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North Saskatchewan River could be Canada’s next Heritage River
People canoe on what could be Canada’s next Heritage River. A 718-kilometre section of the North Saskatchewan River is being considered for recognition to the program that encourages its long-term management to conserve its natural, cultural and recreational values for the benefit and enjoyment of all Canadians. by Métis Crossing
By Scott Hayes, Local (JasperInitiativeJournalismReporterFitzhugh) The Governments of Canada and Alberta have both agreed to accept the nomination of the North Saskatchewan River as a Canadian Heritage River. The announcement was made last Friday by representatives of both provincial and federal governments.“Indigenous peoples have a long and deep relationship with the North Saskatchewan River that exists to this day,” said Whitney Issik, Alberta minister of Environment and“AsParks.our province has grown, more and more Albertans have come to rely on and cherish the North Saskatchewan River, both as a source of drinking water for more than one million people and for the river’s dynamic aquatic ecosystem and the many exciting peopleshomeplace,aSaskatchewanCounty.madeHeritagedesignatedParkwithin49-kilometreated.borderSaskatchewanboundarytheSaskatchewanmetresHeritagenominationSaskatchewantoRiverNorththroughoutopportunitiesrecreationalthatawaittheentireSaskatchewanvalley.I’mpleasedendorsetheNorthRiver’sasaCanadianRiver.”Theentire718kilo-oftheNorthRiverfromBanffNationalParktotheAlberta/provincialhasbeennomin-ThisexcludesthesectionBanffNationalthatwaspreviouslyasaCanadianRiverin1989.ThenominationwasbySmokyLakeTheNorthRiveristraditionalgatheringtravelrouteandforIndigenousincludingthe Cree, Blackfoot, Ktunaxa, Métis, Nakota Sioux, Iroquois, Dene, Ojibwe, Saulteaux, Anishinaabe, Inuit and Assiniboine. It also played a major role in transportation and communication from eastern Canada to the Rocky Mountains for 300 years starting in the middle of the 17th century. The nomination is an important step in the process of creating a national urban park in Treaty 6 Territory, says Grand Chief George Arcand Jr. of the Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations. “Indigenous peoples in Treaty 6 Territory have a deep and spiritual connection to the North Saskatchewan River and its river valley and I am grateful for this development. The river was a traditional travel route, and its valley was home to, and a gathering place for, many diverse Indigenous peoples. This is a positive step in our shared reconciliation journey and will provide opportunities for healing and cultural celebration for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people,” he “Thissaid. river has played a pivotal role in the development of our Nation in Alberta,” added Métis Nation of Alberta President Audrey Poitras. “It was an original transportation route along which our ancestors travelled and sang their songs. It was, and continues to be, a source of cultural, spiritual and economic abundance for our“Alongpeople.the banks of the North Saskatchewan River, the Metis people joined our First Nations ancestors, and welcomed our European friends to build homes and communities. It is our responsibility to ensure the long term health and integrity of this river as a source of life and abundance for all people in Alberta.” The North Saskatchewan River flows nearly 1,300 kilometres from its origin in the Columbia Icefields in the Rocky Mountains across central Alberta and into the “forks” of ournationalmentvariousaswasconservationisHeritageSaskatchewan.TheCanadianRiversSystemCanada’snationalriverprogram.Itestablishedin1984acollaborationamonglevelsofgovern-asawayofgivingrecognitiontocountry’soutstanding rivers. The program encourages their longterm management to conserve their natural, cultural and recreational values for the benefit and enjoyment of Canadians now and in the future. The river can now be considered for full designation. As the lead federal agency on the Canadian Heritage Rivers Board, Parks Canada now will review documentation to support the application. It will also seek public input. The process can take several months to years before the review is complete and a decision is made.
Dr. Christopher Yost, interim microgrid(research),vice-presidentsaysthewillallowUofRresearcherstoleadinrenewableenergytrain-ingandinnovationforthePrairieregion.“Ultimately,research-erswillbeabletopro-videleadership,support,andknowledgetransla-tionforpositiveenergytransitionstoprairieindustriesandcommun-ities,”saysYost.
– Submitted
A2 August 19, 2022 | This Week Marketplace
Prairies Economic Development Canada (PrairiesCan) has provided the University of Regina with $976,000 in funding to develop the space and infrastructure needed to establish a microgrid - a self-sustaining electrical grid that has electricity generation, consumption, storage, and control all in one Theplace.lead researcher responsible for the grid says it will be a living lab for research and teaching.“This microgrid lab will be the first of its kind in Saskatchewan,” says electronic systems engineering associate professor Dr. Irfan Al-Anbagi. “It will open a range of possibilities for students and researchers interested in the renewable energy sector.”
The lab will create opportunities to explore digital applications for commercialization, provide industrial partners facilities to test models and further their research and development goals, and position University of Regina graduate students to grow the clean energy technology sector in Saskatchewan and commercialize their research discoveries.“Our government is proud to support the University of Regina as it gathers and shares knowledge through this micro-grid living lab project,” said the honourable Daniel Vandal, Minister for PrairiesCan. “We know that energy innovation and transition requires support for research, to test and support new ideas that will grow the clean energy sector here in Saskatchewan. Projects like these are vital to Canada’s goal of net-zero emissions by 2050.”
“The University of Regina has the expertise and the capacity to take on this project and run with it,” says Al-Anbagi. “We will be able to further our anisfuels.”dependentenergynersprairietrialrelationshipslong-standingwithindus-partnersandhelpindustrialpart-adoptrenewableandbecomelessonfossilHesaystheUniversitywellpositionedtoplayimportantroleinleading the innovation and training necessary for achieving net-zero emissions in regions where coal-powered energy is prevalent and energy transitions to low carbon solutions, such as hydro, solar, and thermal, are particularly challenging.

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EDITORIAL A4 August 19, 2022 | This Week Marketplace
Photo Courtesy Dodgeball Canada Dwayne Hoppenbrouwers in action.
Courtesy of Kamsack Times
ous editions, starting with the Edmonton event, the World Championships will be contested in both foam and cloth. “This is a massive undertaking for the whole of Dodgeball Canada,” said isions.men’sCanadaheldthefoam).CanadainChampionshipsision.teambeside.frontrunnersKingdomofcontendMalaysiafirmed5024wentkindsamenamentaddingHoppenbrouwers,thenationaltour-washeldatthevenueinJune“asofatrialrun,anditextremelywell.”Hoppenbrouwerssaidcountriesandsometeamshavebeencon-toparticipate.Canada,theU.S.andareexpectedtoonthefoamsidethings,withtheUnitedandAustriaontheclothHoppenbrouwerswillpartofCanada’smen’sintheclothdiv-ThefirstWorldwasheld2012inMalaysia,withwinninggold(inThefollowingyearchampionshipswereinNewZealandandwonboththeandwomen’sdiv-TheCanadianmen
Kamsack’s gardeners are largely responsible for the new concrete bench that was placed at the community’s urban orchard last month. Because KamCrete was not able to provide such a bench, it was ordered from and manufactured by Yorkton Concrete, said Betty Dix, a member of the Kamsack and District Horticulture Association’s committee responsible for the bench’s purchase and installation. The bench is placed at the eastern edge of the orchard along East Avenue.Thebench cost a total of $1,400, Dix said, adding that helping with the project was the Town of Kamsack and SaskLotteries contributed, but the bulk of the cost was from funds raised by the horticulture group. “We still want to get a sign made to acknowledge the sponsors,” she said, explaining that because it might be difficult to obtain a sign to adhere to the concrete, a separate, standalone sign might be best. “Now that this project has been completed, the committee is interested in hearing from community members with ideas as to what other garden-oriented project might be Personsundertaken.with ideas are asked to contact Dix or other members of the horticulture association. Near the bench is a sign, donated by “Kamsack Horticulture” welcoming persons to the “Kamsack Wildlife Orchard,” which was an urban wildlife preservation project undertaken by the Kamsack branch of the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation.“Thisorchard, containing various berry trees and shrubs, was planted for the enjoyment of all,” the sign reads. “The idea was to provide an area for residents, birds, insects and wildlife to co-exist within an urban setting. “Feel free to enjoy what’s here
Hoppenbrouwers, adding there are good numbers in Edmonton, and cities such as Winnipeg too.“The scene is definitely growing across the country.”Thebig positive of dodgeball is that the core skills of passing, catching and throwing are things people know how to do naturally.“Wehave experience with the basic skills almost all through life,” said foraddingHoppenbrouwers,inothersports,exampleshootingin basketball “uses a very specific mechanism” needing lots of practice to be good at. In Hoppenbrouwers’ case dodgeball was not something he was actually interested “Truthfully,in. I didn’t want to play,” he said, adding it was his wife who initially became involved and in need of players “kind of dragged me kicking and screaming” to play. “We didn’t win a single game that season,” he added, but he did fall for the sport and has remained involved since.
