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Volume 44, Issue 51 Price - $1.52 plus GST Return undeliverable items to: Yorkton This Week 20 Third Ave. N., Yorkton, SK S3N 2X3
Bird chefs
Staff Photo by Devin Wilger
The Yorkton Boys and Girls Club hosts drop-in programs for kids to do a variety of different activities throughout the summer. Each program gives kids an opportunity to do something unique, creative, and fun. This past week, on Aug. 2, kids
gathered to make bird feeders, combining pine cones and seeds for a special treat for any birds in the area.
City of Yorkton wants you to recycle By Devin Wilger Staff Writer The City of Yorkton has had a curbside recycling program for over a decade, allowing people to just toss their recycling in front of their homes once a week, to be picked up by the youth in the Prairie Harvest Employment Program. The push now is to get more people using the program. Mayor
Bob Maloney said that while the amount of use of the curbside program is improving, they want to see more. The result of this effort is a campaign to get people more aware of the recycling program, what can be recycled. They have also launched a survey to get feedback on the curbside recycling program. JeanAnne Teliske with Environmental Services said that because Yorkton was on the
lower end of curbside recycling usage comparing cities of comparable size, they wanted to find a way to engage the city’s population. “We want to increase participation, increase awareness and increase engagement about our waste and recycling programs here in Yorkton.” Maloney appreciates how the survey is being used as an
RCMP search for information following robbery The Yorkton RCMP are investigating a robbery that happened at the 7/11 on Broadway Street West on Aug. 5. According to a Facebook post made by the RCMP, on Aug. 5, at approximately 11:50 p.m., two unknown masked males entered the business. One male brandished a weapon, while another demanded cash and stole cigarettes and cigars. Both males left on foot in an unknown direction. No one was physically injured. The suspects are described as: -two adult males
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Working with steam at the Threshermen’s By Devin Wilger Staff Writer It’s big, it’s powerful, it’s over 100 years old, and it’s Matthew Weber’s baby. The Waterloo tractor was one of the tractors working at the Threshermen’s Show and Seniors’ Festival, a steam engine that has been a staple
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of the event for several years. Weber is one of the engineers who runs it. Weber is an engineer certified to run a steam engine. It’s regulated by the province and everyone who wants to operate one has to take a test to show they can do so safely. If you have the knowledge to run it, Weber notes, the engine is very
safe. “Of course there always a risk in anything you do, but it’s quite a safe machine if you operate it properly.” Weber is fascinated by how steam works and that’s why he took the course, took the license test, and now operates steam tractors for the WDM. “You can’t hear it, but you
can see it. It’s a very quiet power... Heat a little bit of water, get that steam and see what you can do with it.” Running a steam engine also connects you with history and running a tractor that has been around for over 100 years tells you about the people who used it long before you came along.
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“I’ve always had a huge interest in and fascination with history, to see how our forefathers worked on this land and the type of equipment that they worked with,” Weber said. Two engines were operating at the Threshermen’s Show, with the second being a
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