2022 Fall and Winter LEISURE GUIDE GET OUT & GET ACTIVE Yorkton


KalYna uKrainian
Contact: www.extravadance.cacomextravadancestudio@hotmail.306-621-2818 in Yorkton, Canora & Preeceville. Offering a Fun, Positive & Educational Dance experience for every child. Classes available for children aged 2 and up. Competitive and Recreational for all students interested. -Hip -Musical-Contemporary-LyricalHopTheatre
danCe sChool
-Tiny -Boys2’sCrew (boys only Hip Hop) -Pom 8 week sessions being offered: - Booty Barre - Adult Jazzercise (Zumba style) - Adult Hip Hop and Tap - Move with Me (18 months - 3 yrs) Free mY muse TheaTre CompanY Contact: 306-782-MUSE (6873) freemymusetheatre.comWebsite:freemymuse@hotmail.comEmail: A Professional Theatre Studio offering classes and production for all ages in Yorkton, Melville and Langenburg. play productions (ages 7 and up) and Classes in: Acting, Collective Creation, Improvisation, Character Development, Monologues, Musical Theatre, Ensemble Performances and Preschool Classes. godFreY dean arT gallerYContact: galleryInstagram:freydeanartgalleryFacebgallery.caWebsite:artgallery.caEmail:306-786-2992manager@godfreydean-www.godfreydeanart-ook:facebook.com/god-@godfreydeanart-
“Celebrating Ukrainian Family Culture through the Art of Dance”. Kalyna Dance School provides Ukrainian Dance
PAGE 3 arTs, danCeCulTure,&musiC danCeContact:innoVaTions@danceinnovationsyorktonFacebookwww.danceinnovations.comWebsite:info@danceinnovations.comEmail:(Director),Sullivan-KosterskyTammy306-786-6814&Instagram: Come and be a part of our Team DI! Established in 1995, Dance Innovations Inc. is the reliable name for high-quality dance education at both the recreational and competitive level. Whether you are looking for a fun once per week dance class or an opportunity to train at a high level, we have a program to fulfill your needs. Our extensive line up of full-term dance classes include Jump n’ Jam, Combo, Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Acro, Contemporary and Hip Hop. Additionally, our sessional classes of Tumble Jam, Boys Crew, Girls Club, Teen Jazz and Teen Combo offer another way to have fun and stay active with a shorter time commitment. We also run Fine Arts Club, an all-inclusive day program for children 2-4 years that explores Dance, Yoga, Fitness, Music, Art and Drama. No matter where you are on your dance journey, we believe that with the right guidance and support, every student can achieve their full potential while developing lasting friendships and a love of dance. Check out our website and social media for ongoing updates. Dance Innovations - For Our Community. For Our Families. For Your Child. eXTraVadanCe sTudio
Contact: Kevin Kluk, www.yorktonkalynadance.comyorktonkalyna@gmail.com306-621-7480
options available
at 49 Smith St. E. in Yorkton, SK, the Godfrey Dean Art Gallery provides opportunities for engagement with the arts through exhibitions, workshops, classes and events. We support and encourage the appreciation of art for everyone and provide educational and professional development opportunities for artists.
Come DANCE with Us! Classes offered in: -Jazz-Ballet -Tap -Acro

Dancers with Troyanda will:
Parkland region’s public writing group meets 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Yorkton Public Library, 7:00pm - 9:00pm. Everyone interested in writing is welcome. Annual fees are $10. square & round dan C e C lub (YorKTon parK swingers)
Contact: Karen or Ray 306-782-9790Thies, The Yorkton Park Swingers will start dancing October 17 at the Masonic Hall in Yorkton. Classes will be Monday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. There will Square dance, Round dance (cued ballroom) Andrusiak p.m.
• gain an appreciation for the diversity of Ukrainian culture
• be trained in proper technique • enhance their physical fitness levels • develop skills in teamwork • enhance levels of self-confidence
and Line dance. Treasure ChesT ToasTmasTersContact: Faye
Troyanda Ukrainian Dance Ensemble exists to provide an opportunity for the youth and adults of the community to express themselves through Ukrainian dance and develop an appreciation for one of the most beautiful Ukrainian traditions. Whether you are a beginner or experienced dancer, we have a place for you in our dance family!
YorK ColonY quilTers guild Contact: Sally sally.s@sasktel.net306-782-2277Sibley, A creative group of individuals who wish to preserve and enhance the art of quilting. Members participate in hands-on group and individual projects, plus technique workshops are regularly held throughout the year. Through the work of its members the Guild contributes to a variety of charities by the donation of quilted items.
306-641-5910 Would you like to: Become more confident when interviewing for a job? Improve your communication skills? Develop your leadership skills? Maximize your potential? Join our club — Everyone Welcome! We meet Wednesdays 7-8
Troyanda dancers showcase their dances at the celebration of “Malanka” in January at St. Mary’s Cultural Center and at our Showcase in the spring. Malanka - Jan. 14, 2023 Spring concert - April, 2023
and Mondays at noon online using Zoom. Join us from anywhere! In person/hybrid meeting will be commencing in Yorkton September Email:2022. vppr-1245@toastmastersclubs.org for the meeting link or meeting room location. Visit our website at https://1245. toastmastersclubs.org Facebook: @yorktontoastmasters Instagram: @treasurechest1 TroYanda uKrainian danCeContact:ensemble Stacie yorktontroyanda@gmail.com306.621.3938Fahlman
instructions for ages 4 - 18 years of age. Instruction is given for six different regions: Poltavski, Transcarpathian, Bukovina, Hutzul, Volyn and Polissia. We focus on Ukrainian dance, culture and tradition, all provided in a family oriented atmo sphere. Returning for their fifteenth year of instruction to Kalyna are Serhiy and Liana Zabutnyy from Regina. They both have attained Masters of Ballet and Ukrainian Folk Dance. Yorkton Kalyna Ukrainian Dance School has been active since 1975 started by the St. Mary’s Catholic Women’s League. We are a non-profit, self-governing group. Yorkton Kalyna hosts our Annual Dance Competition. May 5, 6, 7 2023. Everyone is welcome to attend. parkland writer’s alliance
Contact: Carol Knoll, 306-782-5755 Email: wordpress.comparklandwritersalliance.Website:writersyorkton@gmail.com

The Yorkton Arts Council will continue to connect our community to the performing arts with a whole new series of events at 3 different venues, YRHS Anne Portuff Theatre, Painted Hand Casino and St. Andrew’s United Church. Kicking off the season on September 23, 2022 will be Canada’s Ballet Jorgen’s Anne of Green Gables: The Ballet. A full schedule of upcoming performing arts events and venues can be found on our website at yorktonarts.ca Community parTners gallery
Address: 49 Smith Street East, S3N 0H4
The Yorkton Arts Council, established in 1966, is a non-profit organization that provides opportunities to engage in the arts through inspiration, education and entertainment. Our vision is to connect our community to the arts thereby enhancing the lives of citizens in our community. The following programs are offered to all ages:
sunflower art & Craft market 2022 This September 9 & 10, 2022 Sunflower Art & Craft Market is back. Artists and creators from across Canada will exhibit and sell their wares during this two day show at the Gallagher Centre in Yorkton.
YaC presents .. (formerly Stars for Saskatchewan)
The Yorkton Arts Council, in partnership with the Yorkton Public Library, presents a series of visual exhibitions at the Community pARTners Gallery located in the Yorkton Public Library dedicated to exhibiting artwork by local and emerging artists as well as exhibitions provided by the Organization of Saskatchewan Arts Councils Visual Arts Touring program.
Culture days september 20 – october 16, 2022 Inspired by Yorkton Yarn Bombing events of 2021 we will continue with a series of hands on free events featuring fibre arts. artist’s talk and reception –Community parTners gallery
Festive Fibre ornaments - a series of 4 workshops creating holiday ornaments Learn to Crochet a Holiday Ornament with local artist Michelle Easton • Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at 6:30pm - 8:00pm Learn to Needle Felt a Holiday Ornament with local artist Angelina Kardynal • Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at 6:30pm - 8:00pm Community based since 1971. mcmunnandyates.com175YorkRoadWest 306.783.8516
YorKTon arTs CounCil
•Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022 at 2:00pm Join us at the Yorkton Public Library for a chat with local fibre artist Hanna Yokozawa Farquharson about her current exhibition “Light from Water” and her inspiration for the project.
Contact: Tonia Vermette, Website:administrator@yorktonarts.caEmail:306-783-8722yorktonarts.ca
PAGE 5 regular weekly meetings Please call for the latest information on dates & times.

