12 minute read
Ending the Wait List
what’s on the horizon
advanced education opportunities; and improve service and coordination for school age children. We will also focus on promoting awareness and education regarding children with special needs for people in the region, including the health sector.
Rationale: This strategic direction will help us increase our own awareness and understanding, and better meet community needs. It will enable us to expand partnerships with community professionals and paraprofessionals, by proactively taking the opportunities to provide input to the medical community and speak to service clubs and other community organizations. This will create synergy with the fi rst two strategic directions, as an increased profi le will help our fundraising and expansion efforts. Our existing positive community partnerships and visibility, and participations in local committees means that we are already “on the agenda” and have a platform from which to quickly initiate this already strategic direction.
successiOn plAnninG
We will develop a succession plan for volunteer and staff positions. Description: A succession plan helps ensure continuity of knowledge, skills, and experience in both Board and staff groups, which in turn supports the long-term stability and capacity of the organization. It can include plans for training and knowledge transfer, and strategies such as mentoring, setting career paths, job shadowing, and phased retirement. Our succession planning will focus on Board leadership and key management positions. Rationale: Changes in Board membership and key staff positions can result in the loss of vital expertise and experience, as well as knowledge of the organization and community, and relationships with partners. Creating and regularly reviewing and updating a succession plan will help mitigate this risk.
the heart of the matter: ending the waitlist
The Nanaimo Child Development Centre provides an interdisciplinary wrap around service to children and families. Early Intervention promotes optimal development in children and family support at a time that is critical for gains in developmental milestones.
Waitlists and wait times for services are a signifi cant barrier. Through coordinated advocacy and fundraising, children are experiencing a decrease in wait times in speech and language compared to previous, however, 8 months of waiting for assistance is still far too long. We must be diligent in our efforts to continue to mitigate this extensive wait for families. With your support and involvement we can make a difference in the lives of the children and families whom we serve!