Owned and operated by: The Prairie Newspaper Group LP, a division of GVIC Communications Corp. AdvertisingPublisher/ Manager: John Bauman Editor: Calvin Daniels Production Team: Kristin Jordens Diane WayneMillerRemanda Advertising Sales: Julianne Thom Classified Sales: Casey Shields Phone: 306-782-2465 Fax: 306-786-1898 e-mail: thisweek.comeditorial@yorkton20ThirdAvenueNorth,Yorkton,S3N1B9 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada.
being to throw one of the balls in play to hit an opponent and score
World Dodgeball Championships in Edmonton
If you were going to list a bunch of different sports it is likely you’d be well down the page before you thought to add dodgeball, if it ever came to mind at all. Of course many of us of a certain age will likely remember dodgeball as a gym activity in school, usually using a basketball or volleyball, an activity where bullies pounded fastball shots at those less inclined to athletics, an activity that thankfully seems to have been pared from schools. But, there is a sport version of the game too. In fact, there are a couple of versions of dodgeball explains Championships,inghosttheplayerHoppenbrouwers,DwayneafromEdmonton,citywhichwilltheupcom-WorldDodgeball(Aug.28Sept.4)–moreonthatlaterinthisarticle.Asforthesportithastendedtodivergealongtwolines,offeredHoppenbrouwers,add-ingthereareafewlessrecognizedonesouttheretoo.ThereisafoamballversionwhichistheprevalentversionofdodgeballinNorthAmericawhichusesaseven-inchfoamball.InEuropetheytendtoplaydodgeballusingaslightlylargerballwherethefoamcoreiswrappedincloth.Bothversionsdopitsixplayersversussixplayerswiththefocus
Kamsack gardeners place a concrete bench at urban orchard
Continued on Page 5
repeated in 2014 in Hong Kong, then won again in Australia in 2016. The event was held in Canada once before, Toronto in 2017, where Malaysia won both titles. There were no championships held in 2020 or 2021 due to COVID. In Canada the sport is governed by Dodgeball Canada a federally-incorporated lotsOntariohundredsitynowHoppenbrouwersthetimebersplaypeoplethegreatinVinceUnderdogmoviewiththesaidersresentsorganizationnot-for-profitwhichrep-dodgeballplay-acrossthecountry.HoppenbrouwersintermsofinterestsportsortofpeakedthereleaseoftheDodgeball:ATrueStorystarringVaughnBenStiller2004.“It’s(themovie,notarepresentationofsport,butitshowedasadultsyoucandodgeball,”hesaid.Thesportnum-declinedforaafterthefadofmoviepassed,butsaidhe“thinksthepopular-isbacktogrowing.”InCanadathereareofteamsinandB.C.“withofplayers,”said
At the new concrete bench placed at Kamsack’s urban orchard last month were Betty Dix, a member of the Kamsack Horticulture Association that spearheaded the project, and her grandchild Grayson Dix.

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CU was thrilled to have the opportunity to partner with Canora Leisure Services and Gateway Co-op,” added Kristin Olson, Crossroads Credit Union Marketing Officer. “The weather was perfect, and the atmosphere was filled with excitement. It felt so good to be out in the community again after a couple of years, and there were so many smiles. It was an incredible feeling, this feeling of belonging to something bigger which is part of the Credit UnionAaronDifference.”Herriges, director of leisure services, said the success of the Pool Party was a true example of co-operation and working public.and53-footServicesactivities.providedHerriges.andvided“Gatewaytogether.pro-food,barbecuecooks,”explained“CrossroadsserversandLeisurecontributedaobstaclecoursefreeswimmingtothe
Continued from Page 4 by picking berries, bird watching, taking pictures, or just simply enjoying nature at its finest.”
Continued on Page 7
The orchard directory lists 28 rows of trees and shrubs which include: chokecherry, buffalo berry, sea Hawthorn/Siberianbuckthorn,crabapple, Mongolian cherry, wild plum, pincherry, highbush cranberry, Nanking cherry/sour cherry, black currant and gooseberry.
Pool Party On Wednesday, the Pool Party was sponsored by Crossroads Credit Union, Gateway Co-op and Canora Leisure Services.“Itwas great to actually have nice weather so we were able to have a large turnout of people,” recalled Gulka. “The support of the sponsors was greatly appreciated to allow so many people to attend, we wouldn’t have been able to hold the event without them.” “Gateway Co-op was excited to once again partner with Crossroads Credit Union and the Town of Canora for the Pool Party,” said Brad Chambers, Gateway Co-op General Manager. “During the event we cooked and served over 460 hotdogs as well as 250 cupcakes to hungry swimmers. We hope everyone that attended enjoyed the day as much as we Crossroadsdid.”
A5This Week Marketplace | August 19, 2022
Tessica Mydonick (left) and Raya Herman enjoyed their cupcakes during the Pool Party.
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391 Ball Road - Box 2031 Yorkton, SK S3N 3X3 Bus: 306-782-9600 Fax: 306-782-4449
Good times for all at the swimming pool
Diving competition Tuesday’s highlight at the pool was the fun diving board competition, with 16 local divers in contention.“Lotsof the kids really enjoyed the diving board competition and were even asking to do it again later on in the week because they had so much fun!” shared Gulka.The winning divers were: (only first names were provided): Dawson (biggest splash), Connor (smallest splash), Risen (best dive) Risen and Kyle (best cannonball), Spencer (coolest trick), Waylon (furthest jump, most spins), Kenzee (best flip), and Kalyna (best walk).
Courtesy of Canora Courier CANORA - The Canora swimming pool has traditionally been buzzing with a variety of activities during Canora in Bloom, which has been noticeably absent during the last two summers of pandemic-related Butrestrictions.withthe return of Canora in Bloom this year from July 17 to July 22 came a week of fun for all visitors to enjoy at the swimming pool. It was a hectic week, but very enjoyable, according to Mackenzie Gulka, manager.“Overall, I think this Canora in Bloom week at the pool went over very well,” said Gulka. “We had great weather and that contributed to our large turnout of people. On average we had about 80-100 people come through the pool for public swimming each day. On Wednesday with the free barbecue and cupcakes, we probably had over 200 people come through the pool. At one point we had over 90 people in the pool at oneThroughouttime.” the week’s events at the pool, the staff provided participants with freezies as prizes.Gulka reported that the pool staff members all had a busy, but fun week.“Free swim is always a busy week for the lifeguards because we are a lot busier than other weeks in the summer and it’s always nice to see some new faces at the pool.”
Skyler Brass appeared to be thoroughly enjoying the diving competition as he made this dive. Angel Sliva showed excellent form during the diving competition at the Canora swimming pool on July 19.
The pool party with free hotdogs and cupcakes on July 20 was sponsored by Gateway Co-op, Crossroads Credit Union and Canora Leisure Services.
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While taking Carlos and Elsa for a walk last week, Wayne Ozunko of Kamsack paused by the sign at Kamsack’s urban orchard where a list tells visitors what type of indigenous berries can be found growing in the orchard.

A6 August 19, 2022 | This Week Marketplace Get wireless home Internet with speeds up to 50 Mbps and truly unlimited data!1 Call 1-866-207-5855 today! Offer ends August 31, 2022. Available to new customers, where access/technology permit. Subject to change without notice. Taxes extra. 1Xplornet Internet data is truly unlimited. There are no soft caps on unlimited plans. 2Prices after month 12 are subject to change. 3Speeds vary based on your technical configuration, traffic, servers, and other factors. Traffic management policy applies see xplornet.com/policies. 4Site check fee may apply. If installation requirements go beyond the scope of a basic installation, additional fees apply. See dealer for details. 5The Xplornet price guarantee matches the duration of the term. 6Current price of Xplornet Home Phone before promotional discount is $21.99/month. Xplornet 911 service operates differently than traditional 911. For Traffic Management Policies and 911 Terms and Limitation of Liability, see xplornet.com/legal. Xplornet is a trademark of Xplornet Communications Inc. © 2022 Xplornet Communications Inc. $59 installation fee applies.4 1 year term required. Regular price will apply in month 13. Sign up now and save BIG for the next 12 months! Your price is GUARANTEED for 1 full year5 xplornet.com PLUS, add Xplornet Home Phone and pay just $9.99/month for the first 12 months!6 • Keep your phone number • Loaded with features like call display, voicemail and more! LTE 25 $94.99/month $69.99/month2 • 25 Mbps3 max download speed • Unlimited Data • Wi-Fi Router Included LTE 25 $89.99/month $59.99/month2 • 25 Mbps3 max download speed • Unlimited data with 350 GB at max speed (reduced speed thereafter) • Wi-Fi Router Included LTE 50 $124.99/month $99.99/month2 • 50 Mbps3 max download speed • Unlimited Data • Wi-Fi Router Included By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer It was all about flinging mud and getting dirty in Theodore Saturday.TheTheodore Recreation Board was presenting the 15th edition of its Super Swamper mudflings.Theevent actually started Friday, with a community parade, wiener roast and entertainment.ThenSaturday the pits were ready with mud and the cars and trucks lined up to take on the greasy mud and each other in various classes including stock, modified stock, open and super modified.Forthe younger set there were also bouncy castles, and kiddie games, and of course food booths for the hungry and refreshments for the hot and thirsty.And, when the last of the mud had been flung, the results were: Stock - first place Quade Wood, second place Rory McElreeMod - first place Glendon Lewis, second place Logan HorsemanSuperMod - first place Dalton Huber, second place Mike Miller Open - first place Dalton Huber, second place Marlon AasenBounty Hole - Rory McElree Burn Pad - Dawson Woronuik Organizers offered a big thank you to all the participants for a great show and a thank you to all the spectators as well. Getting down and dirty in Theodore

Beautiful wood set for new release Peak
Likewise, Kuhnekath said pinpointing where the idea for something comes from was not easy. “It’s often a very difficult question where an idea comes from, but in this case it’s easy to answer, “he said. “In a math puzzle, there was a task to rearrange stacks of coins in a row. The requirement was that you have to jump over two coins. “I found this principle very interesting and immediately thought of making a game out of it.”
