Yorkshire Region Youth Dance Action Plan 2012 - 2015
This three year action plan is aligned to, and therefore should be referenced with, the Yorkshire Region Strategic Youth Dance Plan 2012-2015. The strategy can be found at: www.yorkshiredance.com/yrsydp
Goal 1:
Strengthen the regional dance infrastructure that is connected through a shared vision that extends the reach of high quality youth dance provision.
Objective 1.1:
Establish the youth dance strategy, action plan and outcomes across the sub-regional hubs and partners.
Year One
Advocate and raise the profile of the strategy across sectors with particular emphasis at the front line of provision.
Strategy is agreed and aligned with the policy of the two local authorities.
South Bank
Roll out the first year of the strategy’s action plan for the sub hub and ensure local authorities align dance plans within the strategy.
Increase membership of the hub to include all local authorities including Wakefield and Calderdale.
West Yorkshire
Increase hub membership to include representatives from district council, york council, dance organisations and align the strategy with relevant partners planning.
Establish and increase links with identified partners and produce a matrix planning document.
York & North Yorkshire
Promote the strategy across the hub area and align it with the two local authorities planning for dance.
Plans will be aligned and evidenced.
Hull & East Riding
Promote the strategy across the hub area and align with existing local ones that include Doncaster Dance Strategy and potentially those in Barnsley, Rotherham and Sheffield.
Align and evidenced. Involve corporate community giving funding.
South Yorkshire
Year Two Activity
Sustain advocacy and raise the profile of the impact of youth dance provision at a high level within the two local authorities.
Communications established across sectors with 2 reporting opportunities at a high level within the two local authorities.
South Bank
Review the strategic activity of the hub members and partnership re-plan where necessary.
Established coverage of all local authority areas across the hub area. Demonstrate increase of activity and investment.
West Yorkshire
Evaluate year one’s activity, sustain hub membership/partners and increase the alignment of planning across sectors.
Demonstrate the increase of activity and investment through the hub of youth dance development against year one milestones.
York & North Yorkshire
Identify new partners outside of the statutory organisations.
New partners identified and involvement established.
Hull & East Riding
Identify new partners and establish contacts with new venues – particularly new Doncaster venue. Sustain advocacy and youth dance, involving boys.
New partners identified and involvement established. Impact of advocacy evidenced.
South Yorkshire
Measure the impact of the hub’s action plan within the framework of the regional strategy and identify strategic priorities beyond 2015.
Produce an evaluation document 2012-2015 and strategy beyond 2015.
All sub-regional hubs
Year Three
Goal 1:
Strengthen the regional dance infrastructure that is connected through a shared vision that extends the reach of high quality youth dance provision.
Objective 1.2:
Build upon the partnerships across the region in order to extend the reach of collaborative provision that makes the most of funding, people, buildings and resources.
Year One
Review the hub membership to include representatives from health, private dance schools, colleges and youth services.
Increased active hub membership that establishes mechanisms that demonstrates an extension and increase in youth dance provision.
South Bank
Support the development of Kirklees, Wakefield and Calderdale networks/hubs in line with the Bradford Dance Network.
Three new local networks established.
West Yorkshire
Identify with partners the current dance provision in the hub area.
Produce a coherent map of dance providers including venues, organisations, companies, schools, private and voluntary sector.
York & North Yorkshire
Link to activity 1.1 and increase new partnerships to include further education, artists and practitioners.
Establish new partners and mechanisms in order to increase knowledge of dance provision in the areas.
Hull & East Riding
In partnership develop cross hub activities, platforms and exchange practitioners to deliver new experiences for young people.
Sub-regional exchange with youth dance companies, groups and practitioners increase the number and range of youth groups performing at platforms in comparison to 2011/2012.
South Yorkshire
Year Two Activity
Develop partnership projects and different ways of working to lever shared resources and future funding.
Measure the % increase of Year One provision and evidence through quality and quantative evaluation report.
South Bank
Identify where joint provision can be extended to increase number of young people taking part in dance.
Evidence the knowledge of local youth dance provision in new local networks and measure the current participation rate through the number of youth groups identified within the network.
West Yorkshire
Identify the gap of provision and work with partners to extend the reach.
Demonstrate the increased access to youth dance provision through partnership working over and beyond the hub.
