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Accident with moose claims three racehorses
By Carol Baldwin, Local (WakawInitiativeJournalismReporterRecorder)
USask chemists solve 27-year-old riddle, produce promising new compound Victoria Dinh USask Media Relations
Guest Speaker Murad Al-Katib, President and CEO of AGT Food and Ingredients – a Sask based company with manufacturing and processing facilities on 5 continents. Murad was the recipient of the World Entrepreneur of the Year Award in 2017. His presentation is entitled “From Downtown Davidson to the World: a Entrepreneur’sSaskatchewanJourney” are now available 306-783-4368
It was a tough ending to good weekend of racing at Archerwill, SK, for a local chuckwagon and chariot racing family, the Gareau Chuckwagon Racing Team. The Team traces its history back to the early 1970’s. Gilles Gareau began racing chariots in 1973 and branched out into chuckwagons as well. In 1978 Gilles won the aggregate chuckwagon championship in the Prince Albert Professional Chariot and Chuckwagon Association and the Best Driver Award in 1979 but hung up the reins in andedback.theintowhydren.takingracesLorraineracingThroughout1981.Gilles’dayshiswifefollowedtothehelpingGillesandcareoftheirchil-It’snothardtoseeasthechildrengrewadulthoodthecallofracetrackdrewthemKevinGareaustart-racingchariotsin1996beganchuckwagons in 1997.This is Kevin’s 26th year holding the reins. Over his many years in racing, Kevin has filled the role of president of the Prince Albert Professional Chariot and wereHoodoounteersSundaycheeringDad,eachdownfigurethefamilybersforothertofamilieshandraces,Kevin’sprintsingeldesthaveKevinrelinquishedAssociation,ChariotEasternthatAssociationChuckwagonandlaterofpresidentoftheProfessionalandChuckwagonarolehethisyear.andhiswifeLisa,threechildrentheofwhichisfollow-inthefamilyhoof-byracingchariots.brotherBenalsotakingthereinsin20yearsago.Thetraveltogetherraceshelpingeachprepareandcarethefour-leggedmem-oftheirextendedandeverysooftentwobrothersdotheeightandracethetrackagainstotherwithMomandLorraineandGilles,thembothon.Justbefore10pmonAug.14,thevol-oftheWakaw/FireandRescuecalledtorespondto
Continued on Page 10
a motor vehicle accident. The preliminary information they received was of a motor vehicle collision with a moose on Highway 41 about 15 km east of Wakaw. \ On route they learned that more than one vehicle was involved in the collision one of which was a vehicle pulling a loaded livestock trailer. Responding to the collision scene were two rescue engines and one command unit, EMS, and the RCMP.The crews were on scene for approximately four hours doing traffic control, scene clean up and providing medical assistance. Multiple animals had been injured in theUnfortunately,accident. that accident involved the Gareau Chuckwagon Racing Team member KevinTheGareau.nextmorning the Team announced on their Facebook page, besides having injured animals, four of their horses lost their lives. There’s livestock, then there’s pets and then there are fourlegged family members and these horses were family. Gone from the family, but not forgotten are Kevin’s left hand chariot horse, ‘Bobby’, his right-hand pole horse, ‘Jack’, his left-hand pole horse, ‘Wizard’, and daughter Shae Lynn’s right-hand chariot horse, ‘Sugar’. For people in horse racing, the horse is not just the vehicle used to get to the winner’s circle, the horse is an active, participating member of the team. They are bred to run and they love to run. Ask anyone who races and they will tell you the same thing, these horses are elite athletes who will give 110 per cent if asked to and that kind of heart and desire stems from the love and care they receive. The horses eat first and are cared for first and at the end of the day they are the last thing checked before heads hit the pillows. In a salute on the Team Facebook page, the family wrote, “To our horses, You guys were all amazing. You gave us everything you could and we thank you guys immensely. You brought us to the winning circle a few times this year. Every one of you had a great run on Sunday. Rest Easy” When the Gareau Chuckwagon Racing Team heads out for an event they have quite the convoy heading down the road. Last week Kevin, his wife Lisa, their son Cody and niece Samantha headed up the convoy with their truck pulling the first of two trailers each carrying eight horses. Kevin’s daughter Erika and her boyfriend were in the next vehicle followed by Ben pulling the second trailer. Next was Shae Lynn and her boyfriend followed by Gilles and Lorraine pulling a camper trailer and then some friends who enjoy travelling to the races as well. The impact with the moose resulted in the truck and trailer entering the ditch and overturning. “The truck and trailer are writeoffs,” Kevin shared. The horses didn’t fare so well either, but the people are ok and what was a devastating accident could have been so much worse. Besides the four horses which died, another has sustained a career-ending injury. Her injuries are not life threatening so once recovered she will have a comfortable retirement in her home pasture, Kevin said during the interview. The remaining three suffered less severe injuries, but nevertheless are on pasture-rest recovering and it is a wait and see situation. Kevin says he is “hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.” Most in the sport of racing have a couple of young horses in the wings that are still maturing and are slowly introduced into the program to see how they fit and work with the other horses on the team. Like in any team sport, each member of the team has a role and the team needs to work together as a unit. Young horses are tried in different positions, in different combinations to see where and how they fit. In a situation like Gareau’s where he needs to replace such a large number of horses to rebuild his team, he said that he will definitely need to be purchasing some as, although he was 3 that he will be able to move up, he doesn’t have enough young bloods ready to step up to fill all the gaps left in his team yet.Healing takes time, and for those who have a close family relationship, in times of crisis, being with family is most comfortable place to be. In the world of horse racing, whether the genre be harness racing or chuckwagon and chariot racing, that community has been equated to being one big family. Their lives take them to the same events and so they see each other almost weekly throughout the season and they understand each others struggles and triumphs. They celebrate each other’s victories and step in to help each other out when troubles arise. Kevin himself drives a team for Casey Peterson who suffered a spinal cord injury 20 years ago and loved horses and the sport too much to even consider giving it up. Just three days after the accident Kevin was driving Casey’s team in North Battleford thinking that the pain in his hand was just minor soft-tissue damage resulting from the accident. However, a quick x-ray taken at Rosthern Hospital as he prepared to return to North Battleford to drive the team again revealed a fracture needing surgery to repair. So, even though Kevin himself is sidelined, this past weekend the family was off to Canora to support Ben and continue to heal in the embrace of the chuckwagon and chariot family.In Saskatchewan, there’s always next year and for Kevin Gareau and his family that’s what they are looking toward. They had almost 50 days of racing this year with their superstar team, and next year they will be back racing again. Anyone interested in following the healing journey of the team can find them on Facebook as the Gareau Chuckwagon Racing Team. PM; 6:30 PM
A2 September 2, 2022 | This Week Marketplace
SASKATOON – University of Saskatchewan (USask) chemists have successfully produced for the first time a new, stable organic compound which has eluded other scientists for more than 27 Whileyears.researchers theorized in 1995 the existence of a stable form of [10] annulene, a flat ring of 10 carbon atoms which are attached together by alternating single and double bonds, it has proven impossible to produce in the laboratory—until now. “We had champagne,” said Dr. Michel Gravel (PhD), lead researcher and professor of chemistry at USask’s College of Arts and Science. “We did not wait for the publication to be accepted to celebrate. We definitely had a celebration when we observed the molecule for the first time.” The compound is a clear, colourless liquid at room temperature, absorbs ultraviolet light, and involves a complex 12-step process over multiple months to produce. To make only 10 milligrams of the [10]annulene it requires 1,000 times that amount of starting material. “Our synthesis is inherently very inefficient,” said Gravel. “What’s remarkable, what people are excited about, is that we were able to make it at all.”The results, which were published in the journal Nature Synthesis, are the culmination of an iterative, eightyear process for Gravel, who worked with two graduate students, Dr. Karnjit Parmar (PhD) and Christa Blaquiere, and two undergraduate students, Brianna Lukan, and Sydnie Gengler. “It’s a liquid that’s rather volatile. If you left it on the countertop, it would be all gone by morning,” said Gravel. The compound has potential to replace benzene—a six-carbon ring structure—in many applications, including as an organic semiconductor for use in electronics and solar panels. First, Gravel needs to produce more of the substance to better investigate its properties.“Perhaps it will last longer, perhaps it will conduct better. We don’t know
Proudly Presents its 23rd ChamberAnnualBusinessDinner October 5 St. Mary’s Ukrainian Cultural Centre Cocktails 5:30

#4 Eliminate Your Debt - It is indeed hard not to face a mountain of debt in the post-crisis world. cost of housing is through the roof. Interest rates are beginning to rise as the Bank of Canada (BoC) tightens monetary policy. Ultimately, the cost of living is going up without any respite in sight. But when you are selfemployed, you can face greater scrutiny during the mortgage approval process. One tactic to enhance your odds is eliminating your personal debts, from an automobile loan to a high-interest credit card to student loans. While this can be a tough $500,000 and then ten percent for the remaining sum. With Canadian housing prices only going higher, this can be hard to accumulate. That said, if you have the means, you need to build a hefty down payment when applying for a mortgage. Do not use all of your savings and investments for the down payment. Lenders will want you to have a rainy-day fund throughout the term of your mortgage.
3X3 Bus:
Fax: 306-782-4449
• A list of assets (savings and investments).
The BMIT beamline at the CLS enabled them to distinguish lead fragments from other materials used in bullets and bone fragments. To better simulate hunting, the team encased deer bone within the ballistic gelatin (which is a similar density to flesh).
