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Volume 45, Issue 12 Price - $1.52 plus GST Return undeliverable items to: Yorkton This Week 20 Third Ave. N., Yorkton, SK S3N 2X3
Grinchy good time
Staff Photo by Sean Mott
Christmas seems to come earlier every year. On Nov. 3, families flocked to the Parkland Mall in Yorkton for an afternoon of ornament decorating, painting, and
sweet treats. The event was the first of many that will be held in the city in the coming weeks tied to the holiday season.
Trustee recognized for decades of work By Sean Mott Staff Writer Jerome Niezgoda has been a trustee for a long time and he’s enjoyed every minute of it. Niezgoda was elected as a trustee for Christ the
Teacher Catholic (CTTC) school division in 2000. He’s also worked with the Saskatchewan Catholic School Boards Association (SCSBA). Niezgoda’s 18 years of service was honoured late last month when he
received the Long Service award from SCSBA. “It’s a beautiful gift,” he said. “I was quite pleased and surprised to get it.” Niezgoda has received similar awards in his
career. He’s won recognition awards celebrating his nine- and 15-year anniversaries as a trustee. He thinks acknowledging and celebrating dedicated workers in the school boards is important.
“It’s a good recognition program,” he said. As a trustee, Niezgoda is responsible for education in his school division. He assists the administration with complying with government regulations while finding
the best ways to provide a faith-based learning environment for students. “It’s a challenge,” he said. “It’s been a tremendous learning experience from day one.”
Continued on Page A2
New resource for classrooms In celebration of the 10-year anniversary of the Treaty resource kit, a new Treaty resource is being rolled out for Kindergarten to Grade 9 classrooms across the province. The new teacher resource builds upon
the success of the original Treaty resource kit and was created in collaboration with the Office of the Treaty Commissioner, First Nations Elders and educators. “We are proud that our government was the first
province to make Treaty education mandatory for all students,” Deputy Premier and Education Minister Gordon Wyant said. “We are happy to be able to work with our wonderful partners to provide these resources
to teachers who are supporting our students.” “Our Inherent and Treaty rights are who we are as First Nations, our relationship with the lands and waters is vital to our First Nations,” Federation of Sovereign
Indigenous Nations Chief Bobby Cameron said. “We must remind all those of Treaty through every educational opportunity possible.” The new Kindergarten to Grade 9 Treaty Education Learning
Resource is easy to use and includes suggestions for integrating Treaty education into a range of subject areas at each grade. It provides sample learning activities and links to related
Continued on Page A2
Banga now world champion driver By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer Linda Banga is among the best drivers in the Clydesdale world, as a trio of championships from the recent World Clydesdale Show in Madison, WI. attest. “I almost didn’t go. I was thinking we had so much harvest left. It was just awful,” said
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the Canora area Clydesdale owner. But her husband Darcy Korol convinced her to go, reminding her of all the work she had already put into preparing her horses. But it still wasn’t easy. “I was crying when I left,” she admitted, adding it was a big step to be heading out on her own for a show as far away
as Wisconsin. Banga took two horses south. “I normally show four in the summer,” she said. But, with harvest and teaching full-time she didn’t feel she had the time to properly prepare four animals for a world calibre show. At the World Show Banga showed both her mares in halter classes first, capturing a
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sixth and a third, finishes she was satisfied with. “There were some really good halter mares there,” she said, adding in the United States a lot of people show horses exclusively in halter classes, having other horses for hitch classes. That, she said, is an advantage because being in harness pulling wagons can cause wear on a horses coat,
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an issue in a close halter class. By contrast, in Canada, most animals do both, including Banga’s mares, which would go on to shine in harness in Wisconsin. Still, going into the driving classes Banga was uncertain how her horses would respond to showing inside.
Continued on Page A2