Yorkton This Week Classifieds August 5, 2015

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Yorkton This Week | www.YorktonThisWeek.com | Wednesday, August 5, 2015



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BILOUS - Nellie Bilous was born in Yorkton, SK on February 14, 1920, a Valentine’s Day gift for her parents, Theodore and Annie (nee Beck) Konkel. The family came to Canada from the Ukraine when Nellie was very young and persevered through the difficulties that faced immigrant families of that time. She often shared memories of growing up with her two brothers and five sisters and remembered the family struggling financially. She met Metro Bilous of Canora and the couple were married in 1938. They endured hard times farming and raising their family of one daughter, Veronica and three sons, Clarence, Orville and Jeff. Nellie and Metro farmed two quarters of land near Roblin, MB and raised milk cows, pigs and birds. She worked hard on the farm and always kept a huge garden. Throughout her life, Nellie always enjoyed sharing the stories of her life on the farm. Following Metro’s death in 1974, Nellie remained on the farm until 1979 when she sold the farm and moved into Yorkton, SK. She moved to Saskatoon, SK in 1999 and in 2006 relocated to Edmonton, AB to a Good Samaritan facility that her granddaughter managed. As her health declined, she became a resident of Salem Manor in Leduc, AB where she remained until her passing on July 26, 2015. Nellie was very musically talented, could play the fiddle and mandolin and loved to dance. She enjoyed going to Church and especially enjoyed being a part of the choir and attending choir practice. She also enjoyed all types of handiwork and crafts like sewing, knitting and needlepoint. In her younger years, Nellie played softball, but more recently her favourite pass times were bingo, bowling, card games and going out for a nice meal. Nellie was predeceased by her parents; her husband, Metro; granddaughter, Angela and grandson, Curtis. She leaves to mourn her passing, her children, Clarence (Marlene) Bilous, Veronica (Garland) Bouvier, Orville (Teresa) Bilous and Jeff Bilous; four grandchildren and their families as well as many other relatives and friends. A Visitation for family and friends was held on Thursday, July 30, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. from the Chapel of Christie’s Funeral Home in Yorkton, SK. The Funeral Service was held on Friday, July 31, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. from the Chapel of Christie’s Funeral Home in Yorkton, SK with Rev. Jen Dresser of St. Andrew’s United Church officiating. The organist, Lorne Neal played the processional hymn, “The Lord Is My Shepherd” and the recessional hymn, “God Be With You Til We Meet Again”. Nellie’s son, Orville Bilous gave tribute to his mother in eulogy. The family shared a special photo tribute in memory of Nellie. The Interment Service followed in the Yorkton City Cemetery with Cheryl Diletzoy, Jocelyn Suri, Darryl Diletzoy, Garland Bouvier, Rick Bilous and Ramond Bilous serving as pall bearers. Friends so wishing may forward their condolences to the family by visiting www.christiesfuneralhome.com. Funeral arrangements were entrusted to Christie’s Funeral Home & Crematorium, Yorkton, Saskatchewan. OLSON - Allan Olson, beloved husband of Mrs. Carlotta Olson of Yorkton passed away peacefully on July 22, 2015 at the Yorkton Regional Health Centre, surrounded by family. Allan was born on October 25, 1943 in Preeceville, SK and was the son of Martin and Katherine (nee Midock) Olson. He was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran faith. As a boy he began his education at North Prairie School and attended grade 9 at Preeceville School. He completed his high school years at the Lutheran Collegiate Bible Institute at Outlook, SK, after which he attended the University of Saskatchewan. He later decided to finish his education at the Central Pentecostal College in Saskatoon, SK. Dad had many amusing stories of his years at school that he loved to share with his family. He loved working on the family farm and after completing his education, spent several years there before heading to Yorkton where he met his wife Carlotta. Allan and Carlotta married March 10, 1979 and raised three children together. Dad was a salesman at heart and held various positions in the field throughout his life. He was also actively involved in many organizations such as the Voice of the Handicapped, Toast Masters and the church. He had a very strong faith right from childhood; he loved to read God’s Word and knew it through and through. But one of Dad’s favourite things was to spend time with his family, which was amplified by each addition of another grandchild. He loved to make small talk with his grandchildren and tell them stories. He always wanted to hear about what they were learning in school which would lead to stories about his own childhood. He looked forward to family birthdays and holidays and loved to see his whole family together. Dad leaves to celebrate his life and cherish his memory, his wife of 36 years, Carlotta: his 3 children, Steven (Petrunia) Olson, Amanda (Fred) Skorobohach, Alanna Olson (Brook Pilipow); seven grandchildren; Celina, Lilianna, Emma, Isabella, Thomas, Napoleon and Nicholas; sister Darlene (Warren) Mann; as well as many nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. Dad will join his grandson Frederick John; parents, Martin and Katherine; and many other friends and family members in Heaven. Papa we will miss you and love you forever. A visitation for family and friends was held on Monday evening at the Yorkton Memorial Gardens Family Centre. Funeral Services were held on Tuesday, July 28, 2015 at the Family Centre with Pastor Rick Gibson officiating. The organist, Kathleen Gibson led the congregation in the singing of the hymns ‘My Jesus, I Love Thee’, ‘Jesus Loves Me’ and ‘What a Day That will Be’. A special musical selection was ‘Lord I Need You’ sung by daughter, Amanda and granddaughters, Celina, Lilianna and Isabella Skorobohach. Tributes and words of remembrance were given by friend, Ted Ward, Allan’s sister, Darlene & Allan’s son, Steven. Interment followed in the Garden of Gethsemene in the Yorkton Memorial Gardens with Celina Skorobohach, Steven Olson, Chess Schappert, Garry Hutton, Jon Kleebaum and Ted Ward serving as the casket bearers. In memory of Allan memorial donations may be made to the Salvation Army or to the Health Foundation for the Intensive Care Unit of the Yorkton Regional Health Centre as gifts of remembrance. Condolences can be sent to the family at www.baileysfuneralhome.com. Arrangements were entrusted to:

