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Staff Photo by Tyson Off

way.Follow the 2022 Crop Report on Twitter at @ SKAgriculture.
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Hay and pasture land topsoil moisture is rated as one per cent surplus, 46 per cent adequate, 39 per cent short and 14 per cent very short.
efforts.”Healthy Campus Saskatchewan (HCSK), a community of 22 post-secondary institutions in Saskatchewan who have come together to support student mental health and wellness, will be the driving force in sharing the material with other Saskatchewan institutions.“This is a perfect example of a community of practice in action,” said Bev Drew, strategic and operational lead for HCSK. “The University of Saskatchewan has the expertise to develop a comprehensive resource to support student mental health, and their willingness to collaborate and share it with the other postsecondary institutions connected to HCSK makes this project very special. This creates a collective impact for students, saves valuable time and money, and develops relationships across institutions.”
Wind has been an issue as it has blown around swathed crops such as spring wheat and canola, producers hope they can pick up the swaths before more wind lowers their yield potential.Grasshoppers have become a larger issue for producers in the region as they move out of areas that have been harvested to fields with standing crops.There have been multiple combine or stubble fires in the drier parts of the region, but damage was minimal since producers are taking every precaution they can.
population is a clear global, national, and regional issue. Student deaths by suicide have touched our communities, and they have touched our campus. The components of the suicide prevention strategy will be a lifesaving tool.”
A2 September 16, 2022 | This Week Marketplace
“This campaign is a way for us to connect with students who are having thoughts of suicide,” said Wilson. “‘Are you OK?’ is a simple but such a helpful question we can ask if we’re concerned about someone in our community, and ‘You are not alone’ tells students that there are others who are struggling and that there are people here to help.”
Wilson said the suicide prevention awareness campaign consists of a variety of print and digital pieces, including a video that tells a real-life story of a student’s journey from experiencing thoughts of suicide to getting help and work-
Crops are quickly ripening after a week of hot,

Producers are saying their soils are drying out fast and they hope a good rain will arrive after harvest.Cropland topsoil moisture is rated as one per cent surplus, 52 per
of suicide are higher than the national per capita average. Between 2015 and 2019, Saskatchewan Coroners Services reported suicide rates were 15.4 per 100,000 people.
The southwest region continues to lead harvest operations with 83 per cent of the crop now combined. The west-central has 61 per cent of their crop harvested, the southeast 33 per cent, the northwest 28 per cent, the east-central 27 per cent and the northeast 21 perWintercent. cereals are very close to being completed with 96 per cent of winter wheat and 84 per cent of fall rye harvested. Ninety-one per cent of lentils and field peas, 70 per cent of durum, 52 per cent of barley, 40 per cent of spring wheat and 22 per cent of the canola crop has now been combined.The current estimated averages of crop yields are 43 bushels per acre for hard red spring wheat, 30 bushels per acre for durum, 34 bushels per acre for canola, 34 bushels per acre for field peas and 1,174 pounds per acre for lentils. Crop yields in the southwest and west-central regions have been greatly affected by the extremely hot and dry conditions experienced

cent adequate, 34 per cent short and 13 per cent very short.
during critical growing stages this season; yields are significantly lower in these areas than the provincial averages.
“We have a shared responsibility for fostering a campus culture where inclusion, compassion and positive mental health are prioritized and promoted,” said Jay Wilson, interim vice-provost of Teaching, Learning, and Student Experience at USask. “Suicide in the post-secondary student
The National College Health Assessment completed in 2019 found that approximately 16 percent of students across Canadian institutions seriously considered suicide. In a 2021 Canadian Campus Wellbeing Survey, 10 per cent of the 3,553 students surveyed in Saskatchewan said they thought about suicide over the last 12 months and of those, 34 per cent made a plan.
dry weather; producers are actively harvesting or swathing crops as they become ready and harvest is becoming more general in the region.
Forty-two per cent of the crop has been harvested across the province, up from 23 per cent last week and slightly ahead of the five-year average (2017-2021) of 40 per cent. An additional 20 per cent of the crop is ready to swath or straight-cut.Cropsthat were not ready for harvest have quickly ripened after a stretch of warm and dry days.
Grasshoppers will continue to be a significant problem until conditions are less favourable for them. Producers have noticed a slight increase of ergot fungus in their cereal fields this year, likely due to the increase in precipitation received during the crop flowering
“The tragic loss of a student by suicide is felt by family, classmates, and the entire community,” said Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, Seniors and Rural and Remote Health Everett Hindley. “Our government is pleased to support the University of Saskatchewan’s suicide prevention strategy. This year we are investing a record $470 million for mental health and addictions services provincially including suicide prevention
ing on Therecovering.campaign material includes the short and simple phrases “Are you OK?” and “You are not alone.”
Producers are busy combining, swathing, moving cattle and hauling bales.
Crop yields in the region are very good with most crops yielding average or Therebetter.was no precipitation reported in the region this past week.
Approximately 4,000 people die by suicide each year in Canada, according to a 2020 Statistics Canada report, and it is the second leading cause of death for people aged 15 to 24. The report showed that Canadian suicide rates are approximately 10 per 100,000 people.InSaskatchewan, the rates
The majority of crop damage this past week was attributed to wind and grasshoppers. Strong winds blew swaths around fields and will result in yield loss and a difficult harvest for affected producers. Strong winds are likely to shell out very ripe crops leading to crop yield reductions as well.
Cropstage. producers are busy combining, swathing, desiccating, baling straw and hauling bales. Livestock producers are busy moving cattle, hauling water and taking inventory of their winter feed
Support for USask’s suicide prevention strategy is one of the action items stemming from the government’s Pillars for Life: The Saskatchewan Suicide Prevention Plan, which was released in May 2020.
Withsupplies.harvest underway in Saskatchewan, we want to remind producers to take breaks, exercise caution and remain safe. Remember to ensure lights and reflectors are in good working order when moving equipment. We ask motorists to remain vigilant and to exercise patience when traveling around or near farm equipment on the high-

