Staff Photos by Calvin Daniels

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short.The majority of crop damage this week was due to light hail, wind and dry conditions. Frost was reported from the southeast up into the northwest; damage is not assessed yet as some areas received more severe frosts than others. Strong winds have continued to blow swaths and shell out crops. There were also reports of damage caused by wildlife and waterfowl as they make their way
Ideal conditions over the past week allowed for producers across all regions in the province to make immense progress withSixty-fourharvest. per cent of the crop has now been harvested, up from 42 per cent last week and just ahead of the five-year (2017-2021) average of 57 perAncent.additional 20 per cent of the crop is ready to swath or straight cut.
motive showdown. The demolition derby concludes the 2022 season for the Yellowhead International Speedway. Check the groups Facebook page to stay informed on the upcoming 2023 season.
There was no precipitation reported in the region this past week.

Smash and crash!
Staff Photo by Tyson Off

Producers are busy combining, swathing, moving cattle and hauling bales

received a range of two to five mm which did not result in major delays.

A demolition derby was held at the Yellowhead International Speedway on the afternoon of the 17th. Cars were smashing and crashing to the cheers of hundreds of people in attendance for the auto-

Wind has been an issue as it has blown around swathed crops such as spring wheat and canola, producers hope they can pick up
Harvest progress is now at 27 per cent, up from nine per cent last week and very close to the five-year average of 29 per Manycent.producers in crop district 6A have nearly completed their harvest operations due to experiencing drier conditions than producers furtherCropeast.yields in the region are very good with most crops yielding average or better.
There are concerns regarding soil moisture and a good soaking rain post-harvest would be ideal, as soil is drying out across the province after several weeks of minimal precipitation, wind and hotHarvestweather. is most advanced in the southwest region, where 93 per cent of the crop is in the bin. The west-central has 80 per cent combined, the southeast 57 per cent, the northwest 47 per cent, the east-central 46 per cent and the northeast 41 perNinety-fivecent. per cent of lentils and field peas, 90 per cent of durum, 72 per cent of barley, 68 per cent of spring wheat, 39

on to other field work.
Crops are quickly ripening after a week of hot, dry weather; producers are actively harvesting or swathing crops as they become ready and harvest is becoming more general in the region.
Producers are saying their soils are drying out fast and they hope a good rain will arrive after harvest.Cropland topsoil moisture is rated as one per cent surplus, 52 per cent adequate, 34 per cent short and 13 per cent very short.Hay and pasture land topsoil moisture is rated as one per cent surplus, 46 per cent adequate, 39 per cent short and 14 per cent very short.

A2 September 23, 2022 | This Week Marketplace YORKTON BRICK MILL HERITAGE SOCIETY – DINNER –Sara Shymko Executive AgricultureDirectorintheClassroom VISIT AVAILABLETICKETS AT FRAMEWORKS, BY PHONE, OR BY WEB CALL VERN - 306.621.1015 OR LARRY - 306.621-0523 GUEST SPEAKER: (50% TAX RECEIPT) TICKETS $60.00 SEPTEMBERWEDNESDAY28,2022 ST. MARY’S CULTURAL CENTER | 240 WELLINGTON AVE., YORKTON 5:30 Cocktails 6:30 Dinner 8:00 ProgramPLATINUM SPONSOR Yorkton, 1-306-621-0942Saskatchewan•1-306-621-1926 Up to 35% off all window SeptemberEXTENDEDcoveringsto30th,2022 Must not be combined with any other offer. Sale excludes motorization. Call for a consultationfreeat your home or business BEAT THE HEAT SUMMER SALE! Provincially harvest nears 70 per cent

per cent of canola and 23 per cent of flax has been combined. There is an additional 40 per cent of canola that is ready to swath or andLivelong,rainfallreceivedpercent34gradesgrade.onenine1estimatedPeafiveCW,centareDurumstraight-cut.qualitygradesestimatedas50per1CW,30percent215percent3CWandpercent4and5CW.qualitygradesareas45percentCAN,46percent2CAN,percent3CANandpercentSampleLentilqualityareestimatedaspercent1CAN,60per2CANandsevencent3CAN.Mostoftheprovinceverylittletonothisweek.TheSt.WalburgMeadowLakeareas
south.Producers are busy combining, swathing, hauling bales and moving cattle. Post-harvest activities are well underway in some regions. Producers are noting that many areas are too dry to consider seeding winter cereals.Acomplete, printable version of the Crop Report is available online at
the swaths before more wind lowers their yield potential.Grasshoppers have become a larger issue for producers in the region as they move out of areas that have been harvested to fields with standing crops.There have been multiple combine or stubble fires in the drier parts of the region, but damage was minimal since producers are taking every precaution they can.
Many producers in the southwest and west-central regions have completed harvest and are

Cropland topsoil moisture is rated as one per cent surplus, 37 per cent adequate, 38 per cent short and 24 per cent very short. Hay and pasture land topsoil moisture is rated as one per cent surplus, 27 per cent adequate, 44 per cent short and 28 per cent very

Under a blanket of heavy fog, dozens of police officers and coroners arrived at the Warman Fire Department training grounds on Thursday morning to practice digging up dead bodies.
“What we ended up doing … was getting fed up and pulling [the attic] off with a hoe, and taking the second storey right off,” Guillas explained.
some of the grave sites, now — but others have stayed very much the same.Uncovering a buried body still takes a careful, methodical process, with lots of sifting through dirt and taking careful measurements to make sure nothing gets missed.
by-fours for the exterior wall. These long studs extend uninterrupted from the sill on the top of the foundation all the way up to the roof.
In a video he was shown of the fire, Guillas noticed that flames were
By Julia Peterson, Local InitiativeJournalismReporter (The StarPhoenix)
St. Dominic’s Roman Catholic Church, located at 416 First Ave., is calling for donations of men’s size medium to large, women’s size medium and tween girl clothing, as well as monetary donations. The donations can be dropped off at the church during office hours, which are from Wednesday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and closed during the lunch hour.Trudi McCarthy, a parishioner of St. Domninic’s, hopes people will be generous to the newcomers, who were invited, and attended, a luncheon at the church on “TheySunday.pretty much lost everything,” McCarthy said.
“That doesn’t happen overnight,” Synchyshyn said.When newcomers from the Philippines first arrive in Canada, there is a lot of confusion and, in some cases, hesitation on when to call police and first responders, Guillas said he has noticed. He encourages people to contact him through the town office for assistance on this matter.
Miranda Leybourne, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter The house located at 281 Mill St. in Neepawa burned down Friday.
She said it was a cause-and-effect cycle. The town is attempting to ease the problem with the development of new subdivisions, but it’s not an issue that’s going to disappear any time soon.
watch a TV show where they find some remains and they go there, they collect everything and they’re done within their little timeframe,” Zawislak said. “That isn’t the case Lookinghere.”over the field full of carefully-dug gravesites, with groups of trainees hard at work beside each, Walker said
The newcomers were
he’s proud to be teaching these skills to such a large and motivated group.“At the end of the day, who knew that this would happen in Saskatchewan?” he said. “It sounds like it should come from Quantico, Virginia or somewhere like that. But nonetheless, here we are.”
anthropologist Dr. Ernie Walker, a supernumerary constable with the Saskatchewan RCMP, teaches the course.
one from state-side,” Walker said. “They’re doing … very careful, scientific investigations, just like we would do in a normal simulatedgrounds,departmentheldthesinceofferedsheremainshavedoinexperience,latedthatthereexperiences,country.cersnetworkprocesses,practicesunderstandinghelptrainingHistoricalSaskatchewanZawislakSargeantsituation.”DonnaoftheRCMPCaseUnitsaideventslikethistocreateasharedofbestduringsearchaswellasaoftrainedoffi-spreadaroundthe“Itallowsustosharebecausearepoliceforcesarealittlemoreiso-anddon’thavethatandmaybetheircareersmayonlyonesearchwheretheytoremovehumanfromagrave,”said.Thecoursehasbeeneveryfewyearsthe‘90s,butthisisfirstyearithasbeeninWarman.Atthelocalfiretraininginstructorsduggravesitesand
Michelle Berg/Saskatoon StarPhoenix Christian Rouleau, with the Quebec provincial police, takes part in the field exercise of a simulated grave excavation — searching for evidence and imitation remains at the Warman Fire Department training grounds.
Ten newcomers who lived in a house that burned down in Neepawa last week are not to blame for the structure’s demise, says the chief of the local fire department.Asreported by the Sun Tuesday, a centuryold home located at 281 Mill St. in Neepawa, located 76 kilometres from Brandon, burned down in a blaze that took firefighters three and a half hours to subdue.