But here in Canada, the federal government has been facing criticism around a plan seeking to reduce enoughmakingusegoodfarmerstilizer.forcedwouldoveralltheirCanadiannearly2030.sionsgreenhousefertilizer-relatedgasemis-by30percentbyInarecentsurvey,three-quartersoffarmerssaidcropyieldsandfoodproductionfalliftheyweretocutbackonfer-ButFreelandsaysthatarealreadyveryatminimizingtheiroffertilizerwhilesurethey’reusingtogrowwhatthey need.“Iknow a lot of farmers,” she said. “And I do not know a single farmer who uses more fertilizer than he or she absolutely needs to. Fertilizer is expensive. And so I have a lot of confidence in the very good judgment of Canadian farmers in running their farms.”
Michelle Berg/Saskatoon StarPhoenix Victoria CanadianCoordinatorCommunicationsSchrammLightSource
Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland (left) visits Baba’s Closet, a community organization run by Nettie Cherniatenski that supports Ukrainian families by providing essentials and school supplies, free of charge. Photo taken in Saskatoon, Sask. on Wednesday, Aug 24, 2022.
#3 Be Ready for More Documentation - Yes, by now, you must be asking yourself, “More documentation?” But in this environment, you must have as many documents proving yourself as possible to better the odds of approval.
So, what type of documents should you have anyway? Here are a few options at your disposal:
A3This Week Marketplace | September 2, 2022
Deputy Prime Minister visits Colonsay, Sask., tours potash mine
Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland visited Colonsay, Sask. on Wednesday to tour a potash mine and speak about the importance of Canadian natural resources on the national and global stage. At the Mosaic potash mine in Colonsay, which was shut down for significant portions of the COVID-19 pandemic but now employs more than 300 workers on site again, Freeland said that production of potash - a key ingredient in fertilizeris becoming increasingly important.“Potash … is a strategic resource,” she said. “It always has been a strategic resource, because it is part of how we feed the people, and nothing is more important than that. But with Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine, potash has become even moreOthercritical.”world leaders, too, are paying attention to Canada’s potash mining operations - particularly since the invasion of Ukraine.“Igetasked at international meetings about Canada and our ability to supply some of the strategic resources that the world no longer wants to buy from Russia,” she said. “I am proud to get asked that question, because I am really proud that Canada can play a role in supporting democracy and supporting our democratic allies.”While Freeland talked about how other countries are increasingly looking to Canada to supply natural resources like potash while “Russia and Belarus are - quite rightly - being shut out of the global economy,” she also reaffirmed her strong criticism of the “barbaric” invasion. In this foodasaidenvironment,geopoliticalFreelandCanadianpotashiscriticalpartofglobalsecurity.“Peopleproducing potash in Saskatchewan are feeding the world,” she said. “That’s not an exaggeration. Canada is the world’s largest producer and exporter of potash. 32 per cent of the world’s total, in 2020. “Farmers around the world depend on our potash. … And that means that millions and millions of people depend on the work that is being done here, right now.”
• A list of debts and monthly payments.
#6 Maintain Vast Cash Reserves - Speaking of rainy-day fund…In addition to having the necessary down payment and income level to secure a mortgage, you must also possess plenty of cash reserves in the event of a circumstance in your life. “R” Ball Road - Box Yorkton, SK S3N 306-782-9600
SASKATOON - The lead in some bullets used for hunting deer, moose, and elk is toxic to the humans who eat the harvested meat and to scavenger animals that feast on remains left in theAfield.team of researchers from the Canadian Light Source at the University of Saskatchewan (USask) and the College of Medicine at USask has for the first time used synchrotron imaging to study both the size and spread of bullet fragments in big game shot by hunters. Their findings were published today at 2pm E.T. in PLOS One. Like a scene right out of the hit television series CSI, the research team fired bullets into blocks of ballistic gelatin – the same material used by law enforcement agencies for ballistic testing – and examined the resulting fragments using synchrotron imaging.
Let’s be honest: If it has been fewer than a couple of years, it will be a bit hard to prove to a mortgage lender that you possess a stable income and can, therefore, make regular payments. However, if you have been self-employed for more than two years, your track stress earned,test.essentially verifying to the mortgage specialist that you make enough money to maintain a home loan.
How To Get A Mortgage When Self Employed WITH REAL EXPERIENCEESTATE
• Other sources of income.
#1employed.Provide Self-Employment Record - How long have you been self-employed?
• Bank statements.
You can take advantage of these seven tips to increase the odds of qualifying for a mortgage when you are self
While in the Saskatoon area, Freeland also met with Mayor Charlie Clark and visited Baba’s Closet, a community organization that supports Ukrainian families by providing them with free essentials and school supplies.“Inrecent months, hundreds more Ukrainians have come here to Saskatchewan after being forced to flee their homes by Vladimir Putin’s illegal invasion,” she said. “I am really grateful to the people of Saskatchewan for welcoming them so warmly.” “When I got off the plane in Saskatoon last night, one of the first things I saw was a blue and yellow flag. And I think the people seeking refuge here will have taken great comfort from that.”
Don’t Just Get “R” Done, Get
Done Rite! 391
By Julia Peterson, Local (TheInitiativeJournalismReporterStarPhoenix)
Dr. Adam Leontowich, CLS Associate Scientist and lead author on the study, said the team found the lead fragments were significantly smaller than regular medical X-ray imaging has previously shown, and considerably more widely dispersed.“Iwasn’t surprised that bullets can produce hundreds of lead fragments,” said Leontowich, who is a hunter himself. “But I was surprised to see that the fragments can go down to the size of a single human blood cell.”To date, researchers studying this issue have relied on medical radiography, which cannot distinguish lead from other materials used in ammunition or accurately measure fragments thatThesmall.researchers hope their findings will convince big game hunters to switch to bullets made of non-toxic materials such as copper and to save the lead bullets for target practice.Some countries like Sweden and Denmark, as well as the state of California, have banned lead rifle ammunition for hunting. In Canada, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island included warnings about the health and environmental risks of lead bullets in their 2021-22 hunting regulation handbooks. “There are other forms of rifle ammunition on the market made of non-toxic materials like copper that work just as well,” said Leontowich. “You don’t have to buy a new rifle to use them. And you can enjoy that moose steak or elk burger and not have to worry about ingesting lead fragments or about the fragments spreading into the environment.”
New research on the risks of lead exposure from bullets used in big game hunting
• Proof of employment status (business licenses, client referrals, and letters of reference).

The results of the July Traffic Safety Spotlight are in, and too many people chose to drive while impaired. In July, law enforcement stopped 497 impaired drivers, including 292 drivers who were charged with Criminal Code offences. While not an all-time record high, this is the most impaired driving offences in a single month so far this year. Summer is about having a good time, the best way to ensure the good times continue is to find a safe rideDistractedhome. driving is in the spotlight in August. Police reported 581 offences in July - 454 of those were for using a mobile device behind the wheel. Distracted driving still accounts for about one in five auto crash injuries in the province and is one of the leading causes of injury and death on Saskatchewan roads.When you’re driving, ignore distractions and #JustDrive. As harvest continues in Saskatchewan, also keep your eyes peeled for slower-moving farm equipment and be patient as they move from field to field.Other results from the July spotlight include: • 5,411 speeding or aggressive driving offences; and • 375 tickets for not wearing a seatbelt or having a child improperly restrained. It’s easy to avoid these tickets, every time you get in a vehicle, take a second to #MakeItClick.TheTraffic Safety Spotlight is a partnership between SGI and Saskatchewan law enforcement to focus resources on education and enforcement of traffic safety. The spotlights are themed quarterly and monthly around traffic safety campaigns such as impaired driving, distracted driving, speeding and Instagram).(Facebook,socialsitepleaseForseatbelts.moreinformationvisittheSGIweb-andcheckoutourmediaaccountsTwitter,and
Too many people are driving impaired this summer 497 impaired drivers caught in July
Road trip to throw Obsidian discs
EDITORIAL A4 September 2, 2022 | This Week Marketplace Owned and operated by: The Prairie Newspaper Group LP, a division of GVIC Communications Corp. AdvertisingPublisher/ Manager: John Bauman Editor: Calvin Daniels Production Team: Kristin Jordens Diane WayneMillerRemanda Advertising Sales: Julianne Thom Classified Sales: Casey Shields Phone: 306-782-2465 Fax: 306-786-1898 e-mail: thisweek.comeditorial@yorkton20ThirdAvenueNorth,Yorkton,S3N1B9 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada.