to our donors & members
We would like to acknowledge the generous contributions of thousands of individuals, service groups, corporations and foundations since we opened our doors in 1967. Your contributions support the services we deliver to children and families in our community.
$100,000+ Bc Association for charitable Gaming
Big Kahuna Classic – P. Johnstone Memorial McDonald’s Restaurants / Ronald McDonald House Charities
pythian cerebral palsy committee united Way Woodgrove centre variety – the children’s charity
Coast Capital Savings Kinsmen Club of Nanaimo Show You Care Society Vancouver Foundation
H. Hollister Central Island Broadcasting CHUB Radio Coastal Community Credit Union Cranberry Arms Ventures Ltd. Employees of the City of Nanaimo Fraternal Order of Eagles #15 Government of Canada Hub City Lions Club Ladysmith Healthcare Auxiliary Lions Club of Nanaimo - Cedar Rotary Club of Nanaimo Sears Canada Telus Community Engagement W.R. Addison Loading & Hauling
$10,000 +
T. Ciammaichella M. Kissinger C. & D. Webber BC Hydro (HYDRECS) Canadian Western Bank Canem Systems CIBC Wood Gundy Country Club Centre ET Family Church Fraternal Order of Eagles #2101 Gyro Club of Nanaimo Kinette Club of Nanaimo Mid Island Co-Op Nanaimo Community Foundation Nanaimo Harborlites Lioness Nanaimo North Town Centre Orange Lily Lodge Order of the Royal Purple #16 Queen Alexandra Foundation Rotary Club – Daybreak Rotary Club – Lantzville Royal Canadian Legion – Ladies Auxiliary #10 Shrine Club #10 TD Canada Trust Tidesmen Barbershop Chorus V3 Mediaworks Wellington Hotel
$5,000 +
Dr. W. Carr R. Gaultois V. Massy & G. Scott M. McNab’s Corn Maze Dr. P. Radcliffe Archie Johnstone Plumbing & Heating BC Ferries BC Thermal Applicators Blake Erickson Roofing BPO Elks Lodge #26 Canada Safeway Citigroup Foundation Fairview Community School G. McDonald – Big Cheese Hockey Classic Helping Hands of WorkSafe BC Independent Order of Foresters. #1121 I.O.D.E. - Malaspina Chapter Island Savings Credit Union Kiyo Salon & Say Spa Lions Club – Protection Island Long Lake Chiropractic Loyal Order of the Moose Mid Island Co-Op Motor Dealers Association Nanaimo District Senior House Society Nanaimo Port Authority Nanaimo Regional General Hospital Employees Nash Excavating Pacific Coast Savings Foundation Quality Foods Rotary Club – North Royal Canadian Legion – Mt. Benson #256 Rubber Rebels Women of the Moose Phone Me Gord Communications Thrifty Foods Toskan Casale Foundation VisionArts Eyecare Centre Walmart Canada Inc.
B. McGuffie R. Meyerhoff D. Collins K. & C. Westfall Associated Canadian Travellers Atlas Engineered Products Ltd. BMO Investments Inc. Canada Post Employees Coast Bastion Inn Great Canadian Casino Harmac Pulp Operations Hub Excavating Jumping Jiminy’s Playland & Café Keg Restaurant Long Lake Nursery Mommy Mafia SBR team Orthoticare Clinics Inc. Oxy Hotel and Liquor Store (The) Palladian Developments Inc. Queen’s Hotel (The) Safer Ocean Systems Starbucks Coffee United Fishermen & Allied Workers Local #15 Vancouver Island University Western Supplies Estate of Margaret Marino Estate of David Dunn Estate of Margaret Gilbert Estate of Leah Pace Estate of Alice Pauline Hobbs Estate of Ernest Agar Estate of Marta Joula Estate of Ernest Agar Estate of Marta Joula
In addition to these listed donors, there are hundreds more contributors who are acknowledged annually in our honour roll, donor wall, and donor recognition event.
to our partners & sponsors
NCDC acknowledges the financial assistance of the Province of British Columbia.
Our work and successes in the communities we serve would not be possible without the tremendous support of our partners in service delivery, including:
Ministry of Child & Family Development Vancouver Island Health Authority School Districts #68, 69, 70, 79 Boys & Girls Club of Nanaimo Boys and Girls Club of Central Vancouver Island Chase River City of Nanaimo City of Nanaimo Parks & Recreation Fairview Community School Greater Nanaimo/Ladysmith Early Years Partnership Vancouver Island University Tillicum Lelum Aboriginal Friendship Centre Immigrant Welcome Centre Ladysmith Resource Centre
Our service delivery system is dependent on many more important players including community child care workers, paediatricians, physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, public health nurses, audiologists and other health and education personnel who we wish to acknowledge for all their efforts.
We also thank the hundreds of participating teams in the Silly Boat Regatta since its inception in 1984; their team pledge monies combine with our excellent corporate support to keep this our premiere fundraising event every year. Refer to our website www.sillyboat. com for a list of sponsors.
Last and certainly not least, we thank the thousands of volunteers over the last four decades who have given so freely of their time.
from our friends & clients
““Adam started having seizures when he was 3 months old while visiting family in Japan. We spent 12 days in a hospital in Japan and then were fl own directly to BC Children’s Hospital. Within a week of coming home Jan from the CDC contacted me. We met and she explained all the services available at the CDC as well as other services available in the community. Because of the severity of his seizures, he required brain surgery called “functional hemispherectomy” just before his 1st birthday. The surgery was successful but this left him hemiplegic on the right side of his body. He has had physiotherapy services at CDC for more than 5 years and at times, the occupational therapist, when needed, in order to improve his fi ne motor skills. I took the “Hanen” course through the SLP Program which taught me strategies to encourage Adam to express his needs and wants using more words and signs while he was waitlisted for speech therapy. These services and the staff and the volunteers at CDC whom we’ve worked with have affected us greatly. They have helped us to be strong and taught us not to give up hope. We cannot imagine what our life would be like without all the help we received from CDC and we are so grateful.” —Etsuko Carson, parent

