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By Chadd Cawson, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter (The Columbia Valley Pioneer) Canada was built on the fur trade, and it all started because of a European fashion craze and the desire to wear felt hats made from beaver fur. It was adjunct to the fishing industry in the 16th century that the fur trade first reared its head and wide-brimmed beaver felt hats were a must-have. The biggest European players at the time were the French, who would give Indigenous people from myriad First Nations European goods in exchange for warm and waterproof beaver pelts. Other animal hides and furs, including moose and otter, were also traded, but beaver pelts were the hottest commodity.The fur trade first got its slow start at the beginning of the 1600s near what is now Newfoundland and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The first successful fur trade post was built by Montreal-based fur trader Thomas Frobisher in 1776 at Îleà-la-Crosse, the second oldest community in what is now northwestern Saskatchewan. The next to follow in his footsteps was Alexander Mackenzie, who made his first voyage into eastern parts of Canada in 1785. On May 9, 1793, Mackenzie set off a second time with nine men and a dog. On this adventure was the first to enter the area of what is now British Columbia, crossing the Rocky Mountains and reaching the Fraser River just over a month later, by June 17. The Secwépemc (Shuswap) people advised that the Fraser would be too difficult to navigate. Alexander instead took the overland route that was suggested to him. It was around that time another river in British Columbia was being explored. On his second expedition around the world, Boston fur trader Robert Gray sailed into a waterway he named the Columbia River on May 11, 1792. He named the river after his ship, the Columbia Rediviva, which translates to Columbia Triumphant. When Gray sailed his ship into the regions of the unceded territories of the Secwépemc and Ktunaxa peoples, it was inhabited by more than 100,000 First Nations inhabitants. On that expedition, Gray only stayed for nine days, trading pelts with the area’s First Nations before moving on to China to do the same. It was also around that time the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) begun making a name for itself. Just after the HBC extended its trade though to the Saskatchewan River and Lake Athabasca area, a young 14-year-old David Thompson found himself starting as an apprentice clerk. His duties quickly grew and soon included hunting animals, establishing new posts, and writing and compiling accounts and journals for the company. Thompson was essential in expanding the North West Company’s fur-trading network through the Rocky Mountains and to the West Coast. By the early 1800s, Thompson had travelled into the Kootenays. By 1821, HBC and the North West Company had merged, retaining the Hudson’s Bay Company name. Before the colonization of British Columbia, the fur trade was considered a transitional stage. The Columbia River in B.C., like many other Canadian waterways, was a main hub for trading beaver pelts and First Nations were able to retain control over their resource and lands, with peaceful relations between Europeans and Indigenous people fostered. The French that would come to trade with First Nations would often take Indigenous women to be their wives. Over time, this evolved into what we know now as Métis people. The fur trade lasted nearly 250 years in Canada. In each of those years, nearly 100-million animals were bred and killed on intensive fur farms to supply the demand of the rising furfashion industry.
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A2 September 9, 2022 | This Week Marketplace Fur Trade in Canada and British Columbia: The beaver pelt and fur fashion craze
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Courtesy of Canora Courier Holy Assumption of St. Mary (Boychuk) Church celebrated its 120th Anniversary on Aug. 28, according to a report from the celebration. The country church is located in the Hamton area, approximately 20 miles southeast of Canora.According to The History of “The Holy Assumption of St. Mary (Boychuk) Ukrainian Orthodox Church,” the parish began to be organized very soon after the establishment of the First Ukrainian Block Settlement in the Crooked Lakes District of Assiniboia in 1897. Families such as: Boychuks, Demianiuks, Tatulychs, Klewchuks, Machusheks, Prokopetzs, Oystryks, Elchuks and Kadyschuks were among the people who in 1897 were the founders. They had taken the opportunity offered by Dr. Joseph Oleskiw to immigrate to Canada from Western Ukraine; primarily the Bukovina district of Ukraine. The parish is most often referred to as “Boychuk,” because Wasyl Boychuk had freely given 2.1 acres of land located on SW-3428-2 to be used as a cemetery and to construct a Temple for the Lord. In 1902, the first Temple, constructed of logs was built on the present site. As was typical of such settlements, the faithful people would build only temporary structures for themselves, a permanent structure for the Temple in which to worship, and then a permanent home forBythemselves.1908,theCertificate of Title for the land was officially acquired. The original trustees were: Danylo Demianiuk, Stephan Tatulycz, Jacob Klewczuk, Oleksa Maczuszak and Georgi Prokopetz.In1915, the original Temple burned down. In 1916, parishioners decided to rebuild and a new Temple and bell tower were constructed on the same site; this one was made from sawn lumber. In this Temple, an iconostas with many icons was built and the Holy Table is elevated on a step, which is typical of many such Temples in that region and not uncommon in Europe. The Temple was initially served by a priest from a monastery which was at that time functioning in Burgis. Probably with the help of Cyril Genik, it was found that a local farmer, Wasyl Andriychuk, had received formation as a cantor in Bukovina. After further formation, Wasyl Andriychuk was ordained to the Holy Priesthood and continued to serve Boychuk’s parish for manyAug.years.25, 2002, marked the celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Holy Assumption of Saint Mary (Boychuk) Church. In preparation, the church exterior was sanded and repainted by Nelson and Pearl Boychuk. Paint was provided by Sam and Lillian Filipchuk. About 300 people from across Canada gathered to celebrate. The liturgy was served by Bishop Seraphim, assisted by Rev. Rodion Luciuk, Rev. Orest Olekshy, Rev. Nickola Petrouchuk (visiting from Ukraine) and Deacon Taras Papish. In 2003, Holy Assumption Saint Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Church was designated a Heritage Site of Saskatchewan.In2004,with the help of a Heritage grant from the province, a new roof was installed. Other major upgrades included: in 2006 the floor was repaired and carpeted, in 2011 vinyl siding was installed and the exterior painted, and gravesite levelling was completed in 2012, concluded the historical information. Since 1902 the church has remained active with services every year except 2020. At the 120th feast day celebration on Aug. 28, liturgy was served by Archbishop of Ottawa and Canada Irenee Rochon, Deacon Denis Letunovsky of Quebec, Rev. Rodion Luciuk of Yorkton, with Nikita Sereda, Ian Bodnaryk, Cody Vangen and Wade Vangen as altar servers. Subdeacon James Davis of Saskatoon photographed the day. The service was attended by approximately 80 people with faithful from as far as British Columbia and Quebec in attendance. Shannon Leson made it possible for all to hear the beautiful service by providing a sound system for the liturgy.Archbishop Irenee was greeted by parish president Nelson Boychuk with the traditional Ukrainian kolachi and salt. Special prayers were said during the liturgy for the people of Ukraine, “that they may be freed of war and suffering and that they may return to a free and peaceful country.” At the closing of the service, Archbishop Irenee spoke to the faithful on the blessing of “seeing how our ancestors sacrificed to establish this church and many other churches of this kind across our country. Through faith even the impossible becomes possible if we call on the Lord for Prayershelp.”of remembrance were said for those deceased followed by a bountiful potluck lunch and fellowship. “Many thanks to all that worked tirelessly to make this beautiful day possible,” concluded the information from the celebration.
IN BRIEF A3This Week Marketplace | September 9, 2022 Don’t Just Get “R” Done, Get “R” Done Rite! 391 Ball Road - Box 2031 Yorkton, SK S3N 3X3 Bus: 306-782-9600 Fax: 306-782-4449
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Karen Huston, Foam Lake Windows installed July 21, 2020 Approximately 80 persons gathered on Aug. 28 for a celebration of the 120th anniversary of the Holy Assumption of St. Mary (Boychuk) Church, located in the Hamton area southeast of Canora. The deceased were remembered with prayers, followed by a bountiful potluck lunch and fellowship. New gates were installed at the entrance to the church grounds in time for the 120th anniversary.

Local church marks milestone with special

EDITORIAL A4 September 9, 2022 | This Week Marketplace

So Plett left the rink but found he “need something to play” to scratch his athletic itch. That summer he ended up being a leader at a camp and out came the Spikeball gear. “We played Spikeball a lot, and I got pretty good pretty quickly,” said Plett, who soon went looking for better competition, finding it in Langley.“Ijust got destroyed by everyone,” he said. “I didn’t know the game had reached that level of completion.”Plettwasintrigued.
Courtesy Preecevilleof Progress Staff at the Sturgis Composite School welcomed its students back for another school year on Sept. “Students1. will not see any physical changes to the building but will see some changes to the staff at the school,” said Kipp Bayer, principal. Mikayla Madsen joins the staff as full-time kindergarten teacher and Olivia Gardner is interning under the guidance of Kristen Peterson. She will be leaving at the end of December. The new Educational Assistant joining the staff is Dezzy Checkowy.Theprojected enrolment for the new school year is approximately 155. “We are excited to welcome students back to school with a new sense of normal. We will be looking forward to no restrictions and being able to open up programs that were suspended or cancelled due to the pandemic. The volleyball season kicks of with practices on the first day back to class. Other sports will be cross country and golf.” said AdministrationBayer. staff are Kipp Bayer, principal, and Bev Kardynal as assistant administrator. Other teachers and support staff will be: Michael Andrusko, Nathan Hrynchyshyn, Meghan Hulbert, Carla Lewis, Sherry Lesser, Carla Olson, Kelsey Newman, Heidi Paterson, Kristen Peterson, Tara Romanchuk and Nathan Seghers, band instructor. Education assistants are: Sheila Meroniuk, Cecilia Slivia and Katrina Wasylenchuk, librarian technician. Karen Boen and Adeline Mills are caretakers with Lori Hull as substitute.MikaylaMadsen, the new kindergarten teacher, did her internship at Continued on Page 5 Kipp Bayer, principal, left, and Bev Kardynal, administration at the Sturgis Composite School, welcomed everyone back for a new school season on Sept. 1.
Bosak and Plett have already qualified for Belgium having won the Canadian title and now being the top-rated Canadian men’s team among the five which will head to the event, along with three women’s teams. “The first-ever Roundnet World Championship brings together teams from across the globe to compete for the pride of their countries and the ultimate title of world champions. It’s more than a tournament. It’s history in the making,” reallyward.”thatpowerfulshareopportunityWeobjectivechampioncompetition,Whilethethatorate,tunitiesshiporgwww.roundnetfederation.detailed“Theworldchampion-willprovideoppor-toplay,collab-andcelebrateallisroundnetwithglobalcommunity...thefocusisonthecrowningaisn’ttheonlyoftheweekend.seethiseventasantoconnect,ideas,andcreaterelationshipsdrivethesportfor-“Ithinkwehaveasolidgroupgoing to Worlds,” said Bosak. Plett said the COVID pandemic really helped them in terms of being ready to take on the world’s best. “It was a really good time for us to just learn and practice,” he said. “. . . It really helped us make it thisNowfar.”on the eve of worlds Plett admitted he is some place he wanted to be but wasn’t sure he’d ever“It’sget. incredible. I’ve always wanted to be on top in a sport,” he said, adding while he was a solid hockey player, he “wasn’t at that (top) level. So this is a pretty wild experience.“It’sincredible to be part of the birth of a sport . . . I’m just excited to go out there Before(Belgium).”theyhead to Belgium the duo will be busy attending major events on this continent having already played in Seattle and San Francisco, and Boston and Vancouver are ahead.
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada.
Then he ran into Blake Bosak, a Spikeball player he had actually met when he helped coach a hockey camp Bosak attended as a play.The two soon hooked up as a tandem playing under the moniker ‘Wonky“I’veSauce’.been playing about two years competitively, and involved in the sport maybe four, or five tears,” said Bosak. This is the second season for Bosak and Justin Plett to be teammates, and it has been a winning combo.So what made the team click so quickly?
“The community is really awesome . . . It’s super welcoming . . . It’s a tight knit community where everybody knows each other,” he said, adding while teams are competitive when facing each other across the net “they hang out together.”
Owned and operated by: The Prairie Newspaper Group LP, a division of GVIC Communications Corp.