The Yorkton Duplicate Bridge Club meets for an afternoon of FUN every Wednesday afternoon at the Yorkton Public Library at 1:00pm. Our season runs from September to the end of May and we encourage all those who play bridge to come and join us. We are always looking for new players.
YorKTon dupliCaTe bridge Club Contact: Sharon, 306-782-1689 Allona, 306-890-0417
Contact: Larry Pearen, 306-782-4182 Email: Larry.pearen@gmail.com or Chelsea Holt Email: Chelsea.d.holt@gmail.com
YorKTon CommuniTY ConCerT band
PAGE 6 Learn to Paper Quill a Holiday Ornament with local artist Judy Sawchuk • Saturday, October 8, 2022 at 2:00pmLearn4:00pmto Knit a Holiday Ornament with Local Artist Tonia Vermette • Wednesday, October 12, 2022 at 6:30pm - 8:00pm heal the earth – an afternoon with local artist hanna Yokozawa Farquharson • Saturday October 15, 2022 at 1:00pm Godfrey Dean Cultural Centre –Programing Room. Listen to the sounds of crystal singing bowls and experience the effects of light language healing. story slam Participate in our annual storytelling competition, Yorkton Storm Slam offered in partnership with the Parkland Writer’s Alliance on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at 7:00pm at the Yorkton Public Library. This competition features 10 authors telling/reading stories for 5 minutes each. Don’t miss the excitement.
The Yorkton Community Concert Band is available for individuals who enjoy performing in a large wind and percussion band. The Concert Band performs several concerts during the season and for community events. The band rehearses on Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm - 8:30pm, Yorkton Regional High School Band Room. Previous experience is required. Everyone is welcome.

ALL THAT JAZZ provides an opportu nity for those interested in playing in a big band to perform a variety of music from the 40’s to musicals to rock tunes, something for everyone. The big band features two vocalists, includes saxophones, trumpets, trombones and a rhythm section of piano, guitar, bass and drums. This big band is available for community events and enjoys performing evening shows. Rehearsals at Yorkton Regional High School takes place on Tuesday evenings at 8:30pm10:00pm Previous experience is required. Everyone is welcome.
SK S3N 2W8 The Yorkton Music Festival Association is a classical music festival affiliated with the Saskatchewan
LGBTQ+. Year round All ages Film library Tour Festival maintains extensive catalogue and access, free, to
Contact: Logan Wilk, 306-621-9163
YorKTon Film FesTiVal
Musical Festival dates for 2023: March 6 - March 18.
YorKTon sCoTTish soCieTY
of charge, DVD
Yorkton & district pipe band inc. Instruction available in piping and drumming for all ages. Available for perfor Sundaysmances. and Wednesdays Columbia School Gym Contact Dave Gillard, 306-783-6741
Organization formed to promote the appreciation of Scottish culture. All inter ested persons are welcome to join. Annual Robbie Burns Dinner in January. Yorkton scottish Country dancing
Contact: Larry Email:306-641-4727DeanEmail:306-621-0523PearenLarry.pearen@gmail.comPetersenDeangayla@icloud.com
films that have Ongoingentered. All ages screenings Opportunity for groups and organizations to host free screenings of selected films. Volunteers Do you love watching films and meeting filmmakers? Just give us a call, we can provide the opportunity! YorKTon genealogiCal soCieTY Contact: Lynda Burback 306-782-4531Dorisby-lyburback@hotmail.com306-782-1685Mabendmaben@sasktel.net Your local resource for your genealogical needs with tips for doing genealogical research. YorKTon musiC FesTiValContact: Jean Website:306-782-2577Fetschyorktonmusicfestival.ca Mailing Address:
festival in
To teach and enjoy Scottish country dancing, the social dancing of Scotland, jigs, reels and strathspeys. Open to all ages, you don’t have to be Scottish. In the fall: Saturdays, 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Anglican Parish Hall Contact Logan Wilk, 306-621-9163
YOrktOn’s all tHat JaZZ BiG Band
Contact: Randy Goulden, 306-782-7077 director@yorktonfilm. its 75th year. Takes place May 25-27, 2023. The longest running film North America. Over the years the festival has garnered an esteemed reputation as the best in the country. The Festival includes films and activities for all The YFF provides programming and year round. dVd Tour Sheaf Award Tour Package, free of selected winners. Six Indigenious, Children and Youth, Winners, Saskatchewan and over 5,000 Box 743, Yorkton, Music Festival Association. We are committed to provid ing opportunities for performance, competition and adjudication to young musicians in the Yorkton area. The Yorkton Music Festival encompasses a variety of disciplines including piano, band, instrumental ensembles, vocal, musical theatre, choral, speech arts and strings.
com Now in
CommuniTY serViCes & programs
A support group for women experiencing or who have experienced domestic violence.
Provincial 306-933-7727Office,info@4-h.sk.cawww.4-h.sk.ca what is 4-h? 4-H is one of Canada’s longest-running youth organizations dedicated to the growth and development of our members, leaders, volunteers and staff through our motto, “Learn To Do By Doing”. who is 4-h For? Youth, six to 21 years old, can become 4-H members. You will make new friends and develop life skills through club involvement and a hands-on project on a topic of your choice. 4-h leaders Adults, willing to share their time and enthusiasm, can become 4-H leaders. General leaders organize clubs and project leaders guide members through their projects. how to start? There are two options - join an existing club or start your own 4-H club. You only need four members and one leader to start your own club. To find out if there are clubs in your area or to start a club, contact the Provincial 4-H Office and connect with a Regional 4-H Specialist. aCCenT on Kids Contact: Rhonda 306-786-5437Oystrick, citiZens On patrOl prOGraM YOrkTonContact:Copp306-783-5022 or 306-620-9889
Email: yorktoncopp@gmail.com or the Yorkton City Detachment of the RCMP, 306-786-2400 or Box 153, Yorkton, SK S3N 2V7
Citizens on Patrol Program Yorkton (COPP) are the eyes and ears of your community. We are recruiting new members. For an application or more informa tion please contact the above numbers.
CrossroadsContact:306-782-5181 or 306-783-7233
Thursdays, 1:15pm - 2:30pm at Family Resource Centre - SIGN on Broadway. Transportation available,
free of charge. Thursdays, 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at Shelwin House (please call for address). Adult women only. Group is open to all women who feel a need for support on their journey. Please contact 306-782-5181 or 306-783-7233 for more information. Free of charge. Phone 306-782-6050 MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 39 Smith St. W., Yorkton, We’reminutemuffleryorkton.caSKYourMUFFLERSpecialists BUT DID YOU KNOW WE ARE ALSO ABLE TO HELP YOU WITH: • DynoMax Performance Exhaust Systems • Diesel Truck Exhaust Systems • Exhaust Manifolds • Shocks & Struts • Brakes • Front End Repair • Heavy Duty Exhaust Systems for Big Trucks, Tractors & Farm Equipment WE DO IT THERIGHTFIRST TIME