to secure new housing, executive director Don Walmsley said.
“It’s not their fault there’s not enough housing to live in properly, and it’s not their fault that the business they’re coming to [work for] isn’t doing enough for However,them.”according to HyLife public relations and Wednesday,Ashleyandpublicsessionsthroughsuccessfullynewcomermittedtalplies,chasingaccommodations,payingtownfirenewcomersatelythemanagercommunicationsStaceyAshley,company“immedi-rallied”behindthefollowingthebyworkingwiththeandsocialservices,fortemporarypur-householdsup-andofferingmen-healthresources.“Ourcompanyiscom-toensuringouremployeestransitionfullsettlementwithpolice,fire,health,finance,otherstakeholders,”saidinanemailaddingthat
Since firefighters were unable to access the attic, it is difficult to ascertain whether or not working smoke detectors were installed on that level of the house, though Guillas added that there was evidence of the safety devices on the main floor of the Neepawahome.and Area Immigrant Settlement Services confirmed that the 10 people who rented the house had all moved from the Philippines, and the Town of Neepawa told the Sun that they were brought to the community by HyLife Foods Ltd., a pork processing plant just outside Neepawa.
Some parts of the training have changed a lot over time — they use andradar,ground-penetratingmetaldetectorsdronestohelpfind
“This is a problem we have … a lack of space, lack of everything, and we’re working through the problems, but it’s just not happening fast enough,” Guillas said.
Over the years, Walker said the course has sent many trainees back to their home communities with valuable experience.“We’ve had folks on this course for many years who have written back to us and said, ‘I took the course and, three weeks later, I had to actually do this for real,’ “ he said.
Because of the house’s balloon framing, and its lathe-and-plaster walls, consisting of narrow strips of wood nailed horizontally across wall studs that are coated in plaster, the fire department had trouble reaching the attic, since a hole couldn’t be punched in the wall like it could be in more modern-built homes that use drywall.
The Manitoba Office of the Fire Commissioner told the Sun the fire was still under investigation and that the office had “nothing to add at this time.”The house, originally built in 1892, was constructed with “balloon framing,” Guillas said, which is a style of wood-house building that uses long, vertical two-
House fire in Neepawa points to larger issues for newcomers
By Miranda Leybourne, Local (BrandonInitiativeJournalismReporterSun)
not prepared for how things work in Canada in terms of securing reliable housing and proper safety procedures during a fire, Guillas said. While overcrowding was not an issue in this case, he said, it is a problem that newcomers experience in Neepawa due to a lack of rental properties.
HyLife recently invested in Howden House, a brand-new housing complex in Neepawa scheduled to open in the next few“Thisweeks.will be home to new temporary foreign workers as they settle in. Our leadership also continues to proactively work alongside the town of Neepawa to ensure safe housing is accessible,” Ashley wrote.
A3This Week Marketplace | September 23, 2022
already shooting out of the house before the fire department was called to the scene. People shouldn’t hesitate to call the fire department when a fire breaks out, he said, noting that Friday’s fire could have ended more tragically.“I’mglad nobody lost their lives in this thing. If this was one o’clock in the morning, we could have been talking about a whole different thing here. That’s the thing that scaresGuillasme.”retrieved all but one person’s documentation, such as passports, from the home on Monday, and was even able to recover a few treasured personal items for the Neepawaresidents.and Area Immigrant Settlement Services is working closely with the residents
The event was part of the Saskatchewan RCMP’s course on forensic anthropology and the identification of human remains, which is designed to introduce officers to forensic anthropology, search processes, and the recovery and identification of human
Sask. RCMP teaches ‘very careful, scientific’ field excavation skills

The fire, which broke out just before 2 p.m. Friday, started in the attic, according to Yves Guillas, chief of the Neepawa Fire Department.Thoughthe cause of the fire is still under investigation, Guillas said it was not suspicious in nature. He expects the investigation to wrap up by the end of the week.
“We have folks from right across the country, from Newfoundland and British Columbia and from the North, and even
“We want people to understand that you can
A housing shortage is something the town has been dealing with ever since HyLife Foods began bringing people in from overseas to work, Colleen Synchyshyn, the town’s chief administrative officer, said.
filled them with all sorts of ‘evidence’ for students to uncover — clothing, weapons, needles, pop cans, bottles, jewelry, shell casings and, of course, skeletons made of plastic Walkerbones.saidthe practice gravesites are as realistic as possible, except for one thing: Because there are no actual human bodies in the ground, it “just doesn’t smell as bad as it normally smells.”
Of course with the win Flasch’s foursome rep’ed Saskatchewan at the 2022 Tim Hortons Brier where they finished with a very
Flasch said they have a chemistry that comes with having played together for a year and a half, that other teams will have to build as they get to know about each
Having an inner knowledge about what a team can do has to be an asset.
valuable experience in that process.
Courtesy Preecevilleof Progress
Classified Sales: Casey Shields Phone: 306-782-2465
“On March 29, 2018, our small but mighty committee held a jail and bail fundraiser at the
Preeceville School that raised $4,000 that kickstarted the fundraiser for our dream of having a bike and skate park,” said Kent Seerey, committee member. “As a committee we applied for grant funding through the Canada

other on the ice.
team.”Sohow does the team take the experience and turn it into more wins this
ject over the past few years was the crop fundraiser located west of Preeceville.The3,950 square foot structure at the Bike and Skate Park encompasses a variety of ramps, embankments, rails, platforms, and circuits to appeal to everyone of all ages.Seerey went on to thank the Drop In Skateparks, Preeceville Gateway Co-op and Town of Preeceville. He also acknowledged Andrea Tonn for her hard work and dedication doing the initial groundwork as well as Lorelei Karcha, town adminstrator.
thisweek.comeditorial@yorkton20ThirdAvenueNorth,Yorkton,S3N1B9 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada.
respectable 6–2 record in the round robin, including another ‘W’ over Dunstone in the final draw.As fate would have it Flasch had to play Dunstone as a ‘Wild Card’ team in the event, again in a tiebreaker, which they won 9–5.
In the playoffs, Team Flasch defeated Northern Ontario’s Brad Jacobs rink before losing to Alberta’s Kevin Koe, who Flasch had at one point played for, and then losing to Brad Gushue’s Wild Card team, settling for fourth in the event.
Photo by Micheal Burns / Curling Canada
Entering the 2022 SaskTel Tankard,
Editor: Calvin Daniels
One team to stay the course though is the 2022 SaskTel Tankard-topping team lead by skip Colton Flasch.“Idon’t think any of us had interest in switching teams,” Flasch told Yorkton This Week in a recent interview. “We feel this team is good enough to Certainlywin.”the team took strides last season.

Owned and operated by: The Prairie Newspaper Group LP, a division of GVIC Communications Corp.

EDITORIAL A4 September 23, 2022 | This Week Marketplace
Advertising Sales: Julianne Thom
the team was ranked second behind the Matt Dunstone rink (Dunstone is one of the players on the move actually returning to Manitoba to play this season).
“A shot here or there,” lamented Flasch, adding coming so close the
The off season has very much been a case of musical chairs with players across the country realigning with new foursomes headed into the 2022-23 season.
team feels confident they can take it the final step. “We’re good enough to beat any team out there.”
AdvertisingPublisher/ Manager: John Bauman

It helps too the team members are all friends.
It might be clichéd, but in the world of curling this season you will most certainly need a program to know who is playing with who.
Early this season Flasch’s foursome might hold a bit of an ace-inthe-hole at events – the familiarity of having been together a while.
Fax: 306-786-1898
“We’re all really good friends,” said Flasch, adding over the busy season that is crucial because “. . . You spend so much time together as
Diane WayneMillerRemanda
“It’sseason?a matter of more training and consistency,” said Flasch.