The strategy focuses on supporting students in post-secondary education in the province and includes a toolkit and awareness campaign that were developed in a way that other Saskatchewan post-secondary institutions can use and repurpose to fit their needs.
USask suicide prevention strategy is a life saver
Harvest progress is now at 27 per cent, up from nine per cent last week and very close to the five-year average of 29 per Manycent.producers in crop district 6A have nearly completed their harvest operations due to experiencing drier conditions than producers further east.
Cropland topsoil moisture is rated as one per cent surplus, 42 per cent adequate, 34 per cent short and 23 per cent very short. Hay and pasture land topsoil moisture is rated as one per cent surplus, 35 per cent adequate, 39 per cent short and 25 per cent very short.
Good weather leads to harvest progress
There was very little rainfall across the province this past week which allowed crops to ripen to a point where they could be harvested without delay. The Prince Albert area received 13 mm and the Garrick area received five mm.
SASKATOON – The University of Saskatchewan (USask) has launched a suicide prevention strategy to help students in the province who are experiencing thoughts of suicide, those wanting to support someone experiencing thoughts of suicide, and those impacted by a suicide loss.
Last week’s conditions allowed producers all over the province to make great progress with their harvest operations.
The Yorkton Chapter, one of about 25 such chapters remaining in the province, meets at the Yorkton Masonic Lodge on the second Saturday of each month.
On Aug. 20, Worthy Grand Matron Cheri Cowan of Assiniboia and Worthy Grand Oatron Rick Gallaway of Prince Albert of the Grand Chapter of Saskatchewan visited Hiawatha Chapter No. 47 for the Chapter’s last official visit. Attending the meeting, from left, were: (back row) Roderick Lee of Yorkton, Angela Oleskiw, Melinda Nagy of Regina, Marjorie Orr, Sally Bishop, Macine Greiner of Yorkton, Earl Greiner of Yorkton, Cathy Toth of Yorkton and Kathy Gordon of Yorkton; (second row) Gladys Lehtisaari of Esterhazy, Ruby Lee of Yorkton, Nancy Leson, Susan Bear, Kathleen Achtymichuk, Milena Hollett and Angela Bothner, and front, Cheri Cowan (Worthy Grand Matron), Judy Stone (Worthy Matron), Stan Stone (Worthy Patron) and Rick Galloway (Worthy Grand Patron). All are of Hiawatha Chapter at Kamsack, except where noted.
Worthy Grand Matron Cheri Cowan and Worthy Grand Patron Rick Galloway visited with Eastern Star members Mary Welykholowa, left, and Ellie Kilmister at Eaglestone Lodge. havehappytheyhavemembersYorktonsaidaretous.
On Aug. 20, Cheri Cowan of Assiniboia, the Worthy Grand Matron, and Rick Gallaway of Prince Albert, the Worthy Grand Patron of the Grand Chapter of Saskatchewan visited Hiawatha Chapter No. 47 for the Chapter’s last officialDuringvisit. the meeting, Hiawatha members Mary Welykholowa and Marjorie Orr were each recognized for over 30 years’ service as treasurer and secretary, respectively. Judy Stone and Stan Stone were the Chapter’s last Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron.
Chapter “adopted” the crew of the Corvette Kamsack and Hiawatha members knitted toques, scarves and mittens for the crew and bought and sent them sweets and cigarettes.Thechapter had asked the crew if they wanted anything and they replied: “a washing machine.” A tag day was held to raise money to pay for the machine. It was bought and sent, and
to purchase an industrial sewing machine for the Parkland Ability Centre, it said, adding that over the years many other fundraising endeavours were successful. They included: potluck suppers, bake sales, raffles, coffee parties and pie sales. Members knitted squares that were assembled into blankets and bags were made for cancer patients. Members Continued on Page 4
Courtesy of Kamsack Times
A3This Week Marketplace | September 16, 2022 Don’t Just Get “R” Done, Get “R” Done Rite! 391 Ball Road - Box 2031 Yorkton, SK S3N 3X3 Bus: 306-782-9600 Fax: 306-782-4449

About a half dozen Hiawatha members had decided to join the Yorkton chapter, said Judy Stone. “Yorkton members have said they are happy to have us.”
soon the crew was the envy of other Corvette crews.When the ship was taken out of service, the ship’s bell was sent to Hiawatha Chapter for safekeeping.In1981, Lil Gurry and Doris McEachern sent out 400 requests to celebrities for memorabilia to be auctioned to raise money to help handicapped persons and senior citizens and
Being members of the

The members of the Order are dedicated women and men who sincerely reflect the spirit of fraternal love and the desire to work for the ‘good,’ the information said. Members, who are about 70 per cent female, once needed to have a connection to a Mason. The Hiawatha Chapter met at the Kamsack Masonic Hall on the third Wednesday of the month, and for the last four or five years, on the thirdDuringSaturday.the Second World War, the ship class Corvettes were named after towns in Canada, the information said. One Corvette was named “Kamsack.” Corvettes were on convoy duty accompanying larger ships across the ocean for protection. During the war Hiawatha

A complete chapter had required 18 members, and Hiawatha Chapter was the 47th Chapter to have formed in the Theprovince.Order of the Eastern Star was formed in 1867 and was the first such organization to include both men and women, the information said. The Eastern Star is not a religion; it is a social order whose members have a belief in a Supreme Being and members come from many ethnic backgrounds and religions.
It was made known that those members wishing to continue their membership in the Eastern Star will be welcomed at Yorkton.

Yorkton Chapter sustains the fellowship members have come to enjoy, Stone said. Most of the Yorkton members are known to the Kamsack members.
After 98 years of being a fraternal organization that raised funds for and supported a variety of causes, the Hiawatha Chapter of the Eastern Star at Kamsack ended.

On May 7, 1924, William McCauley, Grand Patron of the Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star in Saskatchewan constituted and appointed Sister Elizabeth Bryan as Worthy Matron; Brother Thomas R. Abercrombie as Worthy Patron, and Sister Elizabeth Towers as Associate Matron of Hiawatha Chapter, said information provided by Judy Stone and Susan Bear, a member.
Hiawatha Chapter of Eastern Star in Kamsack ends after 98 years
Three generations of women from one family were a part of Hiawatha Chapter. From left, they are: Irene Konkin; her grandmother Elvina Blewett, and mother, Ethel Carss.

Among Stars’ benevolent donations were: a bursary to assist theological students in their university studies; the Royal Canadian Legion, Camp Easter Seal, Ronald McDonald House, the fight against cancer, funding for service dogs,
Judy Stone and Stan Stone were the last Worthy Grand Matron and Worthy Grand Patron of Hiawatha Chapter of the Eastern Star at Kamsack.

“It’s pretty cool they’re interested,” said Rogers, adding that the event will add exposure to the

A4 September 16, 2022 | This Week Marketplace
As Judy and Stan Stone disbursed funds remaining in the Hiawatha Chapter’s bank account on Aug. 31, they presented a cheque of $500 to Mayor Nancy Brunt. The money is to go towards the Kamsack Handi-Bus.

“It is a box game played outside with big-
Phone: 306-782-2465 Fax: 306-786-1898 e-mail:
Photo Courtesy Lacrosse Canada Challen Rogers in action.
One of the prized possessions of the Hiawatha Chapter of the Eastern Star at Kamsack is this brass bell which was the bell on the Corvette Kamsack which sailed during the Second World War when the ship and its crew were “adopted” by the Chapter. When the ship was taken out of service, the bell was sent to Hiawatha Chapter for safekeeping.

Star members raised money to purchase a laser machine for the Kamsack Hospital in the physio department and made donations to the Kamsack branch of the Parkland Regional Library, the Zone 4 Special Olympics when
Rogers likes speed of 6v6 lacrosse
But, box was the version of lacrosse Rogers, from Coquitlam, B.C., grew up playing, and he was selected in the first round, second overall by the Toronto Rock in the 2016 NLL Interestingly,Draft. Rogers scored his first NLL goal in January 2017 versus the Saskatchewan Rush.
“I’ve thought about that,” he said, adding he hadn’t come up with anything in setsnessingworlds,”thelikestrolsiderederRogersgetprettytwo-pointscores,somePLLlineAskedparticular.ifatwo-pointliketheoneinthewouldhelpwithofthelopsidedhereplied“alinewouldbecool.Somegamesout-of-hand.”Withsomethought,alsosaidasmall-netmightbecon-justtohelpcon-scoringabit.But,overall,RogerswhereSixestakessport.“It’sthebestofbothhesaid,reiterat-onceagainthequick-ofthegamereallyitapart.
And, the PLL has announced an offseason tournament which will consist of the top four teams in the league playing nine total games of Sixes, early in 2023.
Advertising Sales: Julianne Thom
In field lacrosse Rogers played with the Boston Cannons of the now defunct Major Lacrosse League, winning the league title in 2020, and now plays with the Chaos in the Premier Lacrosse League.

