Yorkton This Week 2018-09-26

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Y O R K T O N ' S O N LY F U L L - S E R V I C E R E A L E S TAT E B O U T I Q U E


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Volume 45, Issue 6 Price - $1.52 plus GST Return undeliverable items to: Yorkton This Week 20 Third Ave. N., Yorkton, SK S3N 2X3

How to handle a bully Michael Forster offered practical advice for dealing with school bullies at the Yorkton Martial Arts Training Center on Sept. 23. Participants learned how to verbally and, in certain cases, physically defang bullies during the free afternoon event. Staff Photo by Sean Mott

Watershed moment for towns By Sean Mott Staff Writer Several local towns will be swimming in powerful funding money in the near future, providing vital repair services for their water treatment and expansion projects. Springside, Saltcoats, and Churchbridge are recipients of the Small Communities Fund, which provides financial aid for waterworks across Saskatchewan. The three communities were among 46 infrastructure projects chosen for funding in the province. “Clean drinking water, effi-

cient wastewater treatment, and safe roadways are critical to building prosperous and sustainable communities in Saskatchewan and across Canada,” said FrançoisPhilippe Champagne, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, in a press release. In some of the selected projects, government bodies will provide portions of the funding needed; local communities will need to foot the bill for the remaining chunk. In total, more than $53.9 million in federal-provincial funding will go towards water, wastewater, and

road projects in Saskatchewan. For certain communities, the financial aid came at a crucial time. Churchbridge is working on water treatment system upgrades, which will cost over $2.2 million. Carla Kaeding, administrator for the Town of Churchbridge, said the water system is long overdue for a touch-up. “[We were told] if we didn’t do something with our water by 2022, we’d be on a boil-water order,” she said. The Churchbridge project will take over two years to complete. It involves reservoir and drainage upgrades, a reverse

osmosis unit, and a building expansion, among other things. Kaeding is pleased with project’s outlook. “It’s good for the town,” she said. “It makes the community that much stronger.” Saltcoats will also be upgrading its water plant, along with expanding its lagoon. The project is one of the pricier items in the province, costing over $4.3 million. It’s expected to be completed by 2020. Carling Sandercock, administrator with the Town of Saltcoats, thinks the project is important for the area. “We’ve been meaning to

extend our lagoon for a while,” she said. “Council, staff, and residents were extremely happy to get [funding]. “It’s very essential to have clean drinking water.” Springside will be replacing its sewage system, which will cost over $2.1 million. Mayor Jack Prychak said it will take more than a year to complete. “It’s going to improve the whole system,” he said. A full list of project funding can be found at www.watercanada.net/small-communities-fund-supports-water-andwastewater-projects-in-sk/.

YCC awards finalists announced By Sean Mott Staff Writer The Yorkton Chamber of Commerce (YCC) is set to celebrate the best local businesses early next month. YCC announced the finalists for its 13th

Celebrate Success Business Awards at a luncheon on Sept. 20. Dozens of people were in attendance to cheer on the finalists. Yorkton businesses applied for the awards earlier this month by submitting detailed

information packages. A panel of judges studied these packages and picked a collection of finalists. Across the 13 award categories, YCC highlights businesses that make the biggest impact on their customers and

community. In the “Customer Service” category, Budget Blinds Yorkton, Modern Mattress and the Bed & Bath Boutique, the Plum Tree, and Yorkton Co-Op made the cut. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Yorkton,

Kinette Club of Yorkton, Kinsmen Club of Yorkton, the Health Foundation’s Rhythm ‘n’ Ribs, Yorkton Community Concert and All That Jazz Big Bands, and Yorkton Co-op’s Pumpkin Walk will vie for the “Community Merit” award.

The “Community Involvement” category is filled by CrossFit FUNCTION, Farrell Agencies,Harvest Meats, and RH Electric. Logan Stevens Construction, the

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City bus service set for changes By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer How city buses operate in Yorkton will soon change. The long familiar Dial-aBus system is going to be abandoned in favour of a two-loop

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fixed route picking up and dropping off customers along the way. The new route system will take an hour to complete with each half-hour loop starting at the Yorkton Co-op Grocery. There are 28 stop locations

around the city. John Denysek with Saskatchewan Abilities Council in Yorkton said one of the key changes is that riders will no longer need to head to the telephone first. “They will no longer have to


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call in for a bus,” he said. There will now be a printed schedule of when the bus will be at a stop and riders only need to be there on time to catch a ride. “It will serve every stop once in an hour,” said Denysek.



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Lisa Washington, Community Development Manager with the City said while not every stop will have a covered area, a number of new ones are planned, pending weather that will allow for

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