Passionate People Connecting Hearts With Homes “YORKTON’S ONLY FULL-SERVICE REAL ESTATE BOUTIQUE” Core_Real_Estate_6x24.h18_R0011506114.indd prod2/kj f/c YTW july 18/18 proof bill Email: Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Volume 44, Issue 48 Price - $1.52 plus GST Return undeliverable items to: Yorkton This Week 20 Third Ave. N., Yorkton, SK S3N 2X3
Toy becomes art LEGO construction artist Kelly Litzenberger,
left, talks with youth attending his show’s opening reception at the Godfrey Dean Gallery. His show, which includes representations of various local buildings including City Hall, (see related story Page A13). The show runs at the gallery until Aug. 31. — Staff Photo by Calvin Daniels
Four years in $1.2 million fraud case By Devin Wilger Staff Writer A fraud case in Court of Queen’s Bench in Yorkton has resulted in a significant prison sentence. Gregor Gmerek was convicted of fraud and forgery in rela-
tion to a number of transactions that took place over his four years of employment at Prairie Livestock Joint Venture. Gmerek was found guilty of defrauding the company of over $1.2 million. In reviewing the submissions, Justice Janice McMurtry
amount of money involved in the fraud and Gmerek being in a position of trust at the time of the offense. The prosecution had asked for a prison term of 4.5 years, while the defense had submitted a term of 2-3 years. The defense also argued that a
considered the case to have no mitigating factors – while Gmerek had no previous criminal record, he likely would not have been able to have committed the offence with one. The aggravating factors included the length of time, the complexity of the offence, the
lengthy prison sentence would put Gmerek, who is a permanent resident of Canada, at risk for deportation due to that prison sentence being considered ‘serious criminality.’ In the end, Justice McMurtry sentenced Gmerek to four years in prison.
Cracked concrete kills Kambusters race By Sean Mott Staff Writer When Frank Pohozoff walked across the drag racing taxiway earlier this spring, he knew something was wrong. As his team drove their cars and forklifts over the track, he noticed splits and cracks in the concrete. He described the taxiway as so damaged that cars would “float over it like an iceberg.” “The concrete’s all broken,”
“The concrete’s all broken... We’re going to step back... We decided to call it now instead of hoping [for a change]. I hated saying it.” — Frank Pohozoff, Senior Executive with Kambusters he said. Pohozoff, Senior Executive with Kambusters, worked with
his team to host the annual “Test and Tune” drag race event at the Yorkton Municipal
Airport in May. It was meant to be a preview of the 15th annual Prairie Thunder Drag Race Challenge, which is held in August every year. But due to shaky groundwork, the tune-up event might be the last taste of drag racing in Yorkton for a long time. “We’re going to step back,” Pohozoff said. “We decided to call it now instead of hoping [for a change]. “I hated saying it.” For over a decade, the
Kambusters Drag Racing Association has hosted rubbermelting races at the Yorkton Airport. Hundreds of racers and fans have traveled across Saskatchewan to participate in and witness the August event. Now the event has been put on a permanent hiatus. “It’s a shame,” Pohozoff said. Kambusters cancelled its August event and all future
Continued on Page A2
Ravine boardwalk will be replaced By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer The boardwalk at the Ravine Ecological Preserve is going to be replaced after a near half decade of inaccessibility.
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“Historically, a floating boardwalk stretched across the middle of the Ravine, allowing individuals to connect more closely with nature and take a close up look to the aquatic habitat
surrounding the preserve,” explained Taylor Morrison Recreation Services Manager, with the City during the regular meeting of Yorkton Council Monday. “However, as a result
of the 2010 flood, the boardwalk was damaged and repairs were made to both the boardwalk and the mounting poles located in the Ravine bed at a cost of approximately $15,000. The boardwalk
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was again damaged in flooding in 2014, and has since remained inaccessible, resting along the east side of the Ravine.” For those unfamiliar with the preserve it “is an approximate 80-acre
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natural park space, located immediately west of the Gallagher Centre, which includes a hiking/walking trail that winds through rolling
Continued on Page A2