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Bells for peace November 11, 2018 marked 100 years since the end of the first World War. To mark the anniversary and remember those who died, Legion branches across Canada rang bells to commemorate the end of the war. In Yorkton, five locations rang the bells, including the Western Development Museum, where the Yorkton Army Cadets rang the bell from the former City Hall. Staff Photo by Devin Wilger
Peppler newest Chamber life member By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer Gerry Peppler was inducted Thursday as the latest life member of the Yorkton Chamber of Commerce. “Every week day morning for 27 years, Gerry Peppler was in the homes of residents in the Shamrock TV station viewing area as hostess of the Morning Show. She
has been described as the ‘face of the Yorkton TV station’ for the 32 years in which she was employed there,” said Mayor Bob Maloney in reading the citation at an induction luncheon at St. Girard’s Parish Hall. Maloney noted that through her lifetime Peppler has been a tireless volunteer devoting countless hours to organizations and causes
which seek to enhance the community. “When the decision was made to develop a crisis intervention program to work with the Yorkton City and Yorkton Rural RCMP in assisting victims of crime and trauma, Gerry was selected to sit on the inaugural board of Parkland Victim Services. For 25-years she has served on the Board and is the
Secretary Treasurer,” detailed the citation. “Gerry has been greeting people as they arrive in the Admitting Department of the Yorkton Regional Health Centre for the past 23 years. She has also worked as a volunteer in the Gift Shoppe for 25 years and served on the Board of The Health Foundation,” read Maloney.
Farmer award to Weinbender family By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer
When the 2018 edition of the Farmer Recognition Award was presented at the Grain Millers Harvest Showdown a family wellknown in the Charolais cattle sector were the recipients. Carey and LeeAnn Weinbender, who along with their family; Sarah, Laura and Dale, collectively operate Sliding Hills Charolais, received the award at the grain awards night Thursday. “This is a very great honour for us,” LeeAnn told those in attendance, adding it is gratifying to be recognized in a business you have to immerse yourself in every day.
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“I think we’ve lived, slept, breathed agriculture all our lives,” she said. “… It’s pretty overwhelming.” “We’re pretty honoured,” Carey would later tell Yorkton This Week. Carey said many of their efforts were successful because of the support of others. “We’ve been fortunate to work with great people,” he said. The award is not the first for the family. The Saskatchewan Charolais Association formerly presented its major annual award to a Canora-area farm family presenting them with the Breeder of the Year award during Canadian
Peppler has also been sitting on the Yorkton Housing Authority Board for 25 years, serving as the Chair for 20. She is also a member of the City’s Protective Services Committee. Peppler was also the President of the Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers Association and served on the Board for 15 years. She also served 15 years on the Board of
Western Agribition in 2017. The combination of awards essentially marks a quarter century-plus of dedication to their farm and to Charolais cattle. In the case of Carey and LeeAnn the award also marks nearly a quarter of a century of dedication to the Charolais breed. Carey’s grandfather ran commercial cattle running Charolais bulls for a number of years, then in 1993 Carey and LeeAnn purchased their first purebred Charolais when they were looking for a way to diversify their cattle operation to become a little more specialized, opting to get into the
By Calvin Daniels Staff Writer With a chill in the air and snow on the ground the Salvation Army is set to begin its annual Christmas fundraising campaign. The kettle kick-off will be held in conjunction with the annual Teddy Bear Toss scheduled for the Nov. 24 Yorkton Terrier game against the Humboldt Broncos, said Lieutenant Samuel Tim of the Yorkton Salvation Army. The Salvation Army is looking for volunteers to look after the kettles. Shifts are only two hours, and people interested can contact Mary at 306-316-0265. Kettles will be located at the Parkland Mall, Save On Foods, Superstore, Walmart, and the downtown Liquor Board Store. The goal this year is $90,000, an amount eclipsed
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Christmas campaign about to start
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the Credit Union. And, when the Summer Games 2000 were held in Yorkton, Gerry was named the Protocol Officer. She was the Co-Chair of the 2004 Special Olympics Summer Games when they were in Yorkton. “Other organizations for which Gerry has volunteered include
Continued on Page A2
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