In terms of lacrosse Canadian Challen Rogers is putting together a stellar and varied career.
Rogers said box skills certainly translate well to 6v6.“Canadians playing box, that good five-onfive experience, I think that helped us with the speed of the game, the skills,” he said. “. . . Lots of the things we do in box we can take to the sixes game.”Inhis interview with Yorkton This Week Rogers kept coming back to the pace of play setting 6v6. For example, after a goal there is no pause for a face-off. The goalie pulls the ball out of the net and the game restarts.
“What23-9. an unbelievable experience it was,” said Rogers, adding it was a very unique experience being part of what was essentially the debut of the 6v6 format of the sport.
Classified Sales: Casey Shields
ger nets,” said Rogers.
Editor: Calvin Daniels Production Team: Kristin Jordens Diane WayneMillerRemanda
But, just importantly was being involved in an international multi-sport event. Rogers said being around all the athletes in a range of different sports was special.
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada.
Although Hiawatha Chapter had more than 30 members at its height, and several of its members went on to serve on the provincial executive, membership had decline over the past several years “until we are no longer able to continue operating a local chapter.”
yourself, it’s special,” he said. “It’s an honour to put on that jersey.”
So what does Rogers, a player with a diverse resume, think of 6v6 now that he has played it at the highest level.
Rogers also suited up for Canada winning the 2019 World Lacrosse Men’s Indoor World Championship.Thissummer Rogers again wore Canadian colours heading to Birmingham, AL, to compete in the debut of 6v6 lacrosse at the World Games, where the team brought home gold after defeating the United States
Rogers said he recognized going in it was something of a unique opportunity being the first major international tournament of a recently created version of the game.Of course being a lacrosse team from Canada there were expectations to do well to deal with too.
“We expected to win,” said Rogers, adding with such expectations come the pressure to perform “in a World Games situation.”While Rogers has many lacrosse accolades, he said the 6v6 gold “is extremely high up,” his personal list of achievements.So was wearing the red and white jersey of Team Canada, even though he had done it in 2019 as “Everywell.time you put on that jersey, representing your country, (representing) everybody who got you to that point in your career, your family,
“It you score get back (on defence). If you miss the net, get back. You can’t really celebrate a goal. You have to run back to defend,” said Rogers.Itcertainly looks like 6v6 is here to stay, as it is the version being proposed for inclusion in the summer Olympics.
“To be honest when I first heard about, I was kind of surprised,” he said, adding he couldn’t see why a third version of the game was needed.
AdvertisingPublisher/ Manager: John Bauman

Continued from Page 3 knitted “Izzy” dolls, which were used as packing for medical supplies then handed out to children in war torn countries.
Owned and operated by: The Prairie Newspaper Group LP, a division of GVIC Communications Corp.
the Peace Gardens, Eaglestone Lodge, the Kamsack Handi-Bus and the annual sale of daffodils for the Canadian Cancer society.
held in Kamsack, the Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada, and for exercise equipment for the Kamsack Developmental Centre at the former Assiniboine School.
But, having played it now, Rogers said it is a unique version of lacrosse,“There’s such a high pace to it, such a high skill type of game,” he said.The 6v6 game is played on a smaller outdoor field and with a smaller roster, so it reminds at first look of box taken outside.
game.So with Sixes being so new, is there anything a lacrosse veteran like Rogers would change?
Market, the Evening Market and Barbecue during Canora in Bloom Week, as well as the big event of the summer, The Live & Play Street Festival, and lastly, Friday at Five at the CN
Courtesy Preecevilleof Progress
pool with a record of two wins and one loss. The wins came in games versus New Brunswick and Manitoba, while the only loss was to Team B.C., the eventual gold medal winners. This set up Team Saskatchewan in the semifinal matchup against Team Ontario, the silver medalists.
Saskatoon Sentinels, who are planning trips to Delaware in November and Las Vegas in December for elite level lacrosse tournaments.
For Miraflor, this was his first year representing the Sturgis Lacrosse Association at nationals with Team Saskatchewan. “Xage was an absolute beast at the faceoff X,” reported Coach Bexson. “He caught the eye of many scouts and teams struggled to compete with his speed. He found the back of net several times on fast breaks from faceoff wins.”Team Saskatchewan finished second in its
The Health Foundation

Toby Olynyk of Buchanan and Xage Miraflor of Sturgis were both selected to the U18 team.
Association on the national stage with Team Saskatchewan and his second time being named team captain, according to a report from nationals. Team Saskatchewan Coach Javan Bexson commended Olynyk for his unselfish leadership and contributions to the team’s tiallytheanddefensiveanrole.defensivetournamentcaptainsaid,CoachTeamsuccess.SaskatchewanJavanBexson“TobywasteamandstartedtheplayingamidfielderAfterGame2welostexperiencedphysicalpoletoinjurydiscussedwithTobypossibilityofpoten-playingdPole.He
Photo Credit Mike Horn Photography
Courtesy of Canora Courier
ment projects. We host community events that generate a lot of tourism and the people who come to our community spend money in our stores and generate income for our local hostingalsoandwellandLeslie,CouncillorsinityandDennis,severalteerhavecommunitymembersVolunteerbusinesses.”committeeincludeformerleaderswhoputinmanyvolun-hoursoverthepastdecades:TerryGinaRakochyKristenGabora.Currentcommun-leadersinvolvedthecommitteeareDeniseDaveWasyliwJacqueFetchuk,asasMayorMikeKwashiswifeJessica,whovolunteertheirtimethesepopular
“The committee is looking forward to hosting another event or two prior to the new year. Stay tuned for what we will be hosting next.”

During the U18 game versus Manitoba, Toby Olynyk of Buchanan won the ground ball battle against a Manitoba opponent.
The PsychologicalMentalism,EntertainmentYanMarksonMagic,andEntertainment

The Canora Tourism Fundraising Committee has had a very busy summer with fundraising totals reaching over $32,000.“Our committee consists of very hard-working, like-minded people who have one thing in common and that is making our community a better place to live,” said Community Development Officer Brandi Zavislak.

“It usually is the same people who volunteer to try make a difference in small communities and those who complain the most or critique our efforts do not pitch in to volunteer,” continued Zavislak. “That’s why I say if you have an issue with something in our community join a committee to make a difference. There are a ton of community groups that need more help and can use more volunteers. It is always easy to criticize when you don’t participate or aren’t involved in the positive changes.”
empty handed. The team rallied and stormed back to beat Quebec 10-8.
“Our committee is made up of members of all ages who are leaders in our community. We have two very important goals which are to increase commerce through tourism and community enhance-
During the summer, events hosted by the Canora Tourism Fundraising Committee included: the Farmers’
This was Olynyk’s third time representing the Sturgis Lacrosse
“All of these events were a great success promoting tourism and commerce in our community,” enthused Zavislak. “All of the funds raised are going towards the
new entrance signs for the Town of Canora.
The selection process began in January 2022 and lasted into June.

community events.

A5This Week Marketplace | September 16, 2022 St. Mary’s Cultural Centre Cocktails - 5:30 Dinner - 6:30 Entertainment 9:00 | Silent Auction SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2022 PRESENTS For Information Contact The Health 306.786.0506Foundation

Over the September Labour Day long weekend, the First Nations Cup Field Lacrosse National Championships were held in Fredericton, New Brunswick. The Saskatchewan Lacrosse Association sent two teams to represent the province, U15 and U18.

