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YOUNG - John Hugh. 1929-2015. It is with heavy hearts that our family announce the passing of our father and grandfather, John Hugh Young on March 16, 2015 at the Yorkton Regional Health Centre, Yorkton, SK. He will be deeply missed by his wife of sixty-four years, Ouida and by his children, Gail ( Wesley) Hazlitt, Donna (Gordon) Reitenbach, Kevin (Debbie) Young and Ross (Christine) Young; grandchildren, Jeffrey, Jamie and Rebecca Young, Christopher (Nishadi) and Scott (Magda) Hazlitt, Barbara and Mark (Tanya) Reitenbach, Kimberley (Jay) and Jenny (Jamie) Young, Jana (Steven), Jennifer, John Ross and Elizabeth Young; ten great-grandchildren and sisters-in-law, Germaine (Colin) Young and Ivis (Jim) Young. John will also be fondly remembered by numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his son, Gary John, in 2011. He was the last surviving member of his family having been predeceased by his parents, Jim and Rebecca (Ruby) Young; brothers, Colin and Jim and sister, Isabel. John was born at home on the farm, August 8, 1929 and raised in Yorkton. He was a true prairie boy, loved the land, was proud of his Scottish heritage and worked hard to provide for his family. He met his soul mate and love of his life, Ouida Frith and the couple were married on October 3, 1950. Together they raised five children. He worked in a variety of jobs, starting as a station agent in Fosten, SK, ten years at the White Spruce Radar Base and as an Esso service station owner and operator. His passion and lifelong dream was to own a Greenhouse and in 1980 Young’s Plant World was established. He worked tirelessly to make Young’s Plant World into a thriving business. For many years there was not a tree or shrub planted in Yorkton without someone asking for his advice. Health issues made it necessary for him to retire in 1992. John and Ouida proceeded to enjoy their senior years. They bought a motor home and spent nine winters as snowbirds in Yuma, AZ where they made many new friends. Summers were spent at the cottage at Good Spirit Lake. He loved the cottage that he and Ouida built and took every opportunity to putter around, enjoying the flowers, feeding the deer and having visits with family and friends. An avid sports fan, fisherman and nature lover he will be remembered for his generous heart and love of the outdoors, the greenhouse, family and friends. A Celebration of John’s Life was held Friday, June 26, 2015 from the Chapel of Christie’s Funeral Home with Dave Taylor officiating. The organist, Carla Laycock, led the congregation in the singing of the hymns, “This is My Father’s World�, “I Danced in the Morning� and “How Great Thou Art�. The Readers were Mark Reitenbach, Scott Hazlitt and Christopher Hazlitt. John’s daughter, Gail Hazlitt, remembered her father in tribute and eulogy. The Pipers, Bruce and Dave Monette, played “Going Home� as the processional and “Amazing Grace� as the recessional. The Interment Service followed in the Yorkton City Cemetery, Yorkton, SK with William Ross Young and John Ross Young serving as the urn bearers. In lieu of flowers, should friends so desire, donations may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, or to a worthy cause or an act of generosity to someone in need. Friends so wishing may forward their condolences to the family by visiting www.christiesfuneralhome.com. Funeral arrangements were entrusted to Christie’s Funeral Home & Crematorium, Yorkton, Saskatchewan.