The Gallagher Centre is the Parkland’s premier location for sports, recreation, and special events. The facility houses an indoor water park with wave pool and water slide, curling rink and lounge, convention space and meeting rooms, multi-use Flexihall, and the Westland Arena, home of the Yorkton Terriers. Additional rentable facilities and spaces can be found on the adjoining exhibition grounds. With programming and events occurring year-round the Gallagher Centre and all it has to offer is sure to please. Find more information on our website at www.gallaghercentre.com, or contact us by phone at 306-786-1740 or by email to gallaghercentre@yorkton.ca.
PAGE 9 easT CenTral newComer welCome CenTreContact:inC.Email:306-783-2777ecnwcinfo@ecnwc.ca Address: Unit H, 132 Broadway Street East, Yorkton, SK, S3N 0M4 Website: tralnewcomercentre.ca/http://www.eastcenFacebook:EastCentralNewcom Instagram:erWelcomeCentre@ecnwci
Kids help phone
Contact: Phone 1-800-668-6868
The East Central Newcomer Welcome Centre Inc. (ECNWCI) is a non-profit agency which provides FREE information and services to newcomers, immi grants, and refugees in the East Central Saskatchewan region leading towards successful settlement and integration in the community. Newcomers establish their first connections with their new community through the agency by access ing information about the resources and services available. The agency offers Settlement Services, the Settlement Worker in Schools Program (SWIS), the Community Connections Program, the East Central Saskatchewan Immigration Partnership and Employment Services.
Contact: Jumpstart306-782-3471ismorethan just about getting kids between 4 and 18 active. It’s about giving kids in financial need the same chance to participate as their neighbours, their classmates and their friends. Whether it’s the chance to try a new sport or to continue with a favourite one, no kid should be left out. When families need a little financial boost to get kids involved in a sport or recreational program, they need to fill out an application. This needs to be done before the fees are due, as the money goes right to the organization. Applications for assistance can be submitted from January 15 to November 1; for Spring/ Summer and Fall/Winter activities. Go online to Canadian Tire Jumpstart or call our community partner Big Brothers Big Sisters of Yorkton and Area at 306-7823471 for more information.
JuMpstart kids plaY Here!
The gallagher CenTreContact: Email:Website:306-786-1740www.gallaghercentre.comgallghercentre@yorkton.ca
good spiriT housing auThoriTY
Contact: 306-782-7733

PAGE 10 sasKabiliTies - YorKTon branChContact: 1-833-444-4126Email:dstroshein@saskabilities.caWebsite:www.saskabilities.caFacebook: SaskAbilities-Yorkton Region @saskabilities_yorktonInstagram:
Groups and organizations can enter event information, on line, for event promotion.
Please call ahead to make sure a unit is available.
http://www.tourismyorkton.comwww.tourismyorkton.comOngoing welcome packages
SIGN is a not-for-profit organization providing programs and supports for individuals and families in Yorkton and east central Saskatchewan. Please see our website, www.signyorkton.ca for a detailed list of programs.
Contact: Outreach shelwinoutreach@sasktel.net306-782-5181Worker
Tourism Yorkton provides visitor information, event planning and promotion Calendar of events
For events and conferences - information packages for delegates and participants.
neighbours)Contact:Administration 306-783-9425Rentals:OfficeWebsite:signadmin@signyorkton.caEmail:306-783-9409www.signyorkton.caandMeetingRoom
wesTern deVelopmenT museumContact:YorKTon WDM yorkton@wdm.ca306-783-8361Yorkton
Surround yourself with the colours, the textures, the hope and the love that came from all over the world to build this province. See the struggles and feel the joys in the simple things of life for people creating new beginnings at the Western Development Museum (WDM) in Yorkton. Located on Treaty 4 territory and the Homeland of the Métis, the WDM Yorkton
shelwinContact:house306-783-7233 or Crisis calls www.shelwinhouse.canetsusanshelwinhouse@sasktel.1-888-783-3111
TourismOngoingYorkton Information Centre geocaching A great physical activity for everyone and can be done year-round! It provides a wonderful opportunity to explore the city. If you don’t have a GPS unit, you can borrow one from Tourism Yorkton by coming to the office during regular business hours.
shelwin house ouTreaCh program
TourismOngoingYorkton Information Centre Yorkton relocation packages Information on moving to Yorkton, including recreation, schools, banking, services, etc.
This program believes education and awareness is key to eliminating violence and creating healthy communities. We offer informative presentations and workshops to schools and all community groups within 150 mile radius of Yorkton, at no charge. This includes information regarding domestic violence, teen dating violence, bullying, respect, conflict resolution, self esteem, and healthy relationships. s.i.g.n. (soCieTY For The inVolVemenT oF good
Shelwin House is a shelter for abused women and their children facing Interpersonal Violence. We offer 24-hour shelter, supportive counselling, assistance and referrals. There is no cost to the women and children for their stay at the shelter.
TourismContact:YorKTon Randy Goulden, tourismyorkton@sasktel.net306-783-8707
SaskAbilities supports people experiencing disability with programs and services to enhance their lives. The Yorkton Branch offers a diverse range of services. “Working together to build inclusive communities for people of all abilities.”

The Exhibition Association
PAGE 11 shares the Saskatchewan story from the beginning of settlement to present day. The WDM Yorkton is one of four unique WDM locations in the province. The addition of WDMs in Saskatoon, Moose Jaw and North Battleford make the WDM the largest human history museum in the province. The Museum serves the people of Saskatchewan through its exhibits, educational and public programs, special events, and research about the history of the province. The Museum’s mandate is to collect, preserve, and exhibit objects of historical value and importance connected with the economic and cultural development of Western Canada and to stimulate interest in Western Canadian history. For information on admission, hours of operation and programs please visit wdm.ca Yellowhead FlYwaY birding Trail assoCiaTion inC. Contact: Martin 306-783-0825Phillips (h) or 306-621-6904 (c) Website: FFacebookwww.yfbta.comPage:Yellowhead lyway Birding Trail Activities include Christmas Bird Count, member organized bird watching and sight seeing outings, annual Symposium and sponsorship of a summer outdoor education program for youth in the area.
is gearing up for another exciting year. Whether you are young or old, from the country or the city, there is something for everyone. For further information visit yorktonexhibition.com, follow us on Facebook, call us at 306-783-4800 or email info@yorktonexhibition.com YOrktOn FarMers’ Market Contact: Brendon Purton (President), Jane306-620-8335Labash(Market Manager), market.caWebsite:gmail.comEmail:306-621-6117yorktonfarmersmarket@www.yorktonfarmersLocated at the Parkland Mall. Every Thursday, 9:30am - 1:30pm, March to December. Fresh vegetables, crafts, baking, cabbage rolls, perogies, and honey. YorKTon Tribal CounCilContact: 306-782-3644 Ph: 306-782-3309
YorKTon Chamber oF Juanita Polegi or Sherry Krawetz MacDonald, AND District. Business Dinner October
2022 Chamber
5. YorKTon assoCiaTioneXhibiTionContact: Barb GeneralWoytas,Manager, 306-783-4800 combarb.woytas@yorktonexhibition.
www.yorktonchamber.comWebsite:info@yorktonchamber.comEmail:306-783-4368 A not-for-profit organization that promotes and advances the interests of members and businesses in Yorkton

