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Review of Operations

highlights of outcomes

review of operations


During our latest year we served nearly 1800 children and their families in one or more of our seven program areas. The ages ranged between birth and 19 years old, with the majority of children served between 3 and 5 years of age. There was a 34% decrease in the number of new clients waiting for initial service. The waitlist was impacted positively by a temporary SLP position which was funded by the Board through fundraised dollars.

100% of our families reported that our services impacted positively on their child’s life and 94% of our Family Support Program clients report satisfaction with the program. There are four key areas that we measure in order to manage our overall performance in operations and service delivery: Effectiveness, Efficiency, Accessibility, and Satisfaction. Regular monitoring and reporting of performance in these four areas is a mandatory requirement for international accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), through which the NCDC has been approved since 2004. Within each area is a series of supporting objectives which drive the operational efforts of the NCDC team. Progress towards these objectives is monitored and measured; results for the latest year are summarized in the following tables:


objectives results

Maximize parent’s ability to facilitate their child’s development 100% of parents reported improved ability to facilitate their child’s development Maximize the clients attainment of skills and abilities 98% of clients reached at least one of their goals (as documented in the client’s chart) Maximize the effectiveness of the SCD Level 2 position 100% achievement of goals of SCD Level 2 support worker placement

Increase the social skills of preschool clients 100% of our Preschool children showed improvement or maintained social skills


objectives results

Maximize # parents completing parent education groups 92% of parents enrolled in Parent Education groups completed groups Maximize parents timely access to reports 70% of our client’s receive a report within 6 weeks of their assessment



Minimize the number of children are waiting for SLP services through addition of SLA (speech language assistant) position 16 clients received direct service from the SLA

Minimize the number of new clients waiting for CDC service There was a 34% decrease in the number of new clients waiting for initial service


highlights of outcomes

satisfaction: client families


Maximize satisfaction of children and families who report CDC services impact positively on their child’s life Family Support Program clients who report satisfaction with program

Maximize satisfaction of children and families at discharge

Maximize satisfaction of children and families six months after discharge from CDC services


100% of CDC families reported they were satisfied with the positive impact of CDC services on their child’s life 94% of clients participating in the Family Support Program report satisfaction with the program

100% of discharged CDC families surveyed indicated satisfaction with service received from the CDC

83% of families indicated satisfaction that the services received at the CDC improved their child’s skills and abilities post discharge

Stakeholder and Staff Satisfaction were also measured as part of our Performance Review. These and the aforementioned results can be found in our Information Management Report (IMR) found on our website www.nanaimocdc.com. Results have been consistently strong in each area and most target goals were either met or exceeded. Clearly the key area of Accessibility presents the most potential - and need - for improvement in terms of operations. The key concern in this area is an increasing waitlist for services. This is explained further in this document and is a key element of our short term strategic priorities as outlined in Section 3.

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