Flasch expecting team to take next step
The committee held a grand opening ceremony on September 10 to officially open the park. Committee members were: Darin Newton, Kent Seerey, Cory Paul, Candace Kuta, Kyla Galiz, and Tammy Descalchuk.
Production Team: Kristin Jordens
“I am so excited about this project being completed. It was challenging at times getting
to this point of completion. Very grateful for the committee, the town staff and all the people who supported this project. The whole idea from the beginning was to provide an area where kids could enjoy an environment where they could utilize the space in a variety of different ways at their own leisure. The wait and all the hard work was worth it as it is a fantastic structure and promotes being physically active,” stated Tonn.
“We’re going to get to play a lot,” said Flasch.
“One of our hopes for the park is that it is occupied by the youth in our community and neighbouring towns, regardless of age, skill level, or abilty,” concluded Seerey.Ademonstartion team
from Winnipeg, Regina, Saskatoon and Yorkton showed off skate boarding skills for the community.There were a variety of draws made, and a free hotdog and hamburger lunch concluded the event.
That upcoming run included a 7-3 semi final loss to Japan’s Riku Yanagisawa at the 2022 Curling Stadium
To that end the team has a busy schedule set with a bunch of Grand Slam events scheduled leading up to Christmas.
After losing two games early in the triple knockout provincial event, Team Flasch rattled off four straight victories to reach the provincial final where they faced Dunstone.Flasch would steal a point in the tenth end to top Team Dunstone and win the provincial title.
The Preeceville Bike and Skate Park committee was pleased to announce that the construction of the Park was complete and was opened to the public on Aug. 26.
Jaxson Kurytnik of Preeceville was excited to try his hand at the newly opened Preeceville Bike and Skate Park.
“I think we kind of know what we are capable of,” said Flasch, adding the success last season at the Brier builds on that. “. . . It gives you confidence.”Whenyou play in high pressure games, you learn a lot about what a team is capable of, and Flasch said his team thinks they gained some
Evelyn Maier, left, won a new scooter and Sage Ward won a new bicycle at the grand opening. Both girls are from Preeceville.

The team, including third Catlin Schneider, second Kevin Marsh and lead Dan Marsh, only came together for the 2020–21 season, and jelled rather quickly.
Preeceville Bike and Skate Park opening enjoyed
Mayor Ralph Ager of

The deal was made in early spring, which presented its own stiff set of challenges.“Icouldn’t even get the car home,” said Yasinowski, “so I left it at my neighbour’s place until I could drive home. We used the car all summer, and in the fall I took my parents on a holiday.
“Mom’s sister’s family and her brother’s family were in Sandilands. We then went to Winnipeg where my dad’s sister and brother lived with their families. I hadn’t met all those cousins, and now I know a lot of cousins, aunts and uncles. Mom and Dad enjoyed the holiday and so did I. My dream came Yasinowskitrue!”still has that Pontiac Pathfinder, and brought it to Main Street in Canora in August for the Cruisers Car Club Show during the Canora Live & Play Street
Russell Yasinowski of Canora purchased this 1958 Pontiac Pathfinder new in 1958, and has had it ever since. Local residents and visitors alike had the opportunity to get a close look at it during the Cruisers Car Club Show at the Canora Live & Play Street Festival in August.

his parents made the trip home through the Sandilands region east of Winnipeg where his parents first settled and were united in marriage.
A group of more than a dozen students of Keeseekoose Chiefs Education Centre in Grades 7 to 12 have begun practice with eyes towards competing in the 2023 First Nations Cup.
“The event, which is seen as the PGA of First Nations golf in Canada, will be held next July in either Saskatoon or Yorkton,” said Mark Whitehawk, the school’s language teacher who coaches the group along with Charlie Keshane, a teacher at the school, and Tristan Keshane, an educational heldtheKeeseekoosesaid,Cup,”hostNation“Keeseekooseassistant.FirsthasagreedtotheFirstNationsWhitehawkexplainingthatalsohosted2022eventwhichwasinSaskatoon.“Wearetryingtobring

They included: Matthew Keshane, Israel Gamble, Kaylee Keshane, Jeremy Strongquill, Tyrea Mitsuing, Kayden Quewezance and Memphis Bryant.
Members of the Keeseekoose Chiefs Education Centre golf team, which is being developed to compete in the 2023 First Nations Cup next July, from left, are: (back row) Aaron Chasse, Matthew Keshane, Israel Gamble, Kaylee Keshane and Jeremy Strongquill; (middle) Kelsey Keshane, Myrea Mitsuing, Kayden Quewezance and Ryden Moccasin, and (front) Ian Quewezance Jr., Memphis Bryant, Jaydan Severight and Zacc Keshane.

“It’s like a member of the family now. We’ve had it for dating, our wedding, and our 25th, 50th, 55th and 60th anniversaries.”Thecar has been well-maintained over the years and still gets driven regularly. It has a threespeed standard transmission and the original 223 horsepower engine has been rebuilt. The car has been repainted, but still in the original colours.
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Courtesy of Canora Courier

“I found a car I liked at Stern Motors in Wynyard,” he recalled. “It was this 1958 fourdoor Pontiac Pathfinder. I took my money there in a sock that I had saved it in. I dumped it on John Stroziuk’s desk, who was the salesman at Stern Motors in Wynyard at that time. He counted my money, wrote up a bill, and gave me the keys. The car was mine!”
AfterFestival.hisfamily’s years farming near Wishart, Yasinowski lived and farmed near Hudson Bay and Lestock, before moving to the family’s Canora area farm in the early 80s. In total, he farmed for 60 Yasinowskiyears. said he originally chose the Pontiac
Courtesy of Kamsack Times
“We went to the United States, including Chicago, and also Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. We were on our way to Toronto, where my sister, brother-in-law and family lived. The next stop was Sudbury, where my brother and his family lived. We hadn’t seen him since the Yasinowski1940s.” and
A5This Week Marketplace | September 23, 2022 Don’t Just Get “R” Done, Get “R” Done Rite! 391 Ball Road - Box 2031 Yorkton, SK S3N 3X3 Bus: 306-782-9600 Fax: 306-782-4449

CANORA - As the youngest in a family of 11 children born to Emily and Dimetro Yasinowski on their farm near Wishart, Russell Yasinowksi had a dream “that when I group up I will save my money and buy a new car, and take my parents on a holiday they never Yasinowksihad.”never forgot that dream. By 1958 he was 22 years of age and had saved enough money to make that dream a reality.
He paid $3,400 for it new, which included extras such as a spare tire and a two-tone paint job.“I paid cash for it because nobody trusted banks at the Yasinowkitime.”and his wife Anne were married in 1959, the year after he bought the car.

Yasinowski said this model was only manufactured for one year, making it a collector’s item. He doesn’t know of any others like it still in existence.

Pathfinder because “I liked the look of it, and it was a sturdy car.”
the Cup to Yorkton, which is Treaty 4 territory,” he said. “We’ll know later if the competition will be in Yorkton, or back at Saskatoon.Morethan 600 First Nations golfers from across Canada are expected to attend the 2023 First Nations Cup, he said, adding that the competition is aimed at the youth and the top female and male golfers may win major scholarships. The event has been held annually since
1999.“We have a lot of talent in this group,” he said of the Keeseekoose team.Seven members of the team were expected to compete at the district golfing championship played at the Madge Lake Golf Resort on Sept. 15.
forstudentsKeeseekooseprepare2023FirstNations Cup

“We did a lot of donations—over the years we did over $400,000 of donations over the 60 years,” said Sereda, adding, “selling raffles, we would do barbecues, all different types of things—we generated quite a bit of money, so we always made a point of donating it out to scholarships, the nursing home, the hospital.”