There is little more fun in disc golf than getting out on a course with some new discs to try, and good guys to throw those discs with. That is especially true when you are going to throw discs from a relatively new company, in this case Obsidian out of Finland, a hotspot country in terms of the sport. For this particular day we decided to hit the road for some disc golf on a couple of courses we hadn’t played in ages, Shaker City Disc Golf in Benito, Man. for a couple of rounds, then a stop on the way back home to throw Kamsack. I must mention in between a great take-out burger and homemade fries in Benito, which is on our must get back to this fall list. But back to disc golf, and the Benito course, one of the oldest in the region it is built on an old bike race course, so is a bit limited, although I’d suggest half the baskets are nicely placed, the remainder a bit too open – they could use some trees. That said one of the first rules of course design is you make due with the space you have, and that the small town of Benito has a basket course is a compliment to the effort Kamsackthere.isalso a basket course, and while I had a hand in its design so I may be a tad prejudiced, I think it’s a great course with some longer holes, some nice outof-bounds areas, and a great tunnel toss to finish the day on. (Note the Kamsack course will host one of the three legs on the Legacy Co-op Disc Golf Tour Sept. 24. Churchbridge (Oct. 8) and Yorkton (Oct. 29) are the otherBetweenstops.) the two courses there were lots of different shots to make with the Obsidian discs. So, for this little trip Trevor Lyons was along, a regular running buddy for disc golf, and a lefty ‘tosser’ so he gives new discs a different look too. Then there was my son Adam, young, tall, who throws a forehand drive a lot farther than his ‘old man’ ever has. The first disc out of the bag was the seven speed fairway driver; the Shard.At seven speed this disc should be right in my wheelhouse, but the Shard has a slightly domed profile, and my fairway driver selection are all flat tops, and as a result I never got this disc to do much of anything I could point to as a positive.Perhaps with lots of use I could find a niche, but the truth is, if a disc under performs in comparison to other discs already in a player’s bag, it is hard to justify time into finding what it can do Thatwell. said my forehand flick is a frustrating thing, so I will always try new discs with that shot. The answer however, was not the TrevorShard.on the other hand was satisfied with the“ThisShard.disc is perfect for a beginner or people with slow arm speed,” he suggested. “This disc will turn over and make a nice ‘S’ turn for slower arm speeds. This means that the disc will start out going left for lefty’s or right for righty’s, then fade back the opposite way as the disc slows down. This should put the disc fairly straight out in front of you. This is a disc that I could see putting in my bag as I’m still looking for that 6/7/8 speed fairway driver.” Given its slow speed, the Shard was not popular with Adam. “I really have nothing good to say about the driver. I tend to throw a big forehand drive and I could not make the disc work at all,” he said. “Nothing I tried worked and the results were awful. I have played disc golf a long time and I can’t remember a disc giving me as many problems as this one did. This disc is not for me.” The Magma was next as a five speed midrange. “This is an overstable midrange disc, but for slower arm speeds like mine, it’s not too bad,” offered Trevor. “This disc flies straight with a predictable fade at the end. I have a disc similar to this in my bag already for shots where I need to fade quickly at the end of its Thisflight.”is the one Adam enjoyed throwing. “The midrange was the best of the bunch. It performed well when thrown and I liked what it did when I tried it,” he said.“I rarely ever need to throw a midrange disc, but this one felt good to throw. I think when trying new discs, the question you ask yourself is if it’s worth a spot in your bag. The answer for me is yes, it’s a good disc and worth a throw.” This is where I agree with my son, a new disc is measured by whether it can earn a spot in your bag. In my case I have become so attached to my Kastaplast Kaxe to do anything I need from fairway to putts in the wind, anything new has a tough time gaining lot of traction with me. That said I do tend to think a lot of midranges do the same thing, and it comes down to thrower confidence in the disc. In that regard the Magma might just be for you. Putters are similar. Find one you are comfortable with and confident in. and throw it. I feel confident the Splinter from Obsidian could be that disc for many. It has a nice ‘rubber’ texture top for your thumb – good if it’s wet out, and at 175 grams a nice heft, which I like simply for control. especially in Trevorwind.struggled with the putter more. “This is a very overstable putter,” he noted. “It fades so fast for me that I couldn’t get a good read on where it was going.“For me, it would be a good disc if I had to get quickly around an obstacle to get to the basket. When I used it for approaching, with a glide of 2, I couldn’t get it to go very far and it would fade quickly to the ground.” Adam liked it wellenough.“The putter was a decent putter, it did exactly what it was supposed to do,” he said. “I think its biggest drawback is it doesn’t do anything that the putters in my bag already do. I am sure if this was the first putter, I had used I would learn to love it, but it’s not and while I thought the putter was fine, after I had used it, I just wanted to throw the putters that were already in my bag.”In the end, remember golf discs are deeply personal. We become attached to what we like, and that’s good. But, don’t be afraid to try new discs either. And, get out and try all the fine courses out there, then stop have a meal in a local restaurant, maybe root through a used book store, enjoy what communities right here at home have to offer.

A5This Week Marketplace | September 2, 2022 LEGACY CO-OPERATIVE ASSOC YW066.0000R0011912783x222 with every fill, communityDonatesCo-optoyourlocal LEGACY CO-OP WILL DONATE 10¢ PER LITRE TO PAWS & CLAWS ANIMAL RESCUE, Society for the Involvement of good Neighbours (SIGN), Churchbridge minor Sports, SPringside Fire Department JOIN US FOR BBQS, ENTERT TO WIN PRIZES AND FUEL UP FOR YOUR COMMUNITY ON SEPTEMBER 20 AT YOUR LOCAL LEGACY CO-OP YORKTON PALLISER WAY | YORKTON WEST BROADWAY KAMSACK | CHURCHBRIDGE | THEODORE legacycoop.crs September 20th

Eachline. player starts with seven ‘ball holders’, checkers work fine, along each player’s edge of the board and their ‘ball’ in the middle holder –again a smaller checker or a cube works just fine. Players subsequently take turns completing the following
*Movingactions:anempty ball holder orthogonally (up to 2 times); *Makingand/oraball “pass” by moving the ball from on holder to another along lateral (horizontal) or diagonal line. Pass are not limited in length as long as no opponent pieces are in the way. First person to send their teams ball to a holder on the opponents starting line Diaballickwins. was nominated for the 2006 As d’Or Game of the Year, so you know it has some merit. For a game with an ‘older-design feel’ we come to Murus Gallicus. It was created rather recently, 2009, but when you play you think it could have been created a century, or three earlier.The object of the Murus Gallicus is to reach your opponent’s home row or to stalemate your opponent. The game is played on a rectangular board consisting of an 8x7 array of cells, so the easiest option is to ignore one row on a back chess board.Each player starts with a set of 16 tokens. To start the game, each player takes a set of stones and stacks two stones on each of their eight home row.The basic units of the game are towers and walls. A tower consists of two like-colored stones in a cell. A wall is a single stone in a cell. Only towers move.
Continued on Page 7 Better dealson better water, pure and simple. OR Call your local Culligan® dealer today Culligan of Yorkton 306-782-2644 800-756-5545 #1-76 7th Avenue South NO PAYMENT, NO INTEREST NO HIDDEN FEES FOR 6 MONTHS when you purchase a Culligan® water conditioner or drinking water system* *Special limited time offer. Certain restrictions apply. OAC. See participating dealer for details. on OABOUTASKOURRENTALPROGRAM! AVAILABLE!PAYMENTEASYPLANS CULLIGAN SYSTEM BLOW OUT SALE. RECEIVE UP TO $650 OFF A CULLIGAN SYSTEM* *LIMITED TIME OFFER AND DEALER PARTICIPATION VARIES THE meeple.guild@gmail.com(YGUILDMEEPLEORKTON) WestDETAILBroadway Vehicles requiring pet hair removal or excessively dirty vehicles requiring additional cleaning will be charged an additional $50.00 Please remove all personal items from your vehicle. Yorkton Hyundai will not be responsible for lost or missing items.50 Broadway Street West Yorkton, SK S3N 0L7 306-620-6260 • 306-783-8080 email: kylekaban.hyundai@gmail.com Interior Clean $99.95 + tax + shop Vacuum seats & floors, wash dash, windows & door jambs, trim cleaned Ultimate Clean $239.95 + tax + shop *vehicle has to be left overnight* Exterior Wash, Interior Clean & Shampoo Rugs Exterior Wash $29.95 + tax + shop Exterior Wash & Dry, Clean Windows Complete Detail $129.95 + tax + shop Exterior Wash & Interior Clean Summer SpecialSummer
As promised last week, we’ll look at a few games which have as their win condition moving one of your pieces across the board to your opponent’s back line. In this case we are only looking at ‘crossing’ games which can be played on simply created square grids with the playing pieces being a collection of checkers or backgammon stones in short something fairly easy to create at a low cost. It is the same base boards and pieces required for last week’s stacking games. In some cases, here you will note that they connect to stacking games too, stacking be a movement mechanic in some of these games to get your piece across the board.That is the case with India, a 2003 creation from designer Martin Windischer. It uses stacking on a 6×6 board as players try to move a stack of size one to the opposite side. In this one you start with 12 pieces each on board and 12 more off the board you can bring into play later, meaning a lot of pieces are on a small board which means maneuvering is a huge part of the challenge here. Zonesh from W. D. Troyka plays with 10 pieces each positioned in opposite corners of a 6X6Inboard.Zonesh each piece moves and captures to an empty adjacent (orthogonal or diagonal) cell space except that a stone in its home zone -- the set of cells where its army begins -- cannot move/ capture diagonally. You win by moving a piece to the opposite corner.The 1985 creation Gygès from Claude Leroy is one of the more unusual and enticing offerings here. Again this one is played on a 6X6 board. The object of Gygès is to move a piece to your opponent’s last row. The catch is that no one owns the pieces. You can only move a piece in the row nearest you. So all the pieces are the same colour with each player restricted in which they can move based on where they are on the board. If you can land on another piece, you get to continue moving, and try to get to the other side, but it must be achieved by passing through one of the middle two spaces, so it takes a lot of movement planning.Ona 7X7 board we have the 2004 release Daiballick by designer Philippe Lefrancois. The game is more, or less a simulation of a sport such as soccer, whereby two teams are simultaneously trying to get their ball to the opposite teams starting goal