for rental information. events: Regular Trap and Skeet Shooting, and 3-D Archery on Tuesday evenings from 5:00 p.m. to Dusk at the YWF Trap Club in the summer and fall months. eduCaTion ChrisT The TeaCher CaTholiCContact:sChoolswww.christtheteacher.caWebsite:306-783-8787 45AAddress:Palliser Way, Yorkton, SK Schools you can believe in! Our schools have a strong reputation as great places to work, learn, play and pray together. Our schools are proud to offer: • Pre-Kindergarten • French Immersion • Pre-Advanced and Advanced Placement • 21st Century Technology Instruction and Programs. • Hockey, Soccer and Active Living & Fitness Leadership credit offerings “Believe... Belong... Become” The forYorktonguysapplianceservingandareaover75years! We service most major brands. www.thorsnessappliance.com (306) 786-7676 Fax (306) 782-2346 14 Betts YORKTON,AveSK
PAGE 12 KidsporTContact: Website:http://www.kidsportcanada.ca/saskatch-ewan/yorktonFacebook:www.face-book.com/YorktonKidSportTwitter:@YorktonKidSport KidSport is a children’s charity dedicated to assisting children of families facing financial obstacles to participate in community sport programs. For more information, or to locate an application form, please visit saskatchewan/yorktonwww.kidsportcanada.ca/ YorKTon publiC librarYContact: 306-783-3523Email:yorkton@parklandlibrary.ca Yorkton Public Library is the community’s living room! We offer a wide range of programming, an excellent in house collection, and access to a variety of digital resources. And it’s all free with your library card. For more information, lease visit parklandlibrary.ca and follow us on social media. Also check out the new SILS app for accessing your library account. YorKTon wildliFe FederaTion Contact: Laura Uhryn (President), 306-516-7521(PastWarren306-641-6117ThomsonPresident),
Yorkton Wildlife Federation is an affiliate of The Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation. memberships $25 Contact Uhryn at 306-641-6117 visit the Yorkton Canadian Contact Heath Dreger at 306-620-8653
Tire Sporting Good Department.
for individuals and $35 for family.
are available.

PAGE 13 good spiriT sChool diVision #204 “students come first” Contact: Quintin Facebook:Twitter:www.gssd.cainfo@gssd.ca306-786-5500,DirectorRobertson,ofEducation1-866-390-0773@gssd204 Good Spirit School Division 204 With over 850 dedicated teachers, support staff and administrators, GSSD operates 28 schools in 15 communities throughout East Central Saskatchewan. The division works hard to provide safe, caring, welcoming schools for students. Our primary objective is to foster a respectful learning environment to improve achievement levels of all students. parKland College Contact: 306-783-6566 www.parklandcollege.sk.caWebsite:info@parklandcollege.sk.caEmail:1-866-783-6766or Parkland College provides high quality, learner centered education and training as a foundation for lifelong success. The College offers a superior learning and campus experience for all students through quality programming and services. Students can get started on their careers by completing university classes, full degrees, and skills training certificates. Parkland College also delivers high school upgrading, • Decor Rentals • Crafts • Plants • ProductsHandmade • DecorHome • Gift Ideas28 Betts Ave, Yorkton, SK Find us on Facebook DecorEKKRentals & Company 182 Broadway St. W. Yorkton, SK 306-783-4397 EASTERN SOUNDLARGESTSASKATCHEWAN’SMUSICSTORE,COMPANYANDDJSERVICEwww.saddlesandsteel.com 102 - 506 Broadway St. W. Yorkton 306-782-3644 A proud part of the community

Canadian red Cross soCieTYContact: Melanie EmergencyHorton,Management
healTh & wellness aa & al-anon meeTings
East Central/ Southeast, redcross.caEmail:306-782-4355SKmelanie.horton@
Contact: Website:gmail.comEmail:306-783-3533yorktonnurseryschool@www.ynsc.ca
The mission of the Canadian Red Cross is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity in Canada and around the world. Emergency Assistance Responder Volunteers provide emergency food, shelter, clothing, and personal care kits for vistims of smallscale disasters (housefires) within 72 hours, across Canada. Call 1-888-8006493 for 24 Hour assistance. Red Cross is always for new volunteers to help those in vulnerable situations. FoundaTion oF Canada, sasKaTChewan branChContact: 306-664-8588 or toll free 1-833-664-8588 First for those want more than basic first aid skills. Meets OHS regulations. St. John Ambulance or Cpr level C Care profession (hCp/bls) CPR courses full instruction on Cardiopulmonary resuscitation courses designed for individuals or for the workplace. St. John Ambulance or facility. Courses Mental Wellness for the Workplace Naloxone Training First Care
Address: 29 Smith Street East
Career explorations 2022 October 18, 2022 9:30am - 2:00pm Gallagher Centre, Yorkton Parkland College, Good Spirit School Division and Christ the Teacher Catholic School Division are proud to present the 11th annual education and career fair hosted in Yorkton! Close to 2,000 high school students from Yorkton and area will take part, with an open invitation for job seekers and the community to also attend. For more information or to register a booth, phone 306-786-7331
The YNSC has been offering preschool children (ages 3 & 4) a high quality “learning through play” education for over 40 years. Children born on or before Decem ber 31, 2019. 1, 2, or 3 sessions a week available.September - June 9:15am - 11:15am (3-year-olds) 9:00am - 11:30am (4-year-olds) 12:30pmor - 2:30pm (3-year-olds) 12:15pm - 2:45pm (4-year-olds) Limited spots still available. Register online at www.ynsc.ca.
a, b,
Meetings: evenings and locations subject to change. For more information contact the above numbers for locations and times. acquired Brain inJurY prOGraM
Email: Website:info.sk@kidney.cawww.kidney.ca Address: A3 - 116 103 Street East, Saskatoon SK S7N 1Y7 st. JOHn aMBulance Contact: Shauna Jewhurst (Yorkton SJA Training Centre Manager), Website:Fax:Email:306-783-4544sjayorkton@sk.sja.ca306-783-0199www.sja.ca standard
Opioid Poisoning -
Contact: Janet,306-786-0183
PAGE 14 safety training and corporate/professional development.
YorKTon nurserY sChool Co-operaTiVe (YnsC)
Health and
aid Modular course
Aid Personal
and health
your facility.
Contact: AA - Sheldon Adamia, 306-728-8770 Al-Anon - Betsy, 306-621-1103
Worker Course Babysitting/ Home Alone/Youth First Aid

The Stroke Rehabilitation Program in Jowsey House provides intensive service (Occupational and Physical therapy, Speech Language Pathology, Social Work/Counseling, Nursing) to clients who have experienced a stroke and require additional inpatient rehabilitation services to achieve their greatest level of function. Outpatient therapy services after discharge, reintegration into the community and client and family education are part of the services provided.
Volunteer teams who visit nursing homes, schools, personal care homes, etc. in the area. medical First responder Volunteers Medical First Responder Volunteer Group that provides first aid services at public events in Yorkton and surrounding area.
Infant/Child Workshop Therapy dog Teams
The Program Bed Rehabilitation (located in Jowsey House) provides short term inpatient rehabilitation services (Physical and Occupational Therapy) to clients who are no longer acute after surgery or serious illness and require additional enhanced rehabilitation prior to returning home.
MFR/EMR, Instructor Development Program
The healTh FoundaTion oF easT CenTral sK. inC. Contact: Ross ross.fisher@thehealthfounda306-786-0506Fisher,tioin.ca
board of directors that raises money to purchase medical equipment to enhance the healthcare available in this region. The Yorkton Business Improvement District Box Yorkton,20030SK S3N 4A9 Telephone: 306-783-9243 Email: Website:exec.dir@yorktonbid.comwww.yorktonbid.com RemindsYBIDYou To Sho YORKTON p SHOP SpendYORKTON!just20%more shopping Yorkton and the entire community benefits. Local spending means more for us all by keeping our dollars engaged in our Cannotbusinesses.findwhat you are looking for??? Ask that local shop if they supply or can order in!!! Our community is full of great things and staying here for your shopping keeps us all in business. SHOP THE TALK SHOP#shopyorktonYORKTON! Together the Yorkton Business Improvement District and our community will continue to be a “Place Where Good Things Happen.”
The Health Foundation is a non-profit organization volunteer
sTroKe and rehabiliTaTion programContact: Social Worker, 306-786-0848 Fax: Social306-786-0179Work-Stroke and Rehabilitation Program Cornerstone Therapy and Jowsey House - YDNH, 200 Bradbrooke Drive, Yorkton, SK S3N 2K6
led by a