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McMunnAndYates_1x25.b27_R001862262.indd Obituaries Obituaries prod3/dm 14px24.5ag/class earlug/Sept. - May. Dereniski’s 29/15 DERENISKI10/14 - Mike daughters are sad to announce /f/c/proof bill their father’s passing on Friday, email jives@mcmunnandyates.com

July 24 at the Yorkton Regional Health Centre at the age of 81 years. Mike was born in the Rhein district to John and Lena (nee Chepil) Dereniwski. His early schooling days were at Kitzman School and later at Yorkton Collegiate Institute. As a young man he moved to High River, AB to work with a framing crew. Upon moving back, Mike was employed at Yorkton Enterprise as a compositor. It was then that his brother-in-law Ed Edwards introduced him to a beautiful young telephone operator “Shirley Wladichuk”. “She had him at hello!!”. They were married in 1955. In 1956 their family of five girls began. Mike went on to start his own print shop, Job-Rite Printers. Upon retirement as a printer, Mike owned and managed the Regency Place housing units until he sold in 1999. Over the years, Mike and Shirley built 2 homes, as well as enjoying renovating and selling other homes. His cherished memories and happiest times were at his cabin at Good Spirit Lake. Mike is lovingly remembered by his family, LeeAnn and Ivan Bodnaryk, Wendy and Doug Nicol, Carla and Lance Rogne, Janet and Eugene Holowatuik, Michelle and John Loschuk; grandchildren: Mark Bodnaryk, Michael (Deanna) Rogne, Kurtis (Jen) Rogne, Adam Rogne (Andrea), Jacquelyn Rogne (David), Kylie (Thaine) Gervais, Amanda Holowatuik (Riley), Sarah Holowatuik (Justin), Emma Holowatuik, Mikayla Loschuk, Ben Loschuk, Ali Loschuk; great-grandchildren: Brooklyn and Kaitlin Rogne, Jaxon, Kashton and Jett Rogne, Lowen and Maya Gervais. Mike was predeceased by his wife Shirley, his father John, mother Lena, sister Genevieve Edwards and his dog, Brandy. The Funeral Service was held on Wednesday, July 29, 2015 at Yorkton Memorial Gardens Family Centre with Very Rev. Father Peter Pidskalny, C.Ss.R. of St. Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic Church officiating. The responses were by Colette Karapita & St. Mary’s Choir members. The hymns, “Amazing Grace” sung by Carla Rogne and “How Great Thou Art” sung by Cheryl Klingspon were included in the service. Tributes to Grandpa were conveyed by Amanda Holowatuik and Mark Bodnaryk and words of remembrance and gratitude expressed LeeAnn Bodnaryk. Serving as cross bearer was Mikayla Loschuk. The interment for both Mike and Shirley took place in the Garden of Memories at Yorkton Memorial Gardens with daughters, LeeAnn, Wendy, Carla, Janet & Michelle serving as Mike’s urn bearer and Clarence Wladichuk serving as Shirley’s urn bearer. Memorials in Mike’s memory may be made to Memorial Tribute, c/o Good Spirit Lake Cabin Owners Association. Condolences may be sent to the family at www.baileysfuneralhome.com. Vichnaya Pamyat! Eternal memory!

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A place for remembering... Surrounded by a wealth of spruce and pine trees is the City of Yorkton Cemetery. This peaceful, historic setting has a variety of standard and cremation plots available. Contact Community Development, Parks & Recreation at 306-786-1750 for further information.

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Stubbings, Lorna Kathleen (Laevens)

June 18, 1927 - August 6, 2005 In loving memory of Lorna, dear wife and mother. Beside your grave I often stand With heart both crushed and sore, Silent ‘til the sweet words come, “Not lost, but gone before.” God knows how much I miss you, He counts the tears I shed, And whispers, “she only sleeps, Your loved one is not dead.” So, I’ll be brave, dear Lorna And pray to God each day, And when He calls me home to you, Your smile will guide the way. —Sadly missed and always remembered, Bill, sons Richard, John & Family StubbingsBill_1x68.i05_ R0011084164.indd prod2/kj YTW Aug. 5/15 class proof karling

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