“The starting line-up was a point where I tried slightly longer variations, among other things, I had tested an alternate use, which also worked well but does require some experience and was therefore out of the question for the publisher and we therefore we chose the setup in pairs,” said thatanismouttoKuhnekathdifferenttureion,Kuhnekath.toostillcertainofreducedmentmindSo,Kuhnekath.inthedesigner’swhatisthebestele-ofthegame?“Ilikeabstractgamestoaminimumrulesandstillofferadepth,butcanbeplayedwithoutmuchbrooding,”said“Inmyopin-Imanagedthismix-wellwithPeak.”IntermsofsomethingfromPeaksaidtheneedjumptwopiecesstandsforhim.“Themovementmech-issomethingnewhasnotexisted before as I know (of), skipping two stones no matter how they are positioned.,” he said. “This simple element leads to surprising and exciting moves and fights on the board.”Finally, I had to ask how it felt to hold a copy of the beautifully produced final product? “I was lucky enough to publish six games and already two at Gerhard Spiele, (Rukuni the other in 2018),” said Kuhnekath. “Still, it’s always great to hold the finished game in your hands, especially with the fantastic quality of how Gerhard produces his“Butgames.it’s even more exciting to see how people react to the games.This is very possible via BGG (boardgamegeek.com), and I am always overwhelmed by people from all over the world playing my game and having a good time with it.”
THE meeple.guild@gmail.com(YGUILDMEEPLEORKTON)
When it comes to abstract strategy games, such as chess, go and all the others, personally I find those of wood generally draws my attention mostTherequickly.is something simply aesthetically pleasing to my feels and in the tactile feel of wooden pieces. In terms of wooden games publisher Clemens Gerhards makes games that are simply beautiful. They all have the look of something which should never be stored away in a box on a shelf, but rather be on display on a coffee or end table, or bookshelf. In my imaginary lottery-win mansion my study would have several as much for décor as play. One such game is the 2021 design by Andreas Kuhnekath called Peak. Peak is played on a 6X6 grid, which is something Gerhards makes outstanding.Theboard starts with the board filled with pieces alternating colours in a set fashion. When you move in Peak, you must always jump one of your single pieces over two playing pieces, which in this case are nicely stackable wooden pieces, although in this instance the decision to go with light blue and white in terms of colour was disappointing. I would have opted for black and white. With the jumping mechanism, it reminds a bit of the classic Konane. However, in Konane you capture with jumps. In Peak the moved piece lands on another and stacks. The key is the jump must be over exactly two pieces, not more, not less. Unoccupied spaces are ignored; you can jump over them or use them as destination spaces. If the chosen destination space already contains a playing piece, you stack the new piece on Attop. the end of the game, the piece on top of a tower determines who scores for this tower; each playing piece in that stack is worth one point. In a correspondence with the designer it was not surprising to learn he has been a long time game“I’veplayer.always been an avid gamer since childhood,” said Kuhnekath, but added “the question of a favorite game is difficult.“It always depends a lot on who I play with and on what “Whenoccasion.itcomes to which games I play most often, it’s; The Quacks of Quedlinburg, Las Vegas and Roll for the Galaxy.”
The core mechanic sort of set the goal for the game.“Since the idea came from the mechanics, the actual goal was to develop a game for the movement mechanics,” said“MyKuhnekath.goalwith such abstract games is always to develop an elegant game with as few rules as possible.”So what does Kuhnekath say players expect here? “An exciting competition with a new movement rule and decisions to win the most towers,” he Kuhnekathoffered. added, “the development went pretty fast, because this time the basic mechanics were the origin and I ‘only’ had to find out on which board and with which game aim it makes a good“Fromgame.the first idea to sending it to the publisher it was only three months, the publisher then needed three months to check the idea -- which is also very fast. “And, then another year until publication.” So what was the most difficult aspect of designing the game? “In this game everything has actually happily put together almost by itself,” said Kuhnekath. “It was more of a discovery than a development, as is often the case with such reduced abstract games.“Ofcourse, I still have to do some development work.“The rule of movement was fixed and worked, the shape and size of the playing field was found quickly. “The game’s goal of building and controlling towers quickly became apparent.”Ofcourse there were experiments along the way.
A7This Week Marketplace | August 19, 2022
POOL Continued from Page 5 “It’s always great to partner up with Crossroads and Gateway Co-op for community events. They have so much experience contributing to our community and they are always looking for new ways to get involved. So thank you to them for their generosity. I know everyone that attended had a great time.” Water basketball With basketball being one of the more popular sports in the Canora area, Friday evening was devoted to allowing local kids to take a shot at playing water basketball.“Wehad eight kids, two teams of four, the Shreks and the Lakers,” said Gulka. “The Lakers won. It didn’t last long but it was a fun game and allowed the kids to play some water basketball and then participate in some free open swimHerrigesafterward.”said the pool staff really stepped up to take care of the added responsibilities during Canora in Bloom.“The pool was busy, and Mackenzie was prepared with plenty of lifeguards scheduled each day. Whenever you have that many swimmers in and around the pool, lifeguards have to be very alert to make sure everyone is safe and following the rules. Also, when the swimmer load increases, the pool uses more product and supplies have to be checked regularly. I’m proud of how our staff handles the busy times of the year,” concluded Herriges. The Lakers scored the most points in water basketball, but both teams were winners when it came to having fun. During the pool party, siblings James and Miriam Barciuk worked up an appetite racing down the inflatable slide together.

A city worker applies the finishing touches to the newly paved portion of path on Logan Green.
Things will soon look quite different in City Centre Park in Yorkton. The digital clock, which has long given the wrong time, and the sun dial it sits over are on the move. “It’s being taken out and transplanted at the brick mill,” explained Mayor Mitch Hippsley. As part of the move the clock will be fixed to tell an accurate time. In place of the clock the Yorkton Tribal Council will be funding installation of a metal poled, lighted teepee.Theidea for the teepee was initially to be installed over the stage area, noted Hippsley. “A few user groups were a little concerned about performers on the stage,” he said. So the idea of moving the clock was considered, with a number of locations considered before settling on the mill site. The city will spend up to $10,000 on the move, and it is expected to be completed by the end of August. The teepee, which will have a price tag of $180 to $230,000 is anticipated to be in place by Sept. 30, with YTC covering the costs. The clock in City Centre Park is on the move to the brick mill site. Staff Photo by Tyson Off By Tyson Off Staff Writer
wheeledofsupporthardgraveltedpathwayInfrastructure.gc.ca.fromTheexistinggravelwasretrofit-andupgradedfromtoasphalt,assurfacepathwaysdifferentmodeshumanpoweredtransportation options such as roller blades, lationjecters.skateboardswheelchairs,andstroll-Inaddition,thepro-willseetheinstal-ofsolarlights every 35 metres along the pathway to ensure public safety and comfort, particularly during the winter months when daylight hours are much shorter. Section of Logan Green path paved Better dealson better water, pure and simple. OR Call your local Culligan® dealer today Culligan of Yorkton 306-782-2644 800-756-5545 #1-76 7th Avenue South NO PAYMENT, NO INTEREST NO HIDDEN FEES FOR 6 MONTHS when you purchase a Culligan® water conditioner or drinking water system* *Special limited time offer. Certain restrictions apply. OAC. See participating dealer for details. on OABOUTASKOURRENTALPROGRAM! AVAILABLE!PAYMENTEASYPLANS CULLIGAN SYSTEM BLOW OUT SALE. RECEIVE UP TO $650 OFF A CULLIGAN SYSTEM* *LIMITED TIME OFFER AND DEALER PARTICIPATION VARIES
By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer
YORKTON – The Laurier Avenue Connector Pathway on Logan Green has been paved with solar lights to follow later this year, according to a Facebook post from Yorkton Parks andTheRecreation.projectwas funded under the COVID-19 Resilience Stream of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program. The COVID-19 Resilience stream was created to provide provinces and territories with added flexibility to fund quick-start, shortterm projects that might not otherwise be eligible under the existing funding streams, read an article on the subject
Saskatchewan welcomes 200 Ukrainian citizens Late this evening, approximately 230 Ukrainian citizens will arrive in Regina after departing Warsaw, Poland to escape the ongoing war in their home country. The Ukrainian citizens will arrive on two charter flights after a short layover in “Saskatchewan’sEdmonton.approach to welcoming Ukrainian citizens is unique and speaks to Saskatchewan’s character,” Immigration and Career Training Minister Jeremy Harrison said. “I am extremely proud of the work that is being done to ensure Ukrainian citizens are safe and comfortable in our province - whether it be for a short time or if they choose to make Saskatchewan their permanent home.” Passengers will be provided with temporary accommodations in Regina to allow them access to key supports and information related to living in Saskatchewan. A settlement reception centre will be available and will include on-site personnel to answer questions and issue Saskatchewan health cards, assist with setting up bank accounts, provide information about housing, employment, education, income assistance, community supports and more. All recent newcomers from Ukraine are welcome to visit the receptionSaskatchewancentre. is proud to partner with humanitarian organizations Open Arms and Solidaire on this initiative. Information about programs and services is available to Ukrainian newcomers on an ongoing basis by calling 1-833-613-0485 (toll free), by email at ukrainesupport@gov.sk.ca or by accessing online resources at plehason#SKSupportsUkrainebleattachedsupportnesseswan-supports-ukraine.saskatchewan.ca/residents/saskatche-https://www.Saskatchewan’sresidentsandbusi-areencouragedtoshowtheirforUkrainebyprintingtheposterandhangingitinvisi-locations.Thehashtagcanalsobeusedsocialmedia.TheinvasionofUkrainebyRussiaforcedmillionsofUkrainianpeo-tofleetheircountryinsearchofsafety.Withthearrivalofthisflight,morethan1,500displacedUkrainianshavearrivedinSaskatchewansincetheconflictbegan.