Davin and Alexis were born extremely premature at 28 weeks gestation (3 months early). They spent 4.5 weeks in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in Victoria, and then were transferred back to Nanaimo where they spent an additional 5 weeks in the Nanaimo NICU. Shortly upon our arrival back in Nanaimo, Jan visited us in the hospital and explained that due to Davin and Alexis’ prematurity, they would require additional support - that could be provided by the Child Development Centre (CDC). Soon after the babies were released from the hospital, Jan and Jane (physiotherapy) from the CDC visited our home and helped us on a regular basis with concerns regarding Davin and Alexis’ development. For instance, aid was (and still is) provided to help Davin and Alexis deal with challenges associated with feeding, acid refl ux, sleeping, crawling and learning to walk. Even toys were lent to us to help with their development. Thanks to the support from the Child Development Centre, Davin and Alexis are now healthy rambunctious 15 month olds (12 months corrected) with a bright future!.” —-Liane Stenhouse, parent
“Six and a half years ago our son Nolan was born. He was born with trisomy 21, commonly known as Down Syndrome. We knew nothing about Down Syndrome at the time, but as soon as we arrived home from the hospital, we were contacted by an infant development specialist at the Child Development Centre, who came to our house to lend support and teach us how to help Nolan. Over the next few years, Nolan received other services from the CDC such as occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech therapy. We are so thankful for the early intervention that Nolan received from the CDC and all the kindness and extra support we were given from them. Today, Nolan is a thriving grade one student who loves school and is doing great in all aspects of learning. We can’t thank the CDC enough for helping Nolan get started.” —Leslie and Michael Ostle, NCDC clients/parents

“We fi rst discovered Caylee was not meeting her milestones just before her fi rst birthday and we took her in to see our pediatrician. He then referred us to the CDC. Subsequently, she was diagnosed with Global Developmental Delay. She is delayed in all aspects of her development and she is at the stages of 18 months to 3 years old. During the next 5 years we saw therapists in Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Supported Child Development (child care support), and the Infant Development Program. Caylee is almost 6 years old and she is still receiving support from the CDC.
Having an organization such as the Child Development Centre in our community is such
”a blessing. I don’t know where we would go without their help.I can’t say it enough. Thank you for helping our family!” —The McCaw Family
to our future supporters


All donations made to the NCDC are tax deductible and go directly to programs and services that support children and families in our community. Here are some options: Online donations: Donate directly to the Centre on our secure server at: www.nanaimocdc.com/howtodonate.php monthly Giving plan: We can help arrange pre-authorized monthly contributions from your credit card or chequing account; in exchange, you receive a tax-deductible receipt and help to make a positive difference in a child’s life. Wall of caring: For annual contributions of $500 or more donors are eligible to have their name displayed in a prominent location in the reception area of our Centre. leave a legacy: In your will and estate planning, consider making a provision for us or naming us as the benefi ciary. We are registered with Leave a Legacy British Columbia (www.leavealegacy.ca) whose purpose is to provide information to individuals considering fi nancial gifts or bequests as part of their estate planning. This excellent national program is administered by the Canadian Association of Gift Planners and its website provides information including reasons for giving and tax benefi ts for bequesting to your favourite charity. donations in kind: We accept quality used toys, books, and other appropriate items. Please call and arrange to drop them off at the Centre.

Individual membership is $20 per year. You receive our bi-annual newsletter and are eligible to vote in our annual meetings and elections. Becoming a member adds another important name and voice to our advocacy efforts.

There are numerous sponsorship opportunities throughout the year for corporations, service clubs, and other organizations. These opportunities provide public acknowledgment of your support in various ways including name placement in our printed materials, event signage, websites, and other promotional tools. Our most popular initiatives include the Silly Boat Regatta (www.sillyboat.com) every July and the Little Drummer Fund which runs between December and February each year. Please contact our Resource Development department to discuss this further or request a meeting.

As a registered charitable organization, we are eligible and always interested in being considered for various grant monies issued by organizations which support social development and particularly the developmental needs of children and their families. These funds are vital to assist with fi nancing of our continued growth to meet increasing demand for our services. If your organization or another one you know offers funding assistance to organizations like ours, please let us know! We receive funding from the Province of British Columbia in conjunction with the BC Lottery Corporation and Playtime Community Gaming Centre, Nanaimo, BC
Please visit our website at www.nanaimocdc.com/youcanhelp for more details including a downloadable volunteer manual and application form.
“Take a sad song and make it better...”
—Sir Paul McCartney

Thank you for opening doors to children in our community

1135 Nelson Street Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada V9S 2K4 Phone: (250) 753.0251 Fax: (250) 753.5614 Email: info@nanaimocdc.com Web: www.nanaimocdc.com