Mikayla Madsen is a new teacher at the Sturgis Composite School.

While a sport that is still largely unknown, for two guys from British Columbia Spikeball, perhaps more accurately roundnet, is where they haveJustinexcelled.Plett said he was unaware of the sport until Spikeball was on ‘Shark Tank,” and his brother ended up ordering a set online. It wasn’t exactly a major love for the game out of the box. “I liked it, but only played it casually, maybe three or four times a year,” said Plett. At the time Plett was focused on hockey at the Junior A level – he played 40 games with the Weyburn Red Wings of the“ISJHL.was a hockey player all my life,” he said, adding as a Junior there came a point he “wasn’t feeling it anymore.”
Sturgis School opens its door welcoming staff and students

“We have a pretty good friendship outside of Spikeball,” said Bosak, adding that has helped them mesh when playing theThegame.duo only lives a few minutes apart too, which is a huge asset. “We get to play together a lot,” offered Bosak, who added he and Plett play a lot of ‘one-on-one’ as a way to practice. And ultimately, Bosak said it comes down to the game“Weitself.just have fun with the sport,” he said. Plett said for him Spikeball ultimately gives him everything he could desire as an athlete, requiring quick feet, good speed, finesse and power.“Ireally enjoy the athleticism aspect,” he said. For Bosak, lacrosse had been his game, preferring box, but also playing the field game. Then one day there was a video on YouTube. com where lacrosse players were experimenting playing a hybrid of Spikeball with their lacrosse sticks.
Olivia Gardner is interning under Kristen Peterson for four months unit the end of December at the Sturgis Composite School.
Photo Courtesy Blake Bosak Justin Plett and Blake Bosak.
“It was a really fun video,” said Bosak, who added it whet his appetite to try Spikeball. “. . . I bought myself a set and startedBosakplaying.”saidhe immediately liked the atmosphere around Spikeball.
For Bosak it helped that he found out he was quite good at the sport. “I progressed quite quickly,” he admitted, adding as he watched the best play he was thinking “I can compete at that level.”So Bosak dedicated himself to Spikeball, to get to the top levels. “It was an awesome chase to get to that level,” he said, adding he still works to be better. “The chase is still one.” In terms of what it takes to be good at Spikeball, Bosak said the key skill “is definitely hand-eye coordination.” That’s where having played lacrosse, and also volleyball, helped Bosak adapt to SpikeballSpikeball.started more as a backyard recreational option, but has become very much a sport today. “It’s definitely evolved from when it did start from a backyard game into a sport,” said Bosak. Today the sport is seeing growth on a number of levels, including a club scene at colleges, pro tournaments across North America and Europe and the launch of the World Roundnet Championship set for Belgium, Sept.8-11.
AdvertisingPublisher/ Manager: John Bauman Editor: Calvin Daniels Production Team: Kristin Jordens Diane WayneMillerRemanda Advertising Sales: Julianne Thom Classified Sales: Casey Shields Phone: 306-782-2465 Fax: 306-786-1898 e-mail: thisweek.comeditorial@yorkton20ThirdAvenueNorth,Yorkton,S3N1B9

Canadian spikeball duo headed to worlds

Then we have the even more recent creation Dameo, a 2000 release from designer Christian Freeling.Dameo is played on an 8X8 board with 18 pieces perAgainplayer.from BGG, “a Checkers-like game that uses linear movement. Men can move straight or diagonally forward. Similarly, a line of men can advance as a group straight or diagonally forward.“Kings move like a queen in Chess. “Men and kings capture orthogonally only. Kings can capture at the long range. Maximum capture is enforced. “Since men can move over other men of their own colour, gameplay is swifter and sharper than that of traditional Checkers.”Theability to move lines of pieces really sets this one apart, and it, is my mind the best of the checker games. Check it out at mindsports.nl It would be a mistake not to mention designer Christopher Wroth’s 1986 creation King’s Court. There was a retail release back in the 1980s and it is a great looking one, but the game can be played on an 8X8 board just as well. The board is 8x8 with the squares rotated 45 degrees, (or leave the board oriented naturally and have stone can move to an adjacent (orthogonal) empty cell. The central 4x4 area forms the King’s Court, which is at the heart of what makes this one special.The starting setup places the pieces on the 48 squares surrounding the Court. The opening moves have both players enter a piece onto the ‘court’ from opposing sides (no jumping yet). From that point on, a piece must be present on the court at all times -- otherwise the player loses.Pieces move as in checkers except they all move as kings, with no restrictions on direction. Jumps are again as in checkers, except that you can jump your own pieces as well, without capturing them, which is a really fun mechanic. This one is quite refreshing, and jumping your own pieces to get to your opponent’s allows for some rather dramatic play.The traditional Hawaiian game Konane deserves mentioning hereThetoo.game board is made up of rows and columns, like a checkerboard, however, you can apparently have as many rows and columns as you would like. It seems 8X8 is sort of the minimum, so feel free to try it on other boards you create too. Continued on Page 6
Presents its 23rd ChamberAnnualBusinessDinner October 5 St. Mary’s Ukrainian Cultural Centre

Checkers gets something of a bad rap here in North America where it has largely been a game focused on youngsters although there is the American Pool Checker Association which promotes the game. The familiar game of ‘pool checkers’ is the common game played on an 8X8 board, with players trying to capture their opponent’s pieces. If you get a piece across the board it becomes a far more powerful king. While this version in an old one, going back centuries, it is also perhaps the least interesting of a rather large checkers family.For example, International Checkers, played on a 10X10 board, and far more powerful kings; kinged pieces can move across multiple squares on the two diagonals that cross their position for so long as these squares are open, in a rule known as the ‘flying kings.’International checkers is a more dramatic version of the game. Turkish checkers is also a better version of theItgame.isacommon form of checkers widely played in the Middle-East, where it is known as Dama. Played on an 8×8 board, it differentiates with most other games of the checkers family because pieces move straight forward or sideways, not diagonally. When a piece reaches the last row it promotes to a flying king (Dama) which moves like the rook in Therechess.are actually a number of international versions, most with only minor tweaks to core rules, but it can be fun experimenting to see which you like best. Not surprisingly, there are a number of more recently created takes on checkers too. For example, in 1995 Ljuban Dedi , a Croatian mathematics professor and draughts champion, createdCrodaCroda.isplayed on an 8X8 board with each player having 24 pieces. “Pieces are either men (which can only move straight forward or diagonally forward one space) or kings (which move and capture at a distance),” for iedgame,especiallyforcapturewhenbiggestplayerCaptureogonally,butincapturemotedent’sacom.www.boardgamegeek.“Whenamanendsmoveontheoppon-backrow,itispro-toaking.Piecesbyjumping,asdraughts,(checkers),captureisonlyorth-notdiagonally.isenforced.Amustcapturethenumberofpiecesdifferentwaysofarepossible.”Thisoneisinterestingthedensityofpieces,earlyintheandthemorevar-movement.
Checkers has many variant options
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Continued from Page 4 the Sturgis Composite School under the guidance of Lisa Serdachny in the kindergarten class. She is originally from Theodore, and currently living in Preeceville. She received her bachelor of education from the University of Regina and previously taught two months at Sturgis and one year in Preeceville in the Grade 3 class. She is looking forward to helping with some school sports and being involved in the school.

A5This Week Marketplace | September 9, 2022 Yorkton, 1-306-621-0942Saskatchewan•1-306-621-1926 facebook.com/lynspointofviewlynspointofview@gmail.comwww.lynspointofview.ca Up to 35% off all window SeptemberEXTENDEDcoveringsto30th,2022 Must not be combined with any other offer. Sale excludes motorization. Call for a consultationfreeat your home or business BEAT THE HEAT SUMMER SALE!

Olivia Gardner is interning under Kristen Peterson for four months unit the end of December when she will complete her schooling and her internship. She is originally from Yorkton and currently living in Canora. She will be attaining her bachelor of education from the University of Regina where she majored in English and minored in Inclusive Education. She is hoping to be involved in the golf program and SRC at the school. She enjoys crafting, cooking and baking.
Over the last two weeks we have touched on both stacking games and crossing games, all of which can be played with homemade boards and easily found pieces. The idea of course is to add just a bit of being ‘crafty’ to gaming, by relaxing while drawing some simple square grids.Over time you can end up with a pretty diverse bunch of boards; 5X5, 6X6, 7X7 and of course all the way up to a 12X14 for Bob optionmosttheexplore.logueupoption,costtoandtopictureintoassomeersburningcierboard.bytingonsimpleEpaminondas.under-appreciatedAbbott’sTheboardscanbeasasbeingdrawnbristolboard,toget-longerlastingeffortsdrawingonparticleYoucangetfan-ofcourse,withwoodoptionsorrout-too.Youcanevenaddneattouchessuchmountingtheboardsoldyardsale-findframes.Itreallycomesdownhow‘crafty’youare,howmuchyouwishspend.Thegoodnewsislowisadefiniteviableanditstillopensaratherlargecata-offinegamestoIntermsofgamesonvariousboards,thestraightforwardistoplaycheckerswhichalwaystakesmebacktothoughtsofmygrandpa,ascheckerswastheoneboardgameheplayed–althoughgrand-mawoulddraghimtothewhisttableonoccasiontoo.
The rain forced some of the customers to scatter, but some returned before the event was due to close at 3Organizedp.m. by the Kamsack Playhouse Theatre, the craft sale, held on a portion of First Street in front of the Playhouse, included Christmas ornaments; honey, pure and flavoured; fresh garden produce; baking; jewelry; home-crafted bags, quilts and socks; Filipino foods; animals wanting to be adopted from Paws and Claws, cosmetics and herbs. Starting at about 11 a.m., members of the Playhouse committee began cooking and serving burgers, hot dogs, beverages and oversized bags of popcorn.