PAGE 16 Health Foundation traditionally puts on several events each year such as: Learn to Run Clinics, Charity Road Race, Gala Evening in Yorkton, Charity Golf Classic and Rhythm & Ribs. Visit our website at www.thehealthfoundation.ca: Tops (TaKe oFF pounds sensiblY)Contact: Joanne Geysen Website:jgeysentops@myaccess.caEmail:306-783-3765www.tops.org weekly meetings: Tuesday: Westview United Church, 355 Bradbrooke Dr., north left door entrance, 4:15 pm. Wednesday: SIGN, 345 Broadway St. W., Lower Level, Salon B, 10:00 am. YorKTon prosTaTe CanCer supporTContact:group Victor Surjik 306-782-2398 moTor hobbies leading edge aViaTionContact: Phone 306-783-0321 Owned and operated by Don Ingham, Leading Edge Aviation is located at the Yorkton airport. Established in 1994, the company continues the Ingham tradition of excellence in aviation reaching back nearly 75 years. We welcome you to discover the freedom of flight and learn to fly or simply come and see the Parkland area from a birds perspective and go for a scenic flight. Whether a quick trip up over town or a customized route of your choice we can cater to you at any time, all year. Contact us to arrange this new and exciting experience. rolling Thunder Cruisers Contact: Lorne 306-728-1457Miller or Lorie Antony, 306-621-7518 groups/rollingthundercruisershttp://www.facebook.com/rollingthundercruisers.com NISSAN www.haasnissan.com • Phone 306-783-9461 Toll Free 1-877-778-4227 Dealer License 900645* See Dealer For Details IT’S NEVER TOO EARLY TO BOOK WINTER TIRES ♦ Beat the price increases ♦ Beat the winter tire shortage ♦ Price Assurance ♦ Good selection now ♦ Rebates available

YorKTon Club (motocross)
The Yorkton Motorcycle Club was formed in 1995 with the mission to support all aspects of motorcycling and to promote the sport for the enjoyment of its membership. The major focus of the club is the operation of Millstone Raceway which is a sanctioned motocross race track located one mile north of Yorkton on Highway #9N. Millstone Raceway is open spring, summer and fall for daily use by mem bers. Membership in the club is available seasonally for $100 + $10 per additional family member. In addition day passes are available. Memberships and passes are available across the highway at Schrader’s Monday through Saturday dur ing regular business hours. Riders under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult and all forms and waivers must be completed. They also run introductory and advanced motocross schools subject to membership interest.
Contact: Rick Bradshaw, 306-621-4341 or any of the Schrader’s staff at 306-783-3333

Contact: Jean Remezoff, 306-783-8891 Rental Information: 78 First Avenue North, Yorkton 306-783-4835 (not staffed)
YOrktOn tHresHerMen’s ClubContact:inC. Harvey 306-782-3559Drotar, or Western Development yorkton@wdm.ca306-783-8361Museum
Contact: Mike Forster - Master Instructor, Website:ymatc@hotmail.comEmail:306-621-1555www.ymatc.com Yorkton’s #1 Authority in Martial Arts Instruction, Equipment and Personal Safe ty. One free week for all new students. Self Defense, Kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Boxing, Weapons, Kung Fu, Little Ninjas, Taekwondo, Women’s Self Defense, Bully Proof. Call, text message, email or visit us online or drop by 295 Broadway St. W. (beside Co-op Gas) for more info. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. seniorsgroups new HOriZOns seniOr citiZens
YorKTon marTial arTs Training CenTer
The Yorkton Threshermen’s Club welcomes individuals interested in all aspects of steam, horse-powered and internal combustion equipment and machinery. regular monthly meetings Please call the WDM at 306-783-8361 for the latest information on dates and times.
Respect, discipline, confidence, fitness and self defense are aspects learned in the exciting world of Taekwondo. In Yor kton, only Kees is recognized by Sask Sport and Sport Canada as a qualified participant for this Olympic style sport. Tae Kwon do for life Physical and mental training that cre ates a positive and confident attitude that fosters success in life for all ages. Our course challenges you at your own abil ity and pace. We will help your children achieve new confidence, better grades, self-respect, self-discipline and a winning attitude. Develops leadership skills in your children to help succeed in life.
PAGE 18 deselFFenCe
Membership is open to all individuals over 50. The Center promotes a variety of activities, Drop-in Yoga classes for all ages, Pool and Shuffleboard are available. Seminars on Nutrition, Over the counter Medication use, Safety, Avoiding Scams, and Estate Planning, have been held. Driver Refresher Courses are held regu larly. These activities are open to all ages. Also Christmas Socials and Appreciation Barbecues for members and guests are held. The weekly Friday night dances are a highlight, with live music from 7:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., admission is $15 at the door. A fun event that provides light exer cise, physical fitness and an opportunity to socialize. The New Horizons Centre is an affordable venue that can be rented for meeting, small conventions and training/ educational seminars. It is air-conditioned, has accessible washrooms. Watch for new programs emerging at the New Horizons Seniors Centre. The telephone at the hall is not staffed, messages are checked occasionally. There is an outgoing message with upcoming events and dances.
Starting August 21 call to arrange a free private introductory evaluation classes. after school martial arts program We transport! Designed for the working parents or single parent family, this program develops leadership qualities in a structured environment. An alternative to extended, after school daycare or babysitting until 6:00 p.m. Snack, homework and game time intertwined with martial arts lessons and values for around the same cost as after school daycare. Respect, discipline, confidence, fitness and self defense are aspects learned in our structured environment. This program is tax deductible. Limited spots available. First registered first reserved.

KineTTe Club oF YorKTon
PAGE 19 306-782-9600 Fax: 306-782-4449391 Ball Road • Yorkton, SK
Canadian FederaTion oF uniVersiTY women
We are part of a strong national organi zation which advances the human rights of women and girls by promoting high standards of education. In Yorkton, pro moted kindergarten, established Parkland Regional Library, lobbied for a recycling program (nationally recognized), prepared a resolution on the sustainability of grain production and advocate with govern ment on social justice issues. Through fundraisers, we award scholarships to grade 12 girls taking post secondary train ing: to Parkland College and to the Music Festival. We donate to local, national and international issues. We have an active book club, active video club and active action and issues club. Check us out on Facebook.
serViCe Clubs & FraTerniTies
Contact: Lanna Matechuk, 306-621-6784 Ladies service club. Meets 2nd Wednesday of every month at 7:00pm in the Blue Room at Kinsmen Arena. King george ChapTer #14 roYal arChContact:masons Earl Greiner, 306-782-1307 Visitors welcome.
Contact: Elsie Stechyshyn, 306-783-4862 Website: www.cfuw.org
YorKTonContact: Dwayne 306-620-7710(President),Martynuik Gerald Ivanochko (Vice President) 306-621-2775
Kinsmen Club oF
Kinsmen Club meets every 1st and 3rd Monday at 7:00pm in the Kinsmen Blue Room at the Kinsmen Arena from September to June. New members are always welcomed. The Yorkton Kinsmen dedicate themselves to going above and beyond to serve the Yorkton Community.
KnighTs oF Columbus #2031
Contact: 306-783-0963Keith Address: St. Gerard’s RC Church, 125 - 3rd Avenue North, Yorkton For more info call Keith parKland shrine Club Contact: Wayne wstephens@sasktel.net306-621-6555Stephens, Fraternal organization. Proud supporters of 22 Shriners Hospitals for children

