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Abominable Snow Slam 2023
By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer
The Abominable Snow Slam 2023 was hosted Saturday at the M.C. Knoll School gym. A baker’s dozen clubs
The Yellow Thunderbird Lodge hosted a traditional powwow at the Gallagher Centre Flexihall on the weekend. The event included several specials including a Red Dree Special and an Every Child Matters Special for children, youth and teens.

Anderson Cattle Co. Bull Sale
50 Red & Black Angus yearling and two year olds. March 28/23 Swan River, MB 204-281-3560 www.andersoncattle.ca
Open House March 11 & 12
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Tuesday,March21,JTMLivestock were represented with International Mantis Canada bringing the most non-local competitors with 24.
50CharolaisTwo-Year-Oldand YearlingBulls&30RedAngusTwo -Year-OldandYearlingBulls.
Catalogue&videosonline atbylivestock.com. OnlinebiddingatDLMS.ca.
The Weary Warrior Award went to the Srok family who travelled 728 kilometres to compete.
In men’s breaking Troy McLelland of Vilcu’s Karate broke five bricks.
Topping the women’s breaking was local competitor Chloey Forster breaking four boards.
The cutting champion was Nik Srok of Kuro Tora.

The women’s black belt grand champion was Chloey Forster of YMATC.

The men’s black belt grand champion was Colby Yee of Jin Pal Hapikdo.
Among the clubs Spirit of the Dragon led the way with 24 firsts, followed by YMATC and IMC each with 13.