Scott Reilkoff won $124 in the 50/50 draw.
Raiders crush Vikings 64-0 CHECKERS
About 26 booths containing a variety of goods were part of the Christmas in August street craft sale in Kamsack on Aug. 28, marking the second of a planned annualAlthoughevent.overcast and relatively cool, the rain, aside from a few drops, stayed away until about 2 p.m., allowing customers time to visit all the kiosks and find goods that may end up in colourful wrapping under Christmas trees in a few months.
A rainbow auction added some extra intrigue to theForsale.two hours, beginning at about noon, Kamsack Polka Pals entertained with their brand of music.
One side of First Street was where many vendors set up their covered kiosks containing a variety of goods for Annasale.Reilkoff of Kamsack discovered a miniature Christmas tree containing a collection of crafted items created by Laureen Spivak of Kamsack that were for sale during the Christmas in August street craft sale. sale of Kamsack Playhouse


Continued from Page 5 To set-up the game, fill each square with a playing piece, alternating between black and white pieces, so you need 32 or each on an 8X8 board, so a couple of bags of glass beads can be a quick answer to finding pieces. Black moves first, by taking off one of his pieces. He may only remove a piece from the middle of the board or from one of the corners. White removes one of his pieces that is adjacent orthogonally to the empty square created by black. There should now be two empty squares next to each other, and the game really gets going. From there on, players take turns jumping their opponents’ pieces. A jump may only be made orthogonally, never diagonally. A player may make multiple jumps with the same piece in a turn, provided that he does not change direction. Pieces that are jumped are removed from the board. When one player is unable to jump during his turn, his opponent wins the Simplegame.rules but lots of fun Theretoo.are a few dozen checker-family games, many played on square grid boards, so some online research will add to your rules catalogue, but the seven games above should provide hours of exploration for avid gamers.
“It was nice to see the community come out to support the theatre again,” said Brenda Wyllychuk, a member of the Playhouse committee. “We received no “All-in-all,complaints.it was a good day,” she said.
Courtesy of Kamsack Times

A6 September 9, 2022 | This Week Marketplace By Tyson Off Staff Writer

The Yorkton Regional High School Raiders opened their 2022 season with a decisive win over the Moose Jaw Vanier Vikings at Kinsmen Century Field on Friday, Sept. 2. Yorkton This Week spoke with Raiders Head Coach, Roby Sharpe, about the team’s upcoming season. “It’s one of those things—it’s still a little too early to tell,” said Sharpe of his initial take on the team. “Obviously that’s a nice way to start,” said Sharpe, adding, “we looked good.”
The Weyburn Eagles will visit the city on September 9th when the two teams take the field at 7:00 p.m. for their Friday Night Lights matchup. “Good crowd, good opponent—that’ll be the real test for us—to see how good we really are,” said Sharpe of the upcoming contest.
Sharpe said he was happy with the win, but the team was back on the field Sunday afternoon preparing for their next“We’vechallenge.got Weyburn and it’s payback—Weyburn beat us in the final last year,” said Sharpe of their next opponent, adding, “we need to be ready.”
Each office independently owned and operated. Open Monday to Friday, 8am - 4pm 269 HAMILTON ROAD, YORKTON • 306-783-6666 www.remaxbluechip.ca Bill 203306-621-8007Harrison$225,000&210FIRSTAVE Amsterdam 2 beds, 2 baths, 1337 sq ft MLS®# SK907463 20 DRIFTWOOD CRES Yorkton 4 beds, 3 baths, 1600 sq ft MLS®# 219$324,900SK905639THIRDAVES Yorkton 4 beds, 2 baths, 1004 sq ft MLS®# $219,000SK871321 Sandi85306-621-9015Shewchuk$85,000MACFARLINEAVE Yorkton 3 beds, 1 bath, 1000 sq ft MLS®# $253,915SK894463 6 ERICHSEN PLACE Yorkton 3 beds, 3 baths, 1370 sq ft MLS®# $224,900SK906099 57 RUSSELL DRIVE #202 Yorkton 2 beds, 2 baths, 1128 sq ft CONDO in THE MADISON. MLS®# SK898676 $200,000 75 GLADSTONE AVE N Yorkton 3 beds, 2 baths, 988 sq ft MLS®# SK904602 117 LOGAN CRES W Yorkton 3 beds, 2 baths, 1144 sq ft MLS®# 34$315,900SK905366$259,900NEWFIELDPLACE Yorkton 4 beds, 2 baths, 1092 sq ft MLS®# SK907163 Katherine306-620-8898McDowellMark69306-641-9406Zawerucha$229,900DALEWOODCRES Yorkton 3 beds, 1 bath, 1044 sq ft MLS®# $224,900SK903086 1 HENDERSON DRIVE Yorkton 3 beds, 2 baths, 912 sq ft MLS®# 232$79,900SK9071733RDSTNE Preeceville 3 beds, 1 bath, 804 sq ft MLS®# SK907258 NEW LISTING 15 ANDERSON DRIVE Yorkton MLS®# SK904991 Darren306-621-2515Balaberda100BETTSAVE Yorkton MLS®# SOLDSK87834465FENSONCRES Yorkton MLS®# SOLDSSOLDSK906603OLDSOLDSOLDSOLD Glen 32-38306-621-6777Kozak$359,000SMITHSTREET W Yorkton, “CALL FOR DETAILS ON THIS PRIME PROPERTY!” MLS®# 101$995,000SK898777MAINSTREET Gerald “GREAT REVENUE PROPERTY!” MLS®# $225,000SK888067 287 & 291 HAMILTON Road , Yorkton “Vacant Lot ready for YOUR business!” MLS®# SK892129 SOLD 5 MAIN STREET Rokeby MLS®# SK890751 20 WESTSHORE GREENS Yorkton MLS®# $225,000SOLDSK884767 RM OF CHURCHBRIDGE “Acreage with 11.34 acres” 5 beds, 2 baths, 1758 sq ft MLS®# SK902788 WadeSOLDSOLDS306-620-6905WindjackOLD Robby SOLD306-641-4977Bear$184,900$149,000715PARKDRIVE Good Spirit Lake 3 beds, 2 baths, 1,216 sq ft MLS®# SK905857 212 MAPLE AVENUE Yorkton 2 beds, 1 bath, 728 sq ft MLS®# SK905420 132 GORDON AVE Yorkton MLS®#SOLDSK899434ByMLS RE/MAX Connection

A7This Week Marketplace | September 9, 2022 Ask us about our ProPricing® contract. Phone Number: 306-782-1199 Address: Find us 2 miles east of Yorkton on Hwy 16 CargillAg.ca ®ThCillliiddkfCillidddli©CillLiidAllRihRd It can be tough to keep up with all the factors that affect commodity prices. Manage all those variables with the MarketPros at Cargill. Strong grain marketing starts here Paving & Road Maintenance 456 Sully Ave., Yorkton, SK Tel: 306-782-7423 CHUCK JONES C. TRUCKINGJONESINC. Livestock Canada & USA Box 761, Yorkton, SK, S3N 2W8 Phone: (306) 782-2830 Cell: (306) 621-9508 Fax: (306) 782-2830 Thank youfor contributing to our nourishment. #16-385, Broadway Street East Linden Square Mall, YORKTON goodearthshop.ca 306-782-5300 Hoping for a great season. HARVEST PROGRESS 20222022 Aug.ofthebows,bringsapproachesEvenrainbowFallasfallrainonrain-aswascasesouthYorktonon23. Staff Photo by John Bauman

A8 September 9, 2022 | This Week Marketplace Agriterra Yorkton, your local ag equipment parts, sales and service center for Massey Ferguson®, Fendt®, Cat® Ag Products and Anderson Farm Implements. ©2022 AGCO Corporation. AGCO Parts is a worldwide brand of AGCO Corporation. AGCO and AGCO Parts are trademarks of AGCO. All rights reserved. 39 Rocky Mountain Way Highway 9 South 306-782-3800 Toll-free: 1-855-558-5508 agriterraeq.com MORE YIELDS. oun ay 9 | Toll f r e e : 1 5 K g h n S W y Hi Yo t o ain 5S8 8 u t h 550 Eliminate the stress of downtime this harvest season with AGCO® PM360. This maintenance program offers a year warranty on AGCO Genuine Parts and a six-month warranty on labor to help you operate with confidence. BOOK YOUR PRE-HARVEST MAINTENANCE NOW. 102 - 506 Broadway St. W. Yorkton 306-782-3644 A proud part of the community Wishing you safety andyou and success for your fall seasonsuccess your season Manufacturing quality precast concrete products in www.sviprecast.comSepticSaskatchewanSouthernsince1977.tanks,Cisterns,Pipe,Barriers,BridgeComponents,Manholes,Etc.306-842-5854 • LAND CLEARING • FENCE CLEARINGLINE&DUGOUTDEVELOPMENT • SEPTIC INSTALLATIONTANK • DEMOLITION • TRENCHING • EXCAVATING • HAULINGGRAVEL Terry twhbackhoe@sasktel.net306-621-2588HalushkaYorkton,SKCAT,SKIDSTEER,TRACKHOE,ANDDUMPTRUCKWORK

SASKATOON – Research conducted by former University of Saskatchewan (USask) doctoral student Dr. Rachel Parkinson (PhD) under the supervision of Dr. Jack Gray (PhD), professor of biology in the College of Arts and Science, has shown that even at sublethal quantities, insecticides impair a honeybee’s ability to move in a straight line. The results show that after exposure to the insecticides sulfoxaflor and imidacloprid, the honeybees suffer an impaired optomotor response, which is an innate orienting behaviour using wide-field visual motion information. Bees also use this type of visual information to calculate the distance they have travelled from the hive. As a 2019 Grass Foundation Fellow, Parkinson carried out the experiments at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Mass. Bees were tethered above an air-supported ball, creating a bee-sized treadmill. The apparatus was set up in front of screens that showed moving vertical black lines to mimic movement in the real environment. The bee’s walking path on the ball was recorded and analyzed to show their resulting ability to control their movement.“The significance of the research is that this study shows for the first time that the ability of bees to encode and respond to visual information is impaired by insecticides. Bees use the same type of visual information that we tested in walking bees during flight to stabilize themselves and navigate,” said Parkinson. “The next step will be to test whether flying bees experience the same impairments.” The research, which was recently published in Frontiers in Insect Science, also shows that exposure to these insecticides led to increased cell death in the brain of the bees and affected a key gene expression in the central nervous system involved in detoxification.“The major concern is that – if bees are unable to overcome any impairment while flying – there could be profound negative effects on their ability to forage, navigate, and pollinate wildflowers and crops,” said“Parkinson’sParkinson. work adds to the growing body of evidence of the negative effects insecticides have on bees,” said Gray. “With a better understanding of these effects comes a better chance of survival for these beneficial insects.” Learn more about how Parkinson studied the honeybees in this feature from Frontiers in Science.