membership options:
The Yorkton and District Horticultural Society promotes every aspect of hor ticulture. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month (except July, August, December, January and February) at 7:00pm at the Yorkton Public Library. Meetings always feature a speaker or presentation. New members are always welcome. For more information call Liz at 306-782-2830 or visit our website at www. yorktonhort.ca
YorKTon & disTriCT horTiCulTural soCieTYContact: Liz, 306-782-2830 Website: www.yorktonhort.ca
Contact: www.yorktonlionsclub.ca@YorktonLionsClubFacebook: Lions give strong leadership and support to worthy community projects in Yorkton and area. We invite all service motivated persons to join Lions so that you too can make a difference. You will be rewarded with the fellowship of like minded men and women and a sense of achievement as you give back and Pay It Forward, both at the same time. Lions are community minded men and women who donate their time and talent to make the world a better place to live. We serve.
YorKTon masoniC lodgeContact:#12 Ross 306-621-4633Young, Meetings first Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm. Visiting members welcome. A fraternal organization.
sporTs, reCreaTion & FiTness
Silver Members ~ Attend 1 Live Class each week.
Contact: Clinton Leis, 306-641-6767
YorKTon ChapTer #92 order oF The easTern
Contact: Wendy Nesseth, 306-641-5307 dwnesseth@gmail.com
Platinum Members ~ Get a recording page with different class options updated weekly. Available on demand.
deer parK golF Course
broKen arrow arCherY Club
YorKTon lions Club
Contact: The Pro Shop for more details at 306-786-1711
Fraternal organization supports various good causes and community projects
bodY poeTrY FiTness sTudio
Contact:sTar Earl Greiner, 306-782-1307
Facebook: Body Poetry Instagram: Body Poetry Body Poetry is on-line! Same great yoga and meditation classes and practices from the comfort and safety of your own home. We have many weekly classes to build strength, stamina and energy. Enjoy enhanced immunity, health and the stress busting benefits by joining us. weekly live Yoga Classes: Tuesdays and Thursdays @ 9 & 11am Wednesdays @ 7am, Fridays at 9 am group meditations Wednesday’s @ 9 am, Friday’s @ 10am
Gold Members ~ Attend 2 Live Classes weekly. Can’t make it to class Live? Recordings will be provided.
Broken Arrow Archery Club in Yorkton, SK is a self-starting professional club with practical and extensive experience in archery shooting as well as coaching and mentoring with new archery shoot ing groups of all ages. We are a grow ing archery club with a great facility for our members to shoot archery. We also have our Junior Olympic Program (JOP) which is designed to recognize young archers ages from 6 to 18 years for their achievements and give encouragement for improvements. We have around 40 kids that shoot their bows in two groups every Tuesday and Wednesday evening. If you’re looking at getting in to archery, please feel free to contact Clinton Leis at 306-641-6767.
Located on the west side of Yorkton on Highway #52, Deer Park Golf Course has been operating since 1921. The course is one of Saskatchewan’s top ranked 18 hole championship golf courses. The 6,347 yard layout of rolling, tree lined fairways is a beautiful setting any golfer will enjoy with multiple tee areas that compliment the challenging terrain.

Contact: Sheila Website:306-782-3353Hrynuik,www.parklandvalley.ca
parKland umpires assoCiaTion
Sign Up Genius link https:// sign-up-now1.gifwww.signupgenius.com/images/ Pickleball Yorkton is an enthusiastic group of adults that love the game of Pickleball. During the winter months the club attends “Drop-in Sports” sessions at the Gloria Hayden Community Center and at the
Programming runs from September to April, with camps and clinics available from May to August. Gridders Cheerleading is run by Saskatchewan Cheerleading Association Certified Coaches. We offer programs for everyone ages 3 and older, no experience required! If you would like to have fun and be physically active, then cheerleading is for you! Whether you’re looking to enroll in our competitive cheer or dance programs, join a recreational class, or supplement your training for another sport with a tumbling, fitness or flexibility class, we have something for you! Check out our programs and register at www.griddercheer.com, or follow us on Instagram (@GridderCheer) and Facebook (Gridders Cheerleading)!
Contact: Jennifer Ingham, 306-621-3230 Cheerleading is a combination of dance, jumps, stunting, and tumbling. Gridders Cheerleading, established in 2012, provides a fun environment for kids to learn and be physically active. Our programs aim at developing selfesteem, participation, sportsmanship, team building, personal well-being and athleticism. We offer programs for both Competitive and Recreational Athletes.
JuniOr nBa
Disc golf has become a very popular sport around the world and locally. In Yorkton there are currently two beautiful disc golf courses. Patrick Park Disc Golf Course is located on King Street and boasts an 18 basket layout. The course offers a mix of challenging tee locations for the advanced player, as well as offering a more beginner friendly experience. Rodney Ridge Disc Golf Course was designed by local disc golfers. The nine basket course opened for play in the spring of 2020 to great reviews. The course offers two of the longest holes you will see in the province and some of the most challenging elevation changes as well. Parkland Association of Disc Golf includes over 20 disc golf courses within a 90 minute drive of Yorkton allowing day trips full of disc golf frenzy. For those wanting to try the game, discs can be rented at no charge from City of Yorkton Recreation Services. For more information please email padg.yorkton@gmail.com, or check out the Parkland Association of Disc Golf Facebook page. See you on the course. piCKleball YorKTon Contact: Anne Stupak 306-621-8926 or David Weiman 1-369-928-7377 yorkton/31905/ballcanada.org/club/pickleball-Website:pickleballyorkton@gmail.comEmail:https://secure.pickle
The official grassroots youth develop ment program of Canada Basketball. This national youth basketball program is designed to develop fundamental skills, sportsmanship and a love of the game of basketball. The goal of the program is to allow participants the opportunity to maximize their potential, while promoting the importance of youth basketball as a vehicle to build character, discipline and self-esteem. The program is for children in grades 1-6 and runs for three months: January - April. Online registration opens November 1 (set a reminder in your calendar!). Registration closes November 30. Register at: http://www.skybasketball.ca
The Parkland Umpires Association is the Baseball umpire association that handles minor baseball in Yorkton and surrounding areas. Those interested can contact Warren for information. parKland ValleY sporT, CulTure and reCreaTion disTriCT inC.
Contact: Chad Instagram:yahoo.comEmail:McDowellyorktonbasketball@@yorktonbasketball
Contact: Warren Burrell, 306-621-0081w_burrell@hotmail.com
paTriCK parK disC golF Course/ rodneY ridge disC golF Course
Email: padg.yorkton@gmail.com
gridders Cheerleading
urban Club For beTTer
“walKing wiTh poles
Contact:aquabaTiX Aime Evans, yorktonaquabatix@hotmail.ca306-621-9455
Learning acrobatics in the water has never been this much fun. Synchro is the sport that defines strength, flexibility, agility and grace. Join us this year for a fantastic year of fun, fitness, friendship and teamwork. Synchro Watershow - held every spring. Watch for date and time. All are welcome.
PAGE 22 LEGACY CO-OP GAS BARS Convenience Store & Car Wash Legacy Open 7 Days a week | 7am to 11pm 110 PalliserYorktonWay 305 BroadwayYorktonWest Gallagher Flexi Hall. The club provides “Learn to Play Clinics for Beginners” as well as Clinics for the more advanced Players. Pickleball Yorkton hosts a vari ety of Tournaments throughout the season and all events and tournaments are posted online at Pickleball Yorkton. The indoor season begins as soon as the weather turns cool and runs right thru till April. Come out and check out the morning drop in’s and evening drop in’s. Everyone is welcome but Memberships are encour aged. Find the drop in Pickleball times on the City of Yorkton website. See you on the courts. speCial olYmpiCs YorKTon and disTriCT
The Urban Poling Club started in May of 2022. Better known as Nordic Walking,
Pole walking increases your heart and cardio rate by 20%, Calorie burn by up to 46%, improves balance and posture, and strengthens core. Walking with poles uses over 90% of your major muscle groups. The poles help distribute weight and lessen the load with which we hit the ground, making a big difference for those with back, hip, knee, ankle or feet problems. Pole walking is effective: 30 minutes of pole walking equals 50 minutes of regular walking, making it a perfect fit for a busy lifestyle. Walking with poles aids in trimming the waistline and increasing your endurance and stamina. Excellent for those recovering from surgery or looking to get in better shape for pending proce dures. In interested in learning more or registering for a clinic please contact Anne @ 306-621-8926 or email urbanpoling club@gmail.com “Come take a walk with us!”
Contact: Anne, 306-621-8926
We are a volunteer organization offering training and competition in sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. We are currently offering Bowling, Swimming, Bocce, Snowshoeing and Golf. These programs promote opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy, enhance skills, and create friendships.
Contact: 306-620-9757Sherry, Betty-Ann, 306-435-9501
Urban Poling Club’s certified instructors Karen Ransome and Anne Stupak will host clinics and show the benefits of using walking poles vs. walking without poles.

