which explores the memories of those responsible for the murder of a million people in Indonesia in 1965.

Seventy years ago, Aldo Leopold published Sand County Almanac, a classic of conservation writing. This film highlights the impact of his work. ► YCP.EDU/CULTURAL-SERIES

WITH A YORK COLLEGE OF PENNSYLVANIA GRADUATE DEGREE YOU CAN CONNECT YOUR PROFESSIONAL GOALS WITH OPPORTUNITIES THAT CAN SHAPE YOUR FUTURE FROM DAY ONE. NEW GRADUATE PROGRAMS • Diversity and Student Resilience (MEd) • Integrated Marketing Communication (MA) • Leadership (MA) • Music Industry Studies (MA) – Fall 2020 • Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (MSN) • Public Policy and Administration (MPPA)

Discover our full graduate program portfolio: ycp.edu/graduate

“ I love being able to use what I’m learning about in this program in my classroom the very next day.” Kyle Marks, full-time teacher, York County School of Technology, MEd–Technology, York, PA


CYBERSECURITY WARRIOR Tyler Haynes ’21 (Randallstown, MD) works hard training for the Army. At the same time, he is advancing his education through the Cybersecurity Management program at York College. Like many 18-year-olds, Haynes was unsure of what path to follow after graduating high school, but he did know he liked working with computers. When his best friend joined the military to become an intel analyst, it made sense for him to join as well, especially after both of his parents had been involved in the Army. Because he joined as an information technology specialist, Haynes went through basic training and Army school, but despite being combat ready, he says, “I’m a signal soldier. I focus on communications.” After a year in the Army, Haynes realized he had higher aspirations for himself, so he transferred from active duty to the Army Reserves and enrolled at the College. Being in the Army did not prepare him for the many aspects of living on his own, but

over time and with the help of friends, he has begun to feel comfortable and at home here in York. Looking ahead to his junior year, Haynes will be back at the College in the fall, but will most likely be preparing for a 6-to-12-month deployment overseas in the spring. He’s not looking forward to the time off from school, but he has been training for this deployment, so he feels ready. Haynes is happy with his untraditional path, saying, “I guess I wanted to just see where life took me.”  — C.L.

ENGAGED COMMUNITY SERVICE Nursing major Ileen Yeng ’21 (York, PA) has consistently loved helping others in her community, but she always felt that something was lacking from traditional activism. “It felt impersonal,” she says. That all changed for her after she joined the Eisenhart Scholars program. The program “focuses on community service and engagement, but I think it is different from what most people think of as community service,” says Yeng. “We actively go out and talk



September 26, 2019 7:30 p.m. Waldner Performing Arts Center An alumnus of Rennie Harris Puremovement, Xavier draws inspiration from multiple art forms and expands dancer and audience expectations.



The program “focuses on community service and engagement, but I think it is different from what most people think of as community service. We actively go out and talk to the people we want to help to understand the issue better.” — ILEEN YENG ’21

to the people we want to help to understand the issue better.” During her time with the Eisenhart Scholars, Yeng was most proud of a program called Generations of Hope. For 12 weeks in the summer of 2018, she worked with seven York Opportunity Scholars to develop a mentoring program for York City’s youth that was piloted in the fall of 2018 at McKinley Elementary School, thanks to funding from the Women’s Giving Circle. Fortunately, the program will continue as the grant has been renewed. “Our goal is to expose the youth to opportunities and expand their knowledge outside of school.”  —J.S.


October 21, 2019 7:00 p.m. Weinstock Lecture Hall A lecture by Dr. Sheila S. Walker, 2019-20 Woodrow Wilson/Council of Independent Colleges Visiting Fellow. ► YCP.EDU/CULTURAL-SERIES


“As a social scientist, I watch Game of Thrones differently than most, asking how the show reflects our own social and political world . . . I conducted a study of University of Dayton students who watch GoT. I asked participants to identify with one noble house and one religion from GoT—and found that attitudes toward the show are related to one’s realworld politics, religion and other characteristics.”

“I was surprised to be approached by the NBA . . . . it illustrates that life doesn’t always follow a straight line. There are ups and downs, detours and opportunities . . . . Art Buchwald said... these may not be the best of times or the worst of times, but this is the only time we have. Let’s make the most of it!”

Joshua D. Amrosius ’05, Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the Master of Public Administration program at the University of Dayton, in his article, “Whom you supported in ‘Game of Thrones’ says a lot about your real-world politics,” published in The Washington Post.

“I’m so interested in the thought of criminalistics, that even after I graduated with my undergraduate degree, I took a forensic pathology just for fun just because I found it so interesting.”

“People wrongly blame riots for the decline of cities. They’ll say small businesses were burnt down because of riots and white population dropping. But downtown shopping was already in trouble. Department stores had moved out. It probably reinforced the view that downtown was dangerous.” Peter Levy, PhD, Professor of History, in Pennsylvania Real-Time News, PennLive, “Lessons linger from Harrisburg’s 1969 summer of racial turmoil,” by Ivey DeJesus.

Retired Lt. Gen. Michelle Johnson, Commencement Speaker for May 2019, was quoted by USA Today in the article, “To the Class of 2019, thoughts from Oprah Winfrey, Mike Pence, Ken Jeong, Robert F. Smith and other commencement speakers,” from her speech at the College.

Monique Brillhart ’00, a latent print examiner with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, was featured in USA Today’s article, “How I became a forensic scientist,” as part of their “How I became a…” series which shares the success of accomplished or influential individuals and the path they took.

“There will be a reckoning to the essential idea of never being able to win the war in cyberspace. This could remove the strategic advantage of engaging in cyberwar.” James Norrie, DPM, Professor of Business Administration, the Graham School of Business, on his view of cyberwarfare among nations in his article, “What if cyberwar is unwinnable?,” published with PennLive’s “Opinion” section. YO YORRKK CCOOLLLLEEGGEE M MAAGGAAZZI INNEE •• 22001199 VVOOLL. .1 2



Below: Associate Professor Corey Brooks (center) reviews a book in the York Historical Society’s collection with Danielle Gemperline ’20 (left) and Cody Little ’19 (right).

POLICY AND HISTORY IN YORK Associate Professor of History Corey Brooks’ Policy and History in York Class successfully demonstrates the relevancy of historical research. Students worked hard throughout the semester to understand the history of poverty in York so that they could present their findings to community leaders. One of the main elements of the course was its focus on independent research that would eventually come together in the final presentation. Unlike professors in traditional classes, Brooks acted more as a mentor, giving advice and guidance, while still letting the students work through any challenges they faced. Students Danielle Gemperline ’20 (York, PA) and Cody Little ’19 (Kulpmont, PA) both expressed how helpful Professor Brooks was throughout the semester. “The most helpful thing Dr. Brooks did for our class, was leave us to our own devices,” says Little. In addition to giving students the opportunity to conduct important historical research, largely on their own, Policy and History in York allowed York College students to enact real change in the community. At the conclusion of the course, students presented their combined research detailing the history of poverty policy in York to local politicians and community leaders, including the city’s mayor and the city council president. “Initially, the idea of presenting to community leaders was exciting yet a bit intimidating at the same time,” says Gemperline. However, as nervous as they were, their presentation became one of the most valuable experiences of the course, and one of the most successful. “The community stakeholders who watched our presentation were both engaged and took our research very seriously; I believe that was inextricably connected to the fulfillment we all felt upon the completion of the course,” notes Little.