Research finds insecticides impair a bee’s ability to move in a straight line Bees use the same type of visual information that we tested in walking bees during flight to stabilize themselves and navigate, — Rachel Parkinson (PhD) (USask) doctoral student


Good weather helping harvest progress
Harvest was once again delayed in many parts of the region due to heavy rainstorms; some producers are estimating they won’t be harvesting for another ten days. The most harvest progress has been in crop district 6A where growing conditions have been drier.Harvest progress for the region sits at nine per cent, up from four per cent last week but still behind the five-year average of 15 per cent. Rainfall in the region ranged from trace amounts to 78 mm in the Foam Lake area. The Craven area received 30 mm, the Bulyea area 25 mm and the Calder area 20 mm. While this region has received large amounts of rain this season, there are still many producers in the region who are experiencing extremely dry growing conditions. Cropland topsoil moisture is rated as four per cent surplus, 77 per cent adequate, 18 per cent short and one per cent very short. Hay and pasture land topsoil moisture is rated as five per cent surplus, 74 per cent adequate, 12 per cent short and nine per cent veryTheshort.majority of crop damage this week was due to strong winds, heavy rains and localized hail. The strong winds and heavy rains have lodged many crops in the region, and this will result in some producers seeing a quality downgrade at the drier.orhaulingProducerselevator.arebusybales,combiningswathingwhereitis
Producers are slowly combining or swathing crops that are finally ready for harvest, but they will need a consistent hot, dry weather for the remaining crops to mature.The rain this past week further delayed harvest and held crops back from ripening and drying down, many producers note that canola fields are still very green and are worried about an early September frost. Harvest in this region is now at 16 per cent, up from six per cent last week and well behind the five-year (2017-2021) average of 34 per cent. An additional eleven per cent of the crop is swathed or ready to straightMultiplecut. rainstorms resulted in up to 40 mm in the Regina area. The Weyburn and Bienfait areas received 32 mm, the Moose Jaw area 22 mm and the Glenavon area nineTopsoilmm. moisture conditions are very good in the region with the recent rains.Cropland topsoil moisture is rated as four per cent surplus, 85 per cent adequate, eight per cent short and three per cent very short. Hay and pasture land topsoil moisture is rated as three per cent surplus, 74 per cent adequate, 21 per cent short and two per cent veryCropshort. damage this week was attributed to heavy rains, strong winds, insects and minor hail. The largest issue this past week was crops being lodged from the wind and rain, this will result in a poorer quality of grain and make harvest moreGrasshoppersdifficult. continue to be a large issue withProducersreports. are busy desiccating, swathing and combining when the weather permits and where the crop is ready.
Cropland topsoil moisture is rated as six per cent surplus, 80 per cent adequate, 13 per cent short and one per cent very short. Hay and pasture land topsoil moisture is rated as one per cent surplus, 78 per cent adequate, 19 per cent short and two per cent veryTheshort.majority of crop damage this past week was due to heavy rains and winds andLumsden,PreecevilleKamsack,Melville,Saskatchewan:East-Central•CropDistrict5–Yorkton,Cupar,FoamLake,andKelvingtonareas•CropDistrict6A–Craik,WatrousClavetareas
A9This Week Marketplace | September 9, 2022
Provincially Much of the province received rain this past week.Most areas in the southwest and west-central received very minimal amounts, while the other regions received enough Continued on Page 11
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Saskatchewan:Northeastern•CropDistrict 8 –Hudson Bay, Tisdale, Melfort, Carrot River, Humboldt,CudworthKinistino, and Aberdeen areas • Crop District 9AE –Prince Albert, Choiceland and Paddockwood areas The first crops to ripen have started to be combined but mostly producers are swathing and finishing up applications of desiccants.Rainover the past week resulted in harvest delays.Four per cent of the crop is in the bin, up from one per cent last week and well behind the fiveyear average of twelve perTherecent. was some very heavy rain fall over the past week which resulted in lodging of cereal crops. The Lake Lenore area received 92 mm, the Tisdale area 75 mm, the Humboldt area 30 mm, the Kinistino area 22 mm and the Garrick area seven mm. These rains will damage crops, further delay harvest and spraying activities, as well as lead to downgrading of grain.
Producers worked hard to advance harvest before rain arrived last week and caused delays. Harvest progress is now at 23 per cent, up from 16 per cent last week and just behind the five-year average (20172021) of 26 per cent. The southwest and west central regions are the furthest advanced in their operations and some producers have reported they are close to finishing.Thesouthwest has 67 per cent of the crop now combined. The west-central region has completed 36 per cent, the southeast 16 per cent, the east-central nine per cent, the northwest six per cent and the northeast four perSixty-sixcent. per cent of the winter wheat, 62 per cent of the fall rye, 74 per cent of the lentils, 66 per cent of the field peas, 46 per cent of the mustard, 51 per cent of the durum, 16 per cent of the spring wheat and eight per cent of the canola has now beenAncombined.additional 21 per cent of the canola and 13 per cent of the mustard is swathed or ready to straight-cut.


A10 September 9, 2022 | This Week Marketplace • Custom grain & fertilizer hauling • Short and long distance • 22 truck & trailer units Call Bruce 306-531-4641 pandktrucking@sasktel.netYorkton,Sask.

There is something of a dichotomy when it comes to farming today. On the one hand, there is still something of the idyllic lifestyle of the storybooks of childhood. You know the tales, often accompanied by art that inevitably includes a red, hip-roofed barn, a few chickens or geese in front, with a fence enclosing a milk cow and likely a horse. It is a ‘snapshot’ look at a mixed farm that is all but a memory today. Even the philosophy of a mixed farm is nearly lost to books and museums.Today, farming is still a ‘way-of-life’ career in the sense it requires long hours – far beyond eight hour days – during spring and fall, and a widely based knowledge ranging from crop science to mechanics to marketing. But, for most it is also big business – very big business.When you are out driving around this fall, and you see a large fourwheel drive tractor, or a combine crawling over a field bringing in this year’s crop, consider for a moment that each of the big units would have taken a very large bite out of $1 million to acquire.Those are huge dollars but one the tip of a very large iceberg as the old saying goes. The modern farm requires more than a single tractor and combine, the equipment array including air seeders, and field sprayers, swathers, and trucks to haul the grain, each costing six figures-plus when buyingThennew.there is grain storage.Then there is the land itself, with the best of it near $1,000 an acre. And it can cost $600 or so per acre to grow a canola crop, which is roughly $100K per quarterThesection.2021 Census suggested in Saskatchewan the average farm size is 1,766 acres. If the producer went with canola only, his input costs would be around $1 millionTheannually.same Census suggested 14 per cent of Saskatchewan farms were larger than 3,520 acres, meaning costs of $2 million if growing only canola.Now all of the above are rough, and rounded to easily understood numbers, but they do indicate just how big a business a farm is. Producers are dealing with costs most business in Saskatchewan can onlyAnd,imagine.atthe end of the day what producers put in the bin is highly dependent on Mother Nature, and what they sell that production for, set by a range of factors from supply and demand to country-to-country politics.But, there are still those willing to take on the costs, to face the vagaries of world markets, to produce our food. We should be ever thankful for that. DEALER PARTICIPATION WHERE APPLICABLE. LICENSE, REGISTRATION, INSURANCE AND APPLICABLE TAXES ARE EXTRA. OFFERS ARE AVAILABLE ON APPROVED CREDIT THROUGH NISSAN CANADA FINANCE FOR A LIMITED TIME, MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE AND CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFERS EXCEPT STACKABLE TRADING DOLLARS. VEHICLES AND ACCESSORIES ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. REPRESENTATIVE MONTHLY LEASE OFFER BASED ON A NEW FOR UP TO MONTHS EQUALS MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF $563 WITH $1,795 DOWN PAYMENT, AND BASED ON OF WITH EXCESS CHARGED AT $0.10/KM. TOTAL LEASE OBLIGATION $35,556. BI-WEEKLY PAYMENT SHOWN FOR INFORMATIONAL SUBJECT



The todayofbusinessbigfarming

20,000 KM/YEAR


Livestock and Forage Centre of Excellence into the Pan-Canadian Smart Farm Network,” said Agnew. “With additional partners come additional opportunities in applied research and education that will help producers maximize technology and data when they’re making those sometimes tough farm management decisions. Independent validation of ag technologies is critical and so is ensuring that validation is done using more than a single smart farm and more than one agro-climatic zone.” At USask’s LFCE, researchers investigate different aspects of beef cattle production “from soil to supper” and test drive new options to enhance animal welfare, animal health, product quality, and food safety on Canada’s farms. LCFE has facilities, agricultural, withNetwork,Canadianaspectbringbeyond.inpractices,agriculturecationmentsupportaryeconomicsenvironmental,andveterin-researcherstohelptheadvance-ofinnovation,edu-andadoptionoftechnology,andsolutionsSaskatchewanand“WearedelightedtointhelivestockaswejointhePan-SmartFarmandcollaborateOldsCollege,Glacier
USask Livestock and Forage Centre of Excellence joins Pan-Canadian Smart Farm Network

A11This Week Marketplace | September 9, 2022 Commercial Truck & Trailer Repair 306-782-4313

In recognition of the Canadian farmer s who feed our economy and the world WWW.LINDGRENSEEDS.CA Jordan & Jennifer Lindgren jordan@lindgrenfarms.com306-594-7644
SASKATOON –The University of Saskatchewan’s (USask) Livestock and Forage Centre of Excellence (LFCE) has joined the Pan-Canadian Smart Farm toersandatevaluationsprojectsbringszonesdifferentandtheResearchpresident,(PhD),atLakelandatDiscoveryGlacier2021workacrossagriculturementacceleratenologiessmartstand,creatorsfarmers,expertisetedSmartFarmledSmartTheNetwork.Pan-CanadianFarmNetwork—byOldsCollegeSmart—isanetworkofFarmscommit-tosharingdataandthatwillhelpindustry,andbetterunder-use,anddevelopagriculturaltech-withagoaltothedevelop-andadoptionoftechnologiesCanada.Thenet-waslaunchedinandalsoincludesFarmMediaFarmlocatedLangham,Sask,andCollegelocatedVermilion,Alta.ForDr.JoyAgnewassociatevice-AppliedatOldsCollege,network’sexpansioncollaborationacrossagriculturalandlandbasesmoredepthtotheandtechnologyconductedCanada’ssmartfarms,thatwillbenefitfarm-anddevelopers.“WearesopleasedwelcometheUSask