After a loss to Ontario in the semifinals, Team Saskatchewan played for a bronze medal versus Team Quebec. Quebec started strong with an early lead, but Olynyk calmed his teammates down and reminded them that they were there to win a medal and they were not going home
The Canora Tourism Fundraising Committee experienced a busy summer of fundraising, with members working diligently at a variety of well-attended community events. This group served hungry visitors at the Canora in Bloom barbecue. Committee volunteer members are: Canora-Pelly MLA Terry Dennis, Gina Rakochy, Anne Shilvert, Morgan Homeniuk, Barb Messenger, Kristen Gabora, Jodie Kowalyshyn, Kelly MacTavish, Brad Gabora, Deb Gabora, Michael Leslie, Chris Danyluk, Megan Scherban, Simone Homeniuk, Gladys Zavislak, Karen Wilgosh, Candace Doogan, Kari Ostafie, Meridee Kopelchuk, Karen Tratch, Amy Oswald, Mel McCormick, Councillor Denise Leslie, Councillor Dave Wasyliw, Councillor Jacque Fetchuk and her husband Mike, and Mayor Mike Kwas and his wife Jessica.
Station House Museum.
Local continuescommitteetomake fundraising progress
was open to the idea to help the team. He moved to a starting long stick midfield role and caused many turnovers and collect many ground balls.”
Local players win bronze at lacrosse nationals
Both Olynyk and Miraflor will now move on to play with the

And here we are playing the game, or at least a facsimile of it today.
While tafl games might not be the most popular – arguably they should be I’d suggest – you almost assuredly have pieces you can use, and again drawing a grid is rather easy, so try out some tafl play, you will enjoy it.


One player needs to get their ‘king’ to safety, while the other must capture the king before he escapes.

“The whole purpose of culture days is to celebrate our local artists and the local arts organizations that we have in our community—and have everybody come out and enjoy some of the activities that they can provide,” said Kardynal.
Tafl games provide connection to ancient past
“In that time period we have 26 separate events running,” said Angelina Kardynal, Coordinator of Yorkton Culture Days.
THE meeple.guild@gmail.com(YGUILDMEEPLEORKTON)
Over the last few weeks we’ve been looking at a bunch of games you can play with checkers / Othello pieces / backgammon stones, and a simple square grid of varying size you can create rather easily.
There is one more family of games which should be mentioned as an option for a project like the one we’ve been looking at, and that is the tafl family of games.Sofor a quick explanation of tafl games we turn to Wikipedia, “Tafl games (pronounced [tavl], also known as hnefatafl games) are a family of ancient Nordic and Celtic strategy board games played on a checkered or latticed game board with two armies of uneven numbers.”
The original rules are actually a mystery lost to time.“The rules for tablut were written down by the Swedish naturalist Linnaeus in 1732, and these were translated from Latin to English in 1811,” notes Wikipedia. “All modern tafl games are based on the 1811 translation, which had many errors. New rules were added to amend the issues resulting from these errors, leading to the creation of a modern family of tafl games. In addition, tablut is now also played in accordance with its original rules, which have been
Yet with tafl the connection feels even sharper, at least for me. Could the Vikings who landed on the east coast of what would one day become Canada have played a game in their time here?
The dynamic of the game is quite different from most abstract strategy games where forces tend to mirror each other, and the win condition is the same for both players – such as chess, checkers, Terrace andThereother. are actually a rather diverse family of games here including Hnefatafl, Tablut, Tawlbwrdd, Brandubh, Ard Rí, and Alea evangelii, but they have a common mechanic.
YORKTON – The 2022 Culture Days will take place in the city from Sept. 23, through to Oct. 16.

ing, “in the last few years we decided to extend that and run it for three weeks.”

This is the intriguing aspect of tafl games. One player has less pieces, or men, in play, and each player has a different goal in terms of their win condition.
By Tyson Off Staff Writer
today is that we have a number of tafl variants, with boards ranging in size, for example Alea evangelii is played on an 18X18 board.
A6 September 16, 2022 | This Week Marketplace WestDETAILBroadway Vehicles requiring pet hair removal or excessively dirty vehicles requiring additional cleaning will be charged an additional $50.00 Please remove all personal items from your vehicle. Yorkton Hyundai will not be responsible for lost or missing items.50 Broadway Street West Yorkton, SK S3N 0L7 306-620-6260 • 306-783-8080 email: kylekaban.hyundai@gmail.com Interior Clean $99.95 + tax + shop Vacuum seats & floors, wash dash, windows & door jambs, trim cleaned Ultimate Clean $239.95 + tax + shop *vehicle has to be left overnight* Exterior Wash, Interior Clean & Shampoo Rugs Exterior Wash $29.95 + tax + shop Exterior Wash & Dry, Clean Windows Complete Detail $129.95 + tax + shop Exterior Wash & Interior Clean Summer SpecialSummer Better dealson better water, pure and simple. OR Call your local Culligan® dealer today Culligan of Yorkton 306-782-2644 800-756-5545 #1-76 7th Avenue South NO PAYMENT, NO INTEREST NO HIDDEN FEES FOR 6 MONTHS when you purchase a Culligan® water conditioner or drinking water system* *Special limited time offer. Certain restrictions apply. OAC. See participating dealer for details. on OABOUTASKOURRENTALPROGRAM! AVAILABLE!PAYMENTEASYPLANS CULLIGAN SYSTEM BLOW OUT SALE. RECEIVE UP TO $650 OFF A CULLIGAN SYSTEM* *LIMITED TIME OFFER AND DEALER PARTICIPATION VARIES

“Games in the tafl family were played in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Britain, Ireland, and Lapland,” notes Wikipedia. “Tafl gaming was eventually supplanted by chess in the 12th century, but the tafl variant of the Sami people, tablut, was in play until at least the 18th century.”
More traditional tafl games tend to be played on 9x9, or 11x11, and I’d suggest looking online and trying both out, as each offers just enough uniqueness to be interestingly different.
The association even hosts an online World Championship, the 2022 edition starting Sept.15.
This is what truly intrigues me as a player. When sitting down to play one of the varied tafl games you are in a way connecting with people who played the same general game centuries earlier.
There is a World Tafl Federation (www.aagenielsen.dk) which is a good resource for players.

How many times in the hundreds of years of chess has the word ‘check’ been given?

paint nights, self-guided tours, a ‘Woodlands Wonder Walk’ at the Yorkton Ravine Ecological Preserve, wheat straw weaving, dance, music, theatre and much more.“Culture days has been happening for quite a few years— many, many years—and it always ran on one day at the end of September,” said Kardynal, not-
The connection is not exactly unique to tafl games. Every time you pick up a Go stone in the unique fashion of the game and place it on the board with the familiar ‘click’ it makes, it’s hard not to feel you are doing something that has been done millions of times by beginners to masters through the centuries.

“All of the activities and events are free of charge to the public—some of them you have to register in advance and some you are just able to come out and attend,” said Kardynal.
To find out which events require registration, visit cultureYorktonArts.ca/culture-days-2022.https://“Immerseyourselfintheartofthecommunity.”

