Current Classifieds December 16, 2015

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PUCKETT - Jason William Puckett was born March 29, 1974 in Swift Current, SK. He passed away peacefully December 10, 2015 at his home in Yorkton, SK surrounded by his loving wife, Shelly (Dodds) Puckett, his adoring children, Ainsly (11) and Jack (9) as well as many other family members. Jason was not known for losing battles. Animals and fish such as the Diefenbaker walleye, the southern Saskatchewan mule deer, the northern white tail, elk, moose and the black bear know this fact all too well. In his 41 years Jason didn’t lose many battles of wit, he didn’t lose many late night card or Risk games and he didn’t lose out on finding true love. In true style Jason didn’t lose his battle with esophageal cancer. He fought hard; he battled with brute strength and fierce stubbornness. When Jason left this earth to complete the remainder of his journey, the family of Jason William Puckett do not feel Jason lost anything. In fact we all know Jason had a lifetime of wins. He had a life full of accomplishments. Jason was raised in Vanguard, SK by proud parents Rob and Bev (Houghton) Puckett. I am sure looking back they had no idea the adventure they had embarked on when Jason arrived. A beautiful bouncing nine pound baby boy with blond curls and blue eyes that sparkled with mischief. Jason was fortunate to have his sister, Brenda (Puckett) Wilson. The Puckett family instilled in Jason a love of summers at the lake which Jason continued to share with all of our families. Jason attended Vanguard Elementary, Vanguard C.H. Peart High School and Swift Current Comprehensive High School. Younger years in Vanguard were filled with baseball, hockey, catching fish in the creek, hunting pheasants, riding bikes all over town and buying treats at Guy Seto’s corner store. Jason was known as a pool and rink rat and was likely kicked out of both a time or two! Small town life suited Jason just fine - fresh air, wide open space, wildlife and making life-long friends with other kids lucky enough to call Vanguard home. One of Jason’s biggest passions was playing hockey. In the early years Jason played on whatever team Vanguard or the Vanguard area could pull together. Quite often Jason was asked to play with the older age group due to his skill, determination and hard work. As Jason got older his hockey playing moved to Swift Current where he played on numerous Rep teams. There was more than one winter where Jason was billeted in Swift Current as he played. Jason had numerous coaches and forged many friendships through his hockey playing days. The second passion that Jason developed in high school was a love for Shelly. Shelly and Jason began their lifelong romance while in high school. After graduating high school Jason worked with Sage Drilling and managed Jay Dee Equipment. Jason attended Lethbridge Community College 1997-2001 where he completed Renewable Resource Management Diploma and an Applied Degree in Fish and Wildlife Technology. In 2002 Jason started his career working with the Sask Watershed Authority in Yorkton. Talk about turning your passions into your career! Take this lesson from Jason and find a career that you love. Jason and Shelly were married on June 2, 2001. There were no truer words spoken than a portion of the vows they shared on their wedding day - “I choose you to be my wife/husband, my partner in life and my one true love. I cherish our friendship and promise to love you today, tomorrow and forever. I promise to give you my strength to help us grow in good times and in bad; to care for you in sickness and health; to respect our individuality and make our home one of love and understanding. I love you unconditionally. Whatever the future holds for us, I will be by your side to support, comfort and encourage you to achieve all your dreams”. Jason and Shelly’s love shone through to anyone that saw them together. They truly were a couple that we can all admire and learn from. There are very few moments in life that truly take your breath away……for Jason those moments came from his children. On May 2, 2004 Ainsly Ilene arrived and Jason knew his world would never be the same. The sun, moon and stars now shone for Ainsly. From her feisty baby days to “I can do it myself” toddler moments and strong willed attitude Jason knew he would barely be able to stay one step ahead of his “Bug” Ainsly. She is a smart little lady who is a force to be reckoned with - Jason couldn’t have been prouder of her. On August 22, 2006 (amidst a tornado South of Yorkton) arrived Jack William Puckett. Jack has proven to be a “mini-me” of Jason in many ways. The bleach blonde hair, the bright blue eyes, the smirking grin and unlimited mischievous plans. Jason’s love of the outdoors and hockey lives strong in his son. Jason admires Jack’s determination and dedication. Jason passed on the advice “never lose heart”. Jason was a fabulous entertainer and host. He was very happy to organize an impromptu fishing trip, bar-b-que or fun filled adventure. Jason hosted many fishing trips over the years either with buddies, family members or friends. These fishing trips were from shore at Lake of the Prairies, in his boat at Prairie Lake or ice fishing on various bodies of water. There was nothing Jason liked better than seeing and helping a child reel in their first big catch. This past summer Jason had the opportunity to fish in the Atlantic Ocean on a trip to the Maritimes. This trip is a memory that will be cherished for years to come. Jason was an amazing chef. He could whip up an incredible dinner in a matter of moments. A little splash of this and a little pinch of that and voila! he had a scrumptious meal prepared. Many of us can attest to his delicious meals. Our mouths water thinking about his famous bar-b-que ribs. To keep Jason’s memory alive we invite you to watch a sunset or a sunrise, catch and release a big fish (even though Shelly would try and convince Jason to keep it……fishing should always mean a fish fry!). Teach a child to enjoy nature, learn about the beauty of our province and country and any chance you get share one of Jason’s many stories, tall tales or beverage of choice. Cancer sadly took Jason away from us, but his journey taught us strength, determination and the power of family and friends. It taught us the importance of living life to the fullest every single day. There are no guarantees in life except the guarantee of today. In the end it is not the years in your life, but the life in your years. We love you Jason and will remember you always. Jason is survived by his wife, Shelly (Dodds) Puckett; their children, Ainsly and Jack; his Father, Rob Puckett; his sister, Brenda Wilson, her husband, Reg and their children, Avery and Griffin; his Mother and Father-in-law, Cliff and Ilene Dodds; sister-in-law, Sheryn Flynn and her husband, Terence and their daughter, Kim Locken, husband Lance, their children, Kylan and Cameron; sons, Ryan Hornung and Skylar Flynn; sister-in-law, Sandra Senicar, her husband, Darrell, their children Aaron, his wife Jen, Mitchel, his fiancé, Michelle and Sawyer Senicar. Also left to remember Jason are many aunts, uncles and cousins. Jason was predeceased by his mother, Bev Puckett, grandparents, Flora and Jack Puckett and Alvin and Laura Houghton. A Service to Celebrate Jason’s Life will be held on Sunday, December 20, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at the Swift Current Legion Hall, 239 - 1st Ave. NE, Swift Current, SK. Following the celebration, there will be a cash bar and an ice cream sundae buffet. Memorial donations can be made to South of the Divide - Conservation Action Program Inc. Box 583 Pontiex, SK, S0N 1Z0. Friends so wishing may forward their condolences to the family by visiting Funeral arrangements were entrusted to Christie’s Funeral Home & Crematorium, Yorkton, Saskatchewan.