Ian Abbott - Seed Plant Manager 306-594-7766 ian@lindgrenfarms.com


FarmMedia Discovery Farm at Langham, and Lakeland College,” said Dr. Scott Wright (PhD), executive director of LFCE. “We believe this network of smart farms creates an opportunity to facilitate and support ag tech innovation, development, and demonstration in support of sustainable production and to help producers maximize technology and data. We look forward to the road ahead.”Linking smart farms across the country multiplies the learnings and increases the value of data generated to connect farmers with industry and research partners to find practical solutions to ag challenges.Withfunding from the Canadian AgriFood Automation and Intelligence Network (CAAIN), the PanCanadian Smart Farm Network initiative will accelerate the development and adoption of ag technologies and systems, helping producers manage their risk of production to improve the productivity and sustainability of their farms. Agnew announced that the LFCE was joining the network on Tuesday, July 19 during a Pan-Canadian Smart Farm Network presentation at Ag in Motion at Discovery Farm Langham, Sask. Visit smartfarmnetworkoldscollege.ca/to learn more about the Pan-Canadian Smart Farm Network, or contact Olds College Centre for Innovation to inquire about joining the network. — Submitted
Continued from Page 9 heavy rain to lodge crops and further delay harvest. The Lake Lenore area received 92 mm, the Tisdale area 75 mm, the Foam Lake area 35 mm, the Mossbank area 23 mm and the Shaunavon area 10 mm. Rain will further delay crop maturity in areas where the crop is still very Producersgreen.in the driest areas of the province welcome the moisture, even if it means they must halt their harvest activities for a shortCroplandperiod.topsoil moisture is rated as two per cent surplus, 55 per cent adequate, 15 per cent short and 18 per cent very short. Hay and pasture land topsoil moisture is rated as two per cent surplus, 50 per cent adequate, 28 per cent short and 20 per cent very short.Most crop damage this past week was due to heavy rain, minor hail, strong winds and insects. The lodged crops could see quality downgrading and possible yield loss. There have been multiple reports of grain samples being denied at the elevator due to samples containingProducersgrasshoppers.willhave to clean their grain thoroughly before taking it to the elevator to sell. Producers are busy swathing, desiccating, combining and hauling grain. Livestock producers are prepping for when they remove their cattle from pastures. They are also taking stock of their winter feed supplies and making decisions to acquire more feed or not. A complete, printable version of the Crop Report is available online: Download Crop Report. SKAgriculture.Reportreport.saskatchewan.ca/crop-https://www.Followthe2022CroponTwitterat@
theServingParklandareaProvidingqualityworkwithover25yearsintheindustry High-End Construction Ltd. GREG LIVINGSTONE Ph.: 306-594-7560 Fax: 306-595-2034 Email: livinggreg@hotmail.com See our work on Facebook WEATHER

A12 September 9, 2022 | This Week Marketplace Terr y Dennis MLATerry Dennis MLA Canora Pelly ConstituencyCanora-Pelly Phone: 306 563 1363 306-563-1363 Fax: 306 563 1365 306-563-1365 Email: Canora PellyMLA@sasktel netEmail: Canora.PellyMLA@sasktel.net Thank YouThank to all our farmers.to our Have a safe Har vest.a Harvest. • • bakertilly.ca Now, for tomorrowYorkton 306.783.8531 | Grain Millers is a family-owned company and has been a leader in whole-grain milling for over 30 years. We depend on direct farmer relationships and offer competitive farm gate pricing, agronomy and sustainability advice, and strong markets for your grains. Our commitment to producing quality products begins with you. grainmillers.com | 866.730.4682 Oats/Feed Grains: 306.786.4682 Flax: 306.933.4644 Other Grains: 952.983.1269 BUILT ON FARMER Relationships. We Purchase: Oats • Flax • Barley Wheat • Other Grains #1 Grain Millers Drive, PO Box 5040, Yorkton, SK S3N 3Z4 On Aug. 31, the Ebenezer Fire Department, Rhein Fire Department and Yorkton Fire Services had the first draughting fire practice at the new P&H site. The facility has two dry hydrants that pull water out of a holding pond. Ebenezer Fire Department set up with a six-inch line off of the hydrant and pumped water into Rhein’s fire truck with a four-inch line, with the two fire trucks synced together they were able to pump 100 gallons of water a minute. The Yorkton Fire Department assisted with all activities. See More Photos on Page 13. Trial run Submitted Photos

A13This Week Marketplace | September 9, 2022 Make it better ™ Community based since 1971. mcmunnandyates.com 175 York Road West | 306.783.8516 No matter what your storage requirement is, we have a building just for you. Strong. Durable. Convenient. BUYING FLAX SEED! “All grades! Organic AND Non-Organic!” Flexible Pickup/Delivery and Storage Options. Call or email for more info. www.tafoods.ca | 306.782.8804 mike@tafoods.ca Full Service Toll Processing Co-Packing | Private Label Pouch Packaging | Retail Bottling Liquid & Dry Blending Whole Flax | Milled Flax | Roasted Flax | Hemp Oil | Camelina Oil Flax Oil | Quick Oats | Rolled Oats | Hemp Protein | Flax Protein Various Flour Products & Blends | And More... EXPORTING RETAIL & BULK PRODUCTS FOR OVER 30 YEARS FOOD GRADE | ANIMAL NUTRITION TA Foods Ltd. 72 Broadway Street West, Yorkton,CanadaSaskatchewan,S3N0L8 RESIDENTIALTRENCHINGEXCAVATION FIRESYSTEMSALARMSTRUCTUREDCABLING BACK GENERATORUPVOICE/DATACERTIFIED SERVICESYSTEMSSOLARCHANGESINDUSTRIALAGRICULTURAL COMMERCIAL SINCE 1983

A Russian Olive Task Force has been created in Medicine Hat that includes representatives from the city, SEAWA and Grassland Naturalists with Connaught Pond chosen as the first site. Russian Olive is now listed as an unregulated invasive species in the latest edition of the Alberta Invasive Plant Identification Guide, as it is an aggressive competitor and without natural controls.
Dave Genio, manger of Parks with the City of Medicine Hat, said, “We are excited about the project, and are taking baby steps. One of the concerns is people looking at the park and seeing every single Russian Olive tree gone and asking, what the heck happenedCulturallyhere?” and historically, the tree has been growing in Medicine Hat for decades and was on the list of approved tree species to plant 25-30 years ago. About 10 years ago, its negative qualities came to light and finally the wheels have started rolling on finding solutions. Like many invasive species, it takes over, sucking up all the nutrients, water and sunlight and starving out the nativeRecently,species.city employees applied chemical to about a dozen Russian Olive trees at Connaught Pond to kill them, not by spray but by a selective method of application. “This is kind of a measured approach. Something that we are doing to see if it is an effective method of control,” explained Genio. “We have to look at it from different perspectives,” said Gerry Ehlert of Grasslands Naturalists, “Have our information in hand, discuss and make informed decisions and look at things like aesthetics. There are dead Russian Olives, but also many replacements (all native) with more replacements than dead ones.” Arlette Spencer, a local resident is concerned residents in the area were not forewarned about the project and the city didn’t wait until the new trees were larger before killing the mature ones. Additionally, as applying chemical is an unnatural act, she feels the dead trees should be removed as they are unsightly.Thisis one of the questions currently facing the task force, to remove or leave the dead trees. “It’s a natural environment and not a manicured location,” said Genio. “We also must take a look at the aesthetic aspects of that because dead trees provide habitat for wildlife. We might cut a few down and leave them in certain locations for small animals or insects.” SEAWA has been planting new trees around the pond, which can be identified by the cages around them to protect them from wildlife browsing.“Ourfocus is planting so when/if the city decides to get rid of the Russian Olives the replacement trees are already there,” said Marilou Montemayor, executive director of theytheyVerythantospringbeautifulnorthusedgoldenchokingConnaughtRussianfromsotowiththediameter.lesscuthasAnotherSEAWA.taskSEAWAundertakenistodowntreesthatarethanfourinchesinOncedone,stumpsarecoveredblackgarbagebagsdeprivethemoflight,theywon’tregeneratetherootsystem.OneconsequenceofOlivegrowthatPondistheoutofnativecurrent,whichtocovertheentirebankofthepond.“Theywouldbeayellowintheandthefirstonesflower,evenearliergardenflowers.criticalforbeesasarethefirstflowerscanlandon,”said Montemayor.AsEhlert summed up, “Connaught Pond provides a variety of life. When nature and biodiversity are working together, it provides optimum services for the public, including recreational enjoyment and learning. It also supports the protection and storage of water. One of the things that is contrary to those values and benefits are invasive species because they reduce biodiversity and have negative impacts on the services the environment provides.“Inthe long term, if we don’t control our invasive species we are going to get into a situation where less benefits are received, and it will be more costly to try and correct the problem.”
A14 September 9, 2022 | This Week Marketplace You’re invested in your business So are we Partner with the only lender 100% invested in Canadian agriculture and food. 1-800-387-3232 | fcc.ca DREAM. GROW. THRIVE. The appliance guys serving Yorkton and area for over 75 years! (306) 786-7676 Fax (306) 782-2346 We service most major brands. www.thorsnessappliance.com

A Russian Olive tree at Connaught Pond that had a chemical application applied, which didn’t fully kill the tree. Near the base, you can see a struggling golden current, which used to cover the entire north bank of the pond.
NEWS PHOTO SAMANTHA JOHNSON, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
By Samantha Johnson, Local (MedicineInitiativeJournalismReporterHatNews)

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Russian Olives wreaking havoc at Connaught Pond

Saskatchewan expands eligibility for loan forgiveness for veterinarians and veterinary technologists

The Government of Saskatchewan is expanding eligibility for the Saskatchewan Loan Forgiveness for Veterinarians and Veterinary Technologists program. Any Saskatchewan veterinary practice that offers veterinary services to livestock stakeholders from rural or remote communities is now eligible, which includes, but is not limited to, ambulatory service delivery. This expansion is in addition to designated communities previously announced in 2021, and the service threshold continues to be a minimum of 400 hours of services over a twelve-month Saskatchewan’speriod.growing economy is fueling high demand for veterinary professionals working in our rural and remote communities. This program is intended to attract veterinary professionals to work in rural areas by forgiving a portion of their Saskatchewan Student Loan debt for up to five years to a maximum of $20,000.

“We recognize that the veterinarian shortages in rural Saskatchewan will take ongoing collaboration to resolve,” Agriculture Minister David Marit said. “The Government of Saskatchewan takes this issue seriously and is committed to continuing to find additional solutions.”“Thisexpansion will ensure that veterinary professionals providing services to smaller communities are eligible for the program,” Advanced Education Minister Gordon S. Wyant, Q.C. said. “It is a positive step forward in addressing the need for veterinarians and veterinary technologists in rural and under-serviced communities in Saskatchewan.” “The SCA is very pleased with the government’s announcement today regarding changes to the Loan Forgiveness Program for vets and vet techs,” said Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association Chair Arnold Balicki. “Our industry, like many others, is facing a shortage of vets which can negatively impact our industry, our ability to expand, our need for an established vet/ client relationship for access to drugs and even animal welfare. We had raised concerns with the government previously around the qualifying parameters for this program. We truly appreciate that they took our concerns to heart and made the necessary changes to allow clinics in larger centres such as Prince Albert, who also serve rural clients, to nowThequalify.”Loan Forgiveness for Veterinarians and Veterinary Technologists program was announced in 2021 and began accepting applications on January 1, 2022. For more information on the program and full eligibility requirements, please visit: ca/residents/education-and-learninghttps://www.saskatchewan./student-loans/loan-forgiveness-for-vet-erinarians-and-veterinary-technolo-gists. Sept.

