Passionate People Connecting Hearts With Homes YORKTON’S ONLY FULL-SERVICE REAL ESTATE BOUTIQUE Core_Real_Estate_6x24.h04_R0011506114.indd prod3/dm f/c YTW july 4/18 proof bill Email: Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Volume 44, Issue 46 Price - $1.52 plus GST Return undeliverable items to: Yorkton This Week 20 Third Ave. N., Yorkton, SK S3N 2X3
Semi destroyed in train collision By Sean Mott Staff Writer A semi truck was torn in half after colliding with a train in Yorkton Thursday night. On the evening of June 28, a semi truck carrying canola was heading into Yorkton using Highway #9. As
it crossed the tracks near King Street, it crashed into an oncoming Canadian Pacific train. The front end of the semi spun out on one side of the tracks while the back end rolled down a small hill on the other end. The train stopped without derailing or losing any of its contents.
There were no deaths or serious injuries involved with the accident. Emergency crews arrived on the scene and established detour routes. Traffic was interrupted for three to five hours. CP Rail is aware of the accident.
Crews surveyed the damage wrought from the crash on June 28. No one was hurt in the accident.
City unveils new landfill cell By Sean Mott Staff Writer There is a gigantic pit outside of Yorkton. It’s long and deep enough to hold several trains. It’s lined with a black material that shines in the sun. Grab your garbage bags and compost bins; there’s a new landfill site in town. Construction of a new cell at the Yorkton landfill is nearly complete. The massive trash collection site (roughly the size of six CFL football fields) will be open for business in the fall of this year. After the project was approved in 2015, construction began in 2016. Wet conditions slowed the progress of the site, but workers managed to complete the majority of the cell in 2017. Once wholly finished, the cell will have a depth of five to nine meters with a total size of 250,000 cubic meters. “Potentially we’ll fill it in five to seven years, depending
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The landfill cell will be open for business later this year. on extra volumes,” said Aron Hershmiller, Assistant Director of Environmental Services with the City of
Yorkton. The current landfill cell in Yorkton opened in 1980. Due to the immense amount of gar-
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bage in the site (a report revealed, on average, every Yorktonite donates one ton of trash to the landfill each year),
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our town needed more space, despite a landfill expansion in the late 1990s. Government regulations also encouraged Yorkton to construct a new cell. Since Saskatchewan has the highest amount of landfills per-capita in Canada, the provincial government is asking municipalities to improve the environmental impact of their landfills. “With the Ministry of Environment...enforcing the regulations...municipalities across the province have to meet those requirements,” Hershmiller said. With those regulations in mind, Yorkton ordered the new cell be built with a liner. This protective layer stops the toxins in garbage from leaking into the soil and harming the land. A leachate pond was built next to the cell. A tube connects the two sites, allowing
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