February Seniors 2019-02-27

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Wednesday, February 27, 2019 | www.YorktonThisWeek.com | Yorkton This Week

just for

SENIORS Our Monthly Feature

…For Seniors and about Seniors

WANTED 30 PEOPLE WITH HEARING LOSS Qualified Participants Needed for Technology Field Test

NOW Enrolling

We’re looking for people like you, who may be experiencing difficulty hearing 2.5cm

in noisy environments to evaluate a remarkable new digital hearing aid[1] and a rehabilitative process that could be the solution to your difficulties. There’s no cost

Actual Size

or obligation to participate!

candidacy. This latest digital technology solves the biggest challenge for hearing aid wearers – hearing well in noisy environments.

They say you can’t experience something fully until you’ve experienced it first-hand. The fresh, new bus system with shorter routes is part of the City of Yorkton’s pilot program. So, Yorkton This Week decided to hop on one of the buses and experience the route ourselves. “I think having the two new buses is always nice,” said Mayor Bob Maloney. “The ride quality’s going to be a lot better. The biggest concern that came to my attention was that the routes take too long. I can understand that because apparently doing the route was like an hour. That’s too long when somebody’s trying to get to work or school.” “My understanding is that there are two loops and they take about 30 minutes, so if you can get where you’re going within half an hour, I think that’s a lot more reasonable, and hopefully it will encourage ridership.” Donald Cannon, our driver, is a familiar face

Donald Cannon, bus driver in Yorkton. to the riders. He has an easygoing manner and knows many of the passengers by name. “We have a north route and a south route. We have two routes, now. We run one bus at a time, and have a shift from roughly 6:45 to 12:30, the other’s from 12:30 to 7. “We couldn’t run simultaneously because the traffic was too much to allow us to do [it]. And, Yorkton city traffic one has to stay on their toes,” laughs Cannon. “I started driving in

2002. So, I’ve been here a large number of years. A lot longer I ever planned on,” jokes Cannon. Some of the passengers weigh in, too. Doug, a long time passenger, chimes in. “I like the system,” he says. “Gets me where I want to go. Beats walking in the cold.” Asked if the route change is an improvement, he shrugs. “Doesn’t make a huge difference for me because of where I’m going, but it really depends.” Another passenger gets on at Parkland Mall. Broadway St E She is chipper and amiable, but visibly irritated. Not at Cannon; she seems 9 to know him, but has a Come your Comemeet meet your ay few complaints. rW e personal pharmacist, s personal pharmacist, lli Pa “I wish there was a Tricia today. TriciaKlassen, Klassen, today. shelter here,” she said. Coffee Coffeeisison onus! us! While chatting with Hamilton Rd d dR Cannon, she asks himn 1717 - 259 Hamilton Rd, Yorkton Po - 259 Hamilton Rd, Yorkto ter who she can talk to to Pe Ph: 306-782-2000 Ph: 306-782-2000 www.medicineshoppeyorkton.com www.medicineshoppeyorkton.com give feedback about the transit system. He gives a name and the chatting continues back and forth. MedicineShoppe_2x28.c27_R0011588118.indd “I missed my bus the last time. Other driver 2x28L (4c) Seniors edt •YTW Feb 27, 2019 Stairlif ts just blew right past me. I guess he didn’t see me.” Free Estimates Cannon is incredueShoppe_2x28.c27_R0011588118.indd 1 2019-02-22 9:54 AM Prevents stair accidents lous. Mounts to steps “You mean he didn’t Straight or Curved stop?” “Nope. Just blew right In House Technician past me. Guess he didn’t see me.” 306-782-5545 Continued on Page A13 Mayhew Ave

candidates will be given a FREE hearing test to determine their

By Cory Carlick Staff Writer

Kelsey Bay

Call us toll-free today to see if you qualify for this Field Test. Potential

Experiencing the new Yorkton bus routes

Pizza Family

Peavey Mart

Nobody will notice it because of its minute size, fitting snugly and you can get back to enjoying your relationships, rather than thinking about your hearing.

Thompson Ave

comfortably just behind the ear. Everything works automatically, so

Yorkton Dodge

Stairs Made Easy

Apply today - Candidates are being selected. The selection process ends on March 29th 2019. Call a local clinic below or book your appointment online at: HearingLife.ca/Wanted

Yorkton 381 Parkview Road Call Rhonda at 1-866-212-3430

air_495558_2x28.a25_R0011587143.indd 1


Jonica Willett RHAP, BC-HIS, Registered Hearing Aid Practitioner

2019-02-22 9:12 AM

Locally Owned & Operated

Taking care of all your sleep apnea needs


226 Broadway St. W., Yorkton

Phone: 306-783-9888

Referred by Physicians over 80,000 Times.

www.parklandcpap.ca • Email: info@parklandcpap.ca TRUSTED PARTNER OF

• CPAP and APAP and BIPAP machines including the new Air Mini perfect for traveling.

NIHB, VAC and Worker’s Compensation Provider

• Full range of CPAP masks, all with a 30-day guarantee

* Offer valid until March 29th, 2019 and is subject to change without notice. No-cost hearing tests are provided to adults ages 19 and older. A fee will apply for a copy of your audiogram. Child hearing tests are conducted at select locations for a fee, please contact us for more information. Candidates must be private sale. Some conditions may apply. Please see clinic for details. Offer Promo Code not valid in Quebec. [1] https://www.oticon.ca/solutions/opn


HearingLife_3x222.d01_R0011672154.indd • prod2/kj • ytw feb 27, 2019 mp mar. 1/19 • proof to mxca@hearinglife.ca

• Comfort products like pillows, wipes, nasal moisture cream, cleansers, etc.

SALE: Philips Respironics DreamStation Auto CPAP machine for $1449.00 (includes heated tubing).

Come in and talk to us. The coffee is always on.

Open Monday to Friday 9 a.m to 4 p.m. ParklandCPAPservices_579368_3x70.b30_R0011599488.indd 1

2019-02-22 9:04 AM

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