A8 August 19, 2022 | This Week Marketplace City deems it time for change in park

NEEPAWA — It’s easy to overlook the Gertrude Williams Lily Park while driving through Neepawa on Highway 16, but savvy travellers and locals know it’s one of the town’s hidden gems. In early August, the park, located 76 kilometres northeast of Brandon, is a riot of colour, from the verdant green of the well-tended lawn to the bright pops of pink, orange and yellow from lovingly tended lilies.
By Miranda Leybourne, Local (BrandonInitiativeJournalismReporterSun)
• Have access to hoses, fire extinguishers and a water source before you begin your controlled burn.• By reporting controlled burns in advance, you’ll avoid dispatching firefighters unnecessarily.• If you plan to burn in a provincial forest, in park land, or any quarter section wholly or partly within 4.5 km of a provincial forest during the wildfire season, from April 1 to October 31, you must get a Burn Notification Number. If your home is at risk of wildfire, take steps now to be FireSmart. Visit saskpublicsafety.ca to download a free homeowner’s manual and to stay informed about the current wildfire situation.
• Pay attention to the weather. Most grass fires and wildfires start during hot, dry and windy conditions. Don’t burn in these weather conditions.• Reduce ignition sources. It’s possible to unintentionally start a fire in dry conditions.
Blooming beauty at Gertrude Williams Lily Park
• Teach your children not to play with fire or matches. Fire can spread quickly.•Dispose of cigarettes and matches correctly. Don’t throw them out of a vehicle.Ifyou need to burn grass, bush piles or stubble on your property, plan ahead for a safe outcome:•Do not plan a controlled burn if there is a fire ban in your municipality.•Call 1-866-404-4911 before you start your controlled burn.
Angela Chernoff will be manager of the new temporary shelter in the city. (File Photo)
The property needs to be assessed after the renovations are done, and then a calculation to abate that portion of the building would be required. After that is place).shelterusedDominionofincludesabatementforwardadministrationforpropertieswouldbylawforwardAdministrationcompleted,willbringataxabatementtobeapprovedbyalsoincludeotherthatqualifytaxincentives.Councilwoulddirecttobringanannualtaxbylawthattheportionthebuildingat139Avethatisasanemergency(knownasBruno’s
For 2022 the Tax Levy on this property was: city $8,985.51, and school $2,879.34 for a total of $11,864.85.Theactual tax abatement will not be known until the renovations are completed and assessments updated, noted the report. Also, for 2022 the abatement will be for the portion of the year that the shelter is operational. Thereafter it would be for the entire year. The exact amounts will be included in a tax abatement.
The city will be looking to abate the property taxes on a portion of the building which houses ‘Bruno’s Place’ the new emergency shelter being developed in the city. The request was brought to Council at its regular meeting Aug. 8, following a request to abate taxes on the portion of this building that will be used as the emergency“Weshelter.have accommodated a similar request in the past and annual tax abatement bylaws are presented to Council for approval,” noted a report by City Manager Lonnie Kaal circulated to Council.Asanexample, in 2019 Council approved a fiveyear agreement for a 100 per cent tax exemption on the properties at 81 & 85 Rae Avenue by Yail Harbor, noted the report. The group homes operating out of these two properties do not qualify for exempt status under The Residential Service Act due to the lack of 24-hour staffing.“The proposed emergency shelter is similar to properties that Council has approved abatements for in the past, however, since it is part of an existing larger facility, some work will need to be done to determine what portion of the building the abatement would pertain to,” detailed the report.“Since the subject property is providing similar services, Administration is of the opinion that they could be included in the next tax abatement bylaw that will be brought forward in October 2022.”
Photo by Miranda Leybourne/ The Brandon Sun to prevent wildfires
• Avoid driving through or parking on dry grass. A vehicle’s exhaust can reach a temperature of more than 538 degrees Celsius (1,000 degrees Fahrenheit). It only takes about 260 degrees Celsius (500 degrees Fahrenheit) to start a fire.
• Float and stir campfire coals.
By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer
While Saskatchewan is experiencing fewer wildfires than normal, the Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency (SPSA) is reminding residents that we are not out of the woods yet. Warmer temperatures and dry conditions can quickly change the wildfire risk across theSaskatchewanprovince. has seen 320 wildfires to date, compared to a five-year average of 316. There are currently seven active wildfires in the province. Two are contained, while five are under ongoing assessment and one is receiving action to protect values in the area, such as cabins and infrastructure.“Thesouthwest corner of the province is still under extreme risk of grass fires,” SPSA President Marlo Pritchard said. “It’s critical that residents take every precaution to prevent wildfires as we near the end of the wildfire season, which could last until infollowingtoagedResidentsOctober.”areencour-totakeextracarepreventwildfiresbythesetips:•Checkforfirebansyourareabeforelighting any fire.
A9This Week Marketplace | August 19, 2022 Football Night in Yorkton In support of STARS® AND THE RoughriderSaskatchewanFoundation FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 2022 Gallagher Center, Yorkton (455 Broadway St. W.) Gates open at 2 PM | Game starts at 8 PM EVENT INCLUDES: • VIP Meet & Greet with Roughrider Alumni • Dinner • Roughrider game on a big screen • Canteen • Cabaret to follow • Food Trucks on site KID’S ACTIVITIES: • Bouncy castles • Carnival games CONTACTS: • Randy O’Donnell 306-641-2296 • Darren Kastrukoff 306-316-9317 SPEARHEADED BY THE Yorkton New Generation Lions Club VSVS Tickets www.lionsfootballnight.caAvailable at
• Have fire guards in place around the area where you wish to burn.
• Don’t use machines or tools that may cause sparks during dry conditions. If you must use a tool such as a grinder, wet down your working area and have a fire extinguisher handy.
SPSA reminds
— Submitted
Taxes on Bruno’s Place to be abated
An apple tree’s boughs are laden down with notyet-ripe fruit, a delicate pink blush just starting to paint the round green apples. A magnificent old tree, rising up from its roots in two large trunks, overlooks the peaceful scene, and oldfashioned wrought-iron lamps cast a warm glow when the sun sets. There are benches strategically placed underneath boughs of evergreen trees facing the garden, and inscribed stepping stones intersect the main garden bed, announcing the names of the dearly departed and philanthropicNeepawadonors.is known colloquially as the Lily Capital of the World. From 1996 until 2013, a three-day lily festival was held in the community, attracting people from all over the world. The Lily Nook, described on the 1,000 Towns of Canada website as a “horticulturalist’s oasis,” has been growing and hybridizing lilies for nearly 30 years. Nigel Strohman took over running the Lily Nook from his father, who first became interested in lilies as a hobby and went on to be named and registered with the Royal Horticultural Society in StrohmanEngland.saidpeople from all over Canada still come to the Lily Nook to see the many varieties of lilies grown there. “We get a lot [of people] coming from Saskatchewan and Alberta to come view the lilies.”Strohman said the Gertrude Williams Lily Park on Highway 16 was once the home of its namesake. The Williams brothers donated the property and the lily committee turned it into a park.When people think of Neepawa, they often think of lilies, he noted. But Strohman said it’s not just lilies that make Neepawa such a beautiful town and such a great place to live and visit. “Neepawa has a lot going for it, a lot to explore. That’s what I tell people. That’s why it means the land of plenty,” Strohman said of the town’s Cree name, “because there’s plenty to do around here.” Genny Bagongon lives beside the lily park. She said she often enjoys its serenity.“I’ma plant lover. I do really appreciate flowers. I consider them as my stress reliever,” Bagongon said. “That’s why sometimes, especially in the morning, I go to the lily park. It’s so relaxing to see the beautiful flowers in Bagongonthere.”said her husband and children also enjoy visiting the park, looking at the flowers and plants, and being out in nature. Lilies at the Gertrude Williams Lily Park.