York & North Yorkshire
Step change the cultural barriers to each other and increase access to provision with hub members and partners.
Demonstrate increased participation and provision.
Hull & East Riding
Develop youth dance ambassadors and key groups across areas.
Evidence the increase in the programme of youth dance commissions seen in new venues.
South Yorkshire
Assess, review and sustain the provision in Year Three. The dance infrastructure in the area is active and in a strong position to continue beyond 2015.
Report on a sustained provision in Year Three and produce final evaluation report. The hub’s infrastructure is developed and established.
All sub-regional hubs
Year Three
Goal 1:
Strengthen the regional dance infrastructure that is connected through a shared vision that extends the reach of high quality youth dance provision.
Objective 1.3:
Identify priorities and create mechanisms that provide exemplary and innovative youth dance opportunities and experiences.
Year One Activity
Fund specifically identified dance companies to work within the sub area with local practitioners to develop, strengthen and inspire innovative youth dance practice.
Establish the mechanisms required to support practitioners and providers to create opportunities that provide exemplary dance experiences for young people in dance.
South Bank
Hub identifies how collectively with partners they can ensure that approaches are being explored to support providers in increasing access to these experiences for young people in the sub-region.
Establish what approaches are required to create the right opportunities for this work and increase accessible pathways for young people to participate.
West Yorkshire
Await outcomes from 1.1 and 1.2 to inform the priorities to progress in Year Two.
Establish the requirements needed to increase access and produce a planning document for delivery in Year Two.
York & North Yorkshire
Gain knowledge of how young people access these opportunities through the delivery of Big Dance and I Move programmes.
Identified how young people in the area access these opportunities and what barriers stop them from attending. Establish plans for Year Two.
Hull & East Riding
Identify hard to reach young people, including boys.
Establish links and a boys’ dance group in Barnsley / Rotherham / Doncaster.
South Yorkshire
Year Two Activity
Assess methodology and sustain successful approaches.
Evidence successful approaches and share across the sub regions. Evidence the impact by measuring the ‘take up’ of young people to these experiences.
South Bank
Develop collective response to ensure the sustainability of this specific provision.
Establish pathways for young people to access innovative opportunities and experiences.
West Yorkshire
Implement the action plan established through the evaluation of Year One’s outcomes.
Establish knowledge of mechanisms required for young people in the area to access these experiences and opportunities that will include pathways to regional provision.
York & North Yorkshire
Assess successful approaches and decrease relevant barriers in order to increase the provision and take up by young people to these experiences.
Evidence successful approaches and continue to develop accessibility to sub and regional opportunities.
Hull & East Riding
Implement further actions to establish frequent interaction with hard to reach people and boys.
Boys’ dance groups are represented in local and regional dance platforms.
South Yorkshire
Establish sustainable mechanisms and develop new areas of work into 2015.
Evidence successful approaches and continue to develop the support required to create and profile exemplary and innovative experiences in the region.
All sub-regional hubs
Year Three
Goal 2:
Establish a coherent youth dance offer that provides progressive dance experiences from enjoyment and education to employment.
Objective 2.1:
Provide a collective provision of progression routes for young people to access a diverse range of dance opportunities.
Year One
The hub will deliver a two year programme that will provide ‘new’ routes to dance from grass roots engagement to the gifted and talented.
Establish mini residencies, showcases, new grass roots workshops, CPD for non dance specialists and training for young dance leaders.
South Bank
Map out the current stages of provision for young people across the hub area. (link to 1.3)
Produce a mapping document that presents the current provision against progression routes.
West Yorkshire
Link to 1.2 baseline audit and increase the hub’s knowledge of provision against progression routes across the sub hub.
Produce a dance routes document for young people.
York & North Yorkshire
Scope out the Hull Youth Dance Offer with the East Riding Youth Dance Offer.
Produce a document on the current offer of progression routes in the sub region for young people.
Hull & East Riding
Develop links with HE/FE providers and college graduates and other practitioners.
Fund one from each area to undertake an exchange, peer mentoring and training programme linked to youth dance activities across the sub hub.
South Yorkshire
Year Two Activity
Evaluate the delivery of Year One and develop the programme for delivery in Year Two.
Produce an evaluation report for discussion at the South Bank Hub meeting. October 2012. This will inform delivery for Year Three.