A6 September 2, 2022 | This Week Marketplace Lots of crossing
games for homemade boards

Continued from Page 6
This is very much a resource management effort and a great one to explore.Thisis something of a masterpiece by designer PhilAsLeduc.fora chess board, there is the 2001 creation Breakthrough by Dan Troyka.Breakthrough won the 2001 8x8 Game Design Competition, sponsored by About Board Games, Abstract Games Magazine and the Strategy Gaming Society. A piece can move forward or diagonally forward to an adjacent empty cell. Alternatively, it can capture an enemy piece diagonally forward (as chess pawns do). Captures are neither compulsory nor can be chained.Thegame is simple but that does not mean it lacks a challenge. The goal is to try to get one of your pieces to the other side of the board before your opponent does the same. In 1989 prolific game designer Sid Sackson released one of his greatest games Chain Reaction.Thisone, played on an 8X7 board, is another using stacking as a movement mechanism with the goal to get pieces across the board. From Boardgamegeek. com, “players take alternate turns of up to five segments (moves), trying to move game pieces from their home squares over the opposing goal line, in order to score points.“After the first segment of a turn, only towers made of two game pieces may be moved. Each tower is broken down during its move, and one of its pieces may be used to build a new tower on another square. Intelligent use of this move technique can lead to “nuclear chain reactions”, in which up to five towers are involved. “There must never be more than one tower on the board at one time. Any tower on the board must be moved during the following turn segment by the player whose piece is on top. The game ends with the achievement of an agreed-upon number of points.” I’d suggest this in the top-three of crossing games that fit the criteria of this Ordoarticle.isone of my personal favourites, in part because it is played on a rather larger 10X12 board.From designer Dieter Stein, Ordo is a game in which players try to get to their opponent’s home row but while crossing the board they must always keep their pieces connected – each player starts with 20. Pieces can move singly in orthogonal or diagonal directions, but also as a group in certain situations, which is called an ‘ordo move.’ It is great to explore a rather unique movement option, and the need to keep your forces connected, while the goal remains rather straight forward, get across the largeSpeakingboard. of a large board we have to end this week with Epaminondas, a much under-appreciated classic from Robert Abbott created in Epaminondas1975. is named after the Theban general who invented the phalanx formation he used to defeat the Spartans in 371 B.C., according describeisTheBoardgamegeek.com.toterm“phalanx”usedinthegametoaconnected group of two or more pieces in a straight line, either orthogonally or diagonally.Epaminondas is played on a huge 14 x 12 checkered board with 28 black pieces and 28 white pieces.Just appreciating the scale here is fascinating. The objective is to move your pieces across the board onto your opponent’s back rank, the row closest to him, by moving your phalanxes and capturing enemy pieces.This is simply a great game deserving of much more attention. Create a board and enjoy. So there you have nine games based on crossing the board to win, playable with a play set which also plays numerous stacking games, so you actually are creating hours and hours of games to explore.
2022 Safe Ride Program rides and Taxi service available Rayzr’s Cellar Retail Outlet On-Site PERMIT #2004609-SOP Order & Pay Online YourCommunityConnection.ca Information at yorktonlionsclub.ca,yorktonlions@sasktel.net,Facebook&Instagram Entertainment Jackie Guy Band All That Jazz Band LadiesNightOutGuyswelcometoo... Yorkton Lions 19th Annual Wine Spirits & Beer Tasting Festival Saturday 6:30 TO 10:30 PM Gallagher Centre Flexihall Yorkton, SKSEP 17 $50/Ticket A Taste of Yorkton In Conjunction with Tickets Available Rayzr’s Cellar 14 - 2nd Ave N Let’s Make Wine 17 Betts Ave LoSa Chic Boutique 33 Broadway St E Back Forty Brewery 54 Darlington St W Wagner’s Flooring 464 Broadway St E Alexander’s Men’s Wear 41 Broadway St E OR CONTACT A YORKTON LIONS MEMBER Incl. 10 Drink/Food Tickets
A7This Week Marketplace | September 2, 2022

A8 September 2, 2022 | This Week Marketplace TRUCKINGNATIONALWEEK September 4 to 10, 2022 thedriveseconomy TRUCKINGBICKNERLTD. -SERVING WESTERN CANADA AND NW USAHAULING:306.582.2259 MIKE STEFANYSHYN (306) 621-1322 DEVIN STEFANYSHYN (306) 621-3088 For All Your Hot Shot Service and Light Hauling Needs “PILOT CAR SERVICES AVAILABLE” HOT SHOT SERVICES LTD. TLM (306) 621-9430 24 HOUR SERVICE TIM MESZAROS TRUCKING

(306) 782-0555 Heavy Truck and Trailer Parts & Service 306.782.4313 Find us at 537 Broadway St. E., Yorkton, SK www.truckpro.caor Corner of HWY #9 and HWY #16 (306)782-0640 C. JONES TRUCKING INC. Livestock & General Freight Canada & USA CHUCK JONES Box Yorkton,761 SK S3N 2W8 Phone: (306) 782-2830 Cell: (306) 621-9508 Fax: (306) 782-2830 Highway 10 East, Yorkton10 Yorkton Baillie Boys Towing “Yorkton’s Largest Tow Company” 1-306-782-2100 Box 35 Wadena, SK S0A 4J0 Work: (306)-338-2993 • Cell: (306)-338-7291 Fax: (306)-338-3631 • frontiertandt@sasktel.net Office: (306) 338-2993 Kelsey (Cell): (306) 338-7291 Email: frontiertandt@sasktel.net 450 Frontier Trail, Wadena, SK View our full inventory www.prairie-west.comonline! Dealer for Wilson, Castleton and Muv-All Trailers FRONTIER TRUCK & TRAILER REPAIR LTD. Kelsey and Lori Mikush SK. Sales,Certification,SafetyService TRUCKINGNATIONAL WEEK 4Septemberto10,2022 Facts about the Canadian trucking industry After two years of disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadian truckers have been at the forefront of public personaloverThistruckingemployedCanadiansandmovedistrucksgoodseveryU.S.–Canadalionbystuffsproductscentindustry.CanadianfiveallfoodstoresplayintegraltruckerstofromWeekNationalawareness.TruckingtakesplaceSeptember410andcelebratesandtheroletheyinkeepingstockedwithandgoodsofkinds.Herearefactsaboutthetrucking1.Ninetyperofconsumerandfood-areshippedtruck.2.Over10mil-truckscrosstheborderyear.3.Thevalueofcarriedbyeachyearhigherthanthatbysea,airrailcombined.4.Over450,000areintheindustry.contributes$24billioninincometo A9This Week Marketplace | September 2, 2022 • Custom grain & fertilizer hauling • Short and long distance • 22 truck & trailer units Call Bruce 306-531-4641 pandktrucking@sasktel.netYorkton,Sask. the Canadian economy.5. Although the number of women truck drivers is increasing, trucking is the largest employer of men in Canada.Thedemand for truck drivers continues to rise. To address the shortage, the Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA), which represents the trucking industry in Canada, has been working with governments and industry leaders to promote mandatory entry-level trucker training programs. By providing a clear path for entry into the industry, the CTA hopes to attract new drivers while increasing safety on theLastly,roads. take the time to thank a trucker in your life for everything they do to keep the Canadian economy going.

Hehr happy emerging from camp
By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer
The Yorkton Terrier and Melville Millionaires rookies met Monday in Yorkton with the Mills coming out on top 9-2.
COMPOUND Continued from Page 2 yet,” he Whilesaid.the properties of many compounds can be forecast using computer modelling, for [10]annulene and other so-called “aromatic” molecules—those with alternating single and double bonds—computation has not caught up with experimentation. Scientists must produce the compounds to examine them. Gravel is working on a new pathway to make this and other [10]annulenes more efficiently, reducing the number of steps from 12 to three or four, and increasing the output yield.
A10 September 2, 2022 | This Week Marketplace RED TEK HYDROCARBON REFRIGERANTREFRIGERANT 100% organic and environmentally safe. 6 oz. (5014 485) SAVE OVER 25% 17 97 WAS $24.99 EACH SAVE OVER 15% WAS $20.99 1697EACH Prices in effect September 1 - 14, 2022, while quantities last. September 1 - 14, 2022 SAVE OVER 10% WAS $19.99 1797EACH WAS $11.99 877EACH SAVE OVER 25% SCOTT SHOP TOWELS, 3-PACK 55 sheets per roll. (5018 601) SAVE OVER 20% WAS $17.99 1397EACH SAVE OVER 30% WAS $25.99 17 97 EACH SAVE OVER 40% WAS $99.99 5997EACH DUSK-TO-DAWN LED LIGHT, 35W Sturdy aluminum die cast housing. About 5200 lumens. Suitable for wet (5175locations.773) PRE-MIXED SPRAYERPRE-MIXED WINTERIZERWINTERIZER Provides burst protection down to-50º C. 9.46 L. (5041 066) GRAIN#8HOMEBASEHOMEBASE®ALUMINUMSCOOP Lightweight aluminum with a poly D grip. 45” (4277 240) #12 Grain Scoop. (4277 232)........ 21.97 20-L GAS CAN 90º easy pouring spout. (662 817) TREE ISLAND 12.5-GAUGE BARBED AND BARBLESS WIRE Four-point barbs, 6” barb spacing and 1320’ length. Metal Reel (4308 938) or Wood Reel (4308 912). Barbless (4321 808) PLEASE SEE YOUR LOCAL CO-OP AGRO CENTRE FOR PRICING 306 647-2241306 896-2533 ) SPEEDIKLEEN OIL ABSORBENT GRANULAR All-purpose absorbant. Made from diatomaceous earth. 20 lb. (4654 711) PM 0% wumens.et
The Yorkton Terriers held their fall camp on the weekend and all eyes were on the hopefuls guarding the twine. The key battle was in net where the Terriers needed a completely new tandem after last year’s duo of Tresor Wotton and Kael DePape are no longer with the team. Wotton was returned to the Manitoba Junior Hockey League per a previous arrangement and DePape announced late in the summer he was heading to the United States to play junior. DePape’s announcement leaves a massive hole after settling in last season as the top man in net winning 22 games and posting 2.42 goals against average.“Itwas tough news to hear for sure,” said Hehr heading into camp, adding it came late enough in the summer the team has been left scrambling a bit for options. “. . . He kind of made that decision pretty late in the summer.”ButHehr said he believes they have their number one in Caleb Allen.“He was lights out all weekend,” said the Terrier coach of the Colorado-netminder.HehrsaidAllen had been a key find “after the while DePape thing,” adding he came to camp recommended by Matt Zaba and others. “He has really good recommendations that he was going to be the guy if he came in.” Beyond goal, Hehr said the overall camp was a good one. “I was really happy with the whole weekend,” he said. “The returning guys showed really well.”