SPECIAL AGRICULTURE FEATURES Plan now to be a part of this year’s Fall editions of Pre-Harvest, Harvest Progress and Harvest Report. Editorial in these special editions will focus on the progress of the crop, plus new and exciting developments in the industry. PRE-HARVEST Distributed Friday, August 26, 2022 Deadline Friday, August 19, 2022 HARVEST PROGRESS Distributed Friday, September 9, 2022 Deadline Friday, September 2, 2022 HARVEST REPORT Distributed Friday, September 30, 2022 Deadline Friday, September 23, 2022 CALL THE SALES TEAM AT 306-782-2465 TO BOOK YOUR ADVERTISING SPACE EMAIL:WHYsales@yorktonthisweek.comADVERTISEINTHEMARKETPLACE? The Marketplace, for over 45 years has reached more than 13,200 homes in 50 communities in the Parkland Area providing effective, cost efficient advertising results. www.yorktonthisweek.com Submitted Photo
Landing Provincial Park. An interesting fact about this specimen is that it was found with skeletal remains of another smaller mosasaur in its stomach. “The T.rex Discovery Centre is an amazing attraction and I encourage Saskatchewan residents to take the opportunity to check out Scotty and the rest of the Discovery Centre’s offerings,” Parks, Culture and Sport Minister Laura Ross said. “This new Tylosaur display is just another example of the excellent work being done by our staff at the Discovery Centre and the RSM. There are funfilled activities and programs for guests of all ages.”Apopular attraction is the Paleo Lab Experience, an interactive area for visitors to engage with TRDC staff and learn about the research that is occurring at the Centre. Depending on what is happening in the lab, visitors may assist in uncovering the secrets of a field jacket or look for microfossils.Alongwith the Paleo Lab Experience, the TRDC and the Town of Eastend have fun and engaging activities for the entire family. Explore the beautiful landscape of the Cypress Hills on the hiking trails situated around the Discovery Centre or uncover a new fossil in the Fossil Dig SandThePit.TRDC has a number of activities in store this summer including: Great Horned Owl Presentation : August 13, 2022 - learn how the human-tolerant species is thriving in an altered grassland isseum.ca/trex.VisitInterprovincialdriveCurrenthalfCentreuntil10:00SK,T-rexCentre,cussvariousastheirTRDCtop.m.Saturdayswithcakes.unearthedbrate16,UnearthedCelebrateenvironment.Scotty’sDay:August2022-guestscancele-Scotty’s31stdaywithcup-CheckoutStorytimeScotty’sFriends:2:30to3:00(Greatforkidsthreeeightyearsold)ThemeWeek:JoinInterpretersatthemeweektabletheyshow-and-tellfossilsanddis-prehistoricanimals.TheT.rexDiscoverylocatedat#1DriveinEastend,isopendailyfroma.m.until6:00p.m.LabourDay.Theisanhour-and-a-drivefromSwiftandanhourfromCypressHillsPark.www.royalsaskmu-Admissionbydonation.
YTC hosts play in City Centre Park from the play Centre unveils new Tylosaur exhibit discoveries by Royal Saskatchewan Museum (RSM) Diefenbakerarounddiscoveredmetresthetime.Saskatchewanthatodthemillionsnakes.erncloselypredatoryciesTylosaurspalaeontologists.areaspe-ofmosasaur-alarge,marinereptilerelatedtomod-monitorlizardsandTheylived72yearsagoduringlateCretaceousperi-inalargeinlandseacoveredmostofatthatThespecimenatTRDCisroughly10inlengthandwasinthehillsLakenearSask
The finishing touches are being put on the new Tylosaur exhibit at the T. rex Discovery Centre (TRDC), including a new displayLocatedpanel.in Eastend, the T.rex Discovery Centre offers someLabcheckingGallery,ScottythecanTylosaurInits,palaeontologicalfantasticexhib-programsandevents.additiontothenewexhibit,guestsgetacloseuplookatworld’slargestT.rex,intheCNScottyinadditiontooutthePaleoExperienceandoftheotherlatest
A10 August 19, 2022 | This Week Marketplace YORKTON – A performance of the Savage Production Society’s play, ‘You used to call me Marie’, took place in the city on the evening of August 9. The performance, hosted by the Yorkton Tribal Council, was billed as a “theatrical and musical adventure.” “‘You used to call me Marie…’ follows two souls through eight Métis love stories at eight distinct periods in history. Moving through different lives, we watch Iskwewo, Napew and Mistatim before and after the colonization of Treaty 6,” detailed a description of the play on Savage Production Society’s website.Theevent featured a free supper to precede the performance with a large crowd in attendance to take in the show.The play was co-directed, written by and stars Tai Amy Grauman. “Tai Amy Grauman is Métis, Cree and Haudenosaunee from Ardrossan, Alberta. Tai was awarded the Métis Nation of Alberta’s award for “Outstanding Youth of 2020” for the work she is doing to unravel the stories of Métis women in her family (the Callihoos). She also received the Jessie Richardson award for most promising newcomer in 2018 as well as Vancouver’s Mayor’s Emerging Theatre Artist of 2015, nominated by Margo Kane,” detailed a short biography of Grauman on the SPS’s website.
‘You used to call me Marie…’ performed to a large audience on the evening of August 9. Submitted Photo T.rex Discovery

Photo Courtesy Greg Ottenbreit
— Submitted
These measures help address emergencies before they arise, — Minister Responsible for the Saskatchewan Water Security Agency (WSA), Jeremy Cockrill
The transition moves from the emergency focus toward long-term flood mitigation proj ects. Applications from municipalities will be accepted until September 15, 2022. “The Government of Saskatchewan is committed to safeguarding our communities by providing high-risk communities funding to protect infrastructure from future flooding,” Cockrill said. “These measures help address emergencies before they arise, saving communities money and additional stress during an emergency.”Last year, the Village of Lebret received $31,950 in funding support from the FDRP to undertake the engineering required to initiate flood protection works for the municipality. “We were fortunate to qualify for this muchneeded funding in 2021 to commission a new flood hazard map for our area,” Mayor of the Village of Lebret, Lloyd Virag said. “The costshare reimbursement makes protecting our community so much easier and gives our citizens peace of mind for future resilience.”WSAisinvesting up to $500,000 in EFDRP and FDRP for 2022-23. The agency will accept FDRP proposals in four streams from communities both urban (cities, towns and villages) and in rural municipalities (hamlets) as follows:•Hydrologic and/ or hydraulic investigations to develop risk assessments;•Flood mapping projects;•Mitigation planning, where municipalities develop emergency flood response plans or potential flood damage prevention construction designs; and • Structural projects, where the municipality acts as the proponent for construction of permanent flood protectionTheworks.FDRP will cover eligible costs incurred up to March 31, 2023. A list of eligible costs can be found online here. Once a municipality applies to the program, the proponent must have prior WSA approval and must secure any applicable regulatory requirements to undertake work. Eligible projects will be cost-shared on a 50/50 basis between WSA and theForproponent.moreinformation on the program, please contact the nearest WSA office or visit damage-prevention/.water-programs/flood-wsask.ca/
The Minister Responsible for the Saskatchewan Water Security Agency (WSA) Jeremy Cockrill is reminding municipalities of the annual transition of the Emergency Flood Damage Reduction Program (EFDRP) to the Flood Damage Reduction Program (FDRP) for the remainder of the 20222023 fiscal year.