The three week period will see

Rae’s works will be at the GDG through Oct. 22, and an Open House and Paint Night with the artist will be held Friday, Oct. 21, 7 p.m..
As for inspiration Rae pointed to another artist for“Thehers. art installation in my exhibition called ‘Anxiety Waterfall’ was inspired by artist Maggi Hambling,” said Rae. “Hambling created a ser-
A7This Week Marketplace | September 16, 2022

The diversity within the pieces have allowed Rae some freedom of expression as an artist.
Rae said the show should have some visual interest for those attending the show.
For Rae her interest in art started young.
“Art has been an interest of mine for as long as I remember, as a child I enjoyed drawing and painting,” said Rae who was born in Brandon. Moving to Saskatchewan in 2008.“My family was an influence on my interest in art. My grandma was good at drawing and crocheting. My aunt Maria is a painter, she received her Bachelor of Fine Arts.”Rae said her earliest art efforts were on her own, with training coming“Ilater.am a self-taught portrait artist,” she explained. “After high school, I became interested in advancing my knowledge and skills in the fine arts. I received my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in May 2022 at Brandon University in Manitoba.”Itisfrom her university classes the works at
The work of Melville artist Faith Rae has her show Evolving at the Godfrey Dean Gallery.

“The folks who are interested in viewing the exhibition can expect expressive large-scale work, audio recording, and new forms of media in the exhibition,” she said.As might be expected some pieces stand out for the“Myartist.favourite piece in the show is titled ‘Defeated’,” said Rae. “The artwork uses a painting technique called action painting. Action painting is the spontaneous application of paint/media being placed on a canvas. It is the only artwork in the exhibition that depicts portraiture. The artwork grasps the viewer’s attention through the expressive emotion of the paint strokes and the side profile of my face.”
“The exhibition Evolving displays artwork that uses unconventional media and painting that conceptually expresses my emotional turmoil and journey of self-acceptance,” Rae told Yorkton This Week.


Action Painting is the creative process that involves a dialogue between the artist and the canvas/surface, added“EachRae.artist painted in their own way, developing individual, signature styles. Harold Rosenberg’s emphasis on the process of painting allowed him to speak of the artists collectively in a way that highlighted their motivations instead of the overall aesthetic of their artworks. “
Melville artist currently at Godfrey Dean

ies of wave paintings in 2009. I was most inspired by her painting titled ‘Wave crashing’. Her work inspired me to create a life-size waterfall made of canvas to convey how anxiety has affected my life in an overwhelming“Throughoutway. the exhibition, my work was also inspired by artists in the Action Painting movement, formally known as Abstract Expressionists from the early 1950s.”
“Painting, mixed media and installation have allowed me to explore my evolving identity and metaphorically analyze its ‘layers’ through a variety of media,” said Rae.
the Godfrey Dean Gallery areIncollected.termsof creation, Rae likes to explore mediums.“My preferred art mediums are acrylic paint and mixed media,” she“Acrylicsaid. paint is my favourite type because it dries fast, allowing me to place multiple layers onto surfaces such as canvas.“My other favourite art medium is mixed
media. Mixed media is a versatile medium in that there are no limits to the form of media I can use in my “Inart.my show Evolving, I use unconventional media such as cement blocks, vintage binder holders, and my grandma’s tea towels.”
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By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer

A8 September 16, 2022 | This Week Marketplace with every fill, communityDonatesCo-optoyourlocal LEGACY CO-OP WILL DONATE 10¢ PER LITRE TO PAWS & CLAWS ANIMAL RESCUE, Society for the Involvement of good Neighbours (SIGN), Churchbridge minor Sports, SPringside Fire Department JOIN US FOR BBQS, ENTERT TO WIN PRIZES AND FUEL UP FOR YOUR COMMUNITY ON SEPTEMBER 20 AT YOUR LOCAL LEGACY CO-OP YORKTON PALLISER WAY | YORKTON WEST BROADWAY KAMSACK | CHURCHBRIDGE | THEODORE legacycoop.crs September 20th

It was an evening where temperatures edged down to remind it is fall, but still a great night for the annual Friday Night Lights game for the Yorkton Regional High School Raider Gridders.The peraturesSaskatchewantheiskid,”He’safield.aYorktonRussell12-10.hostopeningthethebasicallythewell,theycouldcoachpass),”ranopponentleadprovedprovincialents,EaglesComprehensiveWeyburnSchoolweretheoppon-andthedefendingchampspeskyvisitors.TheEaglestookthewithalongtosstoanreceiverwhoforsix.“Itreallywas(aniceadmittedRaiderRobyShape.“Weseeitcoming.”Sharpesaidhefelthadthedefencesetbutthepassfoundreceiveranditwasopenfieldtoendzone.But,ashortplungeinfinalminuteofthehalfedgedtheGriddersaheadThelateTDbyHaydenwashuge,givingalead.SharpesaidRussellisforceoutoftheback-“He’satank.He’slikemanplayingwithkids.suchabigtoughenthusedhiscoach.Russell’simportancelikelytogrowcomeplayoffs,wheninthetem-drop,andpass-

ing the football becomes a greater challenge, reminded Sharpe.
In that regard having a quarterback who can run is important as well. Chase Batke had 19 carries Friday rumbling for 234 yards and two TDs.

Raider Gridders win under the lights

A9This Week Marketplace | September 16, 2022 C a n a d i a n T i r e 2 0 2 2 I n d u c t i o n s CanadianTire 2022Inductions SPORTS Yorkton HallofFame&Museum Join us for the Gallagher Centre Saturday, Sept. 24 5 pm: Reception with food and beverage service 6 pm: Induction program Social time to follow Tickets and ticket information at www.yshf.ca Yorkton2005-06Terriers1964YCIGridders Ian GordonVicKreklewetzSusanneMitchell

By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer

The second half remained a defensive one, with only 14 points scored, but fortunately they were all by the Raider Gridders who would win the contest
26-10.“Our defence would bend but not break,” said Sharpe. “They were knocking on the door a
Randy Atkinson

couple of times.”
Larry Renton

After winning their first game against Moose Jaw Vanier Vikings 64-0, Yorkton needed a closer game.“We definitely needed this,” said Sharpe. “We had to dig deep in this one.”Itwas the Eagles that ousted Yorkton in the playoffs last season, so it was set up to be a key game.“Obviously Weyburn is a good program,” said SharpeNext up for Yorkton is a road game in Estevan Friday, Sept. 16.

“I was not wanting to open it,” said Cross Child. But there was so much hurt“Itinside.was feeling like there was a deep dark pit (inside),” said Cross Child.“I started thinking how did I get to this point?”Looking at his life Cross Child said he was raised well, and

World Suicide Prevention Day is held annually Sept. 10, in more than 50 countries around the world.

A year later Cross Child was out, and restarting his life, renewing vows with his wife, finding a way to save his home from foreclosure, and restarting his flooring business with about $200.

“I failed three times,” he Eventually,said. Cross Child said he “woke up in the hospital,” adding his first emotion was anger. “It wasn’t supposed to be like this . . . I wasn’t supposed to wake up.”
race, and realizing for him it was “a brand new start to a brand new life.”
By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer
In Yorkton the process of better understanding was given a boost a couple of days early as the Yorkton Tribal Council hosted a Suicide Prevention Walk down Broadway Street.
Thoughts of suicide? Seek help
The day is a chance to promote greater understanding about suicide.
A10 September 16, 2022 | This Week Marketplace 48 Marquis Crescent S OPEN HOUSE Sat - Sept 17 - 10am - noon Sun - Sept 18 - 2 - 4 pm List Price - $605,000•5beds•5baths • 2,619 sq ft MLS® # SK880521 Corey306-621-9680Werner Realtor®

“It’s so humbling as I stand here sharing my story,” said Cross Child, adding the key message is “. . . no matter what you’re facing, all things are possible.”
World Suicide Prevention Day was marked by a Yorkton Tribal Council-lead walk down Broadway Street in the city.