“ The community stakeholders who watched our presentation were both engaged and took our research very seriously; I believe that was inextricably connected to the fulfillment we all felt upon the completion of the course.” — CODY LITTLE ’19

York College’s commitment to combining student learning with community engagement is evident in Brooks’ new course. By analyzing poverty policy in York through a historical lens, students were able to influence policymakers’ perspectives and contribute to the betterment of the community. While challenging, students reflected on the class as an overall positive and rewarding experience; mostly because the purpose of their research was not for a grade, but rather to make a positive impact on the city. Dominic DelliCarpini, PhD, Dean of York College’s Center for Community Engagement, says, “This course showed the ways that history continues to be relevant – not only in general terms, but for addressing current issues. Since the students researched the history of issues that still affect York, they have learned how looking deeply at the past can help them think about the present and the future.” Brooks looks forward to repeating the course and continuing to bring other issues facing the York community to light through a historical lens.  — C.L.

GREENHOUSE PROJECT At the center of the Alexander D. Goode Elementary School in York, a greenhouse has been built where York College education students will work hands-on with teachers. Students in Assistant Professor of Education Nicole Hesson’s elementary school science class will work with teachers to develop lesson plans for using the greenhouse yearround beginning in the fall of 2019. Currently, the school uses a garden that is cultivated by volunteers from Temple Beth Israel in York Township, but the greenhouse will keep weather from canceling lessons. “The garden can only do so much because of the weather,” Hesson says. “Once the greenhouse is operational, they can teach lessons inside all year.” Education students are not the only ones to work on this project. The idea first began with the College’s Engineering

“It doesn’t matter what the kids do, even if they do something crazy like watering a plant with apple juice. They’re going to get a result and we want them to interpret that result and think critically about what they’re seeing.” — NICOLE HESSON, EdD

Below: The design of the project was handled by Engineering students, and Engineering faculty helped construct the greenhouse on-site.

Department back in 2016. The design and construction of the project was handled by engineering students in their capstone course to serve as a community project. Science requires hands-on experiments and young students are encouraged to explore on their own. “Over the years, you did labs where everyone was supposed to get the same result, but that’s not how real scientists get results,” says Hesson. “You’re not increasing curiosity with that. But, if you give kids materials and ask them to achieve a goal, that’s where they learn those skills.” Hesson plans to leave the greenhouse project up to the students to experiment. “It doesn’t matter what the kids do, even if they do something crazy like watering a plant with apple juice,” she says. “They’re going to get a result and we want them to interpret that result and think critically about what they’re seeing.”  — C.K.

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LEADING SPARTANS INTO A NEW ERA Paul Saikia, Assistant Dean for Athletics and Recreation for the past eight years, has seen the College landscape change dramatically over his 31 years at York College. He was at York when the Capital Athletic Conference (CAC) was created and is now leading the Athletic Department into a new era as the Spartans are set to join the Middle Atlantic Conference (MAC) starting in the fall of 2020. Saikia began his York College career as the part-time baseball coach in the fall of 1987, taking over the program from York College icon Jack Jaquet. He was elevated to Assistant Athletic Director in 2001 as the baseball program continued to be one of the top programs in the Mid-Atlantic region. Saikia was renowned for his care of Jaquet Field, making the facility one of the best in Division III baseball.



“I believe in our ability to be great in our arenas of competition, but I also believe that we can’t do that unless we are great in the classroom too.” — PAUL SAIKIA

In 2011, Athletic Director Sean Sullivan departed York for an opportunity to take an Athletic Director role closer to his hometown of Boston, Massachusetts. After a national search, Saikia was selected to take over the top spot in the Athletic Department and the Spartans haven’t looked back. York has experienced great success on the field and on the courts while the program’s performance in the

classroom has been extraordinary. The Spartans have been the top academic performers in the CAC for the last four years including this year’s 278 student-athletes who received CAC All-Academic honors. The Spartans also won five CAC championships during the year. The Athletic Department boasted an overall GPA of 3.30 with the GPA covering 456 student-athletes. York had 20 of its 21 teams (indoor and outdoor track and field count as one team) finish this year with a cumulative GPA of over 3.0 for the year. “I believe in our ability to be great in our arenas of competition, but I also believe that we can’t do that unless we are great in the classroom too,” says Saikia. “We have a motivated group of coaches who understand that it all starts with recruiting the right students, students who will have a chance to be successful Spartans.”  — Scott Guise, Director of Athletic Communications






This photo appeared in the 1968 York Junior College yearbook, The Horizon. Left to right: Phil Ghaner, Charles Rosengrant, Bill Wishard, John Patrizio, Jeff Carley, and John Scurfield.


2018-2019 Roster: Zach Billings, Jr., Bel Air, MD; Matthew Chalupa, So., Landenberg, PA; Luke Fayocavitz, So., Clarks Summit, PA; Casey Leebrick, Fr., San Luis Obispo, CA; Joel Marshall, So., Fredericksburg, VA; Tyler Newton, Sr., Bel Air, MD; Dylan Wyatt, Fr., Linthicum, MD. Head Coach: David Boslough, Assistant Coach: Eric Stauffer

Senior Tyler Newton (far left) from Bel Air, Maryland, leads the Spartans with a stroke average of 73.38. He has notched two top five finishes in six tournaments this year. Casey Leebrick (left) is a freshman from San Luis Obispo, California. He has finished first at one tournament this year and has earned two top five finishes in his six collegiate tournaments. His stroke average as a freshman is 73.85.

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RADIO TELESCOPE PROJECT What started as an ambitious idea from one individual has turned into a groundbreaking senior capstone project being worked on by more than a dozen York College students, several professors, and community members. Kerry Smith of the York County Astronomical Society (YCAS) paired up with Don Hake, a computer science instructor at York College, to expand his original idea and begin building. A steerable 4.5 meter radio telescope will be installed at John Rudy Park through a collaboration between York College students, the YCAS, and the York County Parks System (YCPS). Students from Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Computer Science have come together to achieve this tremendous goal. “Their ongoing task is to design, build, and install a totally automated, fully steerable, tracking, and web accessible radio telescope that can be used for educational outreach by anyone interested in radio astronomy,” says Smith. They are working continuously, attending lab sessions and status meetings through the summer to complete the project. Another member of the YCAS, Todd Ullery, says while he looks forward to utilizing the final product, “it is seeing the YCP students grow as engineers that is truly remarkable and rewarding.” A large part of the capstone project is giving students the opportunity to work through challenges while also dealing with the responsibilities of the real world such as working with businesses and community organizations.