175 York Road W., Yorkton Phone 306-783-8516

McMunnAndYates_1x25.b27_R001862262.indd Obituaries Obituaries prod3/dm 14px24.5ag/class earlug/Sept. 10/14 -Shirley May. 29/15 ALLEN - Doreen Allen was born on January 13, 1932, the /f/c/proof bill daughter of Edna Kielo. When Doemail

reen was 11, her mother passed away and she was raised by her Grandmother, Louise. Doreen was inspired by her Grandmother and the strength she showed throughout her life. Widowed while carrying her youngest child, Louise raised eight children on her own, then raised Doreen as well. Doreen also spent much of her childhood with her Aunt Alice and her children, who she considered to be more like siblings than cousins. Doreen went to school in Yorkton. She met Reg Allen, who had returned to Yorkton following service in World War II and the couple were married at St. Andrew’s United Church on January 17, 1953. The couple made their home in Yorkton, where Reg was employed with the Canadian National Railway. Doreen and Reg were blessed with two daughters, Karen in 1953 and Shawna in 1963. As well as working as an Order Desk Clerk with Westfair Foods, Doreen shared her love and her home with many foster children over the years. She made a lasting impact on the lives of many children who came through her home, but held a special place in her heart for Jim Bright who came to the family when he was six years old. One of Doreen’s greatest memories was a trip to England in 2004 to meet Reg’s sister, Ivy and her family. She cherished their return visits to Canada as well. She was a member of the Royal Canadian Legion Ladies’ Auxiliary and held executive positions for many years. An avid fan of the Saskatchewan Roughriders (win or lose!), Doreen also loved to read and knit. She enjoyed her flower gardens, plate and angel collections and watching the beautiful Saskatchewan sunsets. However, her greatest pleasure was time spent with her grandchildren, whom she was very proud of and loved with all her heart. Following Reg’s death in 1997, Doreen remained in her own home on Logan Crescent for many years, later becoming a resident of the Bentley Retirement Community and Sacred Heart Assisted Living. She passed away peacefully on Friday, December 4, 2015 at the Yorkton Regional Health Centre with her family by her side. Doreen was predeceased by her mother, Edna; her grandmother, Louise; a special aunt, Alice and her husband, Reg. She leaves to mourn her passing and cherish her memory, her daughters, Karen (Nolan) Bucsis and Shawna Allen (Carol Burns); her son, Jim (Georgina) Bright; her grandchildren, Brent (Tracy) Schwab and their children, Linden and Payten, Stephen (Josie) Bewcyk, Jordee Bewcyk and her children, Greyson and Addisyn, Wyatt Bright and Cameron Stoneman; her cousins from the Knoll family as well as many other relatives and friends. Funeral Services were held on Tuesday, December 8, 2015 from the Chapel of Christie’s Funeral Home in Yorkton, SK with Reverend Jen Dresser of St. Andrew’s United Church officiating. The organist, Carla Laycock, led the congregation in the singing of the hymns, “How Great Thou Art”, “The Old Rugged Cross” and “Abide With Me”. The Interment Service followed in the Yorkton Memorial Gardens, Garden of Devotion with Brent Schwab, Stephen Bewcyk, Cameron Stoneman, Jordee Bewcyk, Linden Schwab and Wyatt Bright serving as the casket bearers. Friends so wishing may forward their condolences to the family by visiting Funeral arrangements were entrusted to Christie’s Funeral Home & Crematorium, Yorkton, Saskatchewan.