And, so to did the players Hehr had signed over theAmongsummer. the new faces expected to contribute this season are defenceman Cade Van Brabant, and forwards Pavel McKenzie, Dylan Ruptash and Brett Butz. “I think there’s already great chemistry,” said Hehr, adding they actually created four lines with what they felt would be the top-12 forwards coming out of camp, and they were already clicking. “There’s lot of talent there, lots of speed,” he said, adding he already feels as if they will surpriseEvaluationsearly. will continue through Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League preseason action, starting with the annual rookie game held Monday, August 29. The game had a 7 p.m. start time, which will be the regular start time for Terrier home games this season. Hehr said he expected to dress only four ‘signed’ players for the game, with the rest essentially playing to impress with an eye to being Terriers nextThefall. Terriers will then play exhibition games starting Saturday in Melville, then host Waywayseecappo next Tuesday, Sept. 6, and Melville Sept. 7, before heading back to Melville for a four-team weekend tourney where they will play Dauphin and Notre Dame. The concept has the event moving around to be hosted by each team over four years, said Hehr.
“If everything goes well, we’re looking at a few months to produce the compound using the new pathway,” said Gravel. “If things don’t go well, maybe never.”

A11This Week Marketplace | September 2, 2022 DEADLINE CHANGE Please Note:
According to the USask-led study recently published in the journal Ecosphere, researchers found that pyrophilic—or ‘fire loving’—beetles that lay their eggs in burnt habitats tend to have an 80 per cent increase in reproductive output compared to individuals that lay eggs in unburnt forest soil, demonstrating an important environmental use of arethewhereasandismsfullhabitats.wildfire-affected“Unburntsoilsareofsmallmicroorgan-thatreadilyattackkillvulnerableeggs,soilsexposedtoheatofforestfirestemporarilydevoid of these predators and pathogens,” said Bell. “Many insects use burnt forest landscapes for reproduction, but pyrophilic insects do it best. Until now, we really didn’t understand what benefit they’re getting from colonizing the burnt environment so quickly.”
Due to the upcoming Labour Day Holiday, the deadline for Yorkton This Week September 7th issue is Thursday, September 1st at 3:00 p.m. Note: Our office is closed on Fridays and we will be closed on Monday, September 5th, 2022. Ph. 306-782-2465 • e-mail: sales@yorktonthisweek.com
Using the recent forest fires in Fort à la Corne in 2020 and near Prince Albert in 2021 as study locations, the research team found that the burnt soil environment is quickly colonized by pyrophilic beetles that take advantage of the heat sterilization of the surrounding soil to lay eggs that have a better chance of survival, thus increasing their reproductive success rates. These findings shed light on the peculiar behaviour of these insects and help explain why they colonize the burnt area so quickly, often while the fire is still burning. The work also suggests that reproduction in pyrophilic insects is strongly linked to naturally occurring fire. The research team included USask College of Arts and Science adjunct professor Dr. Iain Phillips (PhD), USask alumna Kiara Calladine, and co-supervisor Dr. David Wardle (PhD), a professor at Nanyang Technological University,Currently,Singapore.onlyabout 60 species of insects around the globe are known to exhibit this type of behaviour, but there are likely many more, Bell said. “It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that more species show this type of association with fire, especially in ecosystems like the boreal forest where fire has been a strong shaping force for thousands of years,” said Bell. “The ecology of many insects is poorly understood.”Thework can be applied to understand and estimate both the positive and negative impacts of wildfire for people, animals, and the environment.“Periodic wildfire is important for maintaining healthy forests and habitat for many species that have co-evolved with fire, but fires often encroach on communities, threatening lives and human values,” said Bell.“The Cloverdale Fire, which threatened the community of Prince Albert and knocked out power to northern Saskatchewan for four days last May, is an illustration of this balancing act – how do humans maintain healthy ecosystems and species that rely on fire while also keeping people and the things we value safe? It’s important to protect humans and the things we value, but the decision to allow a fire to burn or to put it out has consequences that go beyond us.”
Portable X-ray machines
The research was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Queen Elizabeth II Centennial EntomologicalofEntomologicalScholarship,AboriginaltheSocietySaskatchewan,theSocietyofCanada,andtheGabrielDumontInstitute.
‘a huge breakthrough’ for northern Sask.
Kaura said the enthusiasm for these first three X-ray machines has been heartening, and shows just how much this type of technology is needed in remote and northern communities.“Ithink what we’re doing here is going to herald in a new way of practising medicine in Canada,” he said.
By Julia Peterson, Local InitiativeJournalismReporter (The StarPhoenix) The northern village of Pelican Narrows has been waiting for an X-ray machine since 1996. It finally got one this summer.Pelican Narrows, along with two other Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation (PBCN) communities — Deschambault Lake and Southend — are the first communities in Canada to get ultra-portable X-ray machines through a partnership with Synthesis Health.The machines, which are about as small and easy to use as a digital camera, will help people get diagnoses and treatments without having to leaveAfterhome.a front line health-care worker takes an X-ray, it’s uploaded to Synthesis’s system, where an artificial intelligence program screens it for any abnormalities. Then, the X-ray is also read by a theKauraofthe“hasn’tDigitalbydiagnostics.”andungodlyto“SoticshavelinewhereationedHealth2018.forcialbeensaidcerandCalgary-basedresultscanradiologist,Saskatchewan-licensedandpatientsusuallygettheirwithin24hours.Dr.DeepakKaura,aradiologistthechiefmedicaloffi-forSynthesisHealth,thecompanyhasdevelopinganartifi-intelligenceprogramchestX-rayssinceItwasapprovedbyCanadain2020.“Theideaforthisstart-withexactlythesitu-that(PBCN)isin,peopleatthefrontofcarejustdon’taccesstodiagnos-onsite,”Kaurasaid.theirpatientsneedtravelallthesealmost-distancestotrygetaccesstosimpleTheprojectwasfundedagrantfromCanada’sSupercluster,soitcostanythingforhealthsystemineachthesecommunities,”said.GenevieveSt.Denis,preventativehealth manager for PBCN health services, said the program is the first of its kind in Canada, and is “just a huge breakthrough for our“I’mcommunities.”veryexcited. I’m happy for the members of our communities, because now they can get timely access to services. They can get efficient diagnosis, treatment planning, and followup care that can be done right on site in their home community. “They don’t have to travel miles and miles or wait for days to be sent further down south.” St. Denis said there’s been a lot of excitement about the new machines, and some communities wanted to start scheduling X-ray clinics as soon as possible, but to leave enough time for everyone to get comfortable with the machines and the software, they’re waiting until Oct. 1 to open the clinics to everybody. “Our staff are very excited,” St. Denis said. “They were very receptive of the X-ray machines. They got right in, rolled up their sleeves and just started using them.”
Fire-adapted insects make the most of breeding grounds sterilized by wildfires: USask research Dinh Media Relations
These X-ray machines will be particularly helpful for controlling the spread of TB in northern communities — including the current outbreak in Pelican Narrows, where cases are “skyrocketing,” St. Denis said. The X-rays can help health-care workers screen for TB, along with pneumonia, heart problems and some kinds of cancers. For the moment, they’re limited to chest X-rays, but Synthesis hopes to expand its services to arms and legs.
SASKATOON – With a rise in the number of wildfires in Saskatchewan and beyond each year, burnt landscapes stripped of plant life are becoming more common. Most creatures find a burnt environment uninhabitable, but a University of Saskatchewan (USask) research team has discovered how certain species of insects use these scorched lands as a safe location to lay eggs. “Most animals can’t handle the heat of an active fire, but once the fire is out it becomes a beacon that attracts all kinds of things,” said Aaron Bell, a biology PhD candidate in USask’s College of Arts and Science and co-author of the study. “Many animals (not just insects but also birds and mammals) are attracted to recent burns and make use of these habitats in the immediate aftermath of fire.”