Staff Photo by Diane Miller
A15This Week Marketplace | September 9, 2022 IT’S HARVEST TIME WE ARE READY TO HELP YOU • EXPERT KNOWLEDGE • TOP QUALITY PARTS • FAST SupplyingSERVICEallyour Fuel Conditioner, Fuel System,Turbo and Power Enhancement needs • PUMPS • INJECTORS • TURBO CHARGERS • DRIVE-IN SERVICE 536 BROADWAY STREET EAST - YORKTON PHONE: 306-783-5501 • FAX: 306-786-6541 email: olsondiesel@sasktel.net www.olsondiesel.ca Wednesday September 21, 2022 Ebenezer - Fire Hall - 9:30-10:00 AM Canora - Good Lake Electric building located at 110 1st Ave W - 10:30-11:00 AM Stenen - Town Hall - 1:00-1:30 PM Norquay - The Legion - 2:00-2:30 PM Pelly - The Community Hall - 3:00-3:30 PM Services to be Provided: Routine canine and feline vaccinations Flea/tickDewormingmedication No appointment necessary. Please call the clinic if you have any questions. Fall Vaccination Clinic 38 Smith St. W., Yorkton SK, S3N 3X5 306-782-VETS (8387) Hours of operation are Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm with 24/7 after-hour emergency services available. YOUR ONE STOP OFF ROAD RECREATIONAL SHOP! Hwy #9 North - #1 Schrader Dr. - Yorkton,Sk. 306-783-3333 www.schraders.ca CHECK OUT THE HUGE SELECTION OF CLOTHING AND ACCESSORIES

It is harvest time Straight-cut combining wheat southwest of Leslie, Sask. on Sunday,

A 306-782-9600 Fax: 306-782-4449 391 Ball Yorkton,RoadSK Proud to Don’tAgricultureSaluteJustGet“R”Done.GET“R”DONERITE! cornerstonecu.com PUTTING THE EASE IN LEASE Grow your farm with equipment leasing Getoptionsintouchwith your Farm & Buisness Advisor to learn more 1.855.875.2255 It was all about the horses and what they once meant to farming as the PALS Draft Horse Field Day was held in Rama over the weekend. Teamsters from as far away as Humboldt, Yorkton and Bjorkdale gathered to demonstrate a range of horse drawn equipment. Held Saturday and Sunday, events included working a disc of summer fallow, driving four horses abreast pulling a binder which dated back to the late 1940s or early 1950s to cut an oat crop, and hauling sheaves to a McCormick threshing machine which also dated back to the 1940s. Among the horse breeds used were Fjords, Clydesdales, Percherons and Brabrant/Belgians.Weekendofthehorse Photos courtesy Kristina Just

Saw, Large Deep Freezer, Extendable Ladder, Trough, Record & Radio Player with Cabinet, Various Size Jars, Bunk bed including Mattress, Slow Cooker, Weed Eater, Wheelbarrow, Bicycle. Call 306-5422765 for prices.
1130 Coming Events
WE DELIVER RESULTS 1000 Notices 1700 Children 1800 Seniors 2000 ServicesBusiness 2500 ServicesFinancial 3000 Real Estate 4000 Renters Guide 5000 The Market 5400 SalesGarage 5600 Pets 6000 On Wheels 7000 Agriculture 8000 Education 8200 Employment 9000 Auctions CLASS INDEX 20 Third Ave. North, Yorkton Whether you’re buying or selling... CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS!OPEN: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. DEADLINES: Wednesday Edition, 4 p.m. Monday Marketplace, 4 p.m. Tuesday ALLADS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE Va l u e A d d e d Wor d Ads Add tremendous visibility to your Yorkton This Week word ads. Bold print, centering, underlining Simply request your Word Ad to appear with greater impact Each feature $0.10 per word per week. at classifieds@yorktonthisweek.com782-2465Orfaxusat786-1898Oremail thr oughout Saskatchewan for only $209 00 a week Or for $86 00 per week, you can focus on one of four zones (for 25 wor ds) To place your classified ad by telephone call Employees found. Careers made.Reach over 500,000 potential jobseekers in SaskatchewanPROVINCE WIDE CAREER DISPLAY ADS $7.79 per agate line BUY SIX WEEKS F O R $$ 1 7 . 9 51 7 . 9 5 ** AND GET SIXFWEEKSREE *Some restrictions apply, call for more details +GST USE THIS CONVENIENT ORDER FORM TO PLACE YOUR AD CLASSIFIED ADS, YORKTON THIS WEEK, P O BOX 1300, YORKTON, SASK S3N 2X3 or c l a s s i f i e d s @ y o r k t o n t h i s w e e k c o m Please insert my ad for.........weeks. Payment enclosed................... Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone....................... Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City/Town........................ Postal Code . . . . . . . . . . . . .Visa ❑ Mastercard ❑ Card No.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Expiry Date........ CLASS NO. ❑ 1st line centered and bold ❑ Bold ❑ Center ❑ Underline PLEASE CHECK OPTION 116116111166 117227221177 118338331188 114499441199 11550011552200 ★ Name, address and phone number must accompany any advertisement placed in the Classifieds. Publisher reserves the right to withhold ad from publication if information not complete. MAIL TO: www.MarketplaceThisWeek.ca | September 21, 2012 A19 ROOFING • SIDING • SOFFIT & FASCIA WINDOWS & DOORS • 5 INCH EAVESTROUGHING Donnie McDill Total Quality Installation Email: high_angle_roofing@hotmail.com Call for a FREE ESTIMATE ClassifiedsClassifieds 1040 - Monuments TYMIAK’S MONUMENTS & GRAVE SURFACING CO. Granite, Bronze, Marble Monuments, Grave Covers, Vases, Artificial Flowers, Cemetery Inscriptions & Cremation Urns. FULLY LICENSEDGUARANTEEDANDBONDED 529 Main St. South, Box 476, Ituna, Sask. S0A 1N0 Ph. (306)795-2428 Serving Surrounding Areas Since 1960 IN HOME ESTIMATES AT NO CHARGE SEE OUR LARGE DISPLAY NOTICE
Intent The proposed bylaw Z2/12 will: A) Rezone proposed twelve (3.5 acre) parcels on the NW 24-25-42, from A-Agricultural to C1 - Highway Commercial and Light Industrial.

1100 Cards of Thanks 1120 Announcements
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Suites For Rent SPRINGSIDE HOUSING Authority is currently accepting applications for 1 & 2 bedroom Senior Suites at the Heritage Place. Fridge and stove included. Central laundry with two washers and dryers. Well kept, ready for rent. Rent is based on income. For more information and applications please call Morlie at 306-792-2222 or 306-621-7815.
For Sale - Misc
Public notice is hereby given that the Council of the R.M. of Orkney No. 244, intends to adopt Bylaw Z2/12 under The Planning and Development Act, 2007 to amend Bylaw No. Z2/94, known as the Yorkton Planning District Zoning Bylaw.

Garage Sales 119 ROSS DRIVE, Yorkton Friday, Sept. 9 from 7AM-5PM Huge moving to condo garage sale. Large variety of items, everything must go! 213 GORDON AVE W. (Collacott Sub-Div)south side of Hi-way #52, Yorkton. Thursday Sept 8 to Sunday Sept 11 9 am to 5 pm. Sale including estate items,tools, household items, antiques, vintage and collectables. Everything priced to go! 306-795-2428 AT NO CHARGE SEE LARGE 68 YEAR-OLD MALE from Southern Saskatchewan desires to meet 48-60 year-old attractive female. Desire intimate relationship and friendship. Phone number and photo required. Please call 306538-2036 FarmandRanchRealty,SK Ihavebeendealingwithfarmand ranchrealtyfor20plusyears.Reasonableratesandhonestanswers. Callortextmeanytime. 306-743-7761 Apartments/Condos
Public Inspection Any person may inspect Bylaw Z2/12 at the municipal of ce in Yorkton, Saskatchewan during regular of ce hours between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Copies are available at cost.
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1050 In Memoriam GAWRYLIUK — Elaine. In loving memory of a dear sister who entered God’s Heavenly Kingdom on September 26, 2011. Of all the many blessings However great or small To have had you for a sister Was the greatest gift of all The family chain is broken now And nothing seems the same But as God takes us one by one The chain will link again. ters Sylvia & Lorraine and their families. WEGNER — In loving memory of Albert Wegner, February 14, 1921 to September 23, 2009. He had a nature you could not help loving, And a heart that was purer than Andgold.,to those that knew and loved Hishim,memory will never grow old. — Ever remembered, forever 1100 Cards of Thanks
for Rent
OUTDOOR PIGS, weanlings, feeders, bread sows, butcher sows, butcher pigs, and chickens. Phone Pine River 204-263-5369 or Swan River SUMITOMO204-734-4729WINTER tires 265/60R18 with rims. Used 1 winter. Phone 783-2911 or 783-7575.

Serving Surrounding Areas Since 1960 IN HOME ESTIMATES
Affected Land The affected land to be rezoned is legally described as NW 24-25-4-2 twelve proposed 3.5 acre parcels shown within the bold dashed outline on the following map. Proposed parcels on the NW 24-25-4-2
Monuments TYMIAK’S MONUMENTS & GRAVE SURFACING CO. Granite, Bronze, Marble Monuments, Vases, Cemetery Inscriptions & Cremation Urns. FULLY LICENSEDGUARANTEEDANDBONDED 529 Main St. South, Box 476, Ituna, Sask. S0A 1N0 Ph.

Written Submissions Any person(s) may make a written submission to council regarding proposed Bylaw Z2/12. Submissions will be accepted either by mail or at the public hearing. Mailed submissions should be forwarded to: Rural Municipality of Orkney No. 244 26 - 5th Ave. N., Yorkton, SK S3N 0Y8.
FOR RENT: Bachelor, 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units. Call First Choice Properties 306-621-5050 email: properties@gmail.comfirstchoiceHouses For Rent 4 BDRM Lakefront House - Yorklake. 2 baths, Walkout bsmt, AC, dishwasher, washer/dryer. Attached garage. References required. Call (306) 621-5625 ADULT 45+. Renovated, furnished one bedroom suites for rent in Canora. Must have references. Phone 306-641-2489.
Public Hearing Council will hold a public hearing on October 11, 2012 at 10:30 a.m., at the R.M. Of ce at 26 - 5th Avenue North, Yorkton Saskatchewan, to hear any person or group that wants to comment on the proposed Bylaw Z2/12. Council will also consider written comments received at the hearing, or delivered to the undersigned at the municipal of ce before the hearing. Issued at the R.M. of Orkney No. 244 this 21st day of September, 2012.

A17This Week Marketplace | September 9, 2022
BEDROOM SUITE, 2 dressers, 2 deep freezers, coffee and end tables, kitchen set, microwave, linen closet, bookshelf, white cupboards, smoker, canning jars. Call FLAX306-783-0452STRAW buncher. Asking $2500. Call FURNITURE306-563-6303SALE-Table
For Sale - Misc
1170 - Public Notices 1170 - Public Notices FYORKTONARMER’SMARKET Buy Locally Eat Fresh Parkland Mall Every Thurs. and Sat. 9 a.m.

