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Volume 45, Issue 7 Price - $1.52 plus GST Return undeliverable items to: Yorkton This Week 20 Third Ave. N., Yorkton, SK S3N 2X3
Colourful cloud
Staff Photo by Calvin Daniels
The Habitat For Humanity Yorkton Chapter held its second annual fundraising Colour Fun Run Sunday. The event attracted more than 150 people who gathered
at Yorkdale Central School before heading onto Logan Green for the run. They raised $10,000 for future housing projects. (See related story Page A2).
Reconciliation forum a step towards change By Devin Wilger Staff Writer Yorkton and the surrounding communities sit on Treaty 4 land, but the relationship between the people on the land has not always been healthy and there are now wounds that need to be healed. The Office of the Treaty Commissioner, Yorkton Tribal Council, and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Yorkton and
Area arranged the first Reconciliation Forum in the region to discuss the damage done and what needs to happen to repair old and new wounds in the community. Mary Culbertson, Treaty Commissioner for Saskatchewan, said that she was happy to see a wide cross-section of the community attend the forum and she hopes that’s a good sign for the work that needs to be
done. “When people come here, it should be as community members, but also trying to make effective change within their organizations and their homes. It’s a paradigm shift that should cause a ripple effect down the road.� The day, which Culbertson describes as a first step in a larger project of reconciliation, was structured as a con-
versation. Groups talked about their views of reconciliation and what leadership needs to happen to heal the rift between First Nations and non-First Nations people in the province. “This is where conversations start. It’s not always an easy journey.� There were two residential school survivors at the meeting and Culbertson said their input was vital.
“This conversation can’t happen without them, but it also can’t happen without nonFirst Nations people and First Nations people, sitting at the table together, and that includes newcomers and settlers.� While there have been many conversations about reconciliation in larger urban centres, Culbertson admits that they need to have more focus on the rural com-
munities. She believes this is a province-wide issue that needs to be addressed. “There is always going to be work to do, until some day hopefully a generation can be proud that they don’t have to work on these things. When I talk about ‘these things,’ it’s about sharing a truth. It’s about truth and reconciliation,
Continued on Page A2
Many facets to ensuring rural safety
By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer Crime and police services are certainly issues for rural Saskatchewan. Delegates at the East Central Region meeting of the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association were given some first-hand insight into both areas as RCMP Assistant Commissioner Curtis Zablocki, Commander “F� Division, gave a presentation on Policing and Community Safety Friday in Yorkton. Zablocki told those in attendance the issue of dealing with crime in rural
Your Community Connection
“Getting at the root cause of crime is very important as well.� — RCMP Assistant Commissioner Curtis Zablocki, Commander “F� Division Saskatchewan is one he knows exists. Efforts are being made to improve both prevention of crime and dealing with crimes
when they happen. But there are issues which remain, including the logistics involved. Saskatchewan
From seeding to harvest
“is a large geographic area with a small population,� said Zablocki. The area that the police
must cover, with a finite number of officers, leads to “concerns around police visibility and response times,� he said. The issue is being made worse by the trend of urbanization, which means “neighbours are getting farther and farther apart,� said Zablocki, adding it also means rural residents are often farther away from a police department. Zablocki said to begin dealing with the issue of overcoming the greater distances changes are required not only within police services, but with the public as well.
Continued on Page A2
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