This past year has been a challenging one for Canadians. Employees across the nation had to deal with the stress of the pandemic along with the closure of businesses, offices and schools. Workers in all industries have shown exceptional flexibility and dedication in implementing public health measures, including physical distancing, wearing a mask and sanitizing hands and surfaces, among others. Many had to adapt to working from home, and others were forced to change their schedule to meet increasing or decreasing workloads. Their exceptional adaptability, resilience and hard work deserve to be highlighted this year. As employers in the region, we would like to honour all workers and express our sincere gratitude to them. YOU TO ALL OUR EMPLOYEES.
A12 September 2, 2022 | This Week Marketplace This Labour Day, we’re thanking the workers delivering the good things in life. Beautiful lakes, strong communities, and public services we count on — brought to you for over a century by SGEU members. sgeu.org Working together for Saskatchewan RWDSU RETAIL, WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT STORE UNION Regina Saskatoon 1233 Winnipeg Street S4R 1K1 2154 Airport Drive S7L 6M6 Phone: 306-569-9311 Phone: 306-384-9885 Fax: 306-569-9521 Fax: 306-384-1006 E-mail: canderson@rwdsu.sk.ca E-mail: tkruppi@rwdsu.sk.ca Toll Free: 1-877-747-9378 Toll Free: 1-877-717-9378 Such Things as: • Fair Treatment • Higher Wages • Democratic Decision • Job Security Making • Proper Scheduling • Better Health and • Sick Leave Safety Procedures • Family Dental Plan • Proper Grievance • Improved Vacation Procedures • Good Pension • Experienced Staff Working for You Fairness in the workplace UNION MEMBERSHIP PAYS HIGH DIVIDENDS FOR A BETTER FUTURE - JOIN R.W.D.S.U. Workers or labourers are an inseparable part of the society, and on a larger scale, of the nation. We all are heavily dependent on the contribution of everyone surrounding us, so we also must give back to them in return. On the occasion of Labour Day, May Day, or International Workers’ Day, we can pay our respect to their efforts and celebrate their jobs without creating any discrimination among them. The RWDSU wishes you all happy and safe LABOUR DAY Happy Labour Day! CONGRATULATIONS AND THANK YOU TO ALL OUR LOCAL EMPLOYEES!

NOTICE is hereby given that not less than thirty days from the date of service of this notice, the Council of the Rural Municipality of Calder No. 241; Intends to pass a bylaw pursuant to the provisions of The Heritage Property Act, to designate as Municipal Heritage Property the following real property known as Brandon Community Centre; Legal land description as: NW 13-27-32-W1 subdivision Blk/Par A plan 66Y01133 Extension 1 and located eight miles straight North of Wroxton on Highway 8; The reasons for the proposed designation are as 1.follows:Thesite possesses considerable historic significance serving as a school from 1921 to 1969. 2. The site was established in 1921. 3. This site is one of the last remaining one-room schoolhouses in the Province, preserving an important piece of the Saskatchewan History. Any person wishing to object to the proposed designation must serve Council with a written objection stating the reasons for the objection and all relevant facts, not less than three days prior to the consideration of the bylaw on October 12th, 2022.
Note: A sum for costs in an amount required by subsection 4(3) of The Tax Enforcement Act is included in the amount shown against each parcel.
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The Heritage Property Act SS. 1979-80, cH-2.2s. 11(2)(b)
To: R.M. of Calder No. 241 Box 10, Wroxton, Sk SOA 4S0
Tax Enforcement Tax Enforcement TAX ENFORCEMENT LIST
RURAL MUNICIPALITY OF CHURCHBRIDGE NO. 211 Province of Saskatchewan Notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforcement Act that unless the arrears and costs appearing opposite the land and title number described in the following list are fully paid before the 2nd day of November, 2022, an interest based on a tax lien will be registered against the land.
A13This Week Marketplace | September 2, 2022 TYMIAK’S MONUMENTS & GRAVE SURFACING CO. Granite, Bronze, Marble Monuments, Vases, Cemetery Inscriptions & Cremation Urns. FULLY LICENSEDGUARANTEEDANDBONDED 529 Main St. South, Box 476, Ituna, Sask. S0A 1N0 Ph. 306-795-2428 Serving Surrounding Areas Since 1960 IN HOME ESTIMATES AT NO CHARGE SEE OUR LARGE DISPLAY Mary Lash (1923-2005) Your memory is our keepsake With which we will never part God has you in his keeping We have you in our hearts - Loved and rememberedbyherfamily ONLY JESUS CAN SAVE John 3:16 Do you need prayer? Please 306-516-0038call: heavenlanguage.com250-217-5294orVisit MALE LOOKING for relationship/spouse - Yorkton. Female with or without children for companionship. Likes movies. Call 306-641-6234 No texts. TENDERS are now being accepted for the replacement and installation of 5 windows in the Village of Ebenezer School. Please submit tenders to : Village of Ebenezer,BoxEbenezer97Sask.S0A0T0 or by email to: village.ebenezer@sasktel.net by September 9th, 2022, 4:00pm APARTMENTS FOR RENT: Bachelor, 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units. Call First Choice Properties 306-621-5050 email: orpleasemorebasedandstoveforisSPRINGSIDEPhonenora.oneADULTproperties@gmail.comfirstchoice-45+.Renovated,furnishedbedroomsuitesforrentinCa-Musthavereferences.306-641-2489.HOUSINGAuthoritycurrentlyacceptingapplicationsa3bedroomhome.Fridgeandincluded.Wellkept,cleanquietneighborhood.Rentisonincome.NoPets.ForinformationandapplicationscallMorlieat306-792-2222306-621-7815. InMonumentsMemoriam Prayer Corner Adult PersonalTendersMessages Apartments/Condos for Rent Houses For Rent Farms for Sale FarmandRanchRealty,SK Ihavebeendealingwithfarmand ranchrealtyfor20plusyears.Reasonableratesandhonestanswers. Callortextmeanytime. 306-743-7761 WE DELIVER ClassifiedsClassifiedsRESULTS Banners\YTWM-Classi\\tsclient\Drives\CompositionFiles\Layout\Keep\BAN fieds_Index_and_info.pdf 2.0000 x 1971100 Notices 1200 Employment 1400 Education 2000 The Market 2020 Auctions 2086 SalesGarage 3000 Children 3500 Pets 3535 Livestock 4000 Seniors 5000 ServicesFuneral 6000 Real Estate 6500 GuideRenters 8000 ServicesBusiness 9000 Agriculture 9100 On Wheels CLASS INDEX 20 Third Ave. North, Yorkton Whether you’re buying or selling... CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. DEADLINES: Wednesday Edition, 4 p.m. Monday Marketplace, 4 p.m. Tuesday ALL ADS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE Value Added Word Ads Add tremendous visibility to your Yorkton This Week word ads. Bold print, centering, underlining Simply request your Word Ad to appear with greater impact Each feature $0.20 per word per week. at 306-782-2465 Or fax us at 306-786-1898 Or classifieds@yorktonthisweek.comemailYouradwillbeseeninYorktonThisWeekandMarketplace To place your classified ad by telephone call Place your classified ad in 84 weekly newspapers throughout Saskatchewan for only $209.00 a week. Or for $86.00 per week, you can focus on one of four zones. (for 25 words) Employees found. Careers made.Reach over 500,000 potential jobseekers in SaskatchewanPROVINCE WIDE CAREER DISPLAY ADS $7.79 per agate line BUY THREE WEEKS FOR AND$21.35*GETNINEWEEKSFREE *Some restrictions apply, call for more details +GST FOR AN EXTRA 20 words or less/week$500 We Will “SUPER SIZE” your ad with bigger type, making it a 2x bigger than a normal ad. GET RESULTS! USE THIS CONVENIENT ORDER FORM TO PLACE YOUR AD CLASSIFIED ADS, YORKTON THIS WEEK, P O BOX 1300, YORKTON, SASK S3N 2X3 or c l a s s i f i e d s @ y o r k t o n t h i s w e e k c o m Please insert my ad for.........weeks. Payment enclosed................... Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone....................... Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City/Town........................ Postal Code . . . . . . . . . . . . .Visa ❑ Mastercard ❑ Card No.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Expiry Date........ CLASS NO. ❑ 1st line centered and bold ❑ Bold ❑ Center ❑ Underline PLEASE CHECK OPTION 1 1 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 2 2 7 7 1 1 2 2 1 1 7 7 3 3 8 8 1 1 3 3 1 1 8 8 4 4 9 9 1 1 4 4 1 1 9 9 5 5 1 1 0 0 1 1 5 5 2 2 0 0 ★ Name, address and phone number must accompany any advertisement placed in the Classifieds. Publisher reserves the right to withhold ad from publication if information not complete. MAIL TO: Legal/Public Notices Legal/Public Notices NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DESIGNATE MUNICIPAL HERITAGE PROPERTY

50 BALL ROAD, Yorkton Storage Unit - Final Sale. Friday, Sept. 2, 5-8pm Saturday, Sept. 3, 10am-6pm Sunday, Sept. 4, 2-6pm Kitchen, decor, TV and stand, microwave and cabinet, coffee table, oak shelves, candle holders, Tupperware and much more.