Contact: Neil Weinmaster, 306-783-4127
YorKTon gun Club
Yorkton Minor Baseball (YMB) provides opportunity for children ages 4-18 years old to play baseball, compete in local leagues.YMB annually asks for coach volunteers in all divisions, programs can NOT go on without volunteers, so the earlier you register your players and put your name in to coach, the earlier YMB can get programs organized started for winter and spring.
PAGE 23 We offer: • Aqua Squirts Program, ages 5 - 7 Recreational Program, 8 and under, 10 and under, 18 and under • Pre-Competitive Program • Competitive Program • Master Program YorKTon Canoe and KaYaK Club Contact: Box 1123, Yorkton, Sask. S3N 2X3 Phone: Website:club@yahoo.caEmail:(Summer306-786-7155Clubhouse)yorktoncanoekayakyorktoncanoekayakclub.com
York Lake Ball Diamonds is the home to the Yorkton Crush Softball Club. Our club provides the opportunity for girls starting with the Learn to Play program. Our age groups range from 5-19. They learn the necessary skills to play softball, form last ing friendships, and bond with their team mates. Our teams host practices, games and tournaments at York Lake. The teams travel to surrounding communities such as Roblin, Russell, Esterhazy, Langenburg, Melville, Canora and Wadena.
Contact: Eugene Duchnitsky, 306-7836025
The Yorkton Canoe and Kayak Club (YCKC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to introducing and developing the Olympic sport of Sprint Canoe and Kayak, as well as Dragon Boating in Yorkton and District. For over 30 years, YCKC has offered programs for all ages! YCKC is known for hosting its annual Yorkton Developmental Regatta, which draws in athletes from around the province to compete in a challenging yet fun filled environment. YCKC athletes have made Yorkton proud by representing their club at local, provincial, and national regattas, always competing with sportsmanship, dedication and excellence. YCKC offers CanoeKids, Learn-to-Paddle, Recreational, School, Group, and Rental programs that focus on paddling safely, healthy and active lifestyle, and having fun! YCKC partners with many local organizations throughout the year. YCKC hosts an annual Indoor Dragon Boat Competition as well as a Fall Dragon Boat Race. YCKC is a member of Canoe Kayak Saskatchewan (CKS) and Canoe Kayak Canada (CKC). YCKC’c coaches and Executive are committed to creaitng a positive, challenging, and fun environment for everyone. All Executive and Coaches are Respect in Sport certified. We look forward to seeing you on the water!
Yorkton gun show February 25 & 26, 2023 in the Ag Pavilion
Located in the Gallagher Centre, the Yorkton Curling Club features eight sheets of quality artificial ice. Curling for all ages and skill levels is available. Feel free to contact the Club for more information from October 1 - March 31 at 306-783-4127.
YorKTon minor baseball
Contact: Gina Flett 306-828-0937 Address: 50 Broadway St. W., Yorkton, SK S3N 0L7 www.yorktonminorbaseball.comcomyorktonminorbaseball@hotmail.
YorKTon Curling Club inC.
YorKTon Crush soFTball Contact: Our Facebook Group Email: www.yorktoncrushsoftball.comWebsite:hotmail.comyorktoncrushsoftball@ Address: Box 661, Yorkton, Sask. S3N 2W7
Contact: Greg Apland, 306-783-9145
Cell: yorktoncurling@gmail.comEmail:306-641-4037Website:www.yorktoncurling.com
wiggly Field off leash dog park, locat ed south of the Jaycee Beach Ball Diamonds, provides a community park setting for dogs to exercise and play off-leash in a controlled environment under supervision of their owners. Please remember to pick up after your dog. Disposal bags are available on site.
PAGE 24 YorKTon minor hoCKeY
YorKTonContact:parKsRecreation and Community
Danny Facebook:(President),Wasylenchuk306-792-2044@YorktonSnoRiders
Contact: Gina Flett,
The ravine ecological preserve consists of a hiking trail that works its way through grassland, aquatic and aspen parkland habitat. The 1.7 mile (2.8 km) hiking trail will guide you through the preserve. In the southwest corner, you will find the arbo retum with species of ornamental trees and shrubs hardy to the Yorkton area. Take one hour out of your day and stroll along the trail. The natural trail path of the Ravine means that the path has roots, rocks and trees that might be in the way. The parks diversity of plants and animals will delight you. Remember to take nothing but pictures and leave nothing but footprints behind. Working with CSquared Innovations - Saskatchewan’s Candock Distributor, and with funding support from The Trans Canada Trail, the boardwalk at the Ravine Ecological Preserve was replaced in 2018. Yorkton’s skate park is located off Broadway Street on Brodie Avenue. Please remember your protective equipment when riding.
Hockey registration, tournament informa tion, pre-season programs such as power skating, conditioning camp, AA tryouts, ref clinics, coaching clinics and more. Registration opens July 15th online, for in person registration please call or email the office. Late fees after Sept. 15th, Deadline to register is Sept. 30th.
The City of Yorkton has over 140 acres of developed park and open space for residents and visitors to discover! Spaces are designed for both active and passive recreation. Passive parks do not host play structures or sporting facilities but are designed to enhance the community through the beauty of the green space. Walking trails, benches, and picnic tables are provided for use, and these parks make great locations for informal play by families, friends, and neighbours. Gar bage cans are available at all parks. Spray parks operate daily during the summer from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. logan green park This nature park includes a hard surface trail that’s perfect for walking, jogging or cycling; as well as four soccer pitches. Entrances to the pathways are located to the south of Logan Crescent at Tupper and Laurier Avenue as well as from the Queen Street. Soccer pitches are accessed using Gladstone Avenue. The logan green catch and release fish pond is fully stocked with trout and provides a natural ecosystem with educational opportunities. A provincial license is not required, however hooks must be barbless and live bait is not allowed. A parking lot providing quick access to the fish pond is located off Queen Street adjacent to the Water Treatment Plant.
Formed in 1990 by a handful of local snowmobile enthusiasts, the Yorkton SnoRiders Club has grown to become a club that any city would be proud to host. The Yorkton Sno-Riders Club #327, is a proud member of the Saskatchewan Snowmobile Association and continues to support their ongoing efforts to promote and provide a strong voice for snowmobiling in our province. The Sno-Riders have 8 warm up shelters and nearly 400 kilo meters of groomed snowmobile trails. The family membership fee is $25.00 and we are always looking for more volunteers. Meetings are held every 2nd Wednesday from October to April at 7:30 p.m. at the Art Bilous Centre at 263 Myrtle.
PAGE 25 www.kees.ca The KEES Advantage: Acclaimed Instructors Dedicated To Your Success. A positive attitude that will benefit you or your child the rest of your lives! Serving Yorkton Professionally for more than 32 years! After MartialSchoolArtsProgram • An exciting alternative to extended babysitting or after school daycare. • We pick up your child from school All for about the same cost as daycare! The KEES Advantage: Acclaimed Instructors Dedicated To Your Success: Master Wayne Mitchell, 7th Dan WT Black Belt • 2nd Class WT International Referee • 2nd Class WT Certified Technical Delegate • 43 Years of Kees Experience • Creates a safe environment where students realize their full potential As a Parent, You Want Your Children To Have Everything: Focus, Confidence, Safety, Respect And - Of Course - Fun... 9 Broadway Street West www.kees.caYorkton 306.783.0650 TRADITION POWERS INNOVATION™ For Adult TodayClassesChildren’sAndCallForYour Free CourseIntroductoryAndToAskHowYouCanReceiveA Free Uniform. yorkton@kees.ca