South Bank
Identify gaps and develop provision to strengthen a coherent offer in the sub region.
Develop the dance routes for young people through focused pilot provision and measure the increase in young people’s participation.
West Yorkshire
Identify what dance routes are lacking and increase provision.
Establish a ‘youth dance’ scene for young people to progress that is relevant for them evidenced through increase in activity and participation.
York & North Yorkshire
Identify gaps in the provision and priorities for developing a coherent offer in the sub region.
Deliver a pilot research programme in each of the local authority areas to establish the need for ongoing provision that narrows the gap in progression routes.
Hull & East Riding
Aim to increase the take up and achievement improvement in dance training and examinations within schools and colleges.
Greater number if young people undertaking GCSE/BTEC in dance related subjects after KS3.
South Yorkshire
Continue to strengthen the routes to progress in dance and access other regional provision.
Sustain sub hub progression routes that connect to regional youth dance opportunities. Together produce a document that sign posts young people clearly through the dance routes in the region.
All sub-regional hubs
Year Three
Goal 2:
Establish a coherent youth dance offer that provides progressive dance experiences from enjoyment and education to employment.
Objective 2.2:
Increase high quality dance opportunities for young people, in school and out of school, prioritising dance activity in areas where there is least engagement.
Deliver dance training to non-dance specialist teachers and in addition deliver weekly dance session with new groups of young people.
Funding secured. First training day for non dance specialist teachers delivered. Second training day offered out. New sessions set up in Barton, Brigg, Scunthorpe Bellingham Road and The Pods.
South Bank
Linked into the mapping exercise as described in 1.2 identify and prioritise new dance provision.
Plan for delivery completed and funds/resource are secured.
West Yorkshire
Link to the outcomes of 1.2 and 1.3 identify and develop plans for focused provision.
Produce a Year Two action plan with secured resource to increase activity with identified groups of young people.
York & North Yorkshire
Link to the outcomes of 2.1 and identify priority areas where there is a lack of provision.
Establish action plan with secured resources for delivery in Year Two.
Hull & East Riding
Identify suitable practitioners, venues and partners to establish work with boys in youth dance including priority areas of Barnsley and Rotherham.
Tasters set up, establish a dance group through tasters and projects.
South Yorkshire
Year Two Activity
Continue and develop delivery into Year Two.
40 non dance specialists trained and 1 resource pack produced. 12 year-round weekly dance groups delivered with targeted hard to reach. 240 people engaged.
South Bank
New dance provision is delivered and evaluated.
4 specific programmes delivered with 80 young people participating with 40 % going on to partner provision.
West Yorkshire
Deliver the action plan for Year Two that will focus on sharing good practice that develops new delivery.
Projects with new groups of young people, 2 practitioners’ and CPD networking events delivered and evaluated. Links established and 30% of the young people take up on practitioner’s provision.
York & North Yorkshire
Deliver the action plan that focuses on new dance experiences in new areas.
Projects with new groups are delivered and evaluated.
Hull & East Riding
Engage young people in professional dance providing experience in residencies working alongside professional artists.
Up to 15 young people to perform with professional companies in venues in South Yorkshire.
South Yorkshire
Evaluate, sustain and continue with new provision where strategic delivery is required.
Link to 2.1 for establishing a sub-region delivery programme and signposting young people to other provision where projects come to an end. Link to 1.1 to continue delivery against development of strategic youth dance delivery beyond 2015.
All sub-regional hubs
Year Three
Goal 2:
Establish a coherent youth dance offer that provides progressive dance experiences from enjoyment and education to employment.
Objective 2.3:
Deliver a coherent collaborative programme to avoid duplication and ensure clarity of understanding of youth dance accessibility across the region.
Year One Activity
Develop sub and regional joint programming for Big Dance 2012.
Produce a Youth Dance Website, based on the intelligence gathered throughout the Big Dance programme, that will be a ‘one stop shop’ that provides an overview of the youth dance scene.
All sub-regional hubs
Each hub continue to produce a calendar of programmes that are linked to all activities under goal 2.1 and 2.2 that directs young people via website and social media, to dance.
Sub calendar’s produced within an agreed time frame across the hubs to distribute a regional youth dance programme.