Garage Sales
1990 CASE INTERNATIONAL 4000 Swatcher. 24 foot. Comes with V2 pickup reel. Knife was replaced 2 years ago. Canvases are good. Swatcher was used on a small acreage farm. Cab has AC and radio. Cab interior is like new condition. Selling because we are retired. Asking $8,000. Call Danny at 1992306-542-3125.JOHNDEERE 9600 combine with 5020 hours. Comes with JD 914 pickup. Straw chopper and chaff spreader. Had a 100 point green lite inspection at 4779 hours. Selling because we retired. Asking $29,900. Call Danny at 306-542-3125. following This 20 S3N to our website at: www.yorktonthisweek.com or stop by our office and pick up a copy. Yorkton This Week is owned and operated by The Prairie Newspaper Group LP, a division of GVIC Communications Corp.
Saw, Large Deep Freezer, Extendable Ladder, Trough, Record & Radio Player with Cabinet, Various Size Jars, Bunk bed including Mattress, Slow Cooker, Weed Eater, Wheelbarrow, Bicycle. Call 306-5422765 for OUTDOORprices. PIGS, weanlings, feeders, bread sows, butcher sows, butcher pigs, and chickens. Phone Pine River 204-263-5369 or Swan River SUMITOMO204-734-4729WINTER tires 265/60R18 with rims. Used 1 winter. Phone 783-2911 or 783-7575.
WHITE POPLAR or birch firewood. Cut and split. Will take smaller logs if necessary. Delivered to Good Spirit Park Cabin. Want 6 cords. Please call J at 306BEDROOM536-1146 SUITE, 2 dressers, 2 deep freezers, coffee and end tables, kitchen set, microwave, linen closet, bookshelf, white cupboards, smoker, canning jars. Call BURIAL306-783-0452PLOT
2X3. For a complete statement of our privacy policy, please go
City to hand out JubileePlatinumMedals
SEPTEMBER 1 & 2, 9AM-5PM 90 Canwood Cres. - Children and household items. 72 Canwood Cres. - Downsizing and collectibles. Items for everyone.
The City of Yorkton is putting its annual Civic Recognition Awards for 2022 on hold, in favour of participating in the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal Program (Saskatchewan). The decision was unanimously supported by Yorkton Council at its regular meeting Monday. The new awards are part of an effort to mark Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s 70th anniversary since Ascension to the Throne in 1952, explained Jessica Matsalla - City Clerk with the city Monday, adding, “She is the first British Monarch to celebrate thisTohonour.”mark this historic milestone a series of initiatives are taking place throughout Canada to honour The Queen’s service and dedication to the“Onecountry.of the initiatives to recognize and celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee is the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal programJubileeinceheldawardedofserviceourofgiblement’sthe“TheProgram,”(Saskatchewan)saidMatsalla.medaliscitedonprovincialgovern-websiteas“atan-wayfortheprovinceSaskatchewantohon-HerMajestyforhertoCanada.Atotal7,000medalswillbeatceremoniesthroughouttheprov-duringthePlatinumyear.Themedalwillbethefocus of the Government of Saskatchewan’s Jubilee year supportedJunetoRecognitionableconsidered15YorktonnotingticipationAffairsIntergovernmentalProtocolofbyofficeIncommemorations.”June,theMayor’swascontactedtheProvinceSaskatchewanOfficerwithregardingpar-theprogram,thattheCityofwouldhaveuptomedalstodistribute.Thisitemwasassuit-fortheCivicCommitteediscuss,saidMatsalla.“Attheirmeetingof28,theCommitteeCityofYorktonparticipatingintheprogram,andrec-ommendedthattheQPJMedalProgramreplacetheCivicRecognitionAwardsfor2022,sothatthemainfocuscanbeonthemedalprogram.TheCommitteealsosup-portedtheprocessmim-ickingtheCRAprocess,wherebythepublicsub-mitsnominees,andtheCommitteeadjudicatesthem,aswell,”shesaid.Themedalsandcer-tificatesareprovidedbytheprovinceandthere-fore,asthisisanticipatedtobesimilartotheCivicRecognitionAwards,itisassumedthattheamountbudgetedforthiscouldbeusedforthereception(estimatedtobe$1000-$2000),saidMatsalla.AdeadlineforthepublicfortheQPJMnominationswouldbethesameasisfortheCRAAwards–October31,2022,withtheawardstooccurlatein2022.
tools. Wanted For Sale - Misc Garage Sales General Employment General Employment TaxFarmsEnforcementforSale TaxForFarmsEnforcementforSaleSale-Misc Garage Sales GOOD’S USED PARTSTRACTOR (204) 564-2528 or 1-877-564-8734Roblin,MB TAX ENFORCEMENTTAX ENFORCEMENTLISTLIST R.M. OF INSINGER NO. 275 275 PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN Notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforcement Act that unless the arrears and costs appearing opposite the land and title number described in the following list are fully paid before the 31st day of October, 2022, an interest based lien will be registered against the land. NOTE: A sum for costs in an amount required by subsection 4(3) of The Tax Enforcement Act is included in the amount shown against each parcel. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY No.Assess Land Description All West of the 2nd Meridian NumberTitle Arrears AdvertisingTotalArrears&Costs 1146 000SW.16-30-8 Ext.1146912867$550.7114.44$565.15 1298 000SE.Pt.15-30-9 Ext.60146948181$440.7314.44$455.17 1300 000Block A 84Y001124plan 146948170$11.9214.44$26.36 339 000SW.6-28-9143348193$691.1514.44$705.59 804 000NE.7-29-9143348283$622.4414.44$636.88 495 000SW.8-29-7124076426$876.8114.44$891.25SW.8-29-7124076437 60 000LSD.13-14-28-7 Ext.50 153786022$592.1214.44$606.56 LSD.14-14-28-7 Ext.51153786033 100 000SE.22-28-7 Ext.1153786000$1,020.8314.44$1,035.27 101 000SW.Pt.22-28-7 Ext.42153785997$1,032.6814.44$1,047.12 761
45 RIVERSIDE TERRACE, Yorkton. Sept. 8, 9, 10 from 10AM-5PM Hanging lamps, Gone With The Wind lamp, antiques, gramophone, furniture, decor, plus more. Downsizing - moving.
152 CLAREWOOD CRES. Yorkton. Multi-Family. Thurs, Sept. 8 & Fri, Sept. 9, 9AM-5PM. Sat, Sept. 10, 9AM-2PM. and 000NE.33-29-8113422733$372.3214.44$386.76 000NW.33-29-8113422777$259.6914.44$274.13 000NW.5-29-9139526714$410.0814.44$424.52 000LSD.5-9-29-9 Ext.16139526905$2,341.0314.44$2,355.47 LSD.3-9-29-9 Ext.18139526927
Keeping YOU informed each week in our community-Yorkton This Week. Seniors, Parents, Children! Earn some extra cash (possibly of up to $400/month depending on route size), get exercise and work only a few hours a week too! Be a Yorkton This Week Carrier! • No early mornings • No collecting • We pay by direct deposit on the last Friday of every month • Weight bonuses • Sales bonuses • Any age welcome • Only 2 days or less per week If you would like a route, please e-mail us at: circulation@yorktonthisweek.com or telephone circulation at: 306-782-2465 THISMARKETPLACEWEEK NEED HELP WITH YOUR MARKETING?DIGITALWeCanHelp Online Solutions for your Business 20 Third Avenue North • Yorkton, SK • S3N 2X3 306-782-2465 sales@yorktonthisweek.com www.yorktonthisweek.com Millions of people look to classifieds across Canada every week — it’s used news. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP Published weekly by Boundary Publishers Ltd., a subsidiary of Glacier Ventures International Corp. The Glacier group of companies collects personal information from our customers in the normal course of business transactions. We use that information to provide you with our products and services you request. On occasion we may contact you for purposes of research, surveys and other such matters. To provide you with better service we may share your personal information with our sister companies and also outside, selected third parties who perform work for us as suppliers, agents, service providers and information gatherers. Our subscription list may be provided to other organizations who have products and services that may be of interest to you. If you do not wish to participate in such matters, please contact us at the
LOOKING FOR a used quilt frame. Call Lorna for further information at 306-542-2578 or 306-590-8045.