PAGE 26 To make certain you don’t miss any local news, be sure to LIKE our Facebook page today and SHARE the articles you enjoy with all your friends! it’s also a great place to get updates from your weekly newspaper! ISN’T JUST

PAGE 27 CONTACT US FOR ALL YOUR BANQUET-WEDDING AND MEETING RENTALS AND CATERING. EMAIL: smcultural@sasktel.net WEBSITE: smcultural.com PHONE: 306-782-1010 SERVING YORKTON AND AREA FOR 39 YEARS St Marys Parish Cultural Centre YorKTon sporTs hall oF Fame and museum Contact: Board members listed on the website or: Chair – Dick DeRyk (dick@ dderyk.com) Vice Chair – Becky Dutchak Secretary – Michele Wiwchar Treasurer – Ryan Kitchen The Yorkton Sports Hall of Fame and Museum has both a physical and virtual presence within our community. The physical location is found on the second level of the Gallagher Centre. Here you will find portraits of all inductees and displays of sporting memorabilia and artifacts. Our website is www.yorktonsportshalloffame.ca YorKTon Tennis Club Contact: Yorkton Pirates Tennis Club on Facebook. YorKTon Terrier hoCKeY Club Contact: Twitter:www.yorktonterriers.comWebsite:Fax:306-783-4077306-782-4633@SJHLTerriers YorKTon Trap Club Contact: Barry Signarowski, 306-621-4376 uniTedYorKTonFCContact: Technical Director, Michael Jakubiec 306-621-1380 Email: nunitedfc.catechdirector@yorktoYorkton United FC is excited to offer the following programs: U5, U7 and U9 Programs for both Fall (September - December) and Winter (JanuaryMarch); U11 to Adult Community and Club Programs (October - March). You can register online at www.yorktonunitedfc. ca. Players of all skills and commitment levels from U5 to Adult are encouraged to register. YorKTon YouTh bowling Contact: Brad Woychesko, yktnbowl@sasktel.net306-783-5183 Bowling in a league setting for children 5 - 18. Children bowl in leagues according to their age.

PAGE 28 Highway #9 North, Yorkton • 306-783-8660 YOUNG’s WORLDPLANT LTD. Greenhouse • Garden Centre • Nursery • Grocery Store Youth bowling Teach young people how to bowl. They compete at house, zone, provincial and national Septemberlevels.(start up) Each league takes approximately 1 - 1-1/2 hours Club 55+ Bowling for people 55 years and over. Starts in September Each league takes 2 hours Yorkton Bowl Arena 55+ Contact Brad Woychesko, 306-783-5183 YouTh Clubs 2834 64Th Field baTTerY roYal Canadian armY CadeT Corps Contact: Commanding http://yorktonarmycadets.caCell:2834army@cadets.gc.caOfficer306-262-5227 Yorkton Armoury, 56 - 1st Ave. N. A national program that provides training in leadership, drill, map and compass, marksmanship, citizenship, physical fitness, bushcraft and history of the Canadian Armed Forces. Open to youth 12-18 years of age. There are no membership fees, and uniform is loaned at no cost. They may be fundraising for some optional activities. Training occurs Monday evenings, 6:45 - 9:30 p.m., September to June. There are also a handful of weekend camping trips and Saturday day training. See our website for full year calendar. Summer training opportunities range from 1st weekend of July to midAugust. Depending on level, courses are 2, 3, and 6 weeks in length at Vernon, Whitehorse, etc. Music training courses are available. Must be active members. All costs associated with summer training are covered by the program. big broThers big sisTers oF YorKTon and area
Contact: Irma Van De Bon-Nicol, Email:Cell:Fax:306-782-3471306-782-2181307-740-7930bbbs.yorktonarea@big-brothersbigsisters.caORirma.vandebon@bigbrothersbigsisters.caWebsite:Yorkton.bigbrothersbigsisters.ca
Address: 345 Broadway St. W., Yorkton, S3N 0N8 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Yorkton and area enables life-changing mentoring relationships to ignite the power and potential of young people. We offer oneto-one mentoring such as Big Brothers Big Sisters, and In-School mentoring, Group mentoring, Go Girls and Game On programs, after school programming, a summer camp, and a Kids N Kops minipolice academy. Each time we pair a child with a mentor or introduce a group of students to an in-school program, we start

Big Brothers/Little Brothers and Big Sisters/Little Sisters mentoring matches meet weekly or bi-weekly doing fun recreational activities together that can help a youth learn new skills and abilities to help them reach their full potential. It’s all in the relationship and caring support given that makes a difference. in school mentoring
Imagine who they will become!
One to one mentoring match between a teen or adult volunteer and a child in elementary school. A fun, recreational mentoring relationship that takes place at the school, on school property for one hour a week. Mentors age 16 yrs. plus and Children ages 6 - 14 yrs. share it Forward parenting mentoring Volunteer parent mentor matched with a family meeting weekly. Virtual mentoring
Kids police to - a week
something incredible — a life-changing relationship built on friendship, trust empowerment. Unlocking a child’s true potential creates a future where anything is possible.
big bunch activity program Group activities encouraging healthy lifestyles and positive interactions for the children on our
PAGE 29 Discover the Freedom of the sky and learn to fly! Ph: www.leadingedgeaviation.ca306-783-0321Email:lealtd@sasktel.netHangar#2YorktonAirport • Flight Instruction • Charter & Survey • Aircraft Rental • Pilot Supplies • Aircraft Fueling • Hangar Storage AIRPLANE RIDES AVAILABLE ALL YEAR Experience the Premier Care Difference! • Over 20 years of experience • Locally owned and operated • Servicing all hearing aid manufacturers • Hearing solutions for all budgets & lifestyles Call 306-782-1881 to book your appointment today! Coralee Schoenrock Audiologist/ Owner Lindsay Boyko
academy For ages 9
long mini police academy with ongoing sessions special events Raffle for Kids Draw Date: November 30th
big brothers big sisters Traditional Community based mentoring program
n Kops mini
Keeping youth connected with a caring adult through virtual means. Thorough virtual mentoring a Mentor and youth stay connected across the miles. waiting

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YorKTon CreaTors 4-h
Vi M. Protz, 306-782-4721 4-u projects 4-U anything and everything. Fall and winter months. Time and location vary. 12 - 14 yrs. and older, all youth. achievement day Members write exams, have programs, exhibit record books and articles created. They receive certificate or seal, pin or gift and trophy. Yorkdale Central School. All ages. Light meal to follow. Free admission, bring a friend
Contact:Club Vi M. Protz, 306-782-4721 4-H is young people, parents, screened adult volunteers working together to benefit all. Offers effective team work, leadership training, curling, parliamentary procedure and public speaking. Open to youth 6-21 years. Cooking or Crafts Cooking members learn art of baking and cooking. Craft members learn to create articles. Fall and winter months. Time and location vary. 11 - 21 yrs. photography, sewing, woodworking, gardening Members learn proper picture taking. The art of sewing. Working with different wood and finishes. Fall and winter months. Time and location vary.12 yrs. and older horses

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