“ It is seeing the YCP students grow as engineers that is truly remarkable and rewarding.” — TODD ULLERY

The unique qualities of this project are not lost on those involved. Dan Shook ’20, from Manchester, Maryland, who has been working with a team of mechanical engineers, says, “This is definitely the project to undertake for those that want to stand out.” It is so remarkable that Dr. Drew Wilkerson, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, doesn’t know how many radio telescopes are fully steerable, but he does know there are not many, especially in the hands of amateurs. Hake agrees the project is extremely valuable to the engineering and computer science students as they complete their degrees and move into their careers. He says, “From my perspective, coming from an industry background with 30 plus years of engineering project management experience, they could NOT be getting a better real-world multidisciplinary, project-based learning experience than this. They are learning that engineering is a series of failures that ultimately leads to success.” Students and other contributors of the radio telescope project presented their design at the Annual Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers (SARA) Conference in August this summer in Green Bank, West Virginia, home of the largest fully steerable radio telescope in the world. “The project is a ‘win’ for students, for YCP, YCAS, the parks, and the community,” says Ullery.  — C.L.

WOMEN’S RHETORIC IN THE ANTI-SUFFRAGE MOVEMENT So often we hear that history is told by the winners, which is why I chose to pursue archival research focused on the losers. My project, Women’s Rhetoric in the Anti-Suffrage Movement, originates from the content of History of Women’s Rhetoric, a class taught by Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Composition, Emily Cope. After learning about how women’s use of rhetoric had developed over time, I found myself most interested in how rhetorical techniques had stayed the same over thousands of years. The phenomenon of history repeating itself is very familiar to me, a History and Professional Writing double major, and led me to my choice in topic. The lack of research focused on women and their contributions to history, as well as the limited information available about those who were unsuccessful throughout history, act as foundations for the project.

The preservation of traditional femininity and the use of religion remain common arguments against an increase in women’s rights. — CORRINE LONGENBACH ’20


Analyzing 20th century letters, petitions, and statements written by women from anti-suffrage organizations to congressmen and legislative bodies was my primary source of information. While every document shared a common objective, each one presented a slightly different perspective. Of all the arguments utilized by anti-suffrage women, I was most interested in those concerning race and femininity. Those opposed to women’s suffrage argued that it would destroy white supremacy, as African American voters would outvote white voters. They also claimed that politics and voting were masculine and would cause women to lose their femininity. Though the debate over women’s suffrage has been over for nearly a century, we can see the same rhetorical techniques being used in political discourse today. Many of the arguments used by women in opposition to the 19th Amendment emphasized patriotism, using the Constitution, international conflict, and race to fight the expansion of women’s rights. Today, those same reasonings are often used by both sides of the political spectrum to support their efforts. More specifically, the preservation of traditional femininity and the use of religion remain common arguments against an increase in women’s rights. Initially, the research was only to be completed for the final assignment of the course, but with encouragement and guidance from Professor Cope, I was fortunate enough to be able to present my research at the Undergraduate Research Showcase and the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). I was surprised at the amount of interest in my topic at CCCC, but many people reiterated the importance of the research, especially in today’s society. I am excited to continue researching and hopefully contribute to our understanding of women’s rhetoric throughout history.  — C.L.

SCOTT KIEFER, PhD When it comes to professional connections, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Scott Kiefer is humble. “I guess I’m not all that well connected,” laughs Kiefer. But, when he takes time to reflect, he really does have many connections. Take Shadowfax, for example. While the connection with York College existed prior to Kiefer’s arrival on campus, his work with the organization has built the program up and developed it into a capstone project. Students who

“ The biggest thing for our students is it gives them interaction with a real customer. They work with the supervisors [at Shadowfax] and then they also work with the people that actually use the devices there.”

work with Shadowfax and its clients make a real difference in the community while also gaining the skills they need to be successful in their careers. “We wanted to start doing community outreach. We wanted to be more than just the car projects,” says Kiefer. And, so this program “morphed into this capstone [project] where we can do bigger devices.” Kiefer has always been passionate about engineering and he appreciates the understanding of how things work. What led him to be a professor of engineering all began with a meeting with a professor during undergraduate school. The professor encouraged him to apply for a summer engineering program at the University of Wyoming. “That was when I really woke up to the fact that I can now take the appreciation I have for how things work and how engineering works, and have an opportunity to share it,” reflects Kiefer. All students who work on a capstone car project join the Society of Automotive Engineers International (SAE). This organization connects engineering professionals worldwide. As a member, Kiefer encourages students to get involved and has helped students successfully secure careers through the Society.  — C.K.


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The right fit is critical when considering a college. But what if the fit or your program of study isn’t so right after all? Or you need to finish your degree after community college? You’re not alone. Over one third of all college students change schools at least once within six years, according to a 2015 report by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center.

Taking the Final Step



Sam Estrada ’18 had plenty of questions when he decided to transfer to York College of Pennsylvania in 2015. He knew what to expect from college – he had attended the University of Texas in his hometown of El Paso for a few years – and he hardly lacked the discipline and drive needed for success. Having just completed seven years of active duty in the U.S. Army and deciding on a career in international relations, he was ready for the next step. YO R K C O L L E G E M A G A Z I N E • 2 0 19 V O L . 2



The question of which college to attend was answered while visiting his mentor in the service, who retired to York. Estrada decided that YCP had the affordability, size, location, and quality of education he was seeking. The College’s Transfer Resource Center took care of the rest. “It was a one-stop shop for all my needs, especially because I had been out of school for so long. They answered all my questions, especially ‘Where do I start?’” While the process of transitioning back to college was seamless, thanks to YCP, Estrada wasn’t prepared for how intimidated he felt reentering the educational world. “The longer you are out of school, you doubt your ability to succeed, especially with the technology,” admits Estrada. “But YCP has such a great, small feel with so much attention. At the University of Texas, I felt like a number. I didn’t feel that at all at York.” One of his most memorable achievements was creating a month-long independent study abroad program in Nicaragua during the summer of 2017 with Professor Jennifer Pomeroy, PhD, who teaches Geography in the History and Political Science Department. “We researched the rural livelihood of sustainable coffee farmers,” he explains. “It was eye-opening for me to learn about the impact of commodity.” After applying to intern with Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf ’s office, Estrada was instead offered a job as a Constituent Affairs Specialist. Recently, he was promoted to Special Assistant to the Governor’s Secretary of Policy and Planning. “I was really fortunate to have faculty that allowed me to direct my own path while providing a formal structure to turn theory into practice. They all helped to complement my previous international experience in the U.S. Army.”


inding the right fit can be challenging. Whether transferring from a traditional four-year institution or taking the next step after community college, trying to figure out which credits and where to get answers are daunting tasks. That’s where the Transfer Team at York College of Pennsylvania (YCP) steps in. Five years ago, to meet transfer students’ unique admission, enrollment, and financial aid needs, YCP created a collaborative approach to transfer enrollment. Team members Sueann Robbins, Director of Graduate and Transfer Admissions; Erica Schieler ’06, Assistant Director of Transfer Admissions; Katie Schwienteck, Associate



Keena Minifield (right) with her advisor, Professor Kwasi Sarfo, JD, PhD.