Third Avenue North, Yorkton,
Yorkton Memorial of Crucifixion $1,155 - includes transfer fee. Loveseat $60. Double boxspring and mattress $60. Call FLAX306-890-0571.STRAW buncher. Asking $2500. Call FURNITURE306-563-6303SALE-Table
LSD.4-9-29-9 Ext.15139526837 LSD.6-9-29-9 Ext.19139526938 389 000NW.19-28-9120888849$352.3014.44$366.74 434 000SE.30-28-9 Ext.25128019427$463.1814.44$477.62 1057 000NE.31-30-7128573286$657.5314.44$671.97 1058 000NW.31-30-7151021684$546.2114.44$560.65 1059 000SE.31-30-7128573253$570.3514.44$584.79 1060 000SW.31-30-7151021752$532.4614.44$546.90 1063 000SE.32-30-7124029884$365.1014.44$379.54 Dated this 29th day of August, 2022. Sonya Butuk, Administrator Wade Berlinic (306) 641-4667 Wade.Berlinic@HammondRealty.ca HammondRealty.ca Acres of Expertise. It’s the sale you wait for! ST. GERARD’S CWL ANNUAL FALL GARAGE SALE Thurs., Sept. 8 - 9 am - 7 pm Fri., Sept. 9 - 9 am - Noon St. Gerard’s Parish Complex, 125 Third Avenue North, Yorkton Something for everyone! Household, clothing, books, jewellery, toys, holiday items and more! PLUS - Pie and Coffee Special $4.00 all day, each day! EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Auctions Auctions CHESCU AUCTIONS Inglis, MB Contact: Joey 204-821-6022 Barry: 204- 937-7180 /294-564-2509 * Auctioneers not responsible for errors in description, additions, or deletions to sale listing. Auctioneers are bonded and licenced in MB and SK. # 318202 RETIREMENT FARM AUCTION FOR BLAINE & JOHNSTONEELAINE Online Sale Only Starting September 12 - Closing September 16 Roblin, Manitoba Sale consists of JD 4440 Tractor, JD 5020 tractor, 530 Case tractor w/loader, Volvo Semi tractor, Hough 60 Payloader, Trailers, selection of panels, Misc. farm equipment and numerous shop items, lawnmowers, Quad, 2 vehicles. There are too many items to list so please check ut the website for pictures and complete listing. Viewing of sale items are Sunday, September 4 and Thursday September 15 (10 am - 5 pm). Other viewing dates are by appointment only. Highly recommend that you preview items before bidding. Directions: 10 miles (16km) East of Roblin on Hwy#5 and 1 mile (1.6 km) South on Road 157W Call Barry at 204-937-7180 or 204-564-2509 for other viewing appointments. * Sales Tax where applicable * Terms: Cash or Cheque * Note: all sales final, items sell where is, as is, with no further guarantee *Download Chescu Auctions on app store and check out items on www.chescu.com Sale conducted by Farm Implements
address: Yorkton
A14 September 2, 2022 | This Week Marketplace
By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer

“People say that we’re losing our language, but that’s not correct,” Whitehawk said. “The language is losing us. It’s there and it’s pure, it just needs to be mentthehearingbeention,that.”getdrugs,basedweencebecauseustheQuewezancetocompletely,weroots.needWhitehawkhealingnon-FirstworldstionprovideLearningeringcides,ingsocialitionsNationLearningdeveloped.”aboutFirstcultureandtrad-willhelpwithproblemsinclud-addictionsandsui-whichareaffect-youngerandyoung-people,Cotesaid.theculturewillastrongfounda-tosurviveinboth(FirstNationandNation).“Ifwelearntheroots,willtakeplace,”said.“WetogobacktoourIt’sfortunatethathaven’tlostthembutwehavepractice.”“It’swhoweare,”added.“It’swayoflifegiventoNativepeople,butoftheinterfer-oftheEuropeans,lostit.“Ifwegobacktoland-healing,withoutjusttime,wewillresults.IbelieveDuringtheconversa-CotesaidshehadangeredrecentlythenewsthatCanadiangovern-haddischargedthe
Catholic Church $25 million it had agreed to pay First Nations as reparations for the debacle of the residential schools. It is hoped that the cultural camp will be an annual event, held each July, Whitehawk said. Among funders of the camp was the Kia Canada.
A First Nation Language and Traditional Culture Camp was held at Pee Paw Plains, about 30 miles north of Norquay, July 17 to 23. The culture camp came about as a consequence of the Truth and Reconciliation agreement between First Nations and the Federal Government, which included a call for action, and it was the result of about a year’s worth of meetings, said Elder Madeleine Whitehawk last week, as she discussed the camp and other elements of First Nation culture during a meeting in her home at Cote First WhitehawkNation. was among the Elders who organized and led the camp. Also participating were “Elderly knowledge keepers”: Josephine Cote, Vernon Cote, Jean Shingoose and Wanda Cote. Together they were incorporated as a non-profit organization known as Kici-anisin pek. Representing the Yorkton Tribal Council (YTC) was Gaurav Thakur, the owner of Dixie Cups in Kamsack, and who works with the YTC as an economic development officer. Although Pee Paw Plains is the name on the map, the area is known by its traditional name: Kapakwawano sk n, which means “overwhelmed with vegetation,” Whitehawk explained, adding that rather than Saulteaux, First Nations people in the area should more correctly be known as Onakawé.Saulteaux, the French word that has been used in the past for the area’s First Nation population, is not flattering, Whitehawk said. The Kapakwawano sk n area is sacred grounds for Onakawé, she said. It is the forested area where the Littlewolf people lived, not having believed in the treaties. In time though, the Indian agents sought them“We’reout. seventh generation Littlewolfs,” she said. “My greatgrandmother Margaret Littlewolf used to refer to the Pee Paw Plains as “life begins here.” It was decided to hold the culture camp in order to have youngsters and Elders get together and the Elders teach the basic traditional skills. Among skills taught at the camp were: cutting and drying of meat; tanning hides; drum making; teaching men’s and women’s protocol; traditional cooking; baking bannock outside; sweetgrass picking and hunting for Eachmedicines.daywas a fun day, she said. Among the fun activities organized were foot races, a tug-owar, three-legged races, and tea and bannockmaking competitions. It was fun watching the kids gathering the wood to make the fire, brewing the tea and making the bannock, said Wanda Cote, a retired socialDuringworker.the conversation, Whitehawk displayed several First Nation traditional items, including two dried moose noses that were used to make soup at the camp; ribbon skirts with elaborate embroidery and traditional designs; a cradle board for babies and two rabbit skulls that were used in a traditional game.Her brother, Andrew Quewezance of Keeseekoose First Nation, brought out original handmade tools that he used at the camp to demonstrate how flesh is scraped from the underside of a hide and fur is scraped off the outside.Among the crafts that were instructed were: the making of cradle boards and moss Attendingbags.were about 45 youngsters from babies to late teens, who spent the nights in tents while guests made use of three teepees that had been set up at the location, Whitehawk explained. In addition to Cote First Nation, the youngsters came from Long Plain First Nation in Manitoba and from Fishing Lake, Ochapowace and Little Pine First Nations in Saskatchewan. About 60 students from Alberta were expected to attend but they were not permitted to come. A goal is to develop a language curriculum to be used in the schools, she said. “We need more emphasis on developing our language, which is not being done as well as it could.”“There are things in language that you can’t learn in a classroom and you have to be on the land,” Cote said, mentioning as examples, the picking of basic medicines and hunting skills. “We need to develop the language locally,” said Whitehawk, who has a university degree in education and a linguist background. “Although many Elders speak, read and write Onakawé, and know about its grammatical structure, we are losing the Elders, so it’s important to pass on this information as soon as possible.”“Oneway of life for Native people is sharing,” Quewezance explained. “If we didn’t share, we wouldn’t have survived. Now it’s up to us to pass that on to our grandchildren.“Weneed a strong cultural foundation to develop our way of life and it must be connected to land-based activity.”
Courtesy of Kamsack Times
Instruction as to how to make a drum was provided at the
A15This Week Marketplace | September 2, 2022 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Custom Metal & Wood Signs Stone & Glass Etching Custom Home Decor CAD Design Services JFJ Fabricators Canada Inc. 306-516-0038 Jfjfabricators.com CONCRETECONCRETE CARCARE KM Auto Care is a full service motor vehicle repair shop. We aim to make your visit as convenient as possible and keep your vehicle in great shape so it's safe and dependable as possible. 50 Broadway Street West Yorkton, SK S3N OL7 306-782-2638 Tel 306-782-2625 kmauto@sasktel.netFax www.yorktonhearing.com JACQUIE MVULA M.S., R. Audiologist/OwnerAud. “Your ears deserve an audiologist” 18-1st Avenue North Yorkton, Sask. 306-782-1793 METALHEARINGSERVICESFLYERDELIVERY FABRICATION J. BOT CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Garage DemolitionSidewalksDrivewaysSlabs&Saw Cutting ConcretePatios Repairs Call Jim 306-620-6806 WE CAN DELIVER YOUR FLYERS! Leave it to the experts for Your city delivery in Yorkton and rural areas. WEDNESDAY FRIDAYS 306-782-2465 YORKTONTHISWEEK MARKETPLACE sales@yorktonthisweek.com
MadeleineCamp.Whitehawk displayed two dried moose noses that can be used to make a delicious soup.
First Nation Elders hold Language and Traditional Culture Camp

A16 September 2, 2022 | This Week Marketplace stock up. save big. Savers love a big deal. Savers are stoked to stock up & save big. Prices effective September 1 to 7, 2022. 899ea SoftCoca-ColaDrinks Selected Varieties, 20 x 355 mL 599ea Activia Yogurt 12 x 100g 799ea Chapman’sIceCream 4 Litres 799ea Kellogg’s Mini-Wheats!Jumbo 1.2 kg 499ea PeppersGreenhouseMixed Gourmet Pack, BC, 2 lb Bag 399lb Beef Brisket Whole, Fresh, 8.80/kg While quantities last. 599ea Purex TissueBathroom Double (12=24 Rolls) or Triple (8=24 Rolls) 1099ea Kraft Dinner 12 x works225gout to .92 ea 949 First 1 ea AAABeefWesternCanadian Valid Sep 1-7, 2022 at YORKTON stores only. *Excl. Lotto, tobacco, gift cards, prescriptions, clinics, diabetes care, tickets, charities, bus passes, postage stamps, insurance, delivery deposit & recycle fees, rewards and taxes, where applicable. Present this coupon with your More Rewards card to the cashier at time of purchase. No substitutions. Coupon cannot be combined with other coupon offers. Limit 1 coupon per customer. No photocopies; original coupon must be presented. To the cashier: Ensure $50 is spent. Scan gift card. Scan coupon. Spend min. $50 on a single grocery purchase & get one SAVE-ON-FOODS GIFT CARD: Spend min. $50 on a single grocery purchase & earn MORE REWARDS POINTS: POINTS4000$10 OR