Today he travels extensively giving talks to help people take the step to ask for help.

had been a good father, coaching his daughter and doing other things a father
. . But, I knew I needed to do something different,” he said, adding it worked. “Pretty soon from the deep dark pit I could look up and see the light.”
trying to hang himself.
“I was three days sober. For me it was good really good,” he said, adding for the previous 10-12 years “I drank – a lot.”But on this day he was sober, but alone, his wife and four children away.
It was in the hospital though that the course changed for Cross Child.
Cross Child also took up marathon running, something he said became something of a personal symbol of renewal for him. He said he recalls crossing the finish line of his first
“Maybe I can go out there and help,” he said.
But,does.thedrinking started, and he stopped being a good father. He wasn’t at parent – teacher interviews. His 10-year-old daughter would lay in front of the door begging him to stay home, but he’d just move her and go out and drink again.
Four days later Cross Child was on his way to a year-long treatment centre.“I was scared at first .
the battle to open that beer, and the others that followed that day, Cross Child said he came to a conclusion the only way to help “my wife and kids was to take myself out of theHepicture.”saidat this point “I felt absolutely helpless.”
Tarrant Cross Child said it is not an easy road to find a way to ask for help when you have thoughts of suicide, but you must take that step if you want to heal.Cross Child said in 2014 he was sitting at his kitchen table when he faced the worst of it.
Cross Child began to write his letters of good byes, begging his sons to not grow up to be like he was, for his daughter not to marry a man like he had become; that life for his wife would get better because he would be gone.The
At the end of the walk those taking part were provided lunch, and a number of speakers talked about their own journeys and the help that is available to those needingKeynoteit. speaker
“I realized I needed help,” he said. “I just knew deep down inside my gut of hopelessness I needed help.”

“There was a beer bottle on the table,” he said, adding he was fighting with himself not to open it.
Then the gambling followed.“The more I drank the more I gambled. The more I gambled the more I drank,” said Cross Child.By the time he lost
Now Cross Child works to help others, adding he knows what people face when the helplessness overwhelms them because he has faced it.
letters written Cross Child went to his garage and found a rope,

Staff from Dr. Brass cooked up pancakes for parents and students to enjoy on a grill provided by Royal Ford/Royal Honda.
A11This Week Marketplace | September 16, 2022
Dr. Brass hosts pancake breakfast
YORKTON – Teachers, parents, and students gathered at Dr. Brass Elementary on the morning of Monday, September 12th, to partake in a pancake breakfast hosted by the School

By Tyson Off Staff Writer
It was a great day for an outdoor car show. And, that was exactly what attracted people to Aspira Yorkton Crossing Retirement Living Sunday. In addition to a number of vintage cars shined and looking good, The Reflections, the duo of Ray Sedley and Norm Sharp provided music. A barbecue was also fired up serving lunch.

Fall car show

“COVID has really limited how much fun we can have as a community—certainly involving food,” said Patti Zerr, Vice Principal of DBE, adding, “we’re really pleased to have the restrictions lifted and welcome parents, staff and kids back to Dr. Brass for this year.”
Community Council.
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DORIS KOBAN’S family would like to say Thank You to all of those who expressed their condolences by way of cards, flowers, phone calls and messages. We greatly appreciated all those who attended Doris’ Funeral Celebration of Life. Thank You to the great nurses at the CCU unit in Regina General Hospital for the compassionate care she received in the last hours of her life. Thank You to Christie’s Funeral Home for their passionate guidance in our time of grief. Thank You to Pastor Corbin for her message in the celebration of Doris’ life. A special Thank You to the Yorkton Chemo Nurses and Home Care Staff for the excellent care Doris received during her treatment of cancer.
WHATEVER Phone 306-621-7538,
Filled with loving memories that I care for more than gold.
BRAZEAU Wayne 306-331-8069
A12 September 16, 2022 | This Week Marketplace

But the sore ache within my heart, Shall never go away.
9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
I know that you still hear me Mom, so please know this is true, That everything I am today is all because of you.
In Memoriam
August 18, 1933September 16, 2018
Card of Thanks
Not a day passes by Mom that you don’t cross my mind. Not all of you departed when you left earth behind, for in my heart there is a place that only you can hold.
Rural Municipality of Churchbridge No. 211
In AnneMemoryLovingofHalarewich
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War CommunityVeteransHall To book tables or for more information Call Teresa or Laurie at 204-734-9114 Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sponsored by Association for Community Living Swan River Branch Adult Personal Messages 68 YEAR-OLD MALE from Southern Saskatchewan desires to meet 48-60 year-old attractive female. Desire intimate relationship and friendship. Phone number and photo required. Please call 306MALE538-2036(48) LOOKING for relationship/spouse - Yorkton. Female with or without children for companionship. Likes movies and farming. Call 306-641-6234, no texts. Notices / Nominations Notices / Nominations Banners\YTWM-Classi\\tsclient\Drives\CompositionFiles\Layout\Keep\BAN fieds_Index_and_info.pdf 2.0000 x 1971100 Notices 1200 Employment 1400 Education 2000 The Market 2020 Auctions 2086 SalesGarage 3000 Children 3500 Pets 3535 Livestock 4000 Seniors 5000 ServicesFuneral 6000 Real Estate 6500 GuideRenters 8000 ServicesBusiness 9000 Agriculture 9100 On Wheels CLASS INDEX 20 Third Ave. North, Yorkton Whether you’re buying or selling... CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. DEADLINES: Wednesday Edition, 4 p.m. Monday Marketplace, 4 p.m. Tuesday ALL ADS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE Value Added Word Ads Add tremendous visibility to your Yorkton This Week word ads. Bold print, centering, underlining Simply request your Word Ad to appear with greater impact Each feature $0.20 per word per week. at 306-782-2465 Or fax us at 306-786-1898 Or classifieds@yorktonthisweek.comemailYouradwillbeseeninYorktonThisWeekandMarketplace To place your classified ad by telephone call Place your classified ad in 84 weekly newspapers throughout Saskatchewan for only $209.00 a week. Or for $86.00 per week, you can focus on one of four zones. (for 25 words) Employees found. Careers made.Reach over 500,000 potential jobseekers in SaskatchewanPROVINCE WIDE CAREER DISPLAY ADS $7.79 per agate line BUY THREE WEEKS FOR AND$21.35*GETNINEWEEKSFREE *Some restrictions apply, call for more details +GST FOR AN EXTRA 20 words or less/week$500 We Will “SUPER SIZE” your ad with bigger type, making it a 2x bigger than a normal ad. GET RESULTS! USE THIS CONVENIENT ORDER FORM TO PLACE YOUR AD CLASSIFIED ADS, YORKTON THIS WEEK, P O BOX 1300, YORKTON, SASK S3N 2X3 or c l a s s i f i e d s @ y o r k t o n t h i s w e e k c o m Please insert my ad for.........weeks. Payment enclosed................... Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone....................... Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City/Town........................ Postal Code . . . . . . . . . . . . .Visa ❑ Mastercard ❑ Card No.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Expiry Date........ CLASS NO. ❑ 1st line centered and bold ❑ Bold ❑ Center ❑ Underline PLEASE CHECK OPTION 1 1 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 2 2 7 7 1 1 2 2 1 1 7 7 3 3 8 8 1 1 3 3 1 1 8 8 4 4 9 9 1 1 4 4 1 1 9 9 5 5 1 1 0 0 1 1 5 5 2 2 0 0 ★ Name, address and phone number must accompany any advertisement placed in the Classifieds. Publisher reserves the right to withhold ad from publication if information not complete. MAIL TO: WE DELIVER ClassifiedsClassifiedsRESULTS