“I am most proud that I have obtained an associate degree, got accepted to YCP, completed my first semester as a junior doing 15 credits, all while being a single mom to a 9- and 10-year-old. Being a nontraditional student doesn’t make me feel out of place, I blend right in!” — KEENA MINIFIELD ’20

Registrar; and Ed Lane, Assistant Director of Financial Aid, assist every transfer student every step of the way. “From inquiry all the way through enrollment and beyond, our students get hands-on, individualized attention,” explains Robbins of the Transfer Team, which is a collaborative effort between Admissions/Enrollment Management, Registrar, and Financial Aid. A 30-year veteran of college admissions, Robbins also offers advice from another YCP perspective: as the parent of Dani Robbins ’16. The Transfer Team guides prospective students in-person and online through the process. “If you’re a transfer student ready to make the move, we have the resources available to make it a good one,” adds Schwienteck. “I’ve worked at four institutions, and we are by far the easiest for transfer students. We don’t pass them around for questions.” This is proof of the kind of student-focused attention that helped YCP earn a coveted spot on the national Phi Theta Kappa Excellence in Community College Transfer Honor Roll. Schwienteck underscores YCP’s personal approach. As a college student, Schwienteck transferred from Clarion

University to Millersville University: “I put my personal transfer experience at the forefront of my students for service and policy development to let them know that YCP is a good place to land to finish their education.” The robust Transfer Resource Center at www.ycp.edu/trc provides 24/7 answers to numerous transfer concerns, along with handy tables listing the YCP equivalent class for the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) test and score and YCP’s own Transfer Course Equivalencies listing. Knowing which credits will (and won’t) transfer is a huge source of anxiety for transfers, explains Erica Schieler. “Our Transfer Course Equivalencies page lists our 100 most-popular schools that students transfer from with the course equivalency of classes at those schools and how they transfer in to YCP,” she says of the purposeful course-by-course comparison she and her colleagues undertake to determine credit transfers.


ontraditional student Keena Minifield ’20 chuckles when recalling the many questions she asked Schieler during the process of transferring from Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC). “I visited her office and emailed her seriously dozens of times,” says Minifield, who is a single mother to two children under 10. “She was always ready to help me when I had questions. Minifield chose York College for its size, proximity to her job and home, and her intended major, political science. There were challenges with scheduling and juggling classes, a job, and motherhood, but her advisor Kwasi Sarfo, JD, PhD, helped her stay on track and abreast of new opportunities. This past summer, Minifield was selected for the 2019 New Leadership PA week in Pittsburgh for women interested in politics. Sarfo takes pride in Minifield’s accomplishments and what she and other transfer students – over 15 percent of the total YCP student population – bring to the classroom. “Transfer students, many of whom have nontraditional backgrounds and college experiences, enhance the interactive environment of the classroom, especially where they have been exposed to transfer learning strategies and similar best practices in pre-transfer classes,” he says. And there’s no mistaking Minifield’s pride in her accomplishments. “I am most proud that I have obtained an associate degree, got accepted to YCP, completed my first semester as a junior doing 15 credits, all while being a

single mom to a 9- and 10-year-old. Being a nontraditional student doesn’t make me feel out of place, I blend right in!” To further ease transfer transition, YCP partners with HACC, Northampton Community College and Bucks County Community College with program-to-program articulations for 15 majors. This means that designated majors at these community colleges partially satisfy the requirements to complete the degree at YCP. Enrollment agreements at four community colleges – HACC, College of Southern Maryland, Harford Community College, and Montgomery Community College – offer transfer-friendly credit and financial aid consideration. Another YCP innovation is Transfer Tuesday, a dedicated session focused solely on transfer students.

Abigail Wright (left) with her advisor, Professor Tim Garrison, PhD.

“YCP’s co-op program was a large factor in my transferring. I walked into Ms. Wilkes’s office as soon as I could with a resume and asked her for help finding a position. She slowed me down, took the time to get to know me, and recommended me to the perfect company!” — ABIGAIL WRIGHT ’20

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Nearly every Tuesday morning year-round, the entire team meets with potential transfers to answer questions, review transcripts, and offer campus tours focused on the campus experience of non-first-year students (no firstyear student dorms on the tour). On Transfer Tuesday or any other event or personal appointment, team members also evaluate transcripts, official or unofficial, prior to application. A critical part of Transfer Tuesday is Lane’s explanation of the financial aid process, payment plans, transfer-specific scholarships, private loans, and more. The team knows well, though, that creating the right fit for transfer students ultimately depends on community, and that’s where YCP faculty shine, notes Schwienteck. “Our faculty love transfer students and see the value that they bring to the classroom with life experience and having done school before,” she explains. Tim Garrison, PhD, who retires this year as the first-ever Dean of YCP’s Kinsley School of Engineering, Sciences and Technology, embraces the individualized approach when advising transfer students. “Each transfer student has a unique academic history which requires special attention,” Garrison explains. “Advisors work with transfer students to make sure all pertinent courses transfer appropriately. I typically spend a significant amount of time helping the students develop an academic plan so that they can efficiently meet all of their remaining degree requirements.” He also pays particular attention to his transfer students, helping them feel comfortable at the College. His advisee, Abigail Wright ’20 (Baltimore, MD) transferred from Duquesne University in 2017. Seeking a broader engineering foundation and a more hands-on experience, Wright also changed majors from Biomedical Engineering to Mechanical Engineering when she transferred. Her reasons for choosing YCP were both familial – her mother, Gail Wright, is an accounting professor in the Graham School of Business – and aspirational. “YCP’s co-op program was a large factor in my transferring,” Wright says of her two co-op rotations with Becton Dickinson, a medical diagnostics equipment company. “I walked into Ms. Wilkes’s office [Joanne Wilkes, mechanical engineering co-op coordinator] as soon as I could with a resume and asked her for help finding a position. She slowed me down, took the time to get to know me, and recommended me to the perfect company.” It’s the connections and the sense of community that have made the biggest impact on Wright. “The faculty and staff have truly helped me grow into a better student and leader. I love that I am no longer a ‘number’ in a lecture hall, but a face with a known name,” she adds.



TRANSFER TIPS “Visit campus! We offer a variety of ways for you to visit from Transfer Tuesdays, Open Houses, or personalized visits. We can make a day just for you and what you want to see on campus. It really is the best way to know if YCP is the right fit for you.” — ERICA SCHIELER ’06, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF TRANSFER ADMISSIONS

“For students coming from a community college, think early about where you want to go and into what program. Make sure you have a semester open to take the classes that will transfer.” — SUEANN ROBBINS, DIRECTOR OF GRADUATE AND TRANSFER ADMISSIONS

“Engage with faculty and push yourself outside your comfort zone. And apply your life experience to what you learn at school. Formal education and self-education don’t need to be separate.” — SAM ESTRADA ’18

“Don’t be shy about asking questions about anything. Don’t assume anything. Make sure you are well-informed on the process.” — KATIE SCHWIENTECK, ASSOCIATE REGISTRAR


RIGHT: Abigail

Wright ’20 (Baltimore, MD), who transferred from Duquesne University in 2017.