so it’s kind of tough and they’re getting up in age and that kind of thing,” saidSeredaSereda. said the 60-year anniversary is significant because it marked the 60th year of one of their original members.Helen Ziglo, who did not attend the gathering due to health issues, was presented her 60-year pin by President Sereda at Ziglo’s home on the day following the celebration.“I’ve got a few members who are getting up in age,” said Sereda, adding, “I have a few people in their 70s and 80s, so you know it’s kind
A representation of the donations made by the group over the last 60 years. Each office independently owned and operated. Open Monday to Friday, 8am - 4pm $129,000 1.83 acres of vacant commercial land just outside of Yorkton MLS®# SK908270 101 MAIN STREET Gerald “Call about this on TODAY!” MLS®# 32$995,000$225,000SK888071-38SMITHSTW Yorkton “own your own office building or health clinic” MLS®# SK898777 Glen 306-621-6777Kozak 76$129,000RUSSELLDRIVEYorkton, Saskatchewan 2 Beds, 3 Baths, 1, 408 Sq Ft, Built in 1995 MLS®# CORMANSOLDSOLDSK902507PARKRMNO. 344 Saskatchewan 4 Beds, 4 Baths, 1, 647 Sq Ft, Built in 2005 MLS®# 306-641-4977RobbySK901647Bear SOLD 334 2ND STREET NE Preeceville 3 Beds, 2 Baths, 1,026Sq Ft,Built in 1987 MLS®# SK904271 106 5TH AVENUE Ebenezer 3 Beds, 2Baths,1,162Sq Ft, Built in 2009 MLS®#SOLDSOLDSK889086 602 3RD STREET NE Preeceville 3 Beds, 2 Baths, 1,029 Sq Ft, Built in1975 MLS®# SK905079 Mark306-641-9406Zawerucha SOLD 65 FENSON CRES Yorkton 3 bed, 3 bath, 1030 sq ft MLS®# SK906603 194 5TH AVE N Yorkton 3 bed, 2 bath, 988 sq ft MLS®# 121SOLDSOLDSK903588GEORGEAVE Yorkton 3 bed, 1 bath, 1008 sq ft MLS®# SK905070 Darren306-621-2515Balaberda 76 RUSSELL DRIVE Yorkton 2 bed, 3 bath, 1408 sq ft CONDO MLS®# SK902507 REMAX CONNECTION 6 ERICHSEN PLACE Yorkton 3 bed, 3 bath, 1370 sq ft MLS®# 106$253,915SK906099$68,000MAINSTREET Kelliher 2 bed,1 bath, 828 sq ft MLS®# SK907805 Wade306-620-6905Windjack $16/sq ft 440 BROADWAY STREET E #1-3 Yorkton 1754 sq ft of excellent office space MLS®SK880216 20 DRIFTWOOD CRES Yorkton 4 bed, 3 bath, 1600 sq ft MLS®# 203$225,000$324,900SK905639-2101STAVE Amsterdam 2 bed, 2 bath, 1337 sq ft MLS®# SK907463 Bill 306-621-8007Harrison 165$124,000FIRSTAVEN Yorkton 3 bed, 2 bath, 1352 sq ft MLS®# SK881614 57 RUSSELL DRIVE #202, Yorkton "CONDO living" 2 bed, 2 bath, 1128 sq ft MLS®# 21$129,900$224,900SK898676ONTARIOSTREET Yorkton 2 bed, 1 bath, 718 sq ft MLS®# SK908968 Sandi306-621-9015Shewchuk 123$299,000BALMORALST #301, Yorkton “Condo with 3 bed 2 bath and 1280 sq ft” MLS®# SK885184 408 SULLY AVE Yorkton 4 bed, 3 bath, 1527 sq ft MLS®# 117$305,900$239,000SK905881LOGANCRESW Yorkton 3 bed, 2 bath, 1144 sq ft MLS®# SK905366 KatherinePRICE306-620-8898McDowellREDUCTION SOLDSOLDSOLD SOLDSOLDSOLD SOLD SOLD 212 MAPLE AVE Yorkton 2 Bed, 1 Bath, 728 sq ft MLS®# SOLDSK905420SOLD

YORKTON – The Army and Navy Airforce Veterans Ladies Auxiliary celebrated their 60th anniversary on Saturday, Sept. 17.

sibly could to help our unit out with all different functions and that kind of thing,” said Sereda.

of hard to get new members to join and to take over for the older members.”

join,” said Sereda, noting that potential members do not have to be veterans. celebrate years

Helen Ziglo being presented her 60-year pin by Deb Sereda. Ziglo has been a member of the Yorkton ANAVETs since it’s inception.

By Tyson Off Staff Writer
“What we need is some younger members in there, but it’s hard to get younger members to
A6 September 23, 2022 | This Week Marketplace
“Our group is kind of dwindling down—we’ve only got 14 members—
From left to right. Mayor Mitch Hippsley, Deb Sereda President of the Auxiliary and Yorkton MLA Greg Ottenbreit were in attendance to celebrate with members of the ANAVETS.
Sereda said the organization is actively looking for new members.
“We started in 1962 and this was our 60th year,” said Deb Sereda, President of the Auxiliary.Sereda has been president of the auxiliary for a total of 20 yearS, a member of ANAVET for 42 and said the group was active in the community when it came to fundraising.“[We]would do pretty much anything we pos-

We should also mention Tafl games, reviewed here last week, given their Viking roots, and Konane is a checkerfamily offering from Hawaii that fits with the concept of games tied to a particular culture.
The games in Yorkton were part of a series of tourney’s leading up to the championship weekend to be hosted in Sturgis Sept. 24 and 25, where the top team will earn the Harvest Cup.
Heading into the final weekend of action the Moose Jaw Tommy Guns top the league with a 6-2 record with Regina
Chess is another that comes to mind. Not particularly the western version most here are familiar with, but rather some of the other cultural variants out Shogithere.for example is very much Japanese. Xiangqi is Chinese. Makruk is from Thailand and Shatar is Mongolian. Each is very much chess, but all have their own twists too.
Yorkton then dropped a 7-2 decision to the Saskatoon Plainsmen, with Stewart and Wizniak sniping the Olden Knight goals.The Olden Knights had one last chance to win on home soil facing Regina Southern Comfort
Certainly16. for those of us who enjoy board games it can be a time to pull out some games of cultural significance, although that is somewhat more difficult than you may Therethink.are games which are entwined in a country’s culture, although they are a little on the rare side.
So which country’s culture does it belong? Or, can something be crosscultural in this case.
So that we don’t exactly embrace, promote, love and play a game to entwine it into our culture is not particularly surprising, although it is a tad distressing I suppose.But if you want to

By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer
Olden Knights win one of three Saturday on home soil.
For example, we might think of Go, a game held to be quite traditional within the culture of Japan. It certainly is a game with definite cultural elements entwined into it, from the unique way stones are picked out of a player’s bowl to the ‘clicking’ sound players make with their placement.But,Go was actually invented in China more than 2,500 years ago,
So for the next three weeks we are into a time of celebration in terms of our culture as Saskatchewan marks Culture Days.

In 2019, the league gained two new members in the Moose Jaw Tommy Guns and Sturgis 9-1-1, which began the festival format that is still present today. Also,
the Saskatoon Plainsmen were officially welcomed as a take over from Saskatoon Field LC. With the pandemic
The national celebration of arts and culture takes place each fall, this year running Sept. 23, to Oct.
start a Canadian trend with this year’s Culture Days perhaps Canadian Checkers is the one.
LOA and Santorini are not part of our culture which lies with us as a people.Weas Canadians all too often fail to celebrate our own. When was the last truly Canadian film to make a ripple in theatres? Was it Men With Brooms? It was a funny, clearly Canadian flick but it was released 20 yearsAndago.who won the last Giller prize for Canadian literature? It’s likely most readers would not have answered Omar El Akkad for Strange Paradise without doing a Google search.

My personal favourite game is crokinole, and while it is often suggested, although not guaranteed, it was originally created in Canada and is a game that most would say is culturally Canadian, although it most likely should be.
In non-Yorkton action Saskatoon topped Regina 8-5, Sturgis edged Regina 10-9 in overtime, and then topped Saskatoon 9-8.

in 2020, no SFLL season took place due to provincial health guidelines which prohibited any provincial competition.

It was the Yorkton Olden Knights turn to host the Saskatchewan Field Lacrosse League season as the local team hosted a one-day tournamentTheSaturday.Olden Knights started the action losing a squeaker 5-4 to Sturgis 9-1-1.Adam Stewart scored four goals, with Brandon Wizniak adding one in the Yorkton loss.
Southern Comfort, Sturgis 9-1-1, and the Prince Albert Prairie Dogs tied with 4-4 Saskatoonrecords. and Yorkton follow with 3-5 records.TheSFLL was founded in 2017 with the intent to grow field lacrosse in the province, both at the minor/grassroots level and the senior level. The three SFLL founding members: Saskatoon Field LC, Yorkton Olden Knights and Regina Southern Comfort have in the past played a series of festivals, hosted by each member team.
A host of Olden Knights scored goals including; Wizniak with two, and singles from Stewart, Paul Toth, Colby Johnson, Dallas Hydamaka, Frank Darby, and Graham Macdonald.
Celebrate Canadian culture with games
and they would win a squeaker 8-7.
Olden Knights host SFLL tourney
It’s the same generally with rod hockey. Its roots are almost assuredly Canadian and many of us, at least those over the age of 30-35 have played it, or at least aware of it, it would be hard to suggest it is culturally Canadian.Then there are fabulous games such as Santini and Lines of Action which are designed by Canadians Gordon Hamilton and Claude Soucie respectively but that doesn’t make them specifically Canadian.Again, perhaps that
Canadian checkers follows the same rules and conventions as international draughts, the only differences are the larger game board (12×12 squares instead of 10×10), and more checkers per player (30 instead of 20).

Here is Canada -where defining this country’s culture is never easy given we are still a relatively young as a country, and so diverse in background in terms of people arriving here – finding a game which is part of our culture is notYoueasy.might think of Trivial Pursuit, a game created here that has sold millions of copies in its various forms, but the questions are so international in scope it does not ‘feel’ Canadian when on the table.
was open (even if the offending piece had already captured one or more pieces that turn), the player can huff the offending piece before the next move is made and it is removed from the board. Nowadays, this rule is rarely used. Instead a player just points out the error and the opponent is forced to make the correct move,” explains beratheryoucreateandofeyesandgrewsofgames.comwww.master-(I’llnoteIupwiththisrulegrandpahadeagleeventhroughthefoghispipesmoke).Butthathugeboardallthepiecesdoesadraughtsgamewillrememberasunique.Givethisoneatryandproudofourculture.
A7This Week Marketplace | September 23, 2022 When adventure meets confidence. OVER 96.7% OF Honda CR-Vs SOLD IN CANADA IN THE LAST 10 YEARS ARE STILL ON THE ROAD TODAY. Dealer Phone Dealer Website CANADIAN BUILT. CANADIAN DRIVEN.Honda Sensing™ Safety Technologies ECON Mode & Eco Assist™ Apple CarPlay & Android Auto™ Real Time AWD™ RemoteStarterEngine THE VERSATILE 2022 TOURING CR-V 1.45%#FROMRATES yoursReservetoday.LOYALTY BONUS † PLUS, GET A FOR QUALIFIED HONDA 750OWNERS #Limited time lease offer is from Honda Canada Finance Inc. (HCFI), on approved credit. Lease example: 2022 CR-V Touring 4WD (RW2H9NKS) for a 24-month period, for a total of 104 weekly payments of $198, leased at 1.45% APR. 20,000-kilometre annual allowance (12 cents/km excess charge). Total lease obligation is $20,544. Lease payments include freight and PDI of $1,950 and applicable fees, but do not include lien registration fee (up to $85 in certain regions) and lien registering agent fee (up to $6), which are due at time of delivery. No down-payment equired. Taxes, insurance, license, and registration fees (all of which may vary by region) are extra. †Enhanced Loyalty Honda Bonus is available to eligible customers who: (i) are the current owner/lessee of a Honda or Acura vehicle and reside in BC, AB, SK, MB or ON; or (ii) have a current Honda Financial Services (HFS)/Acura Financial Services (AFS) lease or finance account, or a previous HFS/AFS account that expired within the past year (365 days). This offer is not transferable to any other person. Proof of eligibility is required and must be submitted to HFS to qualify for this loyalty offer. Loyalty Honda Bonus will be applied only to a Honda brand vehicle leased or financed through HFS, on approved credit, as follows: $750 bonus on CR-V models. Loyalty Honda Bonus: (i) will apply only to current payments advertised by HFS in Canada; (ii) cannot be combined with other existing loyalty offers, unless otherwise indicated. Offer ends October 31, 2022 and is subject to change or cancellation without notice. Dealer may sell/lease for less. Limited quantity of 2022 models available, dealer trade may be necessary. Offer available only at participating Honda dealers in Western Canada. Models may not be equipped as shown and are for illustration purposes only. Visit or your Honda dealer for details. ^Built with domestic and imported parts. Visit to learn more about Made-in-Canada. 306-782-2262 71 Dracup Ave., Yorkton
The game is thought to have been invented by the French settlers of Quebec where it was named Grand jeu de dames, according to Wikipedia.Apparently, originally the “huffing” rule was used.“For this, if a player noticed that the opponent had failed to capture when the option
The newest addition to the league came in 2021, as the Prince Albert Prairie Dogs became the sixth team in the league.
Has anyone watched The Golden Girls? If so, remember Blanche’s reaction as she saw her face sag when she looked downward into a mirror? And then we all tried it …
quickly passed through, however while cycling the varying landscapes draw one’s attention in fact he said, “The prairies are absolutely stunningly beautiful.” Another item Peter noted on his journey were the trees. From the starting point in Tuktoyaktuk traveling south he noted that the further south he travelled the taller the trees got, from shrubs to the towering pines in the Rocky Mountains. However, upon leaving the mountains and traveling to the prairies the further he traveled from the rugged peaks, the shorter the trees once again became.
TDA Global Cycling is a Toronto based company known for its flagship Tour d’Afrique cycling tour that annually cycles the African continent from Cairo to Cape Town. Since its birth in 2003, TDA has expanded to offer tours in 60 countries
I have a lot of fun in my head. It keeps me occupied, if nothing else.)
From Tuktoyaktuk to roughly 40 km outside of Dawson City the journey was on gravel which accounted for some sore backs, tire punctures and slower daily ride times than of course pavement provided but traveling by bicycle allows one to experience the journey in a completely different
Lets admit it … nothing looks or feels better as we age. You can try to slow it down but it’s unavoidable. Kind of like death. I’m sure some people will disagree with me but to them I say, it doesn’t matter how much you work out or if your diet consists only of collagen mixed with organic flax seed. Your body
After leaving the TDA Tour group Peter’s bike was laden down with the saddle bags containing his supplies. While with the group only the necessities for the days ride needed to be carried as the rest was transported by the tour vehicles, but for Peter the trip would not be over until he reached the shore of Wakaw Lake. He set off solo from Banff on August 21st heading first to Canmore for supplies of food. For this final leg of his journey, he spent the nights in hotels or motels along the route, being up and on the road by dawn. His travels took him through the communities of Banff – Cochrane – Airdrie – Drumheller – Hanna – Coronation –Provost – Unity – North Battleford – Blaine Lake – Rosthern – and finally Wakaw Lake. Although not enamoured by the accommodations available at Rosthern, he was happy to reach Wakaw and enjoy a latte at Town Shoppe and a meal at Wong’s before cycling the last two kilometres to their accommodations at Wakaw
still felt better and looked more appealing when you were twenty, thirty and even forty. You’ll still look sixty when you’re sixty, or at least a few parts of you will. Proof of that is in the more “mature” persons neck and hands. We can have all the “lifts” we want but a look at these two areas will rat us out every time. If we’re fortunate, and have very little hanging skin on our wrinkled necks, our hands will shockingly tell the truth. That poorer turgor, along with the age spots sprinkled over our skin’s lack of elasticity, is a dead give
we’ve all looked at our hands … my eldest daughter recently asked me about a small spot on hers. I congratulated her thirty-six-year-old self on sprouting her first blotch. As unimpressed as she was, I exclaimed, “You’re upset? I’ve got a kid with an age spot! How old do you think that makes ME feel?”
A8 September 23, 2022 | This Week Marketplace
curtain closed faster than he’d opened it OR he might just stand and stare in disbelief before drawing the curtain closed again, ever so slowly. I, of course, would maintain eye contact with equal intensity, as if to say, “Yeah. That’s right. You close that curtain, buddy!”(Yes,
In Clothing, Anyway JANZENPATTIE
Laugh at RevisitedLife...
Seniors, Parents, Children! Earn some extra cash (possibly of up to $400/month depending on route size), get exercise and work only a few hours a week too! Be a Yorkton This Week Carrier! • No early mornings • No collecting • We pay by direct deposit on the last Friday of every month • Weight bonuses • Sales bonuses • Any age welcome • Only 2 days or less per week If you would like a route, please e-mail us at: or telephone circulation at: 306-782-2465

Peter has been a recreational cyclist for most of his life and said he had previously completed a bicycle tour organized by TDA from Beijing to Siberia with his daughter. This trip from Tuktoyaktuk he said was originally planned for 2020 but the pandemic cancelled that. In 2021, Peter planned to join a TDA tour set to ride across Canada, however that tour too ended up being cancelled. His deposit however was not lost as he transferred it to this tour. During the tour this summer the group did experience a COVID outbreak just shortly after they set out, but the protocol had been established before they departed and the affected individuals were transported to a destination further ahead to isolate for six days and were symptom free before rejoining the tour. Ferris said that the outbreak was more of an annoyance that anything else as they all had to make a conscious effort to remain six feet apart when they were in camp, but they were quickly over it and enjoyed the camaraderie of the trip.
From Tuktoyaktuk to Wakaw Lake
Upon entering the prairies, he admitted to being somewhat surprised by the number of climbs he faced. In a motorized vehicle the gradual climbs are never felt, and the low hill ranges are
way. The course of the trip made stops at the following communities or campgrounds: Tuktoyaktuk – Tsiigehtichic – Fort MacPherson – Tombstone Campground – Dawson City – Carmacks –Braeburn Lodge –Whitehorse – Squanga Lake – Teslin – Watson Lake – Coal River –Strawberry Flats – Fort Nelson – Fort St John – Swan Lake – Grande Cache – Gregg Lake –Jasper – Wilcox Creek –Mosquito Creek – Banff
The small Arctic community of Tsiigehtichic, at the confluence of the McKenzie and Arctic Red Rivers, also stands out to Peter. Not only was the community very scenic, but one of the community leaders came to talk with the group and shared with them how he had left school at the age of sixteen so that he could learn to live off the land from his grandfather and from that experience he has been able to help preserve that knowledge.
Confident that I was alone I then closed the curtain and began … laughing.
I remember gazing in mirrors when I was in my twenties. Although I stared with a critical eye, my skin was supple and taut. As I enjoyed my thirties and forties, at least after succeeding with yet another diet, I would still admire myself this way. Then I entered the fifties. Within these years I’ve tried to avoid anything with a reflection at all. In fact, my bar has lowered to, “I’d like to at least look relatively decent in clothing.”Iwasinthe shower recently when suddenly I heard a loud bang. Because it had sounded eerily close by, I peeked around the shower curtain as I remembered a scene from the infamous movie Psycho, where a woman is stabbed while showering. (Truth: I’ve never watched this entire movie but the shower scene is well known for it’s musical score, if nothing else.)
It would start as one would expect. I’d turn, see my assailant and understandably gasp or scream, but in the scene from my movie … so would he. The unsuspecting sap would be so shocked by what his eyes were just exposed to that he’d either whip the
Nonetheless … after you reminisce about the many blessed years you had, when you did look good, proudly stuff your loose abdominal fat into your jeans and hoist those sagging breasts up from off your lap (Yes! Men too!). Then thank God that you still look as good as you do. In clothing, anyway!
The trunks were spindly and the tress were very short” might lead local residents to chuckle at the idea of it being a forest, but in truth Wakaw is situated in the Aspen Parkland biome and is described as being “in hilly partially forested country east of the South Saskatchewan River”. Sometimes it takes seeing through someone else’s eyes to see that which is aroundCyclingyou.allows a person to fully appreciate the beauty of the natural world. Whether it is riding through mountains, alongside sparkling rivers, or seeing wildlife ambling along the roadside, cycling almost encourages one to stop and take it all in. “Some rides were longer and some rides were shorter. Some rides were challenging and some rides were easier. Every ride wasPeter’swonderful.”blog can be found at wordpress.competerferrisblog.
By Carol Baldwin, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter Recorder)(Wakaw

WhenLake.asked what some of the highlights of the trip were, he said that being on the tundra was incredible and the number of lakes surprised him. When he was in Inuvik, they had just
Sure! Some psycho could tiptoe into the bathroom and suddenly throw back the shower curtain but I imagine — this is more likely how that scene would play out …
His description of the aspen groves which grow along Highway 312 east of the South Saskatchewan River as “… a forest where the trees were tiny compared to a forest in British Columbia.
I know. I know. You were expecting more uplifting and encouraging words. To this I say … remember what your body has been through. Give it a break. Some of you have children who have beaten you from the inside and out. Some of you have worked your fingers to the bone (which may prove useful. If your skin is worn off, it is more difficult to guess your age.)
Cycling through the Icefields Parkway he told this reporter, was another highlight of the trip and traveling by bicycle rather than car allows for frequent stops to enjoy the sheer beauty of the ever-changing vistas.
the meals that were consumed when staying at a hotel. After arriving in Inuvik, the cyclists, who came from all around the globe including South Africa, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Germany, Italy, Tasmania and the United States, were bussed to Tuktoyaktuk along with all their gear to begin the journey.
experienced over a week of temperatures over 30 C and there was no snow anywhere. In fact, dipping his foot in the Arctic Ocean he found that it was warmer than the Pacific Ocean at Victoria. All across the North, he found the people and communities to be very welcoming and drivers were very conscientious of the cyclists on the roads. “Some of the fondest memories about the ride are mealtimes at camp or in restaurants.
across 6 continents. The distance covered each day Peter said, was anywhere from 60 – 120 km. Each rider could choose to ride the entire distance to be covered that day or to ride only to where the lunch truck would be waiting or ride from lunch truck location to the end of the daily route. The tour was accompanied by three vehicles to provide support to the riders. Anyone needing a lift, a mechanical assist or an extra snack for energy could flag one of them down.The accommodation on the tour Peter said, was arranged by TDA and was a combination of hotels and camping. Five or six days of each week were spent camping in a tent carried by the individual cyclists and 1-2 days each week were spent in hotels. Most meals were included in the tour cost, with the exception of
The camaraderie was amazing and there was always lots to discuss, either about the day’s upcoming ride or the ride just completed. I’ve never met a group of people who have met up for an event and everyone got on so well with every one else. Just an amazing group of people,” Peter shared on the blog he wrote documenting the trip.
There are many ways to get to Wakaw Lake, but few complete it on bicycle and fewer still bike from Tuktoyaktuk, NWT, which lies north of the Arctic Circle on the Arctic Ocean but one visitor to the lake this year did just that. Peter Ferris, a 70 years-young retiree flew from Victoria, British Columbia on July 3rd of this year, to Inuvik via Whitehorse to join the TDA Global Cycling tour group cycling from Tuktoyaktuk to Banff.
But seriously! I’ve seen me. The psycho in my story would, at the very least, do a quick reevaluation of his life choices and leave expeditiously.
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Adult Personal Messages
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Monuments TYMIAK’S MONUMENTS & GRAVE SURFACING CO. Granite, Bronze, Marble Monuments, Vases, Cemetery Inscriptions & Cremation Urns. FULLY LICENSEDGUARANTEEDANDBONDED 529 Main St. South, Box 476, Ituna, Sask. S0A 1N0 Ph. 306-795-2428 Serving Surrounding Areas Since 1960 IN HOME ESTIMATES AT NO CHARGE SEE OUR LARGE DISPLAY Births FRIESEN - Born to Desiree Danyluk and Skylar Friesen, a son Kylar Heath Isaac Paul Friesen on Wednesday, August 10, 2022. Adult Personal Messages 68 YEAR-OLD

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ADULT 45+. Renovated, furnished one bedroom suites for rent in Canora. Must have references. Phone
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TAKING306-621-7815.APPLICATIONS for a 1200sq. ft. house for rent in Heritage Heights. Available immediately. No pets. Appliances. Fenced, treed backyard. Basement redone, double car garage. $1,400/month Utilities not included. Please call Heinz 306-316-0285 or Donna 306-621-3764 and leave text message or heinzpinno667@gmail.comemail:
A9This Week Marketplace | September 23,

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The walls at Kees Taekwondo studio are filled with trophies and achievements, several of which belong to Mitchell.
Related duties will be assigned. These may include support to the sales and editorial departments, accounting tasks, and data entry projects. The ideal candidate will also possess good computer skills and good keyboarding skills. A proven ability to work independently with a high degree of accuracy and confidentiality on multiple duties is an important skill for this position.
“So, I think when you talk about building being a taekwondo builder—I wanted to take what I learned and pass it on to Saskatchewan first and foremost because this is my home.”
ESTATE SALE at farm near Otthon, SK. Follow signs on Highway 10 McKim Road E. 3/4 miles. Wed. Sept 21 to Fri. Sept. 23 from 9am-5PM each day. Antiques, furniture, collectibles, crocks, CN memorabilia and very much more. Rain or shine - don’t miss this
“It’s always about getting good positive energy and releasing that in a good way and if you don’t have something like sport to fall on then you’re doing
Downsizing Sale!
A10 September 23, 2022 | This Week Marketplace
Garage Sales
“I became Saskatchewan Referee Chairman in 2006 and my goal was to...get the firsthand rule changes—get the first-hand knowledge on how to apply the rules and bring it home to Saskatchewan referees— develop Saskatchewan referees and make them the best that I could,” saidMitchellMichell. said that throughout the pandemic she developed a poomse curriculum for Saskatchewan. Poomse is described as “a systematic, prearranged sequence of martial techniques that is performed either with or without the use of a weapon,” according to “WhenWikipedia.COVID came, Saskatchewan didn’t have a poomse curriculum for referee certification,” said Mitchell, adding, “Saskatchewan was kind of behind on the knowledge on how to teach it because they had changed some of the techniques and how to perform it.”
20 YORK LAKE Road, Yorkton. September 22, 23, 29 & 30 from 10AM-4PM daily
In 2017 she won the Saskatchewan Sports Award for Female Official of the Year. Mitchell said that no one in taekwondo had won the award Mitchellprior.said that she has several people to thank for her successes in the sport of taekwondo including her family, the studio’s grandmaster and her fromandingwithyoupreparedtriedment—asbeevenwhateverworkalwayskeepbasicaway?MitchelltakenMitchell.doinguesabecoreDadhimandeverytoandappreciativealwaysMitchell,Saskatchewan,”broughthe’sGrandmaster“Ourparents.grandmasterHafromKorea,and[taekwondo]tosaidadding,“Iamthankfulandforthatstarthetotallycontinuessupporttheschoolinwaythathecanwealwayslooktoforguidance.”“WithoutmyMomandteachingmethosevalues—Iwouldn’tstubbornenoughtobereferee—thosecoreval-ofworkinghardandyourbest,”saidWhenaskedwhatshe’sfromthesport,hadthistosay.“WhathaveItakenProbablythethingsoflifeandtoworkingatthoseshowrespect,yourhardestatyou’redoing,ifyou’renotgoingtoawinnerinatourna-longasyou’veyourbest,you’veforthebestneedtowalkawayconfidenceknow-thatyou’vedonethattolearnwhatyoucanit.”
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Garage Sale. Go West on Highway 52, to Orkney Road. Turn left 1/4 mile down. 3 minutes from Yorkton. Saturday, September 24 from 9AM-5PM. Christmas decor and Halloween costumes.
“I spent a few months designing one for Saskatchewan and had a
Please send your resume along with a cover letter to John Bauman at

Yorkton This Week is owned and operated by The Prairie Newspaper Group LP, a division of GVIC Communications Corp.

We are accepting applications for a FRONT OFFICE/
International taekwondo referee, Susanne Mitchell, is being inducted into the Yorkton Sport Hall of Fame in the builder category. HIRING INSIDE SALES POSITION

Mitchell said it was her son’s involvement on the national team that pushed her to become a national referee.
“I was selected to go the Grand Prix in Manchester,” said Mitchell.“You work hard, you work hard, you work hard and then you get the world taekwondo event,” said Mitchell, adding, “going there and doing that and being around all those other referees from all over the world and working with them was such a positive experience—I can’t say enough about“You’rethat.”standing there and they announce each of the athletes and then they say the referees name and it’s on the jumbotron—yes, that was surreal,” said Mitchell.
Zoom online poomse referee certification where coaches and athletes could come so they could see it from the perspective of a referee and what they needed to do to be the best for poomse as possible,” said Mitchell.
41 CALDWELL DRIVE, Yorkton September 22 & 23 from 9am-6pm September 24 from 9am-3pm
Published weekly by Boundary Publishers Ltd., a subsidiary of Glacier Ventures International Corp.
“At that time my son was 12 and in his first year as a cadet on the national team,” said Mitchell.“Ihad to go—I thought, ‘ok, I’m going to be a national referee,” said Mitchell with a laugh.
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Referee reflects on years of practice
ing, “every time you were selected for an event it was like, Mitchell‘yay!’”said that being an international taekwondo referee has taken her all over the world.“Itwas a culture shock in many places”, noting that English is not the native language in many of the places she has officiated, but that in the ring you are required to speak“Soenglish.forme, that was a plus,” said Mitchell with a laugh.“Iremember at the US Open I received an invitation to go to the Junior Worlds in Sharm El Sheikh [in Egypt],” said Mitchell adding, “that was my first world taekwondo event—so for me that was “Manysurreal.”people said, ‘don’t go, it’s dangerous,’ and I’m thinking ‘they’re holding Juniors there, the safety has to be a priority’,” said Mitchell, adding, “going there and going to that country was justMitchellamazing.” reflected on other events she’s attended as an International Referee.
skills and when you feel confident enough—and you want to be a national referee—then you take the national course.”
Mitchell said that as a national taekwondo referee she’s officiated in every province with the exception of Newfoundland.“Ionlywanted to be a provincial referee, then it was national referee... it was like, ‘ok, now I’ve got a new goal,” said Mitchell.Thenew goal Mitchell wanted to achieve was the status of can,”doingjustthat...frommendanforanlaterreferees,”becometookeree2005.TaekwondobecameinofdeservethemthatwantItointernationallyteamwanttrainedring—theseI’mMitchell,tomoredidaTaekwondoInternationalReferee.“EverytimeIwenttoseminaritwas,‘whatIgetoutofit?whatcanIlearn?Ineedbettermyself’’,”saidadding,“whenrefereeingintheathleteshaveveryhard—theytobeonthenationalandtheywanttogosoIneedbeatthebestlevelascanbebecauseIdon’ttomakeorbreakathlete—Iwanttowinbecausetheyit—notbecausemymakingamistakethering.”MitchellsaidsheanInternationalrefereein“Atthattimetheref-chairmanofCanadaabout11ofustointernationalsaidMitchell,adding“tobecomeinternationalrefereewomenit’ssecond[blackbelt],andforit’sfourthdan.”“IwasexcitedaboutthereitwasworkinghardandthebestthatIsaidMitchell,add-
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YORKTON – The 2022 Yorkton Sports Hall of Fame induction dinner will happen on Saturday, Sept. 24, at the Gallagher Centre.Among those being inducted is Yorkton resident, international taekwondo referee and instructor for Kees Taekwondo in Yorkton, SusanneMitchell,Mitchell.whois being inducted in the ‘Builder’ category, started practicing taekwondo in 1996 and said her initial reasoning for coming to taekwondo was not for herself, but for her youngest son.“He was the youngest of three and he had a lot of energy,” said Mitchell, adding, “sport is very important—I think—for kids to be active.”
By Tyson Off Staff Writer
“I’ve watched it on TSN a few times,” he said, adding he never expected to be standing in the same room.
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In Rentmeister’s case he was particularly interested in inductee Cam Neely.“Seeing that was pretty neat,” he said, adding he’s a huge fan. “He’s the ultimate power forward. He’s a grinder who can “And,score.”he’s a great ambassador of the game too.”Rentmeister was impressed enough by the visit he spent $20 on a camera to capture the visit on film. “I think I got my money’s worth,” he said with a grin.
Hall of Fame more than once does not lessen the impact of the place. “Its definitely interesting.”
By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer
“In 1980, Terry’s journey to raise money for cancer research began and he called it the Marathon of Hope. With fierce determination and hope, Terry completed an average of 42 km each day, every day for 143 days. He ran a total of 5,373 km,” read the article.
“It was so neat. You could spend hours in there just reading all the information,” he said.
While a defenceman, Nehring said his favourite player was former Toronto Maple Leaf fireplug Wendel Clark. While Clark has never been inducted into the Hall of Fame, Nehring said he was going to search the computer database for
As a rearguard, Carver of course looks to defencemen, and finding a favourite among those in the Hall of Fame was rather

While the Jays game was a thrill, the connection to hockey players felt at the Hall of Fame made the stop personal
Terriers visit shrine to hockey heritage
“Myeasy.first words were Ray Bourque,” he said with a smile, referring to the former Boston Bruin great. He said he’s not entirely sure why Bourque was his favourite, especially since his father being an Edmonton Oiler fan. “I really don’t know why I was watching him from when I was a toddler.”
Carver said just seeing all the unique jerseys takes a lot of time.
TJ Rentmeister said he enjoyed the visit.
possible Clark memorabilia.Michael Trebish may not have gotten an opportunity to play at the RBC, as a 16-year-old affiliated player who made the trip in case needed, but he said he was just happy to be part of the team for the RBC. Getting to visit the Hockey Hall of Fame was just a bonus of the trip.“I was pretty surprised by it. I was excited to be there,” he said after the visit. “I never thought I’d be in there, seeing all the great players who have been inducted, and to see all the great trophies, like the Stanley Cup.”
YORKTON – Runners gathered at Terry Ortynsky’s Royal Ford/Royal Honda on the afternoon of Sunday, September 18, to participate in in the annual Terry Fox Run.A volunteer for the organization told Yorkton This Week that the event had 78 runners participate in the three kilometre run and raised $2,250 with $1,400 coming from in-person donations.“Terry Fox was a Canadian athlete, humani-

Trebish, who played AAA Midget hockey with the Saskatoon Contacts this past season, said it was an added thrill seeing a Contacts jersey from the team which had won the 2005 Telus Cup Championship. The jersey had been worn by Nick“ItKalnicki.wasgood to see that in there,” he said.
“There are jerseys from different leagues all over the world,” he said.
Looking back at the Yorkton Terriers
forTakeplayers.the case of defenceman Dustin Nehring, who was able to see the sweater worn by his younger brother at last November’s Canadian Junior ‘A’ Hockey League Prospects game held in Yorkton. The younger Nehring’s sweater was one of two taken by the Hall of Fame for its collection. Chad himself didn’t get to the Hall of Fame, staying back to have a hand examined by a “It’sdoctor.pretty special,” saidSoDustin.was seeing the Norris trophy awarded annually to the National Hockey League’s top defenceman.“It’sonething I didn’t think I’d see in here,” he said, adding it was a thrill to stand looking at the trophy in the same room the annual Hall of Fame induction is held.
Last Wednesday was the Terriers day off from the round robin tournament, and the team took advantage of the time to bus into nearby Toronto for a visit to the fabled hall, supper at Wayne Gretzky’s restaurant, and to take in a Toronto Blue Jays game – the Jays defeated Oakland 9-7.
tarian, and cancer research activist. After losing his leg to cancer at only 18 years of age, Terry set out to do the impossible: run across Canada, one marathon a day, in pursuit of his dream to find a cure for cancer,” read an article from the organization’s website,
For hockey fans and players too, the Hockey Hall of Fame is something of a Mecca, a place to dream of one day visiting.For members of the Yorkton Terriers a visit to the Hall of Fame was part of the experience of participating in the Royal Bank Cup Championship held last week in Brampton, ON.
The Yorkton Junior Terriers are celebrating 50 years in the Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League thisToseason.mark the milestone Yorkton This Week is digging into its archives and pulling out a random Terrier-related article from the past five decades of reporting on the team, and will be running one each week, just as it originallyThisappeared.feature will appear weekly over the entire season in the pages of TheWeekMarketplace.#1comes from May 17, 2006.
Terrier Derek Serdachny checks out a display at the Hockey Hall of Fame.

By Tyson Off Staff Writer
Terry Fox Run in Yorkton
78 runners participated in the three km Terry Fox Run on September 18th.
Terrier defenceman Kris Carver checks out the Norris Trophy for top defenceman in the National Hockey League.
Others such as Terrier Kris Carver were making a return visit to the Hall of Fame.“Iwas there last summer and about 10 years before that too,” he said in front of one of the many displays. He said having visited the

exercise today we did a whole bunch of education sessions, classroom stuff yesterday and all day tomorrow,” said Brears, adding, “they get to learn in the classroom and they get to put their skills to the test in the field.”The weekend wasn’t limited to learning about disaster
Association of Volunteers) teams are totally volunteer based— so these people are here on their own time, mostly on their own dime—and they’re here for a great training opportunity to further assist the province if someone goes missing,” said Brears.

“Our SARSAV (Search and SaskatchewanRescue
About 125 responders and volunteers attended the three-day search and rescue exercise held at Good Spirit Lake.
“We do this annually, but this is the first provincial training exercise since COVID,” said Dustin Brears, Vice President of Parkland Search and Rescue.
ans and people new to search and rescue had involvement in the training“Thoseexercise.seasoned veterans—what we try to do is not put them in key roles so that the up and comers can learn at this exercise—if they make mistakes here that’s ok,” said“TheBrears.seasoned veterans can go in the field and walk through the bush and stuff that they normally probably don’t do because they’re typically in a command role,” said Brears, adding, “we’re going to stick the green people in the command role and let them run with it,” and, “if they mess up, that’s good, because that’s how you learn and this a controlled theysearchmissing...that’speopledayfindatetoorganizations—needRCMP,searchsaidthewiped-outpark,throughthroughterdetailsBrearsenvironment.”discussedofthemockdisas-scenario.“Thetornadowentthegolfcourse,theprovincialacrossthelakeandBurgisBeach—pathofdestruction,”Brears.“Inthatarea—fire,andrescueandandalltheothermanagetheimmedi-casualtiesthattheyandthenlaterinthethere’sgoingtobethatarereportedwherethewillbeginandstartgoingoutina
Brears said that search and rescues teams from across the province attended the exercise.
“With responders and volunteers, we’re at about 125 people,” said Brears, adding, “we’ve got the entire RCMP search and rescue team here, we have EMS, local fire, Sask Public Safety—a whole bunch of emergency organizers.”Brearssaid the exercise was based on a conceivable disaster scenario.“What we’re doing is we’re grouping them all together—we’ve given them a tornado scenario and they need to manage through that scenario and ultimately find some missing people throughout the day and hopefully rescue them successfully,” said Brears.
Over the weekend of Sept. 16-18, a MultiJurisdictional Search Exercise was held at Good Spirt Lake and Provincial Park with a command post stationed at Good Spirt Bible Camp.

King, Co-search Manager of the King,exercise.whois part of the Saskatoon Search and Rescue and the Battlefords Search and Rescue teams, said, “I’ve been involved in [SARSAV] since 2008, in that time I’ve trained up through basic searcher, team leader and now search“We’vemanager.”gotthe command post from Sask Public Safety, we’ve got coms, we have a triage area,” said Brears, adding, “everybody here is a volunteer—some organizations are paid—but ultimately those people volunteer to be on their search and rescue team.”
“Tonight,scenarios. we’ll debrief—tomorrow we’ve got bear safety presentations, and critical incident stress management and radio efficiency— to sharpen those skills if they do need,” said Brears.Formore information on opportunities with Parkland Search and Rescue visit their website at
Brears said that the exercises like this give much needed attention to the Brears.tionwelarwell—wewe’rerelyrescueattentionorganizations.volunteers-based“Itdefinitelybringstosearchandbecausewedoonfundraising—donationbasedasdon’tgetregu-fundingforanythingdo,soitbringsatten-tothecause,”said“Inadditiontothis
Mock disaster scenario held at Good Spirit
Both seasoned veter-

By Tyson Off Staff Writer

“A tornado in this area is a very real possibility, so it brings attention to the first responders who may be arriving at a scene like that in this local area,” said Brears, adding, “it lets them know the terrain, it lets them know the local community and it gives them an idea of what they’re walking“Whatinto.”we need to do is work with local EMS resources and fire resources and get teams out in the field—we need to survey the extent of the damage in the debris field, start looking for those in need and be aware of those that are going to be coming in during the day,” said Devin
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structured way and looking for these individuals.”