Donna Westerhaug, Administrator -

Farms for Sale
The family of the late Dennis Kuzek would like to thank everyone who supported us through Dennis’s illness and after his passing. The gifts of food, cards, phone calls and donations will never be forgotten. Thank you to Father Mel Slashinsky, cantor, choir, pall bearers and the Orthodox Ladies for serving the lunch after prayers, Ron Sebulsky and Cheryl Bilokreli for preparing the lunch in Theodore after the funeral and a thank you to Garry Gawryliuk for the eulogy. Also a special thanks to the staff at Bailey’s Funeral Home for their caring and professional matter for getting us through a difficult time. — Val & Family USE306-782-2465MARKETPLACE
US waiver allows you to travel to the US, or apply for a Record Suspension (Pardon) - professional & affordable Call 1-8-NOW PARDON (1-866-972-7366) www. RemoveYourRecord.com OPEN: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. DEADLINES: Wednesday Edition, 4 p.m. Monday Marketplace, 4 p.m. Tuesday USE THIS CONVENIENT ORDER FORM TO PLACE YOUR AD CLASSIFIED ADS, YORKTON THIS WEEK, P O BOX 1300, YORKTON, SASK S3N 2X3 or c l a s s i f i e d s @ y o r k t o n t h i s w e e k c o m Please insert my ad for.........weeks. Payment enclosed................... Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone....................... Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City/Town........................ Postal Code . . . . . . . . . . . . .Visa ❑ Mastercard ❑ Card No.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Expiry Date........ 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Careers made.Reach over 500,000 potential jobseekers in SaskatchewanPROVINCE WIDE CAREER DISPLAY ADS $7.79 per agate line BUY SIX WEEKS F O R $$ 1 7 . 9 51 7 . 9 5 ** AND GET SIXFWEEKSREE *Some restrictions apply, call for more details +GST MAIL TO: R.M. of Orkney No. 244 For Sale by Tender Tax Title Properties located in Willowbrook are as follows: Surface Parcel No. Title No. Legal: 141900195 152427595 Lot 5, Block 1, Plan AJ 1223 141900241 153499810 Lot 10, Block 1, Plan AJ 1223 141900139 151218042 Lot 2, Block 2, Plan AJ 1223 141900128 151671360 Lot 3, Block 2, Plan AJ 1223 141900117 152619521 Lot 4, Block 2, Plan AJ 1223 141900106 & 141901253 152619587 & 152619600 Lot 5 & 6, Block 2, Plan AJ 1223 141901242 & 141901231 151671382 & 151671438 Lot 7 & 8, Block 2, Plan AJ 1223 141901220 & 141957467 151671483 & 151671494 Lot 9 & 10, Block 2, Plan AJ 1223 141901219 & 141901028 151671517 & 151671539 Lot 11 & 12, Block 2, Plan AJ 1223 141900937 151671551 Lot 15, Block 2, Plan AJ 1223 141900948 151671562 Lot 16, Block 2, Plan AJ 1223 141900959 154151568 Lot 17, Block 2, Plan AJ 1223 141957412 151671584 Lot 18, Block 2, Plan AJ 1223 141900960 151671595 Lot 19, Block 2, Plan AJ 1223 141901040 & 141901174 149485001 & 149485012 Lot 20, Block 2, Plan AJ 1223 141901185 & 141900296 152619543 & 152619565 Lot 22, Block 2, Plan AJ 1223 Tenders may be made for individual parcels or a group of parcels. Highest offer not necessarily accepted. May be subject to certain provisions under The Tax Enforcement Act. Offer to be clearly marked as “Offer on Tax Title Property” and must be received by 4:00 p.m. on Monday, September 12th, 2022 to: The Administrator, RM. of Orkney No. 244, 137 George Avenue, Collacott Box 176 Del. Centre Yorkton, SK. S3N 2V7 Wade Berlinic (306) 641-4667 Wade.Berlinic@HammondRealty.ca HammondRealty.ca Acres of Expertise. BAN \\tsclient\Drives\CompositionFiles\Layout\Keep\ 2.0000Banners\YTWM-Classifieds_Index_and_info.pdfx197MP_classindex.nil.indd2x197.5prod3/dm/prooftracy 1100 Notices 1200 Employment 1400 Education 2000 The Market 2020 Auctions 2086 SalesGarage 3000 Children 3500 Pets 3535 Livestock 4000 Seniors 5000 ServicesFuneral 6000 Real Estate 6500 GuideRenters 8000 ServicesBusiness 9000 Agriculture 9100 On Wheels CLASS INDEX 20 Third Ave. North, Yorkton Whether you’re buying or selling... CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! 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1130 Coming Events FALL SUPPER; LOCATION: BURGIS BEACH HALL, DATE: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2012. Two sittings - 4:00 and 5:30 p.m. Walk-ins Welcome. ADVANCE TICKETS AVAILABLE AT CANORA PHARMACY, CANORA AND ALEXANDER’S MEN’S WEAR IN YORKTON or call Linda at 563-4885 or Dodie at 563-4174. ADULTS $12.00, 4-12 YEARS $6.00, UNDER 4 FREE (Children’s tickets available at the Door). All proceeds will go to replacing the playground equipment that was destroyed in the 2010 flood. 1140 Companions LOOKING FOR a female companion between 55 and 65. I enjoy dancing, dining, cooking, and shopping. Please respond to Box E, c/o Yorkton This Week, Box 1300 - 20 Third Ave., Yorkton, SK, S3N 2X3 1150 Personals LOCAL HOOKUPS BROWSE4FREE 1-888-628-6790 or #7878 Mobile HOT LOCAL CHAT 1-877-290-0553 Mobile #5015 Find Your Favourite CALL NOW 1-866-732-0070 1-888-5440199 WITH Birth Certificates? Maybe late issued. Maybe I could help correct the record at Vital Statistics. Call John @ 306-563-6883. REMOVE YOUR CRIMINAL RECORD 100,000+ have used our services since 1989. BBB A+ rating.
Wanted LOOKING FOR a used quilt frame. Call Lorna for further information at 306-542-2578 or 306-590-8045.
The family of the late Kirk Neibrandt wish to extend our heartfelt thanks for the numerous cards of sympathy, flowers, gifts of food, the generous donation Education Trust Fund, visits, phone calls and support from relatives and friends following the loss of my husband and our father. Thank you to the Doctors, Nursing Staff of ICU and 1st West, Home Care Treatment Nurses and Palliative Care of the Yorkton Regional Health Centre. The Doctors and Nurses of the Allan Blair Cancer Centre, Regina, Regina General Hospital and the Foothills Hospital, Calgary, Alberta, for their care of Kirk. A special thank you to Dr. van Heerden and staff and Louck’s Pharmacy also. We also wish to express our thanks to Vern and staff at Christie’s Funeral Home for their professional service, Pastor Dan Moeller for officiating the service, Jackie Guy - soloist, for her special songs, the Rhein Lion’s Club for the use of the hall and the many people who helped with set up of hall, lunch and clean up. Thank you to everyone who shared with us and our families, Kirk’s Celebration of Life on August 15, 2012. Your support was overwhelming. “You can shed tears that he is gone, or you can smile because he lived; Smile, open your eyes, love and go on.” — With healing hearts, tears in our eyes, Wendy, Brandi and Dana Neibrandt. The family of the late Pauline Spelay wish to extend their heartfelt thanks for cards of sympathy, mass cards, flowers, gifts of food, donations, visits, phone calls from relatives and friends following the loss of our mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. Thanks to the doctors and nursing staff at the Yorkton Regional Health Centre, Pasqua Hospital - Regina, St. Peter’s Hospital - Melville for their care. Also a special thank you to St. Paul Lutheran Care Home, Melville for your excellent care during this past year. We also wish to express our thanks to Larry and staff at Bailey’s Funeral Home for their professional services, Father Ray Lukie, Father Peter Pidskalny, Father Joakim Rac for officiating the services, the cantors, choir and the Knights of Columbus for leading the holy rosary, the grandchildren and great grandchildren for being pallbearers, crossbearer, epistle reader, and giving the eulogy, the luncheons as served by the St. Mary’s Cultural Centre after the prayers, and the Royal Canadian Legion after the funeral service. — Dennis, Michael, Trudy, Dave and Family 1120 Announcements #1 IN PARDONS. Clear your criminal record! Start TODAY for ONLY $49.95/mo. Our Accredited Agency offers FASTEST, GUARANTEED Pardon. For FREE Consultations, call 1-866-416-6772. www. ExpressPardons.com. MUSIC MAKERS - Music & Movement classes for children PIANO for all ages & styles. Call Diane at 641-9887.
CLASSIFIEDS. Reach over 550,000 readers weekly. Call this newspaper NOW or 306-649.1405 for details.

Reason The reasons for the amendments are: 1) To accommodate subdivisions of the quarter section for proposed twelve (3.5 acre) parcels for the intended use of highway commercial and light industrial.
SPRINGSIDE HOUSING Authority is currently accepting applications for a 3 bedroom home. Fridge and stove included. Well kept, clean and quiet neighborhood. Rent is based on income. No Pets. For more information and applications please call Morlie at 306-792-2222 or 306-621-7815.
Auctions Auctions CHESCU AUCTIONS Inglis, MB
General Employment
1992 JOHN DEERE 9600 combine with 5020 hours. Comes with JD 914 pickup. Straw chopper and chaff spreader. Had a 100 point green lite inspection at 4779 hours. Selling because we retired. Asking $29,900. Call Danny at 306-542-3125. (204) 564-2528 - 4TH YEAR PLUMBING APPRENTICE to add to our service team. Applicants must already be registered with Sask Apprenticeship, and willing to learn the service side of plumbing trade. Duties will include but are not limited to: - Rural sewer and water piping, - Drain cleaning - Residential plumbing - Furnace Installations and Servicing - Water Heater Installation - Installation of Natural Gas Lines in rural and residential applications. - Valid Saskatchewan Drivers License is a must. - Must have own transportation to shop. A work van is provided during the work day. EMAIL RESUME MILLER2@ACCESSCOMM.CATO General CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS 306-782-2465
Farm Implements