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JERRY’S MAP What began as a simple doodle, grew into a whole new world in the form of an expansive map – continuously evolving with an imaginary civilization. Drawing on inspiration from a set of rules he devised himself, using a deck of playing cards, visiting artist Jerry Gretzinger has created a massive piece of art that spans a lifetime in the making and continues to develop as the civilization progresses. It now comprises over 3,200 individual panels in acrylic, marker, colored pencil, ink, collage, and inkjet print on heavy paper. Jerry’s Map will be displayed as an immersive, floor-to-ceiling wraparound experience in Brossman Gallery from August 29 – October 12, 2019. ­— C.K.

Photo by Stephen Taylor. Image courtesy of MASS MoCA.






For an actor, improvisation means being able to think fast on one’s feet. But York College Theatre students are finding it can also mean being carried off your feet and out of a building in the arms of first responders, or being subdued as part of a live shooter exercise. As part of their studies, Theatre students have become key players in York County’s Quick Response Team training. They are learning how their acting skills can be used to help make a positive difference in police responses to emergency situations. Sometimes, these training exercises ask students to play a disturbed adult who is verbally abusive to police. Other times, it means being tracked by a bloodhound. In one exercise, rising senior Kelsey Snively from Roebling, New Jersey, played a missing girl being tracked by a bloodhound. She watched it retrace her steps from her hiding place. “It had its nose to the ground the whole time,” Snively recalls. When the bloodhound arrived, it tackled her. “That’s how they’re trained,” Snively says. “They always tackle the person when they find them.” York College’s Theatre students are learning more than the fact that bloodhounds are very good at their jobs. They are sharpening essential theatrical skills, and developing research methods that help create backgrounds for the characters they play. They are also using their talents to help make police officers and doctors better equipped to take on some of the most difficult parts of their jobs.



Kayla Manigault, a rising junior from Windsor Mill, Maryland, who has participated in law enforcement and medical training exercises, says the collaborations have clicked with her on multiple levels. “I learned so much that I connected to myself as a person,” she says, “to acting, and to what’s happening in our world.” “If I didn’t come to this specific program,” observes Snively, “I wouldn’t have gotten this training somewhere else.”

Actors dream of the footlights and the soundstage. But establishing a professional acting career is not easy. Many working actors take opportunities to use their skills to enhance professional training for lawyers and doctors as they pursue their dream. Such opportunities rarely emerge in an undergraduate theatre program. But Suzanne Delle, Assistant Professor of Theatre at York College, has made community roleplaying a key element in her curriculum. Delle has a strong background in contemporary American theatre and she says the skills that her young actors must develop to succeed in role playing “fit in so nicely” with dramatic works that her students study and perform. “Part of what I am trying to do is prepare students for careers,” Delle says. “What is happening today in American theatre. So, we do a lot of devising, improv-type roleplaying, and we use it all in our scripted presentations.” YCP students had participated in such exercises before Delle arrived on campus in 2015. But she quickly reestablished the relationships, weaving role-playing opportunities into her syllabi for acting classes.

Photos courtesy of Caleb Robertson/Our York Media

LEFT TO RIGHT, ON STAGE: Theatre major Melanie McGeary ’22, Production Manager Seth Werner, Corporal Scott Musselman from West York Police

Dept., Theatre major Lyle Sweppenheiser ’20, and Assistant Professor Suzanne Delle gather around bloodhound Detective Prince, who sits ready for action.

“If I didn’t come to this specific program, I wouldn’t have gotten this training anywhere else.” — KELSEY SNIVELY ’20

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BELOW: Charity Stump ’21

Role-playing calls upon many of an actor’s skills, but improvisation is the part of the craft it helps develop most keenly. Improvisation involves the ability to think on one’s feet and say something inspired on the spot, but a talent for active listening informs every reaction. “People have a conception about theatre that it’s just putting words in front of you, and you reading them,” says Taara Muhammad, a rising junior in the drama department from Forestville, Maryland. “But it’s not. You are supposed to be present onstage, listening to your fellow actors. And with improv, there is no choice. You have to be listening. We’re listening to each other.” The actors’ work with law enforcement consists of both large-scale exercises with the York County’s Quick Response Team and Child Abduction Response Effort, as well as more

individualized work with officers training to better prepare for their encounters with citizens suffering from mental illnesses. Larger scenarios depicting an active shooter or a missing person have the feel of ensemble pieces. There is often a lot of downtime involved, but the broad contours of such training allow the actors some latitude in approaching the work. “The general scenarios aren’t very concrete,” says Muhammad. “They leave a lot of room for actors to interpret.” The scenarios used to train officers on a smaller scale require more preparation and intensity. Katherine Gruver, the Crisis Intervention Team Coordinator at York County’s Probation and Parole Department, has organized a number of exercises using YCP acting students, including training for officers who encounter persons with mental illness in the line of duty.


(York, PA) is carried out of the First Church of God in Hanover by members of the York County Quick

Response Team during a training exercise. She played the part of an injured hostage.

“When you walk into the room, the police don’t see you as students. They see you as professionals.” — KELSEY SNIVELY ’20

Gruver says the sessions “allow us to observe how officers handle each situation” as their scenarios rise in urgency “from low-level crisis to a high-level crisis.” Though the exchanges are more scripted, students are called upon to raise the stakes in the encounters to align with escalations that officers might encounter. “There are people who lash out at officers and call them names,” Gruver observes, “and we tell the students if it’s in the script, do that. It’s what the officers will be experiencing.” Feedback from students is also worked into the assessments of the exercise. “We allow the students to interact in those sessions,” says Gruver. “We ask them: ‘How do you think the officer did?’ ” The training sessions create a mutual respect among participants. “When you walk into the room, the police don’t see you as students,” says Snively. “They see you as professionals.”

Success in bringing law enforcement training scenarios to life has also led to paying opportunities for young actors at the College who are selected to participate in medical training exercises. Duane Patterson, Technical Director of the Medical Education Simulation Center at WellSpan Health, York Hospital, says that doctors, residents, and nurses in his hospital have “lots of communication issues involving younger patients.” He welcomed the chance to call upon Delle “to put me in touch with individuals she thinks will work well with us.” Local writer and teacher Marian Rubach worked as a consultant to develop the training scenarios used by York Hospital. “She takes a little bit of a sketch and builds a whole life story,” says Patterson. The scenarios usually involve patients with difficult and troubling situations. It’s up to the students hired by the hospital to dig deeper and work to round out their characters. Amalea Williams, a rising senior from Hanover, Pennsylvania, was recruited to play a 20-year-old woman who was pregnant and about to give birth without having received prenatal care. Her scenario required her to channel her character’s narcissism and anger in response to entreaties from medical professionals. “I literally had to fight with doctors,” says Williams. “It was challenging in a really good way.” One key to success was creating a backstory. Williams named her character Ashley, and worked out bits of her story in a journal. “I had to almost turn into Ashley,” she recalls. “It was almost method acting.” Manigault’s character was a 21-year-old surrogate mother who wanted to keep her baby – which had tested positive for Down syndrome – against the wishes of the couple who had

engaged her services and wanted the pregnancy terminated. The viewpoint she developed for her character was that “you can’t make someone do that. It’s your child, but it’s my body.” Patterson says the residents fell quickly into the exercise, forced to adjust their bedside manners to the intensity of the responses provided by the young actors. He says the work of students is important for the hospital’s education efforts. “We really value the feedback,” he says. “Healthcare is a people business.”