HANCOCK - With much sadness and heavy hearts, we announce the passing of our loving Mom, Grandma and Great-Grandma, Doreen Hancock on June 19, 2015 at the age of 84 years. Doreen was born on October 22, 1930 in Brandon, MB. She was the 2nd of 4 children born to Henry and Alma (Hackenschmidt) Dedrick. In 1942 at the age of 11, Mom and her friend Marg (Scherza) Kindred were proud to be the first paper girls to carry the Brandon Sun. A responsibility they took seriously. Mom next worked for Glazermans Clothing Store in Brandon where her fellow coworker introduced her to Richard (Dick) Hancock. On May 14, 1949 Richard (Dick) and Doreen were married in Brandon, they enjoyed a happy marriage for 53 years. This union blessed them with three children, Brian, Janice & Nancy. Doreen was active for many years with the Pythian Sisters, where she reached the position of Most Excellent Chief for the Yorkton chapter. Mom and Dad spent many of their summers at Madge Lake on the back deck with friends and a fire pot before trading in the summer cottage for “snow bird� status in Phoenix, AZ. Mom’s interests and hobbies included curling, where she especially enjoyed participating in the Granny Spiels, dancing, including square dancing, morning coffee with the girls on Logan Crescent and her outdoor flower gardening. The single most passion of Moms was playing cards & games of any kind. She was part of the weekly girl’s bridge club and also played bridge on the weekends with friends. Many hours were spent playing Whist, Canasta, Bunco and Bounce with Nancy. Her son-in-law Ken introduced her to Texas Hold ‘Em where she became a very competitive player at family gatherings. Mom was a great fishing partner who had a love for eating all kinds of fish. She joined Dick and their friends who fished pickerel at Madge Lake and Jan Lake and caught salmon on Vancouver Island. There was always some event being planned from dressing up at Halloween, Progressive Dinners in Phoenix to a Murder Mystery weekend at Madge Lake. Mom loved all the holidays, it was a time to entertain, cook and bring her family and friends together. Most notably was Christmas, the house was always decked out and she spent countless hours on the menu and getting the table set. We will miss her good cooking that she prepared which brought us all together forming the memories we will treasure forever. Doreen was predeceased by her husband, Richard (Dick); her parents, Henry and Alma; her sisters, Gladys and Betty. She leaves to cherish her memory, her brother Edward (Brenda), Brandon, MB; her three children, Brian (Joy), Yorkton, SK; Janice (Al), Campbell River, BC; Nancy (Ken), Saskatoon, SK. Four Grandchildren, SherriDawn (Wade), Prince George, BC; Tyson (Kim), Prince George, BC; Kelly (Sara), Yorkton, SK; Jillian (Mike), Vancouver, BC. Six Great-Grandchildren, Stewart, Scott, Tyler & Malcom Lambert, Hudson Sewell, and Saje Stratto. A Memorial Service was held on Thursday, June 25, 2015 at Yorkton Memorial Gardens Family Centre with Crystal Bailey, B.Th. Certified Celebrant officiating. The organist & soloist was Amanda Buhler. Memories of Gramma were conveyed by the Grandchildren. The musical selections included in the service were “Hallelujah�, “You Raise Me Up�, “In The Garden� and “Over The Rainbow�. The interment took place in the family plot in the Garden of St. Mark at Yorkton Memorial Gardens with Sherri Lambert, Kelly Hancock, Tyson Sewell and Jilly Hancock serving as the urn bearers. The family can’t express enough gratitude to all the doctors, nurses and staff who looked after Mom through the years, including most recently St. Paul’s Hospital, Saskatoon and Brightwater Assisted Living, Saskatoon, for their compassion and kindness attending to the needs of Mom. Also thank you to Yorkton Home Care, Meals on Wheels and Sign Senior Car. Condolences may be sent to the family at www.baileysfuneralhome.com Memorials in memory of Doreen may be made to the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Saskatchewan.
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In Memoriam
Lovingly remembered
Vicky Procyshen, July 4, 2011 Roses are red Violets are blue There isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a day That we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think of you. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Missed dearly but never forgotten, your family, the Procyshenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Unyiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and the Slusarchukâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
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Coming Events
RAY MATISHO May 6, 1939 - July 6, 2014 Dear Grandpa: Arlie has become a homeowner, asked Kendra to marry him and they will say â&#x20AC;&#x153;I do â&#x20AC;&#x153; in August. Karling has ran her 5K plus completed an extra 5 for you, and Jason completed another year of school. Brecklyn still remembers you giving her the toy â&#x20AC;&#x153;clapperâ&#x20AC;? at Babaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s house & has grown to be a curly haired toddler with lots to say & quite the imagination. Brennan & Krystal have become homeowners as well & also welcomed a baby girl named Tessa to the family on Feb. 25. She is full of smiles & cute as a button. Kaylee travelled overseas to see Thailand all on her own and she has also met her â&#x20AC;&#x153;loveâ&#x20AC;?, Kirk. Though tears in our eyes do not glisten, and our faces are not always sad, There is never a night or morning That we think of the grandpa we had. Not a day do we forget you In our hearts you are always here, For we loved you and miss you as it ends the first year. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Love Arlie (Kendra), Karling (Jason) & Brecklyn, Brennan (Krystal) & Tessa, Kaylee (Kirk)
Coming Events