Yorkton This Week 2018-08-29

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Core_Real_Estate_6x24.i29_R0011506114.indd prod2/kj f/c YTW aug 29/18 proof bill Email: czilke@teamcore.ca Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Volume 45, Issue 2 Price - $1.52 plus GST Return undeliverable items to: Yorkton This Week 20 Third Ave. N., Yorkton, SK S3N 2X3

The Tackle

Staff Photo by Sean Mott

On an unusually crisp Aug. 25, family, friends, and football fans gathered at the YRHS field for a day of the pigskin classic. Mighty Mites, Atoms, PeeWees, and

Bantams stormed the field to hone their skills and have a good time.

Former Yorkton gynecologist sentenced By Sean Mott Staff Writer A former Yorkton gynecologist is staring down a sentence of twoand-a-half years in prison after being found guilty of sexual assault. Mohammad Haque

was convicted on four counts of sexual assualt (out of a total of 16 charges) back in May. Last Friday at the Court of Queen’s Bench, Haque (who now resides in Ontario) was sentenced to 30 months in a federal correctional centre. He was sentenced to

18 months on one count and 12 months on another count, which will be served consecutively. He was sentenced to one year each for two more counts, but they will be served concurrently with the first two sentences. Haque served as a Yorkton obstetrician-

Ottenbreit sign sparks debate By Sean Mott Staff Writer MLA Greg Ottenbreit and the Sasktachewan Government and General Employees’ Union (SGEU) traded barbs this past week, spurred on by a new billboard in Yorkton. SGEU recently installed a billboard sign in Yorkton. It depicts the Saskatchewan Legislative Building beneath a dark sky. Text superimposed on the image reads, “MLA Greg Ottenbreit: Where

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did the money go?” The billboard is not unique to Yorkton. SGEU has installed similar messages to different government officials and politicians around the province as part of a campaign. “We need to be asking these questions,” said Roseann Strelezki, SGEU Secretary Treasurer, in an interview. Firing back Ottenbreit admits to being amused by the sign when he first saw it. “I chuckled to myself,”

gynecologist for years before he relinquished his licence in 2013 when the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan (CPSS) sanctioned him for “unprofessional conduct.” In early 2016, after several women came for-

he said in an interview. “It’s one quesiton we love answering.” Ottenbreit saw the billboard as an opportunity to lay out his party’s track record. He was quick to respond to the sign, releasing a public statement on Aug. 17. He listed the Sask Party’s efforts with tax reductions, health care infrastructure, and education. “The money went to Saskatchewan people,” he said in the statement. “If

Continued on Page A2

By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer Yorkton Council received and filed a report titled “The Local Government Elections Act, 2015 Amendment – Proposed Election Date Extension” at its regular meeting Monday. Municipal elections are currently scheduled for Oct. 28, 2020, five days before the provincial election set for Nov. 2, 2020, explained Jessica Matsalla, City Clerk with the City. As a result, the Ministry of Government Relations consulted various sectors including the Saskatchewan Association of City Clerks (SACC), Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA), Saskatchewan Association of Rural


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victim impact surchage. He also received a 10-year firearm prohibition order and a lifetime Sex Offender Information Registration Act order. He will also have to provide DNA samples for analysis.

Council resigned to date change

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ward with accusations, police arrested Haque on six counts of sexual assault. Additional allegations were added to the case. The charges ranged from 1989 to 2012. In addition to the jail time, Haque was ordered to pay a total of $800 as a



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Municipalities (SARM), School Board Associations, and municipalities’ administration. The consultations were “to gauge feedback on potential alternate dates to avoid a conflict,” said Matsalla. “An initial provincial proposal to move the municipal election to the third week in November 2020 was not supported by the aforementioned sectors for various reasons including elections conducted in close proximity have negative implications, including voter/election worker confusion and fatigue, difficulty in recruitment of workers, interference with harvest, statutory holidays, and the budget review

Continued on Page A2

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