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MANDZIUK - Susan Kathryn (Norman)
Oct. 24, 1958 - Sept. 2, 2019
If roses grow in heaven Lord, Please pick a bouquet for me. Place them in my Susan’s arms, And tell her they’re from me. Tell her that I love her and miss Andher, when she turns to smile, Place a kiss upon her cheek, And hug her for awhile. Remembering her is easy, I do it every day.
Love you forever my precious girl. Your Mama Helen & all the family
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Love you Mom. Miss you every day. Karen, Tim, Curt, Jess, Nick, Madelyn, Allison and Nolan

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A13This Week Marketplace | September 16, 2022 For Sale - Misc BEDROOM SUITE, 2 dressers, 2 deep freezers, coffee and end tables, kitchen set, microwave, linen closet, bookshelf, white cupboards, smoker, canning jars. Call FLAX306-783-0452STRAW buncher. Asking $2500. Call SUMITOMO306-563-6303WINTER tires 265/60R18 with rims. Used 1 winter. Phone 783-2911 or 783-7575. Garage Sales ESTATE SALE at farm near Otthon, SK. Follow signs on Highway 10 McKim Road E. 3/4 miles. Wed. Sept 21 to Fri. Sept. 23 from 9am-5PM each day. Antiques, furniture, collectibles, crocks, CN memorabilia and very much more. Rain or shine - don’t miss this sale! Trucks & Vans 2019 CHEV SILVERADO Double Cab, 5.3 automatic with manual shift, Overdrive 4x4 rebuilt status. Remote starter, Onstar, Keyless Entry, Tonneau Cover, 85,000 km. Phone: 306-621-5625. Farm Implements GOOD’S USED PARTSTRACTOR (204) 564-2528 or 1-877-564-8734Roblin,MB General Employment VMC ready.faxsageafterneedweek.timeSERVICESJANITORIAL/CLEANINGislookingforapart-cleaner.15-20hoursperSalary$15/hour.DoesnottospeakEnglish.Cleaningbusinesshours.Leavemes-byphone306-782-2363or306-783-7765.Haveresume Notices / Apartments/CondosFarmsNominationsforSaleforRent APARTMENTS FOR RENT: Bachelor, 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units. Call First Choice Properties 306-621-5050 email: properties@gmail.comfirstchoiceHouses For Rent 4 BDRM Lakefront House - Yorklake. 2 baths, Walkout bsmt, AC, dishwasher, washer/dryer. Attached garage. References required. Call (306) 621-5625 ADULT 45+. Renovated, furnished one bedroom suites for rent in Canora. Must have references. Phone 306-641-2489. Notices / HousesFarmsNominationsforSaleForRent SPRINGSIDE HOUSING Authority is currently accepting applications for a 3 bedroom home. Fridge and stove included. Well kept, clean and quiet neighborhood. Rent is based on income. No Pets. For more information and applications please call Morlie at 306-792-2222 or 306-621-7815. Lots & Acreages for Sale Houses For Rent TAKING APPLICATIONS for a 1200sq. ft. house for rent in Heritage Heights. Available immediately. No pets. Appliances. Fenced, treed backyard. Basement redone, double car garage. $1,400/month Utilities not included. Please call Heinz 306-316-0285 or Donna 306-621-3764 and leave text message or heinzpinno667@gmail.comemail:
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SPRINGSIDE HOUSING Authority is currently accepting applications for 1 & 2 bedroom Senior Suites at the Heritage Place. Fridge and stove included. Central laundry with two washers and dryers. Well kept, ready for rent. Rent is based on income. For more information and applications please call Morlie at 306-792-2222 or 306-621-7815.
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Online Auction For the Estate of Barbara Leoppky Sept. 23 - 26 SALE CONDUCTED BY UKRAINETZ AUCTIONEERING Box 17, Insinger, Sask. S0A 1L0 - Phone 306-647-2661 • License No. 915851 Togo Sask Featuring 2 Mac Trucks, Case 1370, 36’ Flat Deck Trailers, Chev 2006 Truck, 1999 Cadillac, Buffalo farming related items, feeders, troughs, pannels, gates, Iron, Wire, etc, plus large asst of shop tools and household. Visit UkrainetzAuctionhighbid.com for more info and pictures. The Leoppky family were Buffalo ranchers and there is a lot of heavy items related to this industry. Planning on selling some equipment? Or having a farm auction? Notice of Call for Nominations (Municipal Elections) PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the office(s) of: will be received by the undersigned on the 5th day of October, 2022 from 9 am to 4 pm at Municipal Office 137 George Avenue, Collacott, R.M. of Orkney No. 244, Saskatchewan and during regular business hours on September 15, 2022 to October 4, 2022 at Municipal Office. Nomination forms may be obtained at the Municipal Office, 137 George Avenue, Collacott, R.M. of Orkney No. 244, Saskatchewan: Dated this 15th day of September, 2022. Bridgette MacDonald Returning Officer Councillor: Rural Municipality of Orkney No. 244 For Division No. 2 (Two) Councillor: Rural Municipality of Orkney No. 244 For Division No. 4 (Four) Councillor: Rural Municipality of Orkney No. 244 For Division No. 6 (Six)
• No early mornings
• We pay by direct deposit on the last Friday of every month

238,400 assess.
We are accepting applications for a FRONT OFFICE/ INSIDE SALES POSITION
• Only 2 days or less per week
A14 September 16, 2022 | This Week Marketplace 2022 Safe Ride Program rides and Taxi service available Rayzr’s Cellar Retail Outlet On-Site PERMIT #2004609-SOP Order & Pay Online YourCommunityConnection.ca Information at yorktonlionsclub.ca,yorktonlions@sasktel.net,Facebook&Instagram Entertainment Jackie Guy Band All That Jazz Band LadiesNightOutGuyswelcometoo... Yorkton Lions 19th Annual Wine Spirits & Beer Tasting Festival Saturday 6:30 TO 10:30 PM Gallagher Centre Flexihall Yorkton, SKSEP 17 $50/Ticket A Taste of Yorkton In Conjunction with Tickets Available Rayzr’s Cellar 14 - 2nd Ave N Let’s Make Wine 17 Betts Ave LoSa Chic Boutique 33 Broadway St E Back Forty Brewery 54 Darlington St W Wagner’s Flooring 464 Broadway St E Alexander’s Men’s Wear 41 Broadway St E OR CONTACT A YORKTON LIONS MEMBER Incl. 10 Drink/Food Tickets Tickets Available at the Door Be Sure to Join Us For a Great Evening
& Trade Fair was held Friday and Saturday at SIGN on Broadway. The event was presented by Caleighs Crystals.