A11This Week Marketplace | August 19, 2022 LOYALTY BONUS GET A FOR QUALIFIED HONDA 750OWNERS OVER 96.14% OF ALL Honda MODELS SOLD IN CANADA IN THE LAST 10 YEARS ARE STILL ON THE ROAD TODAY. Honda Sensing™ Safety Technologies ECON Mode & Eco Assist™ Blind InformationSpotSystemBose® Sound System with Subwoofer THE ALL-NEW 2022 TOURING SEDAN CIVIC 1.95%#FROMRATES NUS SA OWNERS Small 4-doorcarssedanCANADIAN DRIVEN. With powergreatcomes dependability.great FOR QUALIFIED HONDA OWNERS yoursReservetoday. Honda Sensing™ Safety Technologies ECON Mode & Eco Assist™ Apple CarPlay® & Android Auto™ Real Time AWD™ THE VERSATILE 2022 TOURING CR-V 1.45%#FROMRATES CANADIAN BUILT. CANADIAN DRIVEN. Top Safety Pick+ SmallcarsCANADIAN BUILT. SLOYALTY BONUS GET A WNERSR O #Limited time lease offer is from Honda Canada Finance Inc. (HCFI), on approved credit. Lease example: 2022 CR-V Touring 4WD (RW2H9NKS)/2022 Civic 4D Touring CVT (FE1F9NKN) for a 24-month/24-month period, for a total of 104/104 weekly payments of $198/$122, leased at 1.45%/1.95% APR. 20,000km annual allowance (12 cents/km excess charge). Total ease obligation is $20,544/$12,690. Lease payments include freight and PDI of $1,950/$1,780 and applicable fees, but do not include lien registration fee (up to $85 in certain regions) and lien registering agent fee (up to $6), which are due at time of delivery. $1,750 down-payment required for Civic Sedan. Taxes, insurance, license, and registration fees (all of which may vary by region) are extra. †Enhanced Loyalty Honda Bonus is available to eligible customers who: (i) are the current owner/lessee of a Honda or Acura vehicle and reside in BC, AB, SK, MB or ON; or (ii) have a current Honda Financial Services (HFS)/Acura Financial Services (AFS) lease or finance account, or a previous HFS/AFS account that expired within the past year (365 days). This offer is not transferable to any other person. Proof of eligibility is required and must be submitted to HFS to qualify for this loyalty offer. Loyalty Honda Bonus will be applied only to a Honda brand vehicle leased or financed through HFS, on approved credit, as follows: $500 bonus on Civic Sedan; $750 bonus on CR-V models. Loyalty Honda Bonus: (i) will apply only to current payments advertised by HFS in Canada; (ii cannot be combined with other existing loyalty offers, unless otherwise indicated. Offer ends August 31, 2022 and is subject to change or cancellation without notice. Dealer may sell/lease for less. Limited quantity of 2022 models available, dealer trade may be necessary. Offer available only at participating Honda dealers in Western Canada. Models may not be equipped as shown and are for illustration purposes only. Visit Honda.ca or your Honda dealer for details. ^Built with domestic and imported parts. Visit Hondacanada.ca to learn more about Made-in-Canada. Stk#2007 306-782-2262 71 Dracup Ave., Yorkton There will be 28 passing lanes and multiple intersection upgrades on Highway 16, which will improve safety along the major transportation corridor. The passing lanes extend on the Yellowhead east of Saskatoon from Clavet to Dafoe and in the Yorkton area from Springside to Saltcoats. Highway’s Minister Jeremy Cockrill recently cut the ribbon on the project. Passing lanes for Highway #16

WHITE POPLAR or birch firewood. Cut and split. Will take smaller logs if necessary. Delivered to Good Spirit Park Cabin. Want 6 cords. Please call J at 306BEDROOM536-1146 SUITE, 2 dressers, 2 deep freezers, coffee and end tables, kitchen set, microwave, linen closet, bookshelf, white cupboards, smoker, canning jars. Call BURIAL306-783-0452PLOT Yorkton Memorial of Crucifixion $1,155 - includes transfer fee. Loveseat $60. Double boxspring and mattress $60. Call 306-890-0571. North Country
A12 August 19, 2022 | This Week Marketplace
FarmandRanchRealty,SK Ihavebeendealingwithfarmand ranchsalesfor20plusyears.Reasonableratesandhonestanswers. Callortextmeanytime. 306-743-7761 APARTMENTS FOR RENT: Bachelor, 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units. Call First Choice Properties 306-621-5050 email: orpleasemorebasedandstoveforisSPRINGSIDEproperties@gmail.comfirstchoice-HOUSINGAuthoritycurrentlyacceptingapplicationsa3bedroomhome.Fridgeandincluded.Wellkept,cleanquietneighborhood.Rentisonincome.NoPets.ForinformationandapplicationscallMorlieat306-792-2222306-621-7815. WELCOME TO A Rooms:andENVIRONMENTFREEquietsurroundings(asingleroomor a couple rooms) Includes internet, cable, laundry, family living. Per night, per week or per month! For more information call SPRINGSIDE306-620-9920.HOUSING Authority is currently accepting applications for
TYMIAK’S MONUMENTS & GRAVE SURFACING CO. Granite, Bronze, Marble Monuments, Vases, Cemetery Inscriptions & Cremation Urns. FULLY LICENSEDGUARANTEEDANDBONDED 529 Main St. South, Box 476, Ituna, Sask. S0A 1N0 Ph. 306-795-2428
- Always loved and never forgotten, Mom & Dad, Sisters & Husbands ZANDER - In loving memory of wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother Gertrude. August 21, 1999. 23 years ago. No hand so soft and gentle No heart so tender, true No sorrow life could bring us To equal losing you. Till roses lose their petals, Till the heather has lost its dew, Till the end of time, dear Mother, We will remember you. -Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by Sharon, Jason, Lisa, Aaron, Carrie andfamilies.their CRESCENT CREEK ORCHARDyou pick cherries, $15/pail, West of Yorkton on Hwy 52 to Fenwood grid, 4 km South. 306-539-2717
Meats, Stenen 306-621-1082306-594-7995 SUMITOMO WINTER tires 265/60R18 with rims. Used 1 winter. Phone 783-2911 or 783-7575. FarmsInMonumentsMemoriamforSale In AnnouncementsMemoriamCardofThanksFarmsforSale Coming Events Prayer Corner Farms for Apartments/CondosSalefor Rent Houses For Rent Lots & Acreages for Sale SuitesRoomsForRentWanted Lots & Acreages for Sale For Sale - Misc WE DELIVER ClassifiedsClassifiedsRESULTS Banners\YTWM-Classi\\tsclient\Drives\CompositionFiles\Layout\Keep\BAN fieds_Index_and_info.pdf 2.0000 x 1971100 Notices 1200 Employment 1400 Education 2000 The Market 2020 Auctions 2086 SalesGarage 3000 Children 3500 Pets 3535 Livestock 4000 Seniors 5000 ServicesFuneral 6000 Real Estate 6500 GuideRenters 8000 ServicesBusiness 9000 Agriculture 9100 On Wheels CLASS INDEX 20 Third Ave. North, Yorkton Whether you’re buying or selling... CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. DEADLINES: Wednesday Edition, 4 p.m. Monday Marketplace, 4 p.m. Tuesday ALL ADS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE Value Added Word Ads Add tremendous visibility to your Yorkton This Week word ads. Bold print, centering, underlining Simply request your Word Ad to appear with greater impact Each feature $0.20 per word per week. at 306-782-2465 Or fax us at 306-786-1898 Or classifieds@yorktonthisweek.comemailYouradwillbeseeninYorktonThisWeekandMarketplace To place your classified ad by telephone call Place your classified ad in 84 weekly newspapers throughout Saskatchewan for only $209.00 a week. Or for $86.00 per week, you can focus on one of four zones. (for 25 words) Employees found. Careers made.Reach over 500,000 potential jobseekers in SaskatchewanPROVINCE WIDE CAREER DISPLAY ADS $7.79 per agate line BUY THREE WEEKS FOR AND$21.35*GETNINEWEEKSFREE *Some restrictions apply, call for more details +GST FOR AN EXTRA 20 words or less/week$500 We Will “SUPER SIZE” your ad with bigger type, making it a 2x bigger than a normal ad. GET RESULTS! USE THIS CONVENIENT ORDER FORM TO PLACE YOUR AD CLASSIFIED ADS, YORKTON THIS WEEK, P O BOX 1300, YORKTON, SASK S3N 2X3 or c l a s s i f i e d s @ y o r k t o n t h i s w e e k c o m Please insert my ad for.........weeks. Payment enclosed................... Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone....................... Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City/Town........................ Postal Code . . . . . . . . . . . . .Visa ❑ Mastercard ❑ Card No.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Expiry Date........ CLASS NO. ❑ 1st line centered and bold ❑ Bold ❑ Center ❑ Underline PLEASE CHECK OPTION 1 1 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 2 2 7 7 1 1 2 2 1 1 7 7 3 3 8 8 1 1 3 3 1 1 8 8 4 4 9 9 1 1 4 4 1 1 9 9 5 5 1 1 0 0 1 1 5 5 2 2 0 0 ★ Name, address and phone number must accompany any advertisement placed in the Classifieds. Publisher reserves the right to withhold ad from publication if information not complete. MAIL TO: Wade Berlinic (306) 641-4667 Wade.Berlinic@HammondRealty.ca HammondRealty.ca Acres of Expertise. WHATEVER NEEDS DONE. Carpentry, plumbing, painting, yard work, garbage hauled away. Phone 306-621-7538, leave message. BRAZEAU MASONRY & ROOFING Brick, block, stone layer. Chimney repair. Parging & Stucco. Soffit & fascia. Free estimate call Wayne 306-331-8069 Handyperson Services for Hire At Your Service BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY To advertise in this spot contact the Sales Team sales@yorktonthisweek.comat 306-782-2465 ADVERTISING IS AN NOTINVESTMENTANEXPENSE www.lanerealty.com LANE REALTY Saskatchewan's Farm & Ranch Specialists™ WITH OVER 40 YEARS IN BUSINESS! Phone: 306-620-7260 lanerealtycorp@sasktel.net For all your buying or selling needs contact: Doug Jensen or Jason Beutler 306-620-7260 LANE REALTY CANORA - 160 ACRES: 120 cult., 238,400 assess. (land), 1815 sq ft home w/4 beds 1½ baths, barn, SE of Canora NEW/SALE PENDING YORKTON - 155 ACRES: 85 cult. (all grass), 109,600: assess., yardsite with Barn and older Modular Home, 10 minutes W of Yorkton NEW YORKTON - 160 ACRES: 85 cult. (65 to grass in 2021), 180,600 land assess., Shop & Storage buildings, 1288 sq ft Modular Home, 15 min. E of Yorkton
THE FAMILY of the late Olga Duff, wish to express their heartfelt gratitude to relations, neighbors and friends for all your kindness during this difficult time. To all who supported us with cooking, meat trays, fruit trays, flowers, cards, condolences on social media and to who all traveled to attend prayers and the funeral mass, we will be forever grateful. A personal thank you to Dr. Van Heerden, Nurse Trish of the palliative care team for their kind and compassionate care during mom’s last days. We also would like to thank the staff at Bailey’s Funeral Home in making mom’s celebrations of life a beautiful memory. Thank you to Mary Bybliw of St. Gerard Church for the prayer service, as well as a special thank you to Father Louis Kim Nguyen for a lovely funeral mass and interment also thanks to the St. Gerard Church choir. We would like to express our thanks to The Catholic Women’s League for their guard of honour at the funeral mass and to all the ladies of St. Gerard’s Church for the lovely lunch. - The Family of Olga Duff KHRAM AT Mamornitz Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Sunday August 21, 2022. Service 10.a.m., Visitation of graves, dinner to follow. Everyone welcome. ONLY JESUS CAN SAVE John 3:16 Do you need prayer? Please 306-516-0038call: heavenlanguage.com250-217-5294orVisit 1 & 2 bedroom Senior Suites at the Heritage Place. Fridge and stove included. Central laundry with two washers and dryers. Well kept, ready for rent. Rent is based on income. For more information and applications please call Morlie at 306-792-2222 or 306-621-7815.