York College Theatre students have become so enthusiastic about role-playing opportunities that many of them volunteer even when no class credit is attached. But it’s work that has its difficulties and risks. The social and political climate shaped by the Black Lives Matter movement (and the grievances about U.S. policing to which it seeks to draw attention) has generated numerous negative headlines and resentment of law enforcement activities in many communities. Student actors from diverse backgrounds involved in training exercises say they felt some initial (and natural) nervousness about the work. Their instructions to verbally abuse officers or doctors involved in the training often goes against feelings of self-preservation and deference toward professionals empowered to make life or death decisions. “Race played a big part in both trainings,” says Manigault. “As a black actor, I was ready to take on these challenges, because they are such a big thing in society right now.” Students also found that their anxieties dissipated in the process of working together with officers. They were pleasantly surprised by the positive attitudes and concern for public safety that law enforcement participants in the training brought to the work. Williams observes that “going into the police roleplaying, I was extremely nervous...But going through the training, I saw them as human beings. It really changed my perspective.” Muhammad says her training sessions were “useful and also inspiring.” The collaborations left her seeing “people who genuinely want to help. It gave me a sense of hope, and a sense of pride in them, seeing them work.” The work has also left students pondering deeper relationships between art and the world. “It reinforces the political nature of theatre for me,” says Snively. “How do we use theatre to change the world around us?” Pushing her students to see the connections between theatre and the public good is a source of satisfaction for Delle. “The students have seen the benefits,” she says. “Their work is keeping the community safer.”

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Throughout the year, York College graduates share milestones and successes from around the world. From wedding, engagement, and birth announcements to job promotions, creative projects, travel, and fun, Class Notes show what’s happening in the professional and personal lives of alumni. Class notes are published three times per year in an electronic format. Submissions are subject to edits and space restrictions. To view Class Notes or to submit your news, please visit www.ycp.edu/alumni. Any questions? Email alumni@ycp.edu.

RESTORING THE WORLD’S LARGEST PIPE ORGAN Dean Norbeck ’65 and his wife, Susan, are volunteering their time to help restore the world’s largest pipe organ in Atlantic City. Years of attending church services accompanied by the sound of pipe organs filled the couple with a love for the instrument and because of this, it has now inspired the couple to take on a special mission. With a jaw-dropping 33,112 pipes in eight pipe chambers and weighing three million pounds, the massive organ was unlike anything Norbeck, an electrical engineer, had worked on. In 1944, a hurricane flooded and severely damaged the Boardwalk Hall organ, silencing the instrument. But in the early 2000s, the Historic Organ Restoration Committee was formed and, slowly but surely, the organ has been brought back to life. As of this summer, restoration is 53 percent finished. Each of the organ’s pipes has an electromagnet that is activated by a key on the organ console. That key opens the air valve that allows air into that pipe. Each one of those electromagnets needs to be replaced. It’s just one of the tedious tasks of replacing



fire with him while his passengers were able to take cover and the gunman was fatally wounded. “I was kind of in big brother mode that day, doing my best to take care of the younger officers and my probation partner that evening,” he said. His unit was responsible for training the three new officers and he was called in to help although he was scheduled to have time off that day. It was just hours later when the night turned from training to a real life-and-death situation. “It Atlantic City’s Midmer-Losh organ in Boardwalk Hall. was really a dual mindset at that point: protect the valves, screws, and connections required citizens of Harrisburg and to restore the organ. Norbeck remarks, protect my partners,” said McGowan, “What I like to do is just fix things. who also recognized the teamwork of I’ve always been handy with electrical the Harrisburg city police.  — C.K. things, which is why I was an engineer, and I’ve always been good with tools.” “I was kind of in big brother mode Norbeck earned his associate degree in Electrical Engineering from York that day, doing my best to take Junior College and then went on to get care of the younger officers his bachelor’s and master’s in Electrical and my probation partner that Engineering. He and his wife met at the evening. It was really a dual same music appreciation class at the mindset at that point: protect College more than 50 years ago. The two the citizens of Harrisburg and are excited and passionate to be a part of the organ’s transformation.  — S.S. protect my partners.”

BADGE OF BRAVERY Chad McGowan ’09 was awarded the Congressional Badge of Bravery, an honor given to law enforcement officers for exceptional acts of bravery in the line of duty, on May 29 by U.S. Senator Pat Toomey. A member of the Harrisburg Police Department since 2013, he risked his life to save the lives of fellow police officers. In December 2017, a gunman opened fire on officers in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and wounded a state trooper. McGowan had a county probation officer and officers in training in his unmarked car when the gunman pulled his own vehicle over, came toward them, and started shooting. McGowan exchanged







Chad McGowan ’09 (right) with Harrisburg Police Commissioner Thomas Carter.


KEVIN JABLON ’95 Founder and President, Spartan Surfaces If you were to ask alumnus Kevin Jablon ’95 if he would be the owner and founder of a successful and growing business when he was a young boy growing up just outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, he probably wouldn’t believe you. “This is beyond my wildest dreams. I never imagined I’d be here,” reflects Jablon. In grade school, Jablon was never the best student, but a knack for sales and a strong side hustle always kept him busy. As kids, Kevin and his friends would sell pretzels for an Italian bakery in the summer, competing to see who could sell the fastest. This early passion for sales and competition helped him become an entrepreneur, and the successful businessman he is today. While attending York College, he was a business major who didn’t take school too seriously, but took fun very seriously. Kevin loved everything that York had to offer, from Greek life to relaxing at Murph’s Study Hall. It’s where he met his now wife, Tricia (Ruff) Jablon ’94 (right, with Jablon), and three of his best friends, Dave Cipalla ’95, Anthony Ferrante ’95, and Chuck Schillaci ’94, all of whom are now instrumental parts of his business. After graduating from York College, Jablon worked for a Japanese company where he quickly became familiar with standard business hierarchy and culture. He was never completely satisfied and always felt that he could do more. Eventually, his desire to create and control his own success encouraged Jablon to embark on a journey to do what he had always dreamed. In 2007, Jablon founded flooring distribution company Spartan Surfaces, starting with three employees and naming it after his college mascot. “I took the leap at 34 to start my own business,” he says. Any sooner, and he believes he would have failed. “But

Photo by Grant Gibson

“When you have happy employees, you have happy clients.” now it was meant to be,” says Jablon. Kevin founded Spartan Surfaces on the principles of building strong relationships, providing excellent customer service, and having a tremendous company culture. By sticking to these principles, Jablon was able to build his dream business in Spartan Surfaces. A business

that truly takes a human centered approach, Spartan Surfaces lives by the mantra, “WE Over ME.” Jablon went on to say, “When you have happy employees, you have happy clients.” Since 2007, Spartan Surfaces has established its Bel Air, Maryland headquarters, grown to 120 employees, expanded into 30 states on the East Coast and into the Midwest, opened showrooms in Chicago, New York, and Washington, D.C., and spread roots by giving back to its community. “I feel really bright about our future here,” shares Jablon. — C.K.