18-1st Avenue North Yorkton, Sask. 306-782-1793 Yorkton and rural areas.
The event is scheduled to start at 6:30 p.m. on the 17th and will go until 10:30 p.m.
Fundraising chair Terry Tyson said the dinner will be held Wednesday, Sept. 28, at St. Mary’s Cultural Centre, with tickets $60 each, or a table of eight for $450. Tickets are available online

It might only be September but it was highly like some early Christmas shopping was carried out at a local trade show on the weekend. The Bringing In the Harvest Craft Show

Jazz Band’ will take place throughout the evening to supplement the food and drinks.
Trade show treasures
“It’s about reconnecting agriculture with the community. . . There just so many of us who don’t have a connection to the farm.”
JACQUIE MVULA M.S., R. Audiologist/OwnerAud.
“History’s important,” offered Tribal Chief Isabel O’Soup.” . . .You don’t really understand that until you’re older.”
Tickets for the event are available at several locations, including Rayzr’s Cellar, Let’s Make Wine, LoSa Chic Boutique, Back Forty Brewery, Wagner’s Flooring, and Alexander’s Menswear.
“Your ears deserve an audiologist”
As it sits they have raised about $1.1 million, said Tyson, adding the project is expected to cost around $3 million.
It’s important “to recognize the importance of this project,” he said.

After a two-year hiatus due to COVID-19, the Yorkton Brick Mill Heritage Society Dinner returns for a fourthTheyear.fundraiser event held an official kick-off press conference Monday announcing the Yorkton Tribal Council as the major sponsor.
Club in our community.”
By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer
YTC major sponsor for mill dinner

Initially, they had hoped to be starting the process this fall, with construction in the spring of 2023, said Tyson, but that time table is delayed at this point.
Staff Photos by Calvin Daniels
HEARINGSERVICESFLYERDELIVERY WE CAN DELIVER YOUR FLYERS! Leave it to the experts for Your city delivery in
“Over 175 wine, spirits, beers and coolers will be available for tasting plus fantastic hors d’ouvres and appetizers from some of Yorkton’s best restaurants,” read a media release from the Lions Club.
Performances from ‘Jackie Guy’ and ‘All That
“The focus of the 2022 Wine, Spirit & Beer Festival is to provide a social evening where patrons can come out to enjoy and taste different feature wines, spirits and beer/coolers while visiting with friends, associates and guests,” read a media release, later adding, “proceeds from the Festival are used to fund many worthwhile projects undertaken by the Yorkton Lions
throughFormeryorktonflourmill.caMayorBobMaloney will MC the dinner, and Sara Shymko, Exec Director of Agriculture in the Classroom is the keynote speaker.
Wine Spirits & Beer Tasting Festival returns Sept. 17
YORKTON – The Yorkton Lions will host their 19th Wine Spirits & Beer Tasting Festival in conjunction with ‘Taste of Yorkton’ this Saturday, Sept. 17, at the Flexihall in the Gallagher Centre.
A15This Week Marketplace | September 16, 2022 BUSINESS DIRECTORY CONCRETE
“We have a number of applications pending for significant grants,” said Tyson, adding most are through the federal“Anygovernment.oneofthem tips us on the scale to starting something.”
Yorkton Mayor Mitch Hippsley called the dinner “a wonderful event” organized by an important group in the city focused on building something that is important locally.
Prizes and a 50/50 draw are also up for grabs for event attendees.
The annual dinner is part of a much larger fundraising effort hoping to raise money to build an interpretive centre at the mill location in the city.
WEDNESDAY FRIDAYS 306-782-2465 YORKTONTHISWEEK MARKETPLACE sales@yorktonthisweek.com

that history back … It’s part of our historyIt’stoo.”also about connecting with the community, said O’Soup, by bringing “the community together with our Indigenous peoples.”
Tyson said having someone involved with Agriculture in the Classroom really connects with what they are hoping to do with the interpretive centre –teach about Increasinglyfarming.people no longer have direct connection to farms and farming so having education for the larger community is important, offered Tyson.
O’Soup said helping sponsor the dinner is one way of preserving history for all “Wecultures.can all work together to bring
A16 September 16, 2022 | This Week Marketplace 1-306-934-8383 | www.bridgecityremax.ca Jeff Chapple 306-740-7161chappleremax@gmail.com Commercial/Agriculture Specialist Eastern Saskatchewan $324,000 12 3RD AVE N, YORKTON MLS®#: SK884144 $1,100,000 279 HAMILTON ROAD, YORKTON MLS®#: SK903098 $1,590,000 14 2ND AVENUE, YORKTON MLS®#: SK907012 $289,000 801 PARK AVENUE, MOOSOMIN MLS®#: SK903354 $12/square feet 37 BROADWAY STREET E, YORKTON MLS®#: SK904538 Marcel DeCorby 306-745-7755mhdecorby@gmail.com Agriculture Specialist Eastern Saskatchewan GOOD$699,000LAKELAND MLS®#: SK873878 Ray Nordin 306-730-8151r.nordin22@gmail.com Agriculture, Residential Specialist Eastern Saskachewan Personal, professional service. Whether buying or selling, if it’s a residential property in smaller communities you’re interested in, acreages out in the rurals, recreational properties, investment land or a complete farming operation, I’ve handled the transactions for all of them and would be honoured to help you with your Real Estate needs. Give me a call and we can discuss your particular situation, what’s most important is “you”. OUR AGENTS ARE THE DIFFERENCE LANGENBURG$849,000RM MLS®#: SK900288 LANG SOLD SIKORA$465,000ACREAGE MLS®#: SK889441 $229,000 616 DONALD STREET, ESTERHAZY MLS®#: SK893651 $329,000 409 OHLEN STREET, STOCKHOLM MLS®#: SK902913 $599,095 HAUBRICH ACREAGE, SASKATCHEWAN MLS®#: SK905443 $294,500 611 GONCZY AVENUE, ESTERHAZY MLS®#: SK898313 Nancy Johnson 306-745-7578nancjohnson@me.com Residential Specialist Esterhazy, Yorkton and Area $205,000 609 2ND AVENUE, SPY HILL MLS®#: SK894358 409OHLENS INNG NEEWWLILSTTINEWLISTINGHAUBRICHACR$ NEWLISTING 611GONCZYA$PRICEDROP 616DONALD$PRICEDROP Gladys Secondiak 29 5TH STREET SE, PREECEVILLE MLS®#: SK907490 236 3RD AVENUE NE, PREECEVILLE MLS®#: SK903511 306-620-9700Gladys.Secondiak@outlook.com Residential, Agriculture Specialist Yorkton, Canora, Preeceville, Kamsack and surrounding area. SOLDNEWLISTING SOLDSOLD $3,400,000 GRAYSON FARM, GRAYSON RM NO. 184, SASKATCHEWAN MLS®#: SK901466 $2,000,000 CANA RM NO. 214, SASKATCHEWAN MLS®#: SK883580 SPY HILL RM NO. 152, SASKATCHEWAN MLS®#: SK885120 $499,000 SOLD $549,000 RM OF MOOSOMIN COMMERCIAL LAND MLS®#: SK884331 Lajord$810,000160acres$SOLD $679,000 GRAYSON RM NO. 184 MLS®#: SK901137 GRAYS SOLD 902 GONCZY AVENUE MLS®#: SK893335 200 1ST STREET, STURGIS MLS®#: SK898836 $169,000 138 HUDSON STREET, STURGIS MLS®#: SK885151 $475,000 509 OLDROYD DRIVE, GOOD SPIRIT LAKE MLS®#: SK889406 $185,000 20 BEACH CRESCENT, CRYSTAL LAKE MLS®#: SK902645 $139,000$12,000 $49,900 SOLDSOLDSOLDSOLD $119,000