Choosing Your ECE Innovation Stream The Department of Electrical and Computer
Provided that you have passed all your first-year
Engineering (ECE) welcomes you to the ECE
courses, you are guaranteed to get into either of the
Innovation stream (ECEI). The first-year program in
two programs of your choice: Electrical Engineering
the ECEI is composed of the same courses as for all
(EE) or Computer Engineering (CE). You will enrol
other first-year engineering students. The difference
in the innovation stream of EE or CE and will
is in the order and the instruction of some of the
take a number of different courses in comparison
first-year courses. In particular, APSC 142 is taken in
to the regular EE and CE students. The EE and
the Fall and APSC 161 is taken in the Winter while
CE innovation streams in year two are further
the general first-year program has the opposite
continued to a number of technical sub-streams in
order. APSC 100, APSC 112, APSC 142, and APSC
years three and four. Please refer to
161 will be delivered with a different style and/or and for more
emphasis for the ECE stream.
information on the innovation stream and the ECE programs.
Queen’s ECE Department Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering Department Head: Dr. S. Yousefi (Acting Head) Chair of Undergraduate Studies: Dr. A. Afashi Undergraduate Assistant: I. Pavich (interim)
Main Office: Walter Light Hall, Room 416 Telephone: (613) 533-2925 E-mail: Departmental Website: