Wednesday, July 10, 2019 | www.YorktonThisWeek.com | Yorkton This Week
Summer busy time for local tourism Yorkton’s motto is Where Good Things Happen! And as we continue through the summer season, more and more tourists from all around the world are visiting. The tourism industry continues to be an important economic factor for Yorkton, with 38.1 million spent directly in the Yorkton constituency by visitors to the region.
Every year, Tourism Yorkton keeps a tally of all the people that come into the city as visitors, so that the people of the City of Yorkton can have a better idea about who is coming into our city and why. This year, Yorkton has had an impressive amount of visitors in May and June. 679 came from within Canada and
61 came from the United States and elsewhere in the world, for a grand total of 740 visitors in these two months alone. Some interesting facts about our visitors in May and June: Over half of our visitors came from Eastern Canada. Almost 20 per cent of our visitors came from within Saskatchewan.
Prince Edward Island had the least amount of visitors at 5, but nearby Nova Scotia had 56! The furthest anyone travelled to come and see us were Australians that travelled over 13,000 kilometers! Visitors also had some positive things to say about the city when they came into our Visitor Information Centre:
“Groovy”-Dawn H. Winnipeg, MB “Great People, Very Nice Centre”- Claude, Montréal, Qué “Nice spot over here!”Wim and Ria, Drachten, Netherlands “Never in a hurry to leave the prairies!”Andrée, Victoria, BC “Fantastic”- David, Cardiff, Wales “Beautiful, love the
flowers!”- John, Alberta “Beautiful province”Raymond, Halifax, NS - Submitted
Women In Business
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- Empower the women around you -
Proud Owner of
Proud Owner of
Proud Owner of
Heart and Soul Healing Centre, Yorkton
Extravadance Studio Yorkton & Canora
The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy, Yorkton
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TheMedicineShoppe_1x35_ R0011713934.indd Women in Business July/19 prod3/dm sandy
Proud Owner of
Proud Owner of
Yorkton Hearing Service, Yorkton
Florissima Flowers and Plants, Yorkton
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Florissima_1x35_ R0011714978.indd Women in Business 2019
Co N llee ag n y
Sc Cor ho al en ee ro ck
PremierCareHearing_1x35_ R0011714742.indd Women in Business 2019 andrea
Proud Owner of
Proud Owner of
Century 21 Broadway Park Realty, Yorkton
Living Wellness Acupuncture, Yorkton
Dream Weddings, Yorkton
ColleenNagy_1x35_ R0011714864.indd Women in Business July10, 2019/prod2/kj
LivingWellness_1x35_ R0011714869.indd Women in Business 2019/ prod3/dm
Community Relations Coordinator
General Manager
Yorkton Crossing
Yorkton Crossing Yorkton_Crossing_1x35_ R0011715002.indd Women in Business July10, 2019/prod3/dm
YorktonCrossing_1x35_ R0011715004.indd Women in Business July10, 2019/prod2/kj
Dream_Weddings_1x35_ R0011714873.indd Women in Business July10, 2019/prod3/dm
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Premier Care Hearing Yorkton
B Il iss ar on ia ne tte
Auraw Juice Bar Yorkton
Proud Owner of
HeartAndSoulHealing_1x35_ R0011713486.indd Women in Business July10, 2019 prod2/kj
M K ad oz al us in hk a a
Proud Owner of
Dance_Innovations_1x35_ R0011713483.indd Women in Business July10, 2019/prod2/kj
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M K eli ro ss ch a ak
LosaChicBoutique_1x35_ R0011713397.indd Women in Business July10, 2019
B Co arb x
Proud Owner of
Dance Innovations Yorkton
Sh Mic ab he at lle os ki
Proud Owner of
Losa Chic Boutique Yorkton
Proud Owners of
KayDee Home Decor Yorkton KayDeeHomeDecor_1x35_ R0011715005.indd Women in Business July10, 2019
What are the keys to succeeding as a businesswoman? The appetite for risk, the love for a good challenge, the desire to succeed, the longing to be one’s own boss, the appeal of a better balance between work and family life, and, most importantly, the immense passion for one’s job — these are the driving factors that are increasingly pushing women to enter the business world. Today, many women enjoy great success and inspire others to follow in their footsteps. But how do you become an accomplished businesswoman? Entrepreneurs normally have several
essential qualities in common, starting with an unfailing desire to succeed. Self-confidence and leadership are two other important characteristics to have to get ahead in the business world — an industry that is still largely male-dominated. And that’s not all! To succeed, women must master the art of organization, sales and networking. But above all, they must demonstrate a high level of creativity. Furthermore, successful businesswomen aren’t only conscious of their capabilities; they’re also
aware of their limitations. In other words, they aren’t afraid to delegate tasks that fall beyond their expertise to others. Being an entrepreneur means surrounding yourself with the right people, specifically trustworthy people whose skillsets contribute to the company’s prosperous future. Lastly, it’s no secret that the recipe for success includes a lot of hard work. Successful businesswomen are completely invested in their company and know the value of sacrifice. So, think you have what it takes?