All sub-regional hubs
Sustain the production of programming data on regional website at agreed times across all sub hubs.
Regional Youth Dance Programme established via website and reported increase on hits.
All sub-regional hubs
Year Two
Year Three
Yorkshire Dance Youth company at Fresh 2012, Leeds Š Brian Slater
Goal 2:
Establish a coherent youth dance offer that provides progressive dance experiences from enjoyment and education to employment.
Objective 2.4:
Develop performance opportunities sub regionally, regionally and nationally to include Dance Festivals and Tours.
Year One Activity
Each sub hub will programme Big Dance performances / events that will be joined up across the region through the Yorkshire programme.
Established knowledge across the region of the number of outlets for young people’s work that is local, sub regional, regional and national.
All sub-regional hubs
Increase the number and range of showcase events per year.
Offer a programme of showcases including youth dance showcases, sub regional showcases and min residency showcases.
South Bank
Build on 2011-2012 county platforms and begin to join up access routes from local showcases to Fresh 2013. (The Regional Youth Dance Showcase).
Produce a co-ordinated programme for 2012-2013 and plan to increase in year 2.
West Yorkshire
Deliver the hubs platform event and develop links to other showcase events across the region.
Links to other showcases are established that develop access routes and increase groups participating.
York & North Yorkshire
Increase knowledge and map out performance opportunities across the sub area.
Establish the scope of performance opportunities and establish links between them.
Hull & East Riding
Opportunities to link to provision at existing festivals and events, and add to professional company performances for example Barnsley Civic.
Youth dance ensemble performing as curtain raiser or within a professional company performance. Performing at festivals that run annually across the sub region, including Fresh 2013.
South Yorkshire
Year Two Activity
Develop the experience of Big Dance 2012 to ensure clear routes to regional and national opportunities that includes a regional tour of youth dance.
Increase attendance and regional representation in Fresh 2014 and deliver 1 regional tour of youth dance.
All sub-regional hubs
Continue to deliver the increase, geographical coverage of showcase events and link to Fresh 2014.
2 main showcases, 4 showcases linked with weeklong residencies and 2 mini showcases and increase groups at Fresh 2014.
South Bank & South Yorkshire
Develop a West Yorkshire platform that is aligned with local showcases and Fresh 2014.
1 new county platform and increase of groups attending Fresh 2014.
West Yorkshire
Deliver a more coherent performance programme across the hub area and link more robustly to Fresh 2014.
Increase in the number of groups attending Fresh 2014.
York & North Yorkshire
Seek to align, where appropriate, performance opportunities for youth groups to access and link to Fresh 2014.
Profile the sub regions performance programme and increase attendance at Fresh 2014.
Hull & East Riding & South Yorkshire
Establish number of showcase opportunities and contribute to “Fresh 2015. (The Regions Youth Dance Festival)�
Sustained number of sub regional showcases and increase in groups participating in Fresh 2015.
All sub-regional hubs
Year Three
Goal 2:
Establish a coherent youth dance offer that provides progressive dance experiences from enjoyment and education to employment.
Objective 2.5:
Provide vibrant and exciting opportunities for young dancers to create their own work and have ‘real’ opportunities to link with professional dance companies.
Year One Activity
Each hub will lead on a commission as part of the Big Dance 2012 programme that will spring board this specific area of work across the hubs and regionally.
3 youth dance commission in each sub hub over a period of 8 weeks each with 200 young people taking part working with a professional choreographer and their youth dance leader.
All sub-regional hubs
Young people to create work on their own company.
1 piece created and performed with choreography from a young dancer/choreographer.
South Yorkshire
Year Two Activity
Gifted and Talented programme for young people to stretch their dance and develop skills for embryonic choreographers.
8 initial workshops, 64 youth dance company weekly sessions, 40 mentoring sessions and 2 show cases with 70 young people participating.
South Bank
Develop, with hub members, opportunities in programmes for young people to develop their dance making skills and to platform their work.
Establish and promote opportunities and increase the number of young people attending, creating and producing their own work.
West Yorkshire
Plan and deliver dance making schemes in areas of least provision.
Programme delivered and groups perform at county platform. The number of young choreographers showcasing their work increases.
York & North Yorkshire
Pilot a programme for young dance makers as part of Big Dance 2012.