FOR SALE Beef sides $5.00/lb. grain fed – smaller sides Lean hamburger $5.00/lb. Cut & wrapped Can deliver to Yorkton
Serving Surrounding Areas Since 1960 IN HOME ESTIMATES AT NO CHARGE SEE OUR LARGE DISPLAY In Loving Memory 0f Loretta Lyn Glute Aug. 16, 2016 The moment you left us Our hearts split in two One side filled with memories The other side died with you. We often lay awake at night When the world is fast asleep And take a walk down memory lane With tears upon our cheeks. Remembering you is easy We do it every day But missing you is a heartache That never goes away. We hold you tightly within our hearts And there you will remain As our lives go on without you But will never be the same.

and report
and/or deliver bins/augers,
1976 CABIN TRAILER. Fibre glass. Yellow. Asking $5000. Call 306-786-7401 GOOD’S USED PARTSTRACTOR (204) 564-2528 or 1-877-564-8734Roblin,MB COOKS & WANTEDCHEFS Looking for full-time cooks
policies and procedures and report any unsafe conditions immediately • Assist in the proper care and maintenance of all
A13This Week Marketplace | August 19, 2022
General Employment General Employment General Employment GILBERT
protection products, perform general maintenance and housekeeping responsibilities, deliver chemical and seed to customers and operate
and hoursservices.including weekends and evenings.
products to our customers. These products
follow regular
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and unload fertilizer and
108 FENSON CRES. Aug. 12 & 19, 9AM-6PM Aug. 20, 9AM12PM. Multi-Family Sale! Antiques, tools, household items, spruce trees, perennials. 136 BARBOUR AVE. Yorkton Friday Aug. 19 & Saturday Aug. 20 8AM-8PM. Large selection of 146items.APPLETON DRIVE Yorkton Aug. 19, 20, 21 from 9AM-3PM Household items plus furniture. Moving Sale! 149 DARLINGTON ST. E Yorkton Aug 19 & 20 from 9AM-6PM Variety of items for everyone!
FURNITURE SALE - Table Saw, Large Deep Freezer, Extendable Ladder, Trough, Record & Radio Player with Cabinet, Various Size Jars, Bunk bed including Mattress, Slow Cooker, Weed Eater, Wheelbarrow, Bicycle. Call 306-5422765 for prices. August 19, 20, & 21& 21 8 am to 7 pm • (Fri, Sat, Sun) 222 Mary Canora,StreetSK ForSomethingEveryone!! Garage Sale
License • Clean Driver Abstract • Ability to utilize a
Air endorsed
Outlander quad;
210 CIRCLEBROOKE DRIVE Fri, Aug. 19 11AM-7PM. Sat, Aug. 20 9AM-5PM. 5 1/2 H.P. Johnson Outboard boat anchors, vertical blinds, tools, kitchen, misc.
Arctic Cat Chalmers lawn tractor, 48”
STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP Published weekly by Boundary Publishers Ltd., a subsidiary of Glacier Ventures International Corp. The Glacier group of companies collects personal information from our customers in the normal course of business transactions. We use that information to provide you with our products and services you request. On occasion we may contact you for purposes of research, surveys and other such matters. To provide you with better service we may share your personal information with our sister companies and also outside, selected third parties who perform work for us as suppliers, agents, service providers and information gatherers. Our subscription list may be provided to other organizations who have products and services that may be of interest to you. If you do not wish to participate in such matters, please contact us at the following address: Yorkton This Week, 20 Third Avenue North, Yorkton, S3N 2X3. For a complete statement of our privacy policy, please go to our website at: www.yorktonthisweek.com or stop by our office and pick up a copy. Yorkton This Week is owned and operated by The Prairie Newspaper Group LP, a division of GVIC Communications Corp.
are not
bins and bin parts, augers and other Ag related products. Responsibilities: • Transport products and supplies
152 CLAREWOOD CRES. MultiFamily. Thurs, Aug. 18 & Fri, Aug. 19 from 11AM-7PM. Sat, Aug. 20 from 11AM-2PM. Household and 181tools.SUNSET DR. N Yorkton. Fri, Aug. 19 & Sat, Aug. 20 9AM-7PM Snow scoop, household, ladies & men’s clothing, toys and more!
RVs/Campers/TrailersSalesFarmImplements PLAINS CO-OP LTD.
schedules on
equipment, posts, lumber,
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Gilbert Plains Co-op invites applications for a Full Time Permanent Truck Driver positions. The Gilbert Plains Co-op is located in the Parkland area. As a co-operative we are proud supporters of our communities and its members, and strive to provide excellent customer service to the surrounding communities by offering a wide selection of Ag products As well other duties may but limited build load crop facility equipment/machinery. Reporting to the Agro Manager, the driver responsible Agro range seed, for the Gilbert Plains Co-op vehicles and maintenance vehicles any issues to the Agro Manager safety Agro 1 3 Driver’s RM Map/GPS interest, however only those selected to continue in the recruitment process will be contacted. HIRING!
and chefs. Competitive wages. Submit resumes to Mano’s restaurant in Yorkton, SK. Garage Sales Garage
from fertilizer, chemical,
for delivering
• Follow
equipment • Assist in other departments and perform other duties as required The Candidate: • Class
Thursday, August 25
Unit • Available to work evenings and weekend hours as required • Excellent communication skills and the ability to problem solve • Highly motivated and mechanically inclined • Ability to work with minimal supervision • Flexible in accepting other duties as assigned • Must be able to perform all duties and responsibilities The Gilbert Plains Co-op Ltd. offers a highly competitive compensation plan, company matched pension plan employees. If you would like to join our progressive and well-established Co-operative, please send a cover letter and resume to: Attention: Deanna Gouldsborough Human Resource Manager Email: d.gouldsborough@gilbertplainscoop.ca or Mail to: P.O. Box 40 Gilbert Plains, MB R0L 0X0 Ph: 204-548-2387 We thank all applicants for their
Previewing from Sat, Aug 20th • Call Vern @ 431-760-0037 for more info.
TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT: 2000 JD 7210 FWA tractor with JD 740 self-levelling loader; Frontier pallet fork for JD 740 FEL; Thomas 233 skid steer loader, etc; VEHICLES AND STOCK TRAILER: 2000 GMC 4x4 Canyon; 2000 Ford SD F250 super cab; 1992 Daihatsu HiJet light pickup; grain trucks - 1984 Intl S1700 (saftied); 1983 F600 Ford; 1968 White Freightliner semi-tractor; qty older vehicles; 1999 Wilson stock trailer, 7’x24’; FARM AND HAYING MACHINERY: JD 9600 SP combine, JD 7- belt 914 pickup; JD 8820 combine, 6-belt pickup; 30’ Friggstad deep tiller, 3-bar mounted harrows; 34’ EZEE-ON deep tiller cultivator; 12’ tandem offset disc, 23” blade diameter; JD 930 and JD 230 straight-cut grain headers; XL swather, 25’ header; JD 30’ pull-type swather; Morris 4-bar 54’ tine wagon; bale forks, bale spear; 6-wheel hay rake; Degelman ground drive stone picker; NH 790 manure spreader; Easy Steer 500 assisted steering system (2021), etc; LIVESTOCK and HORSE EQUIPMENT, FENCING MATERIALS: portable cattle handling system; Pearson squeeze chute with pap cage; creep/bale feeders, tubs; cattle and vet horse tack; fencing etc; 2007 Can Am 500 4x4 2002 cut; SHOP and Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, or UC, are inflammatory bowel diseases that share many similarities. However, the two conditions are different in various ways as well. Crohn’s and UC affect the intestines and can cause chronic inflammation of the digestive tract. This may result in various symptoms, such as diarrhea, fever, fatigue, abdominal pain and cramping, weight loss, and blood in the stool. In addition, UCLA Health says that each disease can develop in people of any age, including teenagers and young adults. The causes of each condition, which affect men and women equally, are largely unknown. However, factors such as the environment, genetics and inappropriate immune system responses are often implicated in the onset. Despite their similarities, Crohn’s and UC are different. MedicineNet offers that Crohn’s disease can affect any part of the gastroesophageal tract from the mouth to the anus. UC, on the other hand, is only confined to the large bowel. While people with Crohn’s disease will have episodes of pain and diarrhea, among other symptoms, remission can occur for stretches. Those with UC often experience pain in the lower left side with rectal bleeding, frequent stools and a mucous-like discharge. Such symptoms are typically ongoing. There is no cure for Crohn’s disease or UC, though the Mayo Clinic notes therapy can greatly reduce signs and symptoms and even bring about long-term remission. Treatments may include medications and special diets. Surgery can often eliminate UC, but it typically involves removing the entire colon and rectum.Surgery also may be an option for those with Crohn’s disease, advises the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation. As many as 75 percent of people with Crohn’s find that medications can no longer control their symptoms. Surgery involves removal of the diseased segments of the bowel. Patients should keep in mind that recurrence of Crohn’s is possible, even after surgery. People with either Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis may be advised to undergo frequent testing, which can include both a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy to periodically check up on the health of the GI tract. People with Crohn’s or UC may be at an elevated risk for gastrointestinal cancers. It is important for people with Crohn’s or UC to speak with a doctor so they can stay up-to-date on the latest testing and treatments.
• Maintain
will be assigned, these

Horticultural Society hosts successful show
Photos Courtesy Debbie Hayward
The Yorkton and District Horticultural Society had their first, live in-person Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Show Wednesday, Aug. 10, at the Parkland Mall. Yes, it was a brand new venue, and “we were all eager to be there and see our gardening friends again,” said Society member Debbie Hayward. “It was a great show; we had well over 100 guests attend, and while they sipped coffee and nibbled on cookies, they were able to browse through the many displays ranging from containers, cut flowers, and flower good,and“Thearrangements.numberoffruitsvegetableswasalsoconsideringthe challenging spring that many of our gardeners experienced with hail, heat, and pounding rain.” Hayward noted they had guests of all ages, and added, “it was a delight to see them all, especially the guests from the Nursing Home, members of the Flower Patch Flower Arranging Group. “Wonderful to have you at the show. The Society thanked everyone for coming. “We all enjoyed talking gardening with you,” saidTheHayward.Parkland Mall was also thanked for their great help in making the show a reality again.“Thank you to Cole at Access for his coverage of the show, and to our friends at Yorkton This Week for all their ongoing support of our group. Thank you all,” said Hayward.“Andlast but not least, thank you to the enthusiastic members of the Society who took part in the“Yourshow. entries, your work at the tables, your lively conversation with our guests all made the event a success! As Michael Jordan said, ‘some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.’ Those of you who took part and brought it all to life with your participation did indeed ‘make it happen’.”
A14 August 19, 2022 | This Week Marketplace BUSINESS DIRECTORY Custom Metal & Wood Signs Stone & Glass Etching Custom Home Decor CAD Design Services JFJ Fabricators Canada Inc. 306-516-0038 Jfjfabricators.com CONCRETECONCRETE CARCARE KM Auto Care is a full service motor vehicle repair shop. We aim to make your visit as convenient as possible and keep your vehicle in great shape so it's safe and dependable as possible. 50 Broadway Street West Yorkton, SK S3N OL7 306-782-2638 Tel 306-782-2625 kmauto@sasktel.netFax www.yorktonhearing.com JACQUIE MVULA M.S., R. Audiologist/OwnerAud. “Your ears deserve an audiologist” 18-1st Avenue North Yorkton, Sask. 306-782-1793 METALHEARINGSERVICESFLYERDELIVERY FABRICATION J. BOT CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Garage DemolitionSidewalksDrivewaysSlabs&Saw Cutting ConcretePatios Repairs Call Jim 306-620-6806 WE CAN DELIVER YOUR FLYERS! Leave it to the experts for Your city delivery in Yorkton and rural areas. WEDNESDAY FRIDAYS 306-782-2465 YORKTONTHISWEEK MARKETPLACE sales@yorktonthisweek.com
The Parkland Mall proved a good location for the show in 2022.


A16 August 19, 2022 | This Week Marketplace 1-306-934-8383 | www.bridgecityremax.ca Jeff Chapple 306-740-7161chappleremax@gmail.com Commercial/Agriculture Specialist Eastern Saskatchewan $324,000 12 3RD AVE N, YORKTON MLS®#: SK884144 $1,100,000 279 HAMILTON ROAD, YORKTON MLS®#: SK903098 $469,000 46 HILL STREET, YORKTON MLS®#: SK899496 $289,000 801 PARK AVENUE, MOOSOMIN MLS®#: SK903354 $12/square feet 37 BROADWAY STREET E, YORKTON MLS®#: SK904538 Marcel DeCorby 306-745-7755mhdecorby@gmail.com Agriculture Specialist Eastern Saskatchewan GRAYSON$679,000RMNO.184 MLS®#: SK901137 $899,000 RM OF FERTILE BELT MLS®#: SK866224 GOOD$699,000LAKELAND MLS®#: SK873878 LANGENBURG$849,000RM MLS®#: SK900288 Ray Nordin 306-730-8151r.nordin22@gmail.com Agriculture, Residential Specialist Eastern Saskachewan Personal, professional service. Whether buying or selling, if it’s a residential property in smaller communities you’re interested in, acreages out in the rurals, recreational properties, investment land or a complete farming operation, I’ve handled the transactions for all of them and would be honoured to help you with your Real Estate needs. Give me a call and we can discuss your particular situation, what’s most important is “you”. OUR AGENTS ARE THE DIFFERENCE LANG SOLD $239,000 1124 ASQUITH DRIVE, ESTERHAZY MLS®#: SK905627 $256,900 148 CRESCENT LAKE ROAD, SALTCOATS MLS®#: SK902627 $329,000 409 OHLEN STREET, STOCKHOLM MLS®#: SK902913 $599,095 HAUBRICH ACREAGE, SASKATCHEWAN MLS®#: SK905443 $294,500 727 STANLEY STREET, ESTERHAZY MLS®#: SK902390 Nancy Johnson 306-745-7578nancjohnson@me.com Residential Specialist Esterhazy, Yorkton and Area $180,900 1001 CARLTON DRIVE, ESTERHAZY MLS®#: SK905644 40409OHLENS9OHLENS ING NEWLISTNEWLISTINGHAUBRICHACR$ NEWLISTING 1124ASQUITH$NEWLISTING 1001CARLTON$NEWLISTING Gladys Secondiak BOGELUND FARM MLS®#: SK893128 $169,000 23 3RD AVE NW PREECEVILLE MLS®#: SK903296 $139,000 236 3RD AVE NE PREECEVILLE MLS®#: SK903511 29 2ND AVE NW PREECEVILLE MLS®#: SK902950 306-620-9700Gladys.Secondiak@outlook.com Residential, Agriculture Specialist Yorkton, Canora, Preeceville, Kamsack and surrounding area. NEWLISTINGNEWSOLDLISTINGSTRAWBERRY$649,000FIELDS FARM MLS®#: SK903228 NEWLISTING SOLDSOLD 701 1ST AVE BUCHANAN MLS®#: SK885734 SOLD $799,000 CHEREWYK HOME QUARTER MLS®#: SK858975 $810,000 Lajord 160 acres $3,400,000 GRAYSON FARM, GRAYSON RM NO. 184, SASKATCHEWAN MLS®#: SK901466 $2,000,000 CANA RM NO. 214, SASKATCHEWAN MLS®#: SK883580 SPY HILL RM NO. 152, SASKATCHEWAN MLS®#: SK885120 $499,000 SOLD $549,000 RM OF MOOSOMIN COMMERCIAL LAND MLS®#: SK884331 SOLD $ H SOLD $ GRAYSON SOLD 902 GONCZY AVENUE MLS®#: SK893335