1990 CASE INTERNATIONAL 4000 Swatcher. 24 foot. Comes with V2 pickup reel. Knife was replaced 2 years ago. Canvases are good. Swatcher was used on a small acreage farm. Cab has AC and radio. Cab interior is like new condition. Selling because we are retired. Asking $8,000. Call Danny at 306-542-3125.
or 1-877-564-8734Roblin,MB Livestock C. SERVICETRUCKINGJONESINC. Yorkton, Sask. Available for long and short •Reasonablelivestockdistancehauling.rates.Yourchoice53’tridemtrailer•53’quadtrailer. Phone 306-782-2830 or cell 306-621-9508 General Employment VMC ready.faxsageafterneedweek.timeSERVICESJANITORIAL/CLEANINGislookingforapart-cleaner.15-20hoursperSalary$15/hour.DoesnottospeakEnglish.Cleaningbusinesshours.Leavemes-byphone306-782-2363or306-783-7765.Haveresume 15 DOGWOOD CRES. Yorkton Sept. 10 & 11, 9AM-6PM daily Multi-Family Garage Sale. Clearout sale, household, clothing, decor, miscellaneous, very clean & cheap! Garage Sales Farm Implements Seniors, Parents, Children! Earn some extra cash (possibly of up to $400/month depending on route size), get exercise and work only a few hours a week too! Be a Yorkton This Week Carrier! • No early mornings • No collecting • We pay by direct deposit on the last Friday of every month • Weight bonuses • Sales bonuses • Any age welcome • Only 2 days or less per week If you would like a route, please e-mail us at: circulation@yorktonthisweek.com or telephone circulation at: 306-782-2465 R. Millers Plumbing and Heating is looking to hire a FULL TIME 2ND
* Auctioneers
By Tyson Off Staff Writer YORKTON – Students in the city returned to class on Sept. 1, to kick off their 2022-23 school year. Yorkton This Week spoke with Quinton Robertson, Director of Education with the Good Spirit School Division, regarding the expectations of the coming year. “I think it’s a continuation of the work that we’ve started the last couple of years,” said Robertson, adding, “really focusing in on comprehensive school community health...high quality teaching and learning —healthy sustainable physical and policyenvironments—effectivesocialandprocedures, engagement of all families and ings,we’llwithaadding,being,”tothethatyear,themal.”aweadding,COVID,”wouldivesanitizing—thosewesanitizationdisruptions.bestGSSDtarystudentablehaveRobertson,it’sit’sfriendlymentsthatthedemic,dueoverexperiencedRobertson.demicresultedtunityensurefoursquarely“We’recommunities.”focusinginonthosepillarsandtryingtothatanyoppor-gapthatmayhavefromthepan-isclosed,”saidThoughschoolshavedisruptionsthelasttwoyearstotheCOVID-19pan-RobertsonsaidGSSDis“ensuringhealthyenviron-areinplace.”“Weofferamaskenvironment—notmandatedbutmaskfriendly,”saidadding,“we’llthosemasksavail-forbothstaffanduseonavolun-basis.”Robertsonsaidthewillmaintainthepracticestoavert“Wecancontinuewithpractices—continuewithhandeffect-practicesthatwehavelearnedfromsaidRobertson,“otherthanthat,arereallylookingatreturntoschoolasnor-Asalways,studentsaremainfocusofaschoolbutRobertsonsaidamajorinitiativeforGSSDisthestaff.“Wearereallytryingfocusinonstaffwell-saidRobertson,“weconductedcomprehensivesurveyallofourstaffandbetakingthosefind-formingacommit-
COMMERCIAL KITCHEN CONTENTS: Complete food preparation and catering business including large double-door cooler and freezer, oven, stove top, dishwasher, triple sinks, storage cabinets, variety of appliances, catering dishes, cookware, air conditioning unit, and much more!
Classes are back in session
A18 September 9, 2022 |
We offer a mask friendly environment—it’s not mandated but it’s mask friendly. We’ll have those masks available for both staff and student use on a voluntary basis.
— Quinton Robertson, Director of Education, GSSD
This Week Marketplace 323 MYRTLE AVE. Yorkton Sept. 7-11, 8AM-8PM daily 3 Family Garage Sale. Tools, antiques, fishing equipment, household items, sporting equipment, 45clothes.RIVERSIDE TERRACE, Yorkton. Sept. 8, 9, 10 from 10AM-5PM Hanging lamps, Gone With The Wind lamp, antiques, gramophone, furniture, decor, plus more. Downsizing - moving. Trucks & Vans 2019 CHEV SILVERADO Double Cab, 5.3 automatic with manual shift, Overdrive 4x4 rebuilt status. Remote starter, Onstar, Keyless Entry, Tonneau Cover, 85,000 km. Phone: 306-621-5625.

Students at the Yorkton Regional High School partook in orientation day games on September 1 on the school’s grounds.

tee and really trying to ensure that our staff wellbeing is looked after.” “We know that many of our staff looked after family and the community during the pandemic—we want to make sure that we look after them,” saidRobertsonRobertson.said that over the summer months the Yorkton Regional High School received upgrades to its facility. “There’s a major capital project going on [at YRHS], we have done a tremendous amount over the summer,” said Robertson, adding, “in the A wing, most of the windows have been replaced, they’ve started some painting...roof work has been achievementingstudentsingschoolRobertson.ingfocuspillars—continuingingdisruptionsbackinunitstheRobertson,beenairplydelayed.lationwell,airtheRobertsoncompleted.”saidthatschoolwastoreceiveconditioningunitsasbutthattheinstal-ofthemhasbeen“Therewasasup-disruptionsotheconditionershavedelayed,”saidnotingthatinstallationoftheACwillbecompletedthespring.“We’reexcitedtogettolearningwithoutandcontinu-tofocusinonourfourtoinonstudentlearn-andwell-being,”said“Welcomebacktoandwe’relook-forwardtoputtingfirstandlearn-withoutlimitsandforall.”Contact: Joey 204-821-6022 Barry: 204- 937-7180 /294-564-2509 not responsible errors in description, additions, or deletions to sale listing. Auctioneers are bonded and licenced in MB and SK. # 318202 Starting September 12 - Closing September 16 Roblin, Manitoba Sale consists of JD 4440 Tractor, JD 5020 tractor, 530 Case tractor w/loader, Volvo Semi tractor, Hough 60 Payloader, Trailers, selection of panels, Misc. farm equipment and numerous shop items, lawnmowers, Quad, 2 vehicles. There are too many items to list so please check ut the website for pictures and complete listing. Viewing of sale items are Sunday, September 4 and Thursday September 15 (10 am - 5 pm). Other viewing dates are by appointment only. Highly recommend that you preview items before bidding. Directions: 10 miles (16km) East of Roblin on Hwy#5 and 1 mile (1.6 km) South on Road 157W Call Barry at 204-937-7180 or 204-564-2509 for other viewing appointments. * Sales Tax where applicable * Terms: Cash or Cheque * Note: all sales final, items sell where is, as is, with no further guarantee *Download Chescu Auctions on app store and check out items on www.chescu.com Sale conducted by For on-line bidding and pictures, visit www.gartonsauction.com FOR INFORMATION AND VIEWING: CALL Loreen at 204-572-6226 or Don at 204-648-7235 LOCATION: 13 Triangle Trailer Park, Dauphin, to be moved by Oct 15/22 BUILDING: 2016 mobile unit, exterior size 26’x12’, MB Health approved and ready to move — could be used for other purposes - see building details in listing.
deserve an
JANZENPATTIE Laugh at RevisitedLife...
Earlier today I joined my husband outside, in the gazebo. I suggested we find a slinky to attach to the pole. He threw me a sidelong smile and said in low tones, “We don’t need a slinky. I’ve found the solution.” As I slurped my coffee, waiting for the explanation of his brilliant plan, I glanced at the pole leading up to the feeders. Nothing appeared changed.
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Sandy Beach action

The Sandy Beach (on Good Spirit Lake) Disc Golf Course was host to its annual tournament Sunday. The event saw 31 golfers take the challenge of throwing a good round on a warm and sunny August day. Dion Bowman from Regina would end up with the top score of the day throwing par. Nate Wolos from Sandy Beach was close with a plus-one. Closest-to-thepin and longest drive for ladies were both thrown by Katelyn Butz. Longest drive for men was Bowman, while Wolos took closest-to-the-pin. Submitted Photos

WEDNESDAY FRIDAYS 306-782-2465 YORKTONTHISWEEK MARKETPLACE sales@yorktonthisweek.com

If you’ve read some of my previous columns you’ll be well aware of my woes regarding camping but I now must admit that, with more time spent at the lake this year, I’ve grown to appreciate it a little more. Perhaps I’m learning what it’s really like to relax, or it’s just wearing me down, but one thing’s for sure — it has provided some humorous moments. As I write this, I glance out the camper window. Torn from the mindset of bittersweet goodbyes to the summer season, I see my husband with weapon in hand, as he stalks his prey. Clearly he’s back to using the broom OverExplanation:again.thelastfew weeks, this scenario has become somewhat of a sitcom in my life and has given me more than one or two chuckles. The poor man has been reduced to a plotting, and somewhat treacherous-appearing (but not really), human being because of something extremely irritating in his life. (No … it’s not me this time!) Similar to Mr. McGregor from the beloved stories of Peter Rabbit, the bane of my husband’s existence comes in the form of … a red tree squirrel. I, of course, easily laugh at the attempts he makes to rid us of this rodent and, because of his track record, I know he won’t be able to bring himself to hurt it. Proof of that: at the house we used to live in, we had wild rabbits who would grace us with their presence all year long. They would procreate and then even more bunnies would hop around and feast on his spring tulips and tear up the ground to get into the back yard to stir up even more trouble. One even made itself a bed amidst some of the flowers it didn’t eat. I took pictures of the dirt and the perfect indentation of it’s form. Then I suggested that since they were “making him crazy” he could rid us of at least one of them, while it slept. Of course that didn’t happen. This tree squirrel, however, is driving him to distraction, as it repeatedly runs up the pole where his bird feeders hang. Because my husband often sits in the gazebo on these beautiful days, he sees the squirrel’s audaciousness up-close-and-personal. I’ve seen this, as well. While scoffing the seeds, the critter jeers at him as if to say, “In your face!” I suppose that would bother me too … if I wasn’t laughing so loudly and I cared at all. After chasing it away with a broom, to no avail, he tried using WD-40 on the pole it must climb to get it’s meal. That was quite hilarious, as well, as the squirrel slid down numerous times before eventually getting to the top. (He or she has determination and apparently WD-40 wipes off of fur easily enough.)
A19This Week Marketplace | September 9, 2022 BUSINESS DIRECTORY CONCRETE www.yorktonhearing.com

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Back to the Broom
The squirrel decided to make an appearance just then, scurrying up the pole in record time. Thankfully, I had just put my coffee cup down when my husband blew the airhorn. It was a short enough blast but it succeeded in accomplishing two things. Not only did the squirrel disappear, but I jumped clear across the gazebo and nearly fell through the netting. As I picked myself up, my husband laughed and laughed. (I’m guessing, if it saw me, that the squirrel didThere’stoo.) really only one thing to say in a situation like this and I said it. “I don’t think they’ll kick the squirrel out but you keep that up and I won’t have to worry about camping anymore. Now … wouldn’t that be He’sunfortunate.”backtothe broom now. pdjanzen.com (Subscribe to my website and blog for free book draws too!)
Saver days $12ea Saver days lb 349 ea Western Family Sparkling Water Saver days 399 ea Saver days 499 ea Saver days 399ea249 ea Find more Saver Days deals in your weekly digital flyer at SaveOnFoods.com Hey Saver, load up on your favourite brands. Chicken Breast Boneless, Skinless Gala Apples BC, 3 lb Bag Mandarin Oranges 2 lb Bag Artisan Potato Bread Also Selected Varieties, 450g Christie Cookies 270g 261g Prices effective September 8 to 14, 2022. AAA Beef Western Canadian 599 Sirloin Tip Roast Fresh, Aged Min. 14 Days, 13.21/kg UNLOCK WITH LOAD NW 499 lb First 1 429 ea Western ShreddedFamilyCheese 320g