1 pilot programme delivered and plans are established to develop access to opportunities for young dance makers.
Hull & East Riding
Exchange with other youth dance companies in the region (Doncaster / Barnsley / Rotherham / Sheffield).
Workshops and practitioner exchanges to increase opportunities for young people to make and perform their own work.
South Yorkshire
A ‘Future Dance Makers’ regional programme is established that is part delivered in each sub hub feeding into a regional programme with pieces performed at Fresh 2015 – (The Region’s Youth Dance Festival).
The ‘Future Dance Makers’ programme is established, increase in numbers of young people attending and making work.
All sub-regional hubs
Year Three
Goal 2:
Establish a coherent youth dance offer that provides progressive dance experiences from enjoyment and education to employment.
Objective 2.6:
Ensure young people are at the heart of decision making to shape the developments that are current and relevant for youth dance development.
Year One Activity
Develop the model of Youth Dance Champions (YDC) in the sub region.
4 YDC develop social networking to support the promotion of youth dance opportunities directly with young people.
South Bank
Establish 2 Youth Dance Ambassadors (YDA) for the West Yorkshire hub with the purpose to guide and advise on the best mechanisms to include more young people.
Annual programme established for YDA.
West Yorkshire
Establish a YDA role relevant to hub’s action plans and research how best to engage with a wider group of young people to develop leadership roles.
Produce with 2 YDA’s a programme for implementation in Year Two and 3.
York & North Yorkshire
Continue to evaluate programmes and projects with young people and implement improvements. Research YDC roles for the sub hub.
Produce the plan for YDC’s and recruit for Year Two.
Hull & East Riding
Explore the youth dance ambassador role.
Encourage one young dancer to become a youth dance ambassador and attend hub meetings.
South Yorkshire
Year Two Activity
Increase the Young Dance Champions group and increase membership. In this year activity includes programming a performance space at Fresh 2014 and presentation at high levels within both local authorities linked to 1.1.
Increase membership of YDCs and their roles completed successfully.
South Bank
Increase the number of YDAs and prioritise relevant activities to include wider representative of young people involved in the hub’s decision making.
4 YDAs and at least 2 young people led activities that support the hub’s action for Year Two.
West Yorkshire
YDA’s membership increases and the programme include high level advocacy, support with the hub’s programme development and inclusion of other young people.
4 YDAs successfully implemented programme and recruited the new cohort of YDA’s for Year Three.
York & North Yorkshire
Year Two YDC is implemented.
2 YDC’s programme successfully implemented and have recruited new cohort for Year Three.
Hull & East Riding
To extend the scheme to have one youth dance ambassador for each sub region.
Encourage YDA to feed into hub agenda and business, perhaps assisting on selection panels, programming performances and Fresh 2014.
South Yorkshire
Sustain the groups across the sub hubs and continue to develop a relevant programme for their role that includes regional events linked to Goal 2. All YDC’s and YDA’s support the programme development for Fresh 2015.
Increase membership and their roles completed successfully. Fresh 2015 delivered with young people curated performances. Evidence is provided on the increase of young people’s engagement, through mechanisms relevant to them, in the direct development of youth dance across the region.
All sub-regional hubs
Year Three
Goal 2:
Establish a coherent youth dance offer that provides progressive dance experiences from enjoyment and education to employment.
Objective 2.7:
Collectively produce a bi annual regional youth dance conference linking wherever relevant to national and international agendas.
Year One Activity
Contribute to the development, content and programme of the first regional conference in 2012.
One conference successfully produced and evaluated.
All sub-regional hubs
Contribute to the research and development towards the planning of the second regional conference in 2015.
Draft planning and programme complete.
All sub-regional hubs
Deliver the second regional dance conference.
Second conference successfully produced and evaluated.
All sub-regional hubs
Year Two
Year Three
Goal 2:
Establish a coherent youth dance offer that provides progressive dance experiences from enjoyment and education to employment.
Objective 2.8:
Produce a range of high quality communications that provides a high profile for the regions youth dance that is resounding, current and accessible to all.
Year One Activity
Develop a communications and marketing plan that includes website, social media, DVD documentation and advocacy linked to 1.1, 1.2 and 2.6.
Regional website is developed and YDA’s and YDC’s support the development of a young person specific page with social media.