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Krug came to YCP to attend a school with a small faculty-to-student ratio and to have a well-rounded education. After her sister attended York and enjoyed her experience, the College caught Krug’s eye and fit exactly what she was looking for. “I didn’t want to just be a number, I wanted professors to know my name and have a relationship with me,” she reflects. While attending York, Krug grew close to a couple of her professors, Chris and Mary Meisenhelter. She participated in a club then called SIFE (Enactus now) and was privileged to travel and compete with the presentation team alongside her friends and mentors, the Meisenhelters.  — C.K.

FROM INTERN TO MANAGER Hannah Krug ’10 began her career with Techtronic Industries, Inc. (TTI) as a sales intern in Baltimore, Maryland, during her senior year. Through interning, she gained invaluable experience in the tool industry and with the company. After a three-round interview process, Krug was offered a full-time position with the company. “I have had multiple sales and management positions in the field during my first few years. This was vital, because I really learned all the nuts and bolts of the power tool industry,” she said. In 2014, Krug was promoted to her first corporate product management position and she moved to Greenville, South Carolina. By 2018, she was promoted to her current role as Group Product Manager for accessories and now leads a team through product development. “I help to determine what the users are looking for in power tool accessories. This is accomplished by research, conducting surveys, and going to job sites to talk to end users,” Krug says. She explained that a lot of times this is what sparks the development of new products. “It’s my job to facilitate it [the new product] through the whole development process managing product quotation, pricing negotiation, and building a product that users buy and love.” 30


DELLICARPINI SCHOLARSHIP A new endowment has been created that annually provides a scholarship for a local student to pursue a degree in an arts-related field at York College. Thanks to a generous gift, and at the Dominic DelliCarpini request of the donor, the scholarship of $20,000 over four years has been named the DelliCarpini Community Art Scholarship, honoring Dominic DelliCarpini, PhD, Dean of the Center for Community Engagement. “I am honored to have this scholarship carry my name,” said DelliCarpini. “Through it, York College is developing new leaders for the arts in York by offering them educational and experiential opportunities.” The gift supports the continuation of the York Community Arts Scholars Exhibition (YCASE) program. YCASE provides opportunities to bring local teachers, students, and families together with representatives of York College and York’s cultural community to celebrate art in schools and in the community. The first recipient of the DelliCarpini Community Art Scholarship is Ellen Korver, graduate of York Suburban

High School. Korver plans to study Graphic Design in the School of Arts, Communication, and Global Studies beginning in fall 2019.  — C.K.

MALE NURSING CONNECTION Senior Ethan Miller from Fleetwood, Pennsylvania, and Ed Bukowski ’81 met in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania during a SpartaNation road trip in January 2019. Both male Nursing students, nearly 40 years apart, engaged in a conversation lasting two hours, connecting over much more than their shared major. Miller remembers some advice Bukowski gave him, “He said, ‘You’re going to make mistakes, but don’t get caught up on it.’” He says that while Bukowski was saying that in reference to a nursing career, Miller thought it was important life advice. “I just encourage them to do their best, to get involved,” Bukowski says of nursing students. “Just get out there and do your best and be proud of being a nurse. I think for anybody it just has so many opportunities.” Both expressed their appreciation for York College’s nursing program which offered them experience and a foundation from which to start their nursing careers.  — C.L.

Ed Bukowski ’81 (left) and Ethan Miller ’20 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

IN SUPPORT OF STUDENTS Nancy Yohn joined the York College Women’s Auxiliary in 2014 at the invitation of a friend who was a member of the organization. Through her participation, she saw “a need for support of Nancy Yohn several programs” and recently made a gift to establish the Nancy Yohn Student Success Fund. Yohn’s gift will specifically support the Spartan Food Pantry. Established by the Office of Intercultural Student Life and Global Programming in 2016, the Pantry is intended to help students who are experiencing food insecurity. The Women’s Auxiliary has undertaken projects to provide items to the Pantry several times each year, according to Yohn. “I had no idea that there were so many students in that situation,” she said, “but the need is apparent.” Dress for Success is another program that will enjoy support from Yohn’s gift. Offered through a partnership between the Women’s Auxiliary, Career Development Center, and YWCA of Harrisburg, the program provides students with a free suit for interviews and professional appointments. It has suited more than 150 students in the two-and-a-half years since its creation. “Many of today’s students simply do not have an appropriate outfit for an interview or event,” Yohn said. “I decided to support the program when I found out there was concern about funding to continue it. The students who participate are always so appreciative.” Such financial support of York College has been a hallmark of the Women’s Auxiliary and its members. The organization was created in 1952 as the Women’s Advisory Group, at the suggestion of York Junior College President Dr. Robert G. Dawes, “to help ease the transition from high school to college,” according to Karen Rice-Young ’92, Archives and Special Collections Manager. Throughout the years, the

Auxiliary has provided funding for projects including the restoration of the stained-glass windows salvaged from the York Collegiate Institute/York Junior College building, metal signs at the entrance of the College, and the construction of Brougher Chapel. A retired real estate investor, Yohn serves on the Women’s Auxiliary with her daughter, Patricia Will. “I am committed to whatever I can do to help with providing what students need for their education, including food and clothing. They are just amazing, full of desire and so very ambitious.”  — M.D.

U.K. CALLING Stepping out of your comfort zone can seem daunting, but Lindsey Murtha ’16 did it when she decided to study abroad and then moved to Manchester, England, after graduation. She said, “Being abroad opens your mind and allows you to develop personally in a way not much else would.” Born and primarily raised in Germany, Murtha studied International Relations at the College after she discovered the opportunities York College could provide for her. “I think the way YCP structures their classes has helped me develop personally and professionally. I built some great relationships with professors who supported me in developing my passion.” One such professor that Murtha

Lindsey Murtha ’16 in Manchester, England.

looked up to and enjoyed connecting with was her German professor, Mary Boldt, Associate Professor of German and Coordinator of Foreign Languages. “She’s one of those people who is just really good at teaching, especially a language, which doesn’t come easy to many people.” Currently, Murtha is working as an International Business Consultant at Dynamis Consultancy. Living in the United Kingdom has been everything Murtha hoped for and something she had always planned on. Experiencing the culture and meeting people, Murtha has really found herself at home. Before moving to Manchester, Murtha delved into the community at the College and made some great connections with faculty in her program as well as gained applicable experience to prepare her for working in international relations. “I had the opportunity to do an independent study to round off my German language skills, travel to NYC for a UN conference, and D.C. for an EU conference, among others. These practical experiences, paired with the support of faculty, fostered my love for IR and international travel.” Murtha studied abroad at the University of Manchester and though she admits being nervous at first, she knew she was well on her way to making her dream of living in the United Kingdom a reality.  — C.K. YO R K C O L L E G E M A G A Z I N E • 2 0 19 V O L . 2