TKACHUK - We are eternally grateful to you, our dear Dad, Dido and Great-Dido for your loving kindness, caring guidance and sense of humor. The Lord called you to come to His house on December 5 and you willingly accepted. Alexander (Alex) Tkachuk was born on February 25, 1925 to Wasyl and Nettie (Pelech) Tkachuk on the family farm, near Wroxton, SK. From 1931-1940 he attended Brandon School which was located three miles NE of his family’s farm. In 1935, Alex was struck with osteomyelitis in his left leg. At the age of 10, he lost mobility in his left ankle. Despite this adversity, Alex enjoyed skiing down Salon’s Hill on his homemade skis, riding his bicycle to go swimming in the river, playing baseball, hunting, fishing and farming alongside his Father, Mother and five Sisters until his Father’s passing in 1945. Devoted to his family and the family farm, Alex lovingly accepted the responsibility to nurture the family and farm. Alex’s humble life became complete when he met his beloved wife at a Barn Dance in St. Phillips in 1954. On October 22, 1955, at the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Kamsack, Alex married the love of his life, Anne Bobyk. Together they shared a life of hard work building their farm and family with a spirit of joy and gratitude. Saddened by Anne’s sudden passing in September 2013, Alex moved off the farm, in November, to the Bentley in Yorkton and in March 2015 to Loewen’s Care Home in Prince Albert where he remained until falling asleep in the hands of the Lord and reuniting with his beloved. Alex was a man of the land and took great pride in his work ensuring that everything was very well cared for from seeding and harvesting to producing quality feed and shelter to keep his livestock healthy. Amidst the work, Alex always made time for family and friends for a game of cards, cribbage, checkers or a story and beverage at the kitchen table. He enjoyed curling in Wroxton, dances, sports days and whist drives at Brandon Community Centre. The farm was a great gathering place for many. He particularly enjoyed family gatherings during the holidays. Many late nights pursued, around the dining room table, playing his favourite card games, Hola and Horse Races. So much joy and laughter was experienced by all. Alex had a gift to relate to all ages, from his grown children and their extended families to his granddaughters and great-grandson. Despite his struggle in his last week of life, he lovingly admired his newborn great-granddaughter. Throughout Alex’s life, he maintained his Orthodox Faith. He was a member and served on the Executive of the St. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church near Stornoway. Recognizing that he was Blessed with a long life, he would often say that anything over 75 years of age was “gravy”. In his 90 years of life, he experienced significant world changes from horse and buggy to smart phones and embraced it all. He instilled in his children the Golden Rule, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” and the virtue of “do you need or do you want”. He truly had a love of life and took the good times and bad times with grace, prayer and trust in God. Alex was predeceased by his Wife, Anne; Father, Wasyl Tkachuk and Mother, Nettie (Pelech) Wintonyk; Infant Brother, John; four Sisters and Brothers-inlaw: Mary (Dan Kastalanych) (Pete Oucharek); Anne (Harry Brigidear); Katie (Fred Matechuk); Irene (Russ Weir); Lawrence Paskaruk; Father-inlaw and Mother-in-law John and Jennie (Kushner) Bobyk; Brother-in-law, Mike Bobyk; Sister-in-law Ann (Leonard Forman) Bobyk. Alex will be welcomed at the gates of Heaven by many neighbours, friends, and relatives that have gone before him. He leaves to grieve, his loving four children, Joanne Frederick; Ken (Theresa) Tkachuk; Karen (Dean) Craig and Cynthia (Dale) Leschyshyn; seven granddaughters, Sabrina Frederick, Laurinda (Chris) Jeffery and Chelsey Tkachuk, Kelsey (Steve Hankewich) and Kaitlin Craig, Courtney and Brooklyn Leschyshyn; Great-Grandson Knox Frederick-Regnier and Great-Granddaughter Lainey Anne Jeffery; Sister Olga Paskaruk; Brother-in-law Eugene (Candice) Bobyk and many relatives and friends. Dad, the twinkle of your beautiful blue eyes will be missed very much and your sense of humour and grace will be carried in our hearts forever. The Prayer Service was held on Wednesday, December 9, 2015 from the Chapel of Christie’s Funeral Home in Yorkton, SK and Funeral Services were held on Thursday, December 10, 2015 from Holy Transfiguration Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Yorkton, SK. The Very Reverend Father Mel Slashinsky officiated both services and the cantors were Zennovia Duch and members of the Holy Transfiguration Ukrainian Orthodox Church Choir. The Interment Service followed in Sts. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church Cemetery near Stornoway, SK with Orest Ourcharek, David Matechuk, Tony Oucharek, Roy Prysliak, Raymond Prysliak and Garry Tetoff serving as the casket bearers. Friends so wishing may forward their condolences to the family by visiting Funeral arrangements were entrusted to Christie’s Funeral Home & Crematorium, Yorkton, Saskatchewan.

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