All sub-regional hubs
Sustain and ensure the population of the site and social media outputs.
Record the number of hits on website.
All sub-regional hubs
Continue to sustain and ‘keep live’ the website and other communication tools.
Record an increase number of hits on the website.
All sub-regional hubs
Year Two
Year Three
Goal 3:
Develop the region’s youth dance workforce by building capacity, raise standards and retains artists, teachers and leaders to strengthen the quality of dance provision across the region.
Objective 3.1:
Provide a structured programme for dance practitioners, artists and teachers for access to appropriate training that meets their needs and includes ‘on the job’ experiences and formal training.
Year One Activity
Offer CPD and networking opportunities for dance practitioners aligned to the hubs action plan’s developments incrementally year on year.
Establish links with dance practitioners and encourage attendance at the mini residency showcase and sharing events.
South Bank
Based on the research gathered in 2011-2012 implement provision that includes a focused joined up programme that offers coherent CPD routes for practitioners including FE institutes.
A map for provision is established of the current CPD on offer, gaps are identified and priorities for provision established.
West Yorkshire
Based on the research gathered in 2011-2012 implement a programme that includes links to Further Education.
A programme for CPD/Networks is delivered. Links are established between practitioners in the sub region to the hub and other regional providers.
York & North Yorkshire
Provide a CPD programme as required across the sub hub area.
Evidence the outcomes of the rolling programme, gaps are identified and priorities for provision established.
Hull & East Riding
Scope and audit practitioners to discover their needs and extend links to existing networks.
Establish routes and mechanisms to raise the profile of the South Yorkshire CPD offer for practitioners.
South Yorkshire
Year Two Activity
Evaluate Year One and continue to develop the programme into Year Two.
CPD delivered to 120 practitioners.
South Bank
Share good practice across the hub membership and continue to deliver a joined up offer in Year Two.
Establish a programme of CDP events on offer in Year Two and raise the profile through joint marketing for Year Three. Number of events and attendees gathered.
West Yorkshire
Deliver bespoke CDP events with clear sign posting to formal training including DTAL and FE.
Evidence the impact and participation rate of the training programme. Plan to promote a CPD programme, with partners, for Year Three.
York & North Yorkshire
Continue to provide bespoke CDP and link to other sub hub offers.
Evidence the impact of the CPD training programme and raise the profile of other hub’s programmes.
Hull & East Riding
Sustain practitioners and offer CPD.
Establish placements, CPD days, training opportunities for Year Three.
South Yorkshire
Identify the CPD programme, sustain the priority areas and continue to deliver in Year Three. Contribute and open up programme across all five hubs to share knowledge and resource.
Sustain the number of practitioners involved in CPD, networks and establish a cross hub offer.
All sub-regional hubs
Year Three
Goal 3:
Develop the region’s youth dance workforce by building capacity, raise standards and retains artists, teachers and leaders to strengthens the quality of dance provision across the region.
Objective 3.2:
Identifies and provides provision for primary and secondary school to raise the standards in dance teaching and the impact on learning.
Year One Activity
Research and gather knowledge on the new curriculum and impact on schools. Link to the ‘Bridge’ within the region. Map out the current offer delivered by partners. Develop a relevant and smart offer to schools in identified areas of least engagement. Link to 2.7 conference and 3.1 action points.
Sub hub research is complete for teacher training implementation in years 2 and 3.
All sub-regional hubs
Implement, support and deliver training events.
Evidence the impact of focused training opportunities, identify gaps in provision and develop programmes further.
All sub-regional hubs
Evaluate and sustain CPD events. Present outcomes at the Conference in 2015. (link to 2.7 and 3.1)
Continue to sustain sub hub CPD programmes that connect to regional youth dance opportunities. Together produce a document that sign posts teachers to wider training programmes and youth dance provision.
All sub-regional hubs
Year Two
Year Three
East Riding Youth Dance County Company at Fresh 2012, Leeds Š Brian Slater
contact Paula Taylor Youth & Community Dance Director Yorkshire Dance 0113 243 9867 paulataylor@yorkshiredance.com Yorkshire Young Dancers at Fresh 2012, Leeds Š Brian Slater
Yorkshire Dance Registered 2319572 England Registered Charity No. 701624 VAT No. 418 0193 70