A PHYSICAL EDUCATOR AT HEART While Nina (Reid) Grove has worn many hats during her 40-plus years at York College, her first love has remained consistent. “I am a physical educator at heart,” she said. “I tried to individualize physical education, so that students did not compare themselves to anyone else. I worked hard to make sure they always felt comfortable in my classes and could focus on and see their own progression.” Grove arrived at York in 1974 and instructed a diverse array of physical education classes throughout her 42-year career, including tennis, badminton, field hockey, basketball, modern dance, concepts of wellness, and her favorite, country western and square dance. She regularly attended both national and state association conferences to stay abreast of trends and keep the Physical Education program current. Grove also dedicated her time and energy to coaching. When she arrived at York College, there were two sports available to women athletes: basketball and field hockey. She coached both of these, as well as softball when it was added. “I came in coaching field hockey and basketball,” she said. “After the birth of my twin boys, I went with field hockey and women’s softball to avoid an overlap of seasons. I stayed with field hockey for 19 years, coaching while I pursued my doctorate in adult education from Penn State-Harrisburg.” Grove’s tenure was marked by the growth of women’s sports and equal opportunity for women as leaders. “Title IX was big during my time at York, and it was a driving force behind this,” she said. “When I arrived, York’s female athletes participated in the Penn Mar Conference, which included schools like Gettysburg, Dickinson, Elizabethtown, Western Maryland, Lebanon Valley, and Wilson. These colleges and York were very supportive of the growth of women’s athletics.” The Penn Mar Conference also encouraged women, including Grove, to serve in leadership roles. “There were very strong women serving as leaders at these schools,” said Grove, 32


“I believe the strength and beauty of York College is in the positive interactions of students, faculty, administration/staff all working toward common goals. That’s the heart and pulse of this institution.” — NINA (REID) GROVE

who served as the first Title IX athletics compliance officer for York College. “There was constant change, and it was a one-person show. We did our own thing. It was a different time, and we served students differently. Competition was important, as was winning, but the whole idea was to let the girls grow through participation and love of sport.” In addition to teaching physical education in the Department of Education, Grove also later taught sport management courses in the Department of Hospitality, Recreation, and Sport Management. Outside the classroom, she served as the NCAA faculty athletics representative for many years, on the College’s Athletic Board of Control, and also as a member of several committees for the Academic Senate. In 1999, she was inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame. She and her husband, Les ’97, have lived for years on her family’s farm in Dallastown. In their retirement, they continue to farm the property, which has been in Nina’s family since 1852. Les also has a strong connection to York College; he earned an associate degree from the College as an adult learner in 1997. He worked as a purchasing agent at several different organizations,

including Blockhouse Company, Inc. before retiring. The Reid/Grove children also enjoyed the tuition benefit available to York College employees. The Groves recently decided to make a significant gift to the York College Annual Fund through their will. “Over the years, we have contributed regularly to the College,” Grove said. “When Grumbacher was built, we were not in a position to make a significant gift – we were raising children and had a farm to run. We both wanted York College to get a significant gift from our estate because of the impact it had on our lives.” The gift to the Annual Fund is a “way of ensuring that the needs of students, like scholarship and wellness, are met,” said Nina. “Our York College friends and colleagues have been a significant part of our lives, and we will maintain those relationships throughout the years. Our gift will ensure that students have that same experience. York College felt like family throughout my career, and that’s the experience I want for students.” “I believe the strength and beauty of York College is in the positive interactions of students, faculty, administration/staff all working toward common goals. That’s the heart and pulse of this institution.”  — M.D.

Keep in Touch. Q: What breaks when you say it? A: Silence! We’d love to hear from you. Please get in touch soon! Visit ycp.edu/alumni, email alumni@ycp.edu or call 717-815-6642.


THE FREE CAR WASH, MOSES, AND THE OLD OAK TREE: CURIOUS LANDMARKS, PART ONE Those of you who have been on campus have probably seen the majestic oak tree outside Wolf Hall. And, if you entered or left the campus by Springettsbury Avenue, you drove through Tyler Run Creek and you got a “free car wash” in the process. But, what do these two landmarks have in common? In 1965, three years after York Junior College moved to Country Club Road, there were already seven new buildings on campus. One of these was a girl’s dormitory (Springettsbury Hall, then; Beard Hall, today), the only structure located on the other, or lower, side of Tyler Run. That year, the Board of Trustees explored the feasibility of having a bridge constructed so that commuters could drive through campus, instead of having to park in the lot off Springettsbury, and walk to main, or upper campus. They met with a representative of the Department of Forests and Waters (the predecessor of the EPA) who explained that, though it would be possible, a bridge would have to be 25 feet wide and six feet high to cover a distance of just 200 feet; the cost of the project would be prohibitive. By 1973, there were two dormitories on the lower campus and enrollment had increased by 50 percent. In June of that year, the Student Senate asked if a ford, a road or path through a shallow part of a body of water, could be paved across Tyler Run Creek to connect the two parts of the campus.

The Board approved the idea. The oak tree that stood in the way of the proposed ford was moved to the west side of Campbell Hall – where it is today – and the ford was paved. Over the decades, the ford has become a curious feature on campus. It inspired the unofficial slogan “Free Car Wash!” and a 1991 cartoon in the student newspaper, The Spartan. Drawn by a member of the paper’s staff using the pseudonym “Potshot,” (shown on right) it depicts Moses “parting the waters” at the ford. As for the old oak that graces the quad between Wolf and Campbell Halls, its curious location can be explained: it was moved to make room for a “car wash.” ­— Karen Rice-Young ’92

Above: The oak tree that stood in the way of the proposed ford was moved outside Wolf Hall, where it thrives today. Above right: The paved road through the shallow part of Tyler Run Creek is a familiar sight for Spartans.

York College’s Archives welcomes donations of college-related materials. Contact Karen Rice-Young at kriceyou@ycp.edu, 717-815-1439 for more information.

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• Enjoy First Friday in Downtown York

CALLING ALL SPARTANS AND YOUR FAMILIES! COME HOME and enjoy food, fun, and activities. This popular annual college celebration brings together alumni, faculty, staff, students, parents, family, and friends.

• Participate in the Spartan Advance Golf Outing and 5K & Fun Run • Celebrate with students at their Fall Festival on Main Campus • Cheer on Spartan athletes as they compete in games and matches • Savor food, friends, and live entertainment at the Alumni SpartaFest event • Attend a Class or Affinity Reunion

Go to ycp.edu/fallfest to learn more about this fun weekend.

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