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Classifieds Classifieds
1100 Cards of Thanks 1120 Announcements
1130 Coming Events
Granite, Bronze, Marble Monuments, Grave Covers, Vases, Artificial Flowers, Cemetery Inscriptions & Cremation Urns.
AND BONDED 529 Main St. South, Box 476, Ituna, Sask. S0A 1N0 Ph. (306)795-2428
1050 In Memoriam
GAWRYLIUK — Elaine. In loving memory of a dear sister who entered God’s Heavenly Kingdom on September 26, 2011. Of all the many blessings
The family of the late Kirk Neibrandt wish to extend our heartfelt thanks for the numerous cards of sympathy, flowers, gifts of food, the generous donation Education Trust Fund, visits, phone calls and support from relatives and friends following the loss of my husband and our father. Thank you to the Doctors, Nursing Staff of ICU and 1st West, Home Care Treatment Nurses and Palliative Care of the Yorkton Regional Health Centre. The Doctors and Nurses of the Allan Blair Cancer Centre, Regina, Regina General Hospital and the Foothills Hospital, Calgary, Alberta, for their care of Kirk. A special thank you to Dr. van Heerden and staff and Louck’s Pharmacy also. We also wish to express our thanks to Vern and staff at Christie’s Funeral Home for their professional service, Pastor Dan Moeller for officiating the service, Jackie Guy - soloist, for her special songs, the Rhein Lion’s Club for the use of the hall and the many people who helped with set up of hall, lunch and clean up. Thank you to everyone who shared with us and our families, Kirk’s Celebration of Life on August 15, 2012. Your support was overwhelming. “You can shed tears that he is gone, or you can smile because he lived; Smile, open your eyes, love and go on.”
— With healing hearts, tears in our eyes, Wendy, Brandi and Dana Neibrandt.
Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’ s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at www. swna.com.
PROVINCE-WIDE CLASSIFIEDS. Reach over 550,000 readers weekly. Call this newspaper NOW or 306-649.1405 for details.
1130 Coming Events
FALL SUPPER; LOCATION: BURGIS BEACH HALL, DATE: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2012. Two sittings - 4:00 and 5:30 p.m. Walk-ins Welcome. ADVANCE TICKETS AVAILABLE AT CANORA PHARMACY, CANORA AND ALEXANDER’S MEN’S WEAR IN YORKTON or call Linda at 563-4885 or Dodie at 563-4174. ADULTS $12.00, 4-12 YEARS $6.00, UNDER 4 FREE (Children’s tickets available at the Door). All proceeds will go to replacing the playground equipment that was destroyed in the 2010 flood.
1140 Companions
LOOKING FOR a female companion between 55 and 65. I enjoy dancing, dining, cooking, and shopping. Please respond to Box E, c/o Yorkton This Week, Box 1300 - 20 Third Ave., Yorkton, SK, S3N 2X3
1150 Personals

— Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by brother Ed, sisters Sylvia & Lorraine and their families.
WEGNER — In loving memory of Albert Wegner, February 14, 1921 to September 23, 2009. He had a nature you could not help loving, And a heart that was purer than gold., And to those that knew and loved him, His memory will never grow old.
— Ever remembered, forever loved, Elsie and family
1100 Cards of Thanks
The family of the late Dennis Kuzek would like to thank everyone who supported us through
The family of the late Pauline Spelay wish to extend their heartfelt thanks for cards of sympathy, mass cards, flowers, gifts of food, donations, visits, phone calls from relatives and friends following the loss of our mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. Thanks to the doctors and nursing staff at the Yorkton Regional Health Centre, Pasqua Hospital - Regina, St. Peter’s Hospital - Melville for their care. Also a special thank you to St. Paul Lutheran Care Home, Melville for your excellent care during this past year. We also wish to express our thanks to Larry and staff at Bailey’s Funeral Home for their professional services, Father Ray Lukie, Father Peter Pidskalny, Father Joakim Rac for officiating the services, the cantors, choir and the Knights of Columbus for leading the holy rosary, the grandchildren and great grandchildren for being pallbearers, crossbearer, epistle reader, and giving the eulogy, the luncheons as served by the St. Mary’s Cultural Centre after the prayers, and the Royal Canadian — Dennis, Michael, Trudy, Dave and Family
#1 IN PARDONS. Clear your criminal record! Start TODAY for ONLY $49.95/mo. Our Accredited Agency offers FASTEST, GUARANTEED Pardon. For FREE Consultations,
- Music & Movement classes for children birth through age 4; PIANO LESSONS for all ages & styles. Call Diane at 641-9887.
Please be advised that due to the passing of Nelson Alfred Saunders, the owner and operator of A. Goode Upholstery, the business is currently being wound up. Clients who may have items currently held at the business premises of A. Goode Upholstery are required to pick up their items or make arrangements with the interim upholsterer by March 31, 2023 for completion of any required work that was to be done by A. Goode Upholstery. Any unclaimed items that remain will be kept in storage, by the Personal Representative, Sharon Saunders, for a period of 1 year commencing March 31, 2023. Any items that remain uncollected at the expiry of the 1-year period will be deemed abandoned and dealt with accordingly. Please contact the business directly by telephone at 306-782-1744 or attend at the business during the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. A. Goode Upholstery thanks you for your continued patronage over the years and for your cooperation in this matter. In addition to the above, if anyone happens to know where Nelson Saunders stored his 1971 Monte Carlo, please contact the business as indicated above.
1170 - Public Notices
1170 - Public
Notice of Preparation of ASSESSMENT ROLL
Rural Municipality of Churchbridge No.
Public notice is hereby given that the Council of the R.M. of Orkney No. 244, intends to adopt Bylaw Z2/12 under The Planning and Development Act, 2007 to amend Bylaw No. Z2/94, known as the Yorkton Planning District Zoning Bylaw.
The proposed bylaw Z2/12 will:
Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the R.M. of Churchbridge No. 211 for the year 2023 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m., Monday to Friday, March 10 to April 12, 2023.
A) Rezone proposed twelve (3.5 acre) parcels on the NW 24-25-42, from A-Agricultural to C1 - Highway Commercial and Light Industrial.
Affected Land
A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required.
The affected land to be rezoned is legally described as NW 24-25-4-2 twelve proposed 3.5 acre parcels shown within the bold dashed outline on the following map.
Proposed parcels on the NW 24-25-4-2
Any person who wishes to discuss the notice of assessment or potential appeal may contact the assessor at the R.M. of Churchbridge No. 211, Box 211,Churchbridge, Sask. S0A 0M0. A notice of appeal, accompanied by a $50.00 appeal fee, must be filed with: The Secretary of the Board of Revision, Marlene Hassard, Western Municipal Consulting Ltd, Box 149, Meota, Sask. S0M 1X0, by the 12th day of April, 2023. Dated this 10th day of March, 2023.

Brenda A. Goulden Assessor
The reasons for the amendments are:
1) To accommodate subdivisions of the quarter section for proposed twelve (3.5 acre) parcels for the intended use of highway commercial and light industrial. Public the municipal of ce in Yorkton, Saskatchewan during regular of ce hours between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Copies are available at cost.
Donna Westerhaug, Administrator

Craft Items / Gift Ideas
SASKATCHEWAN HISTORY books for sale. The Imperial Review, 1983, $80; Tears, Toil and Triumph: Story of Kelvington and District, 1980, $80; The Ties that Bind: Melville ‘83, 1983, $100; Links with the Past Belbutte-Bapaume,1980, $80; Ploughshares and Prairie Trails: Dilke & District 1982, $80; Footsteps to Follow: A History of Young, Zelma and Districts, 1981, $80; Furrows in Time: A History of Balcarres and District 1987, $80. Shipping and handling extra over cost. Call 431-738-8824
For Sale - Misc
Statement Of Ownership
Published weekly by Boundary
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Yorkton This Week is owned and operated by The Prairie Newspaper Group LP, a division of GVIC Communications Corp.
Hay/Bales For Sale
HAY FOR SALE. Excellent quality square alfalfa/orchard grass bales. $8 each. Call or text 306-620-6108